7 Tips From a Lazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (2024)

Anna Bykova isalazy mom. And she isn’t ashamed toadmit that. Moreover, the psychologist and the author ofseveral best-selling books iseven proud ofthis “title” asshe believes that itgives her children anopportunity tobecome more independent. However, bylaziness, Anna doesn’t mean lying onthe sofa all day long, but adesire tonot doeverything herself. For example, sometimes it’s better tobe“lazy” and let a7-year-old dothe dishes toimprove their fine motor skills. And it’s fine that you’ll have towipe the floor dry after this and wash the dishes again when the child isn’t looking.

Bright Side supports this unusual parenting technique that’s basically the opposite ofbeing overprotective. And, with the author’s permission, we’d like toshare with you some tips that can make the lives ofmany parents way easier.

Train your child touse the potty

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (1)

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (2)

How? It’s astep-by-step process that requires patience.

  • The potty should always beinthe same place where achild can easily seeit. Never force the child tosit onapotty.
  • Inthe beginning ofthe training, don’t forget topraise your child every time they sit onthe potty. The result isirrelevant atthis point: itdoesn’t matter ifthey actually left something inthe potty orifthe child did you afavor and just sat onthis weird object with their pants off.
  • You can also try toput ateddy bear onthe potty and tell fairy tales about how characters enjoy wearing dry pants. And that’s it! The rest isjust amatter oftime.

From the book AnIndependent Child orHow toBecome “ALazy” Mother byAnna Bykova.

Prevent your child’s temper tantrums

  • Hide all the things they can’t touch from the child.
  • Show the child anew bright object orpromise todosomething else even more exciting. Ialways carry abottle ofbubbles withme, aballoon thatI can blow upinthe case ofanemergency, orsmall and cheap toys.
  • Scissors are adangerous toy for akid and ifthey really want totouch them, it’s fine tolet them doit— but only ifmom controls the process. Having too many taboos irritates the child and limits their development.
  • Try the approach, “Ofcourse, we’ll doitbut we’ll have towait until later.” or“Yes, but...” Itworks like this: “Ofcourse, we’ll play, but let’s get some sleep first.”
  • Ifyou need tostop agame tofeed your child, suggest feeding atoy first. For example, ifyou want tomake your young “builder” stop building and have lunch, don’t say “Leave your building set and let’s goeat.” Just announce that the construction team ishaving alunch break.
  • Suggest analternative and the child will behave the way you want. For example, you could ask: “Will you pick upyour toy soldiers orcars first?” Unfortunately, this technique doesn’t work for long. After acertain age, the child can and probably will refuse toperform both actions.

Manage your child’s temper tantrums

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (5)

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (6)

Ifyou’ve failed toprevent atantrum, you can dothe following:

  • Shift your child’s attention tosomething else.
  • Come upwith acalming routine. Asarule, most families develop their own calming routine over time. Itcan bethe same rhyme, fairytale, orgame. For example, mom can gently blow onthe child’s eyes todry their tears. Oryou can give the child some “magic” water that will calm them down.
  • Just ignore this behavior. Ifyou’ve already tried other methods and there are nohealth risks involved (like anepileptic orasthmatic seizure), you can leave the child alone tocry for alittle while orjust ignore their screaming. Don’t scold your child orlock them upalone inaroom, just share your feelings: “Ithink you just want tocry right now... When you’re done, we’ll [offer todosomething fun].”

Feed apicky eater

Food isabasic human need. Imagine that you’ve “forgotten” tofeed anewborn. They’ll let you know about how hungry they are with aloud scream and won’t calm down until you feed them. The child knows best when and how much they should eat.

  • When you offer the child varied and colorful food, remember the psychology behindit: the most important thing istonot try topersuade them. Let your child become really hungry. The appetite isalways better when it’s associated with positive emotions.
  • Ifyou let the child take part inthe cooking process, give them anopportunity totry different ingredients and pick products atthe supermarket, you’ll never face problems with poor eating again.
  • And when you want togive your child more food than they actually need, just take some time and think: “Why doIdo that? Isitabout the stereotypes from the past? DoIbelieve that weshould never have anything left onthe plate? OramI afraid that the child will still behungry?” The child isn’t anenemy tothemselves and they have astrong connection with their bodies. They’ll eat when they’re hungry. Feeding the child byforce isn’t the best way toexpress parental love.

Stimulate your child’s appetite

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (9)

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (10)

  • Ifthe child isn’t eating anything atmeals, don’t let them have snacks between them.
  • Try toavoid products with taste boosters and artificial flavors. When the child gets used tothem, healthy food will taste stale.
  • Give the child fewer sweets.
  • Walk more often and make your child more active. This will have apositive influence onthe appetite.

Put your child tobed

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (11)

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (12)

Your child may have difficulties with falling asleep because they’ve developed the habit offalling asleep while crying, they perceive sleep asapunishment, orthey feel anexaggerated importance when itcomes tofalling asleep ontime that was created bytheir parents.

I’d like toshare with you myown observations and methodsI used whenI worked inakindergarten class.

  • Body-oriented therapy. Isat onthe chair next tothe child’s bed. Iput one hand ontheir thigh, gently fixing their legs, and the other one ontheir shoulder. Then Imade very gentle swaying movements. This technique allows them toachieve muscle relaxation, aswell ascalm down the nervous system.
  • Joint breathing. With myhands onthe child’s body, Itried tomimic their breathing. Igradually started tobreath deeper. Then Iswung the child abit. Thanks toslow deep breathing and flicking motions, the children fell asleep quickly.
  • Dull reading. When Iread abook, Iinserted phrases about relaxation and falling asleep inthe text: “And then the bear said... I’ll sit onthe stump... Eat mypie... Lie onthe grass... Take anap...” Itisessential toread slowly onexhalation, with pauses tomake your breath smooth and gradually slow down the pace ofyour speech. Ifyou dothis right, you’ll notice aslowdown inthe breathing ofyour listeners.

Get your child used tosleeping alone

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (13)

7Tips From aLazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (14)

  • Come upwith asymbol ofacalm sleep. Itcan beatoy that the child will hug when falling asleep. And it’ll beeasy for them tofall asleep not only intheir own bed, but inany place.
  • Move toanew bed together. Ifthe child has been sleeping with their parents, the mom can sleep with them intheir new bed inthe beginning. This way the child will get used tothe new bed together with their mother, and then will eventually beready tofall asleep alone.
  • Increase motivation. Ifpersonal motivation isn’t strong enough, it’s essential tofind new sources. You can pick out new bed sheets orsome other accessories together with your child: glow inthe dark stars for the ceiling, acute nightlight, and adream catcher are perfect options.

Every mother has her own parenting secrets. Share inthe comments how you trained your child touse the potty. Ormaybe you have your own tips onhow toput your child tobed orfeed apicky eater?

Illustrated by Xenia Shalagina


Bright Side

7 Tips From a Lazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For (2024)


7 Tips From a Lazy Psychologist Mom That Parents Around the World Are Thankful For? ›

Lazy parenting is about intentionally providing your child with opportunities to develop a sense of self-efficacy, which in turn will bolster confidence, independence and responsibility. It's about mindfully stepping back to allow your child to struggle on their own for a minute rather than rushing in and rescuing.

What is the lazy mom approach? ›

Lazy parenting is about intentionally providing your child with opportunities to develop a sense of self-efficacy, which in turn will bolster confidence, independence and responsibility. It's about mindfully stepping back to allow your child to struggle on their own for a minute rather than rushing in and rescuing.

How to deal with lazy mother? ›

  1. you can try talking to them, encouraging them to not be so lazy. ...
  2. you can do their chores/responsibilities for them in order to keep a nice home and family fed, etc. ...
  3. you can refuse to enable them by not lifting a finger to do anything.
Jan 25, 2017

What is good enough parenting in psychology? ›

Good enough parenting is about being there for your child if they are sad or angry, but not preventing them from being sad or angry in the first place. It can be helpful to think about suffering as not caused from emotional pain but from avoidance of uncomfortable emotions.

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But there are plenty of strategies to ensure a healthy, happy relationship lives on into adulthood for both women.
  1. Put yourself in their shoes before arguing. ...
  2. Have realistic expectations, and communicate them often. ...
  3. Be open about your needs. ...
  4. Ask them about their needs. ...
  5. Create a relationship of trust.

What is depleted mother syndrome? ›

Mom burnout sometimes called depleted mother syndrome, is the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of fulfillment caused by intense child care demands. Burnout is the result of too much stress and a lack of resources for coping with it.

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Mothers tend to perform a greater share of the hands-on childcare duties than fathers and also spend more time and energy thinking about their families' needs. These thoughts are called the invisible load of parenting because, unlike picking kids up from school, the mental aspects of parenting often go unnoticed.

What is bad mother syndrome? ›

Bad mother syndrome is a term used to define a mother who feels that she is a bad mother because of the choices she makes for her kids, which leads to feelings of selfishness and results in guilt.

What does a toxic mother do? ›

A toxic mother or father can be controlling, demanding, and harsh, putting you at high risk for long-term mental and physical health issues well into adulthood. Toxic parent traits include deeply disturbing behaviors that can affect a child's mental health at any age.

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Physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse are the most serious and damaging behavior traits that most of us equate with bad parenting. These are things that should be immediately addressed with professional help.

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A 70/30 custody schedule is a physical custody arrangement where one parent has the child for 70% of the time, and the other has the child for 30%. Factors such as geographical distance or work commitments can make a 70/30 schedule more practical for some families than a 50/50 or 60/40 schedule.

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Attachment theory a set of concepts that explain the emotional bond between an infant and primary caregiver and the way in which this bond affects the child's development into adulthood. Research shows that parents of securely attached children are only attuned to their baby/child about 30% of the time.

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Authoritative. Perhaps the most beneficial of Diana Baumrind's parenting styles is Authoritative. This is generally regarded to be the best parenting style as it provides a balance between structure and independence, allowing a child to grow within reasonable boundaries and explore their abilities.

What is cold mother syndrome? ›

Cold mother syndrome refers to a parenting style characterized by emotional distance, dismissiveness, and rejection. This type of mothering is often accompanied by a lack of emotional availability and neglect of a child's emotional needs.

What does a healthy mother-daughter relationship look like? ›

My thoughts on what makes a healthy mother/daughter relationship deepened when the girls were four. Being open, transparent and vulnerable with each other are key ingredients. Working together to understand each other, offering each other grace, and being willing to deeply know each other is paramount.

What is the mother daughter bond in psychology? ›

The mother-daughter relationship, one of the most profound and dynamic bonds in human society, is a labyrinth of complex emotions, shared experiences, mutual learning, and intense love. This relationship often oscillates between extremes, from friendship to rivalry, from camaraderie to tension.

What is considered lazy parenting? ›

Lazy parenting means being there whenever your children need you but for the rest, they must manage themselves.

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Looking in more detail, the study found is a consistent pattern of maternal distress peaking when kids are in middle school. Moms of middle schoolers report more stress, emptiness, loneliness, life dissatisfaction, and lack of fulfillment, and they viewed their middle school children's behavior in less positive ways, ...

What is the mother paradox? ›

Before becoming a parent, it's hard to imagine just how much of a paradox motherhood can be. You'll be the happiest, and saddest you've ever been, you'll be elated, infuriated, and peaceful; and that's all before breakfast! Clinical psychologist and mum of three Kear Murphy tells us about her own rollercoaster ride.

What is mom burnout breakdown? ›

Physical and Emotional Exhaustion

Juggling various responsibilities, from household chores to taking care of your child, often leaves moms feeling fatigued and overwhelmed. Physical exhaustion may manifest as constant fatigue, disrupted sleep patterns, and a notable decline in your energy levels.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.