Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (2024)

Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on January 28, 2014

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I’ve become an old prude.

I don’t think scantily-clad women should spread their legs on tv in prime time.

I wish song lyrics didn’t have to include profanity and overt sexual references.

I think men look awesome in traditional tuxedos, and I wish they would honor formal occasions by wearing them.

And therefore, I completely understand why contemporary Christian music artist Natalie Grant -nominated for two awards - walked out of Sunday’s Grammy show. Hat tip to our friends at The Black Sphere for reporting.

Grant and her husband went to the show to proudly represent gospel music, but left the show early after having heard and seen a bit too much.

I’m with them. I do believe art represents life, and sadly moral decay in our nation was on display on Sunday. I generally watch these shows because I want to make sure I’m up to speed with what’s going on — and I know it’s every generation’s job to try to shock the previous one.

But I’m not shocked. I’m just really, really disappointed. And I haven’t even watched the State of the Union yet…

Read the full story at The Black Sphere.

  • Dennis Seuferling

    I respect her for her decision…God Bless her…

    • Dave From Iowa

      I quite watching the Grammys not only it’s un-Godly but the music even stinks.

  • John Andrews

    I stopped watching the Grammy after the Clinton’s won.. I figured it had lost all credibility so why waste my time.. Same with the Nobel Prize.. Way to many idiots winning both for doing either crap work or no work at all… (Obama)


    I agree the shock factor just makes them look like fools and desperate.

    • Lu-Lu

      It’s a desperate cry for help.

  • moxie

    They have nothing to do with the peoples choice! Just a bunch of trash!!

  • MelodiousMe

    I am not aware that Natalie gave a reason for leaving early. What is your source?

    • Guy Land

      umm, Natalie Grant herself. She said so on her twitter feed.

  • LorleeLeeMurray

    I believe that she did the right thing - I stopped watching award shows because instead of looking glamorous most look like street walkers and the music….well….

    Kudos to Amy Grant - and shame on those attending that have children….would they want them watching that garbage and ….. as for the White House….Liar Liar should be the new name of the State of the Union Address - unlike Tim Carey there is nothing we can give Obama to tell the truth - it will just be another sad case of lies and garbage - not tuning in.

    • kay2the2nd

      it was NATALIE Grant - not Amy - that left the show.
      it was JIM Carey’s character that was given something to ‘tell the truth’,
      NOT Tim Carey.
      As for the SOTU…. yep, liar, liar.

  • LLinKC

    It was in large part due to this trash:

  • Frustrated Teacher

    My family refused to watch it…and from what i have seen and read I am glad we didn’t. There is enough smut and degeneration in the world already without the Grammy’s adding to it….

    • Disgusted Parent

      I watched a little of it and have to admit..I regret watching any of it..The world is full of smut and it seems this generation as well as my generation is promoting all the garbage..I couldn’t agree with you more…

  • Feelings1

    I did not watch as I figured it would be vulgar. I will not watch the State of the Union, as the President is a liar. He does not, and will not tell the truth. I hate what they show oh prime time, and think it is disgusting to subject our children to this behavior.

    • Jane Jessee

      And that is why we have TVLand, Hallmark, MEtv , UP and INSP stations. They show none of this garbage or least TVland doesn’t start showing it until 10PM, but even that isn’t as bad as the others.

      • jimmie redding

        That’s what I was trying to say earlier.

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        Remotes, they’re a good thing. If you don’t like what’s on that channel…change it for cryin’ out loud. Sheesh.

  • Michael Jones

    As do I , Dennis. I know my generation was a bit over the top at times, but not like this. I remember listening to Lou Reed’s song “Heroin”, and it being interrupted, never to be heard again on even FM radio, because of it’s overt references to drugs. Now, even some children’s music crosses that line. I never even turned it on……..

  • VL123

    Most of it was left wing propaganda garbage. I did enjoy Metallica’s performance though.

  • Americanswede

    Natalie Grant is just amazing, I respect her so much for being true to her beliefs. Natalie, if you read this, come back to visit Fairhope Alabama! I’d love to see you perform here again.

  • John Thomas

    I get why people think they go too far, because they do……….but I also think it exemplifies that we’re uptight prudes. I obviously don’t think it’s child appropriate, but it’s not something that makes me as an adult cover my eyes or strong enough to have made me walk out.

    • Lu-Lu

      There’s a difference between being uptight and not wanting to have something rammed down your throat and force fed to you.

    • linreis

      your statement, if you really look at it, would be the attitude in question…people are hardened and calloused to this, until it is accepted as status quo…and some have been pushed far enough…to ignore is to condone, and I’m really glad to see so many NOT condoning this any more…is sex the only thing they can come up with now a days…no talent, no voice, and so the ‘entertainment’ is to see how vulgar it can be…just like movies…the writers are too lazy to research a story line, so they turn it over to the stunt men and computers and the noise makers to ‘entertain’ the weak minded…
      I love sex! Its great fun, but I don’t need to watch it.
      I love God. He is my Salvation! and I definitely don’t want to see Him assaulted in any manner, to ‘entertain’ fools that have no concept of real talent or value.

    • ken

      thier was nothing good about it it looked more like p*rn and it was disgusting thats why no one with any morals liked it i just turned i

  • David

    This is what happens when the disease & rancid stench of liberalism infect our lives.

  • Gordon Waite

    I think I got about ten minutes into it before I was so disgusted with the bull crap speeches, and behavior, that I changed the channel. I guess from what I am hearing, that it was the most “In your face” liberal pretense of a formal event!

  • halevi

    I don’t think I’ve ever watched the Grammys and I’m not about to start.

    • jimmie redding

      I’ve never watched either. I only watch old movies on tv, westerns and such. Just good shows Mayberry, Waltons mt., Little House on the Prarie.

  • MrsBeezers

    I was wondering how many of the Christian artists walked away - and if anyone would report it. Kudos to the Grants for upholding their beliefs and for simply walking away. If the Libs had been offended, there would have been a scene about how their rights were being violated and all that crap. These artists simply walked out - no fanfare, no drama. I only caught bits and pieces and what I did see of the show was offensive - mostly to my ears.

  • Janice Linn

    She did the correct thing, and didn’t try to make others values in line with hers. She did it the right way. Hurray for all stances..

  • Deaken

    I just wonder what the reaction would be had Perry done here little “satanic ritual” musical performance using Muslim(or any other religion for that matter) effigys and symbols? I’m not even Christian but even I find it insulting and am amazed that it seems so acceptable to attack and mock anything Christian.

    • mdwebneck

      as much as I have seen, the ONLY tolerant faith is the Christian Faith.
      With clueless, misinformed and ignorant folks deliberately slandering the faith and the folks who follow it. … and never is there any negative return from the target of their rudeness

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        Christians? Tolerant? We must be thinking of two very different groups called Christians.

      • mdwebneck

        not thinking, KNOWING …
        anything else is slander

      • Lisa Shepherd

        Tolerant Christians is an oxymoron.

    • Ave Ashley Victoria E

      Thank You soo much for showing your support in Respecting Differences and Especially Christians.

      Are people die in worst case scenarios for being Simply Christian, Jewish or Messianic Jew.

      And in least in worst case scenario we are Mocked and Attacked and said to have no place in society, which is really a code term of -
      “We don’t want you in society, let alone in existence, your opinions and beliefs are unwanted or unappreciated”.

      Thank You Again for your siding of Christians as you being an individual that is not, you literally almost sound as if your one of us.
      I’m glad that people like you still exist in this dark world.
      After awhile I get used to and rarely ever see non-Christians come to our aid. Yet you just did.

      Let’s just say you’ve made my day.
      And also glad I scrolled down a little further to read this before Dinner.

      God Bless You Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (1)

    • RG

      You’re welcome to join us, Deaken. It’s not an easy choice, as you know because you defended us (Thank you!), but it is sooo worth it. Again, thank you.

  • Kelly Bustard

    I have often said that the beginning of the end started when mothers went to work. Now before you ladies out there think I am a “MC PIG” anyone who knows me can tell you I have the utmost respect for all women and believe that they are all wonderful. Does anyone agree that the moral decay of the US started when mothers were forced to work to make ends meet instead of being at home as their children’s moral compass?

    • cher

      My Mother had to work ,at the time it was easier because she was able to work around our schedule she was home when we got home from school, and then my Dad would come and he would take over while she went to work,and yes I do have a moral compass because of her teachings and my upbringing and I will always respect the things she did for our family love and Miss you Mom. and Dad.

      • jimmie redding

        Many working mothers then and now are still good mothers. I know many.

    • Mary

      It was just part of the Communist plan to destroy the Family by convincing women that staying at home was not fulfilling and somehow devalued us. If the Feminist can separate the families by telling women that we don’t need a man then the government can step in and indoctrinate our children. The same thing with the gay agenda. Blur the lines of traditional Families till it does not matter anymore.

    • jimmie redding

      I agree. That may not have been the reason, but it was about the time.


      I was a working mom, until I lost my job, thanks to the chimp in charge of our White House. I do agree with you, children need more time with their mothers. I wish I could have been home more when they were younger.

      • Just Axin

        If taxes weren’t so high (thanks to both parties) more families could leave one parent at home more often.


        That’s right hubby:)

  • justicewon1

    It was the wedding ceremony that put me off. That does not belong on the Grammys.

  • Gail Colburn

    Good for you Natalie! I would hope that you were not the only ones with the courage to stand up for morality and values. I’m certain that there were others there also representing the Christian sector and I’m just as certain that, sadly, you were among the minority.

  • Anthony Viscuso Jr

    Don’t even start to watch the crap, and maybe someday they will realize nobody cares for there crap.

  • Sharon

    good for them

  • cathy

    Boycott CBS. many young people thought it was trashy too.

  • Beti Spencer

    This is one reason I don’t watch TV at all….The morals of these people are gone out with the wind. Its shameful

  • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

    This is entertainment people, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Alice Cooper and Ozzie Osbourne rocked it one whole helluva lot harder than this 30 years ago.

    Grow up. There is no scientific and provable evidence that there is an invisible sky daddy nor an invisible bad guy devil. It’s for show…enjoy it for what it is. Lighten up, people. Don’t take life so seriously, nobody gets out alive.

    • Barry Penders

      and she would have walked off then to. Grow up.

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd


    • Brett Dent

      You even using the term “sky daddy” to degrade many people who believe in faith is just a testament to your character.

      I’d rather believe in God and be a kind, humble, compassionate person than be someone like you who seeks to demean and degrade. Any day, I might add.

      • Barry Penders

        She was talking about the Choom gang leader as “Sky Daddy”

    • Gale Lett

      You are part of the problem if you don’t see anything wrong with this. Doesn’t matter if there is a God or not, every society that has fallen into moral decline has failed, every single one. Look at history. Those who fail to learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.

    • Dennis Hibbard

      Please back up your so assuredly statement with a piece of paper without writing on it, method and the message consistent with History, has to be True for Everyone! Your Demo

    • Just Dew

      Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd mocking God by calling Him names like you just did and denying any scientific and provable evidence of His existence just proves how uneducated you are and how immature. You will find out (and maybe VERY soon) that God does exist and so does Satan but unless you want to learn about The One True God you will not see Heaven. God does NOT tolerate MOCKERS like you, so if you continue to conform to this WORLD you will never know the beauty, joy and peace that believers will. So sad for you……..

    • jjjjjjjjjj

      Wow! Punctuation and spelling count to you yet moral decency doesn’t? This is what’s soooo wrong with America today!

      It’s the moral decay of people like you that are hurting the younger generation. (Alice & Ozzie weren’t humping a pole in nearly nothing either.)

      • RG

        I bet it’d shock her if she knew Alice Cooper was a Christian.

    • curlylouis19

      My brother who studied psychology had an instructor who is a christian psychologist tell him, that unbelievers are different creatures who don’t know better and Lisa Futvoye-Sheperd, by her post, proves that.

    • Steven

      If you removed all religion from life, this, and such as this, would still be trash. There are many behaviors in this world that would be condemned, even without religion. Your self righteous “no God” talk is meaningless in this discussion.

    • UnAshamed Christian


    • Joyce

      Music and dancing is entertainment. Seeing a woman’s tonsils thru her backside and watching 2 people grinding against each is not. If it is entertainment to some people they need to examine themselves

    • aa

      The evidence has been shown and spoken to you in many ways and forms. You are blind to it all and fail to heed it all.

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        I think you and I have very different ideas if what constitutes “proof”, A “feeling” is not proof, an ancient, questionably authored, text as proof? No, that’s the claim.

        Scientific, quantifiable, verifiable evidence that a god, any god exists..then perhaps there will be something to talk about. Until then..y’all are delusional and suffering from cognitive dissonance.

        Besides your god’s reputation isn’t such that I would EVER worship it even if it was real.

    • RG

      “The fool says in his heart ‘there is no God’.”

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        Prove there is a god, ANY god. Not possible. And if there was a god like the Christian god…I wouldn’t worship it anyway. No gods, no masters.

      • RG

        Prove there isn’t.


    The Grammy’s (and pretty much any event connected to Liberal Hollywood) have now become a Political Statement. It’s a crazy, dysfunctional Liberal Circus being jammed down our throats as they dare us to object. I, personally, am a Republican who is for same sex marriage, but it had no place on the stage at the Grammy’s. This in NO WAY will endear itself to their cause.

  • Sam Casey

    Grammy? Never heard of her.

    • Sharon1946

      She sings beautiful Christian songs, no curse words, or vulgar lyrics, but normal sweet words. Natalie Grant has been around for a few years.. The Grammy’s were awful and too bad Beyonce had to try to up trashy Miley Cyrus, now she is no better than her, what a shame, I use to think she was so pretty now all I see is her nasty butt.cheeks.

      • Sam Casey

        Heh, this was a sarcastic statement used to show that I don’t care about the Grammy’s. Mrs. Grant has bigger balls than most of the people in the room so, it’s no surprise that she would do what she did. People should stand up for their principles, just like she did.

  • cathy

    Alabama’s QB said it was demonic…I agree

  • Flunking_retirement

    All these “award” shows any more are nothing but self congratulatory bullsh*t!

  • EZ

    It’s such shame how far we have come. Yet when you try repeatedly to express your morality and attach your faith to it by believing in a creator, you are suddenly rendered to a hater, racist, and other derogatory expressions and shouted down to… You can only agree with them in their vile and disrespectful deceit, it’s their way and no other way…. We will however continue to hang on to Gods Unchanging hand regardless of the the Godless Crowd…

    • Ave Ashley Victoria E

      Christian’s don’t ignorantly believe in Evolutionized Racism or EVEN Separate Races in the first place ..
      Which makes me laugh at the worldly perceptions and ideologies that they continue to believe in, along with framing and slandering “ALL” Christians as that those evil and vile not to mention sinful accusations.

      That the Majority of Christians don’t even acknowledge or condone as normal and Christian behavior.
      While I’ve met inside and outside my family legit “Racist” and mean people claiming and posing to be Christian.
      They are a “Minority” ..
      The Majority anointed and True Christians living by Faith and the Word of God -see through Christs eyes.

      Like me - Christ made all people and in Christ and NOT Of The World -
      Your Physical Appearances - Skin pigment or cosmetic features, Materialist Wealth and Accomplishments mean nothing to “Yeshua”/”Messiah” -
      He goes by your Faith and Walk with Him.
      He created all and scientifically all are not genetically separate, not to mention we only have separate Cultures .

      The only thing that is wrong with this world besides SIN, is Physical Pride.
      As Christians we don’t live by this.
      I hate the fact on another post Natalie received “Racist” and “Racial Slurs”, because she walked out.
      I’m really getting sick of this worlds perception of people with differences in lifestyle and culture differences.
      Christ made everyone, therefore everyone should be Loved and Respected - even when they are sooo very wrong and immoral.

      • RG

        So true. Like the Bible says “There is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free, for we are ALL one in Christ Jesus.” I wish more and more people acted on those wise words.

      • Ave Ashley Victoria E

        Well I’m that example, considering I’m also a mixed Gentile and Jew ..

        I’m the following.
        Native American Indian - Cherokee & Choctaw
        Middle Eastern - Jew
        Northern European
        Caucasian - English, Irish, Scottish and French-Canadian

        I’m one for Equality in Jesus Christ ..
        All should be respected and Free in this world no matter who we are.
        But when it comes to daily ideologies and Social Acceptance and Morality ..
        I do not pride myself on what I’m made up of.
        I understand who I am Physically, but I know who I am as a Christian.
        And it’s not what this world promotes either .. :/

      • RG

        You are a child of God, one of the most precious things on this earth.

      • Ave Ashley Victoria E

        Thank You - Beautiful .. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (2)

  • johnny

    god bless you mrs. grant for showing class and standing by your virtues, you will be blessed. I commend you.

  • K Davis

    We totally agree. Sad state we are in….Kudos to Natalie Grant, and thank you for supporting her.

  • Charlotte K. Jones, Ph. D.

    I am so proud of Christians who are courageous enough to take a stand against the profane and inappropriate entertainment industry. Like Natalie Grant and her husband, I would have walked out as well. Our Christian witness must be a bold one today. Recently, I have had to set some similar boundaries, and the ridicule I have experienced has been painful; however, I applaud and appreciate my Christian brothers and sisters who uphold honor and decency.

    • RG

      Remember what Jesus said “If the world hates you, remember, it hated Me first.” He supports you and so do your fellow family in Christ!

      • Ave Ashley Victoria E

        This is soo very true .. Honestly it hurts. But that’s a reminder to me, that I’m doing something right and I’m reminded a little bit about what Jesus felt.
        And all in all the world will realize just how wrong they were.
        By then unfortunately it will be too Late. :/

  • Don Anastas

    Don’t fret - the SOTU will be a shocker full of lies and deceit. If that’s what you’re expecting you wont’ be disappointed.

  • Barry Penders

    When push comes to shove, I’ll shove harder. Bank on it.

  • lynnj

    I didn’t watch because I decided a long time ago to not support the narcissistic self affection of the music industry and Hollywood who have become a disgusting embarrassment to the country.

  • Theodore F Mills

    Natalie Grant is awesome!

  • Mark Raymond

    I wont waste my time watching fake people pushing their fake gratitude. Got better things to watch and do than watch hollyweird garbage.

  • Gale Lett

    There is no self respect, no pride anymore, it is all foolishness, sex, gaudiness and classless. I remember when people nominated for such awards would arrive in their best, looking dapper and chic. Now they show up in clothing not fit for a dog fight and call it fashion. The glaring sexual performances on stage are better saved for the local XXX rated club unless male audience members have lots of dollar bills on hand. Disgusting the low our nation has sunk to.

  • Chaz_Martel

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention Colonel West. This young woman is a true inspiration to all committed Christians who be in the world but not of this (fallen) world.

  • Mary Bystrom

    I am on your side Col. West. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (3)

  • LaurenK

    Perhaps cancel all future Grammy celebrations and use the funds to feed the hungry?

    • linreis


  • Richard Anderson

    the 2nd coming is drawing near…

    • Jack White

      Twerking will be replaced by bowing (Philippians 2:10).

  • Bird Dog Patriot

    Exactly right Allen. Run for President! Please!

  • leybaterry

    Natalie Grant I applaud you and your husband for walking out of that self absorbed, moral decay atmosphere, I’ve done my part by not watching

  • yaki534

    Morals do not exist in the US anymore. Shame.

    • aaa

      Wrong, to few they still do. But primarily speaking I understand

  • Deb0987

    Agreed! Thank goodness someone had decency and good taste. So little of it left in the world. Thank you Natalie.

  • Anti ObamaHolder

    Common decency and self respect have been lost in this great country and young men and women are being taught that it’s sexy to dress like fools and tramps. As a minister I am not afraid to approach a person and tell them that they are embarrassing. I recently approached a young man in Wal-Mart and told him to pull his pants up to his hips and stop showing off his butt because in doing so makes him look like he is gay looking for a partner. Young men don’t get it, in prison men walk around showing their butts when they are looking for a new man to protect them or be their lover. It’s a gay man’s way of showing he is ready and available. Teenage boys and even young boys who do this have no clue it makes them look gay. When I was a young man of 15 my mother would have bought me suspenders or a belt if I walked into her house looking like that. I recall her buying a belt for a young boy in Roses because his pants hung to low.

    • William Hyde

      if nobody knows that it makes you look gay, does it make you look gay? hmmmm

      • Anti ObamaHolder

        They either don’t care how it looks or are too stupid to know.

      • Anti ObamaHolder

        Either they don’t care how they look are are too brain dead to know better and care.

  • walkingman717

    … I decided to watch the entire broadcast - 75% of it was pure trash.

  • sojorrn

    If your policy is no tolerance for violence, racism,vulgarity, profanity, bad behavior then you didn’t watch the Grammy’s

    comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior.

    • as

      You are pathetic if you are okay with that crap. We should be putting this crap down, not uplifting it

      • sojorrn

        You need to take a course in Reading comprehension! The Posting Policy is no comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior. The irony is we are discussing the Grammy’s whereby I agree with the Colonel in his critique! It is vulger as is the culture! In other words we are being monitored on what we say in a discussion about prime time TV that was vulgar!

  • Leanne

    those that want to push Christianity down everyone’s throat needs to lighten up a bit. Everything that was on the Grammys was for entertainment. I am tired of the artists that are amazing getting put down for their act.

    • CheriCAL

      Leanne - When was she trying to push Christianity down anyone’s throat? The woman was nominated but because of her beliefs decided to leave and didn’t cause a scene or try to force her views on anyone.

    • as

      No one was pushing anything down. It’s called respect, which is what artists lack nowadays. Profanity, obscene gestures and the likes are uncalled for and not needed. They call themselves role models? They ain’t nothing!

    • edwinrad

      NOBODY can push Christianity or the Lord God Jesus Christ down anyone’s throat. God gave everyone a free will and has put a safeguard on that.
      Jesus Christ doesn’t force Himself on anyone neither, but rather stands at the door of the heart and knocks(Rev. 3:20). It’s an individual CHOICE to open the door and invite Him in or reject Him.
      God is NOT WILLING any should perish(2Peter 3:9), but heaven or hell is an individual CHOICE.

    • disqus_u1xRO33qsM

      Well, they failed to entertain me, and the dozen or so musicians I know….PS, I am not a christian and I found myself getting offended! And, I can’t recall anyone forcing Christ on me in my life….maybe you live in the “wrong” neighborhood, or more likely you are just another liberal liar.

    • Scios

      Metallica did a decent live performance. Katy Perry was overtly dark/demonic. I missed the opening act where whatshername got on stage and let the nation give her a full pelvic exam via satellite.
      I guess when you don’t have any actual singing talent you have to resort to soft-core p*rn…?

    • Joyce

      There is nothing amazing about sticking your butt in people’s faces and grinding against each other in public. Anyone can do that and no talent required. Not entertainment. But, as long as they have people who watch this trash they will only get trashier. I don’t watch awards shows anymore and hopefully others won’t either. Take away their audience and it will stop.

      • JoeMyGodNYC

        28.5 million Americans LOVED that trash on Sunday night. Second-largest Grammy audience ever. Only the death of Whitney Houston on the eve of the 2012 Grammys got a bigger audience. And since success sells, expect much more of the same next year. Hurray!

  • renee

    If she had a clue, she would not have been there in the first place. just sayin

    • Steven

      “If she had a clue…” I see her picture up there. I see her famous for her singing. I see her nominated for her abilities (all the way to the bank), but I don’t see you. We are all writing about her, but we don’t know you. Not to be mean, but I’m thinking she is not clueless, but, quite the contrary, doing better than you. But as I admitted, I don’t know you.

      • WOWO_1expert

        This is a fallacy. Just because someone is famous does not mean they are smart. Or right.

      • Steven

        Doesn’t mean they are smart or right just because they call someone clueless.

  • Jess

    This is my first time watching the Grammys. It’s also my last. The show did not spotlight musical talent; it was a freakshow. Can’t anyone write lyrics that don’t contain gratuitous profanity and crude sexual references? Can’t anyone perform without shaking their behinds and dressing to flaunt their unmentionables? Why on earth does anyone find this stuff admirable or entertaining? Our culture is in shambles.

  • jmnpjn

    Natalie, so proud of you, everybody else, SHAME on YOU!! To participate in such goings on displays your lack of faith, lack of good taste and shows God who you really prefer……….Satan.

  • CigarVolante

    Frankly, I am surprised that they didn’t force them to stay in this new age of “you have to like what we like”.

  • Carol Chang

    I don’t even think one has to link their revulsion to the disgusting antics prevalent in the entertainment industry to anything other than basic human decency. I am NOT enticed to buy Pepsi with beyonce’s crotch shots. I mean, does anyone’s mother or father really want their daughter spreading their legs wide open to sell soda pop? yuck!

  • vbfd

    Can’t believe they were dumb enough to attend the award show to start with. Do they live under a rock and had not seen the artists before the awards show? Lol. Can’t fix stupid…

  • KEN


  • JoeMyGodNYC

    Guess what? Elvis Presley SHOCKED yer granny, too. LMAO about these pretend delicate snowflakes that are scandalized, SHOCKED I tells ya, about the same old same old of the last 50 years. All this whiny post is missing is “Get off my lawn!”

    • Colonoscopy

      There is a big difference in the sleaze of today and anything Elvis presented on stage.

  • KEN

    at least she has some pride in her self and morals what little i seen was filth and no talent

  • Tom Winegar

    The Libs and morally corrupt will never stop so let’s get the civil war on the road and get rid of them. No prisoners, no negotiated surrenders………..just pits to bulldoze the trash into. Morals and the concept of right and wrong aren’t exclusive to religion so if a segment of society refuses to comply to healthy societal norms then decent people see to it they comply or get whacked.

    • clakey2

      Okay, but your kind doesn’t believe in science, so you don’t get to use any of the fun weaponry in this little Civil War you’ve concocted in your head.

      • Tom Winegar

        Same answer to you ‘boon. Science has provided me with a wonderful array of assault weaponry to use on “YOUR KIND”.

      • clakey2

        Yeah, but you can’t use it, you get sticks and prayers. Don’t worry, God is supposedly on your side so it’ll be a fair fight…

      • Tom Winegar

        Can’t you read, I said I’m not a Christian………no religious or political affiliations. It won’t be a fair fight either, your side hasn’t a chance. By the way Christians are the most decent and honest people I have ever met and when push comes to shove I side with them every time.

      • WOWO_1expert

        Please enlighten me as to what “kind” you are referring. The only kind I belong to is the human kind.

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      So….you are calling for murdering the people who don’t share your musical tastes. This must be that Christian Love® that we keep reading about.

      • Tom Winegar

        I’m not a Christian and don’t give two hoots about the music tastes of anyone. The Liberal Left have declared war on decency so they should be engaged and destroyed. If you don’t want to live by societal norms then go live in a cave.

      • JoeMyGodNYC

        Or you will kill me. Got it. Go Tea Party!

      • WOWO_1expert

        Who said anything about the Tea Party? Furthermore, though I don’t agree with the “destroy” method/goal, one must realize that destruction IS the goal of the Left, therefore this is most likely the reason many not on the Left want to retaliate in like manner.

      • Tom Winegar

        Since you mentioned him destruction was the goal of Hitler and the fascists and decent people including members of every race and religion united to destroy him. There comes a time when you have to shelve the sensibilities you are taught and do what is necessary and right. All I am doing is commenting on the obvious amoral tone of an awards ceremony and people think I am a music racist.

      • Tom Winegar

        Wrong again JoeMyGodNYC, you just can’t get it right can you? I have no political affiliations at the moment and killing anyone isn’t the first choice.

      • Tom Winegar

        Wrong again JoeMyGodNYC, you just can’t get it right can you? I have no political affiliations at the moment and killing anyone isn’t the first choice.

    • CS

      I am a Christian and I turned it off because I don’t care for rap and that’s all I heard on there, but to turn around and wish death on these folks because they think differently than you is to go back to the Hitler days.

      • Tom Winegar

        You are brutally ignorant , it’s not about music…….the music has no importance whatsoever. I’m just giving a little of what the Liberal / socialist trash have been doling out for years now. Push has come to shove and I push back. Love it or leave it. I also doubt you know anything about Hitler or his clone, Obama.

  • Becky Sue Boofer

    I wonder if Steven Curtis Chapman was upset about what he saw? He was there too.

  • bryan

    There is a common phrase on here: “rammed down our throats and force fed liberal agenda”(or some variation of that)

    You were strapped to a chair and forced to watch it?? I HIGHLY doubt it. You chose to watch a show a nd presumably you listen to this music as well. You had a choice to tune into one of the other hundred stations but chose to watch this.
    The Grants in my mind are not “heros”. They chose to go to a show that is historically liberal and anti-Christian. It would have been taking a stand to not attend. I would assume they are not in the music business to be rewarded by the secular community or make money…..right?

    • Russell Kerry Kimberlin

      Grammy’s used to have an award for Christian music, maybe that’s why they came. I’ll bet they don’t come there again, its a loser show.

  • Robin Hoke

    Part of the reason the artists get away with it was said in the first half of this article. People want these award shows to go back to what they once were. Classy and respectable to the artists and to the audience. But, instead of stopping the artists from getting on stage several years ago, and disrespect other artists, they play those clps quite often. When you let a bunch of immature millionaires get away with it once, you encourage them to do so again and again.

    I find it commendable that Ms. Grant felt she couldn’t stay any longer than she did. I tape the Grammys and all the other award shows, so that I can fast forward through the things that I don’t like. What I love most about it is that she did so without making a big show about it. She showed the rest what class and dignity look like and hopefully, they will learn something from it.

    I wish that the writer did so and could have done this entire article without taking yet another cheap shot at the President.

    • Tina

      This country has lost more morals since “change” took place than all of the PRESIDENTS put together, I’m sick and tired of people being so sensitive about something negative being said about “him”, grow up because even the real Presidents have been blamed for troubles in our country!!!!!!!!!!

      • Robin Hoke

        Seriously? That’s your argument? First of all, don’t give me that grow up bull. I remember when Bush Jr. was President and how much people threw a fit if anyone dare say anything negative about him. And like it or not, Obama is a ‘REAL’ President. Voted in by the people.

        As far as what I wrote, you simply proved my point. This story is about this young woman and about her leaving the Grammys. Not about yours or anyone else’s opinion about Obama. That last line had nothing to do with this young lady deciding that the show was not comfortable for her.

        Yet, once again. Someone makes it about the President. You need to stop acting like Obama is not a real President. He was voted in by majority and that is all there is to it.

      • Robin Hoke

        Thank you, so much. You proved my point better than I ever could. You made this about Obama instead of about how Ms. Grant presented and comported herself with such class and elegance. Too bad you could not do the same as she did.

  • John Trapp

    It’s not the overt sexuality or profanity that offends me, but the fact that the songs just plain suck, *really* suck. Seriously, who buys this stuff? It’s banal garbage that sounds like commercials for food. When these “fans” of this stuff hear the theme song for Pringles potato chips, do they have an urge to buy the Pringles potato chip song? So why do they buy this garbage?

  • disqus_u1xRO33qsM

    I turned it off after 10 minutes, just disgusting and I’m not a tight a** at all. The material was really really bad, it’s obvious that the Grammy’s are given by whoever paid the most money. Nobody with an ear would ever vote for some of the crap they were selling.

  • curlylouis19

    What does it say about our country that Miley Cyrus can go on MTV, rub her butt on the genitals of a married man, Beyounce and Katy P. can go on the grammys and act like slu*ts and demons and hardly anybody gets upset, but Phil Robertson sits down with a men’s magazine and gives an honest, scriptural answer on social issues and half the country wants to silence him?

    • Robby Mulvany

      Good grief. We’ve still got imbeciles crying about Duck Dynasty. You brain-dead republicans really need to hurry up and die.

      • Mike Mike

        That was so tolerant of you, Robby.

      • http://www.SuperiorPolitics.Com/ SuperiorPoliticsDotCom

        Spoken like a true D-bagger.

      • karozans

        I’m ready for the next Civil-Revolutionary war how about you sweet heart?

      • Fed UP

        Why don’t you listen to what his point was you imbecile. I suppose in your perverted world Miley is on the top. You liberal pukes need to go ruin someone else’s country. You have done enough damage to ours.

  • sweetie

    I’m glad I didn’t watch it. I haven’t watched it in years. Cudo’s to her and her husband for not just talking the talk, but for walking the walk. I don’t watch much entertainment, as I find most of it offensive. That includes television. God forgive us for what our country has become.

  • NormB

    My grammy died about fifteen years ago… I haven’t watched one since.

  • Fay

    Another that won two awards didn’t go for the same reasons, that God some still have their moral compass intact ,,,,next year they will try and top this one, where will it end? Live sex acts?live abortions? It’s all a bunch of stupid people looking stupid,,,

    • karmoneki

      Yep, live abortions are scheduled for next year…didn’t you hear?? Seriously….do you even hear yourself?? Just ridiculous.

      • Fay

        Yes mam, I hear my self quit well, but you having you head up someone’s butt could be confused,,, I noticed you didn’t have an opinion on the live sex,,guess that would be ok,,,,,

  • Sam

    I did see part of a garmmy once, some 30+ years ago. Decided never to see another.

    • Wayne Neva

      And you didn’t miss much in the last 30 years either.

  • Nancy

    The discussion was how indecent and vulgar the acts on the Grammys were and someone decides to say folks are pushing Christianity down others’ throats. So is that a statement that only those who are Christian understand decency and such?? I would hope people of many faiths (or none) would know what is vulgar and trash and what is not. Now who is being narrow minded??

  • cathy

    I never watch the awards none of. Them

  • JoeMyGodNYC

    Clearly, remote controls didn’t work in Christian homes on Sunday night. Somebody should look into that! #ThanksObama

    • Sebs

      Clarity/ specificity is NOT your forte it seems. You said what? You mean what?

  • Greg Duke

    I am sorry, but the Grammy’s, as well as the other shows, are nothing but trash. I love music, but the stuff that was highlighted, well, I do not think Sirius carries it. What a shame, as it was on regular TV and not a cable channel.

    • Russell Kerry Kimberlin

      No need to be sorry, it is repulsive. Real talent doesn’t even show, just pc crap.

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      LOL. Of course Sirius carries it. Only the top selling acts in the entire nation get to perform on the Grammys. Your Sirius player must be stuck on talk radio.

      • Stephen Bogan

        you mean top selling circus freakshow acts right?

      • JoeMyGodNYC

        If it fills you with impotent bagger rage, then YES! Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (4)

  • seh

    Gimmick sells, talent takes the back seat.

  • The Good Shepherd

    Much respect to AW and everything he represents. The young men of this lost country could learn a lot about becoming A REAL MAN who has worked & worked hard for everything he is. Time to wake up YOUTH of America. Break the coward cycle and make something of yourself!! Learn from this man who leads by example.

  • Ky Christian Girl

    I didnt like the show at all so we turned it off. When did people have to start with such vulgar, immoral and nasty actions and lyrics to sale their music. Well as far as I am concerned ikt wasnt music being performed on the grammys it was more like a X rated circus act.

  • Thomas R Carter

    L L Cool J did a nice job . As for the rest of it , It was mostally garbage perverted songs and actions.

  • JoeMyGodNYC

    Pastor Bob warned you about the demonic Elvis Presley! WHY DIDN’T YOU LISTEN???!!?!!?!

  • JD

    it is the job of the gay and morally corrupt to bring to your attention any and all ways of their lives to believe that this is the right way to understand them..shock and awe which when u keep seeing it over and over again you will begin to think its really ok and dont go after their way of life and livelihoods

  • Joan London

    There were some good performances, like Robin Thicke with Chicago, and Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard. But I too felt that Beyonce went way too far for prime time TV and that the opening number would have been more appropriate in a strip club! If I were a parent, I would have felt undermined by a great deal of the show, especially the song saying go ahead, roll up a joint, kiss lots of boys or girls, etc. Seems to go against, one by one, all of the values that most parents want to teach (don’t use drugs, don’t be vulgar, don’t be promiscuous). Lots of rot!

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      That “kiss lots of boys or girls” song won the Grammy for Best COUNTRY Album. Hurray for red states!

  • diana

    Yes I would of walked out too. I watched Shawn & Katherines wedding. Now that was an awesome example of a Christian man who did not waiver his beliefs as his father said. His father also. performed the wedding… Even though I usually don’t like The bachelor…
    He waited till he got married & did not care what people said of his virginity…
    I pray for this couple that Jesus continue Blessing them & strength to keep going on with their beliefs. Also pray for all that need the physician Jesus Christ… Amen

    • guest

      He wasn’t a virgin, he’s made it clear that he slept around a ton during college and his earlier years.

  • SAWB

    Col. West these songs don’t “have” to include profanity and sexual references. The music promoters could stop the promotion and we the listeners could stop listening and being silent on this.

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      You DO know that the phrase “rock and roll” is ITSELF a sexual reference, right? LOL.

      • october

        Depends on what you want it to refer to. Can just as easily refer to dance and movement in time to the beat.

      • JoeMyGodNYC

      • Elizabeth

        did you just use Wiki as a reference? WOW

      • Stephen Bogan

        Uh sorry, Joe. But wiktionary can be edited to say what anyone wants it to say, so it isn’t a reputable site. Put it this way. As a college student, I cannot write a research paper based on sites such as wiktionary or wikipedia, because they are not reputable sites. You may be right about the term “rock and roll”, but you need to prove it will an actual supported site.

  • Kitten

    Nothing prudish in having morals and not afraid to stand and be counted. Good for her!

  • Tabi

    I see all these comments from “Christians” & all of them sound very judgmental. Tisk Tisk…. Might want to practice what we preach! Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (5)

    • Funkasaurasrex

      Enjoy the Grammy’s!

    • Deacon

      People might could practice better morals,you don’t really have to be religious to do that.

    • Mira Miller

      It’s not judgmental to recognize trash and refuse to take part. I applaud Ms Grant for standing by her principles and then taking action.

      • Matthew

        As long as the trash they refuse to take part of isn’t what you think is “right”, right?

      • Leta

        Making a personal choice not to participate in something that you don’t like is not being judgmental. I cannot control what others do, I can only control what I do. I will reserve the right to walk away from or turn off whatever it is that I don’t care to be a part of.

      • Gregg Grundon

        is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed? or in your opinion If they call it art they can what? Behead babies on stage? Rape kittens? Is this art? There’s a line, it’s called decency people used to have it, that’s what we’re talking about.

      • Mira Miller

        For me, or anyone else, in making a decision to take action, I go by my principles. If I feel it is trash, then for me it is. That’s why we all have free will. We make choices based on our beliefs and moral compass. Obviously, for Ms Grant she felt it was against what she wanted to take part in, so she left. She didn’t stand up and yell and want it all stopped, she just left. I don’t see a problem. Isn’t this what we all do when we take a stand on something?

      • Mira Miller

        When people make decisions they make those decisions based on what they feel is right. If I feel that something is trash, then for me, it’s trash. We all have principles and we all think our principles are the right ones. Ms Grant did not stand up and yell and demand that the show be stopped. She didn’t proclaim to anyone (except perhaps her immediate circle of friends/family) how awful it was, or how offended she was, she simply got up and left. She made a decision based on her beliefs and principles and then took action. I happen to agree with her and think she did the right thing. If you don’t, Matthew, that is your right.

    • Guest

      How black be the pot that calls the kettle …

    • Stephen Bogan

      You know, I hear a lot of people that want to bash Christians as being judgmental, but I haven’t found one person that supports the display at the Grammy’s that can give me a clear definition of what judging really is. maybe you could clarify what makes a statement judgmental.

  • Alan

    Au contraire, Ms. Hickford. In response to your last sentence, I think those who watched this debacle DID see an accurate reflection of the current state of our, um, union…

  • 1704212

    Col. West, are you ready for another disappointment tonight, I mean two in a couple of days?

  • AbsentCurtis

    Its funny that hard rock and heavy metal used to be attacked for overly sexual and satanic content. Now pop music can do it all they want and no one (as in the masses) bats an eye. The only artists that had any class that night were the rock, metal and country acts.

    • Pam Oswald

      Yeah, where is Tipper Gore now?

  • Vicki Johnson

    You know , NO ONE has to call themselves a Christian, etc. to recognize p*rn and classless perverts congratulating themselves on a public stage……. I thank Natalie for the stand she took, and thank God for other people like her….. Why are we putting up with this garbage ? Is it “art” ? I think not …….. does anyone here remember when Hollywood was something to look up to ? When people clamored for their autographs….. when they took pride in our country, and the men and women that fought in the military …… when if they were not serving themselves, they entertained WITH PRIDE those that did serve…… I miss our country…… I want it BACK !

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      And you can HAVE that country back as soon as somebody invents a way to travel to the parallel universe where such an America must exist. Cuz it sure never existed in ours.

      • Gregg Grundon

        Boy Joe, you’re a ray of sunshine.
        It sure was better than it is now.

      • Stephen Bogan

        Joe, check out the Hollywood of the 40’s and 50’s. It had a total different atmosphere and attitude toward not only our men and women in service and our country, but also toward the belief in traditional family values. I remember listening to some old time radio program that actually encouraged family prayer, with the slogan, “A family that prays together, stays together.” If you look far enough back, there was a vast difference between liberal Hollywood of the early 20th century and the liberal Hollywood trash of today.

      • Fed UP

        Why waste your time trying to make people see things that they will never recognize. These liberal pukes do not care how you saw the world they only like to get a thrill out of rustling your feathers. They have and will never have anything positive for this country. They only want to tear it down and by acknowledging them it only feeds their arrogance. Its time we took this country back like this young lady at the grammy awards did by ignoring the putridity.

      • mutie

        Baloney. There was p*rn in the 40s and 50s, and family abuse, and divorce, and infidelity. You’re glorifying a different age either based your narrow experience (if you’re old enough), or on a myth sold to you by people who have put a artificial nostalgic shine on the times. Those of us who were there know these “family values” you speak of are present in every generation … as is hypocrisy.

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd


      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        Perhaps you should speak to black people that lived in the Hollywood of the 40’s and 40’s or libeled film writers during the McCarthy era. Nothing is ever as black and white as many choose to believe.

    • Joe

      Nothing you are saying makes any sense at all. Why is anyone who is a believer the least bit surprised this is the state of our country?

    • Vlad99

      LOL welcome to the 21st century.

  • Karen Spears Zacharias

    Proud of her


    I think it is awesome!! So glad that people who have good morals don’t sit and comprise by sitting thru it. I don’t even have a desire to watch any of those shows as they have gotten so trashy and represent trash and I sure as heck would NOT sit thru gay wedding stuff

  • SandyT

    I don’t watch most of the awards shows, usually just the country music awards, but Sunday I was flipping through the channels looking for something to watch and came across the Grammys. It took only a few seconds before I had had enough and changed the channel. Trash, absolute trash!

  • Patti McGonigle

    More people have to take a stand - in unity there is strength and we have to take back our decrepit, morally rotting country from this shameless excuse for leadership. I’m surprised he didn’t phone the show and congratulate their vulgarity. Good for her for walking out! Who cares if one thinks you are a prude? I sure do NOT care and will defend my value system until the day the good Lord takes me home.

  • Susan Fuchs

    I don’t watch these “award” shows, where they give themselves all kinds of rewards for being jackasses….. Most of these people need the Lord in the worst way…

  • No Garbage4me

    Other than news and the very few shows I enjoy most of TV and the movie industry is a waste of time. It is sad to see so many people in this country being sucked into the garbage that clogs the multitude of channels that are available at the push of a button. Even more upsetting is the young age and impressionable minds of the ones watching as Hollywood spews its anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Free market and pro-socialist propaganda that tares at the very fabric of this country. Turn the TV off and use your mind for something worthwhile!!!

    • satan

      Criticizes people for “not using their minds”. Doesn’t know how to spell “tear”.

      • No Garbage4me

        Figures … smalls minds overlook the point being made because of a typo … Thank you for displaying your “GOD” like perfection in pointing out my error … I am humble enough to admit that I am not perfect … Are you humble enough to admit you are not GOD?

  • McAllister Bryant

    Folks who say that they were offended sure seem to have a bunch of details about the show.

    With 600 or so cable channels, one might have imagined you would simply change the channel if the Grammies offended you. But that would be too easy.

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      Welp, they HAVE been warning us about Obama’s secret army. Sunday night when they broke into millions of Christian homes and disabled the remotes? THAT WAS JUST A TASTE OF WHAT’S TO COME.

      • Heartland Patriot

        You are just SO snarky, maybe Bill Maher will ask you to guest host if he goes on vacation… /SMH

      • JoeMyGodNYC

        You have my permission to put in a plug for me.

      • McAllister Bryant

        It explains the drones.

    • BC

      Grammy’s, what grammy’s…. Never saw them - the bar has been lowered so much. I don’t waste money on 600 channels of sheer “wasteful” behavior.

      • Rrgranny

        I hear ya,, I watched a movie.. I never wast my time on any of those type shows…

      • McAllister Bryant

        So, of course without knowledge of the event you feel you can chime in on the faux outrage.

  • Bunnie

    To each his own I guess. So the artists are not allowed to express their feelings, talents etc? Now don’t get me wrong, I am religious, but I don’t judge people. I am open to all and any music, If I don’t like it, I turn it down, off or don’t watch. Whose to say that sexuality is wrong? Is it ok for singers to get on the stages and sing about God and religion? What about peoples opinions that God don’t excist? Should it be shoved down their throats? Or should they get up and walk out as well? As for some saying that it’s not proper for children to be watching… They learn more in school, see more and hear more in school from their friends. Every body has a right to watch what they want, hear what they want. So don’t just bring music into this either… btw I think what Queen latifa did was beautiful, I cried. So lets bring actors into this while you are all ranting.. Do you all think that it is all right for a tv show to have their actors sit and say jokes and mean things about “fat” people. Like the big bang for instance with the fat jokes, and some of the other shows with the fat jokes. How about all of you that put the show Mike & Molly down.. which btw is still going strong. Grow up, stop judging.. It’s people like you that are so judgemental that it is making the world a bad place to grow up in and making their children racists… teaching them how to make fun of people.

    • Heartland Patriot

      Wow, did you miss anything in there? Oh, wait, I didn’t see you call anyone a hom*ophobe…

      • Bunnie

        OH…. i’m sorry Heartland… Are you a hom*ophobe? Don’t you think that people that love each other no matter what sex they are belong together? Or do you have to be a man and a woman before you can love each other? Just asking!

      • Bunnie

        Oh btw… I didn’t call anybody a hom*ophobe because that would be racist!

      • Grand_Old_Partier

        Oh geez! You discredit you original comment with that comment. I recommend you look up the definition of hom*ophobia and racist.

        You’ll see an apple and an orange.

      • Kelley

        Please, PLEASE, get a dictionary and review the definition of racism. Racism and hom*ophobia are two separate things. And as soon as you defend over-sexualized performances as “expressing feelings” but then tear down a writer or a group of Christians for doing the same, your argument becomes invalid.

      • Rena

        You are kidding right? hom*ophobia is not about race it gender and the supposed fear of those who are in same sex relationships… get it right… secondly sweetheart, you mention that “you are religious” so what religion do you practice, if its based on Christianity then you would not accept those things you just said was ok not to judge against. We have to judge those things and have no part of them but you misunderstand what that means, it means that it is not our place to condemn them but only to judge what they do as the sin is wrong and have no part of that…. you have a lot to learn …

      • Bunnie

        I am sorry Rena that you feel that way. I didn’t say it was a race.. but it is still considered racism in my book for the mean things that people call people that are in a same sex relationship. They have feelings as well, They are people with hearts the same as you and me. I have a lot of friends that are gay and I get really defensive when somebody is name calling or bad mouthing or making fun of them. I think if you make fun of anybody it is racism. Same as if people make fun of fat people or skinny people. You are judging them and not accepting them for who they are. I call that racism making fun of people. And Rena you are wrong. It is NOT our job to judge anybody for what they say, what they do, what they believe in or how they express ourselves. It is nobody’s job to judge anybody. The only person that should be judging people is God himself.. not even Jesus, He was God’s son that died for all our sins so that mankind could be forgiven for all their sins. And yes I am a Christen. I am a Catholic that believes in things that some Catholics don’t. But I was brought up a Catholic, not my choice, I actually believe that God is everywhere and that He is there for anybody that wants Him in their lives.I believe in a lot of things… there’s good and evil. I believe in the devil, God, Angels,Ghosts.. I believe in everything. Maybe i’m not a Christen just because I believe in free will and it’s not that I accept what some people do, I certainly don’t acccept somebody that commits murder, or people that choose to abuse children and animals, but It is not my place to judge them. Everybody has their own right to believe in what they want to. You have yours, I have mine. Ps… it’s not me that took God out of schools and governments… the world is falling apart, it is doomed and it is because of man kind, but not because somebody sings something that somebody don’t like, or dress the way some people think they should be dressing. There are much bigger issues out there than Beyonce and Katy Perry… Blessed be Rena, may you find inner peace and realize it is not for you to judge what people do, but to accept them for who they are as most people are not willing to change, you just have to be there for them and try to understand their point of view. Btw, I don’t agree with Miley Cyrus Video wrecking ball, but maybe she sings that song because somebody made her feel that way and she wanted to express herself the best way she new how.

      • Rena

        Dear Bunnie… its not racist to make fun of someone due to their sexual orientation. Its gender bias, not racism… please look up the term in the dictionary, you are really making a fool of yourself trying to say that “everything” fits under the banner of racism. Perhaps the word you are looking for is “DISCRIMINATION”.

        If you believe in the devil, God, Angels, etc then you also believe in the Bible which condemns those sins as same sex relationships. He still loves the person but hates the act just as he has commanded us to do the same. As the Bible says “you can’t serve two masters” meaning that you cant be a Christian and also accept the sins of the flesh. I’m not telling you to hate them or stop being friends with them but to love them but not their sin and not to accept their sin.

        And when did anyone say that you cant be a Christian if you have free will? That is what sets us apart from other species is that we have free will to make choices, we are not programmed to act a certain way such as animals have their instincts for survival, though we do have instincts we also can make a choice to not listen to it.

        And as I said I don’t judge the person I judge the act, just as you said, murder is wrong, it is a sin so is same sex relationships, there is no value in that relationship from our creator as he created us to fill the earth and protect it and its other inhabitants, if you don’t know this by now same sex relationships cannot naturally pro-create.

        And thank you for your wish for me to have inner peace.. I do have inner peace because my love and joy in a God who has given me everything I will ever need in this life. And even if he does not make a promise to an ever lasting life I would still die for Him as His love is shown to us daily by our very existence, just as I love my parents for bringing into this world.

        Lastly, you might need some history lessons as well, as the world is a mess because of immorality in the music we play and the movies we watch and the actions of people all around us, how do you think it got that way in the first place. Does Sodom and Gomorrah, the Roman Empire etc sound familiar to you? You constantly contradict yourself throughout your post, I pray for you as you don’t seem to understand what you feel or think you know. As for Miley Cyrus, she did it for the shock factor, to get notice and to make money. I really think you need to do a lot of researching and studying because you are all over the place on this.

        God Bless

    • TxTransplant

      Bunnie, that’s your problem… “you’re religious” so you wouldn’t understand why a Christian would walk out on a “show” like this.

    • Periwinkle

      Funny how you say “I don’t judge people”, then proceed to JUDGE Natalie Grant. Your type of person is contstantly JUDGING others. YOU are nothing but a slack jawed hypocrite. You call yourself “religious” which is exactly what is wrong with you. Being religious means nothing. This country tolerates all things vile and perverted and if anyone doesn’t “go along” with this filth is labeled as a prude. Thank Almighty God for “prudes” like Natalie Grant who still has the decency to walk out of a perverted sick disgusting “show”.

      • Bunnie

        That is your opinion Diana as it was Natalies right to get up and walk out… The point was everybody has their own opinion and everybody has a right to express how they feel, or what they want to say. You don’t like it.. don’t watch it… you don’t like listening to it… don’t listen. And no, I am not a hypocrite.. I believe in God among other things. But I also believe in other higher powers as well. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs… but I don’t have to prove myself to anybody.. You got your opinion… I got mine… OH ps.. there are worse things that “vile” and “perverted’ like the fighting going on in other countries and people dying for what they believe in.. The homeless, the many children that have no family or are starving to death, the violence, the abuse etc.. Just saying.. worse things than being perverted… Ooops that’s my opinion being judgemental again…

      • Periwinkle

        There is nothing worse than the rot and decay that is currently tolerated by the likes of “religious” persons like yourself. You judge people every day, so why lie about it? It’s not your “opinion”, when you accept garbage as entertainment.You are JUDGING. The reason this country is in the sewer is BECAUSE of “tolerant non judgmental” people like you.

    • Grand_Old_Partier

      Apparently, you take the “judge not lest ye be judged totally out of context.

      Check this scripture and get back to us when you understand it.

      • Bunnie

        Thank you for finding that link. Now I do know, that not only do I judge people because I do think my neighbor is the best neighbor ever and think he’s a great guy because he takes care of us old folks.. but it also showed me that everybody on here, and I mean everybody is judging something or somebody! Even you, you judged me for not understanding what judging meant! Have a blessed day, so mote it be times 3.

  • kaycee

    I think alot of those people have alot of talent, so like The voice, I can listen and do not have to see their underwear and hooker outfits to appreciate their music. Why not be proud of their artistic talent and save all the money you spend on sleezy outfits and give it to charity. Start with Miley and Beyonce.

    • Thomas Teeje Baird

      Some people like to dress like that while they sing because they feel good and they feel sexy wearing those types of outfits while singing. People pay money to listen to their music and they can spend that money however they want.

  • Observing and Learning…

    To act like a lady is considered news to many and offensive to others. This is how my Mother would have behaved and how my daughter would behave.

  • Jackie Hardin

    Very proud of her. I think Beyounce and Jay Z was a disgrace to the show. He didn’t think much of his wife showing all of us her mid section. That’s all she does is showing it in everything she does. Now for watching the State of the Union. Won’t be much difference. Obama shows his ass all the time.

  • karmoneki

    Here’s an idea…if you dont like it…if you don’t approve of it….then DON’T WATCH IT!! But what you Christians are doing, and ALWAYS DO, is JUDGE everyone and everything around you. If you don’t agree with abortion, then DON’T HAVE ONE. If you don’t agree with gay marriage, then DON’T DO IT. But who are you to tell ME what I should or shouldn’t listen to, watch or do?? If you don’t want your children listening to it, watching it, or doing it, THEN BE A PARENT. But you are not my ruler, my leader, or the judge of me. So you can keep your overhypersensitive morals to yourself and I will live my life as I see fit. You want to control everything, but you can’t. And the sooner you learn that, the better off this nation will be.

    • Grompus

      Yo dumbsh*t. She left. She didn’t like it, she didn’t approve SO SHE DIDN’T WATCH IT. You’ve gotta be like 14.

      • karmoneki

        I wasn’t talking to her. I was talking to all you crying about the moral decay that is the Grammy’s. I was telling YOU to not watch and stop judging!! She did the right thing by leaving. Apparently you all just read what you wanted to. Again, typical.

      • Grompus

        “you all just”

        Right, because one person represents everyone. That’s what’s wrong with your argument there bud 😀

    • me

      i do beleave this is just what she did left your comment is stupid

      • calvin

        learn to spell, me!

    • MrDrT

      Are there any limits on what you believe should be shown to children on prime time TV?

    • Guest

      Your statement is irrelevant because she did leave…hits the whole article.

    • Ron

      What if your Mother choose to have an abortion? Then we would not have to read your post.

      • karmoneki

        Awesome Christian values and morals, there. Bravo!!

    • OrionElectra

      No, Here’s a FACT! That “Don’t like it, don’t do it” simplistic platitude of you liberal religion bashers just doesn’t fly. We tell you that if you don’t like guns you can opt to not get a gun, and you don’t accept that. We tell you that if you don’t like seeing a Christian cross in a public building “just don’t look” and you don’t accept that. As with most liberal platitudes, the simple “solutions” are far too simple and ignore the obvious, such as “what do we do when we non-prurients, who INITIATED these events, see them sullied by your filth more and more until we run out of events we can go to?” How about “don’t like liberal behavior—ban liberals?”

      • Vlad99

        I opted not to get a gun doesn’t mean I can’t get shot by accident by some responsible gun owner. So your gun affects me. What’s on my TV affects only me. If you don’t like it your biz, keep your sermons for Sunday morning when I’m sleeping.

      • Mike Mike

        You’re not serious? You think that what is on your tv only affects you? Ever heard of ratings?

      • karmoneki

        No problem with guns. Try again. Prayer in schools is fine with me as long as ALL forms of prayer…including none, are allowed. Ban liberals? Good luck!! Another example of you censoring views and beliefs that aren’t the same as your own. Thanks for proving my point. I’ll mention again…51 likes, 13 dislikes. And this is on a page where your beliefs are at the forefront. Interesting, don’t you think??

    • KeepCalm

      Your statement is irrelevant because she did leave…hints the whole article.

    • BornFree

      Well Hellooooooo Fool. You talk your stupid crap as if it’s that easy. You can keep that whacker up your brown round but don’t you dare sit there and criticize that young lady for leaving that sham of a show with all it’s ultra sexuality and stupid marriages between queers and lesbos. If you don’t like whats written here…Don’t read it. As a matter of fact you need to go take your Exlax and dance in the rain. You’re sickening. You’re to suckie to ever use your own name. Are you ashamed?

      • karmoneki

        Not ashamed at all. My name is Kristen Stambaugh. I’m from York, Pennsylvania. Want my address so you can come get rid of another stinkin liberal??

    • Jackson5

      Actually you have it backwards. The God hating group has taken everything this nation was built upon and thrown it out the door. The same could be said if you didn’t want to pledge allegiance ,don’t do it, if you didn’t want to pray, don’t do it. It’s the God hating group that got their little feelings hurt and offended that turned this into a mess. The United States was discovered by God fearing ppl that didn’t want to be held in a dictatorship state. Now its turning into one!!

      • Squirrel

        I was forced to say the pledge allegiance in school..If you want to add prayer in school.. then lets pick a Muslim prayer.. and if your children don’t want to pray they don’t have to… You’d be okay with that? People have been claiming America has been turning into a dictatorship state since George Washington was elected president.. stop acting like it’s “turning into one”.. people have been claiming that since the beginning… The boy who cried wolf.

    • Holly

      The sooner people like you learn to have a little bit of respect for the views of other people, the better off this nation will be. YOU are not my ruler, my leader or the judge of us, although it sounds like you think you are. You are more than welcome to do whatever you want to do. This is still a semi-free country for now. But you do NOT have the right to rub your agenda or the filth you choose to participate in in our face. That being said, I sincerely hope you learn a few lessons in tact before you choose to reproduce.

      • karmoneki

        I never told you what you can or can’t or should or shouldn’t believe. No one’s rubbing anything in your face. Is there a gun to your head forcing you to watch? No. Are you tied up and being subjected to this moral decay?? No. Change the channel. It’s that simple. Respect for others that believe differently. Coexistence!! That’s what I believe in!!

    • Jose Escobar

      Here’s an idea, think before you write. No one is telling you to do anything, well except for…thinking.

    • PattheConserv

      Because it’s constantly being shoved in our face ! I wish we could all be separate from the moral decay you want to perpetuate! You are no more tolerant than we are ! Go ahead and be as depraved as you like I don’t have cable anyway and don’t want it! Hor ray for this Christian woman!

    • Gregg Grundon

      you seem to be judging quite a bit, yourself.

    • common sense

      Karmoneki, I think by leaving early, she was just following her own beliefs. She wasn’t trying to control YOU or anyone else. She didn’t try to stop the show, or make threats. She had, and has,every right to leave any program she wants, at anytime, for any reason. You just don’t like it because she has higher morals than you think she should. You are the judgemental one.

      • karmoneki

        You missed my point completely. I never said she shouldn’t have left. That was her choice…to NOT WATCH. Some people in here should follow her good example. I’m not judging ANYONE. I have NO problem with anything you choose to believe. That’s your choice. You are the ones that have issues with anyone who believes, acts, or looks differently than you. What if I told you I think the bible is a bunch of fairy tales once used to teach morals to children? Would you judge? Sure you would!! Why? It’s my opinion!! Is it hurting you?? Nope. I don’t judge anyone for what they believe in. I DO judge those who attempt to push their morals and opinions on me to try and force me to believe what they do. I have my own set of morals, thanks. And that includes treating people how I want to be treated, helping those in need, and being a good human being - coexisting with those people that I disagree with. Because I have NO RIGHT to tell anyone what to believe.

    • karmoneki

      46 likes to 13 dislikes. Take a lesson, neo-Christians!!

    • Rena

      And if you dont like Christmas, Christian music, crosses, churches, religious signs, dont look, dont watch, dont listen. Dont go to a play put on by the school because the majority of the children that attend those schools are Christian and want to participate in them. Stop taking away our rights to worship where we want to because you dont believe… YOU BE A PARENT and if you dont believe in these things teach your children to respect those who do and tell them that it doesnt make them weak not to participate in them. You are NOT my ruler, my judge nor are you my leader so STOP telling me I can’t pray anywhere I want to, if you dont like me praying, go somewhere else, or close your eyes and cover your ears. Dont force YOUR ideology ON ME, DONT force your immoral actions on my children and stay out of MY life. And the sooner YOU learn that the better we will be, as this nation was NOT on an immoral decline before you lefties decided to take God out of everything and replace Him with immorality…

  • Larry Kunas

    Good for her . It says a whole lot about her values and morals .

  • Christians Suck

    hahahahahahahaha I’m glad she left! Prudes get out! Our world no longer wants small minded people who gets mad over little things that they themselves can control (this example: change the channel). Don’t want your kids to watch? Fine, put on parental controls. All I heard when I read this comments is that people are so indoctrinated into their belief system that they cannot accept any change or anything new that the younger generation does. Did you ever think to try and understand where Beyonce was coming from with her performance? I guarantee not. Regardless if it was to be shocking or sexy or whatever, you didn’t even think about it. Instead, you come on here and complain about how our morals are gone. Man I can’t wait till my generation takes over. Gay Marriage, legal weed and acceptance of everyone is on it’s way old mad Christians. Get ready for it!

    • Jim Mathis

      thats why the world is in such bad shape because the young thought obama was the answer .well he was if you live on welfare or with your parents and like being without a job if you ever worked

      • Squirrel

        I’m tired of these lazy people that just want handouts.. blaming the president for not having a job… Take some personal responsibility for your life man.. the Government can’t live it for you.

    • Kevin

      First off why don’t you “gets” an education, secondly acceptance of everyone, you mean everyone but Christians right?

      • Christians Suck

        sorry, typo. And yes accepting of Christians who actually follow the teachings of Christ. Not the Christians we have in this country now, who pick and choose what they want to believe and spew hate messages to Gays and anyone who doesn’t believe in their “God”

      • Christians Suck

        The Christians that actually follow the teachings of Christ are awesome! I don’t agree with them, but they attempt to make the world better so I’m in no position to judge. Sadly, there’s just not many of them.

      • Ten man

        I am a Christian and follow the teachings of Christ . I don’t spew hate messages and know from the Bible that Jesus didn’t tolerate everything in his time on earth. If it violates God’s law as expressed In the ten commandments, Jesus was against it! To imply otherwise is disingenuous at best

    • Betty Byrd

      People like you scare me for the rest of your generation. God have mercy and allow a few moral, sane young people survive.

      • Christians Suck

        hahahaha good! be scared of people like me! People like me are the ones who are trying to teach the world not to praise an invisible God who punishes you for not doing exactly as he says (which I guarantee you don’t do), but to praise every human around us and work together for a common good.

      • RG

        If you see God as a God who punishes you for not doing exactly as He says, then you are ignorant. Well, I easily deduced that by simply reading your posts. And no, ignorant is not a bad word, it simply means you lack knowledge or information on any particular subject. So you’re an atheist. Yes. We get it. You don’t believe in God. I, however believe, you’re just angry at God, because you sure do a lot of “He’s not real/whatever else you want to say for the shock value of trying to get Christians mad at you and give you their attention”. If you want to stand in the goat line, far be it from us to get in your way. I wouldn’t want that for you, but, I can’t tell you any way that you’ll listen to wisdom and truth.

        The Bible says not to cast pearls before swine, and a dog always returns to it’s vomit. Do you know what that mans? Casting pearls before swine is giving the gospel to people who will disparage it, as you are doing. A dog returning to it’s vomit is a fool who returns to his folly. I truly hope you stop, just stop, and think for a minute. God loves you, and honestly, you don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve His love, either. Neither do any of the people reading this, but do you KNOW how much you are worth to God? He lay down His life for you, in a very public, very humiliating and very excruciating manner for you and I. And yes, Jesus is historically sound. You are loved more than you could comprehend, and that may be too much for you to grasp. Is He invisible? To us, yes, He is. But so is the wind.

        My prayers are for you. I don’t know what life has done to you, or what unsound advice you’ve been given as you grew up. But the good news is, you can decide for yourself, openly and honestly, which path you chose to take. God doesn’t promise us tomorrow, but He gave us today.

    • rory

      whats it like to have no beliefs,and go along with anything..i feel sorry for u and the future of us all.

      • Christians Suck

        hahaha no beliefs? I believe in people, not invisible beings. I believe that within each of us is the power to do amazing things for one another, without fear of punishment from an invisible douchebag.

      • RG

        Psalm 14:1

    • retired2me

      are you always this twisted and hateful; God forgive you for your ignorance!

      • Christians Suck

        No not always, just when people piss me off. Usually I’m delightful Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (6)

    • Gregg Grundon

      you need a lesson in manners, you act like this in front of your grandmother? Bet she’s really proud. I’m not impressed.

      • Gregg Grundon

        your world? where’d you get it? did you earn it. Daddy still paying your tuition? or do you live in your parents garage? What a punk way to act.

      • Christians Suck

        Ummm…yes my world? I live here don’t I? And my grandmother is the one who taught me to question everything and be good to people, not to an invisible being. lol I wish my daddy paid for my Master’s Degree! I’d have a lot more money right now. What’s your level of education again? Bible School?

      • Gregg Grundon

        you are a sad little man, mr, Christians suck with no shred of respect or decency, was your granny on the show? , . No, I have seven years of higher education, and a lifetime of showing common courtesy and respect to others, i guess I was just raised better. you sir are trash., the world doesn’t belong to you

    • BC

      All of the choices we make have consequences, good or bad. I pray you come to grips with that - before it is too late.

    • red18

      The only thing Beyonce knows how to do is flip her hair extensions over and back and wiggle her butt. She can’t sing and basically has no talent. I will be happy to change the channel for this type of programming as long as people like you stop complaining about shows like Duck Dynasty.

      • Christians Suck

        I do not know what Duck Dynasty is. So there’s that. And what’s wrong with her flipping her hair extensions and wiggling her butt? I found it pretty damn entertaining. I guess I should watch Sunday morning Televangelists to find some real entertainment huh? Those shows always look like a blast!

      • red18

        Your comment says it all. You must live under rock if you are entertained by people with no talent because they look good. I’m sure your a big fan of Miley Cyrus too? Really you need to get out more. And you might actually learn something if you paid attention to some of those Televangelists. They are not all the same. Some of them might educate you.

    • Guest

      It was on primetime stupid…

    • Penny Elaine Fink

      Punk ass little entitlement wanna be dont know the consequences of you actions today will jeopardize your future… Hope you enjoy it!

    • Christians Suck

      This has been too fun! But, like all good things, it must now come to an end. I have appreciated all the hate messages I received from you good, fine Christian folk! You guys are absolute testament to your backwards, hate-filled religion. Hope you have fun in Hell! Take care!

    • Ten man

      I feel sorry for all Americans if you are “taking over”. You are foolish, historically ignorant, and destined to fail in management. Possibly you should study the sacrifices made by your countries founding fathers and progress toward understanding why past civilizations have failed? Keep in mind that those who don’t understand history are destined to repeat it.

    • s99036

      Acceptance of everything immoral, and total intolarance of all thing you disagree with. Nice double standard.

    • Guest

      Let me know how this works our for you Suck when your daughter is pinned against the wall with your generation banging her looking at you saying hey suck we learned it from your generation that took over. Its now legal thanks you your generation suck, who ya gonna call suck?

    • Dennis Morgan

      Let me know how this works our for you Suck when your daughter is pinned against the wall crying out “daddy help me” but nothing you can do because your generation is in control now, smoke a little weed, the inappropriateness was taught by you and your generation, the tears rolling from your daughters eyes, looking at you saying… why daddy, why did you have to do it this way, why did you need to be accepted so bad that you caused the pain daddy that every young woman has to suffer because of your selfishness. And Suck you won’t be able to stop it, cause you created it,, who you gonna call suck, who you gonna call?

  • Larry Foster

    What they call music today is not even close. People that have no voice at all just talking fast with bad language. I am proud of this young lady for showing everyone what it is to be a singer and performer. Most are just uneducated morons that know nothing. Want-a-be singers with no tallent.

    • karmoneki

      Nice stereotyping. Typical.

    • Vlad99

      This young lady probably needs you to buy her album gospel must not sell that much. Name is Nathalie Grant as I’m sure you knew before her grandstanding.

  • Public Patriot


  • MrDrT

    Race Card Loading. . . . . . . . Please Wait

  • BusyB

    Good for you Mrs. Grant. Entertainment has surely fallen to the wayside. Performances don’t have to be raunchy. Entertainment can still be done in good taste. The Grammy’s were for all music genres but chose to put on a truly offensive show. This mess is done strictly for ratings. More need to take the same stand.

    • Vlad99

      I’m sure the Grammy’s did fine withoug Mrs Grant.

      • BusyB

        She chose to support and left when she saw things she didn’t like. How would it sound if she weren’t Christian and still made the same choice? Would you still make the same comments? B/c I doubt Christians were the only ones that disliked what they saw and that she wasn’t the only one that left.

  • Tori

    Sexuality isn’t something to be embarrassed about or keep hidden. It’s fine to be proud of your body and display it. Girls are taught to be embarrassed about their bodies too much and be ashamed and it’s awful. It’s also fine to want to show your pride in your body by staying modest. Neither is wrong, and until people realize that everyone is going to judge everyone else for not conforming to their “norms”. I say live and let live. Let God judge people, not you. Try not to break your glass walls with those stones you have.

    • matt d.

      Katie Perry performance is what offended those of us with families wanting to watch. When you have a daughter your understand better why that performance was a slap in the face to family value’s.

      • Tori

        I was the daughter you’re trying to “protect” not too many years ago. I think my opinion is just as valid.

    • wagthedog44

      Sexuality, hmmmmm, that really is a key ingredient for music. I guess if you can’t sing or dance, throw some clothes off and make some lewd gesture. Oh yeah don’t forget, your helping shape the values of kids around the world watching the show, so dig in and forget about talent. I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s so easy to do what most entertainers do anymore, but it takes a lot of courage and faith to do what Mrs Grant did.

      • Tori

        sexuality is a key ingredient to life unless you’re asexual, lol. Mrs. Grant is free to do whatever she wishes just like Beyonce is. Personally I think she walked out on a good show.

      • Elizabethanastasia

        Tori, not on national tv at 8pm when children are up watching tv. Beyonce can do whatever sexual thing she wants in the privacy of her own bedroom not on tv, a grammy show is for awards for your musical accomplishments not on how well you can twerk and gyrate.

    • meyo

      Tori , you are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you

      • Tori

        No just a small town female living in a racist hom*ophobic sexist world struggling to get by Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (7)

    • Michael Murphy

      I couldn’t agree more, Tori.

    • Penny Elaine Fink

      And we will see just how much your children learn and see when sex is on live tv. Where will your stones be thrown!! Ignorant!

      • Tori

        I suppose I’ll have to do the responsible thing and educate them myself instead of letting the school system or a sunday school class on how precious their bodies are and that they are things to be treasured.

    • BC

      Sexuality is God’s gift to married couples. A very beautiful, intimate, private thing!!!

      • Tori

        Sexuality is a gift for everyone regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or marital status.

    • Steven

      So you are good with some guy flashing you at the bus station?

      • Tori

        No that’s sexual assault and completely different? I think that would be obvious? The fact that you can’t tell the difference is troubling.

      • Steven

        He never assaulted anyone. He just showed “his beautiful body”. The fact that you don’t see that what he did and what jumps out at all of us in public places, such as recent window displays, isn’t the same is also troubling.

    • jk

      You’re right that sexuality is nothing to be embarrassed about but, a husband and wife’s sexuality should be private not on display for millions. That’s why there are wrappers on the covers of p*rn at the check outs.

      • Tori

        I’m not sure we were watching the same performance, because as I recall all clothes stayed on and they did not have sex on stage..

  • Linda

    The State of the Union will cheer you up Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (8)

    • Betty Byrd

      I’m sure!!!!!! You can watch for the rest of us.

  • CanadaGoose1

    How ab out Taylor Swift acting like she was in sexual intercourse. I guess she decided she had to outdo Miley Cyrus.

    • Nickie Balfanz Techmanski

      Are you freaking serious? I’m not a fan of her singing, however she tends to be one classy young lady!!! I’m not sure what you were watching to think she even came close to Miley’s antics but it surely wasn’t her performance at the grammys. Yeah she had a couple looks but to equate that to Miley is silly.

  • Public Patriot

    I will forgo the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest ‘I am flagrantly more disrespectful of your disrespectful stance’. There is nothing to be gained except further disgust at the scurrilous behavior designed as you said Allen, in the spirit of one upsmanship.

  • Team Majesty

    After reading some of these comments I realize you people are part of the problem. One person claimed to be “religious” then went on to prove that they have no christian values. How can anyone condone sexuality on national TV that is not only filthy but also feeds into the perversion that has consumed our teenagers. Would you want your child on national tv behaving like a skan*. Let’s put Christian values aside for arguments sake and consider where your moral values stand. This is not about judging anyone. It’s about instilling morals , values, and decency in our youth. How can decent parents do this when everywhere they turn they are faced with this kind of nonsense. Also just because my kids “see worse at school” doesn’t make it right that my kids don’t have the same rights to turn on the TV and not have to subjected to some skan* or perv who is making a fool of themselves while degrading themselves all to prove that they have rights too.
    Now back to the Christian stance. The bible said that this day would come when bad will seem good and good will be demonized as bad. So save your claim to “rights” speech and start caring more about our children and the affects all this sexuality has on them.

    • Guest

      Thank you!!

  • Ken Carter

    The music that won at the Grammy awards show, as well as the performances, was nothing more than garbage, in my opinion. If you want to see real music that will touch your very soul, watch this — André Rieu performing the “Emperor Waltz” live at the Schönbrunn Palace in VIenna —

  • Sean Hurley

    Or maybe the religious of the world could stop vilifying sexuality. It’s stupid to get offended by things that shouldn’t be offensive in the first place.
    Or is that asking too much? It is, isn’t it? /facepalm

    • Janson Smithers

      We don’t think sex isn’t bad or dirty, it’s how it’s presented in society that’s dirty. That is a crucial distinction that too many people refuse to make and as such, are mischaracterizing religious people. And that, my friend, is bigoted.

      • Sean Hurley

        No, sorry. That’s just an excuse. It’s the same thing as saying, “love the sinner, hate the sin.” It’s poetic nonsense.
        The truth is the fact that it’s presented at all is what offends. Which is dumb. We’ve heard the exact same nonsense from so many generations too - when Elvis shook his hips, it was “highly sexual and offensive.”
        Nothing changes, it seems.

      • Tori

        completely agree, but to take it a step further it’s usually only when women put their sexuality on display that it’s a problem. Jay Z was on that stage with her too, but all people really care about is Beyonce not being a “lady”

      • Elizabethanastasia

        Sean, you are just plain ignorant.

      • Sean Hurley

        I don’t think you understand what that word means.

      • Elizabethanastasia

        jk, Surely you don’t think I care what a liberal progressive pig thinks?

    • Elizabethanastasia

      Sean, is it too much to ask to keep sex off a grammy show that is supposed to be representing awards in music and not sex, they should have been on the p*rn channel not a grammy show. It has nothing to do with religion it has to do with common decency, of which I am guessing you don’t know to much about. Oh and yes what I saw was most offensive.

      • Sean Hurley

        I’m sorry, but where was all this “sex” you keep complaining about?
        I didn’t watch the Grammys, personally, but I watched this performance before I commented here, and other than exposed legs (big deal) and shaking hips (dancing, whether you like it or not), I didn’t see any sex.

        Now, don’t get me wrong. I laughed at how ridiculous their performance was. But there was nothing offensive about it.

      • Elizabethanastasia

        jk, any woman who has to spread her legs on tv and do what beyonce did with her husband was something for their bedroom not national tv at 8pm, I did not watch the entire show in fact not much of it but I saw the beginning and the almost end where they were performing the ungodly, unbiblical marriage ceremony. Maybe it wasn’t offensive to you but it what I watched was very offensive.

  • Kathy Garcia

    don’t understand these young girls having no respect for their bodies, we don’t need to see everything…………….JUST SING AND BE A LADY

    • Tori

      I think it takes a lot of confidence and respect for yourself to stand up unapologetically to the world and say this is who I am this is what I’m about, and regardless of what you all think I know I’m happy with myself and my life right now. It made me proud to be a woman to know that no one had any right or claims to my body but me. Not the media, not my girlfriend or boyfriend, not society, just me. Very empowering.

      • Ben Childs

        If what it takes for you to feel empowered is to show you business to the world and speak like a drunken sailor then I feel sorry for your future. Being happy with oneself does not have to include indecent exposure and gutter speak, it comes from the peace within knowing you possess the internal fortitude to rise up to challenges life throws at you. I am sorry to say your definition of personal empowerment is to hide behind a fascade of projected shock and awe.

      • Tori

        It’s not shock in awe, it should never be shock and awe. It’s just knowing who you are and loving every part of it. Very few women, girls, people in general can do that.

      • Mike Mike

        Any woman can act like a ho. It’s nothing to be proud of. It takes a lot more to exhibit grace, and lead others with values rather than to follow the crowd. If you want to ‘love every part of who you are’ maybe you should do that in privacy of your bedroom.

  • Jason

    I would have walked out too as soon as they failed to mention Jeff Hanneman and Clive Burr in the memorium montage!! GRAMMYS ARE AS MUCH GARBAGE AS THE ROCK N ROLL HALL OF FAME!!!!!

  • Hugh Janus

    Glad she left, it looked like a fantastic time without her.

    And gospel music literally sucks and only appeals to middle age baptist women,

    • red18

      wow you are really showing just how ignorant and how much of an idiot you are.

    • Nickie Balfanz Techmanski

      Wow you are a real piece of work Hugh Janus ~ NOT!

    • Sandra Hopkins

      You are one sick bird!

    • Bob Salot

      Hugh, your an ignorant dick!! It’s your tiny little mind and it’s depraved thinking, that reflexes what they do at the Grammies!

    • Bett

      That is a ridiculous comment. Just hush.

    • Elizabethanastasia

      Hugh, Drop dead from a middle aged Christian woman.

  • Pastor Rodg

    If I go to a movie it has a rating that allows me to determine if the “CONTENT” in the movie is something I want to see or hear. I do not think it is censoring the artist to ask that they perform only material that is G or PG rated if it is going to be shown on public TV at a time when children are present. Much of their material has an “edited version” that allows it to be played on public radio. I support Natalie expressing her right that if somebody hi-jacks the show she rightly assumed was going to be G or PG rated, with profanity or obscenity, she should walk out. I would have. I’m not telling anybody not to use that kind of language, what I AM telling them is, I’m NOT going to listen to it. It is not a protest, it is my expressing my beliefs and value systems. If the rest of the world doesn’t like or appreciate the expression of my opinion or values, my advice is simple, put a helmet on, it’s MY country too!

  • antilib

    Natalie Grant gained a new fan. I’m going out Saturday and find her CD. Must support the decent folks. Too few of them anymore.

    • Ann

      I’m with you, That took a lot of courage and guts to get up and leave, I’m so proud of them!

      • steve

        It didn’t take courage or guts to get up and leave. Courage and guts are going out on a battlefield and fighting…….getting up out of your seat and walking out is nothing more than putting on a show.

      • Guest

        Especially since no one there new who she was.

      • Ronald Reiman

        Especially as you don’t know the difference between new and knew.

  • EastCoastMike

    Sounds kind of phony….I think she showed up just so she could be noticed walking out.
    You don’t visit a sewer and then complain because it smells bad.

  • Lee Bray

    All I scan say is I did not waste my time watching that stuff and I appreciate what it took for her (MRS GRANT) to get up and leave. They used to talk about trash talk now it is just plain TRASH. They can keep their foul mouths and skimpy outfits and all of that. Sorry I know I am old but BS is BS.

  • Gregg Grundon

    I don’t see how being rude to someone who doesn’t agree with you helps. That lady was there to participate, she earned her place there. You people who are putting her down, you were home watching on tv? Bad language, and lewd exhibition is not art, it;s cheap, if you can’t sing, take off your clothes, if you can sing, then sing. otherwise. get a room,

  • Just Me….

    Let me ask a simple question…. Just what would be so bad if the world practiced the standards that the Bible speaks of? Ok, you don’t want to beleive in God, just practice what the Bible says.

    • Anon

      You’re right.. let’s all go kill witches and stone our unruly children!

      • buckofama2010

        you OBVIOUSLY have never read the Bible and understood it or you would not have made this stupid post. Particularly, you do not understand the progression of Israel and God’s relation with them. You need to understand that many of those laws you refer to were intended for when God had them ruled by judges. They kept complaining and demanded a king and therefore those laws were now a matter for the king to decide. You may actually learn something if you actually obtained a bible

      • Anon

        I’ve read the bible from cover to cover. Some light reading for you though.
        Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 18
        Exodus chapter 22 verse 18.

        I can’t think of any point in time where either “law” would be moral. If you are able to justify murder then I think you should seek help before you end up killing someone.

      • RG

        Ah yes, atheists running to the old testament to try to disparage Christians. Now, go study those two pieces of scripture, find out WHY they were used and then try to piece together what they mean for today.

      • Ryan Griffin

        You “might’ve” read the Bible but you clearly didn’t understand it. Or else you would understand the difference between biblical cultural law, religious law and moral law. But since your comment involves applying biblical cultural law outside the culture, you clearly didn’t understand it.

      • Anon

        Are you telling me it was okay for them to stone their children? I think I’ll check out of this conversation, good day.

      • guest

        Please remove your head from your rectum, never mind you can’t you’re a liberal…

      • Rebecca Langsdorf

        I can believe you want to post that anonymously! First, Christianity is run by people. People make mistakes, sometimes bad ones. Witch killing was definitely one of those. This thing about Christianity though, is that we always have our Lord Jesus Christ to set us straight. Remember, he is the one who said to those who would have stoned the prostitiute, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” In fact, stoning has NEVER been part of Christian society for any offense. You confuse us with Muslim Shari-ah law, which does mandate stoning for certain offenses.
        President Obama has a very pro-Muslim agenda. There may be a day you live to see that you will wish for the gentle Christians who would merely leave an event which we found offensive.

  • Mike Mike

    hom*osexuality accounts for a little over 3.8 percent of the entire US population according to the LGBT demographics, as reported* (see source link below). To watch anything media related, one would think the numbers were much higher, mainly because the media has the voice. One can barely turn on a sit-com, or watch a movie without the gratuitous gay scene. No matter, I am no hom*ophobe. However, I believe that the nation’s Christian population far outweighs the number of Atheists and ‘others’, but their voice has not been heard loud and clear. Ms. Grant simply showed us the proper thing to do when you disagree with the program. Walk out. Turn the channel. Do something better with your life.

    • That Gay Family Member

      wow…just wow….I didn’t think it was possible to be that ignorant, but I stand corrected. *applauds* If you have to say you aren’t hom*ophobic or racist or anything chances are you need to reevaluate yourself.

      • Mike Mike

        Did that make you feel more intelligent?

      • Jay

        did you really use Wikipedia as a source?

      • Mike Mike

        Only when simplifying things for simple people. I’m so happy you were able to identify.

      • Steven Weaver

        Exactly, their true bigotry is exposed in a heartbeat.

      • Mike Mike

        Here’s a startling fact for you…
        “Atheists comprised an estimated 2.01%, and non-religious a further 9.66% of the world population…”
        Atheists are most certainly a minority in the world’s population. Here in the USA a mere 16 percent do not claim a religion, however, out of that percentage, a percentage chose not to answer.

      • Lisa Futvoye-Shepherd

        Just because atheists are the minority…doesn’t make us wrong.

      • Ken Swickard

        Liberal don’t have feelings, Mike. They just like to throw the hom*ophobic and racist words around because they do not have the intelligence to carry on a normal conversation.

      • pacman116

        LOL! Seriously with the “hom*ophobe”?? All you sad, immoral people with your made up words to try and vilify those that don’t agree with your lifestyle. I’ve never met anyone “afraid” of a hom*o and quite certain I never will. God have mercy on your soul. You will be in my prayers.

      • JoeMyGodNYC

        All words are “made up.”

      • buckofama2010

        and you sound like a heterophobic Christophobic BIGOT.

      • ronp12

        applauds? wow. just wow.

      • Mike Mike

        When an animal feels threatened, they puff themselves to appear larger than they really are. It’s defensive aggression. When you hair stands on ends during a threatening situation, it is the same response. Your aggressive name calling and vile spewing has no effect with me. In the larger picture you are still very small.

    • JoeMyGodNYC

      But it’s apparent from all these crybabies that lumbering their corpulent ass off the couch or stretching a flabby Walmart arm for the remote is just TOO MUCH effort.

  • BadParentingMoments

    Sure…definitely not a staged event. If I was trying to promote a cause, it would seem to me that a person invited to honor Gospel Music would stay as a symbol of grace instead of showing disdain and walking out. Why not be a gracious attendee, applaud your fellow musicians, shake hands and maintain your own sense of dignity? There is no need to make an example of anyone and there is certainly no need to “promote” Christianity by leaving in a huff because someone showed their mid-section or used a swear word.

    • Vlad99

      Conservatives want to redefine art in their own immage.

      • Steve

        That’s going to be some ugly art

      • Ken Swickard

        History has defined art, liberals have destroyed it. The Grammys are supposed to be directed at the arts, not the liberal thought of morality in hell. Sorry Vlad99, the liberal strangle hold on America is coming to a climate and will slowly fade away.

      • billy

        LOL……what cave do you live in……….your holier than thou strangle hold is what is coming to a climax, you’re a dying breed

      • Mike Mike

        In fact Atheists or ‘non believers’ make up less than 16 percent of the US population, barely over 2 percent worldwide.

      • fat cop

        conservatives don t redefine sin,,they acknolwledge it for what it is,,i would have walked out too !!

      • buckofama2010

        There was NO ART in that, just jungle animal-like amoral grinding. Art…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      • Vlad99

        Worth 850 million together, if it’s not art it’s definitely capitalism.

      • BusyB

        How is anything they did considered as art? It was all for ratings. A lot of parents disapproved of it.

      • kcard82

        What’s an “immage?”

      • Vlad99

        Is that the essence of your argument one extra m? Your too stupid for an answer.

    • BusyB

      How would you know what a Christian should do? She stayed until things got uncomfortable. So who are you to say she didn’t applaud and interact with others? When something doesn’t’ sit well with the holy spirit you are to obey and leave what ever it is alone. Their was some serious demonic stuff taking place like Katy Perry’s witch craft performance. Had she stayed and said the same thing you would have responded by “well why didn’t’ you just leave.” If you went somewhere that made you feel uncomfortable I doubt you’d stay.

      • BadParentingMoments

        You make a fair point. I don’t know what ALL Christians “should do”. I just know what I would do, but, I also know that the music industry has been rife with overt sexuality for years and, if it bothered me so deeply, I probably wouldn’t have entered the Lion’s Den. Jesus washed prostitutes’ feet. I think we could all learn a little tolerance from him.

      • buckofama2010

        UM, check your BIBLE, if you have one. A prostitute washed jesus’ feet not the other way around as you said

      • BadParentingMoments

        You are correct. Mary Magdalene washed his feet. I apologize for my inadvertent mix-up, but, my point remains the same. He was a friend of the persecuted. And, I still think that my point of tolerance stands. I’d hate to see us use Jesus as a bat we beat each other with. I don’t think he’d like that. Good evening to you.

      • guest

        And you think Jesus would have approved of the behavior that the rich actors, actresses, singers, rappers, etc. have???

      • BadParentingMoments

        I would never presume to know what he would think. That’s way above my pay grade but, I do know he would forgive them and not spend so much time casting stones.

      • Guest

        Funny that you equate Jesus not casting stones, but you have been casting stones all night, nuff said!!! Besides the poster above cast no stones, merely asked if is this appropriate behavior??? But I don’t think this person was talking about the Grammys but a deeper question about their life style in general…

      • blockthiscnn

        He also told the adulterous woman that he didn’t condemn her, but she was also to “go and sin no more”.

      • BusyB

        I agree that the music industry has been deeply involved in sexuality for years and that has a lot to do with improving ratings b/c as we all know sex sells. She did however show tolerance by staying until she couldn’t tolerate anymore.

    • buckofama2010

      maybe because there was no musical talent or art in those performances???

    • Carol

      It wasn’t even remotely just a swear word or midsection. Did you even watch? nor did she leave in a huff.

    • Rebecca Langsdorf

      BadParentingMoments, have you ever heard the phrase, “All it takes for evil to succeed, is for good people to say nothing.”
      There are two points I’d like to inquire about in your response.
      First, This is to everyone who is finding fault with Ms. Grant. She didn’t take anyone to task for what they did on stage, she simply left. Maybe she had a stomach ache. I don’t know that she was casting judgment at all and I think all of us, including myself, could be making an error about the reason she left. Did she make a statement anywhere, not that I know of.
      So between you and Ms. Grant, the person we can be absolutely sure is making negative judgments of another person is you.
      Second, If you didn’t like a show, you would have the right to leave. Are we Christians not allowed to have dislikes and to quietly act on them, in this case by leaving, when a show is offensive to us? If she did leave because she found the show offensive, she behaved with class and decorum. She ruined no one else’s good time.
      By the way, do you applaud things that you believe to be morally bankrupting our nation’s youth? Politeness can go too far. See the quote above.

  • gatormaid

    Good for her. She has morals which is a rare quality in today’s world.

  • Vlad99

    Self-righteous Christians on their soapboxes. If you don’t like what’s on TV change the channel. And Ms Natalie Grant if you where going to make a show of walking out of the Grammy’s you would have been better served to stay home in the first place.

    • buckofama2010

      if you like watching fa*ggotfests go for it

    • Dwayne

      WE are not self-righteous we are just tired of people trying to cram this stuff down our throats everyone else gets to give their opinion but when we do it becomes wrong and I would like to know why.

      • guest

        Like I’m sick of hearing your opinions too….

      • buckofama2010

        so GFY

      • guesy

        Why don’t you pull your head out of your rectum???? Oh you can’t you’re a liberal…

    • BusyB

      It’s amazing how you and others are demonizing a woman that has clean values. She went there and left when she saw things she didn’t like. You act as though she left screaming with her hands in the air and shouting scriptures. If you like watching that kind of stuff then that’s your deal but don’t diss her b/c she chose a different route. Tolerant much?

    • ronp12

      Or turn you off. Click

    • Rebecca Langsdorf

      Exactly how could she have made a show of leaving if she’d stayed home in the first place? Besides, you saw all the media coverage she got. I’m surprised anyone noticed what a Christian music artist did. The performers obviously didn’t give a hoot about her or her values, or me and mine. And as you say, I did change the channel, actually I never turned on that rubbish anyway.

    • kcard82

      You didn’t read the article, I am assuming. She didn’t get on any soapboxes, nor did she draw attention to herself. Someone else observed her leaving and reported it. So she kind of did just was you suggested, instead of changing the channel, she left.

      • Vlad99

        She didn’t get on any soapboxes but you certainly are. Taking one person moral stand and make it political. Makes you look desperate.

  • slb

    She is a prude. Why are people in this country so opposed to sexuality. But, if it would have been someone taking a chainsaw to head, I’m sure it would have been acceptable. Puritans, ugh!

    • Rayne

      I’m not opposed to sexuality at all… In fact, when our youngest has become an adult and moved out, my husband and I fully intend to run around the house naked together, every chance we get, with the curtains CLOSED… What we do in the bedroom would likely make YOU look away… However, we do not have a need to ask others to watch us ‘express our sexuality’, nor do we have any desire to watch other people ‘express their sexuality’…My husband would laugh his ass off if he ever heard someone call us prudes… Hell, Dee Snyder wouldn’t even call US prudes…LOL

      • slb

        Just because you do want to look at it, does not mean you get to sensor it for the rest of us. Freedom of artistic expression. If you don’t like it, don’t watch. Pretty simple.

      • Rayne

        And that’s exactly what she did…And that’s what I do, too…No one mentioned censorship, but you… My response was to the person who was insulting people for following your suggestion… OH, That was YOU!

      • slb

        Well, I know you did not mention censorship, but many have . I just think if it’s not something you want to watch, then don’t.

    • Rebecca Langsdorf

      Chainsaws to head?!? I’m Christian and know many Christians. That would not be okay with us. Try the Muslim jihadists for that. As for sexually on TV and in entertainment that young children are likely to see, I think young kids should not have their innocence destroyed and their values tainted from early childhood for your titillation.

      • slb

        If you are suggesting that there is no violence in the Bible, then you clearly have not read it cover to cover. Yeah, people like to focus only on the few happy clappy verses and forget the rest. It’s full of bloodshed and violence. Inquisition? Ever heard of it? Christians have spilled plenty of blood throughout history. Abraham ordered by God to murder his own son, that’s not violent at all. What kind of petty God would ask anyone to do such a horrible thing. I wouldn’t ask that of anyone, so therefore I am more moral than God. It’s pathetic how you Christians defend a bronze age book, and you really have no idea what’s in it. But It’s all part of God’s perfect plan right. Sacrifice himself to himself to save us from the imperfect plan he came up with in the first place. Makes perfect sense.

      • RG

        Okay, a few points.

        1. God ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the alter. Why? Obedience. Was Isaac sacrificed? No. God intervened and blessed Abraham for his obedience. It also predestined when God’s Son was Sacrificed on the cross.

        2. Do you know WHY the Bible was so violent? Wars and the outstanding disobedience of God’s chosen people. Wars so His people would inherit the land from the godless, and as a lesson for them to learn that they had turned from Him. When they repented, He drew them near again.

        3. You are more moral than God? Ha! You! Fallible human! We do know what’s in the Bible, apparently YOU do not!

      • slb

        Oh, I am very aware of what is in the Bible, I used to be one of you, I have read and studied it quite well, which is exactly why I do not buy it anymore. 900 year old men and talking snakes. Yeah, okay. And just like you said, everything was predestined, so God knew exactly how it would all end. That is pretty sick if you ask me. Yes, he created the entire universe from nothing, but he needed the help of an old man to build the ark. Think about it. Come on.

      • RG

        You are the seed thrown on stony ground. And you know the goat line you’ll stand in will be long.

      • slb

        Yes, all thanks to your loving Jesus. He has nothing better to do than create and torture people. What a plan.

    • kcard82

      Calling someone a prude is actually a compliment. It means they know how to exercise the virtue of prudence, which means to exercise good judgement. People aren’t opposed to sexuality. And today’s perverted sense of sexuality isn’t bad because it shows too much, it actually shows too little. The person is reduced to a collection of body parts.

      • slb

        Who are you to say what constitutes a perverted sense of sexuality

  • jmw_123

    Good for her. I hope each year perhaps common sense will kick in, but I guess that’s too much to ask for.

  • OrionElectra

    Heh, oversexed liberals are going to introduce their libertine mentality into literally any event taking place. They’ll be so burned out after awhile on all things sex, that they’ll have to engage in some of the kinkiest of events to get a thrill. I predict these events will be something totally foreign to them, such as “working a real job” “paying taxes” and “developing a form of self-reliance.” Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (9)

    • karmoneki

      Hmm…I’m a liberal. I have a master’s degree. I work. I pay taxes. I also believe in being “my brother’s keeper”. And I’m not a Christian. You disagree with abortion and birth control, but once that kid is born, you get no help from me. You get no health care, no food, no shelter, and no help at all. You can’t afford day care on minimum wage? Too bad…you get nothing…guess you can’t go to work. You cant afford food for your kids?? Too bad, you shouldn’t have had them (but you’re not allowed to use birth control.) If you’re poor or unintelligent, you must live on the streets because we don’t want to help you. THESE are the new Christian morals. And it’s disgusting.

      • Brandigo

        How about keeping your legs together and trousers zipped. It’s proven birth control. You can’t screw around with everyone coming and going without consequences. How about teaching that in schools. Oh, right, we’re not allowed.

      • Rayne

        “You can’t screw around with everyone coming and going without consequences.”…Yes they can, that’s what abortion is for…That’s why they demand it…

      • MyPickedName

        Aspirin is the best birth control known…one held tightly between the knees.

      • karmoneki

        Yep, because Eve didn’t eat that apple, right?? The oldest lesson in the book. They do teach sex ed in schools. Maybe not in CHRISTIAN schools, because they just say don’t do it..we sure see how that works!!

      • ronp12

        Hmm. A one trick pony.

      • Matthew Bartley

        Wow! What a horribly inept, ignorant and deceitful posting!! The new Christian morals?! You have absolutely no clue. Christian-Conservatives are the MOST giving and charitable people. Not only of our money but also through serving. We just don’t want to send our money to the government which has shown itself grossly inept in managing people and programs. We prefer to do this in our communities and local organizations. Have you even looked at the “administrative costs” of government versus private charities. The government is criminal and any private organization that was as inept, fraudulent or corrupt as the government would not survive. As it is known, liberals are always charitable with other peoples money.

      • karmoneki

        So, you think if people weren’t FORCED to pay taxes…they would just donate that money to charities?? Ha!! It would just line their pockets. You and all your charities could take care of everyone that needs help?? You could house and feed and pay medical costs to those who can’t afford it? As it is known, conservatives are always stingy with their millions.

      • karmoneki

        Oh yeah, and - there are no charities that mismanage funds, right?? Administrative costs, you say?? How about million dollar salaries paid to CEOs of charities?? You couldn’t even pay a CEO salary with the number of donations you’d get.

      • Bean

        There are very very few people that don’t believe in using birth control and fewer yet who would want to take that option away from anyone. Its a non issue that Liberals love to put out there to make conservatives sound unreasonable. What is wrong with expecting people to have babies when they can afford them and are able to take all responsibility for the care and education of the children they choose to have? Liberals act like babies just show up on the door step and they need to have government programs at their fingertips to care for these non invited guests.

      • karmoneki

        Funny, there was a whole lot of backlash when *someone* wanted all insurances to cover birth control!!

      • Rebecca Langsdorf

        These are not the new Christian morals. Christians help all who need help and we’d rather support Mom and baby than have that baby murdered. It’s you who are Secular Humanists who want all the babies murdered so you don’t have to help them. You say you believe you are your brother’s keeper. I think not.

      • karmoneki

        How exactly do you support mom and baby by advocating cutting social programs and healthcare?!?!? I want babies murdered so I don’t have to help them?? Seriously?? This is your logic??? Sure, because you know me. No, but I DO believe that I have NO RIGHT to run anyone else’s life or tell them what to do with their own bodies. You’re not allowed to have sex (according to some of these comments) if you’re poor. Because that is a privilege reserved for those who can afford the consequences. Really??

      • blockthiscnn

        You know, what you described sounds an awful lot like life; it sucks if you make stupid choices…

      • Rayne

        Who said you’re not allowed to use birth control?…It hasn’t been banned…It has been available since the 60s…Go buy some, or pick some up at the free clinic…We have been drowning people in free birth control that they refuse to use…As for the rest of your rant, are you really saying that you have to have an abortion because strangers don’t want to feed the children that YOU create?… Are you aware that people are forced to feed the children you create when you refuse to?… Whether we want to take care of YOUR responsibility or not, we are still doing it… So why are people REALLY having abortions?

      • OrionElectra

        Half right. You’re a liberal. Your masters degree in some flaky liberal arts discipline impresses nobody. Your work, at best is probably a SERVICE rather than production which keeps you fairly insulated from economics. I gave no indication of my stance on birth control and are being a typical liberal and assuming. Probably assumed I’m a racist as well. As for help from you, I NEVER counted on it. In fact, I’m planning my retirement around having to support you/your kind and myself. Health care? Had it covered well before you schmucks elected this clown to dork it all up. Still have it covered through clever manipulation. If I couldn’t afford food for my kids, I wouldn’t have had them. You are typically misinformed on conservative stance on birth control.. I can only recommend you stop watching Jon Stewart. I agree, if you’re poor as a result of being unintelligent or unambitious, you ARE on your own down to raw survival. I will not, as you liberals demand, supply you with internet, phone, cable TV, a TV, rent in a nice place and intoxicants. As for being Christian, you liberals bellow our ears off about it being wrong to be Christian, and now you’re playing the “Whaa.. you’re not being Christian” card on us? GTFO liberal loser! Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (10)

    • Vlad99

      I’m sure Jay-Z who’s worth 500 million needs to develop a form of self-reliance. But you can keep confusing your prejudice for reality.

  • Ken Boontjer

    Good for them. We all need to learn from this. Staying would have supported the environment that is displayed. God bless them!!

    • EastCoastMike

      So would not showing up in the first place…..

      • Ken Swickard

        Get a grip ECM. She was representing Gospel music. She did not know in advance that this was going to be a liberal flash mob with absolutely no moral seeds.

      • ronp12

        ECM would belch for attention…

      • EastCoastMike

        Please….has she never watched an award show before? Was she really shocked or surprised by what she saw?
        Sorry, I’m not that gullible. She knew where she was going and what she was going to see. She grandstanded to bring attention to herself.

  • Terry Williams

    I for one am glad there are some women out there with dignity, morals and self-respect. A very classy woman and her husband made a choice, it was their choice and should not be chastised by ignorant people who have no morals or respect for others. Music whether it be Gospel is enjoyed my many, if Hugh Janus doesn’t like it, too bad, that’s his right, but others do, leave it alone, it’s not for you to decide!

  • Squirrel

    Women should dress modestly.. They need to wear burqas in public.. this is getting out of hand.

    • OrionElectra

      Only the fat liberal ones who have given birth to too many welfare babies. Those guts are unsightly!

    • EastCoastMike

      Give the Right enough power and burqas won’t be far away…..

      • buckofama2010

        funny, it’s your boy ovomit who is mooslime and is pushing for exactly what you say

      • EastCoastMike

        Radical is radical….pick your poison champ.

      • EastCoastMike

        Your political party must be so proud to have you as a member…..

      • ronp12

        The right is necessary to counter the left. Then there’s the Independents and the Libertarians - where the sane people are.

      • Brandigo

        Interesting that the right are the ones speaking out for women’s rights in Muslim nations but the liberals just can’t bring themselves to give a crap - at least not enough to condemn the way Muslim women are treated. You will never hear a liberal condemn Islam. Isn’t that interesting?

      • Dennis Morgan

        not until it starts effecting you then you’ll start calling them names cause you never have a defense subjective to argument other than calling names.

      • jbd1975

        No its the left that want Muslims as the leaders and their laws in the USA

      • Mike Mike

        I don’t know if you are following this post, but if you are you should watch the interview with one of the Jackson family members who said Michael was killed because he was going to turn Muslim; LaToya agreed. I found this video but it’s not the same one I was thinking of;

      • Mike Mike

        People think the Jacksons were/are Jehova’s. Not true anymore.

      • EastCoastMike

        No one’s talking about Muslims, professor. I’m talking about how the Right wants to return the country to the Puritan times….forced modesty…etc.

      • pumper

        The right would NEVER force women to wear burqas or any other style of clothing. You comment just serves to prove how ignorant people can be regarding our political parties. Being conservative goes hand in hand with allowing people to live their lives as they see fit, and not infringe on our amendments. Our current POTUS is intent on taking so many of our rights away.

      • karmoneki

        LMFAO!!!!!! Did you just say that with a straight face???

      • Mike Mike

        You need to find these things out for yourself. Obama just allowed turbans and beards in the USA military as part of their standard dress code.

      • pumper

        Yes, and you’re proving my point, thank you!

      • Dennis Morgan

        you are correct pumper. The left is who’s been agreeing to allow the POTUS to hire his buddies who are of Muslim heritage. And when the majority rules, burqas it will be and if you think saying woman should be respectful is bad coming from the right, wait until the left allows Sharia Law. You think what’s being said is so terrible to respect our women. Look out for their laws….

      • EastCoastMike

        Really? They want to control their uteruses (uteri?)….headgear can’t be far away.
        And please, name one single right our current president has taken from you…just one.

    • ronp12

      Fools should comment less… They need to wear muzzles in public…this is getting out of hand.

      • jbd1975

        comment was for EastCoastMike

      • karmoneki

        Censorship at it’s finest!! I bet you were in the front of the line screaming for Phil Robertson to be allowed back on his show. Fool is a subjective term, fool.

    • Clair

      Radical Idea, but just follow me on this. Let women decide what they want to wear?

    • Cheryl Webb Clair

      Hey Squirrel, you try walking around in the Texas summer sun in a burqa. See how you like it. Fool.

    • Mary Aldridge

      agreed Squirrel

  • Guest

    To all of the people saying “embrace your sexuality” how are you going to feel if your teenage daughter comes home pregnant one day? Are you going to be proud because she “embraced her sexuality”?

    • Conscience

      No, you step up to be a smart parent. Educate your daughter when she’s still young, give her access to birth control and contraceptives so when she’s ready to ’embrace her sexuality’ she won’t ruin her life.

      • Stephano Muzz Muzzatti

        So you would put a “rubber stamp” on your daughters immoral behaviour with equipment and a “how to” manual ?? no wonder the western world is closing in on the Roman Empire’s last days ….

      • steve

        LOL>…….are you serious. I’d much rather have my daughter (or son) well informed about the issue and how to protect themselves, when the time comes that they are sexually active. You’d rather live in a fantasy world where you think your child could or never would be sexually active. Get a clue, I don’t care if you keep them in church 24/7, when they’re ready, they will find away to have sex. You can’t stop that!

      • Guest

        IMO, being a smart parents is telling them about sex and making them prepared, I agree with that. BUT, telling them that these women (mostly young girls) bumping and grinding on stage wearing next to nothing is just them embracing their sexuality is wrong. Teach your kids that sexuality doesn’t mean looking like a stripper and gyrating on all the males. (or females) That’s not sexuality IMO, that’s famewhoring.

      • Deborah A.

        That reminds me of the true story of three young college students involved in a threesome and all was well until one of the guys fell in love with the girl. When she made it clear she wasn’t interested he was distraught and killed himself. We are not programmed to have casual sex, but sadly this has become a world where whales are more monogamous than people.

    • Mary Aldridge

      or beter yet what if she comes home with a sexually transmitted disease

  • Sandra Hopkins

    I don’t watch any so-called award shows. Why would I want to spend my time watching a bunch of drug addicts, man-whor*s, and whor*s? Their thought process never developed so they just blabber and drool.

  • soupson10

    She did what God would have her do. It was the right thing to do by the Bible.

  • rimkus01134

    You are so correct and yes, we haven’t seen the state of the union address yet ! I for one don’t plan to.. I will read the highlights in the paper tomorrow as this “President” gives me a migraine!

  • Doran

    I totally agree with her and would have walked out as well.I have walked out of classes, shows and movies. I am at the point that I have turned off my TV and I only watch Duck Dynasty.

    • Mary Aldridge

      I would have too,why does anyone need to see all that skin anyway,this is not what jesus would want,it shows disrespect to others and sets a bad example for our youth to follow,way to go Doran, I am with you and the old school….

    • karmoneki

      Of course you do.

  • Hargraves Ian


  • Vlad99

    Mrs Grant should have known beforehand that it wasn’t the Southern Baptist Lutheran Teabaggin awards.

    • OrionElectra

      Yeah, but how was she to know it was going to be the “Hip Hop Big Bootylicious Welfare Extravaganza?” That sort of thing wasn’t advertised.

      • karmoneki

        Has she ever SEEN the Grammy’s?? There should have been zero surprise. Look how many new fans she’s gained!! Look at all the people saying “I’m gonna run out and buy her album!!” It was free advertising!! A publicity stunt!! You’ve been HAD, sheeple!!

      • UrbanBreeze

        Welfare???? Mr. & Mrs. Carter are worth $600 million and growing!
        Welfare her ass, oops you cant cause your stupid little welfare chump change cant afford AN HOUR OF HER TIME.
        Ignorant prick, you should be the poster child for continuing education!

    • Amastris

      While complaining about a “Christian” whose up for a potential award as a Gospel singer, the Democrats, who enjoy only enjoy dividing & segregating people by race, color, creed, & religion, can not see the hypocrisy of their own anti-religious intolerance.

      Would a person know that not 1 but 2 female singers would act like strippers? When you’re up for an award in “PRIMEtime”, would you not want & expect to allow your children to watch the show to see mommy get an award?

      I didn’t even watch the Grammies. You know where I heard about strippers… I didn’t even know what females they were… being entertainment for the grammies??? From a member of the group Sublime with Rome!: “Grammys
      have officially lost their mind…starting the show with a strip act?
      Classy. My 5 yr old daughter really appreciated it…not!!! Luckily she
      wasn’t watching. Idiocy!” BTW- a NON-Conservative NON-Christian. So…. Some parents & folks have respect for themselves and their families. They don’t appreciate the kind of in-your-face sexual promiscuity that teach nothing about respect for women, respect for yourself, or your body. That doesn’t have ONE thing to do with being a Baptist Lutheran…. I suspect that just someone’s bigoted attitude towards Baptists…. PERIOD!

      • Amastris

        BTW- She went… Discovered it wasn’t something she wanted to see… then left. It’s as simple as that and her choice. Hypocritic anti-religious bigoted intolerance is telling someone up for an award not to go because they should have expect a primetime strip show and complaining when she used her feet to LEAVE, or in other words, “NOT GO”.

  • Bunnie

    A few more things to add… 1: I don’t care what people think of me, it’s their opinion, like me or don’t. 2: just because you go to church don’t make you a Christian either. 3: God gave people free will, to say and do as they want, so therefore God is the one with the final judgement on judgement day and I don’t think God would stopped Katy Perry or Beyonce from entering the pearly gates when even if you have murdered somebody and you are on your death bed and a Priest will even say God has forgiven you. OH… and y’all saying you don’t judge people… you are judging me and saying i’m judgemental! But thanks for the entertainment and all the jibber jabbering back and forth.. I think I will go watch reruns of Mork & Mindy and believe that there are people from outerspace out there living on our planets.. oh and that they are friendly! Oh wait.. Micheal J Fox from Back to the Future should be here any minute from one of his movies… after all today is one of the days he travels to in his movies… oh wait.. where’s the hover craft??? “You might think i’m crazy, but I’m friends with the monsters under my bed because they get along with the voices in my head”

    • John Wadzinski

      Bunnie forgot to mention she is a Blonde Bunnie…

      • Bunnie

        Actually I am a red head! Well used to be.. it is mostly grey now.

    • Cindy McNash

      ASK, and ye shall be forgivin”, You only get to our Father thru His Son, Jesus Christ, you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    • mplack

      Only Jesus can forgive sin.

    • buckofama2010

      A priest has ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY to forgive one’s sins. Read the Bible and see for yourself who can and it is no one on earth

      • Deborah A.

        In James 5: 16 we as Christians are told to “confess your sins one to another” and in the gospels we are told that whatever sins the apostles forgive will be forgiven and whatever sins they don’t forgive will not be. The original church established by Jesus Christ is the Holy Orthodox Church and it is the best kept secret in North America. Everything the is done or sang has its origins in scripture or the writings of the early Fathers of the Church.

  • Vlad99

    Your children are still up, mine where in bed.

    • Steve

      I bet you call yourself a “Christian” don’t you Elizabethanastasia

      • buckofama2010

        I don’t see where that was mentioned. But it is obvious you are a heterophobic Christophobic BIGOT

      • steve

        Didn’t say it was mentioned…….but this statement below
        tells me volumes about the poster

        “You know what why don’t you go screw yourselves you ungodly pigs.”

  • goldsage

    I agree. Paul Harvey saw it coming. It’s eerie how on par he was in 1965. The devil isn’t coming, he is here.

  • pierecache

    I used to think all that sex and filth was great……Then I had 2 daughters. Growing up gives you a great perspective on life!

  • Brandigo

    I would not have gone to the show to begin with. You know it’s going to be just one step above p*rn

  • John E. Nevola - The Last Jump

    Well said, Colonel. She has a right to express herself like anyone else and she chose to do it by walking out. She did not make a rude or obscene spectacle of herself in some bizarre act of self promotion. It was hardly reported and probably not even noticed by most but she did what she felt she needed to do.

    • Vlad99

      Of course not that’s why her walking out had to be reported.

  • Kathleen Hawkins

    Not all of us want the unmoral crap shoved down our throats. I would have walked too! Good for her she does not have to be grossed out by Katie Parry and her perverts. Some of us in todays society still have some class!!

    • karmoneki

      You do know that Katy Perry is the daughter of a preacher and very spiritual, herself…right?? Apparently not.

      • buckofama2010

        She WAS spiritual and a Christian singer when young. Now she connects with the satanic side of the spirit realm…try to keep up…she has been flirting with satan for years now

      • Aster Nova

        If God is all powerful why does Satan exist?

      • sanctified11

        Yes, Katy Perry’s parents are traveling preachers and she grew up in the church. She used to sing background for P.O.D. whom is a Christian rock band. She said in an interview that she wishes she could be a modern day Amy Grant. She released a gospel album when she was 15 and it didn’t go far. In that same interview she also said, “since my gospel career didn’t take off, I sold my soul to the devil.” Her first hit song, ” I kissed a girl ” blew up and based on the Grammy performance, it’s evident. The demons on stage, the Crystal ball, the broomstick stripper pole and the song was entitled “dark horse” signifying Satan. Don’t believe me, just YouTube the interview and you’ll here it straight from her. You say spiritual herself? Yes, for the devil and his minions!

  • Mark D

    and yet she banks off of the fact that she is physically attractive. she just draws the line in a different place.

    • PrussBlue

      One should consider not making assertions without facts. Where is your proof that “she banks off of the fact that she is physically attractive?” Is it just your opinion because you see her as “physically attractive?”

    • Ryan Griffin

      You clearly know nothing of Natalie Grant. Just another person typing in ignorance.

  • Lisa Williams

    I guess I am getting to be an old fart. I am embarrassed by some of what passes as entertainers these days. Not for my sake, I am the Mother of all Military sons, not much embarrasses me anymore, but for the entertainers sake. Mylie Cyrus immediately comes to mind…..Her pathetic performances of late……((shakes head)). I am pleased to see that at least one entertainer has enough class to walk out. Good for her. .

  • Jose Escobar

    Why can’t Natalie Grant have values and convictions she commits too? I think that says a lot more than the comments on here bashing her for her choice. Which is what you all are arguing about anyways, the choice to do whatever you want.

  • Jim Van Riper

    This is one reason I don’t watch the awards ceremonies for the Grammys, the Oscars or any other programs that are only a self grandstanding pat on the back these self-absorbed “stars”. I’d rather watch Sponge Bob Square Pants over these shows.

  • LoudGuitr

    You have a very thin skin.

  • Mark

    Cry me a river. Can you say, “judgmental?” Just because someone doesn’t fit your lifestyle doesn’t make them bad people.

  • Belle

    She didnt feel that way when she was seeing vince gill and he was still married.

    • Sha na na

      That was Amy Grant.

      • buckofama2010

        Don’t confuse a liberal with actual FACTS..they do not deal in facts

      • Lamont_Madison

        You are spot on!

      • Mark

        At least the liberal mentality extends beyond that of “Leave it to Beaver.”

    • Kildar

      That’s Amy Grant moron…

      • buckofama2010

        Just another Christophobe…all Christians look alike you know to these bigots

    • Vlad99

      Beyonce on the other hand was with her husband on stage. Traditional marriage like they like to say.

      • buckofama2010

        so behaving like wild jungle animals in front of the world is OK as long as it’s with your spouse????

      • UrbanBreeze

        There you go again buck with the jungle commentary …. you get an erection being a racist behind a screen dontcha?
        Gross man. really disgusting human being.

      • Ellep

        don’t forget the chair…

    • jenniev

      that was AMY grant.

    • Julie Hamrick Lively

      Check your facts. That was Amy grant.

    • Shari

      Natalie grant is not related to Amy Grant who is married to Vince Gill.

    • Deborah A.

      You have her confused with Amy Grant. Two different people, but the same sin nature.

  • Lamont_Madison

    Natalie Grant is way more sexy and attractive than the slu*ts like beyonce AND RHIANNA and miley and the rest of them!

    • Belle

      Why do you think they’re slu*ts? Why is being a slu*t bad? Guys sleep around all the time and no one says anything. Personally I think Miley is a very good feminist role model for older girls in their 20’s.

      • Lamont_Madison

        You have to ask??? They hardly wear anything and dress like whor*s. Your analysis of Miley makes me wonder how smart you aren’t - its not older women I worry about - ITS ALL TEEN AND PRE-TEEN GIRLS WHO THINK MILEY CYRUS IS COOL. GET A GRIP BELLE!

      • PaulaND

        Beyonce is married. How does that make her a slu*t?

      • Lamont_Madison

        What has marriage got to do with a woman WHO DRESSES LIKE A slu*t - OR MAYBE I SHOULD SAY PARADES AROUND ON STAGE WITH NOTHING ON?

      • PaulaND

        Here, a little definition for you. slu*t or slattern is a term applied to an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally pejorative and most often used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement, meaning “dirty or slovenly”. The term has historically been used to describe females in a derogatory manner.
        Pretty sure she wouldn’t be married if she was loose or promiscuous. Just because of the way a woman dresses does not make her a slu*t.

      • Lamont_Madison

        None of your apologies for beyonce change the fact that She PARADES AROUND DRESSED LIKE A slu*t!

      • Ellep

        A little modesty, reserved for her husband only, would have been in better taste…just sayin…

      • Belle

        My ivy league education would allude to higher level of intellectual aptitude than you, but I was trying to be polite and not point it out. Women should be allowed to dress however they want, no one is allowed to tell them how to act or dress.

      • Lamont_Madison

        An ivy league elitist educated idiot - WOW am I impressed!

      • Tori

        Not elitist at all, but you insinuated that I was incompetent so I corrected you. I worked hard for my scholarships to get through school. You also never told me why you think being a slu*t is bad, I think men and people are just afraid of powerful females.

      • Brenda Noonan

        It has nothing to do with powerful. More like classless and trashy!

      • Kat

        If you are trying to impress us with your so-called “Ivy League education”, you failed. People who inject impressions usually are trying to convince themselves they are educated rather than everyone else. I doubt seriously you even have a higher education degree.

      • Belle

        I like you, Kat, you’re smart!

      • Kildar

        Too bad the “ivy league” education didn’t teach you that Ivy League is a proper noun…

        If you wish to dress in whatever way you want I have no objections… Just be prepared to be judged by your appearance by all who see you… If you dress like a hooker you will be perceived and valued only in that way…

        And by the way, IF you have a job, let us know how it goes when you show up dressed like Julia Roberts at the beginning of Pretty Woman and say “You have no right to tell me how to dress”… I’m sure they will give you a generous severance package… 😉

      • Deborah A.

        I used to be a feminist until Jesus Christ became real to me and showed me how wrong it is to desire to reign over my husband and not to have children which are a blessing from the Lord. Miley and most of Hollywood is disgusting. The only thing to be gained from being like Miley is HIV and certain destruction from drugs.

      • Lamont_Madison

        Great comments - thanks - Miley is a disgrace and a horrible role model to young girls who think she is still Hanna Montana.

      • anon

        she was never hanna montana, that was a character she played on tv as an actress. why is that hard for people to understand?

      • Lamont_Madison


      • Aster Nova

        Then why are you on here? Women are not suppose to teach the gospel. Read your bible!

      • Ross Recycle

        older girls in their 20s???????? since when are girls in their 20s older girls? They are hopefully young ladies and Mily Cyrus is hardly a role model.

      • Belle

        The ones who decide to live their life and not get knocked up and tied down to one place and crave adventure, those women who are always girls at heart. Sorry should have been more specific.

      • Kat

        Why is being a slu*t bad? Did you really just ask that?!* I’ll bet you wear sweatpants with the word ‘easy’ written on your a$$.

      • Belle

        Yeah I did ask that, because I don’t think being a slu*t is bad. So what? So someone has a lot of sex? More power to them. How does that negatively impact anyone else life?

      • RG

        STDs, Low self esteem, broken relationships, unwed mothers, to name a few of the negative impacts.

      • Aster Nova

        When done responsibly there is not a damn thing wrong with it.

      • RG

        There’s nothing responsible about it. It’s careless, it destroys and it’s immoral. Morality is seriously lacking in this country due to opinions like yours. Call me a prude all you like, it’s a compliment.

      • Belle

        It down’t impact anyone else’s life. But it sure as hell doesn’t make their life a paragon of virtue does it? So let’s not glorify it either !

      • mccartherable .

        belle, SOME guys may sleep around but some of us don’t. YES, I do and am saying something about it. It’s WRONG. If you think Miley is a “good feminist role model” than you are messed up in the head. Good night! Do you REALLY believe what you just wrote or are you THAT stupid?

      • Belle

        I didn’t write anything in defense of them as role models. One comment attributed to me was not mine AT ALL. Some screw-up (perhaps another person named Belle. (I couldn”t delete it.)

    • digger

      Amy Grant

      • Angela McClure

        It was Natalie Grant who walked out, no relation to Amy Grant.

    • Jose Escobar

      Lol. Definitely not.

      • Lamont_Madison

        Depends on your values - Jose with you, I just consider the source!

    • Belle

      Right……much more attractive than Smiley Virus and Raunchanna.

  • pjsolarz

    She did the right thing. Rather than get up to the podium like so many do and start their political or moral rants, just leave. Same as with TV shows, don’t like what’s on? change the channel.. Don’t like a radio jock… change the station.

  • Adam

    Kudos to them for walking out…But you just had to get an Obama lick in there at the end. Luke 6:37 Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned. You rendered your article in just as bad taste as the Grammy show. Come on now…

    • mccartherable .

      God has already judged them. We are to warn them of their impending destination. They must repent and be saved.

  • UrbanBreeze

    Wonder why no one was writing things like this when Miley Cyrus and her tongue were hanging all out and rubbing up and down on a MARRIED man on national television.
    At least Ms. Carter was rubbing up on her OWN husband whose paygrade is about 500% higher than yours, Mr. West.
    I agree, we can all do better, all the time ….. but Mrs. Carter was far from the worst, not even in the same arena as the bad taste we see on Prime Time televsion this past decade.
    I didn’t care for the performance, but it wasn’t because of what she was wearing, or how she moved …. and I have learned that sometimes it’s ok to dislike something without making sure the whole world knows I disliked it.
    Who really cares if you or I disliked it? Why should they? It is entertainment not the second coming of Christ. Let’s just keep this in perspective shall we?
    With respect.

    • buckofama2010

      If I want to see wild animals unleashed I can go to a zoo, not an awards ceremony

      • UrbanBreeze

        She wasnt even close to being animalistic are you serious? This has to be the same kind of thing you guys do to Obama, say anything, cause you dont like the color of his skin — Beyonce has a similar skin tone — maybe why she looked like a zoo animal to you.
        Thats your problem, not ours and certainly not hers.
        You can always opt to change the channel. Honestly.

      • buckofama2010

        Apparently you have never see animals mate before…go visit a farm and learn

      • UrbanBreeze

        Why don’t you just send me your honeymoon cd and I can stay home and learn all about it, closer to the rest room incase my stomach can’t handle the lesson.
        Seriously ignorant man you are, grotesquely ignorant.

      • buckofama2010

        Well then we both feel the same about each other Skippy

      • Robert White

        the problem IS the race card. and the ones that constantly snivel, about it. racism used to be to hang an innocent black man. now, its simply not going along with everything a person wants to do, no matter how vulgar. like the old witch hunts of old, all it takes, is to be accused by someone, and you are guilty. not exactly tolerance, as i understand it.

      • Belle

        I agree. Playing the race card has gotten SOOOO OLD !

      • Brenda Noonan

        Hey Urban you could always opt to go away and not come back too…just sayin.

      • Belle

        I seriously doubt that just because some people found the entertainment animalistic (I disagree with such an insult to the animal kingdom), that it means they also dislike Obama because of the color of his skin. He gives such a multitude of bona fide reasons for discerning, informed people to dislike him, so the color of his skin is totally irrelevant.

    • Ellep

      Rubbing on her husband and a chair…

    • David Cutler

      “Wonder why no one was writing things like this when Miley Cyrus” What rock were you hiding under that you didn’t hear or see the uproar about Miley? She was also a joke on all the late night shows and SNL

    • mccartherable .

      UB where have you been?
      Miley is a disturbed person. ANYONE who does that sort of thing or finds it entertaining is on the edge of evil.

  • jdogg

    Must be talking about the union of so many gay couples on the Grammy’s. And that tirade from that little smarmy man about how beautiful love is in any form, between anyone. People very, very close to me are gay and proud. And I love those people. But I think that the act of being gay is a choice. I think it’s an urge. And if we push the envelope, as a society, like we are trying to do now; what’s next? Next, once gay unions are accepted, next will be pedophelia. And people will say that it’s a beautiful thing…and they will justify it as love. Then bestial*ty….then…what’s next! There have to be clear boundaries, because this world can’t be a free for all, where whatever you want to do is accepted. There have to be limits and there have to be norms and there have to be boundaries. Because that’s what makes a civilized society. So more power to those who walked out of the Grammy’s. Take a stand!

    • buckofama2010

      There already IS a push on now for pedophilia

    • tommy

      ” But I think that the act of being gay is a choice. I think it’s an urge.”
      …so you feel the urge to be gay but choose against it? Or do you just think some people have the urge, but others don’t? (which would make it not a choice…)

    • JC Intheflesh

      There have to be clear boundaries, because this world can’t be a free for all, where whatever you want to do is accepted….. I agree ….your so right .what more will they deem ok ? mass murders ,ect? the lines of morals have to be drawn somewhere good vs evil .

    • genny

      You are a moron.

    • Vaso Kay

      what? like what? I can’t even… What? Your statement consisted of 100% incorrectness.

  • dr. p

    Break out the Burquas! SMH

  • Thomas John Bembenek

    I actually can’t recall the last time I watched thr Grammys… but I think that either Garth Brooks or The Judds did a number during the show.

    • Belle

      The only really good entertainment was provided by the Willie Nelson, Chris Kristofferson, Merle Haggart, when they performed with Blake Shelton. And surprisingly enough the audience greatly appreciated their more wholesome entertainment !

  • Keith Hudson

    At one point after watching one of these train wrecks, I quit viewing. That was a few years ago. It is all reported in the news articles the next day. Apparently I made the right choice for me. None of this stuff shocks me. I just choose to remove myself from the audience. If they really want to watch crap, there are p*rn sites on the net for them to watch. I support their right to watch this stuff. It is the public display of bad taste by our
    role models to which I object.

    • Kat

      I haven’t watched awards shows in probably a dozen years, if not more. I don’t even know who Natalie Grant is. I stopped watching because they stopped being entertainers and are noted more for their 15 minutes of fame than anything else. If I can stop watching and no one cares, why shouldn’t Natalie?

  • Cherie Roberson Cavanaugh

    Good for them - glad to see someone stand up to the moral decay in this industry and our country.

  • jerrymyers

    IF somebody important and reasonable made a comment, it might be important. But who really cares what Allen West says or does not say… He is a has been political hack who was rejected by the people of Florida, and they were stupid enough to elect Rick (the thief) Scott as governor and Trey Reydel (sp), the druggy, as a Representative… You have to be really bad to be rejected by Florida voters and West was..

    • fedupatriot

      Despite that, you are reading this article… What does that say about you? Or is he actually worth reading? No matter what you think of him, what does that have to do with the fact that Natalie Grant walked out….?

    • HighInformationVoter

      Yeah. Lt Col West is a hack. What exactly have you contributed to this country, especially compared to West’s resume? You’re the hack, liberal drone. Have fun with that.

    • Lgbpop

      Well, just to burst your bubble a bit - He represented one congressional district in Florida, and barely was defeated in a close election - HARDLY rejection by the “people of Florida.” It was more along the line of that obnoxious Alan Grayson’s re-election defeat, and even that piece of pond scum was brought back from the political graveyard.

      Go have vicarious relations with Medusa, aka Debbie Waterboy Schultz, and let us know how enthralling THAT was.

    • gailannr

      I really, really, REALLY care what Allen West says! He is a man who loves his country deeply. Apparently much more so than you do! Let’s see let me guess, you voted democrat right? Duh!

    • jerry buckner

      Actually the real hack is in the White House and West is a lot more important then him. And I care or I Would not have read it….How about you. Are you just bored waiting on the idiot to read his teleprompter full of lies?

      • mccartherable .

        Allen is an honorable man. Good man. America needs men like him yet, they’ve chosen someone like BO.

    • Jarhead81

      If you don’t care what Allen West says, I gotta wonder why you are on his web page then? And why make a comment that has nothing to do with the story? Pretty sad life. Try to do something positive with your time instead of making inane comments that are completely irrelevant to the story and attacking people not even involved with the story on a man’s web page that you allegedly don’t care about what he says. So sad.

    • Lucian

      Hey, smart guy. If you look closely, it says “Written by Michelle Hickford”. So your entire anti-West rant is irrelevant here. But thanks for playin’ the game.

  • Ross Recycle

    I guess that makes her racist. If you don’t condone all the behavior today,you are an intolerant racist.

    • buckofama2010

      But witness all the tolerance here by the left for Natalie

      • anon

        complete respect for natalie and her right to do whatever she wants. can’t say the same for the right and Beyonce.

    • Belle

      No, not really; but the fact that you think this might make you one.

      • Mina Smith

        Yeah, you know, you’re totally forgetting about the Misogyny!! What about me, me, ME??

      • Tracy Arnold

        Doesnt make him a racist…just A realist!!

  • Matty d

    If you have a family and wanted to watch something that’s not a slap in the face of family value’s. Then the Grammy’s and Katie Perry’s Performance and her tribute aren’t the place for you. If you don’t understand that perspective you will when you have a daughter.

    • SYG

      Matty d . . . .Oh how I wish what you say would be true. However, after being a public school teacher for 15 years and calling up a parent to schedule a “Parent-Teacher conference” you’d be surprised what actually arrived at the school. One look and just a few minutes of conversation, and I knew exactly why the kid was acting they way they were. In many cases, the parent(s) were worse than the kid. So the part about them learning a valuable lesson when they have their own kids . . . .It just isn’t going to make any difference. “The apples don’t fall far from the trees.” Sorry, but that’s just the way it is in way too many cases.

      • Karolyn

        I am a retired teacher of 35 years. Unfortunately SYG is absolutely correct. The parents are already corrupted and there is little hope for their children. And guess what? The teacher gets the blame.

      • tiger16id

        I’ve seen the best parents end up with a drug dependent and criminal child and I have seen the worst parenting ever and the child turned out a scholar and made something of her life. It isn’t always parenting or upbringing that shapes the mind. Sometimes it’s the mind itself that choses.

      • SYG

        Without wanting to be confrontational, I disagree with your use of the words . . . .”the best parents. . .” Please realize that those are your words, and they are based on “your personal assessment.” If they were actually true . . .then the child would NOT get into the drug and criminal world because the “best parents” by definition, would have prepared the child with strong defensives skills to avoid the enticements and entrapments necessary to draw them into that sort of behavior. Just because you know the parents . .you like the parents . . you can relate to the parents and you feel they are “good parents” . . . . .doesn’t mean they are actually “good parents.” The kids of true GOOD PARENTS don’t get into those degrading behaviors. Sorry, but the research data doesn’t support your position. My comments also apply to those at the other end of the spectrum also. My adage of, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” still applies.

  • Ruben

    She walked out because of Katy Perry’s blasphemous stage show.

    • Aster Nova

      If you don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing…..

  • Deb

    The Grammys and the Oscars have become nothing more than a PC rally for anything and everything. Who in their right mind would condone these so-called “talents”? This is very very sad. Kudos to Natalie!! She didn’t make a big deal, she just got up and left. Which is also what people should do about all of these so-called sitcoms and TV shows - turn the channel and/or don’t support their movies, music, or anything they partake in. The all-mighty dollar - or lack of it - has a lot of power with these people, if withholding it is applied correctly. There is far more to do in life than sit in front of the idiot box and continue to be idiotized. Hey - anyone ever hear about visiting people in the hospital, or writing notes to invalids or birthday recipients, or volunteering or any number of things instead of spending our time being insulted or watching filth and crap? Try it, you might really enjoy doing something educational and selfless.

    • tiger16id

      We can’t deny some of their talent, even though some of them are talentless, some are very talented.

    • Belle

      Exactly. The audience is not captive to poor excuses for entertainment, regardless of how the powers that be hope we accept such captivity. There are so many more worthwhile things to do than be mesmerized by trash on the idiot box.

  • Lee Cook

    I wish I had missed the Rocky Horror-esque show finale. Felt like the end of the world sick.

    • Jeannie Velander Arnold

      Lindsay Buckingham, Trent Reznor and Queens of the Stoneage? End of the world, really? When that day really comes I would like to see the look of shock upon your naive face. That Fleetwood Mac guy was really out of hand.

      • Lee Cook

        For me, and my wife, having same-sex marriages and the “Same Love” diatribe tripe shoved in our faces was disgusting, ok it was L.A.
        but come on, that was a freak show with obvious, peddle pushing motives. hom*osexuality doesnt look any better dressed up, coifed and serenaded.

      • Jeannie Velander Arnold

        Two separate instances Lee. The end of the show was a ‘supergroup’ of sorts. 3 guys singing and playing guitar normally, with a few strob lights thrown in. Not the end of the world, and hardly, sick. I don’t like much of the music on the Grammys so I did not tune in, until the end to see Lindsay and Trent Reznor. They accounted for about 3 minutes tops. I can honestly say I have never seen more abundance in judgement from Christians in my life. And I went to a parochial school!

      • Lee Cook

        Not hardly Jeannie. A judgement would be to say that those who break God’s commandments on morality and gender will inherit Eternal destruction and damnation. I/we leave that to the God and Eternal Father of us all, love the sinner, hate the sin. Marriage and sexuality are still a sacred God-given institution and a Divine power to create life, not a lifestyle or a convenience choice to murder an infant. Other than hom*osexuality , same gender marriage just not being logical Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (11) we fear the wrath and judgment of our Creator, as this society weakens and crumbles into unrighteousness. Sorry for the sermonette. But Judeo Christians who promote traditional families have the right and duty to speak our beliefs, regardless how unbelievers, and govts legislate.

      • Jeannie Velander Arnold

        I try not to judge in any way, That is the way I live my life and I strive to that daily. In my family Speaking beliefs is one thing, some of the hatred on this board is judgemental and hateful. I have read through all of it. I do not need a bible class. Not once have I mentioned anything regarding the marriages taking place on the show or my opinion on gay marriage. My orignal reply was to the end of the show where three sang, played guitar and left the stage. Like I said, hardly the end of the world and not a sick display.

  • None

    Maybe she left to go to a line of co*ke in the bathroom.

    • RMD

      That was uncalled for. You have no idea of why she left. Take your left wing views and stick them where the sun don’t shine.

    • Tracy Arnold

      What a stupid reply!

  • mike twiddy

    Kudos to Amy and her husband. Such television is why I don’t watch television. Only the news. Fox Newa

    • Angela McClure

      Just to clarify, it was Natalie Grant and her husband who left, no relation to Amy Grant. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (12)

  • louise

    its better to walk away sometimes. Happeness comes from being true to yourself.

  • PileofRocks2

    Anderson Cooper is waiting for you.

  • mccartherable .

    Where is that in the Bible? You must have been on something.

    • KC

      I’m not sure how you missed Exodus, it was pretty significant

    • JP

      See my comment to anti-Obama holder. I think it is you that haven’t read the bible.

    • David Harrison

      Robby Mulvaney might be talking about the flood, or any number of times God’s judgement came against a people so alienated from Him that their very nature was corruption only.

    • J Beverly

      Maybe he is referring to Exd 12:12…”For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.”
      I am a Christian, and I will admit this is hard to understand. Why could God not just kill Pharoah and his army to set the Israelites free. Why all the firstborn including little children?

      • William Edward Harris Jr.

        Male babies of the Hebrews were killed by the Egyptians.

      • Aster Nova

        That’s why I am an atheist. Most of the bible makes no sense. To me it’s like reading old Native American myths.

    • Guest

      Exodus 11. All the first born of the Egypt, remember?

    • koala

      He has God and Herod confused.

  • Joolzy :D

    Robby, you seem to have a lot of anger, that’s kind of sad. We’re only seeing a little bit of how you’re feeling inside.

  • R Richards

    And when was that???

    • Tracy Gibson

      Really? Not a big reader of the old testament, huh? You do know theres a whole se tion before the new testament. Right? ,Or do they not teach that part in your Sunday school?

  • R Richards

    You must be in a lot of pain.

  • Jeannie Scott Rhoten

    You are sick, sick, sick!!!!!!

  • Freedom94

    Wow, there is that racial thing again. I really wish you “non-whites” would change your own attitude and behavior and be looked at for that and not the “poor me, the whites are picking on us again”. I think the biggest problem is most of you wish you were white and hate us because we are. Boo woo, the whites, the whites, GET OVER YOUR SELF AND STOP WHINING, IT’S OLD AND IT’S BORING AND IT’S BS!!!!!

    • AJ21

      I agree…my white son goes to a school which only has 8% of the population as white…he gets picked on, called “cracker”, “white boy”, “stupid, white cracker ass”…and nothing is done about it…but, as you all know, God forbid someone say “black” instead of African-American these days….I am sick of it!!!

      • gpz

        Yep, now days only white people are allowed to be racists, other races say they want equality yet they only want it when it suits their needs. One day white people won’t take it anymore and take a stand against it.

  • Tammy Michelle Vernon

    I am glad she did what she thought was best for herself and her husband. However, I am surprised that as an artist, performer, she thought it would be different. The performers were known, presenters known, reputations known, no surprises that evening.

    • dittoheadadt

      I don’t know that she expressed surprise at what she saw, or that she thought it would be different. Perhaps she figured she’d go for as long as she could tolerate it. The Grammys have tended to be the least offensive of the awards shows (granted, that’s a pretty low bar); maybe she was hoping for the best, and left when it got intolerable.

      • TC

        That makes sense. You get nominated, so you go, to be amongst your peers and other nominees. It’s a formal occassion, and unfortunately, it begins to turn into the vma’s.

    • Paul Briggs

      Maybe it was to make the statement on purpose? I wouldn’t blame her for doing it. It would be even better if a higher profile person had done so

    • fedup

      Maybe she did make a point….in her own gentile way. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (13) I sure think she did.

  • Guest

    Apparently, “Robby” has nothing better to do than troll a site that supports traditional, christian values. We probably pay for him to sit on his computer all day doing such activity, while he collects money from actual working taxpayers!

    • TwinkleStar2

      Robby Mulvany - Funny…you look like your momma in-bred with a jackass.

  • Anti ObamaHolder

    It wasn’t God killing babies, it was the King in those times because he wanted to kill babies when he heard of Jesus birth.

    • JP

      Babies must have died in Noah’s flood or during the attack on Sodom and Gomorrah. Not to mention God does most certainly kill David’s child through miscarriage for his sin with Bathsheba.

      • Justin Ahlquist

        Mans sin is the cause

      • Aster Nova

        There’s not such thing as sin. Bad behavior but not sin.

      • Rena

        In each of these God did warn the people what He was going to do and to flee or change their way… its not like they were blindsided…

      • Aster Nova

        God also already knows the future so asking was pointless.

      • Carolyn Nuss

        The child didn’t die through miscarriage. The child became very sick shortly after birth & died.

      • William Edward Harris Jr.

        Everyone but 8 people died.

    • tiger16id

      Exodus 11

      “Then Moses said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘About midnight I will go out into the midst of Egypt; and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the handmill, and all the firstborn of the animals.”

      • Rena

        This was in retribution for them not letting His people go, not to mention he did give them all a chance to live by placing the blood of a lamb over their doors so the angel of death did not enter… they were warned…

      • Guest

        Ahh, yes, God was angry so he decided to just kill peoples children. Sounds like just the kind of guy people should be worshiping…

      • johnrhett

        The Egyptians could have avoided the whole problem, but oh, no, they couldn’t do that. Besides, God created their lives in the first place, and He has ultimate control over how long ANYONE lives. He’s God. If tiger doesn’t like it, what’s he going to do about? Get a refund? Our lives belong to God, not to ourselves; it is totally up to Him how long we live. Period. Isaiah 29:16 “Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?” Romans 9:20 “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why didst thou make me thus?”

  • cadam12

    There was a time when people attending these functions wore gowns and tux’s. What happend?

  • mark rogers

    I would of never walked in.

    • luckyfreeman 69

      Was she invited in…??? Or did she just walk right in by some other means…like through another door ….We used to have a pile of them running a food pantry cookouts every weekend on the abutting property to my place of bussiness…finnally they left …However they left 15 foot tall pile of garbage piled up along my property line…I cleaned it all up and got rid of it at my own expense and everytime there was a robbery not one of them saw a thing in Broad day light a few of them walked right onto my posted private property with a full croud standing there and picked up my 40 foot ext ladder and my mothers 20 foot ext ladder…then carefully walked off my property with them not hitting any of the electric wires…Since they left there have been no more criminal tresspassers and all thefts in the area have stopped…I don’t know about these 2 but…

  • Paul Briggs

    So so true. Things we used to hold dear are now put down: Marriage, Christianity, Family values, wholesomeness, and respect to name a few. I am disappointed in many of my fellow mankind. But, I fully respect Natalie Grant and her husband for leaving.

    • sacj7

      What was “whispered behind closed doors” when I was young is “shouted from the rooftop” now.

      Mr. Briggs, you spoke the truth!

  • Star

    I had to turn it off…it was disgusting.

    • Karen

      Good for you. I never watched it ever but I guess now it’s very different than years ago. Our world has gotten more evil. We are in the last days.

  • Rebecca Ruck

    What?! Stop thumping your Bible long enough to read it! Jesus hung out with sinners. #wwjd

    • kscrawler

      True, but he hung out with them to invite them to repent. He did not say their sin was ok. “go and sin no more”.

      • sacj7


      • Rebecca Ruck

        It’s not up to us to judge. Anyone has the right to leave any place that makes us uncomfortable. Thank goodness Jesus was better than that and stuck by the sinners. Again #wwjd? Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (14)

      • Rod Heaton

        And the sinner changed their behavior, he stuck by sinners, like me, so that we will change. He IS the judge and I agree with His judgment, therefore I change. I say again, that none of the verses that you show point to Jesus ever accepting, or tolerating sinful behavior, He told them to change, he did, not me.

      • kscrawler

        He stuck by the sinners who repented. He was very harsh for those who refused to repent.

        “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

        “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?”

        In particular what did Jesus say about those who allowed scandal to affect children?

        “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

      • pjthelogan

        You are distorting what Jesus did. He came to minister which meant he had dealings with people who were sinners. Everyone was/is a sinner, we are imperfect! But, he didn’t just spend time with sinners frivolously, Shooting the breeze as it were. Jesus taught, and he could discern the intentions of the heart. Rest assured that if a person was a sinner and had no interest in following the pattern that Jesus set for them, whether you might consider them a good person or not, he didn’t just keep associating with them.

      • Rebecca Shrock

        Yes, that is a good point…..but he taught us the Lord’s prayer as well, “Please forgive my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me” I take that as a warning from Jesus… careful or you will have it come back to you.

      • kscrawler

        “go and sin no more” does not contradict the Lord’s prayer. Not sure what you are warning me about. Perhaps you should be concerned about enabling people in continuing their sin.

      • Rebecca Shrock

        No, they do not contradict each other, as you said….but it does balance it out, I will evaluate myself to see if I am enabling someone to sin. Wouldn’t want that! I would rather let God be the judge and encourage people to be better people by living with kindness and love for their fellow man. But, enabling someone to sin….that would be wrong on my part. I would rather be enabling them to grow spiritually and personally. Thank you for your input.

    • Rod Heaton

      You need to check your Bible facts, no where in the Bible did Jesus ever “hang” out with sinners. He went to them, talked to them and they CHANGED! Never did Jesus tolerate, or accept sin as ok. Jesus told His disciples to shake the dust of a city off their feet and leave the city if they didn’t respond to the message of Christ and repentance.

    • Aster Nova

      But he endorsed beating slaves (had rules on how to do it properly) and refused to let Mary (the prostitute) touch him because she was “unclean.” Such a nice guy that Jesus.

  • TwinkleStar2

    LOL! Offended? Then do like I do - don’t watch!!! This country has gotten exactly what the liberals, progressives, communists, gay folks and feminists of the 1960s wanted. Now you gotta live with it because you did nothing to stop them from taking over.

    • Rebecca Shrock

      Yes, walk away….don’t watch….but also don’t blame every group you dislike or fear for bad behavior or what you think is bad behavior. You have revealed your own prejudices for what you fear. Just be determined to live the best life you can and let others do that also. Let them take the responsibility for their own lives. In the end that’s all we can really control, how we react to what offends us.

  • Karen

    I was actually surprised to hear that she was going. I didn’t know that the Grammy’s recognized Gospel music at all. I thought it was only the Dove awards that did. Don’t blame her at all for leaving.

  • tiger16id

    Did she expect the Grammys to be different this year?

  • stupidsh*t111

    I watched for Daft Punk.

    • Guest

      Everyone should have watched for Daft Punk.

  • Erw11nn

    I’ve never watched the Grammy’s so this is news to me. I didn’t know they recognized gospel music and I had always thought that it was an event filled with class and respect. I guess I was wrong.

    • David Gooding

      Very, very wrong . . . . it’s actually pretty much a joke (even in the industry).

  • MIlan

    You are one hundred percent correct. I wish more folks stood up and spoke what people need to hear. Thank you , you are not only lovely to look at but you have a lovely heart and mind. Truly, may The Lord bless you and keep you strong. The world needs more like you!

  • Mike Mike

    hom*osexuality accounts for a little over 3.8 percent of the entire US population according to the LGBT demographics, as reported* (see source link below). To watch anything media related, one would think the numbers were much higher, mainly because the media has the voice. One can barely turn on a sit-com, or watch a movie without the gratuitous gay scene. No matter. However, I believe that the nation’s Christian population far outweighs the number of Atheists and ‘others’, but their voice has not been heard loud and clear. Ms. Grant simply showed us the proper thing to do when you disagree with the program. Walk out. Turn the channel. Do something better with your life.
    Here’s another fact for you…
    “Atheists comprised an estimated 2.01%, and non-religious a further 9.66% of the world population…”
    Atheists are most certainly a minority in the world’s population. Here in the USA a mere 16 percent do not claim a religion, however, out of that percentage, a percentage chose not to answer.
    When an animal feels threatened, they puff themselves to appear larger than they really are. It’s defensive aggression. When you hair stands on ends during a threatening situation, it is the same response.
    So while the collective communities are standing up and puffing out and vocal about their hatred for all things Christian, in reality they are still very, very, small.

    • Guest

      I can’t say I’ve ever heard hom*osexuals bashing Christians with the exception of when Christians attempt to ban/take away their right to marry who they choose.

      • Mike Mike

        Maybe that’s the only time you listen?

      • Guest

        Maybe. But this entire comment thread is full of gay bashing, so I can’t say I feel bad for the Christian majority. At all.

      • CrazyAuntJane

        Really? What about the people the put out of business for refusing to condone their “unions”?

      • Adira

        People show their support with their dollars. I guess its obvious who’s got the support.

      • fgold2014

        funny they don’t really follow the message of God, which is to love everyone. Seems to me to be hypocritical of them.

      • Aster Nova

        Where did God say love everyone in the bible? I must have missed that non-existent verse. I am all for loving everyone, but it’s not found in the bible.

      • Guest

        He was probably too busy killing people to mention the “Love everyone” part.

      • Rena


        for Enemies

        43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate
        your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for
        those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your
        Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends
        rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those
        who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing
        that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you
        doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be
        perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

        Matthew 22

        Greatest Commandment

        34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees
        got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him
        with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest
        commandment in the Law?”

        37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
        and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This
        is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is
        like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All
        the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

      • fgold2014

        Leviticus 19:18
        “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” Maybe try re-reading the bible!

      • fgold2014

        and then there’s Mark 12:31 - ” AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.’ 31″The second is this, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” so much for non-existent, heh?? lol

    • TC

      Well said.

  • Rebecca Shrock

    I may not like the new wave of “everything is okay to show to everyone”….but …..Please don’t blame everyone you personally hate for what is happening now. That is just as damning as what is happening with morals. The best defense against what you believe to be immoral is to be moral yourself……and leave the blame game to others. Your need to control others is a problem in itself and offers more danger than those doing what we feel are offensive.
    The woman who left did exactly what she should do…..leave. She didn’t make a public display or take away others freedom. She simply in her quiet way set a good example of how to react to life styles we find offensive…..walk away.

    • David Gooding

      Congratulations! That is the most intelligent, thoughtful, RIGHT-MINDED comment I have seen online in a long time! Pay attention, folks . . . this lady has the idea. That is EXACTLY how you handle the situation . . . and if everybody had the guts she did, and knew how to handle the situation, maybe - just maybe - it might make a difference. Making a scene, running to the tabloids, acting all enraged, etc. just does MORE damage. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!

  • mrb

    Im sure it’s people like you who are the ones that try to push your beliefs onto everyone whether they want to hear them or not. By this post you say you’re against love; be it from straight, gay, our interracial couples because that is who was represented Sunday night.

    • CrazyAuntJane

      It is a sad day when you equate love with sex. It i illicit sex some people object to!!!

  • Marty

    Robby, you better read the Bible again, or better yet, Watch The Ten Commandments very closely and PAY ATTENTION. God did not kill those babies, The king did trying to kill Jesus. God protected all those who believed in Him. All these anti-Christian comments are just from jealous people.They condone this vulgar language and behavior, but when one of their daughters ,they want to kill or prosecute the person that does the bad act.We will pray for you Robby, and others like you.A good example would be the N O W group(National organization of Women).While attending the Promise Keepers conventions, the N O W group would stand in front of the convention location and tell the media how these men belittled women and taught men to treat women as slaves.They are not allowed in the convention, being a Chritian men’s convention, so they had no idea what was taught in there.Before you make a bigger idiot out of yourself, learn the facts first.

    • foolkiller

      Maybe you should read the post a little closer. those quotes are from the Old Testament. Thats about 1500 years BEFORE Jesus was born. Are you confusing Jesus and Moses as the star of The Ten Commandments? Stop yourself. Whose the idiot now?

      • Aster Nova

        Christians typically do not read their bibles. They have dishonest church leaders for that.

      • peachnectar

        How do you happen to be such an expert on what “most” christians do or do not do with regards to the good book?

    • Brad Scott

      What on earth do I have to be jealous about?

      If god knows all, then doesn’t god know right from the start who will be a believer? So why does he create people just to send them to hell? That’s not a loving god, that’s the mind of a six year old playing soldiers.

      You’re deluded. You’re a prisoner to another man’s will. I’m certainly not jealous of that.

      • peachnectar

        You send yourself to Hell, by your unbelief. God wants all to choose life. He says so on numerous occassions. You would know this of course if you ever bother to read the bible and see what it actually has to say on the numerous subjects.

      • Brad Scott

        ROTFL. Why do you christians always think you’re the only person who knows the bible? Every christian I know, when confronted with the evils of another christian, denies that person’s christianity. “Oh, a true christian would never do that…”

        FYI, I have read the bible. I can quote scripture for you, so what? I was a fundie when I was a naive and gullible teen. I grew out of it, because it’s ludicrous and denies human consciousness. What’s your excuse? Stop being lazy and think for yourself.

  • Jojo

    I don’t think I’m at all prudish and didn’t like Beyonce’s performance. Perhaps if the music itself was better and if like Pink the outfit and spread legs were relevant to the song and performance, I wouldn’t have been offended. In my opinion Pink is a beautiful, talented performer who doesn’t have to twerk or gyrate on a chair. Beyonce, who is very talented as well, should take note and do the same. Classy is always sexier.

    • Guest

      I’m with you, but unfortunately, classy doesn’t sell to young people, who - inexplicably - seem to have PLENTY of disposable income to spend on this nonsense . . .

    • David Gooding

      I’m with you 100%; but unfortunately, classy doesn’t sell to the target demographic, which - inexplicably - seems to have unlimited disposable income.

  • dcMT24

    I couldn’t have written this better myself! I am only 25 and I think my views changed when I became a parent. It just isn’t something I want to watch with my 3 year old. I loved watching the Grammy’s and idolized those stars, but I am sad to say my kids won’t have those same memories.

    • Lisa Stowers

      Maybe you need to start idolized god not the stars they don’t care about you or anyone else or themselves. .

      • Aster Nova

        Maybe you should keep your fairytales to yourself.

      • peachnectar

        If it’s al fairy tales as your insist, why does it cause you so much pain to read about someone elses opinion on the subject of God? If He doesn’t exist, then you shouldn’t mind what we say. If I say Rumpelstlitskin, do you mind? Of course not. It’s because you have a soul that was created by God to know that He is God. You aren’t following Him as you should so it pains you and you would rather not have any reminders of it.

  • barney

    I never ever watched a grammy awards, and don’t go to movies. Having said that I think contemporary “Christian” music is also for the most part sensual and obnoxious.

  • BolanHoffbauer

    Robby, God doesn’t murder babies. Satan and his legion of followers on other hand does, they’re more than welling to participate in this heinous act. Today, abortion mills, they make it their business. Let me also add that their have been countless babies that God has saved, through the eons.

    • Frank Oliver

      Really. So, does anything happen without it being a part of god’s plan? Didn’t your god flood the earth, killing millions including children because of their so called wickedness? Do you Christian conservatives actually read your bibles?

      • fgold2014

        They like to pick and choose, and if it doesn’t fit the narrative, then change the narrative to fit. The God I know loves everyone, whether they are straight, gay, or color of any kind.

      • ksgal58

        maybe he does but she has the right to feel upset so let it be

      • Chris Nielson

        You don’t know god, you pagans. I accept everything the bible says. The millions god killed in the great flood were wicked. Someday God will once again rid the world of the wicked! Yes Frank, I read my bible. God Loves Everybody are three words not found in one sentence! God has no time for those who go against him, consider this passage. Romans 9:13 Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated!

      • Aster Nova

        God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. So why would he not already know what his creations were going to do? Why not make them better creations since he is all powerful? Also, there is not one shred of scientific evidence that there was ever a global flood. Not one. The Noah fairy tale is no different than any other myth.

      • Rena

        Perhaps he did know what would happen, but he still loved his creation so why destroy what he created. He still gave us the ability to make choices and decide for ourselves what path we want to go. You may not like it, and Im not here to force you to agree or disagree. But for me this is the path I want to choose for myself and if others want to learn then I am open to helping them choose that path as well. If they decide that isn’t for them, no one is twisting their arm to follow. So why condemn us for believing… its a proven scientific fact that those who believe in a deity live longer and happier lives…

      • Rena

        And lets put it in this perspective… say you create something, it was perfect when you first created it but something went wrong, for instance a “bug” or “virus” messed up some of the coding, but you realize you have tons of work on this computer. Pictures, programs, etc… do you throw out the whole computer or do you fix it? This is your baby, something you worked very hard on… wouldn’t you want to fix it first?

        Or you are a parent, you have a beautiful baby, healthy, strong, growing up very nicely in a good neighborhood, good schools etc. but your child then falls into the wrong crowd, you knew this could happen, you see it happen to even the best of families, but your child none the less became a drug addict and committed crimes.. do you destroy your child, or do you give the love and understanding.. a chance to change their ways….

        As far as the flood… we are still finding every day proof that the things said in the Bible have been backed up by archeological findings… they found Solomon s mines, Davids kingdom… etc… so couldn’t it be that we just didn’t find it yet? Perhaps so much as been destroyed that we can’t find the proof or that it was buried so deep that we have over looked it… look at how many new discoveries we have found and still haven’t covered the whole earth…

      • peachnectar

        There are many books written on a global flood. One is by ____Morris, I can’t find the book to get his first name. Geologists have gone out of their way to hide some of their puzzeling finding that are contrary to what one would normally expect to find.

      • fgold2014

        how completely Christian of you…lol.. I am of course being sarcastic. Here are the words God said: Leviticus 19:18″‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. Try that on for size!!

      • Chris Nielson

        What has that got to do with this discussion? Yes God did tell the children of Israel not to seek revenge on each other for their petty human beefs with each other. We all do things we shouldn’t do. God however, is perfect. This is his world, he has the right to have things his way and to boot anybody out who doesn’t want to do things his way!

      • fgold2014

        And how would you know what He likes or dislikes? It amuses me when people think they know what He thinks. As far as I know, he hasn’t help a press conference to state whether He is Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. People pushing their own agendas by saying “Oh, He definitely is this or that.”.. It’s hilarious.

      • Chris Nielson

        Yes he did hold a press conference stating what he likes and dislikes. He did that at the base of Mount Sinai, shortly after the children of Israel were lead out of Egypt. Read the entire book of Leviticus, which means Law as in God’s Law. That will answer any and every question you have. Of this means nothing if you don’t believe in God or the Bible. You quoted Leviticus in your last post, so you ought to know it. Granted, you quoted it for no reason because once again, this post is not about seeking revenge. You didn’t answer my question as to how Leviticus 19:18 is relevant to this discussion.

      • Marilyn Agan

        God does not want anyone to parish this is true. He gave us free will to choose right or wrong. He gives us all we need in his word, If we choose to go against his commands we do it at our own peril. Everyone and I mean everyone will face the White Throne of Judgment someday. We will stand and answer to God about our life. There will only be two answers from him. “Depart I never knew you.” Or” Welcome my Child to you reward”. Maybe not in those words, but it will happen weather you want to believe it or not! TC&GB

      • Aster Nova

        Where is your evidence? Zeus is going to be angry. It will happen if you believe it or not. See your failed logic?

      • Marilyn Agan

        Believe what you want that is why we have free will. Good luck bud you will need it. You are the one that needs to prove what you believe. Where is your evidence that it won’t happen?

      • Brad Scott

        Satan does all the bad stuff. Because he knows all and controls all, he could stop it - but he doesn’t. Because he’s a kind and loving god.

      • Sherree Chambles Pipps

        All of those who died had a choice to “get on the boat”. They declined the invite & their children suffered for the choice parents made for them. Children suffer today under the same circ*mstances. My God is a jealous God!

      • Frank Oliver

        Really? If had an Ark and told you I talked to God, would you believe me? Your god is terrible god. Believe in me and love me without evidence of my existence or I will torture you in a lake of fire forever. Sounds like a monster to me. and you are also a monster for trying to justify murder.

      • peachnectar

        You alone send yourself to the Lake of Fire. Jesus came to show you the mercy and goodness and love that He has for you. Instead you choose to spout out the silly words that you have heard others say. You do not know the God of the bible otherwise you would not speak so harshly. You bring the judgement down on your own head. God gives you opportunity after opportunity to see that He does love you and want the best for you. He sent His Son to die the death that we all should die. He was our replacement. He had to die to cure the problem with death that Adam set free into our world. There was no death until Adam sinned. He and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is why we have evil in the world. Adam gave Lucifer free reign. Until the sin, Adam owned the world, and we being his descendants also had the world as our inheiritence. They only way for us to get it back was for Jesus to come back in the form of a man, the second Adam, and die the desth that was rightfully ours. Blame it on Adam, not God. The fallen beings then came and mated with human females. They were also wiped out in the flood. God had to purify the strain of mankind’s genes. Jesus had to come from a pure human female. It’s a deep concept and most people don’t discuss this stuff, but that’s how and why it all had to be. When people sin they bring a curse onto the earth and into their animals and even their children. This is why you see family lines having horrible things being passed down generation to generation. Jesus also came to brake those curses on us. We have to say it verbally when we know our rights as believer’s in the God of the Universe and His Son. So what you see as simplistic bad things happening, are really quite complex. There is war in the world with the invisible demonic spirits that still want to ruin and control this earth. We have the power in Jesus Name to bind these sprits from doing their evil deeds. Unfortunately, most people are just plain unaware or choose not to believe that these things exist. The bible is clear on this subject and Jesus spent a good part of His ministry casting out demons or unclean spirits from people.

      • Guest

        Your God could have proved his existence in an unimaginable amount of ways. But no, instead he chose to just kill every one. Sorry, I can’t say that makes me want to worship him.

      • peachnectar

        Those people just wanted to do their own thing. It’s very similiar to people today…..

      • bluemajic

        Prior to the flood, the reason people were so wicked was due to the fact that the human race was not pure. Human women were impregnated by some of the fallen angels who followed lucifer e.g. satan and they gave birth to wicked people. and giants.Satan planned block the birth of our Lord Jesus, ordained to save mankind from our sins.Noah was the only one who was pure human. The human race has been tainted. mixed with the evil angels and demonic beings’ seed hence the wickedness..You have to know that one third of the angels in heaven followed satan. That’s a lot.Those evil angels who cohabited with humans were punished and are currently chained in the underworld, awaiting judgement where they will be thrown in the lake of fire, together with the humans who were wicked and followed satan.. The reason why all these evil crimes etc,,,all these bickerings,,. these are all inspired by the devil because he wants more people to go with him at the lake of fire. He knows his time is running short that’s why he’s working overtime inspiring people to support activities that displeases God like abortions. gay life.etc.If you believe in good and ev il and don’t believe in God and satan…think..we only live once. after this is a different realm of existence where you will end up either in the lake of fire or heaven. Now is your chance to choose to repent and believe because when you die, which can happen anytime, no matter where you are, if it’s time, then you go, you will meet your Creator. My question is, are you going to be with your Creator or the lake of fire which is for eternity,God gave us free will so you’re free to choose where you want to be. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life from John 3:16. Satan targets us humans, confusing us and making us do wicked things because that’s the only way he could get back to God for throwing him out of heaven and still have the angels who followed him and are not chained. The more humans he gets to perish with him in the lake of fire the better for him to taunt God. Just think about this.

      • peachnectar

        Yes, all of the time. The time for the civilization as you know it is coming to and end. There will be Hell to pay for those remaining on earth after the rapture takes place. Put your trust in God and God alone. Jesus came to give us life. The OT was about God trying to keep mankind pure so that Jesus could be born from a pure human being stock. Mankind was so perverted at that time that Noah was the only man who was righteous enough to believe God meant what he said.

    • Frank Oliver

      “And it came to pass at midnight that the Lord struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of livestock. So Pharaoh rose in the night, he, all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead”- Exodus 12:29-30

    • Frank Oliver

      “And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.
      I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate”- Leviticus 26:21-22

    • yachty

      Christians can’t write to save their false God!

  • lucky freeman 69

    I do vote against the morning after pill for 11 year olds and partial birt abortions and I still think criminal tresspassing and stealing are illegal…

    • Lisa Stowers

      Really partial birth abortion do you really know anything about that? The actually delivered the baby about 1/2way its breathing. It has a Heart beat then they kill it by poking it in the brain. They have been cases were the child live the is nothing but MURDER. You are a soory old heattless old man . hod help you

      • jrandallg

        he said he voted against it. Read the posting

      • Aster Nova

        Partial birth abortions are already illegal.

      • peachnectar

        No they are not! It’s a travesty on our country!

  • MotherBatherick

    Thanks, Michelle for sharing this with us. Going to send that lady (Natalie Grant) a message of support. Not because I think she showed courage by walking out on the Grammys but rather, for staying true to herself and not putting up with disgusting behavior. Good on her.

    • peachnectar

      I love her voice and her songs that they play on K-LOVE and other christian radio stations.

  • Susie LeBron

    My views exactly!!! I stopped watching those shows a long time ago, and I don’t miss them one bit!

  • Rebecca Ruck

    As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.

  • jojo

    Remember you are Given choices, no children ever had to die had parents made the right loving choices , all thru the bible this is true…

    • Aster Nova

      What about not allowing women to teach or the part about the talking donkey? Is that all true too? The bible is a work of fiction and if you can’t tell right from wrong then you lack empathy not religion.

      • peachnectar

        How do you know what is right or wrong, except that God gave you a conscience? The reason women aren’t supposed to teach MEN, is that men don’t really listen to what women say. It goes back to the curse on women from Genesis. Eve did what the serpent said for her to do and so because of her initial action, Adam followed suit and then ALL of mankind was condemned to a life that ended in death. Nothing died until that fateful day. Women can teach other women, but keep the men out of it. It’s not sexist, it’s just the way most men are. It is not to say that some men don’t listen to woman’s opinion, but when it comes to the bible leave it to men to teach the men. If God can make the whole Universe and give you the ability to speak and create your DNA, then He can use a donkey when that’s all there is around. They donkey stopped, because an angel was there blocking the way. The prophet was disobeying God. He kept trying to get the ass to go froward, but the ass wouldn’t go forward due to the angel’s presence. When the ass laid down on Balaam’s foot he got mad and hit the ass again. That’s when he spoke up and asked what he did to deserve being struck three times. Finally after a short verbal exchange with the ass, God opened Balaam’s eyes so he could see the angel there. The ass actually saved Balaam’s life because that angel was going to kill him to stop him from doing something perverse. The angel then gave Balaam the words to speak when the time was right.God will try to stop you from doing the wrong thing. Pay attention to the small details in your life. You will see that God’s angels are there all of the time trying to keep you from being stubborn and rebellious to the point where you kill yourself. If you insist that the bible is a work of fiction, do some simple studying on the internet and look up all of the historical texts that it has come to us from. The Hebrews scribes couldn’t make one error on a scroll/ If they did the scroll had to be put away and was not fit for use as it was incorrect. You seem like a young person and have believed what has been told to you in school. All of this country’s intial schools and universities were all based on relgious teachings. It is not until moremodern times when an agenda occured to change the actual words and thoughts of people like Thomas Jefferson to pervert them into what the NEW concept should be for modern man without religion in our country. There are actual evil spirits and demonic beings that roam the earth and cause the evil that we are too familiar with. When Jesus came He wanted to save us from the death that was brought into the world by Satan or Lucifer a fallen being. Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven along with the beings that wanted to rebel along with him. He is jealous of God and wants to control people and the world. He wants people to worship him and want what he wants. Unfortunately, all he will get is death in the end. Not a popular topic amongst modern people. I challenge you to read the book of John and see that God is something that could only be the best thing for you. All He wants for us is to have goodness. Most people don’t talk about the good stuff and just talk about the scary stuff that turns someone like you off form the truth.

  • Jeff Nagengast

    I stopped watching all of those award shows when some movie called Kiss of the Spiderwoman was nominated or won an Oscar. I think it was about a gay guy in prison or something along those lines. I heard the plot back then and realized that Hollywood was not worth my attention.

  • Marie Shanahan

    I humbly agree. I didn’t actually see the video until viewing it on YouTube today. I saw what most people did afore, and that was a “cheeky” photo of Beyonce’s derrier, which I thought was harmless and even funny. But having watched the whole video, I was shocked and scared for our kids. These kids should not be watching “normal” grown women behaving like that. It was a seriously “denote” in a weird way. God be with them. Seems like they are making sure that they are endangering the very young teenagers who follow them with great vigor. Good for this couple for leaving early. I don’t listen to much pop or rap music, but I always admired Beyonce for her immense talent. Won’t have anything to do with her music or videos after this. We LITERALLY need to defend our kids from her now. The outcome of a 12 year old girl - or boy - replaying that scenario would be horrific! Horror movie, pit of hell, horrific. Damn her. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (15)

  • marie

    Love and compassion, all of you. Love and compassion.

  • Sue Breslin

    I turned it off after about 30 minutes, I knew exactly what was going on. I study religion and am quite familiar with witchcraft ceremonies. This was vulgar and should never have been on TV. Our youth of today just don’t have a chance, between this nonsense and hom*osexual weddings. God help us all….

    • cccourt

      Are you kidding? The show is always tasteless. But..witchcraft? Really?

      • Denise

        And, what do hom*osexual weddings have to do with what went on at the Grammy’s. Just another hateful conservative spewing ridiculous rhetoric!

      • DC1973

        The was a legal (Queen Latifah was licensed specifically for it) mass wedding at the end. Hetero and hom*osexual couples both.

      • Lisa Stowers

        God said to live everybody but not like a msn and women do. Ysll just taking it to far. God put a man and women her to multiply. Its a choice

      • peachnectar

        I didn’t watch the show and never watch. This wedding thing sounds a little bit over the top.

      • Grey

        The better question is: what do hom*osexual weddings have to do with The Grammy’s?

    • oke

      Excuse me but, if you really study religion then you’d know there is no religion called “witchcraft”. It is Wicca and it has nothing to do with the stupid TV show you watched. I don’t watch those shows because they are stupid and because I don’t care for the music that is represented but there has never been any witchcraft and there wasn’t any this time around either. Stop lying.

      • Louis Cypher

        Oke, if you don’t watch these shows then how do you know “there wasn’t any this time around either,” as you stated?

      • Lisa Stowers

        There is witch craft its been around at least600 years i font believe in any of it. I believe on all mighyy god

    • Oxy

      The only thing that is nonsensical here is your bigotry.

      • Jorge Flores

        So by you disagreeing with her opinion, does that not make you a bigot?

      • Oxy

        Disagreeing alone doesn’t make one a bigot. I’m sure you could find a way to twist the word so anyone is a bigot though; it’s why it should be used scarcely.

    • yachty

      Witchcraft…really? Come on you pray to a false God and you judge witches? My boys watched and they had no problem with loving people getting married. I bet my youngest will turn out Gay. The other two will sadly be straight!

      • Ed Chapman

        if she turned it off after 30 minutes, then she’s referring to the Katy Perry song that had a very obvious dark arts theme.

      • peachnectar

        You are an abuser….

    • Aster Nova

      lol you have not studied religion. Your ignorant comments shows as much. You probably read your crazy holy book that talks about talking snakes and donkeys.

  • evste

    I never watched a bit of it but I have a friend and he said he will never watch CBS again because of the what went on.

  • CrazyAuntJane

    Good for her!!!

  • Jeannie Velander Arnold

    Two separate instances Lee. The end of the show was a ‘supergroup’ of sorts. 3 guys singing and playing guitar normally, with a few strob lights thrown in. Not the end of the world, and hardly, sick. I don’t like much of the music on the Grammys so I did not tune in, until the end to see Lindsay and Trent Reznor. They accounted for about 3 minutes tops.

  • peter gozinya

    Proud of her and her husband. TV, movies and music have in fact become the moral decay of our country. I’m no prude either but I really get sick of all the outfits (or lack thereof), the horrible language in TV, movies and music. Back in the early days, 50s, 60, 70s and before that, we had TV shows and movies that entertained and you’d laugh yourself silly and the only 4 letter words you heard were love, hate, work. Today if it wasn’t for profanity most musicians and actors wouldn’t be able to talk. Very very sad.

    • Oxy

      Movies, music, and literature are all art. It’s about the artist expressing themselves. I hate to break it to you, but expression drawn from reality is rarely pleasant.

      • Oxy

        …and that’s just to say that modern vocalization is just that, modern. The behaviors and thought processes of people from a retro era are not any different than today. The chemistry and functioning of the human brain doesn’t just change. Publicity and the media is what is different, and our speech patterns. When you look at the small details though, nothing has changed really, people are just nostalgic.

      • peter gozinya

        True, the point is reality needs to be changed.

  • John Doe

    Wow in this day and age I hoped that people have evolved to not be so closed minded. The human body is a great thing and we should embrace it. If you want to believe in religion, more power to you. Just stop trying to force it on everyone else. Don’t like it, turn it off and let the rest of watch in peace. Peace and love, isn’t that what your morals teach you.

    • auggie

      Our current state is more like devolution. Just because something new starts happening, does not make it better and more enlightened than what came before. By the way, no one is suggesting that the human body isn’t a great thing. Maybe we just don’t want it “forced on everyone else.”

    • ricatage

      And stop trying to force what you believe is okay on everyone else john doe

      • LZXRAY

        I must have read a different article than you did.. I never saw anything about her or anyone else trying to force what she believed. Like it was said, don’t like it, don’t watch it… and that is exactly what she did by leaving.

    • Spicy Ray Swinehart-Patrick

      Don’t like it don’t watch it? Yeah, that’s exactly what happened.

    • JT

      I wish those who have no common decency would keep it in their homes and not force on the rest of the nation including our children. And I say that in peace and love.

    • azgal602

      I don’t think she was trying to force it on everyone else. Did she drag the people out or did she and her husband leave in a dignified way?

    • Susan S.

      how did she force it on anyone else? SHE LEFT. Quietly I might add. She didn’t want to be forced to watch something that made her uncomfortable. She was not intending to “make a statement” she just left. Beyonce is comfortable half naked, doesn’t mean everyone wants to to see that.

    • jrandallg

      Which is exactly what she did. She didn’t like it, so she left. I don’t see anyone trying to “force” anything on anyone. You just disagree with her beliefs. Get over it.

    • Ryan

      “Don’t like it, turn it off and let the rest of watch in peace.” That’s exactly what she did. No one is pushing religion on you. in actuality it is quite the opposite. All the liberal minded life style enthusiasts are pushing their way of life on conservative Christians. Tolerance should go both ways, but not to the point where it infringes the other’s rights to do or not to do something.

    • Ed Chapman

      That is what Natalie did. She turned it off. So you are really saying you support her. Good for you!

    • Spropro

      Obviously your scared, thats why your john doe, God Loves you any ways!!

    • Aster Nova

      I don’t think you were trying to say that Natalie did not turn it off. Some people like to assume that you were talking about her, when obviously you were talking about the comments above you saying they did not want to see the show. Well stop watching it. You know what they say about assuming….

    • Vladsmom

      The grammys are supposed to be about music. However, the music these days SUCKS - so they go for shock value instead. Pathetic. BTW, this was on during prime time…. I don’t want my kids to stumble across a bunch of slu*tty looking tramps trying to pass themselves off at “musical artists”

    • mmd

      Force it? PLEASE! The same people that think Christians are shoving their religion down your throat are doing the same with their same-sex marriage campaign! I shouldn’t be forced to watch anything I don’t want to. If I had wanted to watch same-sex love affair go on, I would watch LGBT movies or whatever. I expect to see giving and accepting of awards and songs being sung. Not same-sex weddings… And as far as turning things off, why don’t you take your own advice on not comment on something that you don’t like or agree with! Why don’t you just exit out of the page and leave us in peace?! And where is your peace and love towards those that believe that it is wrong? Do you get to throw peace and love out the window because you don’t believe?

    • peachnectar

      We don’t “believe” in “religion”. We have a relationship with the actual God of the Universe. No religion is involved. The Holy Spirit, who is also God, teaches us and corrects us as we mess up. Our mistakes are between God and ourselves. Worshipping God by singing is another matter. God wants us to show our adoration for Him and Him alone. Too many modern people have taken the old stone idols out of the OT and now “idolize” famous people who have not shown they are worthy of any respect let alone any believe in our God. We give them our money so they can live extravagant lives and commit obscenities on TV. Those show are subsidized by the commercials which sponsor the shows. If you all want to make an impact, don’t buy the products of the shows sponsors. Use your money to speak your disagreement with how they make these show.

  • Brian Keim

    She needs to walk out of most of the Churches in the country!!!

    • james

      you need to attend more of them it sounds like

      • Spropro

        AMEN!! James, Christians Rock!!

      • JD

        I think she was referring to how a lot of the churches in this country are full of false christians who only act like it sunday morning. You know the judgmental type who love to look down on everyone else. That or the churches who pass around the collection plates and pray for people to reach deeper into their wallets.

      • Brian Keim

        I do just not the polluted message of self righteous theology that most preach!! NOTHING about Jesus and everything about how ONE pleases God which is heresy!!

    • Lisa Stowers

      You need to get right with god

      • Spropro

        Amen Lisa, and if you notice Brians last name tells you probably why he said that!! Christians Rock and God is good all the time!!!

      • Brian Keim

        Your funny!! I am ‘right with God’ by the FINISHED work of Christ!! What is your meaning of the Cross?? One’s self righteousness will not get you ‘right with God’ ONLY the finished work of Christ and I would love to chat with you!!

    • Vladsmom

      The thing about churches is they are filled with people - who sin, make mistakes, etc., the difference is we KNOW what we did is/was wrong and we make our amends - to God, not to you, the preacher, the pope, or mankind.

      • Brian Keim

        My experience growing up in Church and involved in many ministries is that 99% have no clue what is in the Book they are trying to ‘believe’ in!! Truly scary. “Make our mends’ is NOT Biblical GOD made the amends with mankind by the FINISHED work of Christ not by some man made self righteous works that one does!! Grace is a FREE AND a irrevocable gift from God!! No sinners prayer or ‘believing’ has anything to do with this gift!!!

      • Vladsmom

        If you are saying everyone is saved and going to heaven because Christ died for our sins, then you are only half right. “No man comes to the Father except by me” I mean, even the devil believes in God. And most know it’s not thru our works that we are saved. Grace and being saved are two different things. And your 99% statistic…..really? Lol

      • Brian Keim

        Obviously, you are part of the 99% because you don’t understand Grace, the meaning of the cross and what ‘saved’ means? Your double minded theology is simply NOT Biblical. Either Jesus died for the sinner (all mankind) or he didn’t. I guess you don’t believe that Jesus died for all sins??

        1 John 2:2

        New International Version (NIV)

        2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

      • Vladsmom

        Sure, he died for everyone, however, you are fooling yourself if you think you are going to heaven without praying, asking God to forgive you and come into your life and save you. God lives everyone,, but make no mistake,, he will turn his back long before you are ready. There is a hell for a reason.

      • Brian Keim

        Vladsmom, SO either Jesus died for the sinner or he didn’t?? If “Hell” is real why isn’t it mentioned ANYWHERE in Jesus’ scriptures?? Did Jesus create a new religion or fullfill it?? How are you sure that Jesus died for YOUR sins?? It seems a little arrogant that Jesus would did for your sins and NOT someone elses?? I used to believe in your Self Righteous theology!! I did that ‘sinners prayer’ (not biblical) June 17, 1977. Only by the Grace of God, did God show me this truth that Jesus died for the sinner ALL mankind and that “Hell’ is a total MYTH!!! Here is your foundation of “hell’ This “FIre’ is where your theology has grown from.

        2 Chronicles 33:6

        New International Version (NIV)

        6 He sacrificed his children in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced divination and witchcraft, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger. My question to you, what did the Lord think of this ‘theology’?? Demonic in nature. Another words this never entered God’s mind and even arousing anger from such Theology!!!

        1 John 2:2

        New International Version (NIV)

        2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

        Romans 3:3-4

        New International Version (NIV)

        3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written:

        “So that you may be proved right when you speak
        and prevail when you judge.”[a] God will remain faithful to his plan which is that ALL men will be saved REGARDLESS of ones ‘faithfulness’ or lack of!!

  • Maggie Redondo

    If this were 1960-64 . None of this would even be able to be broadcast. This shows the desensitizing of the people! The courage to walk out is a blessing.

  • james

    proud of her, more people needed to do that, I quit watching a couple of years ago

    • Spropro

      I’m proud of her too, I caught a couple of glimpses of it and what I seen, was inappropriate and stupid, and why do black artist always have to sing about sex, drugs and profanity!!

  • JRey

    Oh for the love of Pete! If you go into a barbershop, you will get your hair cut. Do you go to a strip club and not expect nudity? Do you go to a KISS concert and not expect boobs? It is a faux protest. The Grammy’s are exactly what they are and the best part is that we, in America, have the choice to not attend or to turn the channel. For the record, I could care less and would attend in a second if invited.

    • JD

      I agree to the point of personal liberty and doing what ever a person wants to do. but i think it is laughable to call any part of modern music “art”. To even put music like Miley Cyrus or Kanye to Bach is an insult

      • JRey

        Agreed. That is why my music collection does not include any of those “artists.” I am still stunned that they are calling Motley Crue and Whitesnake classic rock.

    • L P

      This on prime time television, JRey, some perforamances had to be bleeped It was not a strip club, it was prime time television where children are watching. The show sucked, most of the performers were talentless.

      • JRey

        Agreed. That’s why I have a remote and enjoyed ABC family with my children that night.

      • Guest

        “Most of the performers were talentless.” No. This was one of the few years where nearly all of the performers had great talent.

    • ST

      First of all, it’s “I couldn’t care less”. But I’m guessing that’s not important to you. I have kids and grandkids. After YOU do, then you can tell us how cool it is to hear and see this garbage.

      • JRey

        I have kids from the ages of 18 down to the age of 4. So I do. I spend time with my kids, not restricting their access or unduly influencing their decisions, they make the decisions not to access inappropriate garbage. I don’t complain, I do. AND I still don’t care because I don’t fear my children being distracted because I have taught them to make informed decisions and those decisions are not so weak as to fall prey to an annual television show. Is your philosophy/religion so weak as to fall under a simple television show?

      • peachnectar

        p*rnograhic and sexualized behavior is NOT appropriate for children of the ages you mentioned. A four year old does not know what is best for their mind. Your are a silly arse for thinking children should be able to make their own informed decisions for their life. What if they want to eat jello all day long and not go to school or study their lessons. You as the parent are the responsible party for your children’s well being. Once sexual pictures go into the mind it can take decades fro them to be forgotten. We can only pray that for some reason you kids will not be perverts in our ever increasingly sexualized world. I hope Taco Bell will be able to provide the income they need to subsist off of when they are too stupid to hold down a real job.

      • JRey

        For the record, I own several Taco Bells and my children will not be working at any of them. Despite your ignorance, my 4 year old and my 6 year old have no interest in the Grammy Awards. Their only musical interests revolve around Dora and the Mickey Mouse Club. However, the 16 year old and the 18 year old have developed a quite sophisticated taste for both music and culture. Since I was active in their early development, I trust their ability to distinguish between musical talent and garbage. I did the work early and now can trust the kids (now adults) to distinguish. I am proud of the independence my children have developed and no matter their choices I will stand by them simply because they are their own decisions, tastes and preferences. FYI. My daughter will enter college next year majoring in Physics and my son will release his 2nd rap album next month. Couldn’t be prouder and can’t wait to see where the youngest ones go.

    • Katie Kruger

      JRey… if I went into a barbershop 50 years ago, and again today, not much will have changed, just the hair styles (which actually have come back around to the same, in some instances!). I dare you to watch a Grammy show from the 1950, 60 or 70s and say the same crass, brazen, shock appeal was the norm. Today they are used to put forth much more than music styles. The Grammys are SUPPOSED to be an award show celebrating music, not a strip-tease, nor a coven, and not a politically charged propaganda machine either.

      • JRey

        AND I went into a barbershop in Butte, MT for a haircut. I trusted that I would get a more modern haircut but after I was “white-walled” (a haircut that leaves an inch or so above your ears) the other barber informed me that regardless of what haircut you requested the old barber still gave you a “white-wall.” I didn’t complain since the old man seemed to be sincere and for the most part honest. We just didn’t see eye-to-eye regarding hairstyles. He was SUPPOSED to give me the haircut I wanted. I don’t go to that barber shop anymore. The Grammy’s are a strip-tease, a coven and a politically charged propaganda machine. Get your hair done at Great Cuts!

      • aemoreira81

        The change probably can be dated back to 1984 or so, when raunch began to make its way into songs regularly (many Prince songs as well as She Bop); think the Filthy 15.

  • Maria Martinez Iavaroni

    I thought it was inappropriate for a new Mom to perform this way. Jusy sayin.

    • David Gooding

      Haven’t you noticed? Children are props to them . . . to be used when convenient, then ignored when trying to sell records.

      • Vladsmom

        Kinda like how Paris Hilton would drag her dog around with her.

      • Guest

        Ha! This made me laugh.

  • L P

    The Grammy’s represent why our country has fallen, a lack of any moral compass. I totally agree with the above article.

  • vic

    I am an atheist and when I see things like that I always think “was that really neccesary”.They are obviously beautiful women and that doesn’t enhance that beauty one iota.In fact it kind of degrades it like some kind of passive prostitution of the female form.

    • JD

      Even as an atheist you have to respect others decisions and beliefs, and that goes against her faith. Personally i couldn’t care less on the religious part but i agree that modern music is tasteless, degrading, and a travesty to society.

      • vic

        I have many christian friends true christians caring sharing and we don’t try to convert each other .Then there is the WESTBORO BAPTIST wack jobs that I would delight in punching in the face.To many decent christians get lumped in with those weirdos.

      • JD

        My wife is lutheran and i used to be baptist, so i understand where you’re coming from. But at the same time im also libertarian so i think that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even the westboro people. Doesn’t mean i agree with it, but the fact that they can choose to believe it.

      • R1NZLER

        Glad to hear you left the Baptist church. They are one of my least fav denoms. I’m not a big fan of the 33,000+ confused overall, but to each his own.

      • JD

        Im sorry i studied religion in college, and all the denominations are based off the catholics. In catholicism you can pay to have future sins absolved. Pay to have family members sins absolved, (even posthumously, and thus guaranteed a place in heaven) and also pay to have priests perform hail mary’s for you. Its amazing how all of it revolves around “donating” to the church.

        If you really want to erk a hardcore baptist remind them that muslims, and jews worship the same god they do.

      • R1NZLER

        All the denoms are distorted versions of Catholicism, thus making them a false version of Christianity, heck even their Bibles are doctored. I have to say though I’ve never heard of someone paying to have sins or sins of others absolved, pay priests for hail mary’s… lol yeah sounds like typical Baptist lies and ignorance…they’ve dreamed up a lot of BS to slander the home they came from…. it’s comical actually.

      • JD

        it was more so a practice centuries ago, but there was documentation of it happening and the fact that it did happen and was even condoned.

        I think Orthodox Catholicism was distorted from the start considering the bible itself isnt even complete.

      • R1NZLER

        I figured it would have to have been something from the distant past.

      • peachnectar

        Your humble opinion doesn’t really matter when learning what the bible says. The old orthodox religious practices were based on Judaism and the ways the Jews spent their Sabbath. Christianity is not about HOW you practice your worship. It is about WHO you worship. It is about actually knowing the God of the bible and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is real

      • peachnectar

        You talk like someone who knows exactly nothing about the bible or any Denomination specifically. Different groups have come to different understanding due to their own misinterpretation of the bible. Modern Christians do not believe that communion is actually the real body of Christ. Jesus’ words are true, but we aren’t cannibals when we eat the symbolic body of Christ. He did say He is the bread of life. So please take some time and study the bible. There is a New Living Translation which is pretty darn easy to understand. What you don’t understand, ask God to show you the truth if He is actually the God of the Universe. I can guarantee you that if you honestly want to know the truth, you will get understanding from the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to counsel us in our understanding of His Word. Jesus also said that He is the Word. The Words of the bible give you actual life. It is worth your effort to understand what He meant by His Words.

      • wanima

        It’s amazing how uninformed people who “studied” religion are when they talk about the Catholic church.

      • peachnectar

        Muslims DO NOT worship the same God that Christians worship. Mohammed has lied about the OT prophets and he died and is still dead. Jesus is thought to be a ‘prophet’ only by the muslims. Jesus is God come to the earth in the flesh so that He could die “our” death and thus save mankind from eternal death. He got the keys to death, hell and the grave when he went to Hell for three days. He then walked the earth for 40 days and showed himself to the people that knew Him. Acts 1:3 His life is documented by the Roman historian Josephus. Many non-believers documented the fact that Jesus performed miracles and cast out demons from people. He didn’t come as a “good man” or a “prophet”. He said He was the Messiah. Unfortunately in the OT it was confusing to them at that time. Jesus came once and will come again as the reigning King of all. The Jews were expecting the King to come and save them from the Roman dominion. There is no comparison between the God of the Christian and Jewish texts and Mohammed’s ‘god’. He was a person with the spirit of antichrist. He wanted to mislead people so they would go to perdition and not have the eternal life that the belief in Jesus would give to believers.

      • JD

        See what i mean…..

        Dont forget the Jewish population who view jesus as a false messiah. Yes i said false.

        Just because the jews and muslims do not see jesus as god on earth doesn’t mean they don’t worship the same god.

        Christians are an offshoot of Judaism, and so is Islam, All three religions worship the same god. Just because you say it isnt so, doesnt make it so

      • wanima

        These things do not take place in the modern Catholic church. You are inaccurate in the extreme.

      • SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

        I’m a Christian and the best friend I ever had was a non believer. I’ve known some Christians that wouldn’t cross the street to help you if you were dying but “oh they care about your soul”.

      • JD


      • peachnectar

        They must have been christians in name only. We will be known for our ‘love’ for one another.

      • Cindy Bear

        Thanks again, vic. Some of us Christians simply care about how young girls are being “sexploited” and want to see a stop put to it.

      • R1NZLER

        You realize you just stated that you care quite a bit about the religious part, and in other words you feel you could actually take it down a notch. The English language is your enemy here. Vaya con Dios.

      • JD

        Okay so i reread my post and would like it if you explained how i state that i care quite a bit.

      • R1NZLER

        You said “Personally I could care less on the religious part…” since you’re asking I’m going to guess you don’t get why this is wrong?

      • JD

        Yes thank you i didnt catch the contraction the first two times.

      • R1NZLER

        No prob… it’s a common error.

      • vic

        JD Don’t you just love the grammar police lol

      • R1NZLER

        Hey, I’m not dumping on him… just helping out! Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (16)

      • Evelyn Atwood

        JD, the correct phrase is I could NOT care less. If you say you could care less then some jackhammer like Rinzler will ask you just exactly how much less could you care.

      • R1NZLER

        …that is true, it’s a double negative. He cares, but is going to try and care a little less. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (17)

      • JD

        well i suppose it was right the first time, i COULD care less if i really and actively tried to i suppose.

      • JD

        already corrected

      • wendy

        saying he “couldn’t care less” means it is physically impossible for him to care any less. He is at the least amount of caring possible. If he had said, “I could care less” then that would imply that there is a little bit of caring that he could still give.

    • SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

      I agree with you 100%!!! I think if these young girls are going to exploit their bodies to make money they should be treated and charged like a prostitute.

    • Vladsmom

      First time I’ve ever agreed with an atheist!

    • Cindy Bear

      Thank you vic for not joining in on the American obsession with the sexual exploitation of women.

    • Aster Nova

      As an atheist I disagree. I see nothing wrong with the human body or sex. Shaming is a religious tactic.

      • JD

        There isnt anything wrong with the human body or sex, but there are things such as taste and class. Which modern media seems to have thrown out the window.

      • A Jenny

        Oh, ASSter!!!!

  • Jul Mdama


    • SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

      Blah…blah…blah..blah,blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!

      Internet Ministers, Preaching that everyone needs to repent. 5 minutes later jacking their dicks to explicit Smiley Cyrus pictures.

      • Cindy Bear

        You need to repent also and so do we all. When you stand before God’s judgement throne, you won’t be able to say that I didn’t warn you.

      • Jean Barber

        Is that what you did Sierra etc.

      • SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

        Why so curious Jean Barber? You pervert there are some thing’s that should remain private and don’t you go thinking about private parts neither! Perv

      • Truthbug

        What did you observe to know this? Are you a peeping Tom?

      • SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

        No I’ve seen enough Church Vans parked outside p*rn Stores to know how you guys act!

    • Oxy

      It was all those exclamation points that convinced me.

    • Aster Nova

      Evidence outside the bible please. Your book is fiction and people have been saying what you just said for hundreds of years. Still has not happened. Nice use of caps.

      • Michael Avalos

        Idiots think they came from monkeys devoid of any intelligent design. Well how ironic the lack of intelligence by those of the left… libs

      • singingsoprano

        Such gracious words, Michael.

      • Truthbug

        Still has not happened, you say. Things happened today that had not happened yesterday. I would be very nervous if my only reason for thinking something would not happen tomorrow because it had not happened today.

    • JRey

      I pray each day for the return of the Lord so he can take you all up there with him and we can have a few moments of peace.

      • Tim0926

        A few moments (if any) is the most you will get - before Satan’s reign of terror begins and all Hell really does break loose.

      • JRey

        Actually, I am pretty sure we get approximately 7 years (according to your literature)…

      • Jean Barber

        He will get your ass first so you want have your “peace”.

      • JRey

        I realize that you have absolutely no respect for any other viewpoint other than your own but my “religion” which is the Native American perspective does not teach that there is only one path to the Creator. Pidamaya sister Jean. I will see your “ass” in “heaven.”

  • Ph

    I totally agree. It’s all about the disgusting shock value!

  • Jul Mdama


    • JRey

      I can’t wait for the lord to come and get all of you. Maybe then we will have some peace.

      • usaok59

        Wow, I will say a prayer for you.

      • JRey

        And I you. Though you may not be able to digest such a travesty, the path to the Creator is broad and traveled by many. The Native Americans (like myself) allow for many ways to commune with Tunkasila.

      • Nikki

        I think you have the path of the creator confused with the road of destruction.

  • Teddy Herrera

    Put some Cloths on Damn it !! I don’t want to see those Mud Flaps Either !!

  • HW1961

    I grew up in the 70’s-going to concerts-listening to the most amazing, talented, singers and musicians!!! The Beatles, John Lennon, Fleetwood Mac, Styx, REO Speedwagon, Journey and many more!!! Why can’t these artists just sing, show their talents, perform without all the theatrics!!! I loved parts of the Grammy’s-Paul &Ringo-Keith Urban-Willie Nelson and the Guys!! Carol King, etc. Simple yet Powerful Performances!!!

    • Bryan ĸ McDonald

      P!nk, as well, She performed precision gymnastics while singing LIVE. no flamboyance or vulgarity.

    • aemoreira81

      Short answer: shock value. The fact that Arbitron has moved to the portable people meter to measure listenership also hasn’t really helped, as it shows that certain formats are popular in a given market. One can say that the Pandora’s box really got opened circa 1982 when Madonna’s first album was released. For instance, in the NYC market, there was no country music station from 1996 (when WYNY-FM was replaced by dance music station WKTU) until 2013, when, faced with debt, WFME (the only Christian radio station in the market) was sold and flipped to a country format (WNSH, Nash 94.7). Yet the market has three hip-hop stations, two Spanish-language stations, two Top-40 stations, three adult contemporary stations, and a classic rock station (as well as a classical music station that was swapped to a weaker frequency to give a Spanish station a stronger one).

      • Joan of Arc

        It’s not about shock, it’s about control. The media wish to control and program us….they have slowly introduced this debased behavior in music, tv, film……they are dumbing us down in the best way…that is why media is called “programming”. Best for all to do their homework.

    • Truthbug

      An all-consuming sickness is rampant. Some want to be the center of attention no matter how they do it.

  • Christine Williams

    Agree with her. Its hard to find a good decent artist/actress/actor anymore. Its getting where I don’t even want to turn the tv on anymore. It disgusts me!

  • Randy Perkins

    Not very christian of her.

    • Cindy Bear

      No Randy, it was very Christian of her. God said: “Come ye out from among them my people, touch not the unclean thing.”

      • oke

        Hahahahahah!!! You are hilarious! This is a joke right?

    • JUSTME

      Sorry to tell you this Randy, but it was VERY CHRISTIAN of her. Christians do not want nor need to see the immorality on TV or in theaters. I turned it off due to the disgusting , sickening, happenings.

    • Michael Avalos

      Another idiot of the left.

    • Truthbug

      It would appear that some think being Christian means approving any kind of trashy behavior that comes along, and yet everyone has some behavior they don’t approve. Again inconsistency (hypocrisy?) pops up.

  • Jo

    Thank you, Natalie, for blessing us; May God continue to bless you and yours.

  • Tisha

    my husband and me turned off the grammy’s after we saw what Beyoncé was doing…we decided that’s not for us. We have kids and did not want our little one seeing something that’s not appropriate at that time of the evening.

  • manta64

    it was a Deviant fest !

  • Kathy Brennan

    The human body is beautiful. However when women are sexualized and exploited, it dehumanizes us all. Regardless of your faith, there should be a common decency and respect on these shows.It’s supposed to be a music awards show. it has become a burlesque, being as vulgar and controversial as possible with their political statements. How romantic to be married en masse on national tv. No, it’s a dog-and-pony show all in the name of art. I love these people who say Christians are trying to impose their values. No, we’re trying to impose any values to protect our children. I would have left too.

  • Howie Doitt

    I’m seeing an awful lot of judgement on this supposedly Christian thread.

    • skinnydude

      Judgements to leave a sinful environment which is not a celebration of art or music is the godly thing to do . Sadly, too many have no judgement on personal conduct and morals . You don’t dance with the devil just because you hear music . That’s not tolerance, that’s ignorance. I decided not to watch these self absorbed immoral shows long ago . They are irrelevant .

    • Michael Avalos

      Another fool using a word inappropriately. Just like the idiots who use racist and bigot when opposed to the Muslim brotherhood implant in our WH

    • Daisytoo

      Speaking of Christianity, keep in mind that Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Discerning what’s appropriate for oneself (or not) is a good thing. Leaving a person, place or thing that’s toxic to one’s soul, or the soul’s placed in one’s safe-keeping, is completely appropriate.

      • A Jenny

        Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? II Corinthians 6:14

      • Joan of Arc

        and Jesus used whips! Did he not? It surely is written……

    • deniselm

      i think it was more her choice than her judgement. she did not make issue with anyone specifically. it was the “theme” of it all and she simply chose to not look. Her additional response was even more specifically nonjudgmental. to disagree does not mean one is being judgmental. It just means they disagree and prefer not to watch. that is all she did. she has as much right to do that as perhaps those performing like burlesque shows at 7 o’clock prime time hour on a mainstream TV show.

    • Guest

      Welcome to Christianity.

    • Joan of Arc

      Judgement…..the cry of those who don’t like what they are hearing…because in their hearts they know it’s the truth. Right and wrong are in the heart, and if you have one, then you know what is right, and what isn’t. Accepting it is a different matter.

    • 2Texayn

      It’s called discernment…

      • Nikki

        Love love love love love how you handled this.

    • Truthbug

      There seems to be a great deal of confusion concerning the meaning of the word judgement. There is a haughty, unjustified, judgemental attitude (the kind that says “I’m so superior and mine doesn’t stink while you’re so inferior”) and another kind of judgement meaning an accurate assessment and evaluation of that being which is being observed. Often, the two are not carefully distinguished as part of an effort to diminish someone else’s opinion. You could even say there is an element of the haughty kind in the statement of accusing the other of being judgemental. We are continually being told no one can know or describe the difference between good and evil, yet all have opinions about what is acceptable or unacceptable. Methinks some hypocrisy lurks here.

  • Eddie

    We have to live in this world but we don’t have to be of this world. She did the right thing in walking out.

  • bilros

    I was watching a recent car commercial, I think for a Toyota Corolla and was saddened by the way the 60’s looked quaint, the 80’s looked decadent, and the 2000’s looked stupid. Always amazing to see a flow of history in pictures and how corrupted we have become without knowing it.

    • Daisytoo

      The 60’s look quaint until you attend your grand-child’s Winter Concert and see a Kindergarten class singing what’s become the Atheist Anthem: John Lennon’s homage to nihilism, “Imagine”.

      • peachnectar

        John Lennon doesn’t speak for a lot of us. He is one who helped many slide down that slippery slope of drugs and atheism. His views were his own until he sang them and wrote them for all to suck up to. A godless person such as he and his fellow band members did more harm than good.

      • Daisytoo

        John Lennon wrote some beautiful music, as did his bandmates. Unfortunately, some of his songs emerged from a place of deep hopelessness. “Imagine” is one of them - written when he was in the depths of his addiction to heroin.

    • Nikki

      some of us know it… and we are saddened.

  • Lisa Stowers

    I don’t watch the awards. Glad i didnt have heard nothing good about it. Why do women act like this. All you are doing is showing how unlady like you are. If you have to spread your legs on tv to get attention and sell yoursflf you no better than a hoe. have rspect for yourself and your kids and family. This really set a bad example for other women. Thsts why young man treat women are like they do

    • Ben Feerer Jr.

      I think most everything that comes out of Hollywood is trash, so I never watch movies or any of these Grammy shows. I am not there judge, just my opinion.

    • Nikki

      Well… sex sells. That is what they are counting on. Beyoncé’s leg spreading was sickening actually. Makes me think of legal prostitution with a loop hole. I just don’t understand… she’s so beautiful, successful, has a wonderful voice, she’s married, has a child… why does she feel the need to look like trash?

  • Mariah Smith

    I’m not a Christian by name - but I believe Jesus walked the earth - and I believe in his goodness. And I love the message of grace that Christianity brings. What we have been seeing at the Grammy’s - and countless other places - over the course of at least ten years has brought a sadness within me. This industry will be its own undoing. Good for her for keeping her head held high and taking her leave. A very noble way to handle the situation.

  • Laura

    I grew up watching the Grammy’s, but after this year, I have no desire to ever watch again. When did the Grammy’s stop being about the Music and become so political?

    • Nikki

      You know, I was trying to remember if in my 34 years I ever saw a “straight mass marriage” on the grammy’s. Nope. I thought the show was about music but they’ve found a way to even ruin that. Ok.. so we can’t watch with our kids, and now we’ve got politics shoved down our throats. I don’t want to ever watch again either… I was embarrassed that my 12 year old was even in the same house after the first act, let alone the same room.

  • Philanthropuss*

    I guess she never saw Shania Twain in that Leopard body suit in Man I feel like a woman. Kelly Pickler’s new boobs or the 10 hottest female country singers in Maxim mag.

    • Joan of Arc

      And all that skin that was revealed will wither away just like any other human being…..what’s the big attraction at viewing other people’s vanity?

      • Philanthropuss*

        Now she knows not to go next year

  • Alison

    Natalie didn’t “walk out”, as is being claimed. The below is a direct quote from her FB page:
    “I’ve tried to read all of the comments on my previous post but I can’t respond to them all. Most of you have always been so supportive and encouraging to me & I’m grateful. It does sadden me when people argue, judge and hurl insults at each other from both sides of the fence. I’m not going to engage in arguments, but just have a few things I’d like to say:
    I NEVER said I left during any particula…r performance. I only said I left early.
    I never pointed out any one particular performance, I only said I had many thoughts about the entire show, which were best left inside my head and that is where they will stay. So those who say I condemned one performance but then condoned others clearly did not read the post.
    What I DID say is this: I am honored to be a part of the Christian music community. I’ve had many people throughout my career ask why I never tried to go in to mainstream music and last night was a beautiful reminder that I love singing about Jesus and FOR Jesus.
    I’ve judged no one. I hate no one. And I believe that every person has been created in the image of God. I will never stand on a street corner and wave a sign, I won’t use my platform to engage in political arguments that will only divide and not unite. I will continue to pray that my life will be my message. I do have my own personal convictions that I live by, and I will continue to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord. (Philippians 2:12)
    I was honored to be nominated for 2 Grammy awards last night. I’m so grateful that NARAS and The Grammys continue to recognize the contribution that gospel and Christian music make to the world. And I’m so thrilled for those who won in my categories. And I can say that with all sincerity.
    My last thought:
    “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus for it is the power of God who brings salvation to ALL who believe.”
    Romans 1:16

    ~ Natalie”

  • Tom

    Randy, you’re right, it was exactly not very Christian of her! Why doesn’t anybody look at it this way?…she was foolish for leaving early. She missed out on some saving 😉 If Jesus apparently needed to show up and be represented correctly at the Grammys, wouldn’t she have represented Him better by staying and talking to the people about Him? Is that not what the Gospel is? Evangelism at it’s finest. Is that not what He would’ve done? He hung out with the tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, aka the sinners, the un-clean, the least among us, etc. of His time…so why would she not use our time and her time at the Grammys that apparently was too awful to represent Gospel Music at to her advantage? And instead she chose to be stuck up and close minded enough to just walk away. WWJD?

    • Rhonda Waldridge

      Really? She is a human being with feelings. Perhaps she was afraid her words at the time would not be Christlike. Can’t say I blame her. Don’t worry though, she will gather her words and speak when she is ready. Stuck up and rude? No, that award goes to the performers who have made Grammy night with family impossible.

      • Tom

        *Stuck up and close minded. I didn’t say she was rude. I’m sure she left peacefully, but still, she lost an opportunity and made her look like she was running away with the tail between her legs instead of being courageous like a lion, but who am I to judge? lol

      • Nikki

        I’d like to see you with the courage to stick your head in a roaring lions mouth. “Satan is about like a lion seeking whom he may devour” There isn’t even one instance I can think of in the Bible in which a lion was considered “courageous”. They were either referenced as bad or having their mouths shut by God.

      • Tom

        Seriously? Lions are known as courage. Find me a place in the Bible where lions are not considered courageous.

      • Nikki

        For starters, the entire book of Daniel. Read it and get back to me

    • Annie B

      I think a Christian gets a feel (with the help of the Holy Spirit) of when its time to testify and when its time to walk away.

      • Tom

        Do you really think Jesus would want us to walk away from any “lost souls” though?

      • Joan of Arc

        Having comradeship with them is a different matter….so if she did walk out, she was not leaving them out of her prayers, I am sure.

      • Nikki

        2 things, first off… We AREN’T Jesus. We are supposed to strive to be like Him, but we aren’t Him. We are none of us perfect. As far as what Jesus would have done, you probably don’t want to know. I’m fairly sure He would have made tossing tables in the tabernacle look like a saintly gesture in comparison. Again though, we aren’t Jesus. What would Jesus have wanted her to do? Exactly what she did. There comes a time to stand and a time to guard your heart. Of course I can tell your sarcastic overtone and you really didn’t want a true answer to this but here it is.

      • Tom

        Okay…thanks for your response. When did I say We ARE Jesus? My implications were that we are to strive to be like Him, I never said we Are Him. That’s ludicrous. I definitely agree that there’s a time to speak and a time to remain silent. I appreciate your true answer! You really think I wanted a sarcastic one back? Ha! No. I’m just saying she lost an opportunity to be with the masses and speak up about Jesus. That’s all. She chose to be silent in the most opportune chance to speak up. However, I’m not her, I don’t really know what’s going on inside her head, so I cannot blame her for the choice she made or understand why she did. However, the same goes for those who say she made the right choice. Her choice was her own, and we are not her, much like we are not Jesus. So I don’t even understand why any of this matters, really lol. Neither side can really argue over what she did, because we are not her, and we do not know her intentions whatsoever. So for that, I take back what I said, but I also hope everyone else understands that her choice is hers, and not their own. Well, I don’t take back what I said, I still meant to say it. It’s just I don’t have a right as much as anybody else has a right to criticize OR agree with what she did. That was her choice, not ours.

      • Nikki

        When I talk to my mother about issues going on in my life she used to ask me “what would Jesus do”? One day I looked at her and I said “I’m not Jesus”. I don’t always have the strength and perseverance to do what He’d do. I wasn’t suggesting we are Jesus, I’m suggesting regardless of what He’d do, it would always be better than what we could do. Because we aren’t Him and we do not have the perfection He does!

      • Tom

        But that shouldn’t stop us from trying to achieve the same perfection He had…

      • Nikki

        Of course not, but realizing we will never be perfect makes me feel a lot better as a person.

      • Tom

        We are people, which means we will never be perfect.

  • TB

    This is what Natalie Grant wrote on her FB Post and she didnt walk out because of a performance:

    tried to read all of the comments on my previous post but I can’t
    respond to them all. Most of you have always been so supportive and
    encouraging to me & I’m grateful. It does sadden me when people
    argue, judge and hurl insults at each other from both sides of the
    fence. I’m not going to engage in arguments, but just have a few things
    I’d like to say:
    I NEVER said I left during any particular performance. I only said I left early.

    I never pointed out any one particular performance, I only said I had
    many thoughts about the entire show, which were best left inside my head
    and that is where they will stay. So those who say I condemned one
    performance but then condoned others clearly did not read the post.

    What I DID say is this: I am honored to be a part of the Christian music
    community. I’ve had many people throughout my career ask why I never
    tried to go in to mainstream music and last night was a beautiful
    reminder that I love singing about Jesus and FOR Jesus.
    I’ve judged
    no one. I hate no one. And I believe that every person has been created
    in the image of God. I will never stand on a street corner and wave a
    sign, I won’t use my platform to engage in political arguments that will
    only divide and not unite. I will continue to pray that my life will be
    my message. I do have my own personal convictions that I live by, and I
    will continue to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling
    before the Lord. (Philippians 2:12)
    I was honored to be nominated
    for 2 Grammy awards last night. I’m so grateful that NARAS and The
    Grammys continue to recognize the contribution that gospel and Christian
    music make to the world. And I’m so thrilled for those who won in my
    categories. And I can say that with all sincerity.
    My last thought:
    “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus for it is the power of God who brings salvation to ALL who believe.”
    Romans 1:16

    ~ Natalie

    • Melissa Stewart

      You go girl! Have loved you since seeing you sing with TRUTH years ago! Knew you were sincere and God would use you! Stay true to Him! Be blessed!!

  • Zero G

    I must have missed the part of the broadcast that upset Natalie Grant.
    I started watching about the time John Legend gave his classy and soulful performance of “All of Me”. I also watched Taylor Swift give a similar classy performance of “All Too Well”. I continued watching when Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams, Nile Rogers and Stevie Wonder gave an uplifting, celebratory and funky performance of “Get Lucky”. I saw Keith Urban’s tears after 30 couples expressed their genuine devotion of love and life to one another during Macklemore’s “Same Love”. I guess I must have seen the other 90% of the broadcast that wasn’t offensive.

    • Nikki

      Yeah, you missed Beyoncé and Jay-z in the very beginning. It set the tone for the show and I was ashamed that my 12 year old daughter was in the same house as me, let alone the same room.

      • Zero G

        No, I didn’t see that part of the show and I do trust your judgement as a mother and appreciate your feelings concerning your daughter.
        I must say I didn’t see the influence of such a negative tone in the rest of the broadcast. I suppose many folks may have tuned-out during that act and didn’t view the rest of the program. Maybe the networks should save the more risque’ acts for later hours of the broadcast.

      • Nikki

        Well I make my kids go to bed at 8:30 and TV’s off and lights out no later than 9pm. Well… had they saved that for the end that would have been better. Then parents who would have cared would have had kids already in bed for the most part. Altho sometimes I do allow my children to stay up late on special occasions. But it was very raunchy.

    • MickeyFreakinDougal

      How clever of you to try to put a shade on the elephant in the room and call it a lamp.

  • Rhonda Waldridge

    If these people want to shock and awe, then perhaps they should put on a decent show. One we can sit and watch with our children. That would be something new and different.

    • GOP Light

      Watch reruns of Gillian’s Island or Duck Dynasty. More your speed I’m sure.

      • Guest

        whats with the snakiness? bitter about your life and just want everyone to be miserable like you?

  • Shezshe

    As a Christian, i had enough sense not to even watch a second of it! All these award, music shows are mostly trashy people being disgusting! I think its great she left but then again, didn’t she have enough sense to know how it was going to be??

    • EastCoastMike

      She knew…..but no one would be talking about her today if she she didn’t go and if she didn’t walk out.
      Seems very staged….

    • Nikki

      I think it is rather sad to invite people you know wouldn’t want to be involved in smut and trashiness to a place like this, nominate them for an award you know they may not be there to accept. Doesn’t make any sense. Mandisa didn’t even go and she won 2 awards.

  • Flarn Buckholter

    There are very few things in the world that matter less to me than the Grammys or anyone in them.

    I’m including dissolved toilet paper in a septic tank, gnat flatulence and the status of Kanye West’s nosehairs in that category.

    • GOP Light

      Yet here you are commenting on them?

      • Truthbug

        I suppose anyone would “comment ” to others to warn them not to step in nasty stuff.

  • GOP Light

    If you don’t like something, don’t watch it. Its called freedom of choice. But with that you also don’t get to decide what other people watch. Silly story.

    • Rob

      No one told you you can’t watch it. Silly comment.

      • GOP Light

        Silly how people are so offended by something they say they don’t watch?

      • reallywantstoknow

        No one has to watch a show or attend a concert or movie to know the content and correctly discriminate against imbibing that which goes against one’s beliefs and values. Most people have never been to a “gentleman’s club”, but we know enough about what goes on inside to avoid poisoning ourselves with the contents. What is silly is your statement that we cannot be offended by the very existence of something we have not personally experienced. Have you experienced any instance of genocide? And yet, does it not offend you?

      • GOP Light

        So now genocide and a few cuss words are now on the same level, more silliness, does it ever end with you people?

    • 100_honors

      You idiot. A public transmission is justly available for public comment…It is called freedom of speech. It is liberals like you that interpret the US Constitution selectively, adhering to only those provisions that benefit you or position and condemning anyone who voices opposition to you. I say to you…get a life!

      • Brad

        It’s…what do you label yourself as…conservative(s)? like you that won’t shut up your judgmental mouths and stop acting in fear for what you don’t know. Conservatives like you who interpret the Bible selectively, adhering to only those provisions that benefit you or *your position and condemning anyone who voices opposition to you, I say to you…take a look at the plank of wood in your own eye, before looking the speck of dust of someone else’s. (Matthew 7:35) but you probably already selectively know that.

      • reallywantstoknow

        I fear for those who appear before the judgment seat of God with the “dust” in their eyes, pointing at those of us with boards in ours….

      • Brad

        Why? Because Conservatives are God’s favored people over “Liberals” when it comes to His Almighty judgement? Please show me that verse in the Bible! Thanks.

      • patriot first

        God favors those who seek His guidance and obeys His commandments

      • 100_honors

        Another idiot heard from! Who said anything about religion and/or morality. I was addressing a Constitutional right which liberals invoke all the time but are unwilling to allow the same right to anyone who would disagree with their position. Before voicing an opinion about anything it would be wise to check your facts and references before pronouncing…you may prove what is already evident!

    • NaNa

      Wel that is what she did . She left. Also we have the freedom to say Hurray for HER!

    • Thor

      You have the freedom to keep your mouth shut…. exercise it.

      • Darrell King

        How many liberal types would follow that advice I wonder????

      • GOP Light

        I also have the right to speak. I bled for this country in Iraq and you and none of your little chicken hawk buddies can shut me up, my guess is you’re just another tough guy internet warrior. F off

  • peachnectar

    You go girl. I can’t stand these young people who think all they are good for is being sexy in an obnoxious way in public. I really don’t care to see all that you have.

    • Vlad99

      Please girl stay gone. No one cares about your holier than thou a self-righteousness.

      • Tom

        Thank you! Amen.

      • nana

        and really no one really appreciates your opinion , but we all have one….Has freedom already gone. if you want to watch coochie trash…watch it, I don’t have to

      • Thor

        Intolerant idiot…

      • reallywantstoknow

        she never said a word, just quietly left. The intolerance is, as usual, from those preaching intolerance.

      • reallywantstoknow

        …preaching tolerance

      • Darrell King

        says the supposedly tolerant moron.

      • Swartzy

        Vlad, I hope your daughter if you ever have one, would not be in the middle of that debacle. Shame on you and your low class comment. Why do you think that someone who tries to be god like is “holier than thou, yes shame on you


        She got up walked out and didn’t make a big deal out of It only now is the left doing so, What happened to the toleration you are asking of Christians?

  • Michael Joiner

    Good for her!

  • malkerian

    There is no such thing as heaven and hell… Sorry to disappoint everyone…When you die, it’s the end….

    • Fred Lingenfelser

      Have you seen the future, oh angry one?

    • reallywantstoknow

      and you know this how?

    • What Grammys?

      You’re in for a surprise…

    • Stanley W. Sloan

      In these last days God said evil will become good and good evil and sure enough the world is getting more immoral and evil every day,anyone who doesn’t see it must be blind.

    • Darrell King

      So what you are telling us then is that your nothing is far more real than the nothing you say we believe in?

    • Doubtless

      And you know this exactly how, Malkerian?

    • Brad

      Interesting point, technically there is no proof that there is a heaven or a hell. So who’s to say what happens? We don’t really know, but I guess that’s where faith comes in. Whatever you believe, you believe. “You love who you love”.

    • Stephanie✞

      What does that have to do with good morals, values, and being a civilIzation if high integrity.

    • Kyle Whitman

      Another day closer to finding out if atheism was the right choice for you. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (18)

      • Jason LaMar

        It’s not atheism. That would be the denial of a deity, which the existence of one cannot be proven, so atheists disprove the unprovable? Yes, we’re such a logical species. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (19) On the topic, the Grammys sounded very bad on a lot of the collaborations but I did not watch the entire show. John Legend and Taylor Swift did very well in my opinion but that’s about it..I usually don’t like awards shows anyways. There’s not a lot of honoring but a whole lot of self-glorification.

    • Abbey

      There IS a Heaven!!! I briefly died during surgery to have a cerebral aneurysm clipped. There is such a NEVER ending love there!!! No pain, nothing negative,,,,,just a NEVER ending love and so much beauty!!! I smile and laugh EVERY day now!!! God bless everyone!!! I am glad she stood up for what she believes in!!!

  • Swartzy

    my hat is off to her, I watched some and couldn’t watch much. It was a crass and debasing show.

    • Nikki

      From the very first performance it really was just kind of nasty. My kids usually watch the grammys with us; my daughter is nearly 13 and she LOVES music. She was heartbroken when I made her go to bed rather than watch… was just not family appropriate.

  • Disgusted

    Here is an idea. Turn off your stupid TV, Play whatever music you like, play a game that does not involve a television, and have fun.

    • Karolyn Clarke

      Yes that is the right idea lets go back to 60 yrs ago and really have fun with our families and friends!

      • 4True

        Haven’t had a television for years and I not missing anything.

    • patriot first

      That is a good plan but it doesn’t stop the Hollywierdo’s from debasing our country, our youth.

  • Gina Carline

    I didn’t care for the show either. I couldn’t get past the off key musicians and the pairing of the artists. Not sure what they were going for but I don’t think it worked. No one should attend any event the are not entertained by so I’m glad they left. Not sure what any of this had to do with the state of the union address…..

  • PastureMuffins

    Well DUHHHHH, what did she expect? You can tell from all the hype and promos it’s gonna be trashy. Probably went so she could walk out and be the buzz, since she wasn’t going to get any recognition any other way. Seems calculated. Probably didn’t win anyway, so gets more recognition as the one who walked out, rather than the person who actually won the category. Bet you can’t name who won this category.

    • Nikki

      Mandisa won 2 awards in the Christian Music category. She knew she was nominated but didn’t even attend the awards. Natalie Grant is huge in the industry in this type of music. She has been around for years and I can tell you that she didn’t do this for the hype. Some of her media followers have really given her a lot of grief for this. She believed in something and she did it.. I don’t understand why everyone is making such a big deal of it.

      • Kay

        She said on FB that she never said she left for one reason or another. Unless she says she left because of what she saw, people need to chill. And for the record, I would have done the same thing FOR the reason people are “assuming” she did. Smut and vulgar actions for sure. Gross.

      • Nikki

        I see it this way, prime time tv has no business showing things on their shows that I’d be embarrassed to sit in a room with my own mother and watch. I’m 34 years old, and my mom is not a prude. I tease her all the time b/c she gets embarrassed so easily just talking about movies where they kiss. But this… this was p*rnography while wearing clothing.

      • shelleyinbc

        Because this news site is making it hype. Allen West is a Fox contributor. This should not be a surprise. It is of benefit to the powers that be to have wide division among the masses. Macklemore’s Same Love has resonated with so many. This is the ‘other sides’ response to that.

      • RoseMary King

        If she believed in it and left for only that reason, then none of us would even know it. She did it for the publicity.

      • patriot first

        That’s pure speculation. Or biased opinion

      • Nikki

        Tell me who made it known? It wasn’t her… it wasn’t her publicist. It was someone in the media who wanted to start a buzz in the worst of ways for bad publicity for her..

      • BC

        Why do they “the famous ones” dress and act trashy? For publicity

      • Nikki

        You are derailing and devolving. Natalie didn’t dress or act trashy.

      • PastureMuffins

        I’m so sorry her tender sensibilities were offended, but if you are going to wander into Sodom & Gomorra what did she expect? Sounds to me like she is either terribly naive or was looking for her 15 seconds of fame by walking out. I’m not sure why she is deserving of all the accolades when she set herself up by going in the first place. The self-righteous make me ill.

  • Keith Frazer

    I am disappointed more “Christians” or any one else with a moral conscience did not walk out.

    • shelleyinbc

      Surely anyone attending the Grammy’s would know what to expect. Why go or watch if it is so offensive?

      • Nikki

        Actually, it was rated tv 14. Beyoncé’s performance would have embarrassed me to sit in the same room with my kid of even 17 and watch.

  • Tim

    Although I disagree with your opinion of shock value in music, I appreciated the tone of the article. Then the last sentence ruined it and all credit. There was no reason to include a political statement in an entertainment story.

    • drawcatch88

      So it was okay to include a political statement during the Grammys?

    • Conservatively

      If your solution to protecting innocent children who died in a no-gun zone from a crazy man with guns, is to make it harder for those who want to protect children to get guns, then you most certainly are a liberal.
      For sure, you are an idiot.

  • I choose goodness and beauty

    You can choose to live your life in a garden of beauty for that is the world God created for us. Along with it’s physical beauty is the beauty of the hearts of good and moral people. You can bask in the sunshine and the sweet floral and woodsy smells that creation is filled with. Where children can run and play and thrive - or you live in the sewer, in the filth and stench and rotting garbage with only other sewer denizens for company. And you can raise your children there. Can’t imagine why one would choose the latter, but to each his own!

  • KyleinCSpring1

    Of secular music award shows,.the CMA was the last to fall several years ago. It was a huge deal when on CMT one could detect proud nipples on Shania Twain. That is nothing now. Too bad… <

    • Guest

      “Oh no! Human anatomy!”

      • patriot first

        It’s not the anatomy that is the problem but how it’s flaunted and flashed around in place of real talent. No talent is needed to go naked or nearly naked.

      • Nikki

        There is a reason that it indecent exposure is against the law. Maybe you might want to read up on that instead of act like a jester.

      • Guest

        I’m sure it will be exhilarating.

  • Steve

    It’s okay to disagree with someone’s words, thoughts, actions, etc. It’s okay to be offended by these things. It’s okay to excuse yourself from situations that you find uncomfortable or difficult. It’s not okay to claim that you’re doing it because it’s what Jesus would’ve wanted. I don’t claim to know what Jesus thinks or cares about, but I doubt he gives a damn what people do on stage at some arbitrary award show. In fact, I don’t believe he concerns Himself with a large portion of what the vast majority of the Christian population do or say. Live and let live, folks. Anything else is wasted energy.

    • kcsunshine

      you obviously haven’t read the new testament, or the old one.

      • Steve

        You’re absolutely right. Might I suggest that you go from the presence of this foolish man, if thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (20)

    • Hard Boiled

      though i agree i doubt Jesus would want us showing our naked bodies to children and doing sexual motions or positions, but Jesus did play a musical instrument, he did partake of wine, and he danced on the beach in festivals with the people. he didnt drink to get drunk, he drank to quench his thirst. he didn’t roll around and act like a whor*, but he did dance, sing and play an instrument for people to hear. Just because you are a christian doesn’t mean you have to live in a cave with your ears sewn shut, or that would make you a hypocrite for listening to Country music which sings of cheating, getting drunk, and killing your wife with a semi! And thats the old stuff!

    • Holly

      When you are a Christian everything you do is to be done to glorify God. It’s very simple to know what Jesus thinks and cares about. Read the Bible, pray to Him, and then listen. You will not have to guess what he thinks. I do claim to know what The Lord Jesus thinks and cares about. I can assure you that he absolutely cares about what happens on a show like the Grammys that are watched my so many. Just as much as he cared when the children were kept from coming to him, just as much as he cared when the selling was going on in the temple, just as much as he cared about the adulterer at the well and the list goes on. You see my friend Jesus has always cared about everything . It is all the little things that add up to make the big picture that is our life. And he cares and concerns himself with everyone of them.

  • Karolyn Clarke

    Most of Show biz and music is immoral and I quit watching all these shows because of the disgusting things they do, say, sing and how they act which is disgraceful! I dont buy anything but the oldies and dont listen to much that is new or watch the garbage in the movie theaters! Dont miss it and dont care! Need to turn our backs on this garbage and raise our kids right!

  • tye block

    Oh give me a break. Sounds like you’re jealous.

  • truthteller

    Was the worst show I have seen in years!!!! That’s why they kept using all the smoke and mirrors!!! It hides the fact that the whole thing was horrible. I would have walked out too if I had to sit through that. To say nothing of trying to see the stage and Taylor Swift standing up dancing and blocking everyone’s view. Couldn’t she have been happy with front row seats??? No she had to dance and block the view of other people. The whole thing was EGOS and ENTITLEMENT.

    • Guest

      Most of the crowd stands during the performances. Not to mention, she was probably assigned that seat. So…

  • nanap

    I don’t watch presentation shows anymore. It’s just a place to be seen and obscene. They are patting themselves on the back and most of it “for what”, making spectacles of themselves. Many of them are newshounds and want all the publicity they can get, anyway they can get it. Congrats to Natalie Grant for walking out!

  • Chuck Weaver

    God bless them

  • Guy Bennett

    co-workers asked “AWMAGAWD Y U DIDN WATCH DA GRAMMIEZ!”
    I replied “I don’t allow my 5 year old to watch p*rnography”

    • Sarah

      Because there were naked men and women having sex in front of thousands of people and millions of viewers on television…It’s a celebration of music, not “p*rnography”. Check your definitions.

      • Nikki

        Actually… the motions were all there, they just wasn’t naked… I mean.. they wasn’t FULLY naked.

      • Sarah

        They wasn’t isn’t correct English…number one, and number two, there’s a distinct difference between a mentioning of p*rnography and actual p*rnography.

      • Sarah

        Excuse me, I meant motioning of p*rnography.

      • Thorien

        Really? Ohmigosh, you are so super smart! Gosh, I wish I could change subjects by commenting on someone’s dialect (while neglecting punctuation rules) and taking another person’s hyperbole literally!

      • Crystal

        Really? You are going to worry about grammar instead of the state of our country having no morals or decency on something that is suppose to be family oriented? You have no problem with it, then you, I’m sorry to say, are part of the problem.

      • Hard Boiled

        you must like p*rnography and get off saying it, but it doesnt make it right when your kids cant watch it. well your little perverts might, but then again that’s your morality, not to be pushed onto others.

      • Vladsmom

        That’s how you can always tell who’s a liberal…..when they can’t think of anything to say, they go after the grammar. LMAO Typical.

      • Nikki

        wasn’t is easier to type than weren’t… bhahahahahhah

      • Athena007

        So you’re saying Conservatives are joyfully illiterate? I’m a Conservative and I agree 100% with Nikki’s post, but grammar is just as important - more-so if you want your point to be taken seriously. The education in this country is at an all-time low. Every little bit of effort in expressing proper literacy skills helps. We aren’t an educationally poor third world country (yet), and it would be nice to keep it that way.

      • Vladsmom

        No, I’m not saying that. but Sarah never commented on what Nikki’s point was, she only went after her grammar. I personally think it’s rude to correct another adults grammar. Again, another trait of a liberal.

      • Nikki

        You are right, correct would have been “weren’t” but I didn’t know you were the grammar Nazi, sorry to disappoint you but you got the point didn’t you? No, there is no different. What would you consider a lap dance? Just b/c they weren’t in a bar and jay-z wasn’t paying her doesn’t change what she was doing. If you can’t see that, then I don’t know what to tell you; maybe take off your blinders?

      • wulfy

        yes, and guy “mentioned it as being p*rnography in his eyes … this is called an opinion … check your defenitions before you bash others for being free thinkers Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (21)

      • Hard Boiled

        not everyone wants their kids watching soft p*rn, and if they make the motions of it, it is p*rn. you should check your definitions before correcting others on it.

      • Vladsmom

        “A celebration of music”!!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They wouldn’t know music if it hit them in the azz!

  • skip


  • Steve R.

    Well put, MR. West. Well put.

  • Kyle Karlin

    Hi people, If you don’t like it don’t watch it. Former comedian George
    Carlin said “A Reverend Donald Wildman in Mississippi heard something on
    the radio that he didn’t like. Well, Reverend, did anyone ever tell you
    there are two KNOBS on the radio? Two knobs on the radio, Of course,
    I’m sure the reverend isn’t that comfortable with anything that has two
    knobs on it. But hey, reverend, there are two knobs on the radio! One of
    them turns the radio OFF, and the other one changes the station.
    Imagine that, reverend, you can actually change the station! It’s called
    freedom of choice, and it’s one of the principles this country was
    founded upon. Look it up in the library, reverend, if you have any of
    them left when you’ve finished burning all the books”.

    • Nikki

      10 years ago watching the grammy’s was suitable for children under 17. Sorry, even last year it wasn’t an NC 17. This year, it was nearly R rated. But we all have our warnings for next year, thanks for the concern.

      • Kyle Karlin

        Don’t watch it then, it is that simple. If you have kids then prevent them from watching it, you are the parent, you call the shots. In fact I would be more concerned with the drunks watching the Superbowl next weekend who see a beer or alcohol commercial reminding them to “Drink Responsibility” followed by a car company. This is a no brainer but only myself and former comedian George Carlin have mentioned this.

      • patriot first

        That’s a great plan but it doesn’t stop the Hollywierdo’s from debasing our culture and the lives of impressionable youth.

      • Vladsmom

        When it’s on during prime time we shouldn’t have to constantly monitor for scuzz on TV.

      • Vlad99

        You are responsible for educating your children not TV.

      • Nikki

        Really? Are you just lacking the intelligence to understand this isn’t about the parents failing, its about the tv ratings failing to allow us to know that what we were watching was going to be twerking and lap dances and people nearly nude. But thanks for your concern about my children’s education. They are extremely intelligent, but that has nothing to do with the tv ratings failure of last nights Grammy Awards. Which unfortunately had very little to do with awards.

      • Vladsmom

        Somehow when I hear talk of the “Grammys” I don’t think of education. And I certainly don’t need you to tell me whose responsibility it is to educate my children.

      • Vlad99

        That you are right Grammys are entertainment. Since you don’t need me to tell whose responsibility it is to educate your children. You can understand why I don’t care what you might think of the state of the black family. Conservatives sure love to lecture people on how to raise their kids.

      • Nikki

        Really? Looking back through my posts I don’t see where I suggested how anyone other than myself should raise their children. But honestly, I (me, the adult) don’t want to see someone grabbing their crotch and grinding on their husband. I wanted to see AWARDS being given out. Unfortunately there was very little of that.

      • Vlad99

        I did not mean you in particular but conservatives in general. You seem like a smart person, please tell me what do they do in their videos. What those artists do in their shows. It’s all highly sexualised it might not be your cup of tea (no pun intended) but it’s what they do it’s what they always done. Can be understandable that someone like you and me (viewing public) might be taken aback. But Mrs Grant is a performer and is part of that industry. Other artists snobs the Grammys their whole careers for the same reasons. Mrs Grant knew exactly what she was doing, she wants you to buy her album.

      • Vladsmom

        Here we go playing the race card again. I’m on my little phone and I didn’t realize you were black. I suppose now I’m expected to check out the profiles of everyone I reply to and choose my words more carefully so I don’t upset anyone. Well, guys what, that’s not going to happen. Grow up, get a thicker skin, put your big boy panties on. BTW, you are the one that told me I am too educate my children, not the TV.

      • Vlad99

        I’m not upset it’s more of a deja-vue experience. Your response reminded me of all the times I’ve told conservatives the exact same thing you told me. I would not be commenting on allenbwest if I had a thin skin.

      • Nikki

        Wonderful advice, however, maybe they could put it on a channel more suited for adults only? Maybe they could give a better warning than tv-14. I wouldn’t have let a 15 year old watch that. My daughter will be 13 in April, she was molested at the age of 5. She knows all about sex, and what happens and has for a long time because of that; that doesn’t change the fact that watching stuff like that made her uncomfortable, made me uncomfortable and made my husband want to climb underneath the couch. We didn’t expect what we saw. So put the blame where it goes please, the rating was not met by the raunchiness of the show.

      • Vlad99

        Seriously have you watched the Grammy’s or any award show in the past 10 years? What made you think it was the Southern Baptist Lutheran awards? You are responsible for educating your children not TV.

      • Nikki

        What does educating my children have anything to do with what I said. Your response is very obtuse. I expected it to focus on MUSIC AWARDS. Since you know, that is what the show is supposed to be about. Excuse me for expecting it to be what it said it was… a music award show. I doubt the title, soft p*rn; beyonce twerks and wears barely anything, would have made me think it was a music award show.

      • Hard Boiled

        i stopped watching in the 90’s. i didn’t want to see the edgy crap then, i certainly dont want to see it now.

      • Vlad99

        10 years ago Madonna kissed Britney Spears on stage.

      • Nikki

        Yes, kissing another human being is no where near as nasty as a nearly nude woman grabbing her crotch, grinding on her husband and making the motions of a sexual encounter. A kiss is just a kiss… I kiss my husband in front of my kids; but I would never grab my crotch (or his) in front of them.

    • Randall S.

      This is the reason evil still exists, “Just look away, honey, and it won’t hurt you.” Here’s a quote: “Another kind of evil we must fear … is the indifference of good men.”

    • critdifrnc

      Karl, why get your shorts in a know? What Natalie Grant did was the equivalent of turning the knobs on a radio: she left. So what’s your beef? She and others who think as she does and support her actions are entitled to express their opinions about the show, just as you are. Work on a little serenity, brother.

    • OrganicGirl

      OK, Kyle Marx, we do have freedom to choose, but this trash was showing at family time in some time zones. The Grammy’s and other award shows were enjoyed as a family gathered around the TV. Not so today.

    • Marilyn

      What the heck kind of idiocy are you talking? George Carlin on his worse day would have made more sense then the context of your post!!

  • fromthemomma

    Hollywood is sick and sickening.

  • Klaus Michael Adam

    Satan is to be confronted… not to be walked away from. When you walk away, your brothers and sisters are left in jeopardy and satan wins.

    • Thorien

      Her action could be interpreted as confrontational, in the telling Satan to get his @$$ behind her kind of way.

    • Hard Boiled

      All of Hollywood is becoming immoral. you always tell kids who are hanging around with the wrong crowd, to find new friends. yet an adult walks out on bad people, and you tell her she is wrong? Youre kidding me right? False prophet you are then!

    • OrganicGirl

      Really, so why don’t we all go to Hell and confront him. I think not Santa Klaus.

      • Klaus Michael Adam

        One need not go to hell to confront satan. He is the prince of this world. He lives right here with us.

      • OrganicGirl

        He may live with you but he’s not welcome in my house. The Blood of Jesus is on my door.

  • tonia

    I like Beyoncé’s music, but everytime I see her performance replayed im disgusted. that’s the only performance that I think was distasteful. I think she needs to have a little more class next time!

    • Guest

      While Beyonce’s performance was overly sexual (much like most of her performances), it was Katy Perry’s satanic-ritual-style performance that made Natalie dip out. I can tell why a Christian would feel uncomfortable at such an event. Did you see Lorde? People actually thought she was possessed for a minute there.

  • Poop


  • Zimm

    And she did. She got up, walked out, and essentially turned it off. Someone else reported it.

    • Vlad99

      And Allen West reported it, generated more comments then anything he could ever writen about Benghazi.

      • Marilyn

        Pathetic statement on the state of America!

  • David Roberts

    CHEER, CHEER, CHEER [3 cheers] for Natalie Grant & Husband for walking out on that obvious filth that was going on, on that stage. I’ve never liked the sound of Beyonce’s voice. However I liked her tenacity as a teenager in getting her dream. Also her humble personality was a shining star made me a fan of hers. Unfortunately, her actions of late, have turned me into a non-fan. My opinion of her has done a 180. Too bad for her.

    • Gus

      Natalie not Amy but yes Good statement that rocked reports everywhere

      • David Roberts

        Thanks for the correction. At 75+ sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. Correction made.

    • Fair Enough

      I hope you’re not suggesting Amy Grant and her husband are the corner stones traditional marriage? Both were married to others when they “found” each other.

      • OrganicGirl

        Found each other….were they lost?

      • patriot first

        That sounds like somebody has mixed a teaspoon of truth with a truckload of BS

      • Marilyn

        Why oh why is Amy Grant even in this conversation? Must be that you don’t care who you bash. So what if its the wrong person ?

    • OrganicGirl

      Natalie not Amy Grant. Beyoncé has turned into nothing more than what is sold in a strip club. The only thing missing was a garter for the dollar bills. I didn’t watch the Grammy’s because the artist don’t appeal to me, for the greater part. But, I saw the picture of her sitting straddled in the chair with her legs spread and it reminded me of the movie Cabaret.

    • Guest

      While Beyonce’s performance was overly sexual (much like most of her performances), the report stated it was Katy Perry’s satanic-ritual-style performance that made Natalie dip out. I can tell why a Christian would feel uncomfortable at such an event. Did you see Lorde? People actually thought she was possessed for a minute there.

    • Vlad99

      I’m sure Beyoncé and her 350 million net worth misses you as a fan.

      • Nikki

        It is only money, when you die you can’t take it with you. Money makes no one happy. Whitney Houston was a multi-millionaire who killed herself with drugs…. sound happy? Michael Jackson said in his last few years even with all his money all he ever felt was “lonely”. He said he never had anyone he could trust cared about him for him…. She and her net worth aren’t worth all the family, friends and love I have even if I’m not a millionaire.

      • Vlad99

        Silly me who thought conservatives worshiped at the altar of capitalism. I guess it always depends.

      • Publius

        Socialists tend not to know very much beyond what they are spoon fed by the media, so it’s not surprising that its news to you that conservatism (or capitalism, for that matter), are not about greed and wealth after all.

      • Vlad99

        Exept when it’s time to defend corporations who exploit their workers.

      • Publius

        Thank you for making my point about being spoon fed. Try thinking next time.

    • Marilyn

      You are as phoney as a three dollar bill!!! You are not even talking about the right person. Natalie Grant !!!

      • David Roberts

        Marilyn, calm down, calm down. Getting a name wrong does not make one a phony. I tried to edit my response, but apparently it didn’t work.

  • Tom Coverly: Speaker, Comedian

    Great article. I wrote a blog you should read.

  • danielle

    Why do any of you care who walked out if it was good or not? I watched it and i liked it but who really cares there are so many other things going on in this world . Evil sad things but people talk about this crazy to me. Since we have children dying everyday from evil people. This is whats wrong with this world js

    • Nikki

      Actually, what is wrong with this world is that stuff like “the grammy’s” has been allowed to pollute who we are as a people. Nothing is taboo anymore and everything is accepted. Yes, there are children dying at the evil hands of their own mothers; to the tune of 57 million since Roe v Wade. We can’t always do something about the evil, sometimes we can do a lot. But I think this is a good topic to talk about just how in the toilet our country is, and last night was just a “flush”. However; the toilet is still clogged.

    • OrganicGirl

      If you are so concerned about the sad state of our world, why are you wasting precious time watching the Grammy’? Get out there and save those dying children from the evil people. Really, Danielle did you read your post before you hit enter?

    • Ncrdbl1

      Each time the moral compass moves to the left then evil wins and the incidents you are concerned about become more and more acceptable in our society. Evil cannot enter this world in one big swoop and gain favor with the people. It comes in inch by inch moving what is acceptable more and more each time. Till things we would not have accepted just 10 years ago becomes acceptable today.

    • SYG

      danielle . . . .you just proclaimed to the world that you are “part of the evil slide downward” by telling everyone that it doesn’t matter who walked out or not if the show was “good” and that you liked it. Honey . .YOU are part of the problem with this world. Apathy and condonance are some of the tools used to buy minds. And you already sold yours.

      • Emily

        What a rude thing to say to someone you don’t even know. You’re just as bad as the rest of us so just go ahead and come off your high horse. She’s allowed to like what she likes just as you are allowed to dislike it. What ever happened to the whole pull the plank from your own eye before you pick the splinter from someone else’s eye thing? I agree with her. Sitting here arguing and reporting about some stupid award show and who got offended isn’t solving anything. It’s actually making people who aren’t Christians even more inclined to try and offend us in any way possible.

  • Jon

    I no longer watch TV and do not blame them for walking out because even the Grammy has gone to the dogs. Yes there is more important things to worry about than the Grammy awards.

  • nush

    who cares… they just love themselves and give each other trophies… no one else in America (real America) gives a rat’s a55

    • Vlad99

      Where is that real America exactly?

      • OrionElectra

        LOST IN HISTORY.. thanks to how you liberals vote. I remember her well though!

      • Alex

        Who said Vlad99 was a liberal. Maybe he is a conswervative for all we know who is just making a point 😉

      • OrionElectra

        He himself did by his many other comments. Perhaps you should get some background before sticking your nose in, yes?

      • SYG

        Well said OrionElectra.

      • TalkingSense

        OrionElectra… Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

      • Dr.Crazyr

        You are aptly named, TalkingSense. I agree, there is too much whinging and arguing going on here.

      • JTP

        That America never existed. It is a figment of your tea brain.

      • OrionElectra

        You mean America has always been the suck-sh*t socialist, entitlement minded weenie, stoner, sex obsessed nation it is today? Whoa man… I’d like to get that FIGMENT back. Could you liberals please stop crashing my dream?

      • JTP

        In your conservative utopia, the 1950s, the top income tax rate was 91%, blacks were unable to vote, segregation was rampant, college was only for the elite, and women had no chance of being anything other than a housewife. Ah what a time!

      • Nikki

        If I had a choice to go back to a time having the chance to be nothing but a housewife I’d go back if it meant the world went back with us. I don’t agree with racism, slavery, or segregation but I don’t agree with the filth we’ve become either. Oh, and what is wrong with being a “housewife”. My husband and I gave up a lot so I could stay at home with our 2 children until they went to school. After my sons first 6 weeks of kindergarten his teacher told me she was sorry there was nothing she could teach him he didn’t already know. He only went to kindergarten b/c he had to, but he helped the teacher help the other children with their work. If that is what being a “housewife” is all about then I think it would be alright if the nation went back to the mothers doing what they should be doing; raising their children.

      • JTP

        There is nothing wrong with being a housewife. I am just saying women had virtually no options like they do today. They could forget about being lawyers, doctors, CEOs, engineers, etc. If they were able to get work outside the house they were limited to a few jobs: secretary, nurse, telephone operator, etc. with little pay. It is great you can stay home but not all people want to choose that path. Don’t fluff over the fact that they were unable to during that time period. Also describing culture as filth is highly subjective. You dont think the parents of 1950s kids were disgusted with the filth of rock and roll. Elvis was banned from TV because of his “hip gyrations” and the Beatles were seen as degenerates for their long hair. Heck in some time periods in this country plain old dancing was considered immoral and banned. Kids and pop culture are all cut from the same cloth no matter what the time period is.

  • Chris Stockton

    Beyonce sang, “If you’re scared, call that reverend”. Looks like Natalie took heed! 😉 But while Beyonce’s performance was overly sexual (much like most of her performances), it was Katy Perry’s satanic-ritual-style performance that made Natalie dip out. I can tell why a Christian would feel uncomfortable at such an event. People even accused Lorde of being possessed during her number.

    • Nikki

      Well.. she did kind of look like something was suspect with her.

      • Chris Stockton

        Who? Natalie or Lorde?

      • Nikki

        Lorde.. my response was in reply to what was said about Lorde.

    • JWill

      Glad she exited early. I’m pretty sure the gay marriages wouldn’t have sat well with her either.

      • Betsy Bruner

        Why would they have wedding ceremonies at the Grammy Awards? Apparently someone forgot the purpose of an awards program.

      • JWill

        Political stunt if you ask me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Old-Fashioned Southern Lady

    If more people would turn around and walk out, would change the channel - I don’t know what they saw, I haven’t watched any of the self-aggrandizing so-called ‘awards’ shows in years - they’d slowly start cleaning up their act again. Society’s trends change, hemlines go up and down. I wouldn’t tell “them” what to do, it’s a free country… but these people were exactly right - walk out. Turn your back on filth and it will dry up and blow away.

  • Rakirs

    Cursing is part of language. Artists utilize all parts of language to show and express how they feel. I’m sure we all feel like cursing or being sexual at times, and I find nothing wrong with expressing that, as long as it doesn’t get to the kids. Kendrick Lamar’s part with Imagine Dragons was amazing, cursing or not.

    • Betsy Bruner

      There are plenty of words to use that are not knowingly offensive. That’s just plain disrespect. And, yes, “it does get to the kids”. That’s a desperate and sad excuse for why people curse and feel the need to show everyone how nasty they can be. The truth is their standards are lower and acting like animals in heat for the whole world to see is degrading for everyone. The purpose of all this perverted display is to outdo each other, it has nothing to do with artistic expression.

      • Rakirs

        I respectfully disagree. I think certain words can be used to express pain, anger, and sadness. If it is not knowingly offensive, then the artist obviously did not intend for it to be offensive, because he interprets his lyrics in his own mind, and they have unique meaning to him. It’s not about being nasty for most artists. It’s about freedom of self-expression. They don’t act like animals either. They are being passionate about what they love, and cursing is part of the language. They don’t care about outdoing each other either. They all want to spread a message about how they feel. I doubt you know anything about music, because clearly you do not know what artistic expression is.

      • Nikki

        I respectfully disagree as well. When they have to bleep out half of a song b/c the language goes against their own tv rating, then there is a problem with that self expression. I feel sorry for those who took their children to the awards show, as they could not bleep out what they saw or heard. Self expression sometimes is best left for when you are at home, or in your own bedroom. Jay-z and Beyoncé gave us a good look at what they do in their bedroom; not exactly what I expected to see on a music awards show.

      • Betsy Bruner

        Well, I must also disagree. Do you really believe artists do not know that cursing and acting out sexually is offensive? Maybe that is the problem. They don’t have the common sense to know the difference. Do they not have a problem in acting out with inappropriate sexual behavior in front of minors? Isn’t that just another form of sexual abuse? Being passionate about something you love is great. However, that does not mean you need to display it to the world and use the excuse of freedom of self-expression. This isn’t paid cable television. This is primetime. Family hours. They are too busy idolizing themselves and are frantically trying to get in as much shock value on primetime television so they will be in the news more often. That is why it has been getting worse. Everyone trying to outdo each other. If you can’t perform without acting like you are in a strip club or curse to stir controversy then you are not very confident in your performance. There is a book called a thesaurus. There are plenty of words from which to choose if they do not feel like exercising their own brains or are lacking in the creative artistic expression department.

      • Nikki

        I always tell my children that cursing is what you do when you’ve not got anything intelligent to say.

    • Nikki

      Sure.. I feel like being sexual at times. Those times are in the privacy of my own bedroom with my husband. Not in front of my children or anyone elses. If you were sitting in a room with a 14 year old child would you be ok with grabbing your crotch, acting like you are having sex, and grinding on your husband? The show was rated TV-14. Meaning it was supposed to be appropriate for children ages 14 and up. Sorry, but that show should have been rated R. Kids shouldn’t have been watching it at all.

  • suqsid4

    Good for Grant.

  • Michael J.

    Natalie Grant and her husband have class.

    • Vlad99

      That same husband she started seeing while married to someone else?

      • OrionElectra

        Don’t liberals SALUTE people bailing out of loveless marriages or.. in liberal cases… common law living arrangements?

      • James Wiske

        Yes, that’s why divorce rates are so high in Blue states and so very, very low in red states… Oh, wait. They’re not.

      • OrionElectra

        Oh wait.. you gotta get MARRIED IN THE FIRST PLACE to get a divorce. Blue staters can’t really be bothered with all that responsibility.

      • Vlad99

        What’s the point of being married if you gonna walk out on your kids and cry about paying child support.

      • OrionElectra

        Question of the century! Followed by.. if you KNOW you’re going to walk out on a wife and kids, WHY are you allowed to live on this planet?

      • Vlad99

        You mean like conservative icon Joe Walsh?

      • OrionElectra

        He KNEW he was going to walk out on his wife and kids? STRING THAT BOY UP! Oh wait.. that’s not what you meant.. you merely found… *gasp* a non liberal who bailed out on his family! GOOD HUNTING!

      • Vlad99

        Did not have to look far, from the same state as the Col.

      • OrionElectra

        Yeah! You really did good..finding that ONE non-liberal who did that amongst a haystack of liberals who do that as a matter of procedure! I salute your google skillz!

      • Dan Vickers

        Conservatives can’t play the more righteous than thou game. Take conservative icon Clint Eastwood… seven children by five women and been married twice. David Vitter and his hookers, Newt cheating on TWO wives and dumping one that had Cancer. So much for Republican family values.

      • OrionElectra

        Wow, thanks for your non-statistics of TWO. Among which, all children were fathered in marriage. Conservatives aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination but compared to Liberals, they could each murder someone and still look like saints.

      • Nikki

        So what you are saying is that you must judge him for his entire life? When I was 18 I was ignorant too.. I didn’t make right choices and I did things wrong… shouldn’t the focus be on what a person stands for vs what they are doing in their life today? Not what they did 40 years ago when they didn’t even believe in God?

      • Nikki

        Maybe because there are some people who actually like waking up to the same person for the rest of their life. Enjoy raising their kids together and building a relationship off of friendship; not sex.

      • Vlad99

        Sounds like you are describing most gay couples.

      • Nikki

        What does that have to do with your prior comment? You keep changing the topic.

      • Nikki

        What I find amazing about your post is that you failed to notice one thing… There are states that have an overwhelmingly red base, but due to one county that has as many people as the entire rest of the state (or more) the state is blue. This was made evident by our last election…. So break it down by divorce by county and get back to me please.

      • James Wiske

        And there are states that are not like that but just as I described. Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Alabama spring to mind as being extremely religious, God-fearing states who like to elect conservatives, yet they have an extremely high divorce rate, and places like Massachusetts and other blue states do not. Add to that evangelical churches - the majority of which are in red states - have done polls of their own congregations and found that they cohabitate, view p*rn, and divorce at levels equal to or greater than society as a whole. Try to change the parameters all you want, but if you want to try and make one group out to be more “moral” than the other, you’re projecting just like most conservatives do… How’s it go… Worry about the log in your own eye instead of the mote in someone else’s? Conservatives would do well to remember that if they used the Bible for anything other than bashing women and gays.

      • Lisa Ferguson

        I think you may be thinking of Amy Grant…..

      • Kirby Crowley

        Are you thinking of Amy Grant?

      • Jessica

        Aren’t they basically the same crappy artist?

      • OrionElectra

        Wow.. that’s all it takes for you to merge two different people into the same identity? I’m afraid to ask if you vote.

      • Jessica

        As an American, it is my right and privilege to vote, so of course I do. But also as an American, I tend to be ignorant and dumb like the rest of this country, so yes I can confuse Amy Grant with Natalie Grant, because either way it’s just washed up horrible music. Most people probably don’t even know either artist exists lol.

      • OrionElectra

        I haven’t heard this “Invisible Dragon” band you mentioned earlier. If someone were to call them “washed up horrible no talent a** clowns” would you look down on them?

      • Jessica

        That wasn’t me. Not sure if you mean Grammy award-winning band Imagine Dragons? Must be a different Jessica, because I seriously never mentioned an Invisible Dragon group lol. I know my music, and Invisible Dragon isn’t a popular band that I know about. And if we’re referring to Grammy award-winning group Imagine Dragons, how could they be a “washed up horrible no talent ass clown” group if they just won a Grammy for best rock performance? Doesn’t somebody have to be of the past to be washed up like Amy and Natalie? And no I wouldn’t look down on them, that’s their opinion, which we’re all entitled to Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (22)

      • OrionElectra

        My bad.. Imagine Dragons/Invisible Dragons.. all the same to me as they don’t sound like anyone I’d look up and listen to. As for Grammy award winning, lest I remind you Hillary Clinton got a grammy once.. look it up. Grammy inflation you might call it, along with remembering there’s no accounting for taste.

      • Jessica

        I met Hilary Clinton once. She was very nice. A lot shorter than I imagined her to be. Very nice lady. She was shopping for purses in NYC. So a Grammy must not mean anything if an influential lady, who happens to be a politician and not a musician won it. Brilliant logic! We just hand them out to talentless ass clowns right?

      • OrionElectra

        Here’s your logic.. because you find her influential you assume whatever work she did on audio (of which you have no idea) has to be grammy worthy! And you’re on the right track about handing out awards these days. Look at the Nobels won by one Alfonse Gore and one Barry Obama.. ousting the no talent likes of Irena Sendler.. a common rescuer of holocaust victims.

      • Jessica

        Here’s your logic…you fail to admit that as a politician she wasn’t influential? Every politician is influential whether we agree with them or not. Also, you’re assuming I didn’t look up the work she did on an audio track (yes I know what you’re talking about) can be Grammy worthy. Technically they can give a Grammy to whoever they want, as long as it fits in their criteria. Who’s Alsonse Gore and Barry Obama? I feel you have very deep seeded issues with Politics. Has your life really come to this? These people are so awful that you have to type sarcastic comments back to someone to make your boo boos feel better?

      • OrionElectra

        You just stepped on your own argument, citing that every (hence any) politician is influential, therefore, with your “logic” any politician would likely be a Grammy award winning Invisible Dragonclownsomething. Wow, you’re a real sherlock to have figured out Politics are a large part of my (and whether you know it or not between your “music” listening sessions) YOUR life. I’ve only spoken about liberals, and their policies in EVERY post! But you’re onto something with the politicians not being all bad. They’re just the symptom. The disease are the unsophisticated voters like yourself who put them in power.

      • Nikki

        lol… you do realize that Barry Obama is a name he goes by right? Barack (Barry)… some ppl.

      • Rakirs

        Orion, what kind of music do you consider good music?

      • OrionElectra

        Been down that road before. Anything I answered.. even if it happened to be 100% aligned with your “taste”, would be dismissed as “awful, no talent music!” Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (23)

      • Rakirs

        You are awfully assuming. I respect all music. I really don’t care what genre it is. I’m not here to bash on you.

      • OrionElectra

        Fair enough. I like just about ALL music with melody. This of course leaves out most of the Alternative Ballad crap of the 90’s, and most RAP. There’s an awful band out there right now called “NO AGE” who exemplify how some people mistake noise for music.

      • Rakirs

        I’m glad you said most rap. This of course, is pop, which is a pathetic expression of any emotion, if that’s what they are trying to portray. And yes, No Age is quite awful, along with most dubstep.

      • Rakirs

        Although not all rap is bad.

      • Jessica

        Well, I’m going to bed. I hope you have a great night and pleasant dreams! Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Also, thank you for explaining to me what my logic is. My life was so lost and confused until you showed me how I think! Thank you for saving me. Sweet dreams.

      • OrionElectra

        Nighty night!

      • Jessica

        Also, nice quote from the movie “Office Space”…classic! Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (24)

      • OrionElectra

        Not familiar with the quote.

      • Jessica

        “washed up horrible no talent a** clowns”…direct quote from the comedy film “Office Space” in reference to Michael Bolton, who I must say is certainly not a talentless Ass clown. lol

      • Nikki

        People who listen to this type of music certainly know the difference. This is the equivalent of saying well… aren’t Taylor Swift and Eminem the same crappy artist?

      • George75

        She’s never been divorced that I could find via many internet searches. AMY Grant on the other hand is another story.

      • Michael J.

        Evidently you are judging the wrong Grant.

      • Caitlyn

        Congrats on trying to be a smart aleck….wrong Grant

      • NPDeeDee

        wrong Grant-get your facts right, doofus!

      • Just sayin

        I believe you are speaking of Amy Grant and not Natalie Grant Mr. Vlad99. You have just disrespected yourself for not knowing what you are talking about.

    • Beaudine de Massy

      Yes they do. The whole show was tasteless and one big headache.

  • Marilyn

    What the heck are all you guys talking about?? Why not stick to the subject at hand, instead of rambling on????

    • OrionElectra

      What was this in reply to? What subject at hand in specific?

  • el_guero2000

    Thank you!


  • Ashley Wilson

    If you have no talent, and nothing inside, skin, sex, and ugly smut are the way to sucess!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lorna Bishop

    I have to agree here, I think the Beyonce act was totally humiliating to all women. She is no better than Miley Cyrus and just as disgusting. The outfit and the moves were way more than anyone needed to see. The song was awful, could not understand a word that was said. Kudos to Natalie Grant and her husband.. Too bad we don’t have more like them.

    • Chris Stockton

      According to reports. It was Katy Perry’s performance that scared Natalie and her husband away, not Beyonce’s. Either way, the principle still stands. And Lorde’s freaky flinching sure didn’t help. But by leaving, Natalie also missed the gay marriages, so I guess it was for the better. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (25)

  • Amber Bullies


  • James Clidence

    I’m glad some people in hollywood still stand up for right!


    She did the right thing, God Bless Her. If stupidity was worth it’s weight in gold, Liberals could pay off our national debt 10 times over!

  • PaulaP

    I appreciate their stance. They were modest and the media will likely try to make them look like the bad guys. I do believe the other artists are tremendously talented, but it would be fabulous to focus on their vocal talent and not awful behavior that is becoming an unwelcome norm. Cheers to Natalie … and Cheers to Michelle for a well written article. It was pleasantly informative without anger or finger pointing. I like this gal!

  • JeffM

    It’s her right to walk out of the Grammys or stay if she chooses. That’s what makes America great; that freedom to choose. That being said, I do not support censorship of the arts. She did the right thing by leaving if she was offended, but if she, or this post, is advocating the censorship of Grammy performances only because some might be offended by them, then I am dead set against that.

    • Liz

      There was no call for censorship. If you think that, you misunderstand. It is simply an unwillingness to be subjected to the filth that has become acceptable in the world, and a sadness, that the world rarely gets to witness the beauty of the pure and wholesome anymore. Art should inspire us to be the best we can be. Instead, it begs us to sink ever lower into the muck. She made a choice not to sink. Good for her!

  • lu

    Let me geuss you’re also pro choicr and for gay marriages there must be boundaries how is it that people like you dont understand that ?

  • Mandrox

    As Christians why are any of us surprised at what happened during the Grammy’s. Most of the music being honored is that of the secular world. Hasn’t God called us to be unlike the world? Aren’t worldly things suppose to feel peculiar and foreign to us? I’m not shocked because the truth is we are all sinners. The difference between them and I is that I have been forgiven by God. He has called me to do two important things: love God and love people. It’s very simple. Love comes in many forms and just because I am a sinner it does not excuse me from telling people when they have erred. Do I walk around with signs blasting people for their sin? No! But just like a parent disciplines their child for doing something potential harmful I will do the same when people I love are falling away from the things of God. This does not mean I hate them but I will not stand by and tolerate behavior that is against the Word of God. The best way we can make a difference is by not supporting these artists that are ruining the morals that this country was founded upon. So next time the Grammys is on turn the channel. When an actor you disagree with comes out with a new movie don’t spend your money watching it. Don’t buy the latest Beyoncé cd if you were offended by the opening number. Do what you can when it comes to the people you love and God will handle the rest. The best way I can explain my point is by using this quote from Rick Warren:
    “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” -Rick Warren

  • MrGeero

    …what was she expecting? She was NOT attending church:its the freaking Grammy’s!! Its not like it from 2013 to 2014 the music industry turned “to the devil” (as they probably wanna refer to it): it has been crap for a veeery loooooong time BUT now they wanna act like they are surprised by the industry. Well, I got news for you: the music industry has been garbage for a long time and it seems that its NOT gonna change. So next time you wanna meet “good christian folks” then perhaps the Grammy’s is NOT the place where you wanna be at.

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      She was up for 2 musical awards. It reached a new low of disgusting.

    • Athena007

      I can’t help but wonder where all this outrage was when Miley twerked at the VMAs - and everything before and since. Where was all this outrage during every other Grammy performance that has been disgusting, lewd, crude, and even violent? No one cared until Natalie Grant walked out because, I guess, she doesn’t own a TV and has never ever been to a Hollywood entertainment show. It was just a publicity stunt by Grant, but some people will always choose to be gullible and follow the herd.

  • Shane

    I think it’s hilarious, and deeply maddening, that all of you are arguing the way you are. You claim to serve a loving God and be filled with his love and then rip each other apart over different beliefs in posts such as these. The world may be secular and it may scare the hell out of you and you may not see the beauty the way that other people do, but those secular people know how to love, respect, and honor each other, regardless of their individual beliefs. You could learn something.

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      There was a leftist political forum where a musical award show was advertised.

  • Chioma Nwagboso

    This is one of the most poorly written articles I have ever read as a Christian and a perfect example of how we make ourselves look as Christians… Why do we keep attacking people who don’t expect to be taken seriously or expect others to look to them for answers in life? Moral decency is not the answer for life, accepting that Jesus Christ is the Son of God leads to life. I happened to notice that this artist knew she would NOT be attending the Dove Awards… This would not be a Christian Award show, the same difference from attending a barbeque over a black tie event: you come prepared for the occasion. So to plan to attend an award show organization that for the past 50 years has NEVER had a Christian theme or audience…??? Come on. We don’t have to be delusional or unreal to get an unbeliever’s attention. This is really just egotistical and that is the type of Christianity I have matured from: she is really just upset because she did not win any souls to Christ that night. Did she really think that she was gonna show up and every sinner was gonna just lay down their life before her? This is what happens when we forget the God that saved us when we were just like the world, hurting for hope but ignorant of the need for it until Jesus puts hope in our lives and saves us.

    • fuddcat

      Chioma - you are really confused - you have the whole story misinterpreted - Read it again!!!

      • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

        This show hit a new low for disgusting. Good for her for walking out even though she was nominated twice.

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        Actually I am not confused, thank you. I am not stupid, just because you do not agree with me. We are all adults here

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        Don’t attempt to downplay my response because you do not agree. Actually contribute an original response

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      She was there because she had 2 musical nominations. How could she know in advance that it would become a disgusting political forum?

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        Anyone nominated for an award with an organization has a choice to attend to accept the award. She knew the organization is not a Christian organization… Come on now, the Grammys has been AIRING LiVE on NATIONAL tv for 50 something years now… Much has changed since then obviously, but it has always been a mixture of musical genres present with the artists attending. I did not say I was against her leaving, she can do whatever she wants. I just think it was possibly a religious publicity stunt. I would have NEVER attended an event for an organization I do not support. It couldn’t have been that distasteful toward the faith Bec she put forth the effort from the beginning to attend.

      • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

        She is young and likely excited to get recognition for her hard work by getting 2 nominations. The Grammys reached a new level of depravity this year. I commend her for leaving. Only a fool would think a person with morals did it for a stunt. I never watch award shows because they are too often salacious or just inane.

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        Stop using my comment to make your point because you’re saying the same thing over and over: #onlyafool would keep barking up the same tree with no results. You keep responding to me because trying to change my opinion is not working for you. Saying I am fool is not gonna change what I have to say or downplay it and Im not gonna keep responding when Ive made my point. I didnt say that I don’t believe in morality, I just see that as Christians some of us, out of immaturity, lord our morality over the world instead of winning them to Christ. Christ and moral decency are NOT interchangeable at all. We use morality as a measuring stick to fail others when even we are not good enough for what Jesus did for us.

    • Aury

      I feel so sorry for your sick soul….If you are a Christian you are not following God’s word. She never thought how vulgar and bad taste display some call artist like Bey-once that has to be almost naked in order to get the public attention, If you are a good singer you can dress appropriate for the occasion. I don’t watch anything that have to do with Hollywood because everything is vulgar, trashy, and racist. God is the center of my life and without him I am nothing. So I am glad Natalie Grant left before the end of the show. As Christians we deserve respect if not from the Grammy at least from ourselves.

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        Don’t feel sorry for me because I don’t agree with you

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        I am strong enough in my faith that I don’t need to “deserve” respect from the world, and if you truly knew the Jesus you claim to know… Well hmmmm…. He didn’t either. He didn’t talk about what He “deserved” from the world, did he? NOPE!!!!!!! Instead He died on the Cross instead. As Christians, we should be sorry for what we have become: in love with ourselves

      • Chioma Nwagboso

        You have a problem with what I said because people like you fear what you don’t want to accept, that Jesus cares nothing for your morality. In fact the Bible says it is as good as filthy rags ( you figure out for yourself what that really means). You use your morality to prove better than others, not give your life like the Son of Man did

  • fedup

    it was a disgusting show right off the bat… smut - improper - vulgar - trash

  • koowah

    I assume, as she is a performing artist, she attended and then left early. If something is offensive to you, get up and go, .If someone is offensive, avoid them. There are many things and people in todays world that are gross and vile. There has to be a market for such things and people, if an when the desire for depravity ends, so will they.

  • NotSomeJudgmentlaBigot

    Looking down through the comments… and most of you “good christian” people, such as this orion dude, are some real pieces of judgmental f*cktards. You’re a special judgmental kind of stupid. Who are you to judge anyone for who they are or what they like? Isn’t that against your precious book? Seriously, what’s wrong with the world are people like you sticking your nose up or looking down on people as if your actions are any better.

    • Chuck

      First I would mention that it’s you that is the most judgmental,. you have deemed these “good christian people as a special kind of stupid. So now its you who is the moral compass and they voice of God (self) I suppose. Also you stoop so low that you disregard the very rules of this site “Posting Policy

      We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain a courteous and useful public environment where we can engage in reasonable discourse”

      And yet again, we hear the poor sad angry lament who are you to judge with the sidekick isn’t that against your precious book trip.

      Well who am I is a child of the author of the book and no judgement in of itself is not wrong both judgement and mercy each have its proper application.

      1 Corinthians 6:2-4

      2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

      3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

      Matthew 5:13-15

      13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

      14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

      15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

      It seems Sir, you are consumed with the very bigotry you try to accuse others of for expressing their right to their opinion to disagree with what is moral and not. Are my actions any better? Well, I know it is written that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. In that all humanity is in the same boat. The difference is that each individual has the choice wither to stay in that pigs pin of a rut or be washed in the blood of the lamb.

  • Magnetic_North

    Sad for us, folks.

  • JJ

    Name one time in the Bible Jesus walked out to honor his morality. Is morality an idol for you? Because I don’t think it is in His character to walk out on something like this.

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      He didn’t stop at walking out. He overturned the money changers tables at the temple. He couldn’t tolerate their usury.

      • Rien

        If that’s the case they he needs to over turn them again at almost every church.

      • Debra Casali

        Yes, Jesus turned over the money changers tables he even made a whip and whipped them and asked them why have you turned my Father’s house into a house of thieves. They were selling animals for sacrifices and loaning money at a high interest rate(that’s what money changers/usuries are). Scriptures say that his blood would run hot over the sin being conducted in his Father’s house. And Yes he didn’t” hang out” with sinners as some people say; considering what that term means by todays definition. He did associate with them to enlighten them about God’s way of doing things and for them to have a chance to repent. I’m not religious I don’t believe in going to a denominational church such as Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, etc. Because I do not believe that Jesus came to give us all these different denominations; but to give us Hope for a future with him and a relationship with him. As for the books in old testament, I don’t believe they are just stories like some say they are; but a history of the Jews and a mirror of how sin today is no different than it was back then, and that just like they were human and sinners so are we; yet God loved them just like he loves us today. And if you study these old testament books you will see the foretelling of Jesus’ coming for the first time in a lot of these books. And I agree that we have freedom of speech, but I do believe that we should use that freedom to bring people together’ not to separate us. Agree that we may not always agree on everything that is our right to have our own opinion and to stop the hatred that has been spreading across this nation like a wild fire. Because if you are a true believer then believe this….. Satan is sitting back and laughing about all of this nonsense and saying …Yes finally I have a new home, they are all fighting just like I want them to; Soon no one will believe in God, but they will think of themselves as God and then I will swoop in and destroy them all. Just something for everyone to think about.

      • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

        Voluntary offerings are not usury.

      • Nikki

        You know… this is what I have to say to that. When the government can’t or won’t help people who are hungry, need help paying an electric bill, or are freezing b/c they can’t afford propane who do you think those people turn to? That’s right, they turn to the church. And most churches will help anyone. That is right, people who are not only not even member of the church but athiests as well; those who don’t even go to a church. I will agree with you that there are these big mega churches that have the wrong agenda and it is about making a certain person rich, but I can’t change that. But I know the church I go to has a food pantry that helps 100’s of families in the community; and if that is what they use my money for, I am perfectly fine with that. Who is being judgmental now?

    • Jami Baldridge Oquenda

      Ummmmm he may not have walked out but he drove the money lenders out of the temple…should she have done that instead?!

    • Jami Baldridge Oquenda

      I understand my savior came for the sinner, and he stood up for the adulterous woman, but a mass hom*osexual marriage and the soft core p*rn may have evoked a lil righteous indignation…If any causes these little ones to stumble, it is better that a millstone be tied around his neck and he be cast into the sea

      Matthew 18:6

    • chuck

      I don’t think Jesus would have walked out either because it would not have been in His character to attend and event such as this.

      • kaepos

        Is that why he hung out with tax collectors, liars, and prostitutes?

      • Chuck

        Hung out… really when he was with them what was going on…. was the focus on out reach… when he was at zacchaeus house what was happening. To the prosittues He spoke with them gave them guidance and they changed they ways and followed Him…. You call that hanging out? I don’t find that kind of JC and the boys attitude anywhere in scripture

        2 Corinthians 6:14
        Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

        Yes, if your witnessing being an example you would be right.. the people came to hear him speak to ask questions of him… please show me where you find him going ‘hang out’ with no other reason with unbelievers.

      • kaepos

        Yes, I do call that “hanging out”.

        You can’t minister to someone if you don’t choose to spend time with them.

        I’m not saying, “go do what they do”, nor do I advocate that these actions are acceptable. Separating yourself from “the world” is all well and good but when you scoff at the very people you’re trying to love, well… that doesn’t set a very good example does it?

      • Nikki

        Actually it does. She said way more by getting up and walking out then sitting there. That isn’t scoffing at someone, and it sets a great example. That people are free to live their life the way they want, (she didn’t even try to change that) but that we as Christians do not have to sit and watch it. There are some people you can’t minister to, that is why God sends someone else. I can tell my daughter something and it means nothing to her, but if her teacher or a friend tells her the same thing… wow .. it is like the best thing she ever heard.

      • Chuck

        ok well then go ahead and hang out with the group going to the strip club and minister to them of God’s grace if you have convinced yourself that is the place to for you to reach them instead of just using them as an excuse to do what they do. Who is mocking or scoffing at anyone. I guess that makes Jesus a scoffer in you opinion for calling people serpents. and you mention separating yourself from the world as good then you add the magic “BUT” or disregard previous comment.So again what doesn’t look like a good example is a someone who claims to be a lamb but walks just like a wolf and lives like a wolves to say he is trying to convert all the wolves. Yes, that would definitely be hanging out. Now I would appreciate you showing some scriptural references showing Jesus or his apostles “Hanging Out” like you mentioned as opposed to in the manner I did. Also you used to word scoff which to me seems to be the manner in which you alluded to being separate from the world. The world holy means to be separate or separated for. Im sure you have read where it gives mention in the scripture of holiness, “be ye holy for I am holy” and “without holiness no one shall see God”. As for what is a good example I’d ,much rather have that defined by the word of God than you or I. SO again Yes, of course you must spend time in the world with sinners. Jesus ate with Zacchaeus. He asked the lady at the well for water and spoke with her of life even when she was an adulterous woman. He stood up for the woman that was going to be stoned and not offered mercy all things we should emulate. Were though can you give even a single reference were we see Jesus advocating and “hanging out” in the manner you prescribed to better reach the world. I’ve reached out and been a friend to people numerous times some of them with serious drug addictions but I’m not going visit them in their Wood Stock experience and wonder why you will judge others so harshly for having scriptural guidelines in how they outreach.

      • Nikki

        He didn’t hang out with them… just being around Him convicted them of their wrong. He reached out to them.. totally different than accepting someones lifestyle and chilling out with them.

    • Jeff Buffington

      I seem to recall him flipping tables over in disgust… something about money changers.

      • Chris Nielson

        Jesus did indeed do that. Those money changers were using God’s temple as a way to make money, when the purpose of the temple was to worship God!

    • Nikki

      He did more than walk out…He flipped over tables in the tabernacle and made people leave b/c they had made God’s house “a den of thieves”. His character was to stop the sin, point it out, and through conviction show people the error of their ways. Since Natalie couldn’t very well stop the show, she did the next best thing and left a situation that she did not agree with. Please learn a little bit more about the Bible before you try to tell us about the character of Jesus.

  • Marty

    I stand corrected on one point.You are right. Moses had a son and the Pharaoh wanted to kill the son of Moses but he sealed the fate of his own son instead. Moses spoke directly to God and had nothing to do with”killing babies, neither did God. like Moses said”. My God, out of his own mouth does he condemn his own son”.It has been a long day so I made a mistake and admit it. Non believers always curse God and the Bible until something happens to family or loved one, then they pray. The bible also says” if you deny me before your brother, I shall also deny you before my father”.have a nice life

    • Elizabethanastasia

      Pharoh spoke the word that all the firstborn of Israel should die and the Lord allowed that to happen to the Egyptians, so it was by pharoh’s big mouth that he lost his own son.

    • Nikki

      I don’t know anyone who on their deathbed renounced being a Christian their entire life.

  • Ronald Reiman

    I am pleased that someone had the moral compass switched on.

  • John Doe

    Who cares, its people like all you who are freaking out about this that give the new generation the drive to pull whatever it is that was so offensive to all of you, today’s youth is all about breaking through boundrys to shock the older community but if we as a society didn’t turn everything into a competition we would be having this race to be the most idiotic generation. I’m not a religiously inclined individual but if a bunch of god fearing people are competing over who made the best Praise Jesus song in 2013, is there really any reason to be shocked that there are people out there competing to be the best at everything else?

  • Rien

    Who cares what others do and furthermore who cares if this girl decides to walk out. Her opinions don’t justify the hearts of any other person attending, participating or watching the program. Bible bangers of today act like God is there God which is further from the truth. Its a worldly show so what do you expect. If she walked out on a program then maybe she missed her opportunity to witness to someone there. That’s her loss and to me she isn’t much of a Christian that she preaches she is. Walk the walk instead of talk the talk. Get over yourself!

    • teej

      she walked the walk right on out of there

    • Nikki

      You do realize that “Christian Music” is also nominated and awarded at the grammy’s right? You realize that she was invited to a show where she and many other Christians are nominated for awards. You are living under a rock if you do not see the irony in this or the problem with it.

  • Bible Man #1

    Doesn’t the bible say that women should learn to keep silent? So isn’t this lady going to he’ll just go being a gospel singer? Just sayin there may be more damage in or society then we thought if we are going to stray so far from the bible as to allow our women to foul the air with their voices.

    • danielle

      Your taken submission way outta context buddy. And you should be commending her instead of condemning. She walked out of a situation where she wasn’t pleased with and knows God wasn’t either.

      • Bible Man #1

        And your interpreting the bible to met your own needs, I don’t give two shots about this lady and as far as I’m concerned she is only using your idiocracy to further her life style, the fact of the matter is that you are using a text that clearly. And numerously states that a woman’s job is to serve men, a idea that has long been repealed in our nation, and yet you think a none Christian show is folly for not maintaining your archaic beliefs.

      • danielle

        What exactly are you talking about? The only men, women are to submit to are their husbands who are to be leading their family as Christ would. And there are plenty and I mean plenty of men who don’t love their wives or provide for their families, but do you mean to tell me they’re going to hell? Cuz husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church but not everyone does. But back to before, If a man is not one who is trying to better the life of his family then a woman doesn’t have to submit to them, their boyfriend, boss, or anything. Respect yes but submit sorry it’s a no. Smh please come back when you actually engulf yourself in the word whole-heartedly, reading and actually going to God to comprehend instead of spewing out your misconstrued ignorant ideas that you think you kno about myself, women, or Ms, Grant. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (26)

      • Chuck

        What does this have to do with being a non-christian show. I don’t know of any Christian who has a problem going to a High School talent show. The issue is the moral depravity of what is being represented. In regards to the man and woman it goes both ways Ephesians 5:25
        Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

        Christians do not see it as archaic either because it is what they believe in today not yesterday. You also say this idea has been repealed by our nation long ago. Yes, by you and others who share that opinion and that is your right but it has just as strongly been held by others and it seems you are using scripture to meet your own ends. But just as you, everyone else also has the constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression of religion.

      • Nikki

        I must have missed that part, please enlighten me with verses and exact scripture?

    • jmac731976

      Ignorant. If you’ve never read the Word, please don’t interpret it for me and prove your stupidity.

    • Elliot

      The Bible doesn’t teach that. You should read the story of Esther. It’s a good one.

      • Bible Man #1

        it is a good STORY, much like the story in 2nd king where in gods phrofit kills 40 children for calling him bald…

      • Chuck

        Thank you so much Bible Man for allowing us to see that the stories we read in the bible illustrates mankind as he is showing all his frailties and shortcomings. As the scripture says “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” to include that bald profit you mentioned. Did you also know King David committed adultery. Did you also know that still doesn’t take away one bit from the authority and efficacy of the God’s Word. Want to read Truth with nothing to hide then yes, read God Word and may it illuminate your understanding beyond or mortal limitations and biases.

      • Bible Man #1

        so, and please tell me if you ment somthing else, but because king david comited adultry it is ok for elisha to kill 40 kids?, and i have read the bible many times, and i alwas get a kick out of it when i do because let be honest the storys are good storys that help many people shape there lives into somthing of merit, but like all good story with a moral backdrop we have to grow up some time and relize that its just a book…

      • Chuck

        So now can you tell me exactly where Elisha killed these 42 kids I don’t find it anywhere in the bible. I do see a reference to a bear killing them. Reading something and knowing the intent the author is two different things entirely. Your statement makes no sense. If Elisha did do that then it would be the same but then that is not what matters as I mentioned before the Bible reflects mankind as he is.

      • Guest

        Marty, Moses did not have a son Moses was the son the pharoh would have killed had not his sister found him in the basket in the river his mother put him in to save him from death.

      • Yeshua loves

        A She-bear killed the kids after they continuously mocked a servant of God (Elisha), Elisha did not kill the kids.

      • Ruby

        I am so sorry for whatever has jaded you so. You seem the kind of person who looks at a beautiful sunset and finds fault with the light. Is there anything you see in a positive light? Calling the Word of God “just a book”, is like calling the earth just a ball. Perhaps you just like to argue and the bible is a topic so close to the hearts of many, and by using it, you can successfully strike a cord and begin a dialogue which entertains you. If so, it’s a cheap thrill. The problem here seems less with the bible and more with your attitude. Perhaps, if you open your heart to the meaning behind stories, instead of the all too human events within, your jaded heart might soften. One can only pray so.

      • Confused

        How is a book “The Word of God” when it is man made? Written by man and full of contradictions? How do you know it is The Word and not some crazy rantings of a schizophrenic? It isn’t like they had those “tests” back then.

      • RG

        It was inspired by the Holy Spirit, which was given to those men who wrote it. There are no contradictions to the Bible. A door cannot be opened and closed at the same time. The message is the same written by different men, with the same spirit. One man might have mentioned “So and so and such” was there, another wouldn’t have put emphasis on so many people and would have mentioned a single person in the same story in a different book. The story is the same, the point of view of the writer was what was different.

      • Nikki

        How do you know it isn’t?

      • Nikki

        Just b/c it is in there doesn’t mean God condoned the behavior. There have been many of men who did things in the name of religion but none of that had anything to do with God. You believe what you want, I’ll believe what I want… but insinuating that I’m not grown up b/c I choose to believe it and live my life by it is very wrong. You are essentially saying that faith, hope, and belief in something that I feel makes me a better person makes me a child.

    • Ziggy

      The bible does not say at all that women should learn to be silent. The apostle Paul told women in a particular situation to be quiet. If God had wanted women to be silent then he would not have given them a mouth to speak. Women and men are both the children of God. Your words dirty God’s creation!

      • the line walker

        Interpretation by god fearing but no one knows all the facts.we know what we are wanted to know…i live my life trying to do right, help others and try not to be a sinner but no one nor any book has the facts but 1

      • Elizabethanastasia

        Being good will never get you to heaven. How good is good, who decides that? Trying to do right, doesn’t cut if with the Lord, Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me. The only way we get to heaven is the way Jesus said we get there by accepting His sacrifice at the cross of calvary, He paid our sin debt in full, you can accept Him or reject Him, there is no inbetween.

    • Cathe

      WHAT version of the Bible are you reading??

    • A Christian women

      Your and idiot. Just saying.

      • Cchristiancchristian womenhris

        How can you call yourself Bibleman? Obviously from your comments you are from one I those rogue religions that twists God’s word for it’s own agenda. I pray you are enlighten somehow

      • El Cid

        You’re a poor speller! But you’re right about the idiot!

      • Learn to Write


      • Learn to Write


      • Learn to Write

        Idiot. Just saying.

      • Athena007

        *woman = single; women = plural

    • docbenton

      You need to reread. Until then you should keep silent!

  • BeJebus

    why shouldn’t scantily clad women spread their legs on tv in primetime? that’s why they call it primetime!

  • Major

    Natalie Grant walked out apparently because she felt what was going on was offensive to her. It was her prerogative to do so, like, why should she stay and feel uncomfortable ? I respect her for her action in removing herself. Myself, I have no problem with scantily clothed girls spreading their legs so, if had had been there I would probably have stayed.

  • Ghost Writer

    Well good for her! She showed some moral backbone. As more and more people decide they like all the soft p*rn at the grammy’s this country goes downhill faster and faster.
    But there will always be people of integrity that will stand up for what is right and moral. She is one of the precious few in the industry that I can say I would be proud to shake her hand.

  • Kevis

    Everyone should be turning off this crap and refusing to bankroll it. We are financing our own ruin if we do.

    • Grammy

      THIS IS THE BEST OMMENT ON HERE! No profit, no filth.

  • CRStardist

    I felt the Grammys were a total disappointment with the only exceptions, Ringo and Paul, Willy, Kris, Merle Hagard…..these guys deserved an award for just sticking around to watch the looney tunes going on….Steven Tyler kept fumbling with his trouser zipper…maybe he forgot to “zip up” after leaving the mens room….

  • Jamie Huff

    What if she had stayed, won the award and in her acceptance speech lovingly asked for prayers and God’s mercy for these “performers” and the hom*osexual couples? Now that would have caused a media firestorm and boosted her name recognition into the stratosphere. She chose not to take that path and simply left. I applaud her decision.

  • Ralph

    The first 5 posts I read before mine made good sense. Thereafter it became name-calling. That is a goodly part of what is wrong with America.

  • Crystal Marcum-Garbline

    Good For Her! Its nice to see someone stand up for Jesus and not be ashamed!!!! God was surely saying, Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant!!!! What a Great example she set for Young Christians all over the world!!!

  • CanadaGoose1

    Come on. What was all that bending backwards and head banging about? I usually like Taylor Swift but that was ridiculous. Also she was pouting a lot last night - a sore loser. Loved her dress though.

  • DrDanno

    It’s not a matter of “putting up with” anything. It’s about your choice to watch it. Or not. If you don’t like it, turn it off, or walk out and by all means pass your values on to your kids. That is the essence of the common understanding of the first amendment, which by the way also gives everyone the right practice the religion of their choice without interference.

    The best you can do is win hearts and minds.

  • Brian Keim

    1 John 2:2

    New International Version (NIV)

    2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. Jesus died for ALL mankind NOT the ‘chosen few’ like the modern church preaches!!

    • Troubleshooter

      Yes, Brian, He Died for All mankind, but unto Salvation, not to promote behavior typical of condemnation. Did it feel good to you to slap Christ Jesus in the face by supporting this sick behavior? I hope you remember to Praise Him and Thank Him, and be Led By His Admonitions rather than use His Love and Mercy to condone bad behavior. I pray for you as Paul prayed for the Lost, that you will receive a personal revelation of what Christ Jesus did for us on The Altar Of The Cross. I lift Up His Name As A Banner Of Righteousness, which I have by His Blood, and I reject unrighteousness In The Name Of Our Savior, Christ Jesus, Amen.

      • Brian Keim

        What you don’t realize is that your behavior and my behavior is unrighteous as well as a Miley Cyrus. The Good News is that God has blinded you from the truth at this time but it is only temporary and eventually you will bow your knees and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and when Jesus said ‘It is Finished’ he was telling the truth. Not this Self Righteous theology that you are preaching!! Jesus Mocked your self righteous ‘religious zealots’ in his teachings and He would today as well!!! I pray that God will reveal this truth to you and that you don’t have to live under such bondage of self righteousness!!

      • Troubleshooter

        Brian Keim, I never said that I was Righteous By MY Works. I am Righteous, as I said, By The Blood Of Christ, Which He Carried Through The Veil to the Holy Of Holies and Presented As Atonement for everything I have ever done, or ever can do wrong, and you can try to twist MY words all you want, but YOU are the one who posted a comment supporting the glorification of sinful behavior. Until an Individual Calls Upon the Name Of the Lord, Christ Jesus, for Salvation and Forgiveness, Declaring the Acceptance of Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, That Individual Is NOT Righteous. To Openly Reject Christ and Mock Him, and to mislead people by suggesting that their sins are atoned for without Accepting Christ is to put a stumbling block in front of them and encourage them to continue in their bad behavior. As I said the First Time I mentioned this to you, in my original response to your post, I AM Righteous In The Eyes Of God Almighty Because I AM Sealed With the Blood Of The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of the World. NO Human Being other than Jesus Christ has been Righteous By Their Works since the Establishment of The Old Covenant. The Only Way that anyone can be made Righteous Under The New Covenant Is to Confess their Sin Nature, Declare their desire to be freed and cleansed, and ask Christ Jesus to Come To Dwell Within Them, and THEN they are Righteous In The Eyes Of God, even though they still dwell in flesh and are victimized by the flesh, because, when Christ Jesus Looks At such Saved Ones, He Sees ONLY Christ Jesus, and no stain. The Debt IS Paid for Everyone, but Until Every Individual Acknowledges Christ Crucified and Risen From Death To Eternal Life, FOR THEIR SINS, they Are NOT Saved, and NOT covered by the Blood Of Atonement. The LORD Rebuke You Satan, and All Your Works: Now Get Thee Behind Me Satan, In The Name Of The Lord Yeshua HaMashiach, Christ Jesus, MY Lord and Savior, amen.

      • Brian Keim

        Correct you and the WHOLE world are righteous in the eyes of the Lord by the Blood of the Lamb!! WHo takes away the sins of the WORLD (mankind)!! Your theology is both double minded and arrogant. To think that Jesus just died for your sins and NOT others seems a little arrogant and definitely NOT biblical. What is the payment for sin?? Blood or Torture??

        1 John 2:2

        New International Version (NIV)

        2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

        Who does this leave out??

        18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. Paul is very clear that Jesus death covered ALL men!!

        All Israel Will Be Saved

        25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way[e] all Israel will be saved. As it is written:

        “The deliverer will come from Zion;
        he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
        27 And this is[f] my covenant with them
        when I take away their sins.”[g]

        Romans 11:32 sums it up!!

        32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. Who did the ‘bounding’?? Who does God have mercy on?? some or all??

        1 Timothy 1:13

        New International Version (NIV)

        13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.God showed mercy on Paul because of ‘unbelief’!! There are 1000’s of scriptures supporting Paul’s teaching that ALL mankind will be saved!!!

      • Troubleshooter

        And by the way, God hasn’t blinded ANYONE since Saul, who became Paul the Apostle. God doesn’t place burdens on people, and since the Birth of Christ, he hasn’t been Angry With ANYONE. This is evident in the Scripture: “Glory To God In The Highest, and On Earth, Peace; Goodwill toward men”. That’s Goodwill from God toward men, not Goodwill between men. His Anger was all spent on the person of Christ Jesus, as He accepted in His Body, All Of God’s Wrath for All Of The Sins of All Mankind, Once, For All, Forever. The thing about a gift though, Brian, is that until you RECEIVE IT, it provides you with no benefit. You rant and rave and talk about an Angry God, but You fail to understand what you yourself reiterated, and that when Christ Jesus said “It Is Finished”, He meant Just That. All Of HIS WORK IS DONE, and all we have to do is accept the benefit of it and rest in Him, and let Him change us from within, because we are not capable of changing ourselves, and only a lunatic or a moron would think that it’s possible to do so. Re Creating One’s Self is The Lie of Your Generation.

      • Brian Keim

        Lets see what the scriptures say about this gift!

        Romans 11:29

        New International Version (NIV)

        29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. You do get it that God’s anger was ALL spent at the cross and the debt was paid in full!! It isn’t this Grace + works that ‘saves’ us!! Your theology is double minded!! If you believe in “Hell’ than there is no way that you can honestly say that God’s anger was “all spent in the person of Jesus Christ’!!

      • Brian Keim

        There is NO scripture saying that God will NOT remain faithful!!

        God’s Faithfulness

        3 What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2 Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God.

        3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.

        Grace is NOT ‘earned’ like you are saying. The gift is IRREVOCABLE Romans 11:29

        Romans 11:29

        New International Version (NIV)

        29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

        You say you must ‘accept’ the gift and Paul says the gift is ‘irrevocable’ which ‘gospel’ are you ‘believing’in?? Your man made self righteous theology of working your way to heaven or by the Grace that Paul teaches about!!

        Romans 5:14 if a great verse!! This ‘pattern’ needs to be understood in order to take the Bible in context!!

        Romans 5:14

        New International Version (NIV)

        14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

        Believe me!! I totally believed like you and even got ANGRY with my Pastor when he was sharing this truth with me!!! I was dooped all these years going to church every SUnday listening to a lie!!!

      • Brian Keim

        1 John 2:2

        New International Version (NIV)

        2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

      • Brian Keim

        Jesus even died for your sin of Unbelief!!

      • Brian Keim

        Romans 3:3-4

        New International Version (NIV)

        3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written:

        “So that you may be proved right when you speak
        and prevail when you judge.”[a]

      • Brian Keim

        Would God be calling you a liar??

  • gatekeeper96740

    The Satanic overtones were difficult not to miss but they have been doing this for years………..

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      They hit a new level of depravity this year.

    • Raven

      Satanic overtones?

      You need psychiatric meds. Quickly.

      • gatekeeper96740

        Dressed as witches doing rituals - Blind or what?

  • riceski

    Thinking the answer to Americas problems can be fixed by political
    action, executive or otherwise is like bailing the Titanic with a cereal
    bowl thinking all will be well.

  • keruxonjcj

    I cannot watch this garbage to TV, much less to have to be there in person. I praise her and her husband for their stand and morality. Women have permitted the male to dress inappropriately for to long and now they look well dressed for any occasion, while their male escorts, wear shirt tails out, tennis shoes, and unshaven.

  • Love

    The Lord loves and accepts all of his children- even those performing suggestive music, “sinning”, black, white, gays, straights, etc.. That is what He taught: Love (for those who have read the word, that is the main thing He wanted his followers to do). We all are going to be judged by Him one day, so love each other and save the judgment for Him alone- because no man will control those Pearly gates.I can understand if she was offended, but that does not call for the nasty, vile, and judgmental comments from others.

    • Pamela K. Cahoon Laub

      We are told to love the sinner and pray for them as we all are sinners. Where are we told to condone the sin? Christ told people to go and sin no more. Mistakes I made in my youth I longer make as I have grown as a follower of Christ.

      • Nikki

        We recognize actions as sin, not put it on display for the world and call it entertainment.

    • brisie

      It is love to keep our fellow humans accountable as well. Would let your child jump off a cliff without yelling to STOP?

    • belzagar

      So ” love” do you think the 10 commandments are really just 10 suggestions like so many others in this nation . You should read leviticus chapters 18-20 and see what God says about perversions, hom*osexuality,etc. maybe you will see if your eyes are opened, the truth of the matter of what an abomination truely is according to God since you brought up the subject. have a great day

      • Andrew Hess

        Ever eaten shellfish? Worn mixed fabrics? Worked on the weekend?

        Who are you to dictate which bronze age laws are worth following and which aren’t?

      • Nikki

        Jesus… he dictated. When He died on the cross; showing His love for us, it changed the law.

      • Andrew Hess

        Is that the same Jesus who said he did not come to change one jot or tittle of the law?

      • Nikki

        You mean he said he did not come to abolish the law or the prophets but that he came to fulfill the law. Which is an entirely different subject, however; once he fulfilled the law it changed the law, not abolish (do away with).

      • Grammy

        Your comment makes it clear you do not understand the Bible or God’s plan for your salvation. The 10 commandments, while being God’s perfect will, are impossible for us to follow in our own strength. Therefore, we are all sinners, born after the sinful Adam. They were given to show us this, so we would recognize Jesus as our strength and receive His Holy Spirit into our hearts (innermost being). God and God alone can save us. We need a personal, day-to-day relationship with Him. Repentance (doing a 180 in our life) brings us God’s forgiveness. While we live in this flesh, we will continue to sin, but there is always God’s forgiveness the moment we repent. Therefore, when God looks at our “record” on the judgment day, there will be nothing there, and He will say to us, “Enter in.” In other words, the blood Jesus shed was the price for our sins, and our repentance brings God’s forgiveness every time. Repentence carries with it a promise to God that we will flee sin and love Him.

      • Shai73

        All we are called to do is to Love our God and Love our fellow man. go ahead and point out the perversions and hom*osexuality, etc…but what is your sin? It is equal to that same perversion and hom*osexuality…all sin in equal in the eyes of God. Did you tell a white lie recently? Have a bit too much pride? Took anger out on someone unjustly? Judge others? Covet something not your? Then you have sinned as if you too are perverse or hom*osexual….Don’t you think that if you came to these people with the love of Christ in your heart instead of condemnation that more would turn to Jesus and let Him do the work in their heart that He is supposed to do, instead of turning away from Christ and the church because of judgemental Christians such as yourself?

      • Nikki

        Here is the difference… I can point out sin and say I do not condone it, and try my best to live my life the best I can or I can accept sin as acceptable. When I sin, I acknowledge it as such… it is sin. I also certainly do not put it on display for the entire world to see and call it entertainment. What I am saying is your long paragraph is invalid. Jesus went to many, called out their sin and told them to go and sin no more. There is no condemnation in Christ, however; if you for one minute think that the “world” is not condemned you are deceived. There is a difference in judgment and discernment…

      • Alexander Summers

        Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak, and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved. Ezekiel 33: 7-9.

    • GoodGriefs

      These are mens children not Gods. Adam was created in the image of God. We are now made in the image of Adam not God! And the god of this world Satan, son of perdition,has sway on men who then become children of wrath. Eph 2:3

    • Grammy

      We all make judgments every day, tons of them. It’s a self-preservation thing. She chose not to put that garbage into her heart and mind and quietly left. That is not wrongful judging and not grandstanding. If you are afraid to examine yourself, you hate people’s disapproval. But if you are open, other’s disapproval doesn’t bother you because you are not afraid to see the person you are.

    • Grammy

      God does not “accept” these lifestyles. He became a man and died to shed holy blood to pay the price for those sins, so any and all of these people can come out of the devil’s kingdom into His.

    • Beth Stewart Taylor

      We are not all his children. He created everyone here on earth but until we except Jesus as our Lord and Savior do we become his children. God does love us all but he hates the sin that people chose time and time again.

  • justsayin

    No He doesn,t. If he did there would not be Hell.

  • Excitableboy8

    Since the dawn of Rock n Roll it has been about sex, drugs, and revolution. To expect that a show that focuses on rock and pop were to be about anything else is naive and shallow. Sure looks like a grandstanding moment to me.

    • Nikki

      Yes, b/c who would ever think that a show about music awards would be about… giving out awards? Right?

      • Excitableboy8

        I saw lots of awards handed out. I saw great musicianship, interesting singing, and yes a few things that made me cringe, but what can I expect? I’m a 55 year old white guy….and apparently easily offend-able, yet even I knew the show was going to have its controversial moments. She’s in the music industry, how could she not know?

  • Abby Sapp

    I agree with you wholeheartedly here. The nation’s moral instinct has been on a water slide for a while and is about to drown in the pool below. Didn’t watch the Grammys and probably won’t again in my lifetime. That decision was made when I heard Miley Cyrus would be on the show and I’ve already formed opinions of how much of her I need to see.

    As for the SOTU? Didn’t watch that either because we all knew that our Pres is so pinned by his own decisions, one step out of line and he’d be in the boiling pot as well. None of that is something new. As for what I read this morning about an encouraging year? I don’t think so Mr. Pres. If you thought 2013 was bad, wait until you see 2014!

  • Vivica Moore

    I wanted to know which one of the performances made them get out of there.

    Better….when did they leave? I’m curious now!

  • miami16

    I didn’t watch, but I believe the grammy’s should be about honoring musical talents, and not about shock entertainment. It should be about the auditory and not the visual. That’s why I’ve never been a fan of music videos. It takes away your personal experience and your personal interpretation of the music.

  • John Talone

    Long live Rock and Roll.

  • Carl Carter

    This girl has moral courage.

  • Hotcupoftruth

    I have always liked Natalie and her music. Her song “Held” is one of my favorites.
    After this, I like her even more. My wife and I turned the Grammy show off as well.
    It was horrible…very raunchy and very pro-gay agenda

  • Tooty Hallberg

    Wow after reading some comments on here I must admit some folks are in the dark. Yes it took courage to walk out, Natalie is a talent and she put her beliefs before herself. As for you who think the 1O commandments are dark age, do you know if we all followed them we would not need mans laws to protect us, no prisons or the like. God is the same today as he was 2000 years ago, he loves each of us, gave his son Jesus to save us from sin and still loves us when we falter. I do believe in morals, go back and read the Old Testament, God do hold us accountable for our actions but does forgive our sins. I trust my beliefs and DO NOT WATCH, spoiled, over the top persons who think way too much of ME,ME, ME

    • Raven

      Oh no… I really really wish that being a follower of any religion could be classified as a mental illness. I really hope that one day you poor, poor, gullible people receive the mental health care that you so desperately need.

      • Freedom94

        ONE DAY, we will all receive what we deserve and all that have not accept Jesus Christ (the one and only true savior) will spend eternity of damnation and I do not wish that on anyone. History, nature, science, thousand of eye witnesses prove the life of Jesus Christ, son of Mary and Joseph WAS the living God. The only person that has died, laid for 3 days and brought Himself back from the dead to prove that will be the fate of us all. The Romans hated Him but they wrote the truth of what happened. He gave us 10 commandments to obey and promised us eternal life in glory with Him. How stupid we humans are. I will never pass up the opportunity, privilege or duty to share the truth of Jesus Christ with anyone. Because I will stand before you and the Lord one day and be asked “why didn’t you tell Raven the truth”? So that is the truth Raven, if we like it or not. No big bang, no mystery, etc. we were all created in His image and for His glory and we were all given free choice, don’t waste yours. I have never found anyone who has truly searched and studied Christian and was able to say, didn’t happen. Good luck.

      • Raven

        Evangelical BS. I love it.

  • profsportster

    I’m always puzzled by references to God’s love as if His unwavering goodness is rising above and indifferent toward the steaming profanity and the cauldron of flesh-pit humanity that this American culture has sought out in the depths of historically record-breaking depths of depravity. I am neither shocked nor particularly interested in what has happened to mortal man in America, and know God will always make wrong right (He certainly “saved a wretch like me”) so I just TRY to keep my eye on Providence and pray Christ keeps me from doing more harm than that which I’m capable. Don’t judge these scum swimmers? Cower in my corner and don’t point out the chronic disdain for me, mine, and our values? Sit idly by and let the swamp of muck wash over my stoop and into my home? I don’t think so! Here I stand, not with the dignity and presence of Old Testament Prophets or New Testament Disciples and martyrs, toward whom I look with great respect and realization I’m not EVEN so brave, but stand nonetheless. I know a righteous, omnipotent God will pluck his beloved from this at his pleasure. Love? God’s love is born in judgement of the fallen and salvation of HIS chosen. Should I judge that mess on TV (I don’t watch TV, no cable, but see bits from the dung heap on internet pages)? Why, as Curly would say… “CCCERTAINLY!” By the way, this world judges me and my sort daily, and though I continually, in cowardly style, hide my faith from such judges (sometimes we Christians act like we’re in a secret club, feeling comfort at occasional, whispering encounters in the world) and I grit my teeth in hopes of not unsettling a pop-culture aficiando, I nonetheless slip and betray a thought now and then. Oh the mighty winds of judgement that sweep the moment as hysteria pours forth from my fellow, fallen mortals! A truly brave Christian would weather the little storm (this world) and carry on the “Great Commission,” but I’ve neither the calling nor stamina, so I’m one of God’s weakest sheep. Even in this “net” arena, as I kick about thoughts on pop-political-pervert agendas there will me spittle-specked computer screens as persons turn their fury toward little ol’ me (kind of a big honor to a powerless fellow like me!) rather than defend their chosen “leaders,” world views, mind-sets, etc. Likewise, of course, if I defend someone or actually advocate for an idea in a positive context, the same fury to this lowly nobody ensues. Yep, tell me ’bout judgement, world…. but judgement is coming, and I don’t mean the little chattering and doings of miniscule created creatures of the Creator, of course.

    • Alexander Summers

      Amen well said.

    • Grammy

      Good response, Brother!

    • Charlotte Parker

      I have been hearing these scare tactics that Bible banging lie spewing preachers have been claiming as truth for decades. It is all a sham and you pay them lots of your money to tell you lies and scare you with horror stories from that old book called the Bible. You talk out of both sides of your mouth for God loves you and not them wrong God is love pure love and does not judge—=people judge and make up false rules of conduct and call it sin if you break the rules. And from your post I would suspect you have spent a few weeks in the psyche ward from time to time.

      I pray for you. You have been duped.

  • JUde

    I stopped watching years ago about the time Madona was doing her disgusting shows and they were “honering her art” Country Music awards I will watch until they start inviting people like miley cyrus to give awards to. Then they will no longer have my attention.

  • cinorjer

    If they held the Christian music grammy portion separate, people would complain they were being segregated and excluded from the ceremonies. I agree with a lot of posters here, that Rock and Roll and Hip Hop are what the awards program is about now because that’s where the money is, and that has always been about sex, drugs, and shocking the establishment. The audience tunes in to see celebrities acting in shocking ways, not a formal tux and evening wear awards ceremony. What did she expect?

    • Beth Stewart Taylor

      I agree. I don’t understand why they would actually expect anything more. I really don’t get how people still expect good to come out of these programs. And if you do go as a Christian performer then make sure to be bathed in prayer. Don’t get me wrong I love Natalie Grant’s music and have seen her perform but I really don’t understand what they would expect from something so secular and since when are these award ceremonies really about the awards? It’s been about shock value and that’s it.

  • Daniel English

    Allen West when will you leave America? You know go to those Middle Eastern nations you seem to want America to behave like. You know where women get treated like property and other religions are not tolerated. You are part of the moral decay of America. You are the American Taliban!

    • Grammy

      I am a Christian, and I love being a woman. There are no happier women than those who have a husband who loves God and lives according to scripture, because Jesus taught us both to put the other before ourselves. You seem like a very unhappy man.

      • Daniel English

        You seem like a brainwashed individual. You do realize there are plenty of pastors who would vilify your daughters for showing skin with their clothing. Who would demonize your daughters for not allowing a man to beat them into submission! You seem like someone who would allow anyone to mistreat people in the name of God. As long as some fundamentalist preacher said, “God said to do it!”

      • Jake Wilde

        I’m an agnostic, but you’d be better served by taking your own inventory of shortcomings than that of others. People should be left to choice, but you are here telling people what they are or aren’t. You aren’t here engaging in civil discussion to further your belief. You came here to excoriate others for their belief all the while claiming you are tolerant.

      • Daniel English

        You are followers of Allen West. That is enough for me to take you to task. After all that is what so many who frequent these sites do. You know when you call people “libtards” and all manner of stupidity on pages they run. I would say that the article is a joke. Also most of the comments presented. Also to acknowledge knowledge as ignorance is noble. To acknowledge ignorance as knowledge is evil! So I have no problem calling out the hypocrisy behind the views presented here because they are not knowledge. They are prejudice inherently!

      • Jake Wilde

        I’m a moderate agnostic and you try to lump me with your perceived enemies just because I don’t agree with you. You need to seek help. Learn prudence in accordance with virtue if you want to bash religion. You would at least be coherent and logical versus this bleating inaccurate rant.

      • Frank Oliver

        You do realize that a belief claim (theism or atheism) and a knowledge claim (Gnosticism or Agnosticism) are mutually exclusive. You can be an Agnostic or Gnostic and an Atheist or Theist. I wouldn’t give myself a title without knowing what it means.

      • Jake Wilde

        Are you kidding me? Do your homework instead of insinuating someone doesn’t know their personal belief system.

        I’m a moderate politically and an Agnostic for belief foundation. I can not logically explain a Diety or atheism. Why would I then adhere to either? How about you do more homework. I can’t do your heavy mental lifting.

      • Frank Oliver

        Sorry, but if you don’t believe in a God, guess what you’re an atheist. Agnosticism by definition can’t be a belief foundation. It is a knowledge claim of I don’t know. Knowledge and Belief are two separate things. There is nothing to explain about atheism, everyone is born an atheist. You either Believe in a Deity or you are an atheist e.g. Buddhists are atheists

      • Jake Wilde

        OMG you are an idiot. I mentioned I live a life of prudence according to virtue might tell your dumb ass that I’m a follower of Aristotle and many philosophers through the years. Do not impale your limited understanding upon me. An agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves you moron, the basic definition gives you that!

        Wikipedia isn’t the end all tell all of definition, but you are too dumb to even enlighten yourself with a cursory understanding!

      • Frank Oliver

        You still don’t get it agnostic, means without knowledge. Knowledge and belief are two separate things. What is so F’n hard to understand about that. Do you know for a fact there is a God? No. Do you believe in a God or Gods? NO. Congratulations you are an Agnostic Atheist. You Agnostics are a bunch of pretentious A-holes who think they are clever by saying they don’t know, when the fact is that no one actually knows or has a feasible way of proving they know. and Really Wikipedia as source of reliable info. Keep in mind this is a viewpoint excepted by most enlightened Atheist.

      • Jake Wilde

        Sheesh dude, you still don’t get the simple tenant. They neither believe nor disbelieve. It is why I am not pretentious and tell people they are right or wrong. It isn’t decided for me that there is no God so I don’t bash Christianity or any other religion, because they may be right, I don’t know. I want to, but it does not matter. You could never recruit me to your failed alignment, because of your tendency to avoid truth. The “Theory of Evolution” is not a proven science. There is just as many holes in their argument as there are in the major religions. Being safe, I try to be a good person and not oppress others. If there is a benevolent God, he would smile upon that and embrace me. If not, then I treated my fellow man as best as I could. Have you?

      • Frank Oliver

        The “Scientific Theory of Evolution” is a proven science with mountains of evidence within the fossil record alone. Change over time has been observed. You do realize that there is a difference between a “Scientific Theory” and a “theory,” which is an improper usage synonymous with Hypothesis or a good guess. Either way atheism is not contingent upon acceptance of Evolution or the Theory of Gravity for that matter. Your lack of understanding of simple Etymology is disturbing.

      • Jake Wilde

        The Theory of Evolution is NOT proven by anything but institutional standards. I see you follow the most basic aspects of it. I do believe evolution happens every day and you are a testament to that. You learned something today, so IE. you have evolved. What I stated is Darwin’s baby and you have limited understanding because you believe in institutional thinking with wide gaps in geologic and paleontological records. There are truths that they produce, solid fact, but we find every year how much we do not know. Atheism isn’t contingent upon evolution or the Theory of Evolution. They could believe we are the result of some methane interstellar cloud’s flatulence. I never said it was, you assume a lot from your limited reading comprehension.

      • Frank Oliver

        Then why did you bring up Evolution? Your statement was completely Non sequitur. What gaps are you referring to? I would love to destroy more of your ill-informed arguments.

      • Jake Wilde

        You destroy nothing but your own credibility. I explain the perspective of something you don’t or will not try to understand. You won’t even look up the basic definition of Agnostic and yet you readily supply your limited perspective. Read these and equip your brain.

        A great explanation in layman terms for you to absorb the understanding.

      • Frank Oliver

        Hahaha….even your cited sorces agree with me at the end of the third paragraph. and I quote “Belief and knowledge are related but nevertheless separate issues.” You Sir are an Idiot.

      • Jake Wilde

        Once again….so you can understand. I didn’t say that or disagree. You said they are mutually exclusive and then I commented on your reading/writing comprehension. This is a great example. You said, “Sorry, but if you don’t believe in a God, guess what you’re an atheist” and then prove yourself wrong, but continue to argue like you are right. lmao You debate in circular movements to belie your previous argument.

        You say they are mutually exclusive and then you say they aren’t. You have no rationale.

      • dabe

        Who do you follow? Who do you believe tells the truth? All I’ve seen is the same socialistic ideals used to indoctrinate students across the nation. This isn’t free thinking you attempt to portray. Its learned rhetoric you were forced to pay a pretty penny for. Another college educated idiot with no real life experience… don’t forget to sign up for obamacare…

      • Darren Wilkens

        I hope and pray to God you never have children. If you do have them, I hope you haven’t brainwashed them with your illogical line of thinking. If you have, then you just contributed to the dumbing down of America!

      • Don Harris

        I am not a follower of West, my sister moved to Kuwait and converted to Islam 27 years ago. I am a Christian and am in no way apologetic for it. Your comments state that people are entitled to opinions but you blast them for having them you state that a few people that “act” in the name of Christianity do horrorible things and then demonize All Christians as brainwashed, idiots, or evil and all the while Islam has the same people that preform atrocities against their religion yet there is no condemnation against that or the religion has a whole from you. I have read, understand, and still disagree with the Quran. My belief is not founded on the blind following of individuals but rather on a personal transformation of my own mind and heart. My personal Christian walk grows, not because of what others tell me but because of what I learn myself through study and yes faith. Everyone whether Christian, Muslim or other religion is based on faith. Faith that the words that were written in times before and faith that the things our hearts and minds tell us are real are true. Since we were not there it much be faith. I hope that you allow yourself to practice the same tolerance that you demand from others. However, I do not see it in any of your post here.

      • Don Harris

        And before you select the misspelling of Adam instead of Allen, it was a auto correct.. Sorry

      • Charlotte Parker

        And you are the epitome of the misogynistic woman slurping way too much of the koolaide.

    • Mark Bigger

      Daniel, West is one of the last hopefuls that can save this country from democratic decay, democratic destruction, and democratic lies. You are not even addressing the topic of a singers view of American decay

      • Daniel English

        Oh she has every right to her opinion! Yet, I think quite honestly it is a stupid opinion. Too many Christians today love demonizing people while they indulge in every hypocritical action under the Sun. How many Republican congressmen in the past 20 years have been caught having sex with men? All the while the GOP demonizes LGBT people. Or how they talk about serving God yet ultimately cut services to the poor widows and orphans! Lets be honest here most Republicans don’t serve the one who Jesus taught about. They serve Mammon or Greed! All the while wearing a sanctimonious covering of piety.

      • Beth Stewart Taylor

        Just because someone is a republican it does not make them a Christian.

      • Mr Brad Thomas Offord

        Oh the poor, poor, orphans and widows. No one wants that.

      • obamathemarxist

        You do realize that Muslim countries have executed people for hom*osexuality, Muslims have stoned women who were raped and refused to marry the rapist, stoned women to death for adultery, I’m not very religious but believe in Christian values and prefer living with Christian neighbors. If you have the stomach for it there are videos on YouTube showing the stonings.

      • Frank Oliver

        You do realize that Christianity calls for the same exact treatment of women, but Christians don’t actually read their bibles.

      • Don Harris

        Apparently neither do you Frank. Christians believe that with the coming, death and ascension of Christ that the laws were fulfilled in His teachings. He gave two commandments that wrapped all the laws into them. Read Matthew 22:36-40. We are under grace not the law.

      • Frank Oliver

        Don Harris. Thank you for proving my point, that Christians don’t read their bibles. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” Matthew 5:17-18

      • Frank Oliver

        I’ve read the bible more times than you and your local pastor combined. The difference between me and you guys, is I care about truth.

      • Frank Oliver

        “If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days.” Deuteronomy 22:28-29

      • Frank Oliver

        “If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them [a]to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor’s wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.-Deuteronomy 22:23-24

      • Frank Oliver

        If you prefer living with Christian neighbors, don’t forget to kill them if they work on the Sabbath which is actually from sundown Friday to Saturday night. The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: ‘Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community. Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.’ (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

      • obamathemarxist

        Your comments have convinced me you have no understanding of what is in the New Testament versus the Old Testament, the New Testament forbids such as you describe.

      • Frank Oliver

        I’ll start with an Ad Hominem attack. You’re an Idiot, a Liar and here’s why. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” Matthew 5:17-18 NIV

      • obamathemarxist

        Go away already, your not welcome in a civilized socity.

      • Frank Oliver

        Hahaha….the truth hurts, doesn’t it. You have no retort and can’t dispute what your holy book says. Now your taking the dismissive route, instead of arguing against the facts. It’s really pathetic.

      • obamathemarxist

        Your the one that called me an idiot, that sounds pretty dismissive right there.

      • Frank Oliver

        No, I told you that I was going to attack your character and showed you why the attack was warranted and true. I’m sure you are not an idiot in all matters, but in biblical matters you are. Honestly, have you actually read your bible objectively cover to cover?

    • 1950semperfi

      Another brain dead liberal speaks out!!!! IDIOT

    • Joanne Styslinger

      You seem to be a bit confused and illogical. It is the current administration that it IS forcing us to become more like the Middle East. Shariah law is threading itself throughout our laws. You may want to do your due diligence and research the facts that is currently happening in the USA.

      • Daniel English

        You apparently know nothing about Islamic law. Also it is not some shock that Allen West caters to the lowest common denominator as far as personal prejudices goes. I know you are all anti-Muslim, anti-education, anti-science, and anti-anything that may open your minds up to something different. You all are what is wrong with America today. Prejudiced individuals who quite honestly live within a small bubble of what you’ll tolerate!

      • Richard

        We are tolerating you Daniel.

      • Daniel English

        Spoken like a true conservative always brandishing your teeth when your brains fail to come up with something of substance! Oh how you love to intimidate women, children, and essentially any minority that won’t allow you to walk all over them! You know those minorities that actually use their brains!

      • Darren Wilkens

        Yep! You definitely lack common sense

      • William Douglas Yarnell

        Then the proverbial “ball” is in your court, Daniel. As your future President, I’d like for you to demonstrate personal responsibility (that’s a Conservative term, you know) and show me the proof of these assertions ((“You apparently know nothing about Islamic law. Also it is not some shock
        that Allen West caters to the lowest common denominator as far as
        personal prejudices goes. I know you are all anti-Muslim,
        anti-education, anti-science, and anti-anything that may open your minds
        up to something different.”))

        For the moment, you simply sound like another bigoted hate filled (tolerant, right?) liberal. You’re welcome to even address your assertions on my campaign page so I can answer you for the amusem*nt of others.

        I’ve already frightened away one liberal from my page with facts and logic. Perhaps you will fare better in addressing my plans and platform, but I am doubtful.

      • Freedom94

        Really Daniel. So We need to open our minds, we are anti-science, anti-mu slim, anti-education, etc.? America is one of the youngest countries in the world and the middle east one of the oldest so YOU educate us on what the middle east has contributed to the world? HATRED is the one and only things it teaches. It has no respect for women, children or each other. They still live live pigs from the middle ages. Arabs were the FIRST to practice slavery and nearly every slave sold in history was owned by middle easterns. Black sold blacks and arabs sold black but all we here about is the “whites had slaves”. 100% that anyone ever owned another human being but stop acting like that is the only story. WHITES HAD SLAVES. Whites had slaves a lot less than anyone else. It brought this country to war with each other to stop it. How many Americans dies to end slavery? There is more slavery in world today than any time in history and we know who has the most of them. Uneducated and unscienced? We have made a country is such a short period of time second to NONE. WE have developed the medicines that have saved untold millions, we landed on the moon, for every disaster in the WORLD, we are the ones that go to help. We have more volunteer organization, churches, missionaries, etc. than any country. What we give to countries that hate us every year could get us out of debt but we continue to give. How many of our people have died on foreign soil to give freedom to those oppressed? That is the problem with “opening your mind” a lot of crap can fall into it and you are a perfect example of that. You answer me WHAT HAVE MU SLIMS GIVING TO THE WORD THAT IS POSITIVE? Oh I can’t wait to hear this.

      • Jimbolero

        Here is a peer reviewed study done by a respected feminist professor (Phyllis Chesler) who was once married to a Muslim, lived in his homeland and experienced the “compassion” of Islam firsthand. She has seen that which would make you rend your clothing, tear out your hair and vomit. Allen West’s military career in large part consisted on sending the beheaders on women and infidels such as yourself to meet Allah. That you would belittle such a man marks you as being abysmally ignorant of the subject at hand. You display progressivism at its finest.

      • Frank Oliver

        Assuming that you are probably a Christian, you do realize that the Sharia Law has it’s origin in the 613 commandments of the bible?

      • Jimbolero

        She won’t. She spouts lefty talking points and not much else.

    • linda stoever

      Get off the weed babe. You are totally screwed up

      • Daniel English

        Actually I am educated. I don’t do drugs. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket. So you need to stop slandering people when you honestly don’t have a valid leg to stand on in an argument.

      • Darren Wilkens

        Just because a person is educated, it doesn’t mean they have common sense. Which you OBVIOUSLY lack!

        In regards to your first comment:

        You have absolutely no idea what the hell you’re talking about! West is doing what he can to get this country turned right side up. In case you haven’t noticed (and it’s obvious you haven’t) Obama is leading the way to the “moral decay of America”.

        Quit believing the liberal media and government. Think for yourself and quit kissing Obama’s a-.

        Put the crack pipe down and walk away!

      • Raven

        Right side up, huh?

        You mean attempting to turn it into a Christian theocracy?

        No thanks.

      • RS

        “Moral Decay”? Isn’t “morals” for of a relative term?..Sorry but I don’t like the Gov’t telling other people what they can do with their womb’s or who they can marry. Not there place.

      • Darren Wilkens

        It’s better than him trying to turn it into a Muslim country. If you hate the fact that Christians live in the U.S., why don’t you move to N. Korea? America will be BETTER OFF without ignorant, brain dead liberals!

      • Frank Oliver

        Conservative Christians use Ad Hominem attacks when they can’t find any error in your statement. I identify it as sign of defeat for Cons who can’t argue the points.

      • Freedom94

        Your assessment of Allen West vs Obama?

      • Vlad99

        One is a sitting President the other spent two years in Congress actin’ a fool.

    • Jimbolero

      So much straw here, hope you’re not a smoker

  • Brisie

    It is so profound to me how correct scripture is when prophecizing these days and times. Yeshua HaMashiach

  • Renee Windsor

    Good article, until you had to get a dig in on the president. . It is sickening that some think you can’t be a Christian and support, or the very least show respect for , the person elected POTUS.

    • Dennis Seuferling

      Respect is earned…..maybe he should try and earn it rather then demand it.

    • Jerry

      Why would we support someone who openly attacks Christians. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you are obviously drinking the Kool Aid. Military Chaplains were ordered not to have bibles on their desks, not to mention verses during services and not to end prayer in the name of Jesus. And now they emasculate the, military and he openly supports Muslims, the people hacking Christians to death with machete’s in Egypt and elsewhere in middle east.. Wake up lady

      • Raven

        Hahaha!! Buddy, the only one drinking kool-aid around here is you, if you actually believe any of that. It’s a good thing that nobody could be ignorant enough to believe any of it.

      • Freedom94

        NO Raven, YOU ARE 100% WRONG. You have drank the Kool-Aid and have had your head in the sand. He is 43% ARAB, less than 7% black and 50% white. He was raised to hate whites and he does (partly because England imprisoned his father). If you have read the book “dreams of my father” it will show you just how he feels. He was schooled by mu slims, raised by communists, radical, atheist parent and grand parents. He was friends with black panthers, the Ayers brothers (who worked in the same law office as Michelle), etc, etc, etc. Those that hate this country taught him to and got an A+. You should still be able to find a video called OBAMANATION on the net. EVERY American should see it and understand what this man really is. People make the statement all the time “he doesn’t realize, he is stupid”, etc. NOBODY could walk and talk and be THAT stupid. He is destroying America and that is why he was picked. Bankrupt us, destroy the military, divide us, divide the family, flame the fire of racism and open the USA to anyone that wants to walk in!!!!!!!! Nobody is that stupid but WE are and if we continue to be refuse to open our eyes and see our country has been taken over, there will be no hope. I will say as I have been for years now WAKE UP AMERICA, STAND UP AMERICAN AND SPEAK UP AMERICA! P.S. I just want people to know what they are talking about before the speak and you do not. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

      • Raven

        That is so cut, really. If you honestly believe any of that, you’ve obviously never read his book. Our you’ve got the reading comprehension of a 3 year-old. I’m willing to bet the latter.

        You conservative conspiratards need some serious help.

      • FLChristyB

        Thank you, I could not have said it better. He has proven time and again his disdain for Christians and our values and morals, while inviting members of the muslim brotherhood into our White House, and appointing them to high positions within our government. An American President who obviously hates America in NOT my President.

      • Charlotte Parker

        YOU SIR ARE A LIAR! For the record Jesus is not the only spiritual person to have been born. And this country was built on freedom of religion and quite frankly freedom from it if one wishes.

      • jojobean100

        Charlotte, Jesus was unique in that he is God in the flesh. You have the choice to believe in Jesus or not that is the freedom of this country. If you try and tell others they can’t believe in God, than you are taking away their freedom. We should all be able to choose.

      • Raven

        Actually, not believing is the default position. You aren’t born believing in fairy tales. You’re indoctrinated into the cult.

      • RS

        Yes, we have freedom of religion in this country, but Chaplains are Christians (not Budhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc) and for them not to be allowed to pray in the name of Jesus and not to be allowed to have bibles on their desk is a slap in the face and a disgrace to the phrase “freedom of religion”. Wake up and see what’s happening.

      • RS

        Chaplains are not only Christian, in the military, we refer to all religious leaders as Chaplains or “chaps”…its lingo

      • Raven

        I can tell you from recent first hand experience that nothing you’ve mentioned about military chaplains is true.

    • Lorna Bishop

      I was raised to believe that to get respect you have to earn respect. Mr. President has not earned respect. He has turned his back on the American people and is ruining our great country. He is not a Christian.

      • jojobean100

        Very true. But God is in control. He used Herod the Great, one the most cruel leaders in history to rebuild his temple in all of its glory. God puts leaders in place for purpose. Just trust his purpose. He is God and he is in control of all things. He just asks us to trust and obey him, and he will be glorified, and that is our only purpose in life.

    • NoLibLiz

      Interesting choice of words: “person ‘ELECTED’ POTUS” Yes, he was put into the White House but he IS NOT legally our president. The office deserves respect but HE does not.

      • SarahK

        Whaaaa??? okay… so we don’t have an acting POTUS? What planet are you on?

      • Freedom94


      • obamathemarxist

        There is a standing question as to whether he is eligible to be President, a question that should have been taken up by the Supreme Court, but Obama has spent millions stopping the lawsuits, none of the courts have reviewed the evidence but rather dismiss them on technicalities.

      • NoLibLiz

        I did not say we don’t have an ACTING POTUS. I said we don’t have one who is in that office LEGALLY.

      • Charlotte Parker

        tooooo much koolaide lizzy

    • Max


    • Darren Wilkens

      Christian or not, with the way Obama is destroying our country, he deserves NO respect!

    • Renee Windsor

      Thanks for totally prov ing my point. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (27) As for being legally elected that all changed back when W became president, hanging chads and all.

      • Raymond Bardwell

        The hanging chads would not have been a issue if Gore had won his home state, they knew him. And he is still a crook with this fake man made global warming

      • Mac

        You need to dig deeper than CNN, Miami Dade newspaper requested and received all ballots disputed in Florida (the hanging chad episode) and even if you counted every “bad” ballot for Gore, he still lost. Just the facts. It was Gore who disgracefully challenged in court, not W. This in no way reflects that I believe Obama was not elected, sadly he was.

    • Freedom94

      Respect must always be earned and this man has done nothing to earn respect. He is a liar from head to toe. He got elected the first time as saying “the first black president”, well he is less than 7% black, 50% white and 43% arab! He was not elected, voter fraud got him a second term. No YOU can’t be a Christian and support this man, period. He is against all things Christian, American, white, etc. He is a mu slim, he is a liar, he is corrupt beyond anything we have ever seen in this country. He was selected over 20 years ago to do just what he is trying to do and that is to destroy America and that is by any means possible. In the year 2014, second term, over a 1,000 “executive” order, constitution trampled, disaster “healthcare”, kissing up to arab countries that hates us (and everyone else), allowing open boarder, etc. He wants open boarders for one reason and that is to allow those that we would not allow into the country to fly to Mexico and walk in! So it amazes me that in 2014, with all we know (and that is just the tip of the iceberg) ANYONE, would still be asking to “support or respect” him? Shame on you.

  • Mark Bigger

    some of us just have higher morals than others……

  • Lee Bolyard

    She is taking a lot of grief for this, and not sure why. Because she didn’t want to sit and watch something that made her and her husband uncomfortable? Then others that don’t share their values and morals want to persecute them and talk about how they are intolerant? GOD help us all!

    • Charlotte Parker

      Agreed they just left quietly and haven’t pushed their religion on anyone. I was put off by the slang bleeped out at the beginning. And him grabbing at his genitals really come on, who cares anyway?

  • Ouvita E Hodge

    Natalie Grant, Good for you! God Bless you! I really wished our Nation would bring back honer and pride in themselves it has been missing for far to long.. And I’m so proud that some like Duck Dynasty and you that are in the spot light are taking a stand that not all people thinks that corruption and foul profanity is what our children need’s to hear or to glorify in their daily lives. Our Nation needs a good cleaning.. Honer and Respect has been a thing in the past for far to long!

    • Charlotte Parker

      I respect your position however, you should spell check your post because it is obvious your spelling errors are not typos and that reflects on the ignorance of your post.

      The Ducks are ignorant and spout hate which is the venue of the dogma of false religion.

      • Dennis Hartman

        If you respect the position, then you need to have some respect for the person who wrote it. Instead of being an English teacher with a red pen.

      • sisu

        You know, saying you respect someone’s opinion and then turning around and blasting them for something as minor as a spelling error is really childish and not respectful at all.

        And Duck Dynasty doesn’t spout hate. I will venture to bet you have never even read the whole interview from GQ, just spouted the main stream media’s lame attempt at chopping and cropping an article to make someone look bad.

        That interview hit the news stands a long time before anyone picked up the “story” and ran with it.
        Phil spouts nothing BUT love and acceptance for ALL people. He lives by the Word. His personal view shouldn’t have been an issue since everyone is entitled to theirs.

        Be a little more accepting and don’t try to cover a dig with a compliment in front of it.

        A plus and a minus added together don’t add up to anything.

  • linda stoever

    Stopped watching this type of garbage a long time ago.

  • Raven

    Times change. Adapt or die covered in cobwebs. Those that really matter do not care what you think about them.

  • Guest

    Media and Hollywood has been the continual tool of Satan for the decay and degeneration of our people. Satan comes as an angel of enlightenment and beauty…

  • Diana Flier

    Satan disguises himself as a beautiful angel of enlightenment and “progress”, but underneath lies sorrow, depravity, unfaithfulness, murder, deceit. to those who follow the beautiful liars of Hollywood and media.

  • Charlotte Parker

    I really like to see class acts and not soft p*rn but that seems to be what they think the American public wants. I found the whole thing boring and turned it off early. Imagination is a beautiful thing and yet I realize that different things offend different people and being offended is a decision. Words are just that part of the language and we have chosen a select set to be universally offended by.
    As long as any word is not used to purposely harm another as to demean, belittle shame with no reason but to hurt then they are just words. I do support the right of anyone to walk out of a situation that feels uncomfortable however, and make a quiet statement that might turn the tide to more generally tasteful presentations.
    I personally am offended by the men constantly clutching at their genitals-really?

    • Just Saying.

      You may have some good points in your post but they were lost on me because you want to be sure you say it politically correct and not offend anyone, and ….if you feel it, say it.

  • CiCi Jones

    The only thing that prevented it from being port is that she kept her clothes on. Totally disgusting display.

  • ADLoggy

    Way to go Natalie and husband. I have stopped watching these ridiculous shows years ago. Idiot awarding idiots is all they are.

  • susielyn

    The more we take God out of society, the worse it gets. The proof is in the schools.

    • captain america

      You are so right Susielyn..

    • Vlad99

      I don’t need God in my music don’t need God on my TV and don’t need politics in my football.

      • susielyn

        I do need God in my music and do need God on my TV, but I don’t like politics in my football either.

      • jojobean100

        God is everywhere whether you believe it or not. He is keeping you alive every minute of your life. There are so many ways that he has preserved your life until now, and you don’t even recognize it. So sad……

      • barryguy777

        The LORD says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him”, every area of life belongs to Him, as do we.
        Our very next breath is in His hands. He is the ultimate supplier of our lives, our strength, our health, our food and shelter, our family and friends and every good thing we enjoy. To deny Him first place in every area of our live is a fatal mistake that the Bible warns against on nearly every page. Romans 1:18-32 is especially relevant.
        Think again, friend.
        If you can admit the slightest possibility you may be wrong, take another look in the Book — especially the life and words of Jesus — God’s most powerful revelation about Himself, His expectations and our great need.
        Respectfully and sincerely ask God to show you the way, and He will. He is good. He loves us and He always treats us better than we deserve. The cross of Jesus proves it.
        God bless you, in Jesus’ Name!

    • barryguy777

      Societies that demote God enhance their own decline.
      — Pastor Tony Evans

  • Chris Pfohl

    She and her husband, as believers should never have been there in the first place. Christian artists who happen to receive Grammys should have them FedEx’d to their record labels. Its an ‘idol’ that I wouldn’t want to take into my home. But trying to rub elbows with that agenda through those people is akin to Christians going to the Colliseum just before the fall of the Roman Empire, to watch other Christians get devoured by lions.

    • EG

      1. Christians need to be in places like that, not hiding. 2. A Grammy award is not an idol. It’s an award that was giving to her for her God given talent. I don’t think anyone worships their Grammy. 3. I am a Christian and I love being in the mix of all people. Learning and accepting who they are, never Bible thumping anyone. Who am I to do that. When they ask me about my belief’s, than that opens the door to talk about Jesus. And the reason they want to know is because I’m caring, funny, I listen, I’m not judging them no matter what they’re talking to me about, I try to be Christ like. Going at it the way you are will never work. You have to get your hands dirty, get out there and represent! Show people your happiness and when they ask, tell them why. Music, food, clothes, people, places and things are not our enemy. Lastly, lions have nothing on us Christians. We’ve learned that reading about Daniel.

    • kimberleynicole

      I disagree. I think her being there as a christian artist, was a good thing. As christians, we should want to go out into the world and try to shine God’s light wherever we can. By going to the grammys and leaving when she felt the show was inappropriate, she made a stand and should be applauded.

  • Jem

    Shouldn’t we rather be figuring out how to be the light vs. shaming others for going mainstream? I totally applaud Natalie because she stood up for what she believed in but instead of putting ourselves on pedestals to say we’re so much better, etc. etc. We should be focused on our purpose. “I resolve to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. I’ve been involved in some rather negative talk myself and realize that is nothing like what Christ taught. I just saw this article, this is the first time I’ve been to this sight but I felt I had to say something for all those that claim to be Christian and feel they need to tear down others to make themselves holier.

    • Nikki

      I don’t see that Christians put themselves on “pedestals”. What I see is a group of people with a higher moral standard than most of the rest of the world that does not care if the rest of the world agrees with that standard or not. That doesn’t mean they think they are better than anyone else, it just means that they hold themselves to a higher standard.

  • really

    There is no god. There is no satan. There are, however, people who are made out to be brave heroes by other believers of fairytales for going to an award ceremony with deep roots in pop culture, and then being so appalled by what was expected to be there. Honestly, if any one of you god-chasers needs a more bland form of entertainment, go back to your damn cult church and worship your jew in sandals. Better yet, just stay in your sheltered home and mail in 10% of your income to your church. Trust me, they would prefer that, anyway. That being said, congrats to daft punk. Great year.

    • kindness goes a long ways

      thanks for your profound response, it is much appreciated.

    • jojobean100

      We will see in the end if there is a God. By then it will be too late for you:( I used to be an athiest, and then the God of Heaven changed my heart. I can tell you he is 100% real whether you believe it or not. At the end of your life, you will stand before him and give account for all you have done.

    • scrappy

      Your belief has NO bearing on the truth

    • kimberleynicole

      There’s no reason to be rude and disrespectful. Every one is entitled to his/her own opinions. In response to your comment of “being so appalled by what was expected to be there” the fact that this lewdness and sexuality is now the “norm” at such award shows is sad. The Grammy Awards are supposed to be about music, not half naked women chair dancing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having morals and leaving an award show when you feel something is inappropriate.

      • really

        “Sure, I’ll go to the grammy’s. Normally, those celebrities who attend that sort of thing are a little too pg-13 for my taste, but… this is the grammy’s! Im sure Beyonce will be wearing sweatpants and a turtleneck during her performance just out of respect. “

    • BrightEyes

      I am not a religious person but I don’t spew hatred because of it. You are one sorry individual. Why don’t you go out and be of service to others. When you grow up, you will need all the help you can get.

      • really

        Spewing hatred is much more fun. Also, I grew up a sh*tload when I realized there was no god. Off topic: bright eyes has some good music. I used to listen to a lot of conor

  • Daw

    Its funny to read all comments.

  • DJ

    Save it for the bedroom!

  • barryguy777

    Nothing prudish about loving the LORD with all your heart and desiring to walk in His ways.
    Thank God for Natalie’s heart.
    Pray for the rest whose actions reveal what is in their hearts.

  • Heisenberg

    I’m generally not into award shows, but I thought the Grammies were fantastic. I wished I could have been there. I particularly enjoyed the performances of Get Lucky and Same Love.

    So glad I gave up belief in mythological deities.

    • David

      Christ is not a mythological deity. I staunchly defend Him and you will wish one split second into eternity that you had know Him as your Saviour; by the way, that Only One that can save/deliver you from and eternal separation from Him. Consider Christ while you still have time. You, nor anyone else has the promise of the next heartbeat. Each next one you have is evidence of His Grace.

      • Raven

        Lol OK. I hope that kool-aid was delicious.

      • Don

        You’re gonna wish you believed in Jesus and his unconditional love for you when he’s roasting you in Hellfire for all eternity for the unforgivable crime of not believing in his unconditional love.

      • Enerismama

        I wish you could take a step back and see how horrible that sounds. If god’s message in unconditional love and this is how you spread the word, then its no wonder less and less people are joining the church (any church).

      • Don

        I think you need to re-read my post with your sarcasm meter turned on.

      • Heisenberg

        Well played. 😀

      • Jeff

        So… how is the crime “unforgivable” if his love is “unconditional?” Would Jesus be roasting us in hellfire out of unconditional love? LMAO… your kind is exactly why this world will never know peace without religion…

      • zana

        Actually, His love isn’t unconditional. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOEVER BELIEVES shall not perish…” So where does that leave you?

      • God

        The Bible is fiction, just like your sex life.

      • Bones

        Is that your best argument? Sex life?

      • Jeff

        I guess I’ll just hope like the rest of the world, religious or not… You don’t know anything more about the afterlife than I do…

      • Don

        Then I’m a better person than God, because I would never torture my kids forever no matter what they did, especially if I had the magic power to welcome them into a paradise where there is no more pain or sin. That’s why I don’t believe in God, because the character is so poorly written he makes no sense.

      • Sylvia East Lewallen

        His love is unconditional but the way into heaven is not. There is only one way and that condition is accepting Jesus’ sacrificial death for your sins as the payment of the debt you will never be able to pay. Unconditional meaning no matter what you have done or how far you have fallen into sin, His love will still receive you if you repent and accept Christ as your Savior. I promise you, you will not be LMAO in hell and you will be crying out,”why did I not listen when I was told the truth.” Hell is real, it is forever and there is no way out. This is the Truth…”but all who call on the Name of the Lord will be saved.” Don’t be foolish.

      • Jeff

        Promises, promises…. Until Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha or whoever it may be comes down and shows me truth, I will continue to believe that God that isn’t going to be saving anyone from anything…

      • God

        And you need medication, you Bible-thumping windbag. Deities are no more real than the Tooth Fairy, and only the sad and stupid think otherwise.

      • Brad Scott

        ROTFL. Unconditional love, but I’m going to roast in hellfire because I don’t follow the conditions he’s set forth?

        Jeezus, can you not hear yourself?

      • Don

        Dude, that’s the joke. You’re supposed to love and worship a guy who will torture you forever if you don’t love and worship him.

      • Heisenberg

        Well, I was an adult evangelical for 27 years. Even went to Bible college. After weighing all of the evidence for and against Christianity, I reached the conclusion that it’s just another god myth… one of many on this planet.

        Where will you and I spend eternity? Same as the rest of the life forms on this planet… we will simply cease to function at some point, and our bodies will rot and decay, and that will be it.

        Make the most of the here and now, because it’s all that we have.

      • Sylvia East Lewallen

        Then you never had a real conversion experience with Christ or you would not be making such foolish statements. I don’t know what happened to you but I do know what happened to me when I truly gave my life to Christ. It was life altering. I was never the same. He changed my heart. The God I had only heard others talk about became very real. How do I know? He began answering my prayers and talking to me. Bible college won’t make you a Christian…..good works will not get you in to heaven. There is only one way and His name is Jesus. When you truly approach God on His terms and humbly receive the only atonement for sin, Jesus death, you will know the Living God to be real to you as well. I hope you will approach God with real humility. He’s waiting for that from you.

      • Heisenberg

        The human mind is simply amazing. We input all of this data, and then it runs a simulation of what we think reality is.

        Think about some of the movies you’ve seen. If you watched a really scary horror movie late at night, you may get goose bumps. Silence is scary, and creaking noises that you normally hear all the time but filter out as ambient noise are suddenly the loudest thing that you hear. You may feel as though you are being watched, maybe by someone or something. In reality, nothing has changed in your environment, but your perception has changed, and it is inducing fear in you.

        Religion is the same sort of thing. We input all of this data into our minds about the supernatural, and then our minds run the simulation. We sing songs, we greet each other warmly, we spread love so we feel loved.

      • Sylvia East Lewallen

        Once again….you never knew Him…because if you had ever met Him personally in a real spiritual encounter, you would not be making such foolish things. My guess is that you approached Him on an intellectual level rather than through faith. Surely you learned in Bible college must become like a little child to receive Him. That does not mean ignorant or unlearned. It simply means humbly believing He is the one true God and Jesus is His Son, who died for your sins. The reward for saying yes to Christ is eternal life and a real continuing encounter with Him that no one can steal from you…even those who profess to be wise but are fools. You’ve never experienced what I am talking about…therefore, you cannot speak to this. You make comments like the one above because that’s the limit of your experience. You can only speak of what you know and clearly this is one area where your experience is limited. Outside of a genuine experience with Christ, you words are only opinion. I mean no disrespect to you as a person. You certainly have a right to believe what you want but on this one, you have no voice outside of opinion. The reason Bible college did not work is because you were never born again…given a heart to understand the meaning and words of the Living God. Once you have that genuine experience, it’s like the author of the Bible is standing next to you revealing it’s meaning, which by the way is hidden from unbelievers. Being a Christian is like having a trump card to life…it gives you access to a power that others can only long for. The sad thing is that it’s available to everyone who will approach God humbly on His terms but so few will humble themselves to receive His gracious gift of salvation. You owe your life for the sins you’ve committed and you will pay for them yourself unless you accept the sacrifice of Jesus for the debt you owe. “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”

      • Heisenberg

        Actually, I was the real deal. I was “born again” in a Southern Baptist church at 18 when I prayed the sinner’s prayer at the altar, and was baptized soon after. And not long after that, I became a pentecostal, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I studied my Bible. I had a regular prayer life. I joined a program called Evangelism Explosion so that I could learn how to “win people for the Lord”. I actually did lead several people in saying the sinner’s prayer. I threw out all of my “worldly” music, and only listened to Christian radio. I wrote letters to old friends to tell them of my conversion.

        I could go on and on… I was an evangelical for 27 years, and have many stories to tell. I used to be really big into apologetics — explaining away every criticism of the faith, without ever really considering them, because I was 100% sure that was I believed was the one way.

        But after 27 years, I was tired of playing such games. I started looking at the evidence against the Bible, and found it to be pretty staggering.

      • Sylvia East Lewallen

        I think you are missing what I am saying. If your “experience” with Christ was real (more than just repeating a prayer and being baptized or speaking in tongues), no amount of “criticism of the faith” could budge you from what you had experienced with Christ because it is more real than life itself. I, too, was baptized in a Southern Baptist Church at 12 yrs old, but at 26 I realized I was lost, lost, lost. I attended a crusade and said the most simple prayer I have ever prayed. I asked the Lord to forgive me and then followed that prayer with this statement/thought, “If You are real, I want to know You; and if You are real, I will do whatever you ask of me. I did not cry or feel one thing after that prayer; but shortly thereafter, I heard the Lord say, “If you meant that prayer, you’ll begin reading My Word. So, I found the easiest Bible I could and I began to read it. I could not believe the revelation that began to come to me and the thoughts that were often spoken to my mind….and the answers to prayer. I would merely ask God a question in prayer and would pick up a book and there the answer to my question would be. I prayed for guidance and immediately, I either knew exactly what to do or a door would open showing me the way. I was hooked. The God I had only heard others speak of became real to me. What I knew of God was no longer second-hand information. It was me and God. That was just the beginning. I could relate testimony after testimony of amazing provision as we began tithing, dreams of direction or warning, waking up in the middle of the night with what I would describe as a wash of revelation that flowed over my entire being telling the trouble my daughter was in, times when I sat before the Lord and told Him I was not leaving that place of prayer until He changed me and in moments, He cleansed me of wrong attitudes which I knew were wrong and were creating my own self-imposed curse, sitting at my computer meditating on the Word and feeling faith arise on the inside of me so much so that I was ready to slay dragons in spiritual warfare. On and on I could go relating a recent healing of a serious issue, praying for people and seeing the miracle unfold before our eyes. Now I ask you…..who and what do you think I’m going to believe? The hundreds and maybe thousands of answered prayers, the unexpected blessings of provision, the wisdom given to save my daughter from trouble, direction for life decisions…..or… some critic of the faith. Heisenberg, I’ve met the Lord and He is good. There isn’t a critic alive that could make me question or doubt my real-life encounters/experiences with Christ. That is what I meant when I said you never knew Him. Please understand, it is not my intention to offend or insult you, but simply to restate what I mean about really “knowing the Lord.” Maybe you knew about Him but you did not know Him. Clearly, you were committed at one time but may I suggest that what you were committed to was “religion” and not Christ. If you had really known Him as I have related above, there is no way you could deny Him and no “man” or critic would ever be able to shake your faith. It would be impossible. I hope you will open your heart once again and ask to know the Living God-not religion. Religion is a poor substitute for the real thing. May God bless you as you open your hear to Him…..

      • Heisenberg

        Actually, I understand completely what you are saying; it’s the “No True Scotsman” fallacy:

        You are arguing that your particular brand of faith is above any criticism, so that anyone who practiced it and then criticized it was never a true adherent in the first place.

      • David2

        That is sad.

      • Bo

        Freakin’ Bible-thumping nutcake. You’re mentally ill.

      • David2

        Interesting that you respond with such hatred. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever pondered that it might be you that is ill and needs a cure but you are so blinded by your hatred that you can’t really look at what is being presented?

    • Mike Jacob

      Heisenberg, so what you are really saying is that you’ve chosen to follow the one deity you believe to be “not Mythical”, that is, yourself. You have set yourself up to be the sole arbiter of what is real and what is myth. Isn’t that the primary prerogative of being God?

      • Heisenberg

        Self-determinism is the way to go, absolutely. I don’t claim to be a deity, just another evolved mammal on this planet.

        And I wouldn’t say that I’m the “sole arbiter.” On the contrary; my beliefs are built on the foundation of the works of others. That’s part of how society functions.

        I try to follow truth, regardless of where it leads. I think that that’s the best that any of us can do.

      • Mike Jacob

        Your response is contradictory. You claim that you are not the sole arbiter, then state you try to follow truth regardless of where it leads. It is a solipsism. You are left answering the question, “What is truth?” by saying, ‘whatever I believe it is, based on my own observation.’ That is a claim to omniscience.

      • really

        You are digging way too deep in an attempt to find faults to make him question himself, which I’m sure just won’t happen. I believe he is saying that he doesn’t set which beliefs are “true”. He simply gathers and determines what he believes to be true. Not necessarily what should be the truth for everyone else.

      • Mike Jacob

        really, of course he won’t question himself. No God ever does. That’s the real power of omniscience, the ability to know that one is ultimately right in all things. If he didn’t believe that the truth he accepts ought to apply to evryone else, he wouldn’t be trolling here, would he? If any of us is to claim to be the judge of truth, we claim superiority to truth. That is a claim to deity, even if Heisenberg doesn’t demand tithes and offerings. As a matter of fact, he is claiming the prerogative of holding all who don’t believe in his “truth” in contempt. By damning all who disbelieve, he is no better than the straw man caricature of a Judeo-Christian deity at Whom you both balk.

      • Jeff

        Take your meds man… you don’t know anything more than anyone else on this planet about God… Why must a person be bound to religions he/she has found to be flawed? Why does it make you so mad?

      • Mike Jacob

        No need for meds….man. I don’t claim to know more than anyone else on the planet about God. I just responded to an illogical rant about religion with logic, in an attempt to help us all be honest about ourselves. Heisenberg is asking me to be bound to a religion that I have found to be flawed… Science cannot prove or disprove anything difinitively without ceasing to be science. Not anger, just a refusal to be bamboozled. Honestly, the emotion I do feel when thinking of people sharing the delusion expounded by Heisenberg et al. is one of sadness. Without knowing it, those who mock God miss out on the most personal and precious relationship we were ever meant to have. It is the same sadness that I feel for myself whenever I look up from my activities and realize that I have turned from Him to my own devices. The only remedy is the joy of reconciliation upon repentance.

      • Jeff

        Different strokes for different folks… deism for me… I don’t believe you can have a relationship with someone that doesn’t care to talk back…

      • Mike Jacob

        Jeff, He’s talking to you all the time. If he wasn’t this thread wouldn’t appeal to you. If you choose to ignore Him, that is your prerogative, but don’t try to make it His fault.

      • Jeff

        To the contrary, I am 100% open to it… God either chooses not to, or does not.

      • Mike Jacob

        Without getting too deep into quoting Scripture, the fact that you are open tells me that you will one day get what you are looking for. He rewards those who seek Him.

      • Heisenberg

        Omniscience is the ability to know everything there is to know; I certainly never claimed that.

        And I certainly didn’t claim solipsism. I acknowledge that the world around me exists.

        But, I do know that modern science and modern scholarship has been successfully knocking down the pillars of Judaism and Christianity. The problem with evangelicalism is that they are so fixated on their god being real that they rarely stop to consider the evidence against. And when they do, it’s from the position of, “That can’t possibly be true because our god is real!”

      • Mike Jacob

        Gee, Heisenberg, thanks for acknowledging that the world, and by extension, I exist. Should I feel flattered? In an exercise of solipsism, it is not necessary that the individual engaging in it recognize it.. That’s what made Neo “The One”. He was the firsdt to be able to “see” outside of himself.
        The problem with self proclaimed deities is that they are so fixated on being God that they rarely stop to consider the overwhelming evidence of the creation around them and the very eyeballs in their own heads that could never have possibly evolved by natural selection. And when they do, it’s from the position of, “That can’t possibly be true, let’s go make some science to prove our point.” Remember, even Darwin was convinced that Africans were an inferior species. Science is no more infallible than either of us.

      • Bones

        “god being real that they rarely stop to consider the evidence against” What evidence are you talking about?

      • Heisenberg


        Here’s a few things that we know, based on archaeological evidence uncovered in the last few hundred years:

        * The Jews were never slaves in Egypt

        * Ancient Egypt never really was big on slaves

        * Egyptian workers built the pyramids, not slaves

        * Those Egyptian workers had decent lives with access to the best healthcare of the day, and were given privileged burial sites; it was considered to be honorable work

        * There is no evidence of the Exodus; not in the extensive Egyptian government records of the time or otherwise

        * There is no evidence that Moses was a real person

        * There’s no evidence of the Jews wandering in the desert

        * There’s no evidence of the Jews invading and conquering Canaan

        * Jericho was already in ruins and unoccupied at the time that the Jews were supposed to have conquered it

        * In fact, Canaan was an Egyptian province at the time

        * Evidence points to the Jews being a tribe of Canaanites all along

        I’ll stop there, but suffice to say that archaeology has given us a very different history of the Middle East than the one portrayed in the Bible.

      • Bones

        HOw does that prove there is no Jesus?

      • Heisenberg

        Whether Jesus was a real person or not, I do not know. The fact is that, if he did exist, he didn’t create enough of a stir that non-Christians wrote about him. Worship of him did not happen until long after he died. There are no third-party witnesses to Jesus in his lifetime, and there just aren’t any verifiable claims. But, if we look at the whole of the Bible… there are plenty of claims in the Old and New Testaments that we can verify as to their accuracy.

        Judaism is the foundation of Christianity. Moses represents the first covenant, and Jesus the second. If Moses didn’t exist and the exodus never happened, then there was no first covenant. If the first covenant is pure mythology, then that casts tons of doubt on the validity of the second covenant.

      • Bones

        Okay, so I’m guessing you believe everything about God, Jesus and anything else recording in the Bible is an extraordinary hoax perpetrated on all of mankind since the beginning of time. How can anyone believe that all peoples of faiths that believe in God could have been so wrong down through the centuries and continue to be duped?

        Psalm 14.1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God”

      • Heisenberg

        I could just as easily apply your statement to Muslims. Or to Hindus. Or, for a contemporary spin, what about the fast-growing Mormon church, only two centuries old. Why does Christianity merit special consideration?

        Regarding your verse, it’s the equivalent to Toto pulling back the curtain and the Great and Powerful Oz saying, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

      • Bones

        When I say “Christians” I mean anyone who believes and follows Gods laws.

        I do have to say though that you are at least entertaining.

      • Heisenberg

        But which god? Christianity is far from the oldest religion in the world. And if you are trying to make an argument for all religions worshipping the same god, you have the problem that monotheistic religions are not compatible with polytheistic ones, and even most of the monotheistic religions will claim the exclusive right to salvation.

      • Chuck

        The link above seems to state that archaeology of Egypt does substantiate the biblical story. SO thus when you mention there are a few things that we know it really means these are the things and only things I will accept as valid because they support my view against the biblical account. Sir, there are also sources they do also claim to have same archaeological facts that support the Exodus. I will also post a link that supports the idea of archaeology and the truth of the Jewish conquest of Jericho.

        Those few things that “you know” do not really seem to as unquestioned and established as you stated. Of course when it is discussed in a setting where no objective thoughts would be present what opposition would you have to consider.

      • Heisenberg

        Well, let me point out that she doesn’t have a single narrative that she’s building her case from (other than the Bible); rather, she seems to have various Eqyptian manuscripts that she’s pulling select quotes out of. That seems fairly suspect. She claims to have found evidence of the biblical Moses from the time that he lived — she would be the first to have found any such evidence, AFAIK.

        Even if she found some references to Jews living in Egypt, that doesn’t prove the biblical account, because there are larger issues.

        For example, the Book of Exodus tells us that there were approximately 600,000 semitic men who followed Moses out of Egypt, plus women and children. Scholars estimate that the total number of people would have been 2 to 2.5 million. Egyptian census records from the time period tell us that there were only 3 to 3.5 million inhabitants in the country. To have lost such a large number of workers would have created economic chaos — and yet, there’s no such mention of anything like that happening, either directly or indirectly.

        There’s also a staggering lack of evidence in the Sinai desert. Remember, according to the story, YHWH wanted the entire generation to die off. Two million people wandering in the same desert for 40 years seem to have left zero traces behind. Not two million bodies, and not even a single piece of pottery. The Jews have never believed in cremating their dead, so there should be something left behind.

        Regarding Jericho, it’s destruction is not in dispute. The timing of the destruction is what’s in dispute. It simply doesn’t line up with the timing of the exodus. You may find this to be a more informative discussion of the archaeological evidence:

      • Brad Scott

        Damn skippy. My reality is mine to decide, as is yours. What’s unfortunate is that you have chosen to let someone else decide your reality for you. No morality, no determinism of good and evil, just let another human make that decision for me. It’s the ultimate in laziness and denial of personal responsibility.

      • Mike Jacob

        Brad, On what foundation do you base your “determinism of good and evil”? Without an absolute standard, all is moral relativism, which in the end, allows one to rationalize anything. That is the “ultimate in laziness and denial of personal responsibility”, because it costs nothing but your integrity.

      • Brad Scott

        Sorry, you lose. Try again with something original. Every christian I ever told I was an atheist had the same stupid question. You people must all watch the same station (FOX much?)

        My morality is based on what makes me feel good. It makes me feel good when others are nice to me. It makes me feel good when others give me things, of when the praise me for my work. I treat others the way I like to be treated. Not because of some sky daddy rewarding me one day for how good I was, but because it makes me feel good to give a homeless person a warm blanket, or to do a good job, or to praise others for a good job.

        My morality comes from seeking reward in the here and now, because here and now is all we have. Your morality comes from an ogre promising to send you to hell for all eternity if you don’t do as he commands. Which is the true morality?

        You’re not only morally lazy, you’re obviously intellectually lazy. Learn to think for yourself.

      • Mike Jacob

        By that logic, we had no right to incarcerate Jeffery Dahmer, because it made him feel good to eat the bodies of young men he had killed. Basing your morality on self is the same as declaring oneself God. By the way, I don’t subscribe to cable TV, and I don’t watch Fox.
        I am not motivated by fear of the ogre, but rather love for my fellow man and gratitude to the One who made me and redeemed me from the consequences of sin. Notice, I did not say I don’t sin. By reducing the argument to ad hominem attacks, I can only presume that you have exhausted logic. In any event, I’ll pray for you Brad.

      • Mike Jacob

        If sighted people repeatedly tell a blind man that the sky is blue and he continues to disbelieve them, is the sky less blue? I would say that if you continually get similar answers, perhaps deeper investigation is warranted.

      • Brad Scott

        When is a question an answer?

        Your morality is a fool’s errand. Deal with it.

    • David

      In about a billion years when you realize your torment has just begun you are going to remember that post Heisenberg, and can’t you be a little more original in making up a name?

      • Heisenberg

        Doesn’t it strike you as odd that God will torture people for eternity for decisions made over a ~70 year life span? There’s not a human court anywhere in the first world that would ever issue such a judgement.

        How is it that humans can imagine a more fair system of judgement than your deity?

      • Bones

        God will forgive your sins…all you need to do is truly accept him into your heart and ask forgiveness.

      • Heisenberg

        Been there, done, that, bought the evangelical college degree.

        After a lifetime of experience as a theist, I realized that faith is a bust and the Bible can’t possibly be true.

  • susielyn

    One thing that God gave man is free will. God’s judgment will be what you do with that free will.

    • Bo

      God doesn’t exist, so free will and judgment are irrelevant. You might as well worship a chupacabra.

    • peasoup

      well said

    • Brad Scott

      If God gave you free will, then God doesn’t know everything. He doesn’t know what choices you or I will make, therefore he doesn’t know the fate of humanity, therefore he could not predict the outcome to tell the prophets, therefore the prophets are frauds. That makes Jesus a fraud.

      Your entire religion is based on lies, by your own admission.

  • susielyn

    It’s very interesting to me that most of the negative comments in reference to God come from people who sound angry and hateful. What does that say about their life vs mine?

    • duh

      It says that you are a brainless tool

      • susielyn

        You just made my point. Thanks for that.

      • David

        Sin always gives birth to anger and hatefullness.

      • Karen Griffin

        Sad to know Christians can be sinners too.

      • susielyn

        Christians ARE sinners. We acknowledge that.

      • Joey Horbachewsky

        What is sin? I hope you don’t think sex is sin because it’s the most natural thing that you can do.

  • Gene

    I commend them for their stand for common decency. When Michael Jackson started grabbing his crotch, and Madonna began here pointed tit display in public I never watched MTV again or any other show, such as theses music awards. I’m not a prude or a fanatic, just a common sense kind of guy that is tired of Roman Empire mentality. The demise of this country is going to be from within. Moral standards are far below what should be expected from a civilized society. So you let who ever ,you do or don’t believe in, guide your life and good luck with the outcome.

    • Jeff

      Perceived moral standards of society are a reflection on one’s self… The dirty thoughts you had while watching such debauchery were not shared by everyone. Most people were just enjoying the music rather than obsessing on naughty parts…

      • TenThousandWords

        Then why were the naughty parts necessary? Uh huh…..The music really blows and you know it too.

      • Jeff

        Because it gets people all worked up… and more records are sold… it’s called marketing…ain’t capitalism grand?

      • Brad Scott

        Why were you watching? To see rich people give other rich people awards? How vain.

      • TenThousandWords

        Actually I wasn’t watching, Nothing in my message implied that I did. Yours, on the other had does imply that you were, and were doing so only for the music….and I bet you read Playboy for the articles too. I simply asked why, if the music can stand on it’s own two feet, that it needs to be embellished by a stripper show (I did see this after the fact as a news article, and yes, raunchy by any objective measure).

      • Brad Scott

        WTF? Where did my question “imply” that I watched the grammys? I haven’t watched that crap since I was a kid. Time to get your dr to adjust your drugs.

      • TenThousandWords

        Time to pull some pants on, climb out of mom’s basem*nt, and get a life….

    • Kateme


    • Brad Scott

      Jeezus effin christ. I guess you’ve never been to Germany, or Italy, or France, or Sweden, or…

      Your morals come from people who were so tightassed even their religious countrymen wanted nothing to do with them. Get over yourself.

      • Singke and Over Taxed

        Hey Brad go back home and watch your barn yard p*rn and leave the morals debate to people who actually have some

  • Jeff

    Now… If the rest of the social conservatives will just leave, go home, and practice their faith by themselves rather than whine about society and stick their noses in other peoples business, the world would be a friendlier place…

    • David

      Apparently you have not been paying attention, the world is getting worse and worse. Where the heck have you been?

      • Karen Griffin

      • Jeff

        On what time frame??? LMAO… pray tell, why is it getting worse?

      • Helen Alphonso Ross

        your president!

      • Jeff

        LMAO… I KNEW IT!!! HAHAHAHA. I wanted to be specific… But I knew someone would do it for me… It is unbelievably telling how most of you think…

      • faye

        david,,,your so right,,,,the world is getting worst,,,,,everybody is a sinner,,,always,,,,when you quit putting “”GOD”” first the ‘fun,good times are only temporaly….I know,,,,i lived that way for quite a few yrs. then I opened my heart up & I live for our creator,savior the one & only God,,,wouldn’t exchange it for nothing,,,,,I’ve got eternal salvation,,,,,yes i’ll always be a sinner but GOD forgives me,,,as far a the dance beyonce did it was what she intented raunchy,,,,look like a striptease..if the awards felt like they Had To perform at least do it at 11;00 or after & for the lady walking out she has her Christian values AMEN,,,,,,,why do peps think they can’t sing or talk w/o throwing vulgar words around? have a Bless day….faye

      • Nicola

        Yeah, it’s way worse…newborns actually LIVE instead of having a high chance of death, genocide of American Indians no longer exists, women are treated equally to men, we aren’t selling slaves on the stock exchange anymore, parents can’t abuse their children as easily as they could in the past….we aren’t putting Japanese Americans in concentration camps anymore or enslaving the Chinese to build our railroads…You are right, our world is totally worse!

    • ar122

      Jeff, same to you bro. If you are championing being open-minded and tolerant of LGBT, why are you not championing Mrs. Grant’s right to chose what she watches. Beware the double standard. She didn’t riot. I think she handled it with respect and “friendliness”.

      • Jeff

        I am “championing” her right to get up and leave whatever scene is offending her. I am proud of her, she had the self-control to just get up, leave, and not chastise everyone for not leading the same lifestyle…

      • Karen Griffin

        I agree. I’m not a Christian, and I’m not big on censorship, but I do believe we all have a right to walk out on a show that we perceive to be outside of our comfort zone. I don’t see what the big deal about this is.

    • WeThePeopleArePissed

      The way I see it “social conservatives” aren’t the ones with their “noses in other people’s business” the liberals are the one that wanted obamacare, the continue to push for gun control, and dont care their government is spying on them. We “tea partiers” want our government and liberals out of our business. If liberals were tolerant at all, they wouldn’t be trying to get conservatives to live by the same ideologies the liberals have. Freedom of speech. We both have rights to say what we want, practice whatever religion we want and practice it wherever we want. Some of us though are just more hostile about it than others. It’s rude and completely ridiculous to judge the masses by one person. And Obama is doing a great job of race baiting, pitting gays against straights, Christians vs atheists. But God forbid anyone say anything bad against the Islams and Muslims that believe it’s ok to belittle women and believe killing Christians is ok. While Christians are peaceful. When do you here of Christians belittling women? Wanting to kill unbelievers? I’m sure anti-abortion supports are against women even though they believe life is sacred from the time of conception. That a heart beat is a sign of life. That abortion kills a bit of the mother’s soul. But we are anti-women because we don’t support the end of life thru abortion. Liberals are tolerant it seems to only things that tear down this great nation. So please, liberals go home, and keep your confusing and ever changing logic to yourselves. At least there are still people who’s opinions don’t change because of recent entertainment stories or political scandal.

      • Jeff

        Is there ANYTHING else you’d like to add to that? I’d say that Fox News has done quite a number on you… I’m sorry you feel like such a victim.

      • Singke and Over Taxed

        LOL when your daughter grows up to be a stripper because “Miley makes it look so cool” we’ll see how open and liberal you feel

    • Kateme

      Gee- another CUOMO. What happened to FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA? You want to isolate conservatives onto an island and cut off all support? What does that sound like. Something close to sick.

      • Jeff

        Not as sick as you seem to be… WTF are you talking about?

  • Tina

    If she is going to judge everybody on the way they dress or the way someone acts, just keep your ass at home so we dont have to hear about it on the news, get a life.

    • ar122

      Tina, we shouldn’t be forcibly induced with this stuff if we don’t want to be. That is what she expressed by leaving. Someone reported her story just as the musicians are telling their story. We are all different. If you are tolerant, be tolerant of her views as well. It should work both ways.

      • HeyThere101

        “Forcibly induced” she went b her own will.

      • ar122

        She was up for an award. She didn’t know she’d be exposed to things outside her comfort zone. She was showing appreciation and class by attending something she was invited to. It was an honor she willingly let go by walking out. No big issue there in my mind. She honored the people who invited her, but then she honored herself and her fans by her action.

      • Brad Scott

        Walking out or not has nothing to with her getting an award. If she won, she gets the award whether or not she is there. She gave up nothing, and got a lot of free publicity by rebuking others in her industry. Whoopee for her, she’s another media whor*.

      • ar122

        Walking out would mean she wouldn’t accept the award in front of the audience… You’re right. She didn’t give up much. She maintained her respect for herself and her husband. She didn’t run to the cameras. She was approached by the media machine. She is using this as an opportunity to say what she feels. Sean Penn and Matt Damon do this regularly on things they know far less about. Let’s consider what it means to be open-minded, and let’s congratulate her on following her beliefs as much as people have congratulated all the same-sex marriages and the performers for their actions lining up with their beliefs. Two way street here. Emotions are so heavily involved that they cloud judgment. She promoted peace by not rioting and parading. She got up and walked away. That takes maturity and a gracious heart. I was impressed.

      • Lynda Hodge

        I agree with ar122 she honored the request to go, but then she also honored her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by removing her family from what she considered distasteful actions and dress apprael , not everyone wants to see your body while you sing a song . If nudity and vulgarity turns your wheels, then that is your choice, but some of us continue to respect modesty and that is our choice. When we all stand before God , we will be judged by our actions in this life,. You wont have a choice then , and it will be too late to get your heart right with God.If you were prepared to go to heaven when you die, you would understand her actions but since most on here have unkind things to say about her then it shows that you dont have Jesus as your Saviour.

    • Dandru

      Tina wrote: “If she is going to judge everybody on the way they dress or the way someone acts, just keep your ass at home so we dont have to hear about it on the news, get a life.”

      Learn how to write. You’re practically illiterate.

  • Tess1314

    They made the right move…It was all about sex!

    • Heisenberg

      Dirty, nasty, filthy, glorious, wonderful sex!

      • Tess1314

        Sex is glorious & wonderful…but it was made nasty & dirty on the grammy’s. Some people like to cheapen things & this is what they did.

  • coachmike

    What if the author took the word Christian out of it…and said recording artist Natalie Grant and her husband walked out on the Grammy Awards because…?

    Would that change your comments? To me, stuff like that will not be on my tv because I don’t want my daughters seeing it and thinking that is how I want them to act.

    I’ve walked out of a comedian’s performance before…went to it because I’d seen him on tv/movies and he was funny, not knowing his stand-up was vulgar and vile.

    • David Sheffield

      Right on Coach! exactly the way I feel about my beautiful daughters! They deserve to be told that they are worth more than just their bodies.

  • Kevin

    She’ll sell a few extra hundred to a thousand albums with this, whether it was grandstanding or not. Pandering to the gullible is easy-peasy.

    • Karen Griffin

      I doubt it was anything like that. She was with her family. She felt the show was a bit risqué. It was her right to leave. I have no problem with this. Now, if she had climbed up on stage and shouted, “YOU ARE ALL TERRIBLE SINNERS AND SHOULD NOT BE SUBJECTING MY FAMILY TO THIS!!!!” That would have been a different story.

      • Kevin

        Then why is this even newsworthy? Why didn’t they just leave, and leave it at that? Instead, she had to advertise the fact on her Facebook stage, thus creating this story. Obviously it’s in her right to leave, and it’s her right to say what she wants, but let’s call it like it is…

        Pandering and grandstanding.

      • Liya

        Absolutely right, Kevin. Publicity stunt, nothing less .

      • Kateme

        It’s newsworthy, because FINALLY someone did the right thing. People pay millions of dollars to these brain-dead perverts for their so called music. Families watch the Grammys. What kind of good parent would expect this type of risque behavior on a primetime show? i’m glad i QUIT watching this garbage because these so-called artists are only out for two things: MONEY and PUBLICITY.

      • Brad Scott

        I quit watching the Grammys when I was a teenager. That was more than 30 years ago. The Grammys suck, and always have. It’s not about music, it’s about who made the most money.

      • Kevin

        The right thing for her to do would have been not to go in the first place. Everyone knows what these shows are. If one is so easily offended, this isn’t the place to go. Instead they went, and then left, and then grandstanded the fact.

        Don’t be so naive. You can be prudish, but don’t be naive.

    • jkstar09

      Now standing up for what you believe in is pandering to the gullible. I certainly hope you don’t stand for anything.

      • Kevin

        Don’t be so naive. If they had just walked out and left it at that, then okay. That’s standing for what you believe in. Instead, she advertised that they left. It’s like walking into an adult bookstore and then complaining about being offended.

        It’s grandstanding. The sheep are easily lead when the shepherd has bread.

    • David Sheffield

      And the acts on stage were not grandstanding and pandering to the gullible? The gullible are lead astray by the evil of this world. The rest of us see that there is in fact a right way to live this life and we follow that way because we are not gullible enough to believe the lies of the immoral.

      • Kevin

        I never said they weren’t. Of course they are! It’s entertainment. That’s how these folks…including Ms Grant…make a living. Just call it like it is.

      • David Sheffield

        Well, your comment only called Mrs. Grant out as pandering and grandstanding, which all she was doing was standing up for her beliefs the way she felt she should. That is taking a personal stand, not pandering to anybody. Sitting there being force-fed the message the Grammys was pushing is pandering.

      • Kevin

        Walking out because she was offended was her personal stand. It became grandstanding and pandering when she advertised that on Facebook.

        If I do something that I consider right, I don’t feel the need to tell everyone. I just do it.

      • David Sheffield

        Based on her post that I could find she never said why she left. Plus she is a popular CCM artists with a lot of fans. She felt that she owed her fans and supporters an explanation of why she wouldn’t be in her seat when the nominees were read. She was advertising any great moral stance.

      • Kevin

        Pure speculation on your part. Plus, her award was handed out before the show, as are most awards outside of pop/rock/country/r&b. Her category was not presented live.

      • David Sheffield

        And assuming she was pandering and grandstanding is pure speculation on your part as you are not inside her head or heart, not even in her house.

      • Kevin

        Possibly so David, however, I see no other reason for her to advertise on Facebook the fact that she walked out. At some point common sense makes common sense. I, too, have left events/places that I found myself uncomfortable at. I did not feel any need to advertise this fact to the world

      • David Sheffield

        The other reason to let others know as I said before would be her fan base. They may not hand out those awards during the show but they do announce them (at least they did the last time I watched an awards show, a long time ago), as well as many shots of the audience. So in essence we are both speculating on her motives for posting to Facebook and both have what we each see as valid reasons or common sense to back up what we speculate. However, the only person who knows the truth is not in this conversation and if she were, one of us probably wouldn’t believe what she had to say anyway.

      • Kevin

        You are correct with your last sentence. When it comes to show business (let’s not forget that this is really what this is), one never gives out their secrets. If one were to pander, they certainly would not announce they are pandering…then it would cease to be pandering. (That doesn’t just apply to CCM, it applies to all.)

        You’re a good guy. Thanks for the conversation!

      • David Sheffield

        I am passionate about what I believe and defending my position but I believe passion is better used when accompanied by respect, civil conversation, and love than with anger, disrespect, hate, name calling or indifference to what the other one has to say.
        You seem like a good guy too. Thank you for the civil conversation.

      • Kevin

        Total agreement here. I try to follow your rules here. I don’t always succeed, but I try my best. Sometimes defending your position can make one TOO passionate.

      • David Sheffield

        I don’t know about any rules here. This is my first time commenting on Allen West’s sight. I just try to keep it civil out of respect for the person I am in conversation with. I believe that you get the level of respect you give and if you are giving respect but not getting it, then the other person has the problem and I shouldn’t get sucked into a conversation with them. I know what I believe and no amount of their name calling will change that. However if they want a serious conversation then it will cause me to dive deeper into what I believe there by growing me as a person and a Christian. A Christian who doesn’t know why they believe what they believe is so by title only and really doesn’t help the cause any.

        And yes TOO much passion can cause one to cross the line, but controlling our passion is what separates humans from wild animals.

        Just my take on it.

  • Paul S.

    As a liberal, I was quite willing to understand your perspective until you threw in an ideology and a poke at the president. Sigh. You just couldn’t resist.

    • Guybrush Ak Threepwood

      Your president is stealing my rights and the pensions of my fellow veterans. Your time will come you useless commie.

      • Guest

        Just what what would be expected of someone with extremely low intelligence.

      • Guest


      • Paul S.

        Just what would be expected from someone of such low intelligence.

      • debramc7

        Paul S - you are a creep.

      • Paul S.

        Thank you.

      • Guybrush Ak Threepwood

        My sentiments exactly. Liberalism is a disease. You say I have “low intelligence”, and yet, you haven’t proven anything. Goes to show that libs operate based on their feelings rather than on common sense. Coward. You wouldn’t say it to my face I guarantee you that.

    • URABB

      Now you aren’t being a baby are you? You know, one of those Liberals who believe in free speech so long as what someone is saying is something you are in TOTAL agreement with. Some really great men and women have gone before you and died for this great Country and so that this person could have a little side note about YOUR POTUS. What you meant to say was “I agree with FREE SPEECH, so long as I am in agreement with what you have to say”

  • Ruby M

    This has nothing to do with whether one is “christian” or not. Everyone makes decisions for their own lives. If she objects to what she’s watching, she is free to leave just as others are free to stay.
    Accept it for what it is, her decision, not yours.

  • Dandru

    Bible-thumpers… sheesh.

    • WeThePeopleArePissed

      Grow up.

    • JJ

      somewhere someone coined the term bible thumper. i don’t believe it was you and so, what you’re really saying, is that you have very little intelligence and I recommend that you pick up a book once in while and read something. you might learn how to understand better understand what’s going going on in the world, and come to better conclusions.

  • Marilyn

    This a lost generation the Bible talks about, parents are not teaching their child anything about God. Thank God my child Prays!!

    • Raven

      My children have never heard of the concept of religion. I like it that way.

      • Marilyn

        All children need to know about God and creation, God protects my son everyday at school, he even prays that God will help him with school work, and his grades are good, the reason I know God is helping him is because his dad and I graduated over 30 yrs. ago and the school work they do today we didn’t have all those yrs. ago. May God Bless You!!

      • Marilyn

        That’s whats wrong with kids today, to know about they need to know about Jesus!!

    • Syd

      Really? I was raised Christian. Went to church every Sunday. But I was also raised to respect people, to put others before yourself, and most importantly just be a good person. Many gay people are GREAT people. Who cares if they’re gay? Doesn’t change the content of their character. Doesn’t change that they have a heart, a brain, and everything else heterosexuals have. Every man is created EQUAL. So there you go, gay marriage should be legal. It’s America and it’s 2014. I don’t get why so many Christians are judgmental. It makes me ashamed to be associated with you.

      • Marilyn

        I’m not judgmental that is in the Bible, I was raised up United Pentecost and they go by the whole Bible and apply to their lives, Faith and good works and just being a good person will not get you into heaven that’s Bible and the only way to make it to Heaven is doing what the Bible says the only road map to Heaven!!

  • Buffy

    I’m a pagan and I agree with her.

  • Tom

    This poor girl! She cant leave her house it appears. Cant go to the beach, the museum, the circus, the gym. Its just sad. Someone should work on a cure, so that people can leave their house or turn on their TV’s and not be offended by what other people wear!
    If this girl wants to be in show business, she better grow a pair.

  • Liya

    No wonder more and more people don’t want anything to do with religion! Natalie Grant shown herself to be really co*cky, stupid hypocrite. There were other Christians, some were nominated- some won- the albums for Best Gospel, other Christian awards. She is typical “holier than thou” pretentious bitch.

    • jkstar09

      Do you attend church? I’m guessing not and that’s your choice. Just like it was Natalie’s choice to leave an event where she didn’t agree with what was going on. Who is acting “holier than thou” now?

      • Liya

        As it was pointed out many times already - she didn’t just walk out. She posted about it on social media, bashed the event and made a big deal out of it, deliberately creating a publicity stunt.
        And yes,I am a Christian and I attend a church, actually I am a lead of a dance ministry.

      • jkstar09

        I apologize for making an assumption. I just wouldn’t have ever thought that a fellow Christian would mock another and call them names like “pretentious bitch” while also posting on social media.

      • Liya

        How is being a pretentious, bigoted bitch not compatible with professing Christianity? She is not alone…Self- righteous people like her are the main reason people are scared of religion.

      • Devra

        I think what he’s saying is that’s an awful lot of name calling for being the lead of a dance ministry.

      • Liya

        ( yawn) . Sure, sure…NOT calling a spade a spade is what scares people away from Christianity. Calling a stupid selfish hypocrite out does the opposite, actually, in my evangelistic experience

      • Singke and Over Taxed

        You need to get back to reading your bible young lady because yo0u’re attitude is what makes others feel uncomfortable. You claim to be Christian while you throw stones at others.

      • Liya

        What stones?

      • BRN

        Oh snap, so its ok for you to post about her actions on social media,
        bashing her for bashing things that go against her beliefs, and its ok
        for you to make a big deal out of her making a big deal out of it,
        deliberately creating a publicity stunt for yourself Liya, are you
        trying to get attention? Wouldn’t you want people to hear your opinion
        on matters you think are important without someone calling you names?
        Can’t we have rational discussion without someone calling someone else a
        b*tch or something worse?

      • Liya

        no, she doesn’t deserve worse. Bitch fits.

      • Single and Over Taxed

        Hateful language and name calling doesn’t qualify your statements but rather make you look ignorant and vicious - I don’t think that is what you intend but if that’s how you speak to people in real life you must be very lonely.

      • Liya

        : ) so you have nothing of substance to say just spewing insults ? Have a nice day.

      • single an dover taxed

        Hahah…I’m sorry I didn’t realize you have a short term memory issue. Have a nice day and stay on your meds

      • David Sheffield

        Is your dance ministry a ministry of the church you attend? If so, are you willing to show your original post to the pastor of your church?

      • Liya

        Yes. Why not, may I ask you ? While Grammys had some questionable content , doubtlessly so, he made a statement of support to the cause of equality made at the show already. My point is clear - Natalie Grant is a hypocrite. He might gently reprimand me for the word “bitch”, asking why didn’t I used something more descriptive and less profane, but otherwise… sure.

      • David Sheffield

        By “a statement of support to the cause of equality made at the show” what do you mean?

      • Liya

        Marriage equality.

      • David Sheffield

        So your Pastor views same-sex marriage(I assume that is the marriage equality you mean) as acceptable but would “gently reprimand” you for using a four letter word? What would be his basis for reprimanding you for the b-word?

      • Liya

        how are these two issues connected ?I am not following you. Using b-word and marriage equality that is ? Fight for our brethren’s rights is an honorable thing for a Christian to engage in, saying bad words …not really 😉 to say the least .

        For example : Bible Belt’s “Christians” in the 60s used n-word and claimed that blacks are second class that should stay away from their white churches and white Christian Universities, and sit on the back of the bus, quoting Bible as proof! Using n-word was bad, but not even approximately as terribly godless as their bigoted, hateful ideas about inequality.

      • David Sheffield

        The n-word is wrong but has nothing to do with this discussion. And just for the record, I am from the South and I deplore racism. Please answer my question: On what basis would your pastor reprimand you for using the b-word?

      • BRN

        Oh snap, so its ok for you to post about her actions on social media, bashing her for bashing things that go against her beliefs, and its ok for you to make a big deal out of her making a big deal out of it, deliberately creating a publicity stunt for yourself Liya, are you trying to get attention? Wouldn’t you want people to hear your opinion on matters you think are important without someone calling you names? Can’t we have rational discussion without someone calling someone else a b*tch or something worse?

      • Liya

        Do you know what publicity stunt means? My post is one of 3k posts here, and she is a known artist that gone for a cheap publicity shot, insulting all of the other Christians there, implying that she sings for Jesus and they don’t! read her disgusting tweet… No wonder young people staying away from churches….

    • Brian

      No she’s not holier then thou. She just values her morals and doesn’t want to expose herself to the decay of society. I don’t blame her, our country is becoming soulless and moral free. So if she chooses to take her self out of it. Who are you to knock her for it. Instead of people constantly knocking the bible thumpers, why don’t you knock the trash around you? instead of good hearted people. But I know how it is, pick on the week and easy!

      • Liya

        Nope. There were many Christians at the show, many won awards, as I said. She was the only holier than thou bitch that left.

      • BRN

        Those Christians must have had stronger stomachs for the garbage being displayed.

    • Neoma

      I really am sorry you feel the way you do ’cause Jesus died for your sins as well as mine. Thankful He loves our souls ’cause our flesh is vile. Don’t know when a person couldn’t make a decision to leave an event because they don’t want to hear or see some things. The scripture says for us to fill our minds with the good things and I believe that is what she was exercising. I didn’t watch it on TV for the same reason she left. Doesn’t mean I am being holier than thou, just wanted to watch something else.

      • Liya

        Show respect _ read the conversation before you reply! no wonder people think bad of Christians….

    • ScrewedUSn12

      @Liya. How is Natalie being “really co*cky, stupid hypocrite” by getting up and walking out on something that is inappropriate per her beliefs? She doesn’t behave like B or Katy and then walk out on their performances. That is what a hypocrit would do. She conducts herself as a moral, young adult woman and left quietly. You need to learn the meaning and use of a word before accusing someone with it.

      • Liya

        I replied many times already, why don’t you read the convo first? Its not by walking out… its because of what she made out of it.

    • BRN

      Just a guess, but I bet when you get offended by something, you don’t want to be involved or even be around it either. So when people start calling you a “co*cky, holier than thou, stupid hypocrite, pretentious b*tch” for walking away from something you didn’t like, just remember this eloquent post you made here, and the judgement you deemed fit for someone who was offended by something that you were not offended by.

      • Liya

        and to you too - that’ not why I called her on it. Not because she walked out. Read before you post

      • BRN

        I read before I posted, and yes you are attacking her for walking out, maybe YOU should read before you post.

      • Liya

        No you didn’t. You claim that I called her out because she walked away from the show. That is not true.

      • BRN

        Then what, dear Liya, are you calling her out on? Use your words honey.

  • Sher

    I too was disgusted with the opening act of vulgarity and what she was saying. Our country is a parallel of Rome before it fell. No morality and greed fueled the fall. I am your sister in Christ Natalie and glad you took a stand.

    • john

      I hope you realize that Rome was a Christian empire when it fell. What’s your take on that?

      • Nick

        Yeah, cause they really lived out those Christian morals in Rome right…

      • Kevin

        The empire officially adopted Christianity as it’s “official” religion shortly before it’s fall, as a matter of fact. They seemed to flourish when they were polytheistic.

      • BRN

        I wouldn’t say flourish so much as conquered and pillaged… but yeah.

      • Highplainsrider

        The allowance of Christianity to flourish in Rome was a decision made to keep the peace. If was NEVER an official religion before the fall of Rome. It was tolerated ONLY. Furthermore, Christians who read and quote the Bible is not “hate speech”, it is educating the masses to the TRUTH of its message, because that is what is written in the book, to spread the WORD.

      • Kevin

        Theodosius I issued decrees to officially make Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

        So, yes it was. You can have your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.

      • 1SKTrynoskySr1

        My take on that was that it was long corrupt. Ever hear of “bread and circuses?” Romans took their citizenship for granted, once the republic was lost, it was just matter of time. The fact that it lasted four hundred years after Augustus became emperor is a tribute to the founders. Back when I studied such things I seem to remember that when the Romans decided they were too good and too important to defend themselves but instead decided to let mercenaries from conquered territories do it, it was all over. Blame the Christians if you want, Gibbons did in “Decline and Fall” but it is far better to learn your history and see the parallels in modern times.

  • yami

    I hate reading Christian’s quoting scripture to promote hate and unkindness. We are all created equals by God and we should all love each other no matter our beliefs our color our sexual preference our political stands our religion our likes or dislikes. I do applaud Natalie for taking a stand on something that made her uncomfortable in her beliefs she did it without insulting nor bashing anyone. We should all learn to be so gracious in our approach to the world.

    • sf78

      Good choice of words

    • webing

      Please don’t equate color with “sexual preference.” God does not judge on the basis of the color of ones skin but does for the other: Read Romans 1:24-26 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Otherwise, a good comment.

  • Mark Allen

    You wrote, “Grant and her husband went to the show to proudly represent gospel music.” What gives you the right to accuse them of doing that? I certainly wouldn’t want you or anyone to label me with such a sinful tag.

  • sf78

    We do not really know the full reason why she left, who cares why she left! If I want to watch something then I watch it, if I don’t want to watch something then I don’t! If she left for her own personal reasons, then it is what it is! She didn’t get up on the stage and yell at anyone about how she felt, she didn’t go find a reporter and share her reason for leaving. So why do any of you care? Publicity is a very tricky thing, it’s her choice, so leave it alone!

  • chica

    Good for her for leaving!

  • tony

    I am a man, I don’t go to church, but I am sick of all this perversion on tv now. I loved andy Griffith. Good clean entertainment.

  • texmomo

    I think it is her right to leave an venue that is displaying something she does not want to see…..I have turned off shows on tv for the content and cursing….that is my right… This country is going downhill so fast and our children do not learn any values except bad ones….

  • HBruner

    I have to agree with her, I’m in my early 30’s and am by no means religious, I’m more Agnostic than anything, but I too am getting tired of new “artist” always being scantly dressed, and always seeming to be overly explicit in their “dance” and lyrics…I don’t even watch the Grammy’s or the Oscars, or even any type of “music” awards type show. I also thing these so called “reality” shows are all getting out of hand, why can’t they bring back shows like Family Matters, or Full house, or shows that have meaning to others instead of shows like the Bachelor, or the Bachelorette, or Big Brother, or crap like that…America has certainly gone down the toilet in the past 25 or more years…I want wholesome shows like my parent’s grew up with, you know like Leave it to Beaver, or The Brady Bunch, is it so hard to direct shows that have little or NO violence in them anymore?

  • Voicendawilderness

    What happen to people being able to express their opinion and others respecting their beliefs, it seems that the only widely held belief is that Christians are wrong to believe what the bible says and the world view is what is right. I myself was thoroughly disgusted with many of the things I saw. And the only reason people don’t want anything to do with religion is it’s not about religion it’s about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and until you can wrap your dirty mind around that, you will be lost, we all are Hypocrites to some degree because we all sin, NO one is righteous no not one.

  • Independence_R_US

    Hmm I wonder why none of the lame stream media reported on this? I guess it doesn’t provide good political talking points.

    • Kevin

      Because no one knows who this lady is and it’s not newsworthy.

      Well, now thanks to her publicity stunt, everyone knows.

      • Sheila Rowbotham-Coon

        Christains know who she is!

      • Gil, Lancaster, NY

        No one knows her because she has Morals, and she sings songs from the heart in decency. I give her and her Husband kudos for standing up and walking out. I don’t believe it was a publicity stunt, but if it catches the Media eye, so be it!

      • Ed

        You might be speaking from a position of strength if you’d taken the time to research her….you obviously wouldn’t know about her because she’s a “Christian Music Singer” and had you taken a little time out of your obviously information lacking life, you’d know that she and her husband use their free time to fight “Human Tafficing” around the World….and if in your Narrow Mentality you believe that some who has Morals and Personal Standards left that offensive deminstration as a Publicity stunt, you’re more the Fool than I oroginally thought! So, back to your Simple World Kevin!

      • Kevin

        Why do you capitalize random words?

        What I said had nothing to do with her personal efforts. Good for her. Learn to stay on subject. I wasn’t attacking her or her standards personally.

        Also, I never said that “I” didn’t know who she was. I work in the industry. I know who lots of people are that you probably don’t know. I also know that outside of a small slice of a relativity small genre, no one knows her name.

        Perhaps it is you that is of narrow mentality.

      • time2bsmart

        She’s won at least 4 Dove awards and has been nominated for a couple Grammies. Maybe you don’t know who she is, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else doesn’t. She is a person of integrity. Most of the people on stage at the grammies are not.

    • ThePundit

      They didn’t reply because it’s silly and a simple media stunt for the Christian right, and for a person trying to boost record sales. This is not news.

      • Independence_R_US

        Hmm I guess the voices in your head are speaking again. No one, including the women that left, was like Sandra Fluke or others from the liberal party. She didn’t blast the liberal main stream media. So other than this there has been little news coverage.

        So let’s look at the liberal news. Let’s look at the Bridge gate & ignore , IRS, NSA, Benghazi, EPA, etc. Becasue we definitely don’t want things to look bad for Oblamo.

        Of course liberals need others to blame for their bigotry & hate. Then show their hypocrisy when ever they can. So congrats on making the point that liberalism is a mental disorder.

        So how’s that Oblundercare working for ya? Did you get to keep your HC provider. Did you get to keep a copy of the Obama Liar of the Year Award.

        Oh don’t forget to up your meds. They’re not working.

  • Paul Grandquist

    It`s just a shame that it`s not just about your music anymore but how sexy you can look performing it ….Reference Do you think Janis Joplin would have a chance today Just a damn shame they have to rest on their god given attributes instead of their god given talent.

    • Singke and Over Taxed

      More then half of the “artists” of today can’t hold a tune, play and instrument and forget about writing music let alone lyrics…

  • Music teacher retired….

    If the Grammys are supposed to represent the “best” in music, then something is fundamentally wrong with our value system. There were a few bright moments, but the off-key, mumbled words, incorrectly operated mic system (or maybe they REALLY just can’t sing to begin with), the lewd behavior and cussing, etc.,etc. did zero to foster any of my respect for the show or most of the performers. Have we really sank so low as to think of the Grammys as a “goal” for the music world? I had not watched the Grammys for several years. I decided to tune in this year hoping for a newly revised version. Big disappointment. I too clicked off after the barrage of “untalented” performers parading their “egos” more than musical talent across the stage. Those that enjoy the Grammys - then keep watching, but my philosophy in life is ….”if this is not something I want my children or mother to watch with me, it’s not for me to watch either”.

  • Barbara

    I am appalled with how the TV station have no morals anymore the things that pop up on commercials and regular tv is sometimes so graphic that I have just about stopped watching tv all together. We the nation have become complacent to this bs and I think that the churches need to get involved and make these companies scale back the r rated viewing of the television so that it will go back to the rules of the 70s when they didn’t allow this nonsense on tv. Until the american people take a stand and refuse to watch this stuff it will not stop lets all get together and make the ratings go down so that we don’t have to watch this garbage

    • Sean

      You, actually, do not have to watch any of the programming on television….you can elect to change the channel, or avoid television all together if it is too offensive for your viewing tastes. The beauty of the hundreds of available channels is that everyone can select shows and events that fit their interests.

      • Singke and Over Taxed

        Well then I guess gays and lesbians should just patronize other stores then the ones that for religious reasons would prefer not to associate with then instead of the death threats and lawsuits the file to run them out of business - I mean after all it’s not as if there are no other bakery’s

      • Liya

        hahaha.. What about Blacks, bud??? Why don’t they do the same, right, attend different bakeries? Many, many , many Christians made that point in the 60s…

      • Single and Over Taxed

        Since it was the conservative, Christian RIGHT that added black in gaining equality you lost your argument on that one dear.

      • Liya

        again you saying nothing of substance related to the question, just cowardly diversion. Good bye.

      • single and over taxed

        I’m sorry if facts were determent to your education. have a nice day Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (28)

      • MD H

        To a degree your point is valid but, I believe that there need to be tighter standards for prime time viewing hours. For instance I see no reason that advertisem*nt for viagra and ciallis must be aired while I’m watching mythbusters with my young children. As for the Grammy’s it’s trash, as are most of the featured performers.

      • felipe63

        Actually MD H, only signals broadcast over the airwaves are regulated by the FCC, cable, even basic cable, is not. So cable is free of big government regulation and product of a ‘free market’, isn’t that what the right wants? and evidently the free market wants viagra commercials……….

    • Syd

      You’re sickening. It’s not garbage. It’s the SAME love you feel. We live in a free country. People should be able to get married…

  • Evin

    This is a silly PR stunt. Grammy’s have been like this for the past 5 + years. It would of been a more interesting/stronger statement if she didn’t participate at all.

  • carroll knapp

    Rapping monkeys

  • the realist

    I cant be appalled because i dont watch TV in fact i dont HAVE a signal to any of my sets. I use them for gaming and DVD players and i like it that way. I havent had MK ultra pumping into my home in over 2 years , and you know what? My blood pressure is lower. The kids fight less the house is happy. I challenge all of you to CUT IT OFF for a month no TV no Cable you wanna watch walking dead? Do like i do and find it online. TV is made to do what its doing ..make you talk and waste time thinking about dancing with stars instead of war or budgets or any of that “totally lame” stuff that the POTUS talks about (OR DOESNT TALK ABOUT) This crap will only bother you if you let it.

    • Grannycakes

      We never ordered reception to our TV’s when we moved to the country in fall of 2010, I told my husband we could get it after elections … well they didn’t work out … so we still do not have it, and we do the same, if we miss NCIS or any show just order the series. I would just as soon control what is fed into my mind in my house. You can get all the news you need from internet.

    • indiana_conservative

      Same thing here. I have a Ruko and watch Netflix when I want to see a movie other than that the computer is my news and talk radio at times.

  • ThePundit

    Carroll , your comment is of course silly and ignorant just like most people who post things like that. How can you ever expect anyone outside of your own “small” little world to take these blogs seriously when it’s filled with such uninformed right or left wingers. I am pretty sure your “daddy” told you how to behave right? Amazing how “everyone” is a Christian till they are caught with there mistress , or are found out to be gay. You need to look in the mirror before and stop all this silly rhetoric. It get’s us nowhere, and is a waste of time. In addition, the simple fact of this subject is a ploy to get attention on her part. She has seen the Grammy’s and every other award sh
    ow as well. Your telling me no one wears sexy dresses and dances around at the Country Music Awards? Nonsense. I am sure she will see is laughing and waiting for her boost in record sales.

    • Boo

      There are Christians out there who do practice what they preach who do believe what the bible says and follow through in their actions. I don’t really know Natalie but maybe she was giving them the benefit of the doubt and hoping maybe things would be better. Assuming it’s a way to get attention is also ignorant.

  • cbma

    really though, what did she accomplish by doing this? since i would assume she was aware of what she was walking into, we can deduce that she came only to leave as a way to make a statement. it seems to me the only forum this convo is blowing up is within christian forums….not the crowd with whom she may have been trying to make an impact. now if beyonce did a no show, that may have caused some conversation.

    • Twinmommy

      All that matters is that she personally didn’t have to be exposed to it. It doesn’t matter if she had an impact. It was a personal choice as a Christian.

  • imhedybug

    the television has an on and off button for a reason. So when I don’t like what I am seeing… or hearing, I can turn it off. If people started turning it off, then they would quit doing all this trashy stuff that doesn’t encourage any type of morality or decent living. But as long as we watch it and talk about it… then they will keep on doing it. Turn it off.

    • ldr

      That is exactly what I did….

    • Paul Primmer

      What? Turn the TV off, simply because you don’t like what’s on? What a novel idea. It never would have occurred to me! I thank you for that excellent suggestion, and will consider that option in the future. (We ARE allowed to do that, aren’t we?). My family often accuses me of being a grouchy, old, sarcastic SOB, and they’re not too far off base, most times. I, of course, agree with you, whole-heartedly, and was just being a smart-alec. I have a remote, and I’m not afraid to use it!

  • Carrie1912

    Everything that is happening today, the total disregard for civilized behavior, blind acceptance of immorality, trying to force everyone to view hom*osexuality as not only normal, but celebrated, out of wedlock births, thousands of abortions every year because babies are viewed as “punishment”, the mere name of Jesus Christ is mocked and reviled, Christians targeted for hate….it’s all Bible prophecy. All of it. Now how did those people in ancient times know that all these predictions would come to pass? Keep your faith strong, don’t listen to the immoral society, sit back and watch what happens. Unless society wises up in a hurry, things are going to get much, much worse before it gets better.

    • Raven

      Civilized society has already decided that these things are normal and acceptable because, well, they are. Religion is the uncivilized side of this coin. Is time for Christianity and Islam and the rest to catch up and grow up.

      • GEM217

        When “civilized” society accepts this, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes completely out of hand, uncivilized and falls apart. Does Rome ring a bell? Besides, the Word of God is GOD’S word, and no one has the right to change that. Even though they’re arrogant enough to do so.

      • Raven

        The “word of god” is a fairy tale. You’ve been duped by sheepherders and generally uneducated simpletons that lived MILLENIA ago.

      • GEM217

        Sheepherders are simpletons??? And you’re a rocket scientist. Since you made the statement (albeit offensive and ignorant), YOU prove that God is a fairytale. YOU prove that things just evolved. You are an arrogant ass — these “uneducated simpletons” were our ancestors. Clearly you are shallow.

      • Raven

        The particular sheepherders who seem to have you all fooled, yes. They were incredibly ignorant. I’m not sure you understand how the burden of proof works. Thus, showing your ignorance. YOU make the claim for the existence of an imaginary friend. YOU must prove that he exists. Not the other way around, sweetheart.

      • GEM217

        Isn’t it past your bedtime, sweetie? Nigh Nigh

      • Jimbolero

        When thirty Christians commandeer airliners and fly them into hi rise buildings killing thousands because non believers dared to set foot on the soil of Bethlehem your comparison might be valid. Try again.

      • raven

        Considering christianity’s stance on many social issues, it’s no different than islam

      • Jimbolero

        So you got nothing.

      • Raven

        No, love, I’ve got plenty. It’s just that you neanderthals with your antiquated and unnecessary religion wouldn’t pay attention anyway.

      • Jimbolero

        Yet the Neanderthals seem to be happier than you oh so modern trendy types. I don’t go to church as I turned away some time ago. But Christianity at least teaches forgiveness even if a lot of people don’t. Without the moral framework that it provides there is no other reason to exist other than one’s own hedonism. Or to quote Frank Zappa, “He was.drowning in the swirling cesspool of his own desires”.
        And as far as your ludicrous comparison of Christianity to Islam, how many videos have you seen of Christians beheading Arabs? Of Christians hanging hom*osexuals seven at a time on convenient construction cranes? Of women being shot in the back of the head by Christians through their bhurka for alleged adultery? Or stoned to death? Are you really so foolish as to simply accept the left’s multicultural blather without question? Islamists are exterminating the Copts and Orthodox Russian Christians as fast as they can wherever they can. Your progressive complacency is too grotesque for words.
        Please excuse me while I barf on your face

      • Carrie1912

        “woe to those who call evil good and good evil” Thank you for proving my point, Raven. Good luck.

    • Richard

      Christians today don’t get special treatment anymore. They have the same rights as other religious groups and non believers.

  • rnabdy

    Can’t agree more. We live in a completely graceless age!!

  • Norm Williams

    Thanks for articulating what many of us feel.

  • tlf

    Maybe it is a PR stunt… but that is what PR stunts are for… to bring attention to something and send a message. I wish more people would stand up and send messages like this. We are sick of how Hollywood and celebrities are contributing to the moral decay of our society and it’s not going to change until people like Natalie Grant join in the voice against it. When I was little watching the various award shows was a family event… I have not even bothered turning on any of those shows in the last several years because they have gotten to be so un-appealing. Bring back real talent.

    • Clm

      Amen! If the media would not comment on this and late nite comedians would join a pack to disregard the behavior for their jokes they would get the message and just maybe the message would get to them loud and clear

  • Juliet

    You’re pathetic. Grow up. Your last statement is grotesque. This whole editorial is ridiculous. It is upsetting you have to feed YOUR POISON to the world, yet mask it as Christianity. You JUDGMENTAL HYPOCRITES are what give religion such a bad name. Many people don’t step foot in a church bc of people like you. You And Those Like You Will Not Inherit Gods Kingdom You Push His Children From His word. You make me SICK!
    “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.” YOU ARE A FRAUD, IMPERSONATING A CHRISTIAN.

    • Jose

      You are an idiot.

      • Juliet

        Thanks. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (29) <- look at that! Turning the other cheek.

    • JJ

      Sorry little girl your the hypocrite. First thing you did was make a judgement on Christians and Christianity. Only Christ can decide who and who is not a Christian and that scares the hell out of you. Love does not mean we as Christians can rejoice in sin. I would suggest you grow up….in Christ!

      • Cathy Daigrepont

        I agree with you JJ. We do not judge, but we still stand up for our beliefs!!!!!

      • Juliet

        Sorry little girl? Well, that’s a bit rude and condescending, don’t you think? But hey, I guess that’s the type of “Christian” you are. Perhaps, you should read my original post again. Once you re - read it you will find I did not judge Christians or Christianity, but I commented on the one who wrote this article and others who have posted. Judgmental hypocrites give religion a bad bame.

    • GEM217

      What’s the poison — Beyonce spreading her legs to the world and simulating sex — as a married woman and mother — or people objecting b/c it’s indecent? Will she be proud when her little daughter grows up and watches this? THAT’S the poison. This piggish escapade was inappropriate and disgusting, and I’m sure most non-Christians agree. And since you mention God’s Word, maybe you should refresh yourself about what He says about hom*osexual behaviour and indecency..

      • Christian

        You need to retread your Bible for whatever you think it says on hom*osexual “behaviour.” The only thing the Bible says is the passage about sex. Did you view any gay sex? Exactly. Stop using your God as a basis for your bigotry. If two people want to get married, they should be able to. Why? Because the Bible has nothing against it. These people LOVE each other. And you’re using a passage about sex to make your bigotry okay. And that is not okay.

      • GEM217

        There you go-playing the bigotry card OK, Sherlock, here’s a couple of passages from the Bible you claim has nothing against hom*osexual acts. Either you can’t read and comprehend, or you choose to ignore the following. You think God would say hom*osexual acts are detestable but it’s OK to marry?
        Leviticus 18:22
        “Do not practice hom*osexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” (NLT)

        Leviticus 20:13
        “If a man practices hom*osexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act.” (NLT)

        Romans 1:18-32
        But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness…. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead becameutter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals
        and reptiles.
        l . .
        That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful
        things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

        1 Corinthians 6:9-11
        Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice hom*osexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are
        abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.

        1 Timothy 1:8-10
        Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice hom*osexuality, enslavers, liars,
        perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine … (ESV)

      • Juliet

        Lmao! You’re even more pathetic than anyone on here! Hahahaha!!!! Trolling hard!!!!!

      • GEM217

        That response was for someone else, not you. Go back to your room, troll.

      • Christian

        It’s cute. All of those passages have hom*osexuality in them. hom*osexuality is not a word in the Bible. And it cannot be. Because it wasn’t a word until the 1800s. So, please, with this book that has been rewritten too many times, with things that have been taken out and altered, and with things that people do not follow, do not condemn people for their LOVE. Again.

        The Bible also says not to eat pork. Or shellfish. Not to wear clothing made of two separate fabrics. Not to have piercings or tattoos. So, unless you uphold all of these, which are CHOICES, do not judge someone for their love.

      • GEM217

        It’s not a word in the Bible??? Wow, I didn’t realize I was speaking with a linguist who is versed not only in Greek and Latin, but Aramaic, as well. The Bible defined the action between two people, so regardless of the WORD that was used, it was made clear. And clearly you don’t STUDY the Bible — you READ it - BIG difference. God told His people, the Jews, not to eat certain things because when they were wandering in the desert, for one, these particular foods caused illness and death. In those days, they knew nothing about germs and bacteria, hence the advice against tattoos and piercings. He also told them how to bury their waste matter — again, because they were nomadic, and in a situation like that, disease could wipe out all of them. God is a very practical God. He said these things out of love. I don’t condemn gay people for their love, but — as is stated in the Bible — the ACTS are sinful. Note that the Bible clarifies the difference between the person and the act. And you CHOOSE to fall in love and WHO to love, and so gays do, but my beliefs are based on the Bible.

      • Christian

        And at first, I views you as an idiot. You’re not; however, your views aren’t as provincial as most. I do not choose to love another man. It was not a choice I readily chose. I tried to change, because it is looked down upon. And it is pathetic that a child should have to worry about what society thinks at so young an age. I decided to accept myself. I dislike when Christians use the Bible to condemn gays. I am twenty one. I was a virgin until this age. And I was constantly told I was a sinner and going to Hell. For what? For loving? Because I had not had sex. Not all Christians view it this was. They do not look at the sin.

      • GEM217

        Thank you for not viewing me as an idiot. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (30) In all honesty, my love and allegiance is to God and His word, I trust Him as a child trusts his or her parent, so for me, there is no question of changing that. He died for me, and that’s powerful love. I try to live my life according to how He wants me to be. I know you and many others didn’t choose to be gay. I do believe that you are born that way (although many choose), just like I’m born heterosexual. Why that is, I don’t know. I do not condemn gay people; I just disagree with their actions. Sounds like a cliche, I know. But it isn’t for us to judge or condemn-only God has that right. Because I’m human, sure, I judge-everyone does-not that it’s right. I’m conflicted. It’s our human nature to want and give love. But when you act on that, that’s when it’s sinful. And God made marriage for a man and woman. Therein lies the conflict for me. I am actually very aware of your situation. Were you my brother, other relative or friend, I would accept YOU, not what you do. God still loves you because you are His child, too. Well, that’s where I stand and how I feel, but God is first and foremost in my life. Take good care.

      • Juliet

        Oh, I beg your pardon? Her performance is her art. Period. I don’t hear complaints about Nude paintings or statues. Enough of the nonsense. It’s only OK if you enjoy it. Hypocrisy. Piggish escapade is only inappropriate bc you couldn’t appreciate the art. About God’s Word, it’s all about perspective!

      • GEM217

        Don’t beg my pardon. Beg your pardon for your ignorance. There NO comparison between nude masterpieces and being grotesquely obscene in public. I couldn’t appreciate the art? I don’t know whether to laugh at that statement or feel very sorry for you. You’ve never learned anything about art, and it shows. And God’s word is HIS perspective — that is, unless you think you know more.

      • Juliet

        Lmao! Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I win!

      • GEM217

        Nah, nah nah, boo boo! So you do. LOL!

    • Cathy Daigrepont

      You need to repent to God and ask Jesus to come into your part. We stand on God’s word and his promises.

      • Juliet

        Why don’t you repent? Don’t judge me, sinner!

    • Sharpshooter

      Juliet, You need to understand that these so-called, “judgmental hypocrites” now encourage the “non-christians” in their beliefs, because they need the money. They now try to interpret the teachings of the Bible as if they, themselves wrote it. What next? Christians trying to help the “deviants” in our society try to live a normal life? Oh, the shame of it all! I don’t think you understand what teh word, “hypocrite” means or how it applies to you!

  • Greg

    Shock value requirements appear to get raised higher every year and the morality requirements go down the drain!

  • G


  • a

  • GEM217

    Isn’t it heartening to know that Beyonce and JayZ are so close to our Prez and his wife that they just attended her birthday party? Just a nice wholesome couple. Wonder if the Prez kids were allowed to watch Auntie Beyonce simulating the sex act at the Grammys. Since Michelle and Beyonce are such BFFs, maybe Michelle should tell Bey that not only was this piggish behaviour, but as a wife and mother and role model to girls, maybe she should tone it down? Ya think??? Nah. Can’t alienate campaign supporters.

    • Bhud06

      Thanks for bringing politics into a discussion about the Grammys. The “Prez” as you put it, which is very disrespectful to the office, has nothing to do with Beyoncé’s choices. You’re just trying to throw an back handed attack. Pretty sad.

      • GEM217

        You are the company you keep. Just sayin’.

      • Juliet

        Did you find that in a fortune cookie? Old and faded.
        One word for GEM217: ignorance!

      • GEM217

        Juliet, why don’t you just go back to your room. It’s apparent that your thinking hasn’t developed beyond that of a self-centered 4-year-old (and I don’t mean to insult 4-year-olds here). You may come back out and participate when you’re capable of backing up your comments.

      • Juliet

        Sure Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (31) turning the other cheek now… I hope saying this made you feel better. Bless you and your kitty

      • GEM217

        You too — I hope your headache goes away.

      • Juliet

        Ms. Gemma White,

        Obviously you are just a young woman only in your early 20’s, but you talk a lot. Stop repeating back what you hear and learn to think for yourself.

        Perhaps, further education is necessary for you to develop critical thinking skills. I’m older than you and have my fair share of degrees. Saying I Have A 4 Year Olds thinking makes you the moron, not me.

      • GEM217

        Ms. Juliet, you’d be shocked. Education plays a part in TEACHING critical thinking, but only a small part, It depends on where and how you get your education it’s life, experience and wisdom that formulate your thinking. Your posts are, sadly, based on childish assumptions and one-upsmanship.. If you’re a mature person, why would you say “I win!” Win what, exactly? Degrees do not impress me — you can get a degree in anything. If you think that THAT’S what makes you so smart, I feel sorry for you.

      • Jimbolero

        45 million of us on food stamps and 40% young black male unemployment under this sorry excuse for a President is pretty sad, too. But don’t let that slow down your Grammy party.

  • G. Bavaro

    Thank you to Allen West and Amy Grant for standing up for what is right. It’s about time we took a stand against this fascism that is going on in our society. No, we don’t have to tolerate the gay marriages on stage and the blatant sexual immorality that goes on at the Grammy’s. Let’s stop tolerating and standing up for what is RIGHT and JUST. In Jesus’ love

    -G. Bavaro
    CEO of Exposure Media Miami

    • Raven

      Fascism… I don’t think you know what that word means.

      • Robert Foster

        I don’t think he knows what the word love means

    • lacey

      G. Bavaro- you’re full of horsesh*t.

      • concerned christian

        Every knee will bow to Jesus at the day of judge ment!

  • John Newsome

    Those damn Grammy awards forcing priests , pastors, rabbis, and imams to perform religious gay wedding ceremonies on it’s show.

    • GEM217


      • John Newsome

        Isnt this what the religious people are complaining about?

  • Syd

    You people make me sick. It’s 2014 and it’s a free country. Get over it.

    • GEM217

      OK, go ahead and poop in public. Or have sex on a public sidewalk. No one hurt there. So get over it.

      • Syd

        You make my head hurt. Wow, so idiotic.

      • PhilByler

        No, Mam. You don’t understand the importance and role of traditional man-woman marriage to a healthy society. Read the book cited in Justice Samuel Alito’s DOMA dissent, “What Is Marriage?”

      • GEM217

        That’s b/c you’re not used to flexing your brain.

    • Jimbolero

      Marry your dog, then. What does it matter?

      • OldNYFirefighter

        His dog would reject him!

      • Syd

        I’m a girl, thank you very much Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (32)

      • Syd

        You’re ignorant. Saying a hom*osexual is equal to a dog? Really? Every man is created equal. By the way, back when slavery started, Europeans used the excuse of saying Africans weren’t as humane as them so it was okay to put them into slavery. You people say hom*osexuals aren’t equal people to you. Think about how idiotic you will sound in the future.

      • coolklr

        u r a dumb ass

      • Syd

        Says the guy who writes like that…

      • Independence_R_US

        BTW Mr Wizard you do know that the Democrats were responsible for allowing slavery. Oops
        Your opinion has been duly noted & filled away in the proper place, Waste can.

        BTW think how idiotic you sound now. You don’t have to wait for the future. Stupid can’t be fixed & you’re a prime example.

      • chrisstata

        Ignorance is nit seeing the consequences of actions and thinking that ppl are all powerful. turning around what they said to try and prove a point is ignorance. the bible which is the word of the living god clearly stated that hom*osexuality is an abomination and those who commit this sin will be put to death. this in turn means that these ppl will not have everlasting life in heaven but burn in the pit. ignorance is also thinking that because you tell someone theure wrong then that’s judging them when in truth it is not. it is loving them enough to tell them when what theyre doing defies God. it is more difficult to take a stand and tell someone when theure wrong than just to go along with it and pretend its ok. there is only one right way. I can promise you that.

      • concerned christian

        No one is saying they are not equal, but they are not allowed to be married in the eyes of God - it does not matter what man says - God’s ways are not our ways - Praise God - He is pure and righteous!

      • Jimbolero

        You said hom*osexuals are equal to a dog. I replied to a poster who stated that indecent conduct on TV and hom*osexuality are now accepted by society, saying he could marry his dog if it made no difference. Nor did I mention the word equal, again that was you in your rush to post a snarky comment. But if there is nothing out of bounds then where does it end? And since hom*osexuals cannot reproduce and therefore must convert others over their lifestyle I fear they will remain a minority forever.

      • No

        You seem to be implying that marriage between two consenting adult human beings is on the same level as bestial*ty and pedophilia.

      • chrisstata

        both of which are abomination in the eyes of god might I add…

      • Carrie1912

        If me and my brother or sister are consenting adults should we be allowed to marry?

      • concerned christian

        It is not the biblical definition of marriage as God ordered - it is against God and that should be enough!

      • Jimbolero*ty-germany-animal-brothrels-2012-2
        Animal brothrels on rise in German
        Mild pedophilia is ok…Richard Dawkins
        And we can’t forget about NAMBLA, those poor misunderstood things, for whom adulthood and childhood are merely “constructs” which makes their perversions A-ok.

        Yes. The Europeans have always been on the leading edge on “progressive” thinking. Their today’s are our tomorrows because their ideas are so cutting edge compared to old fashioned out of date conservative American thinking. The future is here. You were saying?…

    • Shelly

      Syd is showing the emotionalism and lack of intellect that liberals display when they share their views on matters of morality - or on anything, for that matter. Here’s some news for you, Syd… None of us are going to ‘get over it’ because we have principles and morals that are timeless. The current year has nothing to do with our views. Get a clue.

    • concerned christian

      Free as long as you do not have Biblical values then we are not allowed to talk!

      • Heisenberg

        Aren’t you talking now?

  • sdsue

    As for the wedding ceremony at the end, I agree that it was inappropriate to occur at the Grammy’s. I have many gay friends and am glad they have a way to be married in some states.

    • gregzimmerman007

      It violates the bible and Christian religious Rights delineated in the Constitution under the very 1st Amendment. They should be annulled. They aren’t Constitutional.

      • Christian

        You’re an idiot. Those rights are not Christian or Bible rights. They violate nothing. It is VERY constitutional. So, please, learn what you are talking about.

      • Troubleshooter

        They are NOT Rights at all, they are perverse distortions of God’s Perfect Creation, corrupted through ignorance, when Eve listened to the slanderous lies of the God-envying Lucifer. God Created Woman as a means of the auto reproduction of man, so that Adam would not be alone. That was perfection. I will accept that God made a mistake as soon as you can show me a child conceived by sperm being placed in a rectum. Hasn’t happened yet, and although there ARE SOME people who present a pretty strong argument that it has happened, it Never Will Happen. Anyone who tries to twist this sickness into something “good” is just plain crazy, and needs to be locked away for the safety of eveyone who is NOT Crazy. We DO, as SANE Citizens of The Constitutional Republic Of The United States, have the Right, Endowed By God, and protected by The Constitution, to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. If there is Happiness in hom*osexual behavior, why is there a suicide rate 20 times higher among its practitioners than among those who follow God’s plan? How does hom*osexual behavior promote the pursuit of Life? Through Suicidal, Self-Destructive Behavior? Unh-Unh. And back to the Happiness issue, if they are so happy, why are they killing themselves at 20 times the rate of non hom*osexuals?

      • Christian

        It couldn’t possibly be that the non-hom*osexuals bully and degrade them constantly. No. There’s no way that’s it. Also, we have this wonderful thing that separates church and state. It was put in place for a reason. And another thing, Lucifer told them no lies. He made them self aware and cured their ignorance. And I don’t see anyone running around naked anymore, attempting to be as they were intended.

      • Troubleshooter

        Ah, a Christ Hater. Good, I understand your stupidity. So, how does it feel to be a “Stooge Of Satan”? For your information, there Is No Such Thing In Our Constitution As Separation Of Church and State. That is a fabrication by the Christ Haters, and the Freedom From Religion Idiots. Just so you know who YOU are dealing with, I was at one time known among the Thelemites as the Templar Majister of The Temple Of The Left Hand Path. I was called Marduk Basilisk, and your fairy friend at the Church of Satan, and his scuzzy wife, were terrified of me. Now they are even more terrified of me, because now, by Grace, through Faith, I AM filled with Christ Jesus, and I AM the Righteousness Of Christ, The Redeemer, before whom ALL darkness flees. Ask your Friends in Pantera, if any of them are still alive, what is the cost of playing stupid games with an AWARE Servant Of Almighty God, Under The Protection Of The Smart Two Thirds Of The Mightiest Angels, those who did not listen to Lucifer. The Lord, Christ Jesus Himself, Rebuke You. Now, “Christian”, you should find a Bible, and spend the rest of your life studying it, learning who Christ Is, and asking Him to forgive You. In spite of your arrogance, which is rooted in your ignorance of the Lies in which you choose to maintain your infection, I ask My Father, In the Name of Christ Jesus, to give you a personal revelation of what Christ, Messiah, did for you on The Altar Of The Cross, Amen, and Amen; and I suggest you choose Mercy Over Defeat while the opportunity is still available to you.

  • Paula Canup

    I totally agree with this editorial.

  • reden

    Simply a ploy to get more record sales. She may have been offended, but knew she would be going in and waiting to make the scene. I just wish we would evolve faster and drop all this religion once and for all. Mind control people, that is all that it is. Did you study several religions before picking the one you serve, or was it preached to you from the start and you assume all other religions are wrong? How do you know for sure you are worshipping the right God, you have no actual proof, just faith the book written thousands of years ago, translated several times, and preached to you from an early age is correct. Do you realize the Christian God promotes slavery and actually says it okay to beat your slave so long as he does not die within two days from the beating. It is in your bible, and you want to take the higher morale road with a God like this?

    • somethingintheway

      So I guess as long as its a ploy for more money, its ok? That’s what’s wrong with the world today my friend.

      • reden

        Mind games, we the general public are constantly being fed a false reality, and this is the major problem we are facing. Religion is a key tool in this as it has a very large portion of the population being complacent because they believe that they are going to a better place and let the corrupt world carry on without a fight because the evil people will get their punishment in the end.

      • Freelife

        redden. You believe or you don’t. You have that choice. I believe in an Almighty God, Jesus, Heaven, devil, hell. I believe The God of Heaven is the owner of everything & I’m a child of His allowed to enjoy what he owns. You have the choice to believe none of this. Let’s say I’m wrong & you are right. Then I have nothing to lose when I die. But, if I am right & you are wrong then you have everything to lose. I will say this, I certainly wish I had as much faith as you. It takes a lot more faith to believe none of these exist than it does to exist. Yes sir, you have great faith to take a chance like that. Good luck. But you will need more than luck to find I am right.

    • reden

      Exodus 21: 20-21, look it up. This is just one of many examples.

      • Troubleshooter

        Uh, reden, please explain to us poor ignorant folks; ‘This is just one of many examples of….” What? Scripture. Yup. The Bible is Full Of them, and Not one of them is superfluous.

    • Michael DeMarois

      Great way to take one verse of the Bible out of context.

      • reden

        There are a lot more verses like that. And in what other context can you take it when he mentions beating your slave? So long as he does not die within two days. Do not say it is out of context, if you want any credibility own up to what your holy book says. There are so many revolting things in there, but Christians only focus on the warm and fuzzy parts, and say the rest is misinterpreted. Your God has a mean streak in him, admit it. Why else would he create a hell to burn people forever because we do not believe in book so poorly written and provided no proof to back it up?

      • Michael DeMarois

        You are talking about a verse from a book written in the 16th century BC, has the context of the world changed in the least since then? I challenge you to prove to me anything in that book did not happen, read it from end to end, try like so many before you have done and fail like many after you will. You cannot disprove any of it. I am sorry if you have ran into someone in past that spewed hate at you, you will not find that from me. I can show you the truth in it, I can show you through the history of the world that is written into the Bible, the verifiable events that are documented that this book is not poorly written, you see besides the world changing since the 16th century BC, writing style has changed too, and translating (especially from Hebrew) is difficult, Hebrew is a very visual language the words mean actions (so to speak), What proof do you need? The book is full of the words of witnesses, if you do not believe them that is not my fault.

      • Heisenberg

        Start with the creation story. Bible scholars know that an editor took two similar folk stories and put them together into the same account. The problem is, they tell the same story differently enough that they can’t both be literally true. The editor probably didn’t want to make a judgement as to which one was true, but saw the didactic value of both, and included both.

        Genesis 1 is the first story. Genesis 2:4 starts the second story.

        In the first story, Mankind is the very last thing to be created, after plants and animals. The second story has mankind being created before plants and animals.

        In the first story, the earth is initially covered with water, and God has to part the water to create dry land. In the second story, the earth is dry, and God has to bring water up from underground springs.

        In the first story, God gives Adam and Eve the right to eat from every tree. In the second story, God tells them that there’s one tree they can’t eat from.

        And the differences go deeper. The writing styles of the two stories are different. The first story calls him “Elohim”, and the second story calls him “YHWH”. It’s just very obvious that these are two different stories, jammed together. But like I said, they can’t both be literally true.

      • Troubleshooter

        Bible Scholars? Hardly. Do you not know the difference in the expression “Elohim”, and “GOD”; or the difference in the meanings of LORD and Lord? Hebrew is a language of symbols that mean words, and also phrases, and in (no pun intended) addition, the characters represent Numerical Values, which also have Historical Significance with respect to The Hebrews and the world they lived in and observed. Hebrew is also read from Right To Left, The Characters pronounced “Yud Hay Vave Hay” in English actually refer to All of The Godhead, including Yeshua. John 1:1 Identifies Christ Jesus as the Creator Of All Things By His Presence In Them. “Heisenberg”, it is obvious that you are repeating some fable that you have been told, and you actually have NO KNOWLEDGE of what the Bible Actual,y says. If you can read, maybe you should try it, and if you do, maybe you should pray beforehand, and Ask God to give you personal knowledge of the meaning Of His Word, and Of His Will for You. I could pretty much promise you it’s not what you are doing now, although The Word DOES tell us that SOME of the Vessels made by the Potter, were made with a plan to destroy them because of their imperfection, as a message in parable regarding their usefulness to the Potter, (No, Not Harry) who demands perfection, or at least the appearance of perfection that can only be provided if the imperfect Vessels are covered with a garment washed clean in the Blood Of The Lamb.

      • Heisenberg

        Actually, yeah, I studied Biblical Hebrew for a year in college.

        What I don’t know is what any of what you’re saying has to do with my examination of Genesis 1 and 2.

      • Cy

        Wow you explained that well, I should have read yours before trying to explain it.

      • Cy

        Mean streak? It has nothing to do with believing in a book, It means accepting a free gift of Grace God has givin you. He gave us laws, yet we choose to break them, so him giving us mercy is pretty great to me. And the bible proves itself. Isaiah said the earth was a sphere long before science knew of that. The bible said tragedy would come to the Jews who were scattered and they would return to their homeland,(Israel.) Guess what happened, THE HOLOCAUST. Now Israel is a Country again. The Bible talked of Civil war in Egypt, If you watch the news, Egypt is going through civil war, and dictators are committing atrocities. I know that many Christians are hypocritical, and teach hate. But Christ loves you despite whatever you have done. If you ask God to impact your life he will, Jesus impacted my skeptical, sinful, dirty, and lustful life, and changed me. Believe me, It is amazing, and goes along with what the bible says.

      • Troubleshooter

        reden, the proof that backs up the Bible, which is Perfectly Written, because God Is A God Of Perfection, is the eyewitness testimony of all of the people who are Identified and documented in it. The Proof is in the exact, precise existence of EVERY thing described in it, and in the fulfillment, word for word, or Every Prophecy ever given in Scripture from God, with the exception of the very few remaining to be fulfilled. Your ignorance is becoming an embarrassment. It’s too much like manhandling a child.

  • wifenum2

    Where has this lady been over the last few years? In a cave when Miley did her thing?This is the modern world so while this offensive behavior was going on I would have excused myself and went to the ladies room until this behavior was over. No way would I let those kind of activities cause me to leave!!

    • somethingintheway

      The problem is that the whole show was like that. Everyone has to take their clothes off or so they think to get any ratings. If everyone would walk out, maybe people would change but I doubt it. Too many people think like you

  • Latasia Horton

    ‘Christians believe in one thing, other people believe in the other thing.’ The other thing? You mean science?

    • Francesco

      Meaning - stupid! Other people believe in trashy TV with trashy women and men acting like fools! Truly not what their creator had intented for them to be like.

      • Latasia Horton

        But the alternative to Christianity isn’t watching trashy TV shows. I don’t watch them. I also don’t think any of us are capable of being an authority on what the creator may have intended for us. I can’t imagine living in a reality where I’m constantly looking outside of myself and seeing the flaws of other people rather than working on my own and trying to be the best person I can be.

    • Jaron

      Because those two are the only two options and mutually exclusive. Right . . .

  • waltkaiser

    they have become a place for hedonists, will never watch them.

  • Christian

    Young girls are taught to behave like “ladies”. Respect for your body is not showing the world on National TV your nudity. Save that for your husband in private.
    . We want to hear and see music without the “p*rno”. thanks

  • Iris Rosenberg-Cooper

    Bring back Connie Francis, Brenda Lee, and Leslie Gore. These ladies had the talent and dressed properly. It was disgusting, and I not blame them for walking out.

    • Becci Himes


  • Bonvivant1

    Grammy’s are also responsible for long road trips by the 3 professional sports teams that play at the Staples Center. Kings just finished a long road trip and did awful. As to scantily clad women and morality I don’t know much about those things.

  • Mikster

    Disingenuous. I’m betting they left over the gay marriage segment. At least own it.

    • Guest

      NOoooooo. u obviously were NOT watching. She left because of the EVIL anti-God segment where they were dancing and “singing” to the flames going up around them. It looked like a real devil-worship cult, Mikster. So, at least be honest with yourself and have some INTEGRITY before u assume.

      • Mikster

        Oh sorry, I guess I was giving her credit for more intelligence than that. My bad. Won’t happen again 😉
        And YOU get the stake out of your own eye before besmirching MY integrity Greg Zimmerman 07.

    • Heisenberg

      She refuses to say which part she left during.

      If it was a publicity stunt, then it worked in spades. My guess is that she didn’t want to say which performance because she didn’t want to get into a specific debate.

    • Jaron

      Regardless whether she left because of the sexualized performances or the gay marriages, she peacefully voiced her opinion by leaving and not supporting it. Why is this a bad thing?

  • Albert Williams

    vulgarity, opulence at the cost of mocking others who are not so fortunate, praised! Not wonder the rest of the world hates us! The majority of people have become despicable and loathsome!

  • Guest

    I certainly would have been following RIGHT behind her, but probably for more than one reason. 😀

  • Granny of 8

    This religious stuff is never going to disappear until he calls us home. And I guarantee he will because I’ve read the end of the story. And people that believe otherwise will finally know who was right.

    • Troubleshooter

      Granny of 8, The Word is Not “Religious Stuff”. It is the Person of Christ Jesus, to apply The Word, The WHOLE Word Must Be applied, even though The New Testament tells us that With The Ransom Sacrifice Freely Given for Us by Christ Jesus at The Cross, we were Freed From The Condemnation Of The Law as defined in the Old Covenant, or as some people call it, The Old Testament. One cannot be Under both the Old Covenant AND The New Covenant. When A person claims to be Holy by their behavior, they are rejecting The Works Of Christ Jesus, and The Faith that He exercised when He submitted to Death for Us. When They claim to be Holy by their Works, They are Placing themselves Under the Condemnation Of The Old Covenant. Under the Old Covenant, ANY failure to abide by every tiny tennet of The Levitical Law made anyone claiming to be under The Old Covenant Guilty of violating ALL of The Old Covenant. That means that a person, claiming to be Righteous because they go to church every time the doors open and never say a cuss word, or tells a lie, but who looks at someone else’s home, or car, or salad, and wishes it was theirs is Guilty of Every Possible Wrongdoing Identified In The Old Covenant, and therefore required to receive the Maximum Punishment Under The Old Covenant, where the wages of sin is Death. Under the New Covenant, people are still people, and fall short of sinlessness every moment of every day, but they are exempted from any punishment or condemnation for that failure because they have Accepted Christ. Nothing Else provides Righteousness. That Is The Word, Not Religion. Religion is going to church every time the doors open and feeling guilty if you don’t, and feeling like you have to ask God’s forgiveness for every shortcoming. That is NOT what Christ Died For. He died to free us from Condemnation, If We Ask Him for Salvation, and are willing to let Him come into our lives and change us from within, at his pace, in his way, by His Works, Not Our Efforts. That Is called Receiving Christ and Resting In Him. He already did all the Work, all we have to do is accept it, receive it, and give Him Praise and Thanks for it.

  • buzzybea45

    She left because the Bible dictates that you stand apart from such hedonistic behavior and corrupt values.Kudos to her for living what she preaches

    • White__Rabbit

      Then she should have never been there in the first place.

      • time2bsmart

        Well, she was nominated for two awards. She probably hoped the show would be better.

      • White__Rabbit

        It is the Grammy’s! It has never EVER been a Christian welcome environment. Every single year there is something sexual or drama like. 30 couples who love one another getting married and a show of support for equality for everyone is NO reason to walk out.

      • time2bsmart

        She didn’t walk out during the marriage ceremony and she did not say what performance was the reason for her leaving. She was nominated for an award, so the assumption is that she would attend. Good for her for quietly living her faith.

      • time2bsmart

        When did she say she walked out because of the gay marriage ceremony? I believe she left before then, and it was some of the other stuff in the show that was offensive to her. She didn’t say, and didn’t point fingers and judge. She is just quietly living her faith. So sad to see the hate directed her way because of it. Sad, really.

  • Shirley Cox

    This year’s Grammys Show was a disgrace on many levels and offensive to many people who truly love music. A p*rnographic opening, a song about witchcraft and a mixed marriage wedding was too much! Next year, I’ll simply not tune in to the Grammys. I won’t be subjected to more of the same or even greater degrees of degradation. Thank God for shows like the Voice that provide superb entertainment and positive reinforcement for the artists.

  • Danceswithdachshunds

    “…and I know it’s every generation’s job to try to shock the previous one.”

    But really should be every generation’s job to try to inspire the next one to do better.

  • Maurice E. Gilbert Sr.

    Well, I for one, did NOT watch the Grammy Show!!! I have not idea who won for what and I really don’t care~~!

  • Rachael Trlicek

    There is much talk about religion and what not contained in this article, so this is the way I think as it cuts right through all the BS and hatred going on in this modern day world and embraces morality and decency.
    Why not forget all the religious texts and the many religions and simply believe that there is a higher power than us lowly beings. You can call this higher power God or whom ever you like, but the one thing that I believe is that he exists. After all, it’s religions in its various forms which breed bigotry, war and discontent, so drop the religion and embrace our supreme being - much simpler and less complicated.
    How can I back up this way of thinking. It’s easy really. Most people believe in a supreme being, but very few, if any people, believe in more than one religion, so drop the middle-man and go right to the source.Remember also that all religious texts were written by man - so it’s hardly a recommendation that it’s correct in its content - enough said.

    • Rik Bouwmeester

      I kind of do like what you said..but the texts from the bible have been proved over and over. scripture proves scripture. The supreme being would not want us to be deceived. God bless you…and see you on the other side .. oxox

      • Rachael Trlicek

        No, God would not like us to be deceived, and I guess that is why I pray to Him and leave religion right out of the equation.

  • Kellie alves

    I applaud her. I was so happy that robin thicke didn’t have naked women dancing around him and instead took the high road and actually showed us he was talented!

  • Not a Fan

    I recorded the show and scanned through it. I was shocked by the obvious satanic references and overt sexuality. It was interesting because earlier in the day, I watched Andy Stanley who talked about how we should flee from immorality. Not because it is a sin but because it causes us harm. How can we limit the harm that is happening across our beautiful America? Use your wisdom folks and don’t put this junk in your head.

  • Maurice E. Gilbert Sr.

    Since the bible is mentioned here, I have to remind myself that it was written by MEN and men, like other genders, are prone to commit errors/mistakes! So, who is correct?

    • Troubleshooter

      The Original Hebrew Text, even the Greek Translations, were the Inspired Word Of God. The Word was not written by men, but it was translated into languages other than Hebrew by men, and many of them had their own agendas, primarly controlling others through guilt. That is why Christ Jesus, for those who call on Him, provided us with Freedom from condemnation. Until the Old Testament was given to Moses, there was No Sin Knowledge. There was No Law to be broken that existed within the minds of men. The Law was given through Moses as a means of making men aware of their awful behavior and sin nature, as a prelude to helping them understand the Value of the Salvation to be provided to All Who Ask for it by Christ Jesus. One thing that I have become more and more aware of as I read these articles and the posts from others who read them, is that there is a huge lack of Scriptural Knowledge among the people in this country, and around the world. One problem is though, is that pretty much everyone has heard of The Bible, and been told that it is The Word Of God. You would think that having been told that it is the Guidebook To Eternal Life In Heaven, more people would read it. They are just too busy trying to figure out how they can get more money, or get laid, or get over on somebody else, or make someone else look bad to take time out of their busy, wasted, pathetic lives to do that. I pray as Paul prayed for the Lost, that You Receive a Personal Revelation Of What Christ Jesus did for You On The Altar Of the Cross. As Long As Their Is Breath, there is Hope for anyone, no matter what they have done in life. God forgives All Who Call Upon The Name Of Christ Jesus, asking to be Saved. That’s all it takes. Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit take care of the rest of it. If you want to know HOW it happens, read your Bible, and before you read, Ask God for Knowledge without added sorrow. Prayers For The Lost, Lord Jesus, In Your Name, Amen.

      • Paul W Springer

        You had me until you started being judgmental.

      • Troubleshooter

        I don’t judge anyone. Nor do I judge myself. I apply the Word Of God to my life, and I Am Righteous by The Works that Christ Jesus did on the Cross to make me Righteous. It is a gift, and nothing that I did or ever could earn. The only thing I had to do to receive it was acknowledge where it came from and why, and that is between me and God. If you listen to people, they will tell you who they are and what they believe. In observing that, and giving them credit for enough intellect to make their own observations, I merely apply the Scriptures to my Observations of what they say and do. That Is not judgmental. Those who reject Christ Jesus have judged themselves. That’s Scripture. I do, however, have a pretty good mind, all things considered, and a wealth of experience and education as a resource to use in my OBSERVATION of those around me. I don’t compare myself to them, which would be judgemental. Explain to me what you mean with regard to me being judgmental, and If I can, I will address it. Please encapsulate any such remark by me in quotes.

      • David Gooding

        . . . I think you got him with that one -

      • rab

        Blah Blah Blah Blah

      • Troubleshooter

        Thanks for sharing your….thoughts….uh, and.. Good luck with that. Maybe a detox facility would help.

      • Rachael Trlicek

        The only thing that was supposedly written by God was the 10 commandments. The rest of the scriptures are totally written by man, so I say drop all the religious BS, obey the 10 commandments, pray to God and that is all that is needed to be a good person.

      • Troubleshooter

        Rachel, if you are a Christian, it is not enough to “be a good person”. You Must be born again in the Spirit, and that requires Asking Christ to be Your Savior, and Accepting His Gift of Freedom from the penalty of the inability of anyone to live up to the 10 Commandments. I will guarantee you that neither you, nor any other human being EXCEPT for Jesus, has EVER lived up to the 10 Commandments. Not Even MOSES. If you Remember, Moses was punished by God for his failures by not being permitted to enter into the promised Land. The 10 Commandments are a good mark to shoot for, but if your being square with God is dependent upon keeping them, then you, like every one else who believes that, are doomed to Eternity in Hell. That is Scripture. The 10 Commandments are The Old Covenant. The Gospel Of Jesus Christ is The New Covenant, which replaces the Old Covenant. The Bible says that if the Old Covenant was sufficient, The New Covenant would not have been necessary. It’s not “religious bs” as you call it. It’s Scripture, from The Holy Bible, which is The Word of God. As a follower of Christ, I am compelled to warn you that if you are trying to live your life by the 10 Commandments rather than by the Instructions of Christ Jesus, who was Also God In The Flesh, and who Became The New Covenant with all of the Author’ity of God, for us, telling us that “You cannot put new wine into old wineskins”, meaning that you cannot choose to be under both The Old Covenant AND The New Covenant at the same time. You have to choose, and if you are not a Hebrew who is being represented at Temple by a High Priest, you are outside the 10 Commandments, and are In Sin. Christ Jesus said that at the end “Every Knee Shall Bow, and Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is LORD”. LORD in Capital letters in the Bible refers to “Elohim”, which is the entire Godhead of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, which is the reference in Genesis to “WE” and “US” by God when explaining why it would be a bad thing for Man To Stay In The Garden Of Eden, because then he could eat freely of The Tree Of Knowledge, and “become as God”. I sympathize with the confusion that many feel over this issue, but if you study your Bible thoroughly, and read it EVERY Day, and do so after praying for Knowledge and Understanding, Christ Jesus promises that we will be permitted to know “The Deep Things” of The Word. In the last 3 years, after being confused like others for 61 years of my life, I have been blessed, through the teachings and explanations of two very anointed Teachers, One Pastor Joseph Prince, who , as a young man went to Hebrew School so that He could read the original texts for himself, and understand them, is a Hebrew Scholar AND a Christian Pastor. The other is a plain, simple Country Preacher named Andrew Wommack, who is Also anointed, and has been given many personal revelations and tasked with being a Teacher of The Word to help people understand the Scriptures. It is a fact that a huge majority of Church Doctrine is being misapplied or is in error. This is because of the corrupt nature of man, and the Lies told by Satan The Devil to use such people. I think some of them may be unwitting, but I do believe that many of them, by now, must surely know that they are misleading people, and the Scripture tells us that it would be better for a person to have a millstone tied around their neck and cast into a lake of fire than to mislead someone or cause them to stumble by doing so. I have tested the teachings of these men, and they are coherent, complete, and correct in their Teachings. I ask Almighty God, in The Name of Christ Jesus, to give YOU a personal revelation of what Christ did for us on The Altar Of The Cross. It is so much more than most people understand, because so many people, just as we have done with our elected officials, have trusted in men, who are corruptible, to tell us the truth. The Bible says that each of us has the responsibility to “Know The Perfect Will Of God” ourselves by Reading The Word In a reverent and prayerful way, and asking for knowledge and understanding. I suggest that when asking for knowledge and understanding in prayer before God, that you ask that the knowledge and understanding be given to you “without added sorrow”. God Bless You and keep You, and May The Lord Jesus Christ make His Face To Shine Upon You, and Pour His Grace Out Upon Your Life accordng to His Riches In Heaven, Amen.

      • Rachael Trlicek

        Thank you for your reply which explains how everything religious-wise, comes together, much of which I already know.
        I was Christened before I was a year old and was Baptized when I was about 45 years old. A few months later I was given the gift of tongues and even though my views have changed since then in respect to how I interpret The Bible, I will never believe in it any more. BUT, only because it has been corrupted so much by man. Books deleted and paragraphs changed or deleted are a real concern for me. Yes, I do have a Bible in my bedside cupboard, but the conflict and corruption is evident everywhere throughout The Bible. Interestingly, He has not taken my gift of tongues away from me, even with my changed views, so all I can say is I must be doing something right.
        Now here is something even more interesting. I also happen to be a transsexual female and believe in gay rights and yet He still supports me in my endeavours and all this without following any type of religion.
        So, in summary, all I can say, is that we must agree to differ in respect to how we individually perceive/believe scriptures and God Almighty himself.

      • Troubleshooter

        Rachel, Thanks for your reply. Yes, we do disagree about hom*osexuality and “gay” rights. I believe what the Torah says, which is what Faithful Translations of The Hebrew Text provide. We ARE in agreement as to the travesties which have been wrought in MANY translations. I am aware of several which have intentionally misapplied the use of words, changed punctuation, and altered portions, excluded portions, and added in terms. I know for sure that the reason for one such stupid treatment of The Word was to deny the Deity of Christ, and another, in the same translation, evident by the end result among those who use it, was to soak congregation members in the guilt of condemnation (forever removed by Christ Jesus, and remaining with those who choose to place themselves under The Law of Moses, and), with the intent of using that “guilt’ as a means of controlling the congregation, by making the congregation members dependent upon the goodwill and approval of “Elders”. I want to make sure you are aware that once a person has Confessed that Christ Is Lord, they are no longer under The Law Of Moses, but under The New Covenant. One of the events that signifies the presence of Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit, are the Gifts of The Spirit, among them which is the very important gift of Speaking in Tongues. Speaking in Tongues is the means by which the Spirit within you, (not The Holy Spirit) and not to be confused with the Soul, communicates directly and independently of our thoughts with Elohim, The Godhead, or Holy Trinity, as some call them, and tells the Father all of the things that the spirit is aware of, that sometimes the Soul (your mind, emotions, and body) are not conscious of. Have you ever found yourself yawning after Speaking in Tongues? Remember that “spirit” is The Breath Of God which caused man to become a living being, when God Inspired (latin for ‘breathed into’) Adam. I believe, based on personal revelation, that such yawning is caused by the unclean spirits which have been attacking me from within as they leave my body. I may be wrong, but that explanation came to me right after Speaking in Tongues, as I consciously wondered why that seemed to always happen after giving Utterance. Another Gift of The Spirit to ASK FOR, is the gift of Translation, which provides you with understanding of your Utterances, and also those of others who may give Utterance in your presence. My point telling you these things is to assure you that short of blasphemy, once you have accepted Christ, and declared your belief that He is the Son of God, who rose from Death, and that He is Lord Of Your Life, you cannot Lose your Salvation any more than You can gain it by Your works. Your works, good or bad, are not a determining factor in Salvation. It is ONLY the works done by Christ Jesus, and His faith unto death, which provides His Freely Given Gift. That is why The Scriptures say clearly, that all who call upon The Name Of The Lord will be saved. That Truth is one of the important things we are told in Scripture that men, who too frequently want to use guilt to control people, try to deny by placing untruthful requirements of “works” on those who are deceived by such men (and women). It is true that over time, after a person has received Christ Jesus, they will be led by The Holy Spirit to do Loving Deeds out of Love For Christ, and Love for Others, which is a clear indication of The In-dwelling of The Holy Spirit, who although not always evident, is always within us once we have Called Upon the Name Of The Lord. Such inner transformations come at the Direction Of Christ, at His Pace, according to His Purposes for each of His Followers. Remember this important Truth with regard to your choice of behaviors in life, Christ Jesus told us to “Hate The Sin, Yet Love The Sinner”. I am sure that it is Obvious to YOU, more so than to most heterosexuals, that many, who “have an appearance” of Christ, but do not allow themselves to be led according to His Will, have the Sin and Sinner concept rolled into one. I would suggest to you that you check on Andrew Wommack’s website, or call the helpline number, which is posted on His website, and ask for any materials that they can send you which List the Primary Elements of Your Identity in Christ. When I am feeling worn down by this life, it helps a great deal to just remind myself of who I AM in Christ. Very few people are truly aware of everything that it provides. If you are unable or unwilling to send a suggested donation for the materials, do not be shy about telling the helpline worker you speak with. Andrew promised God that He would never deny anyone accesss to his materials because of money. I am a Disabled Veteran with a College age son at home, and my fixed income doesn’t permit me to donate very often, but I have been blessed by many of Andrew’s teachings on CD, which were sent to me without ANY cost to me, upon request. His website also has many, many testimonies from people who have been greatly helped in their understanding of Scripture by Andrew’s Teachings. He also maintains an Archive of All of His Materials, and of All Of His TV Broadcasts, and other materials, which can be viewed online, or even downloaded to an MP3. The main reason that I suggest that you obtain a List of The Elements of Your Christian Identity, is that just reading the list through the first time provided me with insight that helped me immediately with a problem I was having. It also helps with any needed internal transformation where some of the Elements may not be as strong as we would like. I will promise you, and that’s something I don’t do often, that If You will begin to listen and/or read the Teachings Of Andrew Wommack, and also those of Joseph Prince, that it will change your life for the better, and your level of Peace will grow dramatically. This is because of the Truth that “Faith Comes By Hearing, and Hearing By The Word”. When we are receiving correctly The Word of God, we will “Be Ye Transformed By The Word”. Your Peace will increase because your Supply Of Grace increases as your correct understanding of The Word increases. Most people are unaware that The Word is The Person Of Christ Jesus. (John 1:1: “In the Beginning Was The Word, and The Word Was God, and The Word was With God, and The Word Became Flesh and walked among Men, and Apart From Him, Not One Thing Came Into Existence; No Not One”.) Equally misunderstood is the fact that Grace is the Personification of Christ Jesus, and that as our submersion in Grace increases with understanding, our life becomes filled with The Fruits of the Spirit. I have learned more, and come to understand more, and received greater Blessings in the last 3 years, since I began to avail myself of Andrew AND Joseph Prince, than in my entire life before hand. I am 64 years old now, and even with Theocratic School, the first 61 years of my life were in virtual darkness, and that darkness has been driven away by the Teachings of these two men. I often think that Christ must have affected people the same way with His teaching. One more suggestion I would offer, is to obtain a copy of The Jewish New Testament, available through Jews For Jesus, and I am sure they can be found through other Messianic Hebrew organizations. The level of clarity which is visible in the direct translation from Hebrew, by Hebrews, for Hebrews, in an effort to reveal to them who The Messiah is, is more helpful than any other New Testament I have read. It is a Faithful translation, as only a translation by a devout Hebrew Scholar could be. Remember, Jesus was a Jew. I will pray for you as Paul prayed for others, that you receive personal revelation of ALL that Christ Jesus provided for us when he faithfully obeyed The Father at The Altar Of The Cross. May The Blessings Of Heaven Be Poured Out Upon Your Life as Your Identity in Christ becomes known to you. Amen.

    • Rob

      Maurice, for sure it was written by human hand, just as the period Historian Flavius Josephus wrote his famous works. You must do your own homework to research your own answers, or as here, you are again asking for man’s opinion other than your own, which puts you right back in the position of “being told”, but not really knowing for yourself. Ask yourself while researching the Bible, is the time period consistent? Is the over-all big picture consistent? You will find that 66 authors over a few thousand years ago wrote it and remained consistent. Check for yourself starting with Acts 17:11. Be the “fair-minded one.

      • Heisenberg

        So, the same god who commanded Joshua to commit genocide in Canaan, even killing the women and children, is the some one who commanded us to love our neighbors and to turn the other cheek?

      • Troubleshooter

        Yup. In The Old Covenant, He separated The Israelites from all Other Peoples, Setting them aside as His Chosen People. Until he did that, all he saw was a continuous spread of abominable behavior in men. (Remember, that He made some vessels that were fit for destruction.) He made a deal with them, and provided them with a system of High Priests who could make Blood Atonement for their shortcomings; And, if you remember, when they broke that deal, He mucked out a bunch of them too. Remember, once it was given, He held people to The Law until The New Covenant in Christ Jesus fulfilled ALL of The Law, including The Wages Of Sin, as God’s Wrath Toward Sin was expended for Everyone Forever, upon the person of Jesus. After that, people could remove themselves from their previous status under The Law, by enjoining themselves with The New Covenant In Christ Jesus, by confessing their sin nature, and asking Him to Cleanse Them with His Blood and Dwell Within them and change them from within through The Word. This is all Scriptural. If it is confusing, as it was to me for a long time, I suggest that you visit the websites of two people who are anointed Teachers, and have provided an extensive body of work which helps those who ask for understanding gain greater clarity of Scriptural meaning. I refer to Pastor Joseph Prince, a Hebrew Scholar (Not A Rabbi of Judaism) , and Andrew Wommack, who is also anointed to Teach The Word Of God, and has devoted his life to the pursuit of Scriptural Understanding. He will tell you that He is just plain Andy, and that everything He has learned, anybody can if they want to. He also promised God that if he was ever in a position to do so, that He would make any publications of his available to anyone who wanted them even if they could not afford to pay. That was because he and his wife struggled for sometime, until as he describes it, He learned to “Stop Limiting God” with his tongue. Since I started following these two, my understanding has increased beyond my ability to measure it except to say that I have had so much Grace poured out upon my life, and so far, it seems like I receive a personal revelation everyday through the daily messages provided by Joseph Prince. You can sign up for their emails, they are free, and they will send you daily Scriptures with explanations of how you can use them in your life to be happier, and to know more of God’s will for you. I can’t say enough good things about these two men. I hope you will take the time to find their websites and start following the messages they provide with such clarity. A significant part of the confusion that I had was because of the misinformed teaching that people who lacked true knowledge subjected me to when I was younger. I was really frustrated by it for decades, because there just seemed to be so much in the Bible that was in conflict with other things in the Bible. There is a reason for that, and it is very simple. There is the Old Testament, or, “The Hard Way”, that nobody can manage, and then there is “The New Covenant”, which nobody can screw up, if they just Call On The Name Of the Lord out of a sincere desire for knowledge and salvation. Even the Bible tells us that, All who Call Upon The Name Of The Lord will Be Saved.

      • Heisenberg

        So, let me understand this… if you believed that God was telling you to kill someone, you would kill them, because such acts are justified?

    • on the winning team

      Well spoken of a blind man who will know the truth one day.

  • Ric

    I never want to watch a bunch of over paid self centered jerks celebrate how great they are.

    • rab

      Dont you watch duckNASTY?

      • David Gooding

        Good one . . . and no, I for one don’t (although I seem to be the only person in America who doesn’t).

  • Tony Carl Worden

    How amazing she is. She was very brave and… well… AWESOME for doing that and standing up for her faith.

    • Brad Scott

      Yeah, it takes all kinds of courage to walk out of a theater… gimme a break.

      • David Gooding

        . . . completely missed the point . . .

      • Tony Carl Worden

        It does, OK? She gave up her chance for getting a grammy award. Would you have walked out of there because of that if you got the chance to win?

      • Brad Scott

        Don’t be an idiot. It’s not a freaking raffle. You don’t have to be present to win. Sting won a Grammy and didn’t even show up. Woody Allen has won many Oscars and he’s never shown up for one. This is not a supermarket raffle. The votes were cast long before the show aired, not picked out of a hat backstage.

      • Tony Carl Worden

        For someone to try so hard to get where she is in her career, I AM surprised that she walked out before possibly getting the award. But she showed her humility, her better judgement, and her self-respect, and her respect for others by walking out and having nothing to do with the whole disrespectful thing.



    • Rob

      I have no idea what you are trying to say here…could you take the caps off and use spell check please?

    • David Gooding

      I’m not trying to be the “grammar police” here, but here’s a little advice you can take or leave: If you want your point to be taken seriously, you might want to at least learn how to spell a) “many”; b) “trashy”; c) “young”; and most importantly d) the name of our Savior (it’s “Christ”, BTW).

      • lora

        Check the name-I believe English is a second language to this person. I applaud her for being courageous to share her opinion even though she is still learning the language.

      • David Gooding

        As do I . . . I tried to be as gentle as possible. But when you can barely understand what she’s saying, the temptation is to skip right over it . . . which makes it a complete wash. Just trying to be helpful.

    • rab

      You need to be in a straight jacket in a padded room!

  • MadisonSteve

    Yeah, she was afraid she was witnessing witchcraft. She wasn’t worried about spread legs or breasts hanging out. She was afraid she might catch some devil worship germs. The real sin is all that airbrushing on her photo above.

    • shanusbohemus

      you wish

    • Michael Ben-Hur

      U R the one very wrong and she is a real Christian

  • Vicki

    Just too much to “Take” anymore..completely “Classless”.Proud She Walked Out!! Its Not Art..Its Soft-p*rn!!

    • Jeff Clester


  • Alli

    This makes me sick. Religion has brainwashed you. You can believe in something and someone who we don’t even know really exists but you can’t believe in hom*osexuality. Which I might add, we know it exists. It’s 2014. I just did a research paper on gay rights, over 50% of people living in the United States accept it. 17 states have legalized it. I hope you realize just how stupid you will sound. Get over it.

    • John Sawyer

      years ago (before ‘enlightenment’, when I clerked in a convenience store, the local magazine distributor (president of the Lansing chapter of the ACLU - BTW) stocked the store with some adult paperback novels - a few of which dealt with a hom*osexual theme. Invariably, when someone would purchase one of these, they conversed that they were doing a paper on the subject

      • David Gooding

        That’s too funny . . . although not really relevant to the point . . .

      • Cheryl Dickens Peterson

        Like people in a p*rn shop always say its for a gift

    • JAF

      Why do you care so much? Your just as back as the people you condemn. If I do not like something. Why do you care. Is it because you know that I am right? Is it because you know that being gay is wrong?

      • Alli

        I have gay friends, so yes I care. It makes me very angry how people believe in god when we have no idea he exists.

      • time2bsmart

        Sorry you are so angry about God. It takes more faith to believe this world came into being by ‘accident’ than it does to believe that God created it.

      • Alli

        I actually feel really sorry for you. You have been completely brainwashed by religion. Do you even have any of your own beliefs?

      • time2bsmart

        Don’t feel sorry for me. I was not raised with any beliefs. I studied and explored on my own came to the concusions i did after much thought.

      • Alli

        You’re right, I don’t feel sorry for ignorant people

      • time2bsmart

        I will save my responses for others who really want a discussion, and discontinue with those like you who would just name call and insult. Hope you can find a way to have a nice day and get rid of your bitterness.

      • patrick

        Simmer down kid. Just because somebody doesn’t agree with you, it doesn’t make them stupid. And just because you don’t share the same beliefs , you should get angry.

      • Jaron

        No, but apparently just because someone doesn’t agree with YOU, you think they’re brainwashed and ignorant. Nice double standard.

      • Alli

        You do realize that all of you starting posting things about my beliefs and opinions. According to freedom of speech I have the right to do so. All I am doing is backing myself up. I may only be a high school student, but I will always have the courage to stand up for myself. I never once said I was angry or called someone stupid. I called someone ignorant because of the wY that they were acting.

    • Vladsmom

      LMAO Who said hom*osexuality doesn’t exist? It’s been in existence since people were created….ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah?

      Believing in God comes from Faith.

      You did a “research paper” on being gay rights. Wow, that’s original. Lol

      • Alli

        I’m only in high school and I have more knowledge about this than you do. I also happen to support it. Going to church isn’t going to make you a good person. hom*osexuality doesn’t make you a bad person. Judging people based on something they can’t control makes you a bad person. Accepting things that cannot Chang makes you a good person.

      • Cheryl Dickens Peterson

        Thats a good point, but it may be much more complicated than that

      • Amanda

        You are correct that going to church does not automatically make you a good person. Being a Christian does not make you a good person. Worshiping God and trying to live a good life makes you a good person. The judgment of others, for any reason, does not put one on the “naughty list”. Humans make judgments within the first few seconds of meeting/seeing someone. Respect is what today’s society is losing site of. It is not respectful to flaunt sexual acts in public and expect other to close their eyes if they don’t wish to see it. As I Christian, I will tolerate many things because, I am a child of God and I have faith that God will take care of me. I will respect you and your beliefs. I will not tolerate disrespect towards my religion nor the continuous judgmental attitude by left wing liberal children that think they know better. I am a firm believer that the apple does not fall from the tree so, I pray that your parents are not the ones teaching you that promiscuity and sexual deviance is acceptable behavior for anyway.

      • Alli

        Ou don’t even know if he exists. So why should you wage your time on something you cannot prove exists?

      • Cu

        Well, Alli, we Christians do know that he exists. How do we know? Obviously not by meeting Him of course. But we can feel His influence - which is the Holy Ghost - and we do this by praying to him, learning from the scriptures, and serve others. I cannot show you what it is like, because it is a feeling that may vary for each person. To me it is a peaceful one. you have never tried with all your heart to Heavenly Father and ask Him your questions. I can guarantee you will feel it if you do. That is the most essential act in our belief. How can you conclude that what we believe is wrong if you haven’t been in our shoes?

      • Alli

        He does not exist because of a feeling you have or the book that you read. No one really knows that he exists but people believe in it anyway. When you can prove he really exists, then you can talk to me.

      • Carrie1912

        Nobody has to prove anything to you. People are free to believe anything they want to believe. Everyone screaming tolerance are always the most intolerant.

      • Cu

        Isn’t that what faith is? To believe without knowing everything, and to be sure of what we hope for? It’s not only faith in the existence of God that works like that. For example, someone says “I believe or I have faith that one day I will succeed.” He or she doesn’t know the outcome, they just believe with all of their heart. Even science use this principle.
        If absolute knowledge is what you look for and you refuse to take risks, then you can never achieve anything beyond your current reach. You can’t progress.
        I can prove it you, but only if you comply with my way. Try praying, it’s not like you are going to lose something. Try it, then YOU can talk to me.

      • Carrie1912

        Judging people based on something they can’t control makes you a bad person? Really? So we shouldn’t judge pedophiles because, well, they just can’t control it. Or drunk drivers that kill entire families, because, well they just can’t control it. Or men that beat their wives or children to death because again, they just can’t help it.

      • Alli

        You can to control those things. Being gay isn’t something someone chooses. You do not wake up one day and choose to like the same sex and make things a lot harder for yourself. You are born that way. You are not born a pedophile or a drunk driver, you aren’t even born beating people. Those can be controlled, hom*osexuality can not.

      • Carrie1912

        There are a lot of people who turned away from hom*osexuality that would argue with you. There are also pedophiles that would argue with you, too. They always say they can’t help but be attracted to children. Personally, as long as you leave children alone, I don’t care who you screw. Just don’t expect everyone to accept it as normal.

      • Cu

        How do you know hom*osexuality cannot be controlled while pedophilia can? We all have our agency. You may be right that someone is born hom*osexual, but I firmly believe that they have their agency to resist that urges and not act on it. We all always have a choice. We are human, we don’t act on instinct without thinking it though.

    • on the winning team

      100% of the God I believe in will have the last say to your statement and 1,000,000,000,000,000 % all over the world’s opinions is worth “O”. YOU WON”T GET OVER THAT!!!! You and I and all will face God one day. Then you will sadly see what stupid means.

      • Alli

        Feel really bad for you, you have absolutely no opinions or beliefs made for yourself. Being a Christian doesn’t make you a good person.

      • Cu

        I think you simply feel bad for that person because he just has a different point of view than you. Alli, that is his/her own opinion and belief right there. The church may have teach them what they know, but it is still their decision to believe or not. Many people sharing the same ideals and beliefs DO NOT mean lacking of individualisim. Christians vary from doctors, teachers, scientists, to rock stars, artists, DJ. Do you think they choose those careers because God told them to? Nope. As far as I know, God doesn’t have time to tell people to become Disc Jockeys. They chose it because they have agency.

      • FairyTalesAreForKids

        So, if it turns out that your God doesn’t exist, then who’s the stupid one? And how will you feel about how you’ve spent your life?

      • Cheryl Dickens Peterson

        If thats turns out to be true then I will get assigned a new life with a mission to discover the truth next time

      • mcfilmmakers

        Again, you assume you would get a chance at a new life. As a Christian you don’t get such a chance because you live a life believing it to be impossible. Either it’s impossible and you’re right, or it’s impossible and you’re wrong. It can’t be both.

    • time2bsmart

      I don’t believe she mentioned anything about hom*osexuality. The show was very profane and full of sexual references. Some people believe that belongs in a bedroom, not on a stage. Good for her for leaving.

      • Alli

        Do you even understand the real meaning behind the song?

      • time2bsmart

        Which song are you talking about? I don’t believe she mentioned any specific performance, but the whole show was very profane…and it is sad that some good music was outshone by the overt sexual antics on stage.

    • Nina Barber

      I believe that you are the one that is brainwashed. She left because of the immoral acts of sexual perversion. When did that become okay? Christianity seems to be the only link left to a moral society. The crap that others like Miley Cyrus, Beyonce’, etc spreads to our youth is the brainwashing going on. This is not the moral way to live. These kinds of actions is what lead to the downfall of some great nations. When you remove yourself from one nation under GOD you have removed yourself from morality. Apparently you are willing to live with the consequences.

      • Alli

        Christianity is most definitely not the only moral thing left in this world. Grow up and realize that they have grown into the people they have always been. Just because you do not agree with how they chose to be role models doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. Take a step back and reevaluate things, dude.

      • Nina Barber

        First, not a dude. Second, I’m a great-grandmother I don’t need to grow up, I’ll leave that chore up to you. Choosing a path as a role model has a lot of responsibility attached to it. Thinking that it’s okay to show your private areas and make vulgar moves to vulnerable youth is not a good choice under any circ*mstances. If you think what they do is okay then I’ll just assume you chose to kick morality to the curb long ago. Maybe you watched too many vulgar role models in your youth and was never taught moral obligation to begin with. That’s just what I get from your thoughtless statements. See how important role models are?

      • Alli

        I have a lot of good role models. I never said anything about them being mine. I said that is how they chose to take that role. As I am only in high school, I know I have growing up to do. But not in they ways you are stating. I have my morals right along with my beliefs. They have come from many things most people, like you, wouldn’t understand. I have grown up with amazing role models like Mia Hamm, Abby wambach, and other people like them that stand up for what they believe in and have the courage to do things not many people will do. My beliefs and morals have everything to do with the person I am today because of people like you lecturing the younger generation based on things that happend in your youth. Things have changed. So please tell me how my morals and beliefs are wrong.

      • Nina Barber

        Wow, that explains a lot. Let me return your earlier advice and just say ‘grow up’. You still have that teenage know it all attitude and you haven’t taken off the rose colored glasses yet. Come back when you have experience to share with your advice.

      • Carrie1912

        Let’s see, our role models today are Kim Kardashian, known for sex tapes and other vulgar videos, Lindsey Lohan and her drug and alcohol addictions as well as getting in and out of cars with a short skirt on and no underwear while the paps are snapping pics, Miley Cyrus, also known as Miley Virus, etc. We have out of control venereal diseases, thousands of abortions each year. zillions of unwed mothers having 10 kids by 10 different men that want everyone else to pay for them. Then we have Beyoncé on stage being unable to keep her legs together during a performance. People wonder why we are going to hell in a handbasket when our kids look to Hollywood for their values.

      • Carrie1912

        I forgot to mention the hom*osexual “marriages” being pushed on everyone. I can’t wait until we start seeing Viagra commercials targeting hom*o men. We are circling the toilet bowl down to the cesspool.

      • Alli

        Those are not role models. You obviously don’t see other amazing people like Demi locator who has overcome her self harm and hate and has become to help other young girls that are going through the same things she did.

      • Carrie1912

        I don’t know who Demi locator is so evidently she doesn’t get the press or the fame as the other skan*s do. Judging by the values of todays teens, it’s easy to see who they follow as their role models.

      • Cu

        First, it’s Demi Lovato. And You are going off topic Alli. Those that you said “not role models” are the ones who portray the most part in the show. And the show is what we are talking about. Let me ask you: Did Demi Lovato’s good deed be mentioned in the Grammy show? Nope. It is not made as publicly as other scandalous things. Our generation can only find good things if we try to look for them. It is the immorality that comes easily to our life.

      • Cu

        “People” are not always right. Speaking your way, then perhaps murderers and rapists and pedophiles all grows up into who they have always been. So it’s not wrong?
        We have moral codes in the society and our loved ones to help us go back on track if we ever fall astray. We cannot just become whatever. Being a Christian does not mean being a good person, but it surely helps on the way of becoming one. What is wrong about believing in being chaste, virtuous, brave, honest, loyal, and faithful?

    • Jaron

      Hmmm, let’s think about this. Ms. Grant attended the show because she was nominated. During the show, she saw performances depicting and encouraging acts and ideas she disagrees with. So to show her disapproval and displeasure, she got up and peacefully left the show.

      So you’re saying the idea of someone peacefully expressing their opinion and/or disagreement with something makes you sick? Does that mean you think people should only express opinions that align with your own?

      • Alli

        I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying doing it because religion taught you these beliefs is wrong. Religion is the cause of so many things in this world and some people can’t think for the selfs because of it.

      • Darren Wilkens

        Spoken like a true ignorant fool

      • mcfilmmakers

        Says the person calling people names.

      • Jaron

        You make quite a few assumptions here. What knowledge do you have that Ms. Grant believes this way only because she was told so? Can you tell me why you believe she can’t think for herself? By the evidence presented here, the fact that she got up and left when the vast majority of the audience stayed suggests that she doesn’t give in to group-think or conforming to the masses. This then suggests that she actually can think for herself, possibly more so than the others in attendance.

        And finally, can you please back up your argument that Ms. Grant’s actions were wrong? What is your criteria for “wrong”? What arguments can you present to affirm this statement?

        Yes, religion does cause all sorts of things to happen, but you’re implying here that they are all bad, or at least are more detrimental than beneficial. Again, I’d ask for supporting arguments to that claim.

        However quite a few bad things also happen in the name of other religions, like devotion to money, devotion to a career, devotion to narcotics, or devotion to pride and vanity.

        Overall, you imply that religion in general is just wrong because it encourages blind obedience over thoughtful study and reflection. I’m aware of several religions that encourage members to study out their doctrine and to question the teachings so they can come to their own conclusions. I’ll place the responsibility of proof on you and ask you to irrefutably prove that religion is a lie and “wrong.” I submit that you can’t actually do that.

        I do have to ask if you would have the same response if this were done by someone of a different faith. If this were a Muslim that complained about the women not being properly modest and covered, would you tell them too to “get over it.”?

      • mcfilmmakers

        The very same questions you ask can be applied to you/ What proof do you have that what she did was right? If your answer is the Bible, you just proved Alli’s point.

      • Cu

        mcfilmmakers, I have noticed that all your posts are rather irrelevant and is not on the same level of discussion, it’s just…quarreling. Jaron is not discussing whether Ms.Grant’s action is right or not. To put it simply, none of us can. All she did is leaving the show.

      • mcfilmmakers

        How is stating that the same questions can apply to Jaron not relevant? Jaron implies that Alli believes the actions of Natalie Grant were wrong. I am stating the absolute relevant question of what proof does Jaron have that it was right? Jaron is absolutely and directly saying that Natalie was right in her actions. I quote: “can you please back up your argument that Ms. Grant’s actions were wrong?”.

        I agree, no one can say what she did was “right” or “wrong” but Jaron clearly and distinctly believes it was wrong so I ask of him what proof he has it was right.

        Again, I ask, how is that not relevant?

      • Cu

        Hm…Stating someone’s inability to prove their point does not mean having an opposite opinion. Here is an analogy: When you go to buy an energy drink which claims to improve strength by 100%: Asking the advertisem*nt: “Can you please back up your claim by a scientific investigation?” does not mean the same thing as saying that the drink is bad for you. They might be true, they just lack the evidences to prove it.

      • mcfilmmakers

        I accept your point and agree that it is valid. That said, it doesn’t mean that implication that the ad is false isn’t there. The question isn’t asking if the ad can provide evidence but if the ad can give evidence proving is it true. It is as valid to ask if the ad is true as it is to ask if the ad is false.

      • Jaron

        So you’re saying it’s a given that any person who proclaims belief in the Bible ( or any other religious text, ) is a brainwashed ignoramus who can’t possibly have any type of educated or informed opinion? It isn’t possible in any way, shape, or form that the Bible or other beliefs in a divine being can actually be true? And the “educated” people want to call religious people closed-minded.

        I’m not the one calling into question Ms. Grant’s actions. Burden of proof is on the person who instigates the attack. Otherwise, why bring it up in the first place?

      • mcfilmmakers

        When did I say brainwashed, ignorant, informed or educated? I never said it wasn’t possible for the Bible to be true, though it is impossible because it is a book. A book can’t lie therefore it cannot be true. Only the author can speak truth or lies and thus write them. The Bible has many authors, not one. As such, the Bible can relate many truths or lies as a reflection of its authors who are human, not God. A textbook isn’t true because it says it is, it speaks truth because it happened not by belief that it happened, but by evidence and fact that it did. The Bible says it is true because it says it is and through belief that it happened, not because of any evidence it happened or by virtue that it did happen.

        You assume I have an education. You assume I think religious people are brainwashing, ignorant and dumb. You also assume I share the same beliefs as Alli. You assume a lot for a person “not making any accusations.”

        All I said was what you say can apply to you as well and that “because Bible” isn’t a proper form of reasoning.

      • Jaron

        You’ll notice I was asking questions of you, not making statements or accusations. You seemed to be attacking my points and I wished to clarify whether I understood you correctly.

        You said if I referred to a religious text, Alli’s point would be proven. Alli’s point was that people who espouse religion and moral right and wrong are brainwashed and can’t think for themselves. I think we can agree that “brainwashed,” if not by definition than at least connotation, means confused mislead about the truth of things. Thus, people who believe in religion cannot actually be confused and mislead about truth if their religion actually is true. So yes, even if you didn’t explicitly say those exact words, you were arguing in their favor.

        The only thing I assumed about you was that you agreed with Alli since you were backing up her arguments.

        I think you’ll also find that someone who has done a deep introspective on moral points and believes in certain principles will often have very rational thought, thus “because bible” can indeed be proper reasoning.

      • mcfilmmakers

        It cannot because as you stated, “people who believe in religion cannot actually be confused and mislead about truth if their religion actually is true” and since a religion cannot be proven true and can only be BELIEVED to be true then you can absolutely be brainwashed and must be brainwashed, to believe a non-provable to be true OR false.

        You are as brainwashed to say “because Bible” as you are to say “because nothing”. The Christian faith brainwashes a person to believe a non-provable to be true and unquestionably true. An atheist brainwashes himself to say “there is nothing because there is nothing”.

        Free-thought says “there may be truth, there may not be’. This is what logic does. Faith is entirely BELIEF, not fact. Because truth is fact and can be proven, it can never be a basis for faith.

        Only the belief of truth can be faith as because of this, it can never be true.

      • Jaron

        Absence of proof is not proof of absence. This is also how logic works. You argue that no religion can ever be proven true. Please, then, provide irrefutable proof that this is so.

      • mcfilmmakers

        I just did. BELIEF isn’t fact. This is true because if belief was fact, there would be no variation in their definitions. They would be the same thing and thus redundant. The fact that belief isn’t fact is true. Truth is the body of things creating a fact. FAITH is a collection of beliefs that something is true, ignoring the absence of facts. Ergo, by definition, faith is NOT truth. In fact, they are opposites. The fact they are opposites is a truth. These are all definitions that form the basis of our language. To disagree with them is to disagree this is English. As such, it is irrefutable proof that religion can ever be proven.

        Why? Because if a religion were to be true, it would no longer be a religion but a fact. As you cannot BELIEVE IN a fact, the religion would cease to be.

        The above are all truths and as such are evidence, not the absence of evidence. The absence of evidence is to say the Bible is true. As such, the burden falls on you, not me.

      • Jaron

        Again, no you did not. You have not given any proof that Christ did not exist and will not return to the Earth. You did not prove that Muhammad did NOT receive revelation from Allah. You did not prove that the Jews’ promised Messiah is false and will never come to free them. I could go on, but I hope you get my point. Should any of these events occur, that religion would instantly be proven as true. Since you cannot prove that such events won’t ever or can’t ever occur, you cannot prove that any given religion can NEVER be considered truth

        Your argument falls apart quickly because you make the mistake of claiming truth/fact and faith/belief are mutually exclusive. Yes, faith is believing in things even if you have a lack of evidence. Once again I remind you that absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because I may believe or have faith in something that is not yet proven does not mean that the thing is not true. Truth is universal. Just because something gets proven today doesn’t mean it wasn’t true yesterday or the day before. Some early explorers believed, or had faith, that the Earth was round. Are you saying that wasn’t a truth back then just because they couldn’t or didn’t know how to prove it? Scientists and mathematicians are constantly positing theories on what they have observed combined with what they think, but don’t know, to be true. Again by your own words that’s a belief or faith and not a fact. So what happens if one of their theories is proven correct? Does that non-fact suddenly become fact?

      • mcfilmmakers

        Yes I did. You said it yourself. I proved there’s a possibility that a religion can be proven true. If this were to happen, it could no longer exist because there would be nothing left to BELIEVE, only something to accept or deny.

        What I’m saying is the the Earth is round, that this is a truth. That early exploreres BELIEVED it was flat and this was not true, even when they thought it was true. Their belief of the truth was “truth” for them just the same that belief that Christians belief is “the truth”. Only the infinity of time will tell if “the truth” is true or not. Until such time, It is FACTUALLY true. It may ultimately be true, and I am open to that possibility but I can never say undeniably that it is the truth until such a time.

        Theories are not facts and therefore are not truths. Gravity is not a truth. Evolution is not a truth. Faith is not a truth.

        However, SOMETHING like gravity is a truth, SOMETHING like evolution is a truth. SOMETHING like faith is a truth.

        Today, we say gravitational theory is truth. We say Darwinism is truth. We say Christianity is truth.

        But none of them are. What we know is Newton’s law is factually true. We know survival of the fittest is factually true. We know places and names in the Bible are factually true.

        Anything else is theory and BELIEF. When the non-fact becomes proven correct, it does indeed become fact and a REVEALED truth. “The truth” was always there to begin with, this I agree.

        The point, however, is we cannot presume what that “truth” ultimately is until it is revealed to us.

        As such, we cannot truly accept God until he is revealed to us in death. We may lead ours entire lives devotedly to Him but upon death might reject that final revelation. If this is true, then we can equally accept that revelation at that very last moment despite rejecting it our entire lives whilst living it to our best ability. This is what Jesus taught us.

      • Jaron

        The only things you’ve proven are your continual logic disconnects and your inability to conceive, reason, present, and support a valid, coherent argument. I’m at a bit of a loss as to where to start addressing your fallacies. But I shall try.

        This absurd semantic hash that it is impossible to believe in a fact or truth is becoming tiresome. Your entire premise that they cannot be the same hinges on the statement, “This is true because if belief was fact, there would be no variation in their definitions. They would be the same thing and thus redundant.” You’re saying that a language cannot have redundant words, therefore these two things cannot be the same thing. Have you never heard of synonyms?

        Then you follow with this pair: “Ergo, by definition, faith is NOT truth. In fact, they are opposites.” As I said, at an abstract level, they are not the same concept, so I agree with your first half, but pray, tell, how did you make that logical jump to the second half? A shirt is not the same as a shoe, but it does not follow that they must therefore be complete opposites.

        You are partly right in one area: no “faith” is not the exact same concept as “truth.” However it does not logically follow that it is impossible to have faith or belief in something that is true but not proven so according to science. I will restate that truth is eternal. Whether or not someone can tangibly and mathematically prove an idea has no bearing on whether that idea is correct or true. And just because something has been “scientifically proven” does not mean a person can’t believe in it anymore.

        Next: “Because if a religion were to be true, it would no longer be a religion but a fact.” Oh dear, you seem to have made the mistake of suddenly misplacing a word. You spent an entire paragraph arguing that “truth” is the opposite of “faith,” but now you’re suddenly comparing “truth” and “religion.” Well, faith and religion are not the same thing. Faith is belief in something even if you may not be able to prove it. Religion is an organized system of beliefs, codes, rules, rites, rituals, practices, and worship. So even if Christ did return to Earth tomorrow and Christianity was proven to be a fact, that would only imply that Christians’ faith would be dormant as they would have a perfect knowledge and understanding. It does NOT mean that their practices, their rules, their rites, and their worshipping would cease. Therefore the religion itself would not cease.

        “I proved there’s a possibility that a religion can be proven true.” I’m not sure what to make of this. The entire post before this was an attempt to do just the opposite. Typo perhaps? Anyway, moving on.

        “As such, we cannot truly accept God until he is revealed to us in death.” Ah, you have another error here. I agree that someone cannot fully, completely, and entirely accept God until they fully, completely, and entirely know Him. However, your claim is based on the notion that God cannot reveal Himself to a person until they are dead. If God does indeed exist, why can he not show himself to someone while they are yet alive? Care to try to prove that?

        “Okay, but given that civil unions are not done under God’s eye, they are therefore not to be judged with religious context but under that of the law itself, which says it is ok.” In the religious context, God made the whole of the Earth and everything on it. As such, it is His realm to rule over and everything that happens here is under His eye. Any number of activities are legal under civil laws but are expressly forbidden by God’s teachings. You’re saying so long as I was acting under civil jurisdiction that God cannot judge me for it? Again, that argument is the same as saying God’s laws are subject to man’s laws. If something is not acceptable to God’s laws, then those that follow that particular tenet are not required to consent to that practice as being normal or acceptable to themselves.

        You are either being intentionally ignorant or antagonistic. If the former, I can’t help you. If the latter, I don’t care to try.

      • Cu

        Jokes on you sir. Because the Bible was never mentioned directly in Jaron’s original post.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Good one, Must have missed the punch line. I say “because Bible” as to mean because of (insert religion as fact instead of personal belief)”. Using belief as a fact is absolutely proving brainwashed thoughts. That was my point. I don’t see how the Bible is funny in this circ*mstance.

    • Cu

      Let me use your own logic for a second. You said over 50% people living in the US accept hom*osexuality. Assuming this is true, did you know 78% of people in the United States are Christians - therefore believe in the existence of God? The United States itself is identified as a nation under God by the founding fathers. So, if we are going to use statistics here, are you still saying that God is something that we don’t even know really exist?
      About hom*osexuality, I do not discriminate gay people, I simply don’t agree with their lifestyle.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Who cares if you disagree? Be happy they LOVE someone while you wither in HATRED and IGNORANCE.

      • Cu

        Um…I really don’t know how you come to that level of extreme but…ok.

      • Jaron

        Why are you equating disagreement to hatred and ignorance? Every time I disagree with my spouse, friends, or family, that means I hate them? I think you’ll find you can be very educated about an opposing viewpoint and still not agree with it.

      • mcfilmmakers

        The above was a reply to Cu, not you Jaron. I agree with your statement Jaron.

      • Jaron

        I don’t think we do. Cu said he doesn’t agree with a particular lifestyle. You seem to be implying that disagreeing with it is the same as being ignorant of and hating it.

        If so, no I don’t agree with that.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Their lifestyle is the same as yours or mine. They LOVE their spouse, they LOVE their family, they eat, sleep, walk talk, dress, laugh, cry, etc. The only difference is the gender they have SEX with.

        Last I checked, SEX is not a lifestyle but ONE act. You can disagree with ONE ACT, but it is not a lifestyle. So yes, to say that you disagree with their lifestyle is absolutely ignorance of what a lifestyle is and who these people are as individuals.

      • Jaron

        I can only think that you’re intentionally playing Devil’s Advocate in these exchanges to throw out so many flawed statements. No, their lifestyle is NOT the same as mine ( and possibly yours, but I won’t assume that, ) because there is at least one very significant element that is different.

        As for your definition, what then do you call an action that is repeatedly and regularly engaged in? If you want to argue semantics and won’t agree to “lifestyle,” fine. Call it a habit, behavior, or lifestyle, I still don’t have to agree to it, for whatever reason I may have.

        To use another example from Christian doctrine, murder, theft, adultery, and lying are also only ONE act by your criteria. Would you not call someone who repeatedly and regularly engaged in those activities a murderer, thief, adulterer, or liar? Does not the consistent behavior in these ways shape and define their life? Why then do you not consider it a lifestyle, or at least part thereof?

        And it seems you fail to consider this from the other side. It isn’t some requirement that others must agree with all the choices I have made in my own life. But the way you are putting this, if others don’t agree with me and my choices ( including you, ) then it must be due to ignorance or hate.

      • mcfilmmakers

        I will compromise here. You don’t have to agree to DOING it yourself, but you do, as a Christian, have to agree that it is HIS lifestyle and accept that it is HIS lifestyle.

        A murderer needs not repeatedly kill, A their needs not repeatedly steal. An adulterer needs not repeatedly cheat on his spouse. A liar needs not repeatedly lie.

        Murdering, stealing, cheating and lying are not lifestyles. They are single acts that can be sins. ONE attempt at these acts make these sins and crimes. SEX is not one of them.

        Jesus accepted murderers, liars, prostitutes, thieves for who they are in their entirety despite their sins. You as a Christian must do the same for hom*osexuals. Jesus did. This is what the bible tells us. You do not have to agree that hom*osexuality is good (no one says it is good or bad BTW) but you do have to accept it as being there. Just as Jesus accepted murderers for killing, we must accept hom*osexual men for having sex with other hom*osexual men.

        I don’t dispute the possibility of hom*osexual SEX being sinful in Christian views, but I dispute hom*osexuality itself being a sin as it is not in very much the same way that BEING a murderer, thief, etc is not a sin. The act is a sin, not the “lifestyle” as you put it.

        I think that answers your questions adequately.

        As for a hypothetical where I disagree with you and your choices it would therefore be out of ignorance or hate the answer would be YES.

        I acknowledge that my disagreement with you could be out of potential ignorance of your reasoning but I attempt to resolve that by debating the disagreement with you to try to come to an understanding and a middle ground.

        I will make the blanket statement saying that many Christians against hom*osexuals disagree with it out of ignorance between BEING gay (not a sin) and committing an act of hom*osexual sex (the “sin”), casting hom*osexuality as unnatural (which is factually isn’t and occurs in all species), undesireable (heresy as only God can make such a judgement), or wrong (unprovable).

        The difference is that I debate the issue to find reasoning and understanding, while most Christians do not debate the issue and pass judgement. A judgment they believe they have no right to make.

        I do not judge you for your belief, simply debate it. Just to be clear, the above is not an observation of you.

      • Jaron

        As I said above, I distinguish the difference feeling same-sex attraction and engaging in hom*osexual behavior. “Being” is a verb. It denotes an action, and in this case actively participating in gay habits, behaviors, and lifestyles. Just having same-sex attraction is not “being gay” in my book.

      • mcfilmmakers

        You’re right that having same-sex relations isn’t “being gay” but is it equally true of the inverse. “Being gay” doesn’t mean having same-sex relations. This is why “being gay” isn’t a sin, but same-sex relations can be debated upon.

        This is the crux of my point. Gay marriage therefore is not wrong as it DOES NOT necessitate same-sex relations.

      • mcfilmmakers

        The same is true of heterosexual marriage. it isn’t “right” as an unconsummated marriage is just as much a sin in Christian circles.

      • Cu

        You keep saying it’s Jesus’s way to accept them for who they are, but I don’t think you know what it mean. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and accept us, but They absolutely DO NOT agree to leave us the way we are. They want us to be better. Why do you think Christ was sent to die a horrible death? So that we can live onward to be however we wanted? To sin as much as we want? No. What is the point of repenting without changing for the better? You can say sorry a thousand times, but without action, they mean NOTHING. What do you think all the hardship and challenges God gives us are for? To torture, to mock? No, they are for us to overcome and progress. Accepting them for who they are and just let them be? To me, that is just a sweet way of describing “not caring.”
        Loving someone doesn’t mean always supporting their choices. If a mother witnesses her beloved son doing drugs like heroin or meth, because of her love, would she accept that and encourage him to keep being who he is and doing what he is doing? Love is to always be with the other ON THE RIGHT PATH.

      • Cu

        Ok…I don’t want this to a grammar and nitpicking discussion, but sure. Lifestyle definition: noun. the way in which a person or group lives. That also includes their sexual conducts. I think sexual intercourse should only be performed in the boundary of marriage and between a man and a woman. That’s all my point is about. And I disagree with hom*osexuality. But let me make it clear again: I do not see gay people as anything lower than myself. I always try to not judge others, because to me, by doing so in some ways take a way my freedom to love. Though I’m not doing that perfectly, I always keep trying. Yes, they can be loving, sincere, brave, and intelligent. I can share many similarities and hobbies with them which can and will make us friends. But I do not have to and will not encourage them acting on their hom*osexuality. It may be a flaw, yes, and it is of great disability and challenges to them, but I can assure you that it is not accidental. We are all sent here for a purpose, which is to progress. We can only progress by trials, challenges, and overcoming our weakness. Giving in to temptations is common, everyone failed from time to time. But accepting temptation is another thing. Acting on hom*osexuality urges is wrong, but fixable. We can always rise from our past sins and try again. But trying to prove that hom*osexuality is normal and acceptable is on an entirely different scale. We all have a choice, because we are human and given our agency above everything else (religious influences, bodily instincts, temptations, etc.) We have the power to choose.

      • mcfilmmakers

        But hom*osexual marriage exists outside the context of religion. It is CIVIL. Therefore it CANNOT be something to disagree about because it isn’t MARRIAGE is the religious sense. Acting on hom*osexual urges is as wrong as acting on heterosexual urges. Both are IDENTICALLY right or wrong. To say one is wrong is to pass judgment. To pass judgement is to act in place of God. It is heresy. Only God may judge. Only God may determine it right or wrong. You cannot do so. You therefore must ignore it. It has no bearing on you or your life. If you believe you have to power to choose than heed your words. Stop having sex. Prove it.

      • Jaron

        Please cite where Christ says civil law trumps his own doctrine. Render unto Caesar, and all that . . .

        You also are arguing this from an outside standpoint. If you’re going to argue points within a doctrine or philosophy, you must either prove the encapsulating principle as void or show how the point itself is in contradiction to the larger principle. You have done neither.

        As we are discussing Christian doctrine, you’d have to prove Christianity as completely false. Otherwise, you must accept some basic Christian tenets as true ( at least for the sake of argument, ) to step into the arena.

        So, if we are to believe that the Bible is indeed a collection of prophecies and revelation given to God’s holy men, Cu has already supplied many arguments where hom*osexual behavior is condemned by God. Now, it was also said that a man should leave his parents and cleave to his wife and none other, so that endorses heterosexual relations.

        As for judging, yes, final judgement is up to God alone. Christ also said he would give the Holy Spirit to his followers and that He would show them the truth of all things. So having the truth of all things allows men to make a decision, or judge, between right and wrong things. They don’t have power or authority to judge or preside over another man’s sins or graces, but if they aren’t allowed to judge between right and wrong, how are they supposed to decide and judge right and wrong actions for themselves? Afterall the point of a Christian life is to learn to decide to do the right thing and follow Christ. It’s hard to do that when one is prohibited between making a decision.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Never sais civil law trumps His own. All I said was they are NOT the same thing and as such, religious belief cannot dictate whether a civil union is acceptable or not.

        A man leaving his parents does NOT endorse heterosexual relations. It endorses independence. It also does not define wife as being male or female.

        You admit that an cannot preside over another man’s sins therefore man cannot dictate the validity of gay marriage. He may decide for himself whether it is right or wrong perhaps, but cannot forbid it for others as many would think they can. AND EVEN THEN, could only make such decisions for himself in the context of his faith, NOT in CIVIL LAW as many would also believe.

      • Cu

        I have been holding back my religious references because I don’t want to use them in discussion with someone not of my belief. But since you kept using them, I suppose there is no point.

        If God created not only the world, but many other worlds and the entire universe and everything in it, then what law of men is it that is not subjected to God’s words? How can men create something that is completely separated and out of God’s reach. This “civil” you are discussing is nothing but “rules that children made-up” to God. A civil decision is made by the society, which means by individuals in that society. So, how would the religious beliefs of those individuals not dictate that civil decision? Perhaps you do not possess the full understanding of what it requires to maintain a religious belief, or Faith itself. That belief affects our lifestyle. We are challenged everyday by doubts, contradicting thoughts and uncertainty. Yet many still hold on to their faith.

        And to me, your example of a man leaving his parents makes no sense because it possesses no relation to what you are trying to say. How does that related to “does not define wife as being male or female”? And that, also, please check the definition of the word “wife,” which exclusively identify female role in marriage. Even for gay male couples, they identify their lovers as “partners.”

        Also, you said that a man can decide for himself but cannot forbid others’ actions. I very much agree with this. I, or everyone else, cannot stop someone from engaging in hom*osexual activity. But this changes when it comes to marriage, because marriage is both play a great part in religion, the constitution of the country, and everyone that live in it. In this case, people have the power to forbid hom*osexual marriage. How? Voting rights.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Because the religious beliefs have dictated that in certain states it is legal. With your logic that would mean that religious beliefs have agreed it to be acceptable. It doesn’t mean ALL religious believes accepted it, but it means the consensus accepted it. If we belief all men are God’s children then it is therefore God’s will to accept it as well.

        wife (waɪf)
        n, pl wives (waɪvz)
        1. (Law) a man’s partner in marriage

        Marriage is NOT exclusively religious. Civil unions are proof of that. The constitution of the country believed in the SEPERATION of church and state, and everyone that live sin it accepts civil unions as valid forms of marriage. Voting rights exist OUTSIDE the confines of religion. You sir are contradicting yourself.

      • Cu

        your result of the definition are from I just looked at it. Are you sure you are not missing something there?

      • Cu

        I hope you notice you have been “jumping in and out” of the context of religion. How is hom*osexual marriage exists outside of the context of religion?

        Only God may judge, but we are all to choose our path. I have started to think that you are incapable of understanding the difference between “disagreeing” and “discriminating.” You said that we should ignore this matter. Why are only the ones who disagree with hom*osexuality should ignore?

        A quote from Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

        Let me properly explain myself. Marriage is, in a “Constitutional Sense”, a physical and spiritual unions between a man and a woman. If the world decide to change it to anything that love each other, in this case between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, then why don’t we move it the next level, aka. between a group of people. It can be a threesome union of of 3 men, or 2 men with a woman, or even a quartet. What difference there does it make? There are many groups of people out there who loves each other. Why can’t they marry altogether and have physical union?

        Heavenly Father is the only One who can judge. And in the scriptures, God has personally point out the wrong of hom*osexuality. We all have the ability to know what is right and wrong. That is from the beginning of mankind, as in religious text when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of knowing right and wrong. A world where any laws and moral codes can be broken simply to satisfy our gratifications is a fragile and faulty one.

      • mcfilmmakers

        How does hom*osexual marriage exist outside the context of religion? Because they are CIVIL UNIONS.

        EVERYONE should ignore it. Never said only those who disagree should

        hom*osexuality isn’t evil in the same way heterosexuality isn’t good. Grow up.

        Let me explain this: a CIVIL UNION is a physical and lawful union between two consent adults of any gender. Gay marriages are civil unions, NOT religious marriages. Marriages come in two forms: Religious marriage and civil union. Get it?

        God at no point explicitly says hom*osexuality is wrong. He says SEX is wrong outside he confines of marriage and every single reference to hom*osexual acts are as forms of PROSTITUTION.

      • Jaron

        Um, saying though shalt NEVER lay with a man as you do with a woman means under no context, even marriage, is it ok for one man to have sex with another.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Except gay man lie with men as they would a man, not as with a woman.

      • Jaron

        Wow, that’s your “logic”? So that would mean we can have no others gods before Him, but having goddesses before Him is ok? Or that we can kill, just not the same method Cain killed Able?

      • Cu

        And……this is the point when you should really start listening to yourself. I mean..

      • Jaron

        Do you really want to use that excuse? Then I suppose to you we’re allowed to have goddesses before God because he explicitly said we’re only not to have other gods before him.

      • concernedforhumanity

        Since when does disagreeing with someone equal hatred? I have never been unkind to someone who was a hom*osexual nor would I ever be. However I am not about to lie to them and tell them that being attracted to the same sex is normal. It isn’t normal. Something in their bodies has gone wrong. Is it their fault? Of course not!! But I am not going to lie to them and say everything is the way it is supposed to be. When did we all lose common sense. We do not have to agree with someone to be compassionate and loving.

      • mcfilmmakers

        If something in their bodies has gone wrong you are directly stating that God made a mistake. Christians believe we are human by design. Either God’s design is perfect or it is equally flawed. I too believe that as a human, we are flawed (Christians insist this is original sin). Beyond that, being hom*osexual is as flawed as being heterosexual. The evidence exists in the fact the same variances occur in every observable mammal species. God has consistently designed for the hom*osexual variation through ALL his creations. Ergo, being hom*osexual isn’t a flaw but a perfectly normal variation.

      • Jaron

        That is not true. Christians do indeed belief the human is God’s design, but that does not mean some defects can’t creep in through means outside His own, or that He does not allow defects and challenges to happen to some people. And just because something is a normally observed and encountered variation does not mean it is desirable.

      • mcfilmmakers

        And what outside means affects you before birth exactly as to be BORN hom*osexual? It isn’t a choice. To think it is, is as ludicrous as saying man walked alongside dinosaurs. Who is to judge whether that variation is desirable. It certainly isn’t you or me. We both agree that is God’s role, so stop judging and stop disagreeing. it isn’t your business and your faith says so.

        YOU cannot deem it undesirable. Jesus himself said let he without sin cast the first stone. To say being gay is undesirable is to cast a stone. Think on it.

      • Jaron

        I agree that in some instances feeling same-sex attraction isn’t a choice. One of my best friends struggles with it every day. And he makes the choice to NOT ACT ON IT. It’s the same as any other desire or addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, or p*rn. Just because the desire is there does not mean I have to ACT on it.

        Going by Christian scriptures, God has already said multiple times that hom*osexual relations are evil and sinful. So therefore I haven’t passed judgement on it, He did. I would just be agreeing with Christian doctrine.

        And please tell me where in Christ’s teaching he said to agree with everyone’s actions. Casting stones was about sinners condemning other sinners and feeling superior to them. It said nothing about recognizing certain actions as right or wrong.

      • mcfilmmakers

        I raise you this then: WHY were hom*osexual relations evil and sinful? Was it perhaps because they occurred outside marriage? What now that they can marry? To me, they are no longer sins.

        The argument of procreation is false because that would also mean that sex between heterosexuals without the explicit goal of getting pregnant would be EQUALLY sinful.

      • Jaron

        According to the Christian religion, hom*osexual relation are evil because God said they were. A man shall not lie with a man as he does with a woman. It isn’t saying that it’s only ok in certain circ*mstances, it’s saying that it shouldn’t be done at all.

        But to continue on, yes I agree that all sexual relations outside marriage are contrary to Christian doctrine. But to say that because hom*osexuals now can get civilly married makes this ok in God’s eyes means that God’s laws are now dependent on civil laws. And that argument is false as well.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Okay, but given that civil unions are not done under God’s eye, they are therefore not to be judged with religious context but under that of the law itself, which says it is ok.

        A gay, religious marriage I would grant you but there is no such thing.

      • Raven

        A christian attempting to use logic??

        Hold on. I’m going to need popcorn for this.

      • Cu

        You probably will need a lot of popcorn, friendly stranger. Because there are more than a few millions scientists out there who are believe in the existence of a God.
        Namely: Blaise Pascal, Michael Farady, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Max Planck, etc.
        Good luck digestin’

    • Darren Wilkens

      Just because “50% of the United States accepts it”, that makes it right? No! GET OVER IT!

      • mcfilmmakers

        It isn’t a question of right or wrong. It’s a question of ACCEPTING GOD’S CREATURES. You are rejecting a form of LOVE. Do you understand the degree of hypocrisy you profess?

      • Jaron

        And you are confusing love, acceptance, and tolerance. I do not have to accept another person’s actions. Christian doctrine says to love the sinner, but not the sin. I agree and accept that they have the right to make their own choices. I do not have to agree with their choices nor accept that they are right.

      • mcfilmmakers

        As hom*osexuals can also be Christian, you then have to accept hom*osexuality as also Christian, or hom*osexuals as not being Christian. You cannot accept both outcomes because that would be hypocritical.

        LOVE is not a sin. A man being in love with another man is not a sin. We can argue about their having sex being a sin but I won’t go there. A man marrying another man (civilly) is also not a sin. Religious marriage between men might be a sin (in Christian circles).

        As such, you must accept their LOVE as being valid. It is not a sin. You must accept their MARRIAGE as being valid as it was not a sin. You do not have to accept them having sex (if you believe it to be a sin) and you do not have to accept them marrying under God (if you believe it a sin).

        See the difference? What happened at the Grammies was absolutely acceptable. It was a union of LOVE, not of SIN. Unless they had sex on stage or married by a priest, there was nothing sinful about it.

      • Jaron

        Ok, I need to lay out some definitions first ( the way I use the terms, anyway. )

        Same sex attraction - a person that for whatever reason feels sexual attraction to the same sex.

        hom*osexual - a person who acts on and is in the active lifestyle of hom*osexual relations with others.

        People who feel same-sex attraction needn’t act on those impulses, no more than someone with a predilection for alcohol must always be drunk or someone with a sweet tooth consumes five pounds of sugar a day. It may be difficult to resist those urges, but it can be done.

        Now, using those terms as such, an unabashed hom*osexual claiming to be an active, practicing Christian is akin to a Jew that regularly ignores the Passover and eats pork, a Muslim that regularly imbibes wine during the daylight hours of Ramadan, or a Catholic who extols pre-marital sex.

        Christ’s teaching are explicitly against hom*osexual relations. Yes, Christ’s teachings say that we may make mistakes. However they also say that we should always strive to better ourselves and to live by the word. An active hom*osexual that is not trying to change from that behavior is a person who willfully and continually defies one of Christ’s core teachings. I don’t understand how that person can honestly call themselves a Christian.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Correction: Christ’s teaches are against sexual acts that occur outside marriage. hom*osexuals could not marry therefore their acts were immoral. Today, they can therefore their acts ARE NOT SINS.

      • Jaron

        Again, wrong, I’ve already answered this “point” several other places.

      • mcfilmmakers

        You can’t say it’s wrong. You can only say it is contrary to your interpretation. Only God can say I am wrong.

      • Jaron

        If God says something is wrong, then I can repeat what He has said and call it wrong as well.

      • Darren Wilkens

        It’s not hypocrisy AT ALL! In the Bible it talks about hom*osexuality.

        Where do you think the term “sodomy” comes from? Sodom and Gomorrah.

        Here’s Bible verses that back up the FACT that hom*osexuality is a sin:

        Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

        Leviticus 20:13. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a
        woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be
        put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

        1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
        kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
        nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

        1 Corinthians 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
        revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

        Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for
        even their women did change the natural use into that which is against

        Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the
        woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working
        that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of
        their error which was meet.

        Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their
        knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things
        which are not convenient;

        Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
        wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate,
        deceit, malignity; whisperers,

        Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

        Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

        Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit
        such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure
        in them that do them.

        Genesis 19:1-29 God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were sodomites.

        Gen 13:13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

        hom*osexuality is grotesque perversion! Man was not made for man just as women weren’t made for women.

        Two people of the same sex can’t naturally have kids by themselves. That’s why God made man and woman!

      • mcfilmmakers

        Do you also stone your children for disobeying you? Cut off the hands of those that steal from you?

        A man lies not with a man as he does a woman. A man lies with a man as he would a man.

        Corinthians 6:9 speaks of prostitution and all its forms, not of consensual acts of love between like genders.

        Romans speaks of many things outside sex that lead to the demise of Sodom and Gomorrah. hom*osexuality is NOT in that list. heterosexual sex is. Oops!

        Do you stop to think that perhaps hom*osexual sex is only immoral in the bible because it occurs OUTSIDE marriage as gay marriage did not occur in those times? That if gay sex occurred within gay marriage these would not be sins exactly the same way it is with heterosexual sex?

      • Darren Wilkens

        “hom*osexuality is NOT in that list”? Really? What do you think it means when it says, Leviticus 20:13. “If a man also lie with mankind (men sleeping/having sex with men), as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them”? It sure sounds like hom*osexuality is in the list to me.

        I’ll tell you what, once you grasp a better understanding of the Bible, I’ll have a logical debate with you anytime.

        You lack common sense!

      • James S.

        We as a nation are living the life of Soddem and Gamorah and we know what happened when God got fed up with them.

  • KMBM

    I JZ and Beyoncé and all I could see was Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston…. that scared me…,

  • Andrea

    I think this is really cool! If you are ever in a situation where you feel uncomfortable then just leave, its not like you have to be there. If the Grammy’s make you feel uncomfortable, don’t watch. There’s no reason to subject your self to anything you don’t believe or agree with. It takes a lot of courage to stand up against peer pressure like that so, good for her! People are getting the message that its okay to degrade yourself for attention, or for an award. Its okay to be vain and sexually explicit because what? Its for ART? Because its entertaining? What the crap?! This woman is a great example for others to always remain true to yourself and stand up against peer pressure. Many may not agree with her actions, but she stayed true to herself and thats what matters.

    • David Gooding

      I agree . . . speaking with your pocketbook is often more effective than words.

  • rab

    Welcome to the 700 club!

  • John Modra

    Yes and keep up the good reporting. Our ABC ( Australia) are also celebrating their war on everything and their denial of things that work .Seems to that they are trying to drown us in their own slough of fallen dreams in a new tommorrow, Their defence of fault ridden future fantasies is clearly fanatical http://abcchurch,blogspot,com.Join Switch Off on FB and switch them off

  • injustice_avenger

    Didn’t even watch the Lib-tard Left OBOZO-thump’in idiots.

    • tracy wheeler

      But the important thing is, did you watch the grammy’s ?
      I didn’t have time to watch either.

      Too busy typing meaningless stuff on chat boards with strangers most of whom I would never let in my front door.

  • Autumn

    good for her. we forget its not ok to wear dominatrix outfits with your butt out singing out you and your husbands private sexual intimacy and dancing in fire wearing nothing…

    • IvanRider

      Quite a contrast at work. Kirk Cameron even used his real-life wife as a kissing double for the actress playing his wife in “Fireproof,” so he wouldn’t be dishonoring his marriage in a movie about the merits of honoring marriage. And Hollywood mocked him for his modesty, calling it “wagging the director,” when the director was fully in favor of the change.

      Meanwhile, Beyonce feels like everyone should know what she and rap music’s naked emperor do in the bedroom together. This year’s Grammy awards were just p*rn on parade, sprinkled with a bit of colon-destroyer worship and random witchcraft and Satanism.

      • Anon

        i have a feeling you dont know the first thing about witchcraft or satanism

  • Alli

    You do realize how wrong that is, right?

  • Bobby Smith

    A word rooted in hate
    Yet our genre still ignores it
    “Gay” is synonymous with the lesser
    It’s the same hate that’s caused wars from religion
    Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment
    The same fight that led people to walk-outs and sit-ins
    It’s human rights for everybody, there is no difference
    Live on! And be yourself!

    Whatever god you believe in
    We come from the same one
    Strip away the fear, underneath, it’s all the same love
    About time that we raised up!

  • Carole

    The whole thing was satanic, no wonder she walked out!

    • chromosoulmatic

      As Satanic as Black Sabbath? common now

  • Teresa

    Good for her! I have used every social media outlet I can to spread the word about how I feel about it. It was horrific, and I don’t think anyone listened to the words he sang in the song “Same Love” that was being played during what they called weddings. I am saddened that this is acceptable tv or entertainment.. It is evil and sickening!

    • tracy wheeler

      I agree 100% with what Ben Haggerty says in that song.
      God does too.
      That’s why he sent Jesus.
      Not to change sinners, but to offer them forgiveness and salvation.

      • Vueiy

        Oh, it was most DEFINITELY to change sinners! How can we be forgiven if we are not repentant for our sins? If we don’t CHANGE our evil ways, we are still living in sin, and are not forgiven, and are therefore not saved.

      • wesley smith

        One, I’m glad that God has chosen you to tell everyone what He approves of and that is comes in the form of some song and not through his divine word in the Bible. Two, to repent means to change and walk away from sin. It doesn’t mean we will always be successful but that we are aware of our sin and working on it.

    • Raven

      “Oooooh noes!! Da gays are gettin murried!!”

      Seriously, the sooner we outlaw religion, the better off the world will be.

  • Carsen Young

    It reminds me of that time in the Bible where Jesus walked out on the tax collectors and prostitutes… oh wait…

    • Vueiy

      Nice try, but not comparable. You see, Jesus told people to GO AND SIN NO MORE. Yes, He sat down and ate with them, but not while they were swindling people’s money or whoring themselves out. When He saw people doing business in His temple, He didn’t sit there and say, “Carry on; I’ll wait until you’re done.” No, he overturned the tables and kicked out the money changers and chased out all the animals.

      I suppose another option for Natalie Grant would have been to go up on stage and publicly denounce their sin and call them to repentance, but there’s nothing wrong or un-Christlike about what she did. She probably went there in the hopes of being a light in the darkness, but found such filth that she could no longer stand to be part of it by watching it.

      • Love to teach

        Amen! It’s easy for people to point fingers at Christian believers and say they are passing judgement on others. Jesus came to seek and save the lost- all who will accept His simple, yet unbelievable gift of salvation. When someone receives that gift, things change. Why is it NOT OK for all people to be able to express their own personal feelings/beliefs without calling them “anti- whatever.” Live your life as you wish, but ALL will one day bow before Jesus. His word is true. No one needs to argue what is or isn’t sin. It is clearly written- see for yourself and decide. Will you be convicted or will you reject Him?

      • Carsen Young

        A wiser one than me once noted in the story of Jesus in the temple that Jesus knocked over tables, not people.

        It was revolutionary for Jesus to say “go and sin no more” because he was claiming the power to forgive sin. Do you believe Natalie Grant has the power to remove people’s sin? If so, then you’re absolutely right. If not, then her responsibility is to follow Jesus’s example and show unconditional love to people.

        There’s nothing “wrong” with what she did (she’s a free person and can do as she pleases as long as it doesn’t trample other’s rights), but it most definitely was un-Christlike.

      • Vueiy

        I never mentioned Jesus knocking over people; I said “kicked out,” which is a phrase not typically used literally (and I wasn’t using it in the sense of literally kicking people out here). Here’s the actual verse from the bible: “And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables. And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables…” (John 2:14-15)

        I DON’T believe Natalie Grant has the power to REMOVE people’s sins, although she may FORGIVE them; two different things. Only GOD can wash us clean of our sins, as the bible states repeatedly. Also, last I checked, “showing unconditional love to people” does NOT involve participating in their sin. That’s what she would have been doing by continuing to sit there and watch all that rampant sin and neither saying or doing anything about it.

        In fact, she was rather gracious in her comments about their depravity by actually keeping most of what she thought to herself. She simply said that she was all the more glad to be a follower of Christ.

        What would have been un-Christlike would have been to simply sit back and watch them continue to revel in their sin.

      • Carsen Young

        Respecting other people is not “participating in their sin” (and it’s always “their” sin, because those are far more fun to worry about than OUR sins are). Storming out and making snide comments is not “unconditional love.”

      • Vueiy

        Okay, now you’re just twisting words. She showed no disrespect by quietly leaving without making a scene (as opposed to “storming out”), and her comments were anything but snide. In fact, here’s the quote:

        “We left the Grammy’s early. I’ve many thoughts about the show tonight, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.”

      • wesley smith

        I don’t see how her walking out was “un-Christlike.” Christ, to my knowledge, never sat around and approved of or condoned sinful behavior. Also, unconditional love doesn’t approve sinful behavion either. As a parent we hopefully have unconditional love for our children and are required to correct them at times. Christ repeatedly rebuked his disciples when they did things wrong and he loved them unconditionally.

        At best, her “un-Christlike” behavior was in NOT trying to stop it. Which, I’m sure, we will all agree that would not have been allowed by the Grammy’s. They left without making a scene and I’m sure they may, at a later date, explain further if they want to.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Oh but he did. He walked amongst prostitutes, liars, murderers and thieves. He accepted them all for exactly who they were and he forgave them for it. You clearly have no idea who Jesus was.

      • wesley smith

        I can walk downtown anywhere and be amongst all these people. That doesn’t mean I approve of their acts or that I don’t love them. You mistake any kind of action with people as approval. Jesus walked among them because he loved them and knew they needed something to turn towards and away from sin. Why would he walk among the virtuous, they clearly already knew the correct path?

      • mcfilmmakers

        Homsexual sex is only a sin because it occurred outside marriage (they couldn’t marry). Think on that a little will you?

      • Carsen Young

        100% wrong. Jesus walked among the sinners because that’s all there were.

        If you think that you are less a sinner as “these people,” you’re theology is simply not biblically-based.

      • wesley smith

        Sorry, show me where there were NO righteous men or women during the time of Christ. I can show where there were. All are sinners, myself especially. I believe that He walked among those that needed him the most and were most likely to listen.

      • Carsen Young

        No problem. Look up Romans 3:23.

      • wesley smith

        Mark 2:17
        On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

      • Carsen Young

        And since you need help identifying who the sinners are, I’ll redirect you to Romans 3:23.

      • wesley smith

        We appear to be going in circles. There is no question that all people are sinners, but they come in two basic categories. Sinners that have accepted Christ, repented and are actively trying to live in accordance with God’s will and those who don’t. The righteous are the more successful of the former, in my opinion. I don’t see myself there, but I try.

      • Carsen Young

        I find it interesting that you seem to think Natalie Grant is on equal footing to Jesus Christ

      • wesley smith

        Please don’t mistake my poor attempts at writing as trying to say anybody on earth is the same as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was only trying to say that as Christians we try to emulate what Jesus teaches, being Christ-like.

  • Lyndell Hetrick Holtz

    I hope her brave and wise actions start a revolution for MORAL DECENY! if only we had more entertainers— who believe just like she believes— take a stand-but too many are worried about losing popularity thus the money behind it. But obviously this woman trusts God for her future and the consequences that taking a stand for decency will bring!! I will now buy her music-even though I have never heard one song…

    • mcfilmmakers

      Yes, honor God by rejecting the creatures he creates. Amazing Christians you all are!

      • Vueiy

        No: honor God by rejecting their SIN.

      • mcfilmmakers

        By who’s definition? Jesus never said it was a sin.

      • Vueiy

        To which “it” are you referring? Jesus is God, the bible (in its entirety) is the Word of God, so that means that the entire bible, front to back, is also Jesus’ Word.

        Let’s examine the sins that apparently happened or were demonstrated during the Grammy’s. I’ll first off say that I didn’t watch it (and the more I read about it, the less I want to), but I did read a recap of it. It seems it was rife with immodest dress and sexual immorality (be it suggestive lyrics, vulgar dances, or hom*osexuality).

        1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor hom*osexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”

        So, yeah: GOD’S definition.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Jesus is NOT God, he is a FORM of God. They are not one and the same as Christians believe in the Father, the Son AND the Holy Spirit as three distinct forms of one thing, not three things of one form. There is a big difference.

        The Bible is the INTERPRETATION of the word of God. NO BIBLE TODAY exists in the same form or language as it was originally written. It is heresy to think it is.

        The passage you quote is relative to prostitution, not a committed relationship between hom*osexuals. It is irrelevant in the context of gay marriage.

        So no, not God’s word. FAR from it.

      • wesley smith

        No doubt that there are many translations of the Bible. If you don’t believe that it is the divine word of God in its entirety then it leaves it open to question what is true and what isn’t. That’s when people pick and choose what is right and wrong. I believe that we will all be judged one day and the only “intertpretation” that will matter is God’s. Since the original recorders of the Bible were there for the most part, I think I will believe them. Not someone that has decided they don’t like what it says.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Except you have NO IDEA what the original recorders of the Bible said because the Bible you read ISN’T AT ALL what they wrote. And because the only “interpretation” that matters is God’s it is therefore NOT YOUR PLACE to agree or disagree with hom*osexuality but to leave it be and quit complaining about it.

      • wesley smith

        You can nit pick the details all you want. The Bilble is consistent on several things: 1) hom*osexuality is a sin (just like the 10 Commandments, 7 deadly sins, etc), 2) We are all sinners, I’m a glutton and that is the least of my sins, 3) We have been commanded by Jesus to look at the plank in our own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone elses (I understand this to mean that we understand that we talk to others about their sin as we would want someone to talk to us about our sin (not judgemental but with concern for our relationship with God), and 4) We love all unconditionally, even our enemies, as commanded by Jesus. I fall down on this one all the time.

      • mcfilmmakers

        Here is my reply to each of your points. 1) It is NOT consistent at all. hom*osexuality is NOT a sin like the 10 commandments and the 7 deadly sins. It isn’t listed in either category. 2) I agree, we are all sinners and Jesus accepts us for it. 3) I agree. So quit worrying about the hom*osexual splinter and work on your gluttony. To say “hom*osexuality is wrong, unnatural, etc is EXACTLY being judgemental. 4) 90% of the comments here are not loving hom*osexuals unconditionally, are they?

      • wesley smith

        1) Leviticus 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. 2) 2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 3) Galatians 6:1 - Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 4) Matthew 23 -It is too long for here but addresses this. You are right on this and I think that it is one of the main ways that Christians damage their own ability to spread the word of Christ. Ghandi said that he might have been a Christian except for some of the Christians he knew.

      • mcfilmmakers

        I will raise a point: A gay man lies not with a man as he would a woman. He lies with a man as he would a man.

      • wesley smith

        You are reaching….The Bible is very clear about sexual relations between men. I do not condemn gay people, it isn’t my place. I believe that God instructs us to show everyone His word. It is clear in the Bible that not everyone will believe and God will provide the final judgement. I don’t know at what point a person will be condemned to Hell, I just want as many as possible to go to Heaven. Will a gay man that is otherwise righteous go to Heaven? I don’t know. All I have to go by is that we study the Bible to learn the purpose for our lives and we love our neighbors as ourselves. It is my opinion that anybody that says a person is going to Hell for any sin is trying to assume what God is going to do. I don’t want to do that, but there is a difference between that and using God’s divine word to educate about how He wants us to live our lives.

      • mcfilmmakers

        On that point, I agree with you. My beef is with those who condemn gay people by stating they are “wrong” and “unnatural”. Such statements are condemnations by definition. The crux here as that Natalie did not do this. She walked out on the whole thing, very unchristian. The Christian thing to do would be to stay, and support these people, forgive them, and accept them as a peer just like Jesus did with murderers and prostitutes every single day.

      • wesley smith

        Do you remember the one about casting the first stone? Two things, no, 3 things were taught by Jesus. 1) Be careful about judging without compassion, you may be next (let he that is without sin cast the first stone), 2) The woman admitted to sin, adultry, 3) Jesus told her to go and sin no more. The men were correct to admonish the woman for her sin but Jesus reminded them that we all sin. We should talk to people about what is expected of us by God and that should also include the consequences. I do not think you would want to go to a fundamental Christian revival and find it focused on the evils of hom*osexuality. You shouldn’t be made to stay where something so contrary to your beliefs is going on and be expected to support it. I wouldn’t want go, but I believe there is a better way to get the Word out. It is late hear and I have to go. I will be on tomorrow and will look for you then. It has been a pleasure talking to you. May God’s blessings be with you.

      • mcfilmmakers

        You know, you’re right. She shouldn’t have stayed but the truth is, she shouldn’t have been there to begin with. She KNEW what she was getting into. Does that mean she can’t change her mind? No, but it makes her a hypocrite.

        As stated, Jesus would not have stayed in a brothel and watched the activities occur. he would have gone there and said something without judging them, forgiving them, and accept (love) them regardless of their accepting or rejecting him.

        This woman, KNOWING where she was going should have done the same on the podium in an acceptance speech. She did not. This is my point. She turned her back on her faith, her peers, and “sinners” and let it happen without saying anything. Most unchristian. This makes her an accessory to the acts she disagrees with which makes her just as guilty and a hypocrite.

      • wesley smith

        OK, last one tonight. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (33) Jesus would have judged because He is THE Judge, that is why He can FORGIVE sin. We forgive others because we try to be Christ-like. What would have been said if she had refused to go in the first place based on what may happen? She was in a difficult position. Let’s not cast stones. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (34)

      • Meagan Gamblin

        Christians don’t have to subject themselves to that kind of behavior. And to call them unchristian for doing such a simple act is judgemental by your seeming definition. Who are you to say what they should and shouldn’t do, especially without any scripture to back up your judgements? Matthew 10:14 says And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Also….Romans 1:26-27 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. It is wrong for people with hom*osexual desires to act on those desires. Just as it is wrong for me to act on any sexual desires for any man that is not my husband. I know that that is is wrong and sinful because the bible says so and because I feel it in my soul. There are some things we don’t have to wait until heaven to find out about. This is one of them. God is very clear. Also you should remember Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. …… Workout your salvation with fear and trembling. ( Phillipians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,) You speak these things like christians are your enemy. But we are not. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms….. Christians are not your enemies. We are trying to redeem the time and be messengers for Gods purpose that not one should be perish but that all should be saved. It is with love that we correct. For all scripture is useful for correction and reproof. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

      • mcfilmmakers

        FYI I am Christian. Don’t quote the Bible to me. You are doing the very thing you are arguing against. I pray you to see the light and cease professing your interpretations and impose your judgments to others and ask God to show you only He may judge, only He may forgive, and that you learn to accept and forgive as God has done onto others many times over. You do not have the right to forbid and judge against gay marriage, only God has the right to invalidate it. You saying the gay marriage is wrong is exactly saying that this good (LOVE) is evil. Cease the fundamentalism and learn to think for yourself.

      • Meagan Gamblin

        If you say you are a christian, ok brother. Why can I not quote the bible to you? it was done in love? If you believe me to be wrong, quote me scripture and show me with love and patience that i am incorrect. It is not my right to forbid anything, God has already forbid it. And His word says this in John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you… I don’t do the forbidding, God already did. I just spread the news. If the world hates me for that, let it. It hated Him first. So be it. I am blessed to be persecuted for His names sake. But I will not dismiss His word becauase it may or may not have changed over the years. I must have faith to believe that He has preserved it. But that aside, I have been given his Holy Spirit that teaches me what is right and wrong and lets me feel in my soul and recognize the truth, that is God’s voice, when I hear it. Revelation 22:18-19 states: I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; 19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.…

      • Vueiy


      • meagan gamblin

        also you might like this Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (35) I like her reasoning. this is awesome.

      • wesley smith

        Can I ask you what your credentials are as a Bible scholar?

      • Rojo

        you are kidding right?

      • mcfilmmakers

        What? You think the Bible you read is in it’s original, unaltered Aramaic form? The Bible today is a modified translation of a latin translation from a greek translation of the original Aramaic. FAR from the original word of God.

        Or do you refer to my pointing out that every reference to hom*osexuality in the Bible relates to prostitution? Because that’s true.

        Or is it about my first point that three forms of one thing and three things of one form is not the same? because it isn’t the same.

      • Vueiy

        John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:14-18 continues, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.”

        God is one God, but three persons. Whether you choose to see God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as “three distinct forms of one thing” or “three things of one form,” They are of the same mind, heart, and nature. Would They therefore disagree? A house divided cannot stand.

        If you’ve chosen not to believe God’s word, that’s up to you, but it’s basically all or nothing. Either you believe or you don’t; we don’t get to pick and choose. God says of the lukewarm that He will spit them out of His mouth.

      • acemoney

        Only the King James version uses the term “hom*osexuality” …in the older bibles it says nothing about hom*osexuality (in the verse you chose to use )….the term wasnt coined until the 1900s….

      • Vueiy

        I used NASB, and those two are not the only versions that use that term. That’s not the only passage that refers to it. Whether you use the term hom*osexuality or not, though, the bible repeatedly condemns men having sex with other men, and women having sex with other women.

        Romans 1:26-27 says, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and *burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts* and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.”

        In short, hom*osexuality. Stop trying to find loopholes to justify sin.

  • tracy wheeler

    “I’m gonna pop some tags, only got $20 in my pocket. I’m I’m a huntin’, lookin’ for a come up, this is f’n awesome.” - Thrift Shop, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
    That is a f’n awesome hook in a f’n awesome song…!!!
    Loving everyone & forgiving their sins as Jesus did, is f’n awesome too…!!!
    Putting everyone’s weird freaky deaky on public display is called entertainment.
    It’s not always pretty and if you’re not entertained, don’t watch it.

    • chromosoulmatic

      RIGHT ON!

    • lynn

      Jesus did not forgive sins carte blanche…Forgiveness is available to all, but not all will receive it. I am always amazed at how many people talk about love and forgiveness…. but never understand the true meaning of either. They just pick and choose bible verses… a little bit here, a little bit there, but misuse the true meaning… Don’t try to manipulate the word of God to justify wrong doing.

      • moxie1956

        Well said!

      • Nick

        Then how do you feel about bible verses that condone slavery?

  • bobzilla

    I’m sorry, well not so sorry, but rap music has opened up too much negativity within itself. Is there a rap song without mostly negativeness and evil. And today’s rock(so called rock) is just as bad. then you have the Grammy show this year that hits on something that has nothing to do with music at all. That sort of gender thing should be kept to ones self and not make it a public thing. I don’t go around saying, “yeah, I a heterosexual!””better accept it, man!”. That’s ridiculous. Keep it to yourself. I don’t want to hear about it. I don’t want to hear people telling me that I can’t say “Praise The Lord!” without someone getting offended. Then don’t let the world see your messed up weddings, because IT repulses me and upsets ME.

    • Vueiy

      As for rap music that ISN’T negative, I would say there’s Christian artist Lecrae. I stopped listening to secular rap music (and all but the occasional other secular music) around high school, but I recently came across his music, and the man speaks God’s truth unapologetically. Rap’s not my favorite genre, but I enjoy both the music and especially the lyrics of his songs.

  • Mikerrr

    One wonders if she and her husband don’t like that sort of thing why they showed up in the first place. . .

    • Margie

      Perhaps they don’t watch a lot of mainstream TV like I don’t and were blindsided, or should I say shocked, at what they seen and did what I would have done. Left.

  • Lorna Bishop

    Hey Renee, like I said earlier, to get respect you have to earn it and our Racist, Muslim President has not earned

    RESPECT. He is a DICTATOR and he acts like a child throwing a tantrum when he does not get his way. He is a sad example to be holding office as president.

    • Obama

      let me guess… have a 4th grade education…

      • raven

        You’re giving her too much credit.

      • Lorna Bishop

        I believe it is you with the fourth grade education. You are apparently one of O bummer’s Kool-Aid drinking followers.

      • Jim Willcox

        Please- Like most people with no common sense, you have been brainwashed by our education system. The vast majority of colleges and universities are way lberal- they spew the retoric that only uneducated people are racist. American society is so afraid to voice their opionion as they will be labeled, that they close their eyes to reality and facts. Pretty pathetic that people these days believe the twisted bullsh*t that Hollywood is pumping out, and believe reality is false. Wake the hell up and smell the coffee.

    • mcfilmmakers

      Says the racist. You disgust me, ma’am.

  • tracy wheeler

    My Oh My. I had tears in my eyes when I first saw this.
    We had tickets to the playoffs and everyone went to the games. Maybe Macklemore and Ryan Lewis will buy the Mariners and we can do it again.

  • Ron Kramer

    I stopped watching awards shows years ago.

  • chromosoulmatic

    Yawn; welcome to the bible circuit, Natalie. I watch entertainment to see the things my wife and I can’t do anymore. Shake that thing folks…it’s a long life.

  • SPlunk25

    I thought she walked out during Katy Perry’s performance, so it actually had nothing to do Macklemore’s performance at all. I go to church with her, so I’ll have to ask her if I see her, but while our church doesn’t get involved in politics or the marriage debate I can say it welcomes gay people pretty openly, so I don’t see Natalie really being vehemently anti-gay at all.

    • Norbit Peters

      Because one may be in support of traditional marriage does not make one anti-gay.

      • NIck

        If you are against equal rights for gay people, including marriage equality, then you are anti-gay.

  • Tawnie

    Amen! They just keep pushing the envelope…pushing the envelope…pushing the envelope!!! Enough already. There are lyrics in these songs that are so offensive, I wouldn’t even repeat them. And I don’t want to see someone’s crotch in my face, or butt falling out of their shorts, or dress taped to their breasts so they don’t pop out. Come on….can we lose anymore class in our society? And for crying out loud….Miley, stop sticking out your tongue. You look ridiculous!

    • Tony Carl Worden

      Amen! You are SO right! I can’t stand to think of how all of this started… Just because someone wanted to try something new, and other people liked it. I am sure that the person who first did anything like make a dirty song would be horrified to see what that has become today. I am terrified of what will happen next, Miley has already created a terrible example, and it is just going to get worse over the time.

  • ractivist

    You speak this way of a Christian G nominee…… ouch, not very wise.

    • mcfilmmakers

      Why would it be different if she wasn’t Christian?

  • angelicvh

    You are calling a married woman a whor*? The Grammy’s are to honor artists, who raised you? I think you already said…..

  • topcat

    either give them full rights or send them to the gas chambers.
    enough of this middle ground second class citizen stuff.

    • Don Oberloh

      how are they 2nd class ?

      • StraightNotNarrow

        You really don’t know? Um, they can’t get legally married and get the tax breaks, the insurance coverage, the emergency care access, adoption, shared custody, — pretty big deals in most people’s lives.
        Then of course, regardless of their work ethic or talent, they are blocked from jobs and housing, common courtesy on the street…

  • Red Burgh

    On one hand, bravo for taking a stand. On the other hand, what did she expect - has she been living under a rock the last 30 years? The Grammy’s haven’t been family friendly in a long time.

  • Chris Nielson

    This is website that is obviously dedicated to conservatives. Why do so many Liberal idiots visit this page and cry about the comments they disagree with? Why don’t they simply not visit this page?

    • Don Oberloh

      I have an extra closet!

    • Liya

      As a social liberal let me answer you question, and if you reply, please, be respectful:
      It’s a power tool, Chris. The more noise we create -at every outlet possible -the faster we get what we want. I engaged here yesterday in what can loosely be called a debate, that was utterly unproductive, but gave me a great quote. Some Conservative idiot told me that gays should stay away from certain bakeries,(I guess just like “good Christians” in the 60s wanted blacks to use their own lunch counters and stay in the back of the bus.)
      Oh, yeah, I reposted it, with the link..;) Why do you think we are winning so fast ? We expose the hate and evil of conservative social message to the world.

      • dixie williams

        liya this was a typical liberal comment. they weren’t “good Christians” if they treated blacks this way and they will have to answer to God. I’m sure many of those “Good Christians” were democrats.

      • Liya

        That is precisely why I put it in quotes. I don’t think they were good Christians! Again, your side is not willing to dialog. Oh, well.

      • Keith

        There is no group more bigoted in the US today that the Gay Gestapo.
        Narrow minded, bigoted, intolerant.

      • Liya

        oh, great hateful comment, thanks! Keep up the good job 😉 you are HELPING our side.

      • rwaldo

        I am sorry you were expopsed to that creep, but believe me most of what you will read on any website ,left or right, will be from the extremes.
        Most of us conservative leaning folk are absolutely digusted with most awards shows but we are not hateful. What I saw mostly made me sad that our country and our entertainment industry has sunk so low. I realize how most progressives feel but cannot understand the venom with which most use to have their voices heard. Are they winning because they are the loudest? Maybe, just like a teacher in a room full of toddlers who will do just about anything to quiet the loudest child in the room. But are you winning where it really counts? The hearts and minds. I would say no. You are winning the youth now because they are easily manipulated and have yet to have life experiences and families of their own. The world for them will change immensely then and so will their values. Those who truly win work to get hearts to change and then minds. To do that, a movement has to respect and understand the values of the opposition, not degrade them. Especially when it comes from 1000’s of years of religious doctrine. To think that being a bully will do that is naive and nonsensical. Just because there will be 1000’s of legally “married ” gay couples in the near future does not mean the majority will agree with it. They will say so only because it is politically correct. The better approach would have been to go for only civil unions. Marriage by definition, is a religious sacrament. To step on one’s religious beliefs will be to cause deep seated resentment that will be hard to overcome. I personally don’t agree with that either, but it would have been much easier to swallow. Hopefully, you will pass this onto your liberal friends as well.

      • Liya

        Pass onto ..what exactly? People were saying that blacks marrying whites is Biblical abomination, now the same about gays… Hate won’t win, eventually people see thru it… I am a proud, God and Jesus loving Christian and strive to do what is right.

        Oh, and buddy, marriage is not only a religious sacrament. Its a social constraint, atheists, agnostics get married, too 😉

      • Lynnie Deal

        Blacks sitting in the back is totally wrong ! Man sleeping with man is wrong wrong! The bible makes it very clear. Choose your battles.


      • Liya

        and almost all Bible Belt and other bigots believe(d) the first to be totally right! Saying Bible makes it clear! Now we shut them up on the first, hope soon the same on the second!

      • drifter

        Your so called ideas of liberal societies are nothing new. However be advised previous cultures that were obsessed with sexuality, violence and self righteousness were all destroyed. Romans were among some of the most vile actors of sexuality and violence. What happened to their civilization? It was destroyed. The Egyptians were also obsessed with sexuality and violence. What happened to their civilization? It was destroyed. The Babylonians, Philistines, Hittites, and Sumerians were obsessed with open sexuality and violence. They were all destroyed. Does anyone here see a pattern?

      • Liya

        Great! Then radical conservatives - look at Bible Belt pastors, politicians, etc. all they talk about is hom*o sex and trying to get, pardon me, into women’ reproductive organs - will be destroyed soon? I hope so!

      • Chris Nielson

        Personally, I think you simply have nothing better to do. I also think your a bunch of hypocrites. You say your all about equality, but it seems as if that only applies if the person agrees with you. You people also throw false accusations left and right. For example; If someone says they don’t think two people of the same gender should copulate, they get called hateful. You people don’t even consider the possibility, that the person may simply not approve of what gays do. As far as the 60’s go, The laws back in the 60’s had nothing to do with religion. It was also democrats who implemented them as well as slavery in the 1800’s. You need to read your history books, Lincoln was a republican! By the way, you people may very well be winning the world, but your losing your souls. This was prophesized in 2nd Timothy 4:3(NIV) For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

      • Liya

        stay on topic. This is not about repubs or dems or religion( there are people in all three groups, including many churches and pastors that are pro- gay rights).
        Its about hate that the social conservatives promote. Yes, its hateful to say a biracial(or gay)couple shouldn’t be married. Only hatefilled bigots do it.

    • rwaldo

      Because they have every right to voice their opinion as we do to voice ours. Let’s not be like the progressives who would rather shut out every one not of their ilk.

      • Liya

        excellent point, thanks

      • Chris Nielson

        I agree, they do have that right. However, they also have the right to walk down the middle of the street during rush hour traffic. Is it logical to do so, just because you have the right?

  • dixie williams

    My husband and I didn’t watch the grammie’s , don’t watch American Idol , hate the new style of music. no talent whatsoever . don’t watch movies that have the elites Hollywood liberal activists in them. All this classless talent is the reason for the moral decay in our youth. My hat is off to her for walking out to bad more of them don’t do the same.

    • Doug

      Amen Amen

  • Byron Shutt

    It is all in the plan to undermine American values by the new communist party….the Progressives or Democrats. Eroding the family….the work ethic….common decency…..poof American exceptionalism gone.

    • Dinorah Martinez-Diaz

      So true!!!!

    • StraightNotNarrow

      This crazy progressive Democrat does not watch the show and never lets her children watch those types of shows — actually very little on t.v. because it is not healthy stuff. Neither do my other liberal friends.
      But hey. Keep on with your ignorant prejudices, demonstrating your “Christian” values of hate and fear.

      • rwaldo

        Do I fear where this country is headed? Absolutely. Do I hate those ruining it? No, I feel very sorry for them. As Jesus said, ” forgive them, for they know not what they do”. And to say that the right are the only ones with any predjudices is the biggest lie of them all.

      • jeannyR

        StraightNotNarrow, You watch what your kids watch on tv, but being progressive you allow what they are teaching in school today? You don’t know that they are pushing sex in public schools, and want now to start in kindergarten???? They want to brainwash your children and when you support them you are doing worse than letting them watch tv.

      • Byron Shutt

        Talk about ignorant prejudices, You go right after ‘Christian’ values that you have no idea, or indication that I am ,or believe in. And good luck with that Prog/Dem/Lib thing……really working out well for your children’s future……chains of a centralized government start with the ignorant sheeple following proven disastrous policies..

  • GaylePutt

    Love it..especially the last line!

  • DL

    Seriously… this woman knew what to expect when she accepted her invitation to the Grammys. This is just posturing and a need for a good dose of “LOOK AT ME, I WAS OFFENDED, IMMA WALK OUT SO SHOW ME ATTENTION!” Just someone looking for publicity in any way, that’s all this is.

    • EastCoastMike

      Shhhh…the followers of this website think it was genuine. Don’t spoil it for them.

    • moxie1956

      No, it’s just a matter of the boundaries being pushed way beyond what she & her husband could/should tolerate. Some things just need to remain private in the bedroom, no matter how proud you might be of your bodies or being a sexy power couple for all the wrong reasons.

    • Don Oberloh

      Maybe she thought it would be decent for once, but it was over the top disgusting, and political….sickening

    • rwaldo

      So, in being nominated she shouldn’t come to the show in hopes that maybe some have come to their senses and produced something decent? Doesn’t God give people second chances, third chances and so on? She had every right to be there. She is a great entertainer, whose voice is just beautiful by the way. Once she saw how things were going, she also had every right to leave.

    • Vueiy

      Did she really, though? Do you know that? In general, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I myself can’t remember the last time I watched the Grammy’s (or if I ever have at all), and although I would naturally assume the show would be secular in nature, I wouldn’t have expected the debauchery I heard described for this year. She probably didn’t, either.

    • Debra

      I guess you’ve never gotten up and walked out of a movie because it sucked, right? And anyone who does walk out of a play, or a movie or any sort of “production” is just looking for attention. Oh, please.

      Believe it or not, some of us not only didn’t watch the Grammies but have never done so. And from what I’ve read the Grammies get more raunchy every year. Perhaps she really didn’t know just how raunchy the show would be before she got there. And just maybe she went because she had been nominated and accepted the invitation for that reason alone but just couldn’t tolerate the level of debauchery that was assaulting her senses.

      I’m really tired of people deciding why other people do things they don’t have a clue what’s going on in their head or in their life. They know NOTHING about them but still want to grace the world with the completely ignorant opinion. What a petty thing to do.

      She’s pretty, that’s not her fault. She’s a Christian. So, what. I wouldn’t go to the Grammies if they offered to fly me out there and pay for my dress, my hotel bill and my expenses. I don’t know why she went. And I really don’t know why she walked out.

      And here’s a new flash bub. Neither DO YOU. But you’re going to grace us with your opinion about her, anyway.

      Have you stopped beating your wife?

  • kran

    The one thing folks forget in cases like when he forgave the woman caught in adultery… He did not condemn her but he did say go and sin no more. That does not give us a free reign to continue in our sin.

  • Gary Moeller

    I am a product of the sixties, but I find today’s so-called entertainment to be somewhat profane and vulgar in many cases. I watched the Grammies on TV (actually i DVRd it so I didn’t have to watch a bunch of crap) and was surprised at how people dressed, how they acted, and how they spoke. I saw a lot of what I didn’t like. Same goes recently for Leno and Fallon. I think the TV censors took the year off. Much of what is on the tube is tasteless!

  • Ronald Reiman

    hom*osexuals treating hom*osexuality as some thing normal, a bit like kissing a viper.

  • Guest

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. ….. The word of God canty and wont be changed no matter how many people try to change it …. hom*oSEXUALITY is a Sin … do you get it

  • Guest

    WTG Amy …. the bible says to partake in No mans sin ….1 Timothy 5:22
    Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure. so you did the right thing Amy wtg Sister

  • John Boyd

    WTG Amy …. the bible says to partake in No mans sin ….1 Timothy 5:22
    Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure. so you did the right thing Natalie wtg Sister

  • John Boyd

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. ….. The word of God cant and wont be changed no matter how many people try to change it …. hom*oSEXUALITY is a Sin … and no ones belief or lifestyle will change it all because others say its right or ok to do it doesnt make it right

    • Jake

      First of all, your grammar is a sin. Second of all, you are just as hypocritical as the preachers who spew that crap. It’s a sin look at women with lust. Men are above women. Same-sex relation is a sin, getting a divorce is a sin, and according to your stupid handbook, judging others is a sin. Last time I checked, you are not god (who isn’t actually real) therefor, YOU have no right whether by divine means or you own to judge other’s lifestyle choices. Next time, read the damn thing before you go preachin’ what’s in it.

      • Dave

        Jake. Your criticism of someones grammar is the pot calling the kettle black.

      • Jeff Watson

        There is a difference between quoting a book and judging. John expressed an opinion and quoted a book, you judged him for it. See the difference? Your right that all that stuff is a sin. Read the new testament though! I pray that you do and may God bless you.

      • Midmind

        No difference. Expressing “an opinion” or “judgment” is exactly the same thing. The question is does the opinion/judgment came from a kind, open heart and from trying to put someone else down.

      • Midmind

        And good grief, I need to proof my typing, too, before I submit. :/

      • rwaldo

        seems to me that putting one down has come much more frequently from those who agreed with the performances of the Grammys. As a teacher, I always look at things through the eyes of a child and the Grammys anymore are confusing , and a debauched, and self serving show. The only real “love” shown is for those who have no concern about how their behavior affects a child. I can guarantee you that power couple JayZ and Beyonce wouldn’t have let their precious child watch that show without some seriuos editing. However, I can say for certain that many of my 5 and 6 year olds were watching because I heard all about it. If this is the way this program will continue, then it needs to run live from 11pm on. Hopefully, many of the younger ones will be in bed, but of course that is wishful thinking.

      • Marilyn

        The Bible is not an opinion it is fact!! When people give scripture from the Bible it is not judging just trying to wake people up the Bible is fact not fiction!!

      • Marilyn

        The only time Divorce is not a sin is when your spouse commits Adultery, then the marriage is dead, then the one that did not commit the Adultery can remarry and it not be a sin, Jake there is a God look at creation, just because you haven’t seen him doesn’t mean you can’t feel him, I don’t know if you have ever seen a million dollars but if you haven’t you know there is such, so don’t bash the Bible because God will bring you to your knees you just don’t know when, God Bless You!!

      • pastortah

        wow, Jake, you obviously must be gay. Only a gay person would question there actually being a God and then compare grammar to that of an abomination. You’re looking for justification for what you know is wrong in your own heart. then to refer to the bible as a stupid handbook perhaps you need to read the scriptures from start to finish. BTW God is always capitalized. Know this everyone sins that is why Jesus died at the cross, everyone will have a judgment day but not all will be going to heaven. I will pray for you in the hopes that you will repent because your final resting place does not have a good outlook thus far.

      • Treva Holmlund

        lol If I were Jake I would be looking for the demons in the night

      • Abrogation

        A completely faulty illogical assumption or observation I’m not sure which. There are many straight English grammar experts that consider almost all American grammar to be an abomination. Most of the American grammatical sloppiness is created not by god, but by laziness and a government that considers education and adherence to reasonable quality standards less important than building bigger and better bombs.

      • logic

        Unrighteous judgement is sin. We are in fact commanded to judge righteously, by Jesus himself. Too many sound bite scholars around.

        I would agree that looking at women with lust is a sin.

        Men are not above women, not sure where you got that from? Did you know Israel had women leaders?

        Yes divorce in a perfect world would not exist, if no one sinned there would never be divorce. What’s your point?

        Jake it seems like you’re the one who hasn’t read what’s in it. In your view you can’t call anything sin, there is no good, there is no absolute right and wrong, and therefore judging is neither right nor wrong. You are inconsistently appealing to some kind of moral standard that you apply to Christians that in your view doesn’t exist.

        You don’t believe God exists, and you don’t believe the bible, fine. But then there is no right and wrong, there isn’t even evil. Injustice will not be punished, things will not be set right. The world is just they way it is because of evolution. Thieves, murderers, liars, will not get what they deserve. If you can get away with any of these things without out getting caught by the law you’re free and clear, no need to feel guilty about anything you feel like doing, and certainly no need to worry about crazy Christians telling you something is wrong Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (36)

      • Betty Dulasky

        I think Jake is a deeply tortured soul! I will not respond to him…..but I pray that he will turn to the Creator and repent of his sins, before his judgement day!

      • Abrogation

        Its a verbatim quotation from the King James Version of the Bible so you cannot and must not ding him for that. But he deserves a good slap on the back of his hand for the lack of apostrophes and quotation marks. and the excessive usage of the ellipsis. Funny really he looks way to old to be a product of the common core.

    • Jim

      “the word of god cant and wont be changed”? HAHA it was ALREADY changed countless times and translated into the small piece of what it originally was. Use some logic

  • Jermain Johnson

    Sex sells, without it (scant dressing) they won’t be noticed. Al women from cons to liberals to teabags all do it. Watch women politicians.

    • Vicki

      Wow u have a problem w/ Woman!! I feel sorry for you!

      • Jermain Johnson

        No I don’t, just have serious problem with hypocrites. You don’t go out in the public ‘half dressed’ and expect people to look the other way. May be there is really nothing wrong with mid east women dressing from head to toe.

      • Vicki

        Hey Jerk…I dont dress head to toe..nor do my kids. Im NO hypocrite. But I Love Tasteful clothing..Also, Im a Biker w/ my Harley Boots. To each their own.

      • Jermain Johnson

        Only a teabag con goes on a defensive move calling one a ‘jerk’. To each your own.

    • Abrogation

      OK so whats Hilary gonna use 😉 or is she condemned to fail. (Please say yes)

      • Jermain Johnson

        Hillary is an exception as is with most intelligent women.

      • Jermain Johnson


  • dixie williams

    “The smiles of heaven cannot remain on a Nation that disregards the ways of God. If
    America turns away from God , its blessings will likewise be removed and replaced with Judgment.

  • StraightNotNarrow

    Got hypocrisy much, Allen? Sadly, you earn all that money from advertisem*nts with gobs of horrific violence and sexual innuendo on your site. Not cool. But satisfying to be oh so holier than thou.

    • MacTrish

      Wow, Allen didn’t write this article. And what money do you think Allen earns from these ads? He is not being holier than thou, troll. You are being an intolerant liberal/progressive. The word liberal has been murdered by you progressives. In the words of Inigo Montoya, “I don’t think the word means what you think it means”..

  • zeuxis

    never mind what she left for, look at her beautiful photo up top(and no doubt, any publicity shots)-it screams, ‘wouldn’t you like to lay with me?’ (i certainly would!)…all painted up like the whor* of babylon, she knows how to make sex work for her. i don’t judge her for her hypocrisy and intolerance…

    …i do however, judge ignorant, intolerant christain wing-nuts who are an embarrassment to our society, and who give the book of fables which they somehow hold in high esteem and ‘libertarianism’ a bad name

    • Vueiy

      So now simply being beautiful and attractive is wrong? She’s not revealing her body or singing or dancing suggestively. The fact that you lust after her simply from looking at a picture of her face is a matter of YOUR sin, not hers.

      • zeuxis

        nope, i didn’t say it’s either wrong or right. in fact, i rather like to see attractive people, as does most everybody…hence she tries to look as attractive as possible, in order to sell as many records as possible. just a question of degree. BTW, i don’t know what ‘sin’ you are talking about-if not for the lust whoever/whatever(and it’s ‘whatever’) made us with, our species would die out.

      • Vueiy

        Being attracted to someone, falling in love, getting married, and desiring that person sexually is not a sin. Lusting after a person in your heart (desiring to have sexual relations with someone you’re not married to) IS a sin. That would be the difference.

      • zeuxis

        there is no difference, just your rationalization of an emotion that you feel guilty over, due to society’s and religion’s norms. free your mind.

      • Vueiy

        There IS a difference, whether or not you choose to acknowledge it, and I feel no guilt over such a thing because I do not practice it. I’m afraid that your mind may be so “free” that it’s left reason and morality behind. Good day.

      • zeuxis

        ‘morality’…one of the last refuges of a scoundrel…

      • logic

        And yet you’re appealing to some of form morality aren’t you. You’ve taken to discussion boards to accuse people of being “intolerant, ignorant, christians” which you have obviously judged to be wrong by some moral standard no? So you accept that there is a right and wrong, and apparently it’s defined by your “objective interpretation of the world”. You’ll excuse me if I don’t bow to your authority and take your interpretation as some kind of truth statement about the reality of this world. You make absolute truth claims about right and wrong with nothing to stand on. In atheistic, materialistic thinking, there is no right or wrong and to judge anyone for anything makes absolutely no sense, especially what they believe to be true because there is no higher authority than one self and the configuration of ones brain and thoughts are purely materialistic and out of our control.

        You think yourself so wise… and it is truly sad for us to think this, in the face of the almighty God, who has revealed himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Don’t be a proud fool, friend. Discover Jesus Christ by thoroughly examining his written word for yourself.

        I am certainly a wretched sinner, but by the grace of God have been forgiven and redeemed. A gift I do not deserve.

      • zeuxis

        i see you’ve been browbeaten by religion way past the point of low self esteem-to delusion. don’t worry about not deserving your ‘gift’; it is an empty promise, has no basis in fact. to believe does not make it so…

        were you a drinker? criminal? did you take advantage of people in some other way? the behavior may have changed, but the angry temperament is still there…

      • Kelsie

        Zeuxis, you obviously believe there is a God because of all the research you have to back up why there can’t be. No one can tell or convince you to believe there is a god, THE One and Only God. You will come to a point in life where He is the only explanation.

      • zeuxis

        …huh?!? you seem to be saying that because there is no good, full explanation for creation, the oldest, cheesiest will do-it wuz gawd!

        …oh, and BTW, he looks just like us, so we’re his SPECIAL creation! outdoing the NSA, he has a direct line to our millions of thoughts and prayers-someone does care!

      • Mary

        Shut up

      • zeuxis

        no, i will not

      • Evan

        Zeuxis, we Christian’s are not a bad thing, sure we try to recruit those still sitting on the religious fence-post, and some choose to say their beliefs loudly, but as a whole Christianity is not a widespread problem. nor is it a widespread solution to any large group of people, as it is the individual who chooses to believe in his own way the teachings the Bible provides.

      • zeuxis

        i don’t really have a problem with the ‘christain way’, meaning generally, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’-but that is just common sense, and you certainly don’t have to have a gawd spell it out for you. what i object to is all the lies and hypocrisy that the ‘buybull’ spews forth, gumming up and retarding a more realistic view of the world that we would have without it.

      • Robert Eatsh*tanddie

        My mind has been freed. Thank you for all your help. So now, I imagine you shall be heading on a “free your mind” tour through the likes of Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Palestine, Jordan, ad nauseum, ad infinitum, right on through to Indonesia and so forth until finally ending up in (what’s left of) Detroit to go church-to-church, and of couuurse, mosque-to-mosque now (yeahhh buddy), convincing them the Qur’ap is… how did you put it, “Just your rationalization of an emotion that you feel guilty over,” yes? Great! When are you off? I’d like to follow your story, not because I care, but because I want to place bets on how far/how long you’ll make it. Right now I’ve got $300 on 8 minutes. Want a piece of this action? I have to have the wire transfer BEFORE your trip. G’luck!

      • zeuxis

        once again, your obsessions are on display, projected on to me, in order to give you an excuse for a confused rant on tired subjects gleaned from the media. you are putty in the media’s hands

      • Abrogation

        Goodness me, what has he been taking zeuxis. Has he been imbibing the holy wine. Clearly a subconscuious personal agenda breaking through into keyboard reality.

      • Robert Eatsh*tanddie

        Would it? I agree. That must mean you are completely against hom*osexuality and any attempt to promote such seeing as how that too, round peg - square hole concept and all, would be counterintuitive to anything that might ootherwise be logical for the continued survival of a a species, religion aside, right!???

        Liberals are so easy to stab. All you need is reason and logic.

      • Robert Eatsh*tanddie

        Sorry about the doubling up on letters “o” and “a”. Not of my doing. Darn keyboard!

      • zeuxis

        …ooooh, gosh darnit!

        this sub-thread is to show my ‘folksy’, as opposed to angry, side!

        i’m such a lovable curmudgeon!

      • zeuxis

        are you a latent hom*osexual? ‘cuz why else declare so publicly against it?

        gawd-damned, your ‘reasoning’ is confused…makes no sense whatsoever-but your obsessions are all too clear

    • Elissa

      You’re disgusting.

      • zeuxis

        why-because i interpret the world with some modicum of objectivity?

        …and you interpret the world with a religious/’old-timey family values’ bent which have no real basis in reality?

        you don’t think it was a calculated decision for her to look as attractive as possible to try and sell as many records as possible?

      • Robert Eatsh*tanddie

        Well if that’s how you feel you must absolutely ABHOR Muslims, right? Yeah. Thought so.

      • zeuxis

        apparently prostituting her looks to sell albums is connected in some way to islam, but i don’t get it

      • Abrogation

        It isnt zeuxis and I have no Idea where it came from. Possibly a case of “He doth protest too much, methinks”.

    • Debra

      So, a woman who uses a little makeup to enhance her looks is “painted up like the whor* of babyon”?

      Getting up and walking out of a production that you find vulgar and/or distasteful is being and “intolerant”? I suppose if someone got up and did something in front of you that you found to be abhorrent you would just sit/stand there and watch it, right?

      How is attending a production you were invited to then leaving when it got to a point where you were just disgusted with it that you left is wrong somehow? That’s hypocritical? The sheer fact that she tries to look pretty somehow makes her hypocritical? I try to look pretty most of the time. But I’m not trying to sell anything. I just want to put on my best appearance. You think she should have gone to the Grammies where she might actually be put on television wearing what, yoga pants and uggs and wearing no makeup at all? No doubt you would have criticized her then for attending the Grammies looking like a bag lady.

      The way you talk about this woman makes me think you are a gay man or a butch woman. That she cares about her appearance is somehow being hypocritical in your mind. And that she left the performance when it got to the point where she just couldn’t deal with it makes her an intolerant person in your mind. So, you think no matter how disgusted she felt even to the point of feeling like she needed a shower, she should have just sat there and watched?

      Her publicity shots are not “sexy”. She doesn’t wear revealing clothing or act suggestively in her performances. She behaves very much in keeping with her faith (which I do not share). But you want to denigrate her then go off and make a statement which must be attributable to her since that’s who you’re posting about. Only that’s not the kind of person she is. She doesn’t do those things. If you are a libertarian, which I seriously doubt, then it’s you who is giving libertarianism a bad name. Not her.

      • zeuxis

        didn’t mean you provoke you to blather on like that…sorry if i insulted your girlfriend natalie G…you too should have stayed so queen latifa could marry you

    • Abrogation

      Ouch! but an interesting take on it. Maybe we could agree on ‘a bit tarty’ rather than “whor* of Babylon”. And dont forget that satanic Airbrushing isnt all her fault.

  • sunny

    Wow, for a site that says it doesn’t tolerate “discourteous behavior”, there sure is a lot of it going on!

  • JohnDavidHanna

    I understand but every guest knows what is going to go on at the show and if she didn’t like it she shouldn’t have gone.
    I agree that women shouldn’t be spreading their legs during primetime, a quote, so I didn’t watch the show.
    She has no business speaking for me even though I agree with her.

  • Betty Dulasky

    I do not think EVERYONE knew what was coming. Including the people that walked out. Other wise…..why would they walk out?I am completely shocked that Latifa would be involved in this. It discusses me to know that modern society has sunk to yet another low. God gave us all chioces. So I do not judge people on their values. What I do , occasionally, is tell them that their choices and opinions are their own……and MOST of America does not want to see or hear about them! Christians are always being attacked for “shoving their views, down everybody’s throat” While I totally disagree with them making that statement…..I would like to say that I do not want the vulgarity and and un-natural lifestyle of others, put out there for all to see (including young, impressionable kids)!

  • OldHippiePatriot

    WOW this story has more comments than any I have ever seen any where!!

    Did Katy Perry Really Summon Satan At The 2014 Grammys?

  • myfunboat

    This is for Zeuxis. So sorry to hear that you are so scared and confused about God.
    I am not sure if you are a believer or not. It appears that you have spent a lot of effort in denying what you apparently do not believe in.
    God gives us all an innate desire to seek him. Stop trying so hard to deny Him and let yourself follow your built in instinct to seek him.
    Find a good Bible based seeker church and see where you go from there.

    • zeuxis

      if by ‘innate desire to seek’ you mean human curiosity, i am down with that. but i really think that the oldest explanation does not cut it at all. good thing too, ‘cuz religion would have you believe seeking a more likely one is pointless

      • 4PERCENTER

        The oldest explanation is The Bible. If The Bible did not cut it, there would be no Born-Again people in the world, after 2,000 years. What is not cutting it, is your ability to understand, and your willingness to believe the Truth. This comes from The Holy Spirit, which you do not have in you at this time, but is The One working outside you, to bring you to Jesus Christ. An “innate” belief in God, is the Knowledge that we and existence did not create ourselves, that Someone created us, and That Someone is God, by default. Something cannot come from nothing. Something can only be counterfeited if there is an original to counterfeit. A God is not the original God if He needs 2,500 copies of Himself to prove He is the original. atheist deny the existence of God, because they are afraid of His Wrath, but hiding your head in the sand does not prove that there is no Light! agnostics are worse than atheists. They think riding the fence absolve them of responsibility for living in the same sin as the atheists. God even said, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” - Revelation 3:16. Man denies God because he does not want to give up his sin, not because he does not have enough evidence for His existence. The Truth of this statement is this; what would it take for you to believe that The Only True and Living God exists? That proof exists in The Bible, before you even thought of the question, so ask, and I will response, with PROOF, based on The Bible, science, and your own testimony (yes, everyone has a testimony, even before they receive Salvation)!

  • Brad

    My morals are from god. You morals are from the devil.

    • Vicki

      Brad..Use Common Sense..HaHa!!!! .

      • Vicki

        Im a Sunday School Teacher to little kids..& in Fact taught my own. “Brad”. I Teach Love Not Hate!!

      • zeuxis

        good thing you don’t teach grammar

      • 4PERCENTER

        …and popes and priests teach on Sunday too, and rape children Monday - Saturday. What is your point? How is rape not hate?

    • zeuxis

      morals are from human society, case closed.

    • xscd

      Morality comes from a number of sources. Most of the morality enshrined into our laws comes from common understandings among those of a diverse society, including of course the proscriptions against murder and theft.

      Morals are not necessarily religious in nature. Even atheists have morals.

      Morals are just a code of behavior, nothing more. Even though one person might think that their code of behavior is better than all others, in a free society and under the Constitution, we all have the right to choose most of our morals and values for ourselves.

      • Grant Singleton

        XSCD: when you say that morality is a set of prescriptions against murder and theft derived by society I have to ask a few questions. By assuming that murder and theft are in fact wrong we assume that those we commit murder and theft against are worthy in nature and that people have a value that ought not to be stripped of them. A hunter kills animals and doesn’t consider it morally wrong. Why does a human have more value than an animal? An Atheistic evolutionary worldview would say it is because we are more evolved than animals therefore “survival of the fittest reigns.” However, if you were to evolve into being superhuman and more powerful than other humans and you began killing humans because you have that right now that you are more evolved would you say that would be moral?
        Our declaration of independence says this; “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
        What is my point? Without a Creator it is impossible that we were created equal. and no one to determine morals. An atheistic evolutionary worldview makes it impossible to see all men and women as created equal. And if we choose to forget God and make our own path we will find that these truths are not self evident and morality will be determined by the strongest force of man. There must be one who is above all to determine morality. It cannot simply be a prescription against murder and theft derived by society.

      • xscd

        -> prOscriptions, not prEscriptions.

        Grant says: “Why does a human have more value than an animal?”

        He doesn’t. All life has inherent value and no life requires a justification for its existence.

        Grant says: “Without a Creator it is impossible that we were created equal. and no one to determine morals.”

        That is incorrect. All life has an equal claim to existence and to being itself, whatever that may entail.

        The reason the founders included “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights” in the Declaration of Independence is simple. After centuries of rule by monarch in the history we think of as our own (European and anglo), the colonists planned to institute a brand new kind of government in which the people governed themselves. They were letting King George III of England know that they did not consider themselves subject to the whims and wishes of a king, and claimed that right from an authority they knew that even King George would have to consider a source higher than himself (a deity).

        Morality is just a code of behavior. As I said, it can come from many different sources, and there have been and continue to be many different versions of morality, some more detailed than others. In the United States, we agree upon some things as moral imperatives even if we are atheist or agnostic and despite our differences of religion. Murder and theft are two of those things that we almost all agree upon.

      • Grant Singleton

        xscd: Thanks for the reply and thank you for answering my questions. Sorry about the proscription prescription mix-up. I also respect your views and do not wish to step on them. My goal isn’t to get you to see things as I do I just wish to dialogue and raise some questions to seek to find the truth together. Because there is a truth about all of this regardless what you and I may think is true there is a truth that we don’t decide, it was decided well before you and I were born, and the most important thing is to find that truth. And we can raise questions and put our views to a test for truth.
        My question in response to your answers is this; You say that all life has inherent value and no life requires justification for its existence. I agree with the second half of your response, we do not by any means need justification for the existence of life, we can look around and see for ourselves that yes life indeed does exist. The question of inherent value of all life is the question I raise. By what authority can you say that all life has inherent value? I am sure that your answer will be that over time human society developed those views. But anything that human society dictates is subject to change and a generation can come along and deny the inherent value of life and in essence “rewrite” morality. So, If we believe that life came about by random occurrence and also is killed by random occurrences of nature such as by earthquakes and volcanoes then how can we say all life has inherent value? We don’t persecute mother nature for killing life with an earthquake. Why persecute the human for killing? We are all part of nature and a purely rational, naturalistic worldview cant possibly give all life inherent value. So my question is by what authority can you make the claim that all life has inherent value?

      • xscd

        Thank you for your civil tone. That’s nice.

        I believe that the greatest authority in each of our lives is our own ability (God-given or not) of conscious perception and our experience within the context of reality into which we have been born.

        I don’t think you should believe me. I don’t think you should believe a book, no matter how highly regarded it may be (and whether that high regard is actually justified or not). I don’t think you should imagine an authority greater than yourself, precisely because you and only you are responsible for all of the choices, decisions, beliefs and actions you may do. They are on your shoulders.

        By what authority do you decide to eat oatmeal instead of dry cereal in the morning? And which is the right choice, which is the wrong choice? Why are codes of morality so incomplete? Why are there some human actions that have more than 2 choices, eliminating the right/wrong alternatives?

        Even if you believe in God, and believe that God is an authority, and that the Bible is His book, those beliefs were entirely up to you. You didn’t have to accept them. You didn’t need to think that God existed, or that He was or is an authority, or that any real and absolutely authoritative code of behavior (morals) came from God as an absolute authority.

        You voluntarily believed those things yourself, whether or not they are true. No one, not even God, made you believe them, and perhaps the reason (some would say) is because God does not actually exist and the Bible is a work of man, not God, and furthermore, large parts of the Bible are fanciful fiction or mythical oral tradition history.

        But that’s just a belief too. The fact is that it’s all up to you, even if you don’t think it is.

        But, you can believe whatever you want, just like I can. Best wishes to you-

      • Grant Singleton

        I just have one more thing to say and its that it is so hard to deny the existence of God. Atheism means “No God.” It is impossible to affirm a negative, that would be like saying that a black rock with white spots does not exist, I would have to search every planet in the universe to know that. So in essence I would have to be God and know all things to know that there is no God. Agnostic would be a more practical worldview which just means that this is all unknown. As far as the accuracy of he bible, people always talk about that but if you will research the bible you will find that no historical facts or documents contradict any part of the bible. You can research that and find it to be true. I believe that God has put just enough proof of Himself in this world for us to follow Him and he has left just enough out so that we can choose to live on reason alone. Best wishes to you as well, God bless you.

      • xscd

        I am not an atheist, Grant. I suppose people would classify me as a deist.

        I’m almost positive that atheists would argue that they don’t _know_ that there’s no god, because you’re right, it’s impossible to prove that something doesn’t exist, but they would instead say that it is their _belief_ that there is no god of any religion.

        People who are convinced that the Bible is true and accurate often go to great lengths to try to make it seem so. There are “Biblical archaeology” societies whose focus is on trying to reconcile the Bible with scientific evidence. If you want to believe, you’ll believe; if you don’t want to believe, you won’t, regardless of any earnest arguments for either side. Occasionally people will change their opinion or belief, but in my 62 years of experience so far, it seems that rarely happens. Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (37)

        Thank you for conversing with me. Best wishes-

      • Grant Singleton

        I do know what you mean. Thank you as well for the dialogue I always enjoy debating with an intelligent person. Have a good one brother.

      • 4PERCENTER

        You missed the point of our founding documents. Our Forefathers were not declaring The People, their own ruler, they stated the obvious, that God rules all He made, but the Ruler of American IS THE CONSTITUTION. A document cannot be swayed by money, public person or personal opinion or “beliefs”, but can Rule without human emotion or prejudice. Our Forefathers were Blessed enough to figure that out. Where government perverts, re-writes, or judges unfairly on the words of The Constitution and other documents of precedence, that are the foundation of America, we harm our nation, our people, and government, by doing that which we are not supposed to do (that which is immoral), with the country that God Blessed us; just like we did in The Garden… satan asked Adam and Eve, “Did God really say…?” satan asks government and people who don’t have his evil “morals and values”, “Did The Constitution really say…?” You can say morality is just a code of behavior; you can say it one-million times. That does not make it True. Morality, like humans, has to start somewhere. The Bible says, and science proves that evolution does not exist; in fact thinks break, deteriorate, become diseased, and die, with each successive generation. When did morals start? So why do we not have the perfect universal moral code, worldwide, since we all came from the same mother and father? Because man decided he did not like the original perfect “version”, and perverted it with his “version”. As a world, MOST of us, in fact, DO NOT agree that murder and theft are immoral. If that were so, we wouldn’t have so much murder and theft in the world. In America, just in the last 40 years, we have murdered 70 million of our own citizens. We stole their legacy, which would amount to over six percent of our population, and associated GDP! I have a list of all the demons, and all the people they murder, just in the last 100 years. Find that list for yourself, so you will see the Truth, and not accuse me of just voicing my opinion. The most immoral people are not on that list - the rest of the world, that stood by and did NOTHING, until it was profitable to do so (extorting money from taxpayers, to stop a demon)! If you hold an America birth certificate, you are just as guilty as kemit gasnell, for every American exterminated, since you were born…and you say you believe murder is immoral???? You are the worst of hypocrites!!!

      • xscd

        4percent says: “You missed the point of our founding documents”

        You missed the point of our founders entirely, and filled in the rest with our own generous imagination (generous to your religion, that is).

        Attributing certain “inalienable rights” to “the creator” was language tailored to the primary intended recipient in what was essentially a letter from the colonists directly to King George III of England. Monarchs recognized only one authority higher than themselves, that of God (whether or not God actually exists, even rulers were obliged by the power of the church to rank their own will and authority as lower than that of the deity they believed in).

        The colonists were merely stating in no uncertain terms that they did not and would not live at the pleasure, whim and mercy of the king.

        I’m not surprised that conservatives, especially religious conservatives, choose to view all this from a perspective that suits them and their religion, but that’s not the way it was.

        In the United States, the Constitution is our “bible,” not the Bible. And I for one think that’s a very good thing. I’m not any more fond of the Bible than I am of the Koran, nor Christianity any more than Islam. I dislike and distrust both.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Thank you for proving that you missed the point. You focus on religion, so you assume the founding documents were written to use God as a defense that the king had no authority over The New World. Therefore, to call the Constitution America’s bible is to miss the point, and also insult Christianity, which I’m sure was your intent from the beginning. The Constitution is our “king”, our Supreme Authority. And because it is not a man, it is immune from the faults of a human, and the attack of a king from that era. They were not accustomed to waging war against a document, including The Bible. I realize you are an equal opportunity hater. Rebels always are; always looking to deny or avoid ANY authority. Someday, somehow, you people will learn, you are not in control, and you are not in authority. Notice that all the people committing mass murder in America, have similar ideologies to yours. No one Born-Again Christian has committed ANY of these heinous crimes. You call that “control”? I call that self-worship; you believe in god, because you decided, you are him.

      • xscd

        4percent says:

        (A bunch of religious stuff, the same old “Christianity rules!” stuff so many people spout)

        Blinded by the light-

      • 4PERCENTER

        Fascinating, You say there is no Light, yet you say someone is blinded by The Light…

      • xscd

        I would just point out that your religion-inflected “light” is simply imaginary. While it may seem to illuminate your life, it actually illuminates only your own mind, like a delusion of a crazy person. Religious people often don’t realize and of course don’t want to accept that they are as wrong as they would consider someone who believes in another religion, and seem just as strange and deluded to other people.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Very well said!

      • xscd

        Not very well said at all.

        An atheistic evolutionary worldview makes it impossible to see all men and women as created equal

        Completely untrue, even with the bias-word “created.”

      • Melissa Lea

        Morality comes from God

      • xscd

        Melissa says: “Morality comes from God.”

        A lot of people mistakenly believe or imagine so.

      • 4PERCENTER

        God proved that morality came from Him. God’s Word Is Truth. Why should one believe what God said is not True, and what you “believe”, is Truth, and not just your opinion?

      • xscd

        4percent says: “God proved that morality came from Him”

        God never proved or even said anything to anyone. Us humans have a propensity to lie and embellish our tales. The Christian God is as unreal as Allah. Morality is just a set of value judgements that we place on various human behaviors, regardless of whether we say they are “from God” or not; they’re really from us. The Bible is from us. Man created God in man’s own image, complete with our flaws, prejudices, arbitrary cruelty and other bad habits. Our gods are anything but perfect.

      • 4PERCENTER

        God never proved or even said anything to anyone.

        1. He wrote 66 books of Love Letters to us. Just because you have not read them, does not mean that He didn’t write them, or that they were not addressed to us.

        Us humans have a propensity to lie and embellish our tales.

        2. This true, and that is where “religion” come from. So why should anyone believe your lies and embellishments of your tales “religion“, above anyone else?

        The Christian God is as unreal as Allah.

        3. You have no proof of your statement. Jehovah proved that He is The One and Only True and Living God, when He raised Jesus from death, Eternally. The islamist god allah proved that he is not The One and Only True and Living God, by NOT raising more-ham-id, from the dead, because he has no power over death; only The One and Only True and Living God has such power.

        Morality is just a set of value judgements that we place on various human behaviors, regardless of whether we say they are “from God” or not; they’re really from us.

        4. Yes, you have said that time and time again. If you repeat a lie long enough, loud enough, and frequently enough, MOST people will eventually believe it, but such is not the case with people who know The Truth.

        The Bible is from us.

        5. Who wrote The Ten Commandments? Did someone conveniently leave out the account that Moses was a skilled stone mason, and he took is carving tools, with his toiletries and change of clothes, up on the Mount with him, knowing that God would give him The Law? He could have rewritten them if he was the author and penman, instead of going back to God, after he broke the first tables! Now who has the over-active imagination here?

        Man created God in man’s own image, complete with our flaws, prejudices, arbitrary cruelty and other bad habits.

        6. Really? Then where did that “image” come from? Jehovah has no “flaws, prejudices, arbitrary cruelty and other bad habits.” Pilot found no sin in Him. The Jews found no sin in Him (so the Pharisees made up one, to get Rome to crucify Him). The islamist found no sin in Him, and state in the qur’an that Jesus Christ was the only man who NEVER SINNED! No religion marks Jesus as a sinner, not one. But you have condemned Him by your beliefs, and that equals a “religion”, as evil as any religion is.

        Our gods are anything but perfect.

        7. That is true. The gods of our creation are anything but perfect. What makes Jehovah God? He is anything but imperfect; even His enemies say so! Looks like that makes your “religion” a greater enemy of God that all the other “religions” in the world! You are committing the only unforgivable sin. If God is not God, how could He know you would do this, before you were even created? He knows whether you will turn from your sin, or not, and He Loves you so much, that He gave you the Liberty to stay in your sin, or bury it, and become a new creature, filled with Him! If you deny (blaspheme) The Light (The Holy Spirit) you cannot comprehend, or apprehend the Salvation of Jesus Christ, that was purchased for you. “If I ever met a real Christian, I would have become one.” - Ghandi. Did you know that Ghandi attended Christian Seminary? He was pursuing a “religion”. He never sought a “relationship”, with Jesus Christ.

      • xscd

        God never said or wrote anything. Humans are very good at creating religions and gods, and the Christian God and Christian religion are just one of those. All human, complete with our flaws, prejudices and arbitrary cruelty.

        No matter how deeply steeped you are in the Christian religion, it is just as easy to be as deeply convinced of any other delusion.

        So long as Christians are just fooling themselves and not messing with my life, that’s fine, but I’m certainly going to vote against anyone with “a religious agenda” because I think they are anti-American and anti-Constitution. No religion, not even Christianity, owns America and can determine what all Americans must believe or how we all must behave.

        The Constitution gives each citizen the freedom to lead his life as he pleases, and the authority to do so. I like it that way and will fight to keep it that way.

      • xscd

        and what you “believe”, is Truth, and not just your opinion?

        Good point. What you believe as a (certain type of) Christian is not the truth, but just a belief. No amount of conviction can create truth or reality. However, our beliefs do determine our actions, so untrue religious beliefs can and often do have real consequences.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Ahhhhh! Now the Truth comes out! Now that I know who you really are, I’m more sorry for you! I’ll Pray for you. You have Darwin syndrome. You were hurt deeply by someone, when you were too young to handle it! Satan specializes in wounding children while they are still young enough to be mortally wounded, while they are in the development stage. Now that I know that you know God, I know He will bring the prodigal son back. I’ll put you on my Prayer list, and let God take care of the rest! Religion is bad for you, that is true, but one more time, The Christian Faith is not a religion, it is a relationship, Jesus taught against religion when he was here on earth too! You have a relationship with God. It is just broken at the moment. He’ll fix you! I don’t believe it, I know it! Praise God for you!

      • zeuxis

        there is no gawd

      • Samcro Charming

        why do you say that? not a call out, or flame, just wondering what brought you to this conclusion?

      • 4PERCENTER

        Prove it.

      • Abrogation

        No. Morality is learned. You are not born with morality you absorb it in the process of learning right from wrong, from parents, teachers, siblings, priests etc. Morality is basically a very soundly based fear of some form of retribution if you do something amoral. Without morality the world would be full of psychopathic politicians with everyone for themselves and doing only what is necessary for them to survive. Being part of mankind and working for the good all is an important moral function it is as important as not killing people because they upset you.

      • Robin Hoke

        Thank you.

      • 4PERCENTER

        The only thing common with all societies, if a knowledge of God, that He placed in every person, when He made us. That is the only place conscience came from, and conscience is the only thing that causes us to have morals, or not. There are not “proscriptions against murder and theft”, in MANY societies, just look at islam. atheists do not have morals, they have laws. If there were no god, there would be no reason to have laws and nothing would be immoral. Morals, to an atheist, are just a code of behavior. That is why people who claim not to believe in God, break the code. The Constitution does not give Americans the right to choose most of our morals and values for ourselves. It give us the right to “…the free exercise thereof; (of a religion, not of morals and values)”. The religion of Satanism values human sacrifice, which is moral in their religion. The religion of islam values killing infidels (all non-islamists), which is moral in their religion. The Constitution allows them to establish their religion, but not to “exercise” their morals and values on others. The Constitution does not give Americans rights. The Constitutions re-states, that all right come from God. The Constitution was written to tell government what rights it DOES NOT HAVE over The People, not what rights The People have over other people.

      • xscd

        The only thing common with all societies, if a knowledge of God, that He placed in every person, when He made us

        Or not. That’s a purely imaginary assertion.

        Us humans are good at inventing religions and gods. There have been many religions and gods in our past, and most of them we now regard as quaint but silly. Yet Christianity and Islam are just as silly, just as improbable, and will undoubtedly take their place in the ash-heap of history someday where those other archaic and extinct religions lie, a curious relic of our superstitious past.

      • 4PERCENTER

        There have been many religions and gods in our past, and most of them we now regard as quaint but silly. Yet Christianity and Islam are just as silly, just as improbable…

        2. I’m curious why you left Jews off your list of hated people and their “religion”, but I told you before, that I could show you scientific proof that God Jehovah is the Only True and Living God. You walked into your trap when you said that Jehovah is improbable. Math is one of the most exact sciences. A high level of math is used in every science, and probability is the mother of scientific method. Scientific Method begins with Hypothesis, the question of “suppose”. Suppose means “what if…what are the odds, what is the probability…”. In the science of probability, anything calculated to the likelihood of 1:4210 is consider absolute! Eight of over eight-thousand Prophecies in The Bible, prove the probability that The Bible is True, and written by God, to over 1:10010. One Prophecy alone proves the probability to 1:40010! One book alone (Matthew), proves the probability to over 1:80010, and then eventually goes off the scale! No “religions or gods”, or their books or their teachings, come anywhere near surviving such scrutiny, yet you would contend that there are some mortal men who could “write” a book, composed entirely of Supernatural content? Surely not. How can one be blinded by The Light, as you say, if as you say, there is no Light? The only way not to “see” The Light, is to close your eyes, or simply deny that you see The Light, but that does not make The Light not exist! No matter what you say you believe, a person of sound mind cannot deny that Light exists, and has to have a Source, and Light is too complex for the Source to be man, an accident, a “religion” or Anyone short of God Himself.

        …and will undoubtedly…

        3. Undoubtedly? Do you doubt the probability of 1:4210 or 1:10010? If you doubt the existence of Light, only two conditions are possible; you are either lying, or blind. There is no in between. BTW, even blind people know that Light exists, but they just do not have the ability to see it - yet!

      • xscd

        “I’m curious why you left Jews off your list” (of man-made religions slated for the dust-heap of history).

        What’s your theory?

        Eight of over eight-thousand Prophecies in The Bible, prove the probability that The Bible is True

        I’ve asked many times of many Christians to please point me to just one convincing or compelling prophesy from the Bible, for further research. Nothing yet-

  • None

    Maybe she left to go do a line of co*ke in the bathroom.

  • zeuxis

    there is no universal truth or morality, simply because if that were so, everyone would agree upon it, which is clearly not the case

    • Melissa Lea

      Yes there is

      • zeuxis

        no there isn’t

      • 4PERCENTER

        Prove that there isn’t.

    • Samcro Charming

      actually ZEUXIS, there IS one universal morality. of course, not everyone has or will accept that no matter what the evidence, but, the scriptures are plainly clear as to this as i wrote above in my [lengthy] post.

      the Apostle Paul at 1st Corinthians 1:10 tells Christian Congregation: Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. and……

      EPHESIANS 4:4-6 One body there is, and one spirit, just as you were called to the ONE hope of your calling; ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism; ONE God and Father of all.

      YES! everyone SHOULD be in agreement. but, just because some dont doesnt mean that its not supposed to be that way. thats why the scriptures were provided to us by our creator and father. to show us how and why and what that morality TRULY is. He made us, so he should know whats best for us. and he does.


      There is a universal truth or morality, and the fact that everyone does not agree upon it, is PROOF that there is. In order to have a counterfeit, you have to have a genuine article. God Is Truth, and God is Morality.

      • xscd

        There very probably does exist some “absolute truth” as the basis for reality, but no “absolute morality.” Morality is nothing more than value judgements placed upon various (but not all) aspects of human behavior. As such, it is inherently variable from person to person, religion to religion, and god to god. “My god’s absolute morality is better than your god’s absolute morality” does nothing to settle the issue.

  • Chris

    I’m a Christian, but after what I’ve read in these comments, it’s painfully obvious how the quote below originated.

    “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” – Ghandi

    We are so willing and eager to argue all day long to try and prove our points, that we come across as judgmental, hypocritical, and self-righteous. Somehow the idea of being right, no, the idea of proving someone (non-Christians or anyone who doesn’t agree with our beliefs) wrong has completely obliterated our purpose to love others without condition. It’s fine to state an opinion or belief, but don’t go into a-hole mode when someone doesn’t agree. I am a Christian. I believe that Jesus died on the cross and paid off a debt I could have never covered. I believe we are to love others even when they don’t love us back. If others don’t agree with that, it’s okay. I still love you. I’m not going to disrespect your beliefs.

    I am human. Yes, I may get pissed off at times, but that’s okay too. It’s going to happen. No one has all the answers. If we did, that would put us on the same level as God. I am broken, lost, redeemed, forgiven, and forever learning.

    Non-Christians aren’t giving us a bad name. We are.

    • Robin Hoke

      Thank you. I have been trying to make this point for some time now.

      • Samcro Charming

        what point?

    • the Nature Of Man

      Remember, it’s not just Christians that do this. It’s everyone. Christians are unset the microscope. I agreee with you though!

    • Samcro Charming

      its to bad that so many people, and it appears ghandi also, do not realize that not everyone who says they are a christian truly ARE christians!!

      not every church that pegs jesus name or christ on it is a christian place!!

      but, unfortunately, many, many, many of these organizations and preachers and tv hucksters and self proclaimed profits have done the most damage to God and Christ’s reputation in the eyes of the public. a CHRISTIAN is ONE WHO LIVES BY AND FOLLOWS THE WORD OF CHRIST. and so many out there do things and teach things that are CONTRARY to what jesus taught and what God wants people to do and what he is TRULY about.

      many non believers who rant and rail at “christians” or what they think is a christian are dead on the money a lot of times. i was a STAUNCH non believer at one time. but, i took it upon myself to LOOK! TO SEEK OUT! as God himself said, “come, taste and see that i am good” meaning just as it says. he WANTS people, the beings HE created to know him, to know his plan, to know his thoughts and laws and morals.

      so, if you want to know what a CHRISTIAN truly is? read about his life and ministry in the gospels [mathew, mark, luke and john] of the book he comes from, the bible!! not some dr. this or theologian thats book on HIS/HERS ideas on christ, but the book jesus life and ministry and death came from. the SOURCE…. the bible.

      ask the questions. read about him. see if what you believe or were/are being taught in your church or from your pastor, reverend, guru, religion are in line with what jesus did, what he taught his followers to do and how he and those apostles conducted their ministry’s. THEN compare. if ANY of what your being taught, by anyone, any church is NOT in line with christ, step by step, well, your in the wrong place or having the wrong thoughts. the bible tells us that, GOD IS A SPIRIT AND THOSE WORSHIPING HIM MUST WORSHIP WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH!! so he is not going to endorse a religion or person or group who are teaching things that are NOT true. even on seemingly “small” thing.

      the Apostle Paul at 1st Corinthians 1:10 tells Christian Congregation: Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.

      also, HEBREWS 4:2 says…….. For we have also had the good news declared to us, just as they had; but the word that they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened

      so, its a big deal. it is poular with many so called christian faiths that JUST BELIEVING in christ or believing in his Father are all thats needed. it doesnt really matter what you teach or beleive as long as you have Jesus in your heart. well, obviously that isnt in line with the scriptures.

      how big of a deal is it? in 1st Timothy its written: Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.

      yes. as the scriptures point out, it is vital and lives are at stake with what is taught. these ones who teach FALSE DOCTRINE or blindly go with it because they dont want to change or their family and friends wont like it, or its your families religion and tradition will not receive ever lasting life. denying or teaching falsities or distortions of the truth and those who KNOW they are doing so will perish as the above scripture points out. one does not want to be found guilty by God of willfully poisoning someone with false doctrine.

      FOR THOSE OF YOU are against religion, who are against the bible, you would be suprised at how right you are about so much that is taught out there by false christians. that your thoughts in many cases match what the bible says and the stuff being thrown around out there as “christian” is a distortion. and what seemed wrong to you about some of the down right silly or impossible teachings these ones sell to the public is also taught as a falsehood in the bible!! when you study the scriptures, really read it, you find out right away that so much of what it says and what the so called religious leaders posing as christians are saying are NOT the same, not united. not truth. and most of them have SECTS amongst them. supposed to be christian and a congregation but they split up in different lines of thought and beliefs. REMEMBER what the above scripture said: be united in your thoughts and teachings not having SECTS amongst you. by doing that you are distorting and confusing gods word and not helping people come to ACCURATE knowledge. what is portrayed by divisions and sects is God has no real plan. that its up to us. that the religion with these divisions have no spiritual guide and do NOT have Gods spirit.

      when you find this is happening in your place of worship, GET OUT! God is perfect and therefor his word is perfect. if a religion has non truths it is teaching or supporting or is completely opposite of Gods word in the bible, his spirit wont be there.

      Colosians 1:9 That is also why from the day we heard of it, we have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the ACCURATE knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension,

      1st Timothy 2:4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an ACCURATE knowledge of truth.

      2nd Timothy 2:7 always learning and yet never able to come to an ACCURATE knowledge of truth.

      Romans 10:2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to ACCURATE knowledge.

      2nd Timothy 2:25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an ACCURATE knowledge of truth,

      Ephesians 4:13 until we all attain to the oneness of the faith and of the ACCURATE knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.

      i imagine the point was taken. and this is just a SMALL amount of scriptures in the new testament. there are dozens upon dozens upon dozens of scriptures stating or admonishing us to take in ACCURATE knowledge of truth. if you are seeing that your religion is NOT accurate, united in thought with the scriptures, a united congregation, YOUR IN THE WRONG PLACE or LISTENING TO THE WRONG PERSON!! move along from those false teachers.

      the final thing Jesus said before ascending the last time to heaven, he told his followers at Mathew 28: 19-20……..

      Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”.


      ALL religion is not right. all roads do NOT lead to rome. scattred teachings and sects are a sign you are NOT in the true faith. as it says below,

      EPHESIANS 4:4-6 One body there is, and one spirit, just as you were called to the ONE hope of your calling; ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism; ONE God and Father of all.


      Chris. Ghandi missed out on Heaven, not because he was unhappy with Christians, but because he was unhappy with his god, and would not listen to The Holy Spirit, and come to know The True and Living God. “I like your Christ”. Who is “…your…”? “I do not like your Christians”, so who was not loving others, as they love themselves? Ghandi was just another celebrity, another Mandela, another King, Jr. These people made marks in History, but they were just ordinary people, in the right place, at the right time to cast attention on themselves. In the grand scheme, they did more harm than good, because they led more people away from Jesus, than they led to Him. It is the responsibility of each individual to yield to The Holy Spirit’s calling to come to Jesus. No man will be exempt from condemnation because they were denied Salvation by another man; that is impossible. There are people who sacrifice their entire families, and accept a death sentence, to Surrender to Jesus, so Ghandi had no excuse. Arguing to prove a point, is the point of a blog. People come across as judgmental, hypocritical, and self-righteous, no matter what they argue and debate, because that is part of the defensive arsenal of debates and arguments. To Love one another, is not a “purpose”, it is a Gift of The Holy Spirit, after being Born-Again. A Christian’s only “purpose”, is to Glorify God. When Christians sin, or fall short of His Glory, they are not completely obliterated. That is the definition of Mercy. You said, ‘as a Christian, you believe that Jesus died on the cross and paid off a debt that you could have never covered. You believe we are to love others even when they don’t love us back. If others don’t agree with that, it’s okay. I’m not going to disrespect your beliefs.’ When you say you “believe”, then you say, this is your opinion. You didn’t mention anything about Jesus rising from the dead, so what makes His death any different from any other death? If you quote Scripture, then it is no longer your opinion. If others don’t agree with your opinion, that is OK. If others don’t agree with the Truth, that is NOT OK. If you Love someone, it is NOT OK for them to step off a cliff, because they do not believe in gravity. If someone wants to engage in Christian conversation, Bible Study is the place for that, not a blog. If someone wants to debate the Truth of The Bible, then this is the place. Christians should not pull punches when they get in the ring with tyson, but they have to come with their guns fully loaded, and that is where Christians fall FAR short. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ IS THE GOSPEL! When you left that out of your argument, you lost the argument or debate, or whatever you want to call it. When you are afraid to stand your ground with Scripture, you show a lack of Love (for their lost soul), or a lack of Wisdom of God’s Word, either of which calls your statement into question; “I am a Christian”. This is an encouragement, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15. “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” - I Peter 3:15. Boxing is a sport. It is not a form of hatred. George Foreman still Loves everyone he knocked out! The Bible is a nuclear weapon - the better you know Him, the more affective He is! ALL lost people are offended by The Gospel, so if 9 are offended but one is led to Jesus, PERFECT! The average person hears The Gospel 13 times, before they accept it. Will you be the first to tell them, or the thirteenth to tell them, of the fiftieth person to tell them?

      • xscd

        4% says:

        Ghandi missed out on Heaven

        Ghandi didn’t miss out on anything. He went to a far better place than you’ll ever go.

      • 4PERCENTER

        God said he did. You say he didn’t. I trust God. I don’t trust you. Therefore, I know for a Truth that what you state, is not true.

      • xscd

        4% says-

        God said he did

        You don’t know what God said.

      • 4PERCENTER

        I do know what God said, and so do millions of other people. Just because you cannot see The Light, does not mean no one can. I’m sorry for you.

      • xscd

        I do know what God said

        No you don’t, nor does anyone. God speaks to no one. The Bible is a very flawed product of humankind, and so is religion. Christians know this with respect to any other god, any other holy book and any other religion. They simply exempt their own from the same sensible, rational critical scrutiny they subject any other to.

        Christians are exactly like the enemies they abhor, and Christianity is just as silly and wrong as any other religion, because they all exist only as human conceptions, not reality.

    • Abrogation

      I’m not a Christian and frankly I believe Christianity is just another control mechanism the same as most religions, cults, Unions, governments etc. They all have some good ideas for people living together as a large group like not stealing, not killing, not screwing your neighbours wife.

      I believe without religion and a reasonable majority of people being afraid of the consequences of their actions we would still be chasing our food with spears and living in caves. Thumbs and organised teamwork are why we are high up on the food chain because we have little else going for us when it comes to surviving predators.

      The biggest problem with all religions happens when, as I have seen in this thraad, “He is my god not yours”, starts to manifest. At that point we essentially see those not of our faith as lesser beings, Untermensch if you like, and at that point it becomes OK to kill them.

      The only time it is ok to kill someone is when they are a threat to your survival not just because they have a funny shaped cross or worship different gods. The sooner we learn that as a species and start protecting each other against the all of the amoral psychopaths that call themselves world leaders the sooner we will see heaven on earth

      PS I am well aware I cant go to heaven because I dont believe in Jesus but we have way more Oil and faster cars in Valhalla.

    • Robin Hoke

      Well said. I agree.

  • Lorna Bishop

    Exactly why does someone stating an opinion always become based on race?
    I am not a racist. I voted for Obama the first time around. It was only
    after I saw what he was doing to this great US that made me rethink my
    vote the second time. I don’t care if he were red, yellow, purple, green
    or black, or white for that matter he is a not Christian and his
    beliefs are tearing this country apart. Nick, if you are really paying
    attention you would see it is Obama who is racist and he uses the racism
    card almost every time he opens his lying mouth.

    • Robin Hoke

      Tell me, how many times does Mr. Obama have to prove he is a Christian born and raised in the US, before people start to listen? And I am sorry, but the GOP has been using the race card since Obama won his first election as President. They are more subtle about it than most people but they have been doing so all along. Anyone who doesn’t see it doesn’t want to.

  • Robin Hoke

    I find it sad that such an upbeat story has turned so many of you into angry, antagonistic and moralistic people. Why is it that, no matter what is written and why, people have to make statements that attack others. What I loved about this young lady is that she didn’t blame anyone for her leaving. She simply chose to leave. It was her right to do so without explanation and she did. It is other people who decided that this was another excuse to attack people they don’t know and will never know. It is a sad, sick world we have become.

    • Marilyn

      How can people be angry just by saying or quoting things from the Bible, the Bible says be in the world but not of the world come out and be ye separate!!

      • Robin Hoke

        People in the USA now think that they can be mad about anything they choose and worse, are able to voice those opinions without consequence. And they do it online to ensure that they have no consequences.

      • Marilyn

        The only consequences are the people who do not live by the Bible and if people get angry when quoting the word tells me they are not living right let your conscious be your guide!!

      • Robin Hoke

        By expecting people to live by the bible is to expect everyone to be the same. We are individuals with our own thoughts, opinions and beliefs. It is no one else’s right to keep imposing their beliefs on others or condemning them when they are not just like you.

      • Marilyn

        The Bible is the road map to heaven and if you don’t live by it whole hardily Bible says to be in the world but not of it come out and be ye separate, Jesus died for us what are we willing to give up to live for him, and this once saved always is not in the Bible just because you except the lord Jesus as your personal Savior ain’t gonna get you into heaven we no longer live in the book of John 3:16 amen is at the end of that book. Acts is the only book that has not got Amen at the end of it. Heaven is not big enough to hold everybody that calls themselves Christains, read Acts 2;37-39 when you get your inside clean it will show on the outside. These new Bibles they have come out with the KJV says not to add too or take from the Bible because they got it where you don’t have to search out your own salvation with fear and trembling,!!!

      • SageIvyBeryl

        Lol. Really? Look around you. Look around your place of worship. Look around you home. My entire life, people have talked the talk, but none have walked the walk as the Bible says. They pick and choose what they live by based on what they want and need. So basically, they don’t choose to live any way but the one they want most and they twist the Bible to fit that lifestyle. I have yet to meet a single person who doesn’t do this. And no, there is not only one interpretation of the Bible. If there were, everyone would not only live the same way they would also be kinder, more generous of heart and wealth and they would not care what anyone else does as they would allow God to do the judging of all.

      • Marilyn

        The Pentecostal ppl changes their life to fit the Bible they repent of their sins get baptized in Jesus name, receive the Holy Ghost that’s when you understand the Bible more, my husband was Baptist converted to Pentecost got the Holy Ghost and now he understands the real interpretation of the Bible, so their are Christains out their that walk the walk and talk the talk!!

      • Marilyn

        There is only one interpretation of the Bible! Ppl don’t want to search it, because if they did they may have to give up their lifestyle!!

      • Americans against TeaBillies

        Real Americans look down on morons who believe in some man the cloud crap.

        Jesus was murdered by the some sort of people in the GOP today.

      • Marilyn

        Your mind is warped, by saying something like this!!

      • Samcro Charming

        man in the cloud? well, all i know is the scriptures do NOT teach that. the bible refers to Jehovah God as a SPIRIT, not as a flesh and blood man. christs apostle john said in JOHN 4:24, “GOD IS A SPIRIT AND THOSE WORSHIPING HIM MUST WORSHIP WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH”. which makes sense because a flesh and blood man can not float on a cloud nor could he live the zillions of years it took to form the heavens and earth OR have the power to do it.

        and that is also why whenever we read God speaking to men/woman, like our first parents adam and eve, it was only his voice they heard. it was with just his voice, NEVER an appearance. when moses went to the mountain and received the commandment tablets, he spoke to him through a burning bush.

        at MATHEW 3:17 when christ was baptised in the river by john the baptiser, jehovahs voice came from the heavens and said, “look! this is my beloved whom i have approved”. all other times he used angels OR profits to communicate his intentions and thoughts and rulings like a business man uses a secretary to convey his actions. it would literally KILL a flesh and blood man or woman to be in ANY presence of God.

        an almighty SPIRIT being who is all powerful and can do all things who is not restricted by flesh and bone makes much more sense than an old white bearded dude, doesnt it? in fact, the bible tells us that NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD OR EVER WILL. that NO MAN COULD SEE GOD AND LIVE!! [also see 1 timothy 6:16]. he is much to powerful and much to large for a fleshly being to take in or survive. only the other spirit beings, the angels, have “seen the face of God” because they have no flesh or bone.

        and if you REALLY think about it, a being who can create powerful things like the suns and stars and moons and planets, the universes. how he alone can make and harness every kind of energy known, nuclear, fire, electricity,etc… and use them and control them must be some kind of very powerful being. a flesh and blood being could NEVER do those things as they would perish in a second from there heat and power. it would be silly to think so as even you pointed out.

        there are some who do believe in some white beard man on a cloud, but, the scriptures do NOT teach that. dont throw the baby out with the bath water. read Gods word and you will find that these types that have beliefs like the white haired old dude you mentiond are not taught in the scriptures.

      • catlynn

        people get angry because GODS WORD IS ALIVE is ALSO like a two edged sword, it pierces the HEART!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Robin Hoke

        Not everything is about religion or the bible. Some things are about being an individual with certain standards and having the class to not impose those beliefs on others and just walking away.

  • Americans against TeaBillies

    Sore loser.

  • Marilyn

    She is an Awesome singer, the best Award anyone can get, is a Blessing from God, people can talk bad about her all they want they will be disappointed in the end will regret everything!!


      Amen Marilyn. Joni Eareckson Tada was also denied, even a nomination for an Oscar, for Best Vocal Performance, because she is Christian, and not as well know and liked as miley cyrus or madonna. If you have even a spark of Light left in you, Alone, But Not Alone, will bring tears to your eyes. Public viewings are always limited with Christian movies, so I encourage you to support the movie and send a message to Hollywood, that MOST Americans still Love Jesus! Alone, But Not Alone is coming to the theater June 13, 2014. If you are a musician, or have a good ear for music, and have never heard Joni (Johnny) singer, you will be awestruck, especially considering that she is so paralyzed that her husband literally had to push her diaphragm, for her to sustain the note at the end of the song! God is Great, and through the least of His people, He shines His Glory!

  • Margaret

    Hello,everyone My name is Margaret from Melbourne, Australia. I never
    believed in spell until i meet a man called DR.Alex Kazakh, who help me
    cast a spell that bring back my ex-lover who left me for two years
    before our marriage,His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i
    am happily married with two kids,what more can i say rather than to say
    thank you DR. Kazakh for been there for me,contact him today and your
    life will never ever remain the same. YOU CAN CONTACT HIM VIA EMAIL….
    [emailprotected] OR CALL HIM ON +2347035112568.


      Margaret, Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. All his sin was forgiven by God, and he was even Blessed to also be the richest man to ever live, because he surrendered his life to God. God gave him over to a reprobate mind, when he consulted a medium, rather than The God that Blessed him as much as any man on earth. My Prayer for you is that God will cause you to turn from your slavery to the occult, with just a little bit of the hell that you are involved in, and that you don’t kindle God’s wrath as Solomon did. You don’t know Jehovah. You have no idea what you are doing. Don’t wait for your train to hit the wall before you wake up to the fact that you are on the wrong track, especially when you are advertising this witch, and leading others down the same path to hell! When you are divorced, your children are in prison or dead, and you are dying from cancer, or worse, check back with us and report how wonderful the warlock slavery life was, in the long run…if you live that long… your sorted path is indicated by the fact that your post is totally inappropriate to the subject matter. Did he cast a spell on you to MAKE you advertise for him? He cannot publish a website and cast a spell on all the visitors to worship him? He has to use people like you to get business? Bowing down to wood, stone, and flesh idols, is not an intelligent thing to do Margaret. “This is your mind on drugs.” Soon, you will see why you should have let your fornication partner stay gone, and found a real husband that would respect you BEFORE you married him.

      • Samcro Charming

        very well put sister.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Thank you. 4PERCENTER is your Brother!

      • Samcro Charming

        sorry 4P. i saw the “to” margaret at the side and somehow pegged you as female. wont do it again!!!!

      • 4PERCENTER

        HAHAHAHA!!! That’s quit alright. That is one of the drawbacks of the internet!

      • xscd

        Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived.

        I doubt anyone could know that, or be able to quantify “wisdom.” Of course, Solomon might never have lived, or might exist only as an archetype (as an imaginary concept).

      • 4PERCENTER

        So you don’t know your world history or archeology either. Are you an adult, or were you just raised in a bubble?

      • xscd

        were you just raised in a bubble?

        I was raised in a very insulated Christian-missionary bubble. Everything I have acquired of real value I learned after I broke out of that stifling bubble.

        Living as a Christian is like looking at the world through a highly-distorting lens. Religion is bad for you.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Ahhhhh! Now the Truth comes out! I’m sorry for you! I’ll Pray for you. You have Darwin syndrome. You were hurt deeply by someone, when you were too young to handle it! Satan specializes in wounding children while they are still young enough to be mortally wounded, while they are in the development stage. Now that I know that you know God, I know He will bring the prodigal son back. I’ll put you on my Prayer list, and let God take care of the rest. Religion is bad for you, that is true, but one more time, The Christian Faith is not a religion, it is a relationship, Jesus taught against religion when he was here on earth too! You have a relationship with God. It is just broken at the moment. He’ll fix it! I don’t believe it, I know it! Praise God for you!

      • xscd

        You were hurt deeply by (Christianity) … I’ll put you on my Prayer list

        Prayer is a waste of time.

        Christianity specializes in hurting people and providing them with a huge body of difficult beliefs that include numerous conflicts and unhealthy ideas, doctrines and dogma. One must discard some or many of those beliefs and ideas in order to have a coherent, healthy subset of Christian beliefs. Then one discovers that even the subset of Christian beliefs is likely wrong.

        I believe that Christianity as organized, institutionalized, socialized religion should die, and I’m going to do everything in my power, with others, to help that happen.

        It may surprise you to know that although I often question the existence of god in arguments with Christians, I’m not an atheist. I’m simply not a Christian nor a member of any other religion, all of which were created by us humans.

        Note to Christians:
        To the extent you find yourself defending your beliefs, you actually question or doubt them.

      • Tan K Solot

        Note to Occult:
        There’s a train coming and you are standing on the tracks.

      • xscd

        Tan says:

        There’s a train coming and you are standing on the tracks.

        As though you would know-

      • 4PERCENTER

        HAHAHAHAHA!!!! So true!

      • Allen

        So answer me something. You have faith in man? Well man will let you down every time! As for faith in God, I know I won’t be disappointed!

      • xscd

        You have faith in man?

        Any man? Of course not.

        As for faith in God, I know I won’t be disappointed!

        God disappoints people all the time.

      • Robin Hoke

        Well said.

      • 4PERCENTER

        Pray is not a waste of time, you just don’t see the effect of words on everything. Christianity does not specialize in hurting people. If that were true, the majority of people would not be Christians. One discovers something is likely wrong, but over one billion have discovered that everything in The Bible is True, is the one person correct, and everyone else in the world wrong?

        I believe that all “religions” should die, and Christianity is not a “religion”, but a “relationship”. All indications are that you have never had a healthy non-hurtful relationship with anyone, so you cannot know what I mean by relationship, and you cannot understand the Christian Faith at this time. Religion should die, and will die, and we have no disagreement on that point.

        No, it does not surprise me that you are not an atheist. It is impossible for a human to be an atheist; agnostic yes, atheist, no. I saw your heart from your very first post. I have know many people like you, and still know many, who are frustrated, but still seeking the Only True and Living God. It may surprise you that you may be more “Christian” and most of the people you have met who call themselves Christian, and when you finally realize that True Christianity is not a “religion”, you may become another Walid Shoebat, or Lee Strobel, or Abraham Lincoln! “For all have sinned, and come short of The Glory of God”, “For we were once His enemy”. ALL Christians started off where you are. We came to this awakening by Faith, not by force. We all had the right to turn our face from The Light. The Church, of some preacher did not force us or hypnotize us, but The Truth revealed Himself when we to Faith in The One Who told us The Truth! Every Christian is a Christian because someone Prayed for them. I’m still Praying for you. It IS working because all this time later, you responded to my post! To God be the Glory. Thank you for keeping an open mind!

        You tried to say something profound there at the end, but since it is not true, it sounds silly. Would you say that about your believes? “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” - I Peter 3:15.

      • xscd

        What a long response, 4Percent. If you waste as much time with prayer as you waste writing so many words, you’re heading for trouble.

      • 4PERCENTER

        I wouldn’t respond at all if I didn’t care, and Pray is not a waste of time. If you think it is a waste of my time to respond, your self-worth issues are worse than I thought. I can “Pray without ceasing.” I just turn all my thoughts and words into Prayer! I’m headed to Heaven, ‘Where the wicked will cease from troubling…’ Where are you headed?

      • xscd

        4% says: “I wouldn’t respond at all if I didn’t care”

        Then perhaps you ought to consider that option more completely.

      • Allen

        Your exactly right about Jesus preaching against religion.

      • xscd

        4percenter says: “The Treth comes out! I’m sorry for you! I’ll Pray for you. … You have a relationship with God. It’ is just broken at the moment.”

        You’re an idiot.

      • Allen

        You were probably in a cult that you thought was christian. Not surprised though, there in fact churches like that. God gave you free will. Remember you know about Jesus and God, by denying them you will suffer the consequences come judgement day.

      • xscd

        Allen says:

        You were probably in a cult that you thought was christian.

        I can’t believe you’re making excuses for Christians you didn’t even know. I was raised in a missionary compound in Peru. My family was Presbyterian, and there were quite a few other standard Protestant denominations there as well as the Wycliffe Bible translators and other religious folk. I was educated in a boarding school specifically for missionary children.

        I resent when Christians try to whitewash their religion with remarks like “they weren’t true Christians,” etc. Ever hear of the “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy.

  • Nicholas I

    The Grammies represent the USA, a slave state of the jew..

    • Third_Party_Now

      Nice synth photo ….. but you’re still a dope.

  • Nicholas I

    An industry of talmudic filth.

Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show - I don't blame her one bit - Allen B. West - (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.