20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (2024)

  • March 4, 2018
20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (1)

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Posting this online without my name or website link is stealing. Please do not copy-paste or repost this list without my name or you will be in violation of my copyright. This poster is available for free in my shop!

If I get dementia, I’d like my family to hang this wish list up on the wall where I live. I want them to remember these things. The original list was also published in my book, When Someone You Know is Living in a Dementia Care Community.

20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (2)

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20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (3)

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70 thoughts on “20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia”

  1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (5)

    Jack Shipp

    August 18, 2020 at 12:35 pm

    Very good will help me to relate better with my wife.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (6)

      Lynda Katzung

      March 8, 2022 at 1:11 pm

      This is a wonderful list. Before my father past he had onset dementia. It was not unusual for him to ask me the same things in the space of minutes sometimes. I would simply answer the question or comment like it was the first time he asked it. That is something that I made sure whoever came to visit him was asked to do. I miss him and ALL his repeated questions.


      1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (7)

        Janet White

        March 18, 2023 at 6:26 pm

        That is truly the most information on the topic, in the most important ways.
        Hope that made sense.
        Wonderful is what im trying to say.


    2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (8)

      Cindy Watts

      June 26, 2022 at 3:49 pm

      My mom was in memory care the last 2 years of her life and we couldn’t always visit her due to the Covid lockdowns. The last time I visited her, I asked her if I could pray with her…we hugged and I prayed. Now my Mom couldn’t remember all our names or how we were related but she remembered the most important person…as we hugged she repeated over and over, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”.
      My mom died about a month later while I was on an airplane. The administrator (Kathy, who my mom thought was me b/c we looked a lot alike) went in and acted like she was me as she said, “it’s me mom, Cindy. I’m here and it’s ok if you need to go home”. When I arrived in Huntsville, the admin called me to say she had passed peacefully. Thank Jesus for great care givers too.


      1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (9)


        July 6, 2022 at 12:38 pm

        That is the ultimate kindness in the shape of a caregiver. Gave your mom peace when she needed it most. What a blessing.


      2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (10)

        January 17, 2023 at 10:01 pm

        So sorry about your mom. As we look back we can see how my mom was starting to show signs of dementia starting. I went back there for a visit and my niece and nephews came over and mom introduced us…’ These are your brother’s daughter and sons, and to them ‘this us your dads sister…. She had a freak fall and broke her hip and got through the surgery just fine. She went into a nursing facility for her recovery. Dad said he went to see her daily…usually a couple times a day. He went in one day and found her slumped over in her wheelchair. She had evidently had a stroke and that put her in full-blown dementia. She never did get to go home even when my dad wanted to take her. They tried…the aid who was in charge went with us to check out the house for mom’s needs but when we got there she didn’t know her own house and wouldn’t get out of the car so we drove back to the facility and then she got upset and wouldn’t get out there either. They finally came out and gave her a shot to calm her. They were all so good with her and I thank God for them. God bless them all. Kathy was such a blessing to handle things as she did for your mom and for you. 🙏❤️


        1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (11)


          January 18, 2023 at 8:56 pm

          my husband had dementia with Sundowners syndrome, I was his caretaker 24/7, I was told I could not even go to the store so I was his sole caretaker, hospice came occasionally but the nurse said she knew nothing about dementia so I tried to help her understand, he died with dignity


        2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (12)


          January 19, 2023 at 12:06 pm

          That’s exactly what happened to my mom ! Broken hip and surgery snd mini strokes !! She spent 1 year in nursing home before dying ! Spent 4 days in hospital and was as clear as a bell. I stayed with her ! Glad we had the time together close to the end .


      3. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (13)

        Debbie Vasquez

        February 6, 2023 at 4:58 am

        Wow. That is beautiful!! God bless the caregivers!!! My mom is in a memory care center right now. luckily just a mile away.It is so hard to loose a parent


      4. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (14)


        February 6, 2023 at 9:02 pm

        Precious moments. Your story blesses. Thank you for sharing it.


      5. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (15)


        February 7, 2023 at 7:13 am

        I cried when read this!


      6. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (16)


        February 9, 2023 at 6:39 pm

        That is the most beautiful way to communicate and compliment your Mom!
        She was still your Mom and now she’s in Heaven with the Lord Jesus!


      7. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (17)


        February 19, 2023 at 10:36 pm

        What a beautiful story!


      8. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (18)

        Janet White

        March 18, 2023 at 6:28 pm

        WOW. Just wow. U have me in tears. Good ones and bad. But thanks.


  2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (19)

    Rosemary Harris

    December 5, 2021 at 1:47 am

    Those are the things that I’d like and will help me to look after my husband who has Ahlthiemers .thank you


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (20)

      S.A. Rich

      April 5, 2022 at 8:45 pm

      If I get dementia

      Please remember that I do not do things to be cruel or to try your patience.


      1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (21)


        July 25, 2022 at 3:52 am

        Awesome addition to the list!
        I’ve cared for several dementia patients, starting with my mother. I didn’t think I could do it…. But God gave me grace to care for her and several others later until they passed. I learned that never taking things they said or did personal was the mindset I had to keep. Always treating her and the others I cared for with the respect I would want if it were me.. A person with dementia is not a child…. They are not crazy…. You cannot control the disease…. You CAN love and respect the person.! And when they are gone you can sleep at night knowing you helped them thru the most difficult time of their life…..


        1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (22)

          February 11, 2023 at 3:00 pm

          Couldn’t stop the tears… you said this so perfectly🥲. We took care of Daddy at home for sometime. Uncle Raymond and Uncle Milo while possible and then daily care center ( they went together on same day) visits when that became necessary. Mom was last. Caring for them all over the years was a pure honor. Can’t tell you how much I miss every one of them. Look forward to joining them and many other family members 🙏🏼🙋🏻‍♀️♥️🥰🤗


      2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (23)

        Joy Jones

        October 1, 2022 at 10:39 am

        I so needed to read your reply today. Your words spoke volumes. Thank you.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (25)


      December 22, 2021 at 11:49 am

      Hi Paula! I just have the 16 Things one, available here: https://rachaelwonderlin.com/free-16-things-poster/


    2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (26)

      Tina G.

      March 9, 2022 at 3:28 pm

      I am the 11th child of my parents so I did not know a lot of things about my mother. When she started having dementia I started asking her things like how she met my dad how her life was before she had kids I learned a whole lot about her. She talked like it was just last week. When it was my turn to watch her we had the best time!
      I’m printing this poster so my children will know what to do if I get this thank you!


    3. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (27)


      May 4, 2022 at 1:13 pm

      Please can you send me the list. Thank you.



  3. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (28)


    January 23, 2022 at 5:17 am

    I learned with my Dad that sometimes he would have remarkable clarity and I would doubt him. Minor things most of the time. But I think if it were me it would be frustrating to always be doubted.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (29)


      April 25, 2022 at 10:18 am

      Linda, that’s what I’m trying to remember. I try to remember that he has moments of clarity and check things out later if need be.


  4. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (30)


    January 25, 2022 at 10:02 am

    Great thoughts. My Mom had Alzheimer’s. It was so hard to watch my Mom forget everything that had been important in her life. If you have a parent with dementia, be kind. They are struggling to remember important people and events in their life. Love them and have patience.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (31)

      Susan Montgomery

      April 1, 2022 at 2:51 pm

      Thank you for this. I wish I had this when my mom first started having dementia. She has passed on, and I think I did ok, but this would have helped tremendously. Anyone who has someone in their family with dementia needs to read this.


  5. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (32)

    Deborah Wolf

    January 29, 2022 at 1:02 pm

    It’s a great benefit to the person with Alzheimer’s to also be mindful of the needs of the caregiver. The self sacrifice of the caregiver(s) should never be taken for granted, but always respected and honored. One could offer to sit. and give attention to the “patient” to give the caregiver a short break. One could offer to take the person for a short walk around the yard or garden. One could take meals or snack baskets occasionally. Visitors and family members should watch for ways they can please the person with Alzheimer’s or give rest or assistance to the caregiver.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (33)

      January 30, 2022 at 7:06 pm

      What I really like to know is this printable because sometime I need reminded of the situation that I’m in I am very patient and kind with my husband because he has been a good man sometime I get frustrated when he asked me the same thing over and over I have to remind myself that he looked the same but he’s not always there


    2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (34)


      January 18, 2023 at 12:51 pm

      Well said. It’s very hard to be patient & understanding all the time. Sometimes you have to take time for yourself, to fill your own cup. Bless those who can see that and help out so you can take a break,


  6. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (35)

    February 7, 2022 at 9:20 pm

    Everyone of these things are exactly was going on with my mom for the 6 years. My mom had the beginnings of dementia when I moved her from Michigan 6 months after my step dad had died. She had a home here and I had the most wonderful person to live with her to help take care of.


  7. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (36)


    February 17, 2022 at 2:35 am

    I also have a list for when I get dementia. and move to long term care.
    I would like a soft pillow, not the plastic ones and a cozy comforter
    I want soft music playing, no static.
    This may seem odd but I always say I want all my teeth pulled out. Maybe not right away but I don’t want to be grinding little cavity filled nubs.
    And yes just go along with my reality, smile and let me know you care.


  8. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (37)


    February 23, 2022 at 4:46 am

    This is so amazing and beautiful 😊 I lost my mother to complications with her frontal lobe dementia and if she was still here I’d take all the tips from here and use it when we’d go and visit her. I hope someone can help their loved one with these tips because it’s really beautiful 🥰


  9. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (38)

    Patty Albert

    February 26, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    Um…that’s how I want to be treated without dementia!!! Will you tell people to treat me that way NOW!!!


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (39)

      Annette Taub

      July 31, 2022 at 2:56 pm

      That was a stupid comment to write when people are going through a very serious situation. Maybe if you have a loved one that has this disease you would understand that.


      1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (40)


        April 8, 2023 at 3:02 pm

        Give her a break! You don’t just wake up one day with full blown dementia, it’s a progressive thing. Being able to joke about it along the way can be part of accepting our changing selves, And being able to recognize that a little kindness goes a long way, regardless of our diagnosis, is not such a bad thing.


        1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (41)


          September 25, 2023 at 7:39 pm

          I totally agree.


  10. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (42)


    March 1, 2022 at 5:27 am

    I’m saving this!!!
    My mother had vascular dementia and I tried so hard not to contradict mom’s mistakes,I hope I made her last year’s enjoyable for her. Keeping some normality in her life.xxx


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (43)


      February 5, 2023 at 8:57 pm

      My husband has vascular dementia however, one cannot always follow a set schedule. Things change everyday. It’s like walking on eggshells. Don’t step or they’ll crack. My spouse has anger issues that surface quite often. As his only caretaker, there are good days and there are bad days. Then sometimes he acts like nothing is wrong when he’s around people. So am I being played? Sometimes I wonder.


  11. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (44)


    March 7, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    Thank you for this It is very important to know how to treat someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s and to know how to keep your patience with them.
    Your insights are valuable.

    I know a woman whose husband spent 17 years in a care place for people with dementia, and can’t fathom how she survived all those years with visiting and trying to understand his needs.


  12. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (45)


    March 9, 2022 at 2:22 pm

    My Mom had dementia and being a military family I didn’t get to go home as often as I would have liked. My last visit with her was something I will treasure forever. She was from an Irish family and our phone calls for years before always started with ‘Top of the mornin to ya me darlin’ (always in an Irish accent) and she would answer ‘And the rest of the day to you’. Her grandma was the only one who always called her Katie so one day visiting when I had gotten there I said my phrase and she called me Grandma. So I called her Katie and asked what she had been doing. She told me about her horse Charlie and that she had cleaned out his pen and I’ve never regretted doing that and just listening to her talk. At the end of the conversation she got the biggest smile on her face and said hello Mary Ann and told me about her visit with her grandma.. That was my last visit with her. Thank you for letting me share.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (46)


      March 28, 2022 at 4:27 am

      Thank you for sharing that story.
      It’s hard to understand & react appropriately all the time.
      My father is just now at 92 starting to shows signs & it’s hard to catch myself from reacting in shock or completely speechless.


    2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (48)

      Jocelyn Burton

      May 28, 2022 at 11:30 am

      How amazing that you timed that one just right! I’m tickled for you and your mother! I worked with several people with dementia (nursing homes) and when those encounters happen, it’s like magic! Tears started rolling when I read this! You made my day!


  13. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (49)


    March 17, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    I love this. Another thing that we did for my grandmother was we made a photo board. It had pictures of the family members with names. We even included the animals. She loved it and would stare at it then smile and talk about one of us. It was on the wall right at the end of her bed. She’s dearly missed.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (50)


      April 14, 2022 at 12:38 pm

      When my mom was in a care facility, I used a dry erase marker and wrote our names on the glass of our pictures. It helped the care givers put faces to names & it helped Mom to see them written out.


  14. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (51)

    Linda Thackston

    March 22, 2022 at 10:50 pm

    My dad had some type of dementia. His wife, my stepmother would argue with him and had absolutely no patience. Fortunately he lived in a private home that cared for him at the end of his life. I used to visit and just agree with everything he said. He believed that the people on tv were really with us and he worried that we might not have enough food for them. He and his wife are both deceased now.


  15. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (52)

    Attie De Jager

    March 29, 2022 at 3:22 am

    Mary, your story reminds of what I usually tell people when asking for assistance on how to treat or handle persons with dementia. I describe the different stages that they live through every day/hour etc as a bubble. When they are in a specific bubble, do not argue and try to get them out of that bubble. Rather have a nice discussion around the contents of the bubble as presented by them. If you live with them from bubble to bubble, you end up being much more relaxed while you are with them and they feel you accept them for the person he/she is. I am the Director of Pretoria Council for the Care for the Aged and I simply love the 20 points raised by Rachael. It is so practical and useful – tough at times to live by but surely rewarding to everyone involved.


  16. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (53)


    March 31, 2022 at 6:27 am

    When I first started working in the care environment, I worked 7 years in a EMI nursing home, I can honestly say that I loved it, but dementia is a very cruel disease, my dad & grandma developed it before passing, to see them change from the person they once were is
    heartbreaking 💔 I’m going to download the poster and put it on the ward & staff room… so well written & it would hopefully give some staff food for thought


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (54)

      Linda Church

      April 30, 2022 at 8:49 pm

      I have just been diagnosed with dementia and really have known that my bipolar depression all of a sudden had taken a turn for the worse. The beginning dementia is hard to accept but the Neurologists diagnosis helped me deal with the new problems. Your list is going to become very important for me. 😊


  17. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (55)

    April 6, 2022 at 8:02 pm

    We did everything on this list when our Mom developed dementia as we were caring for her. It made it so much easier for us to accept. She was a joy to take care of for 8 years. I would also add the importance of having a good sense of humor. We even took her to Discovery Cove to swim with the dolphins. She had the best time! We attended every family event that we could. Bravo for sharing this list!


  18. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (56)

    May 18, 2022 at 3:32 pm

    If at all possible can you print a copy with the additional four things. I will pay for it and postage. It means so much to me. Thank you for comforting the minds of caregivers as well. It gives them direction as to how to cope and act when they don’t know what to do.


  19. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (57)

    May 18, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    There is so much I don’t know so excuse me if I’m not all together correct in my opinion. I do know that some with dementia go to the dark side and tend to be angry and there are those who are as gentle as doves. I think possibly to expect a dementia person to be thankful to caregivers and family might be difficult for them. They are in their own bubble and unable to get out.. The family needs to get together and commend each other for the care that they give the person. I think that’s all the thanks that you are able to receive indirectly from the patient. If they could I know that they would.


  20. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (58)


    July 18, 2022 at 4:08 pm

    For someone who has cared for my 89 year MIL the past 4 years 24/7, I urge caregivers to write their story down for generations to come. Make their life into a book with pictures so when their memory fails, they can read it. They most likely will be only to remember the past and nothing by the end of the day.

    Once you take someone into your home with dementia your world as you know it is not the same. Be sure you can take the responsibility on, your family will help give you breaks and know that yes you will repeat your days with the same schedule each day.

    That it is just as hard for you as the person you are taking care of. To know that they can’t remember is heart breaking to watch and for them it is heartbreaking to know there memory is going. There will moments of tears of both sides. Allow them to express themselves.

    If they like to read, have them ready but know that in time they won’t be able too because they will forget where they started and ended. My MIL first year here she read 25 Karen Kingsbury books which were inspiring, By year 4 she is unable to keep that focus. Word searches, sticker books and reading magazines is all that she can focus on.

    Know that no one knows what it’s like to do what you do unless they experience it themselves. People, friends and will try to give advice but they don’t know unless they’ve done it 24/7 for years. There will be days you take it personally. Allow yourself to cry and talk through gently with the person you are caring for. They might not remember anything you talked about but it’s ok because you’ll know that you did.

    Encourage family to call and visit. I get my strength from the Lord each day. Know…you are not alone.


  21. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (59)

    July 20, 2022 at 9:27 pm

    my mom will soon be 91 and has been showing signs of dementia for the past 5 to 6 months. I live about an hours drive away so I go every other week and spend 3 days with her and my dad who will be 95 a week after she has her birthday. It has been a real eye opener watching her slowly lose her memory. She has always been so smart and remembered everything and kept us straight on family events and other things. This really hit home for me when I read it. My siblings don’t live near and don’t come home often so I’m the one that physically takes care of things and it’s so hard to watch this happen to such a strong person. They still live at home and she is still to function normally because these moments come and go but I know unless God calls her home first the time is coming that we will have to make other arrangements and hat is going to be so hard on Dad because he loves her so. They have been married 75 years and he is so devoted to her. Thank you so much for this list and for letting me ramble. I needed to say something because I have kept this bottled up for so long.


  22. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (60)


    July 27, 2022 at 10:51 pm

    The list is comforting to me – thank you. My MIL was French-Canadian and her dementia came on very quick. We worked through it for a year but then she became violent and required care I could not give. Although, when we visited her she would spend our visit time telling only what God going between French which I don’t speak then switch to English. Her talking and talking and me nodding and nodding. At those times we found in each other an appreciation that being her DIL for 40 years never happened. It was good for both of us.


  23. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (61)


    August 8, 2022 at 11:16 am

    This is very beautiful, and eye opening.


  24. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (62)


    January 18, 2023 at 7:28 pm

    This past summer I found a picture of my Dad’s grandparents and showed it to him. It triggered a whole string of stories about his grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and boyhood life helping on his uncle’s farm. Dad was born in 1932; as a boy he drove a horse-drawn farm wagon and later a tractor, raised rabbits, and had so many wonderful memories! I would never have heard some of those stories without that ancient picture.


  25. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (63)


    January 24, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    Your list is great! Both of my parents had dimentia/alzheimers, plus my grandparents. I think it is also important to let your loved one know when they get upset, that it is ok. My mom would have bouts with anger, then when she realized what she had done she would break down crying and tell me she didn’t know what was wrong with her. I would always tell her, “it’s ok” and it was the the disease not her, then she would smile and tell me I was right.

    Embrace them and love them. Socialization is a huge factor in making their quality of life better. Covid made dementia/alzheimers terrible due to restrictions on visitation.
    I know it is hard for some people to see their loved one this way, but they need the socialization.

    Thank you again for your list!


  26. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (64)

    Melissa Starnes Howard

    February 6, 2023 at 8:13 pm

    Wonderful to find this article. I am going to find your book. Things for me maybe in the future and for my friends.


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (65)


      February 6, 2023 at 10:31 pm

      Glad you found it! Check out my products page and consider my support group on Thursday!


  27. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (66)


    February 8, 2023 at 9:30 pm

    Very good suggestions. However If I get dementia/Alzheimers…and there is no quality of life, please do not treat me for infections or medical complications so that I may pass on to a peaceful place. If I refuse to eat, dont force feed me/put a feeding tube in place, so that I can peacefully pass on. If I dont recognize my family, there is no quality of life. There is also NO quality of life wandering aimlessly, being fearful of a bath, thinking the unknown person beside me is my spouse, or doing 1st grade arts and crafts.

    Be kind, live in my “made up current life” until I can pass on~ hopefully just as soon as possible.

    Do let me have my daily co*cktail, salt and sugar, and never ever never feel guilty…. Its what I want.


  28. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (67)

    Isabel Smith

    February 11, 2023 at 1:02 am

    Would you authorize for this teachable poem to be translated in Spanish? I’m a native Spanish speaker but not native Spanish writer-can’t write with accents but would gather a few friends to help, if you allow it?


    1. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (68)


      February 11, 2023 at 3:23 pm

      Sure, if you could send it to me after, that would be great!


    2. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (69)

      Rachael Wonderlin

      April 8, 2023 at 5:53 pm

      Hi Isabel! A Spanish-language version is now available for free in my shop!


  29. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (70)


    February 26, 2023 at 8:08 pm

    My best friend had early onset dementia in her 40’s. I miss her. She did like small peppermint patties. When I would visit we would just walk the whole time. If you did her nails then she was able to sit down. She loved to look at the pictures on my phone. I would send her cards in the mail weekly even though she didn’t know they were from me. When I visited she would be proud to show me all her cards. Thank you for the memories.


  30. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (71)

    William Lawrence

    March 6, 2023 at 7:40 pm

    this was so touching I just failed miserably, I was frustrated, impatient, everything asked of me not to be and yet I find hope I can grow I can learn to love more and pray to get frustrated less


  31. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (72)


    April 24, 2023 at 10:09 pm

    My Mom dementia, it’s a long goodbye. My wish if and when I get dementia is that I am as happy as my Mom was. She still had the same loving ,fun personality. When she passed all of the caretakers at the nursing home came to her funeral and wept . They said she will be missed and she was our favorite. That’s the way I want to be remembered.


  32. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (73)

    Maryann Shea

    August 7, 2023 at 7:32 pm

    God Bless you. I was a Registered Nurse for more than 50 years , and tried my best to treat with patience and kindness. For those who were forgetful, I never let on,that I heard what they were saying before then.


  33. 20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (74)

    Mary Eileen Schmidt

    September 14, 2023 at 1:43 pm

    Why does it day 20 then give 16?


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20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (75)

Rachael Wonderlin is an internationally-recognized dementia care expert and consultant. She has a Master’s in Gerontology and is the author of three published books with Johns Hopkins University Press. Rachael owns Dementia By Day, a dementia care consulting and education company.

20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (76)

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20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (77)

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16 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia

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20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (78)

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20 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia - Rachael Wonderlin - Dementia By Day (2024)


What is the 12 question test for dementia? ›

What is the 12-question dementia test? The 12-question dementia test, often referred to as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), is a commonly used screening tool that evaluates cognitive functions. It includes sample questions that assess memory, calculation skills, and time orientation among other factors.

What are the 10 warning signs of dementia? ›

Ten warning signs of dementia
  • Dementia and memory loss. ...
  • Dementia and difficulty with tasks. ...
  • Dementia and disorientation. ...
  • Dementia and language problems. ...
  • Dementia and changes in abstract thinking. ...
  • Dementia and poor judgement. ...
  • Dementia and poor spatial skills. ...
  • Dementia and misplacing things.

At what age does dementia start? ›

Age. The strongest known risk factor for dementia is increasing age, with most cases affecting those of 65 years and older.

What is the main cause of dementia? ›

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in older adults, but there are other causes of dementia. Depending on the cause, some dementia symptoms might be reversible.

What is the 30 question dementia test? ›

The Folstein Mini‐Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a 30‐question assessment of cognitive function that evaluates attention and orientation, memory, registration, recall, calculation, language and ability to draw a complex polygon (Folstein 1975).

What is the 2 finger test in dementia? ›

Simplistically, the test involves an examiner putting his or her hands into a specific shape — for example, interlocking the fingers in a particular manner — and then having the patient try to mimic it. Patients are evaluated on how well they can reproduce the specific shape created by the examiner.

How your body warns you that dementia is? ›

Changes in mood

Someone who has dementia may also seem more fearful or anxious than they were before. They may get easily upset if their usual daily routine changes, or if they find themselves in unfamiliar situations. Along with mood changes, you might also notice a shift in personality.

What do dementia eyes look like? ›

You can't tell whether someone has dementia by looking in their eyes. However, vision loss commonly occurs among people with dementia. It's not clear whether vision loss causes dementia or vice versa. It may be that both sight loss and dementia are more common among older adults.

What are the three golden rules of dementia? ›

SPECAL sense begins with three Golden Rules: Don't ask direct questions. Listen to the expert – the person with dementia – and learn from them. Don't contradict.

What are three things to never do with your loved one with dementia? ›

Here are some Don'ts:
  • Don't reason.
  • Don't argue.
  • Don't confront.
  • Don't remind them they forget.
  • Don't question recent memory.
  • Don't take it personally.

Does a person with dementia know they are confused? ›

In the earlier stages, memory loss and confusion may be mild. The person with dementia may be aware of — and frustrated by — the changes taking place, such as difficulty recalling recent events, making decisions or processing what was said by others. In the later stages, memory loss becomes far more severe.

What can make dementia worse quickly? ›

Dementia is a progressive disease, so it will gradually get worse over time. However, external factors, such as a brain injury or sudden change in routine, can trigger a sudden worsening of dementia symptoms.

What causes 70% of dementia? ›

Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases.

Who gets dementia the most? ›

Age is the biggest risk factor: most people with dementia are older than 65 and the likelihood increases as people get older into their 80's and 90's. This tells us that older people are more likely to develop dementia than younger people.

What questions do they ask in a dementia test? ›

The doctor will:
  • ask how and when your symptoms started and whether they're affecting your daily life.
  • check whether any existing conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, depression or stroke, are being properly managed.

What is the simple home test for dementia? ›

The SAGE test is a short pen and paper screening that evaluates thinking abilities related to memory, language, reasoning and visuospatial skills. It consists of questions like naming animals, solving math problems and drawing a clock face.

What is the quick self test for dementia? ›

The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is a brief self-administered cognitive screening instrument used to identify mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from any cause and early dementia.

What are the 5 words memory tests? ›

Introduction: The five-word test (5WT) is a serial verbal memory test with semantic cuing. It is proposed to rapidly evaluate memory of aging people and has previously shown its sensitivity and its specificity in identifying patients with AD.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.