11+ Incredible Stink Bug Attractants and How to Avoid Them (2024)

You probably encountered a stink bug if you accidentally stepped on a weird-looking bug and noticed a foul odor. They get their name from the smell they release from their abdomen when they feel threatened. Learn what attracts stink bugs and other essential facts, and ways to keep them out of the home and garden.

There are many insect species throughout the world. Some are parasitic, like ticks and bed bugs, and others, like the brown marmorated stinkbug (Halyomorpha halys), are agricultural pests. This type is an invasive species throughout North America, feeding on everything from ornamental plants to fruit trees and vegetables.

However, not all stinkbugs are bad. Some are beneficial, like the spined soldier bug. This predatory stink bug feeds on over 90 crop pests, from cabbage loopers to Mexican bean beetles. It’s helpful to understand which species you’re dealing with and what attracts them when performing pest control.

11+ Incredible Stink Bug Attractants and How to Avoid Them (1)



Table Of Contents

  1. Indoor and Outdoor Stink Bug Control
    • What Are Stink Bugs?
    • Are Stink Bugs Harmful?
    • What Are Stink Bugs Attracted to in the Yard?
    • What Attracts Stink Bugs Indoors?
    • How to Attract and Kill Stink Bugs With Traps
    • Using Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Stink Bugs
    • Getting Rid of Stink Bugs With Neem Oil
    • Eliminate Stink Bugs With Vinegar
    • Repelling Stink Bugs With Essential Oils
    • Make Stink Bug Spray With Garlic
    • Using Chemicals to Kill Stink Bugs
    • Easy Ways to Keep Stink Bugs Out of the Yard
    • Keep Stink Bugs Out of the House

Indoor and Outdoor Stink Bug Control

Stink bugs are a nuisance, both in the house and outside in the garden. Learn what attracts these pests to your indoor and outdoor space and find tips for natural remedies to remove stink bugs from your home and prevent a stink bug infestation.

What Are Stink Bugs?

Unlike other insects, stink bugs are not known to bite and are not harmful to humans. Yet, they are a nuisance nonetheless. Discover what stink bugs look like, their habits, their life cycle, and how they are a problem in and around the home.

Stink bugs are roughly one-half an inch long, depending on the type, and are oval or shield-shaped. Their bodies are nearly as wide as long, and they have long legs on the sides of their bodies with wings that fold over their backs when resting.

There are over 200 stink bug species throughout North America. However, according to the National Pest Management Association, the brown marmorated stink bug was first discovered in eastern Pennsylvania in 1998 and has since migrated to other states like New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

Are Stink Bugs Harmful?

There are three stages in a stink bug’s life cycle; egg, nymph, and adult. Adult stink bugs live between six to eight months and lay up to 400 eggs in their lifetime. While they are merely annoying in the home, they are a severe issue for the agricultural industry.

What Are Stink Bugs Attracted to in the Yard?

Are stink bugs bad for the garden? What are stink bugs attracted to in the yard? Find out what draws these pests to your outdoor living space to help you minimize their presence and keep their population under control.


Yard Stink Bug Attractions

  • Lights
  • Reflective surfaces
  • Odors
  • Plants


Lights, scents, moisture, and reflective surfaces draw stink bugs to a specific area. They may be attracted to porch lights, fallen fruit, an attractive garden, light reflecting off shiny surfaces, or the smell of other stink bugs.

What Attracts Stink Bugs Indoors?

While we typically see stink bugs hanging out in a flower bed or vegetable patch, sometimes they make their way into the house. There are several reasons stink bugs find your home inviting. Learn the most common causes of a stink bug invasion.

Stink bugs find your living space so attractive because of its warmth. As the temperatures begin to cool outside, the stink bug seeks a warm place to shelter and hibernate during the winter – your house is a safe place that offers both.

How to Attract and Kill Stink Bugs With Traps

The simplest way to eliminate stink bugs is to lure and trap them, and you can set up a trapping system in the house or outside. Learn how to attract and kill stink bugs by setting up a bug trap.


DIY Stink Bug Traps

  • Large pan
  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Desk lamp
  • Plastic soda bottle
  • LED light
  • Black tape
  • Masking tape


To make an indoor stink bug trap, fill a large pan with soapy water, place a desk lamp near it, and turn on the light. The bugs are attracted to the light and jump into the water, where they drown.

To make a trap for the yard, cut a two-liter plastic bottle in half and wrap the bottom section with black tape. Place an LED light in the bottle, and set the top section into the bottom to form a funnel. Place masking tape on the bottom to give the stink bugs something to climb up, and set the trap outside to capture the bugs.

Using Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Stink Bugs

What are stink bugs attracted to, and what’s the best way to kill them? Stink bugs are drawn to ripe fruit. Spreading diatomaceous earth around a fruit tree or berry plant is a great way to prevent a stink bug problem. Use DE to eliminate shield bugs outside.


DE Stink Bug Control

  • DE powder
  • DE applicator
  • Face mask


Fill an applicator with diatomaceous earth and put on a face mask so that you don’t inhale the powder. Apply the DE around your garden plants, house foundation, and other areas to get stink bugs off tomato plants. The pests crawl over the powder, causing dehydration and death.

Getting Rid of Stink Bugs With Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural pesticide that eliminates many types of insects. It’s non-toxic, safe to use around children and pets, and effective against the stink bug. Find out how Neem oil will kill stink bugs in your garden by using this horticultural oil.


Neem Oil Stink Bug Killer

  • 32 ounces of water
  • 2 teaspoons of Neem oil
  • Spray bottle
  • Light source


Fill a 32-ounce spray bottle with water and add two teaspoons of Neem oil. Spray the liquid along the entry points to your home, like window sills and doorways. Consider turning on the outside light to draw the bugs to the area and reapply the Neem oil spray as needed until the bugs are gone.

Eliminate Stink Bugs With Vinegar

Stink bugs have begun to show resilience to many pesticides, and white vinegar is a natural alternative for getting rid of these insects. Combine it with soap, and you have a simple bug killer for indoor use.


Soapy Vinegar Stink Bug Spray

  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of liquid dish soap
  • Spray bottle


Mix two cups of hot water with white vinegar and a half cup of liquid soap. Shake the container gently and spray the stink bugs as you see them. Keep the bottle on hand and use it indoors and outside.

Repelling Stink Bugs With Essential Oils

What do stink bugs hate? These pests cannot stand the scent of lemongrass, spearmint, clove, and other essential oils. Using the right oil creates the perfect stink bug-repellent spray.


Essential Oil Stink Bug Repellent

  • Mint essential oil
  • Water
  • 16-ounce spray bottle


Mint often works best to deter stink bugs – add ten drops of mint essential oil to water in a 16-ounce plastic spray bottle and shake it well to mix. Spray the repellent around windows, doors, and any other area where you think stink bugs get into the house.

Make Stink Bug Spray With Garlic

Many critters hate the scent of garlic, and stink bugs are one of them. They avoid places they detect a garlicky smell, seeking better environments to hang out. Create a garlic spray to keep the brown marmorated stink bug at bay.


Garlic Stink Bug Spray

  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 4 teaspoons of garlic powder
  • Spray bottle


Pour four teaspoons of garlic powder into a spray bottle and add two cups of hot water. Close the container and shake it until the powder dissolves. Spritz the insects directly or apply the solution to all entryways in your home.

Using Chemicals to Kill Stink Bugs

There are various commercial insect sprays on the market if you’re not a do-it-yourself person. However, it’s vital to use the correct treatments for stink bugs and ensure they are safe for indoor or outdoor use.

Commercial Stink Bug Treatments

Various pesticides contain chemicals designed to kill different bugs. Some are good for bed bug control, and others are more suited for outdoor pests. Try to find one specifically for stink bugs or one that contains dinotefuran.

Follow your brand’s directions and apply them around the perimeter of your house or garden. Check the label for precautions if you have children or pets.

Easy Ways to Keep Stink Bugs Out of the Yard

It’s essential to keep the brown marmorated stink bug out of the yard to prevent stink bugs from destroying your plants, especially if you’re a gardener. Follow some simple ideas to keep this pest off your property.

Keep a tidy garden by cleaning up plant debris and mulch, and remove fallen fruit and berries as soon as you notice them. Turn off outside lighting whenever possible and store reflective items, like a metal watering can, inside the shed or garage.

Keep Stink Bugs Out of the House

While stink bugs are harmless, that doesn’t mean you want them invading your living space during the cold months. Explore some tips to keep these bugs outside where they belong.

Use caulk to seal cracks and crevices in the foundation, repair window screens, and apply weather stripping around doorways, ensuring that stink bugs do not have an easy entry point into your house. Close the blinds or curtains at night when you turn on indoor lights, and check potted plants for bugs before you bring them indoors.

Though not all stink bugs are a problem, some are destructive. It’s vital to take the necessary steps to keep brown marmorated stink bugs and other harmful insects from ruining your crops and becoming an infestation. Luckily, many simple home remedies help keep the stink bug population in check.

11+ Incredible Stink Bug Attractants and How to Avoid Them (2)

Now that you understand what attracts stink bugs and ways to get rid of them, why not share our stink bug elimination and prevention tips with your family and friend circle on Facebook and Pinterest?

11+ Incredible Stink Bug Attractants and How to Avoid Them (2024)


What kills stink bugs immediately? ›

Spraying a mixture of water and dish soap or insecticidal soap on stink bugs can effectively kill them. Pyrethrin-based insecticides and rubbing alcohol solutions also kill stink bugs on contact. Diatomaceous earth can damage their exoskeletons upon contact, which can kill them, too.

What smell attracts stink bugs? ›

Stink bugs are attracted to your property by fruits, vegetables, and weeds that are growing on it. They'll feed on these during the summer, and when the weather cools down they'll head indoors to find shelter.

What is the trick for stink bugs? ›

Before bed, fill a wide pan with soapy water and place it in the room with the most stink bugs. Place a small light so it hangs over the dish. Overnight the stink bugs will flock to the light, fall into the suds and drown.

What do stink bugs hate the most? ›

Plants such as mint, lavender, citronella grass, and geraniums all produce strong scents that will repel stink bugs when planted near entryways or windowsills. Just make sure not to plant too close as the smell could also be unpleasant for your household.

What scent kills stink bugs? ›

If the problem is extreme, purchase clove oil to spray around windows and doors outside. While the whole cloves will repel and prevent stink bugs, clove oil will kill them off. Keep in mind, though, that clove oil can be toxic to even beneficial insects, so consider dried cloves first and use clove oil sparingly.

What pheromones attract stink bugs? ›

MDT is the aggregation pheromone of the oriental stink bug Plautia stali. It successfully captured H. halys adults and nymphs in the latter part of the growing season, but only nymphs early in the season, making planning for long-term control difficult.

Does crushing stink bugs attract more? ›

Stink bugs release foul smelling chemicals to avoid predators. They also give off other chemicals to attract other stink bugs. When a BMSB finds a suitable winter shelter, it secretes a chemical odor that attracts other stink bugs. Killing a stink bug does not attract more stink bugs.

What are stink bugs attracted to humans? ›

Stink bugs are attracted to the warmth and shelter of your house, and will enter through any cracks and openings. You should seal openings with caulk to keep them out, and don't forget to check screens on windows and doors for holes as well! Light also attracts stink bugs to your house.

Is there a bait for stink bugs? ›

Researchers from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences found that the best way to get rid of stink bugs is to fill a foil roasting pan with water and dish soap and put a light over the pan to attract them.

Why can't you touch a stink bug? ›

While uncommon, symptoms such as runny nose, tearing, itchy eyes, and skin irritation leading to dermatitis may occur. Whenever someone is exposed to a stink bug's defensive compound, it is wise to quickly use soap and water to wash the affected skin and remove the source of the ill-smelling substance.

Does Vicks repel stink bugs? ›

The smell of the menthol in it will repel the insects away.

What food attracts stink bugs? ›

Stink Bug Feeding Habits

As they develop into adults, they often migrate into fields, orchards and residential landscapes. In these environments, stink bugs feed on apples, peaches, berries, peppers, beans and pecans. They also feed on field crops like sorghum and cotton.

Does vinegar attract stink bugs? ›

DIY trap

The stink bugs will be drawn to the vinegar, and they will fall into the bowl and drown.

What is a natural stink bug killer? ›

To kill stink bugs using essential oils, mix up to 1/4 teaspoon of rosemary, thyme, or tea tree oil in a 16oz. sprayer with a few drops of dish soap. Wearing gloves and face protection, spray as many live adults directly as you can find. Check around SW facing doors, windows, tree trunks, and undersides of leaves.

What kills stink bugs instantly with vinegar? ›

A homemade spray containing dish soap and white vinegar can kill stink bugs on the spot. Fill a spray bottle with 1 cup of hot water, 1/2 cup of vinegar, and 1/4 cup of dish soap. Then spray the bugs directly when you see them.

How do exterminators get rid of stink bugs? ›

Your Orkin Pro will probably recommend sealing all cracks that are more than 1/8 inch wide, screening or repairing existing screens over roof vents, gable vents, windows and doors and installing door sweeps. Chemical products can be applied around possible stink bug entry points.

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