Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (2024)

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Creamed Peas using Canned Peas may not be fancy, but it’s fast, economical, easy, and my kids love them. All it takes is a can of green peas, butter, flour, milk, salt and pepper.

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Creamed Canned Peas Recipe

This easy version of creamed peas is very quick to add to your dinner table, and it only has 4 ingredients plus salt and pepper.If you follow our blog, you’ll know that recipes with few ingredients rank high on our list.Keep a can of peas in the cabinet, and you can whip these up as a side dish for any meal.

I’ll have to give credit to Mom for this creamed canned peas recipe. Even though I don’t remember her making this for us as kids, it’s one that she’s picked up over the years. She made sure to share her recipe with me after I published my Old Fashioned Creamed Peas recipe that uses fresh peas.

Canned Peas Recipe

My approach to feeding my young kids is to have a meat or entrée, a fruit and a vegetable for every meal. You know how picky kids can be.

I know that some vegetables my kids will gobble up and some they won’t. I find expected these easy creamed peas with canned peas would fall on the second spectrum but much to my surprise, they ate them with enthusiasm. I’m going to see if they enjoy this Creamed Spinach just as much.

Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (8)

How to Make Easy Creamed Peas with Canned Peas

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Heat undrained sweet peas in a saucepan on the stove top over medium heat.
  2. In a second small saucepan, melt butter; add flour and whisk for 30 seconds.
  3. To the butter and flour, add milk, stirring until thickened.
  4. Add milk mixture to the peas and simmer until the desired consistency.
  5. Season with salt and black pepper.

Storage Instructions

Let leftovers cool completely. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to 5 days.

For the full recipe for Southern Creamed Peas, scroll to the bottom of this post.

Creamed Peas Using Canned Peas Ingredients

  • Undrained Canned Green Peas
  • Butter
  • Flour
  • Milk
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How do you make canned peas taste better?

Creaming canned peas results in a buttery flavor that kids and adults love. Also, be sure to season the canned peas properly with salt and pepper.

How do you thicken peas?

Thickening peas is easy. When using canned peas, do not drain away the liquid in the can; pour it all into a small saucepan and warm. Make a roux out of melted butter and flour. Heat it while stirring over low heat. Add milk and warm until a thick mixture forms. Add the thicken roux to the warmed peas and stir until the peas thicken and become creamy.

What can I add to creamed peas?

Try changing up basic creamed peas by making some additions including pearl onions, baby potatoes, diced carrots, corn, sautéed mushrooms, fried bacon pieces, dill or more.

Recipe FAQs

  • This is Mom’s version of creamed canned peas. While it uses canned peas, I also love my other version that uses frozen peas. You can find that recipe here.
  • Be sure to leave the peas undrained; you’ll need the juice for the recipe.
  • I use two small saucepans for this recipe, while my mom uses a skillet instead. You can use whatever is readily available.
  • This makes enough for 2-4 people, so double or triple up the recipe if needed.
  • Be sure to season with salt and black pepper.
  • Love peas? Try our Bacon Pea Salad, Old Fashioned Pea Salad, Crunchy Ranch Pea Salad and Creamy Dill Pea Salad.
  • Enjoy creamed vegetables? Try our Creamed Spinach and Crock Pot Cheesy Creamed Corn.
  • Check out our Amazon store for our favorite kitchen and pantry items.
Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (13)

What can I add to canned peas for flavor?

  • Butter
  • Garlic or garlic powder
  • Onions or onion powder (or pearl onions)
  • Fresh chives
  • Bacon
  • Cubed Ham
  • Hot Sauce or Siracha
  • Worcestershire Sauce

Are canned peas the same as frozen peas?

No, there are several differences between canned peas and frozen peas. First off, the canning process cooks the peas resulting in a softer texture. Frozen peas are flash frozen after a quick blanching process resulting in a firmer texture.

Canned peas also contain sodium, while frozen peas do not. Lastly, the color of the peas are very different with frozen having a bright green color and canned having a dull green color.

Our Favorite Pea Recipes

Love peas? You are in luck as we have lots of recipes featuring this vegetable, including several versions of pea salads. Try our Bacon Pea Salad, Old Fashioned Pea Salad, Crunchy Ranch Pea Salad and Creamy Dill Pea Salad. Our friend has a great layered pasta salad with peas recipe.

We haven’t stopped at pea salads. Check out our other recipes either featuring peas or have peas as an ingredient.

Old-Fashioned Creamed Peas

Creamed Peas with New Potatoes

Rice Pilaf with Peas

Old Fashioned Pea Salad

Mom’s Tuna Casserole Topped with Potato Chips (with Peas)

Easy Hamburger Vegetable Soup with V-8 Juice (with Mixed Vegetables)

Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (21)

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Creamed Peas with Canned Peas

Creamed Peas using Canned Peas may not be fancy, but it's fast, economical, easy, and my kids love them. All it takes is a can of green peas, butter, flour, milk, salt and pepper.

Prep Time5 minutes mins

Cook Time5 minutes mins

Total Time10 minutes mins

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Keyword: creamed peas, Creamed Peas using Canned Peas, Creamed Peas with Canned Peas, Easy Creamed Peas

Servings: 4 people

Calories: 135kcal

Author: Barbara


  • 15 ounces canned peas, do not drain
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 Tablespoons flour
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper


  • Heat undrained peas in a small saucepan.

    Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (22)

  • In a second small saucepan; melt butter. Add flour and whisk for 30 seconds.

    Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (23)

  • Add milk to the butter mixture, stirring over medium heat until thickened.

    Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (24)

  • Pour the mixture into the peas, and continue to cook until thickened to your desired consistency. Add salt and black pepper, and stir before serving.

    Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (25)


  • This is Mom’s version of creamed peas. While it uses canned peas, I also love my other version that uses frozen peas. You can find that recipe here.
  • Be sure to leave the peas undrained; you’ll need the juice for the recipe.
  • I use two small saucepans for this recipe, while my mom uses a skillet instead. You can use whatever is readily available.
  • This makes enough for 2-4 people, so double or triple up the recipe if needed.
  • Be sure to season with salt and black pepper.
  • Love peas? Try our Bacon Pea Salad, Old Fashioned Pea Salad, Crunchy Ranch Pea Salad and Creamy Dill Pea Salad.
  • The nutritional information below is auto-calculated and can vary depending on the products used. It should not be use for specific dietary needs.


Calories: 135kcal | Carbohydrates: 15g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 17mg | Sodium: 399mg | Potassium: 133mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 1825IU | Vitamin C: 8mg | Calcium: 38mg | Iron: 2mg

Creamed Peas with Canned Peas Recipe - These Old Cookbooks (2024)


What is another name for cream peas? ›

The Lady Cream Pea Story

Field peas, crowder peas, cream peas (along with blackeye peas) are all part of a larger species of beans commonly called “cowpeas” or “Southern peas.” Despite their names, none of these varieties is actually a pea.

How do you Dr up canned peas? ›

Like onion or bell pepper to the mix. Add basic seasonings to the peas. Salt and pepper work well, but oregano, garlic powder, chili powder or a variety of different popcorn seasons can help hide the taste of the peas as well.

How do you make canned mushy peas better? ›

Use cheese, butter and gelatin to make canned peas taste better. Some people don't enjoy vegetables' taste -- with canned peas high on many least-favorite lists.

Why are my canned peas hard? ›

Excessive calcium levels in the soaking water may cause changes within the pea structure, resulting in excessive hardness of texture.

Are lady peas and cream peas the same thing? ›

Lady Peas. Sweet and tender lady peas remain creamy white or light green even after they have been cooked. And unlike other field peas, lady peas (also called Lady Cream peas) produce a clear, not cloudy, potlikker. True to their name, lady peas are said to have a more delicate flavor.

Are cream peas the same as black-eyed peas? ›

There are three types of Southern peas: crowder, cream, and black-eyed. Crowders have a robust flavor, cream peas are more mild, and the flavor of black-eyed peas is somewhere in between.

How can I make my peas taste better? ›

Mint them – Toss through finely chopped fresh mint. Mint and peas is a classic! Add however much you want, to your taste. Lemon – Stir through lemon zest for beautiful lemon flavour, or juice for tang.

Why do you put baking soda in peas? ›

A teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda can be added to the peas whilst soaking or cooking (to speed up the softening process), but you can still achieve that perfect creamy texture with nothing but water - unless your water is especially hard.

Should you drain canned peas? ›

"When using canned vegetables, you typically will want to and should drain the vegetables from their brine before using them,” says Chef Matt Bolus of The 404 Kitchen in Nashville. "The canning liquid is made of salt and preservatives.

Why put sugar in mushy peas? ›

Season the peas with salt and pepper to taste. Add the optional sugar if you prefer them slightly sweeter, heavy cream or milk to give them a fluffier texture, or butter for flavor.

Why do English eat mushy peas? ›

Throughout England (Northern England and the Midlands in particular) and Republic of Ireland they are a traditional accompaniment to fish and chips.

What is the white stuff in canned peas? ›

Yes, it is safe to eat cloudy canned peas

The murky appearance results from the pea's starches that leach into the canned liquid. According to Oregon State University, these starches will settle in the can over time.

Why are my canned peas Brown? ›

Overcooking. Darkened vegetable Surface darkening from air in headspace when vegetable is not completely covered by liquid. Too much air left in headspace from underprocessing or no processing. Too much air trapped in pack from use of raw pack.

What is another name for Whippoorwill peas? ›

The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) originated in Africa and is one of the oldest domesticated crops. Cowpeas were brought to the Americas during the slave trade and are still grown throughout the Southern and Southwestern US, where they are also known as field peas, southern peas, or crowder peas.

What are Mississippi cream peas? ›

Mississippi Cream Cowpeas. This bush-type plant produces high yields of light-colored cowpeas. This cool-weather plant has 7" long green pods with creamy white peas. The peas change to straw color when dried. You can produce two crops when planted early.

Are cream peas the same as white acre peas? ›

White Acre peas are considered a cream or semi-crowder pea, because the seeds are somewhat crowded in the pod, but not nearly as much as other crowder pea varieties. They are also commonly referred to as field peas or cowpeas and are related to black-eyed, pink-eyed, and purple-hulled peas.

What is the posh word for mushy peas? ›

Mushy peas have occasionally been referred to as "Yorkshire caviar".

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.