The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

TERRIBLE TORNADO IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. Y. BETWEEN 300 AND 400 HOUSES DAMAGED -One of the peculiarities of the storms this summer that they usually end in a tornado. We have bad an uncommon number of hurricanes, destroying a large amount of property, Next in destructiveness to that in Philadel, hia last May is a storm which occurred on Monday of last week in Franklin county, New York, au account of which we take from the Republican: Between the hourg of 9 and 10 o'clock on Monday morning last, a fearful tornado passed over the towns of Constable, Burke and Chateaugay, in this county, and extending into Clinton county, doing un incalculable amount of damagesweeping down forests, scattering fences, destroying all manner of buildings and other property, and leaving nothing but desolation in its track. A heavy and portentous cloud was first observed rising in the north- west, and soon another appeared in the south-west, moving in the direction of the former.

These clouds met about miles north of this village. A friend, who was watching their coming together, said there was an instant crash of falling trees, fences, houses, From this point it swept on with fearful rapidity and force, making a path through the forests and over the fields in nearly a direct course to Burke and Chateaugaylevelling trees of erery size, and buildings as it went. It struck the North street of Burke, near the Town House. The store of Keeler was here unroofed, as were also several dwelling houses and other buildings, and passing a small hollow with little damage it again struck with force about half a mile further on, and from this point on to Chateaugay, a distance of six miles, hardly one building escaped uninjured, and not a barn was left standing. Jeremiah Thomas, in the employ of Mr.

Mitchell was killed. From the west line of Burke to and including the hotel of S. 1). Roberts. at Chateaugay Corners one hnndred and eighty-five buildings, either ullroofed, blown down, or mored from their foundations, can be counted as you ride along the road.

This does not include those partially injured by the loss of a few shingles or the tearing off' portions of covering, but such as are nearly or quite destroyed. The village of Chateaugay is a complete desolation. Not a building escaped injury, and a great number, we do not kuow how many, are completely destroyed, The scene is one which battles description. Stores, churches, dwellings, barns, sheds, out-buildings, all present a sad spectaclethey are awfully shattered broken to pieces. Beyond Chateaugay we have heard of from sixty to seventy buildings which were more or less injured.

The tornado extended for a distance of from thirty to forty miles -perhaps further, and it must have injured and destroyed nearly 400 buildings. $100,000 will not, probably, cover the damage. H. A. Taylor, of this rillage, who passed over the road on Tuesday, informs us that there are K64 buildings, of all kinds, from the west line of Burke to and including the village of Chateaugay, that were injured, unroofed and destroyedand more than two-thirds of that number entirely ruined.

Among the 364 are 128 dwellings, 4 stores; 2 churcbes and three school bouses. Coleman, the dramatist, was asked if he Theodore Hook. replied the wit, "Hook and Eye are old associates." "Jim does your mother ever whip you?" "No, but she does a precious sight worse, though." "What's that?" "Why, she washes iny face every morning!" re Theodore Hook, describing a badly dressed dinner, observed that everything WAS sour but the WHAT IS A a baby is a living I. 0. a drawn upon monbood, that is only honored when it arrives at maturity.

A lady describing an ill-tempered man said: He never smiles but he feels ashamed of it." The Great Russian Remedy, Pro MONO mother should bare a box in the house handy in case of accidents to the children." REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. It is a Boston remedy of thirty years standing, is recommended by physicians. It is 8 sure and speedy cure for Burns, Piles, Boils, Corns, Felons, Chilblains, and Old Sores of every kind; for Fever Sores, Ulcers, Itch, Scald Head, Nettle Rash, Bunions, Sore Nipples, Sore Nose, Warts and Flesh Wounds, it is a most valuable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who have used it in the city of Boston and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no instance will this Salve do any injury, or interfere with a physician's prescriptions. It is made of the purest materials, from a recipe brought from Russia--of articles growing in that country--and the proprietors hare letters from all classes, clergymen, physicians.Redding's Russia Salve is put in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and disabled soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper.

Price 25 Cents a box. GAYLORD 00. Agents for Cleveland. April 2. Reason and common sense.

Our readers may remember we have on severoccasions spoken in very eulogistic terms preparation with Dr. Seth. S. lance, of 108 Baltimore Baltimore, has discorered for the cure of Epileptic Fits. Now, in doing so, we have been actuated by the very best In0tives, viz; the alleviation of human suffering.

From circ*mstances which have lately come to our knowledge, we fear there is a certain class persous who are not disposed to take this remedy in a common sense manner. We allude the fact of selecting a particular case in town where perhaps there are six or eight cases, and trying it on one case. Now, perhaps the case selected might be the only one of the whole number that it would not cure. This is nelther doing themselres nor the medioine justice. If dozen persans were striken down with cholera one town or neighborhood, would they all send for a physician, or would only one employ him, and wait and see if he cured the first patient That plan of procedure would be most absurd.

So in the case of Dr. Mance's remedy, every one who has Fits should try it for a reasonable length of time. It will not cure in a day or week; nothing worth doing can be accomplished at once. What is casily done, is as easily undone. The growth of time is enduring.

From the most repectable testimony we have examined, we feel assured that by a proper preseverance in this remedy, nine cuses of Epilepsy of ten may be cured. Sent to any part of the country by mail, free postage. Address SETA S. MANCE, 103 Baltimore Baltimore Md. one box, $3 two, tweive, $24.

man of city, experience wishes and business babite, thorougly acquainted in or abroad as Agent employment as collector, or in one business House. Aduress Box 2.50, of Post a Commercial or Manufacturing Office. FOR HEALING THE NATIONS Sprains, all Burns, their intirmitios, such as Bruises, or Lameress in Rheumatism, Cancers, Piles, and for Horses, Use the Mexican Mustang Liniment! For sale by Druggists and W. Store keepers everywhere. WESTBROOK.

843. Brondway. N. Sule Proprietor. We light have colors, selected to run from off a' our 45.

Spring Stock about 200 LEXANDER'S KID GLOVES at pairs, we are These Gloves are the same selling lu fresh Good aNt 84, KENDALL DeWITT. MOIRE ANTIQUE SILKBLACK BLACK SILK ANTIQUE TRIMMINGS; LACE: BLACK COTTON LAC Just received. KENDALL DEWITT. Co. are MANTILLAS- S.

Raymond ou better now terius supplied with another lot of those lichtsome -at than ever--just in ime for IndepenSUPERIOR ST. PIECES COTTON DRUGGET AND Cocoa Matting -this day received. S. RAYMOND CO, ADIES' HATS at half price, at PERRY CO. SUMMER DRESS GOODS.


new etvles; PLAIN CHIN IZ STRIPED BAR TRENCH BLACK JACONETS, SILKS: CHINTZ SMALL FIG'D; BLA FREN SILK PRINTS, VISITES MANTILLAS; Agures for children. A old. blue The and owner white can speckled have Cow, middle size, astray, July 8d, 1856, three four reet, and her by calling at my nee paying charges. St Butcher. Planing Mill Sash Factory.

COBB have their of chinery Columbus in full operation, in their Hew location at the Dress Lumber to order, Cent.e and Street, where they are prepared of all kinds. keep constantly for sale, Dressed the beat quality. Hash, Blinds, Do are, Fence Pickets. my 29-b9-1ydkw M. VA.

BOG Before In Attachment I. MasoN. G. D. Justice of the Peace, Cleveland.

Defendant will take notice, that on an the 80th attach day ent of was June, issued 1856. at the instance of Seba M. Boa rainst the grods and by G. B. Tibbsts.

Justice of the of R. 1. fason, a nonresident, for riabts, the credits. sum of monies Two Dollars. for hearing on the 12th day August, 1856, 9 set DAVID W.

JACK SON, Agent of A. SERA M. BOGERT. ORGANDIES and JACONETS BEST at FREEMAN, reduced 0 00 0 0 Hair Lipped and mans. Hair Brained Cere There are little eqnads of hair lipped Germans in almost every city, who in '48 "left their coun try for their country's good," and who came over hero to get up riots and carry on revolutions, until an "agrarian level" as they call it, is reached; that is, the property of the rich, confiscated or equally distributed among the poor, the marriage relations suspended, and "touch and take" the watch word and right of every citizen.

call themselves "Red Republicans," by that name their bloody and revolutionary purposes. They have found congenial party in this country, called "Black Republicans," with whom they now a act as against the Democratic party, the constitntion and the Union. Wherever a half dozen of these rebels get together, they form a clan, secret and active. They generally manage to get up a paper claiming to be "reformists," and assume to speak for all Germany. In this way they deccive many into their support, who otherwise would consider them a nuisance.

By their present ailiance with Know Nothings, they have played their last card of deception with their own countrymen. The Germans have not forgot. ton the manner in which they hare been persecutedby the Know Nothings in Cincinnati, in Louis. ville and in Baltimore? For every life lost in Kanzas, fifty Germans have been sacrificed to the fell spirit of religious proscription--have been of'ered up as victims to appease Know Nothing hatred to their fatherland! This fact cannot be too indignantly commented upon, and we trust our intelligent German friends will make use of it in all proper quarters and upon all proper occasions. Affairs in old Portage.

HIRAM, June 30, 1856. W. GRAY- Sir--The political waters in this benighted region are most awfully troubled, yet there is nothing to move them truly. Calm, candid, firm, and potriotic Buchanan men, and crazy, crooked, foolish fanatics, who acknowledge that they hare no principles, and can't tell what they want, only, that they are going to whip the Democrats and dissolve the Union, because a Inan South Curolina, whipped a man from Massachusetts; and because the Government is to make some prison birds in Kansas submit to the powers that be. The reason of so much fight in this region, is, on account of the Christianity inculcated iu this vicinity, and the overplus of politic I ministers, who no longer preach damnation to sinners, but damnation to law abiding citizens, being surround by this sectarian influence, there are several of these cracked brained fanatics, who believe, and honestly too, that this nation is composed of cheesedom and nothing else.

Some Minister has told them that Fremont will certainly be elected, and they are as confident of it, or appear to be--as the Democrats are certain of Buchanan's election. I can assure you that the Democrats in this region were never in better spirits, and never more determined to win. There are some candid Fusionists here who don't feel just right about their nomination, and see no chance to elect their candidate, and finally don't care which is elected, Fremont or Old Buck. I have succeeded in getting a couple of Fusionists to subscribe for the Plain Dealer, one year, and pay their subscription when Buchanan is elected President. Very respectfully C.

S. Minnesota Items. STRANGE people of Waukokee, Filmore county, in this Territory, have been interested in solving a mystery which came to light on the 31st ult- For several days noble looking dog was accustomed to come whining around the house, and his half-starred look showed he was in want of food, which ufter receiving, he would immediately depart, no one knew whither. There were many conjectures as to the strange mode of procedure by the dog, and those who best knew the fidelity of the race, predicted what proved to be true.On Saturday, a lady and gentleman riding out discovered a body by the road side, about two and a balf' miles from village, partially decay ed, and by its side the faithful dog. The man was very well dressed, and by his side lay a guu, as bright as though it had not been used.

There was no money upon bis person, which leads to the belief that his money was taken and the gun laid by his side to silence suspicion.Upon his person was a letter which bore ouly -Ic Millen, Vermont. This little inscription may gire some clue to finding out who the unfortunate stranger was. The body was properly interred, and the noble companion that re used perhaps for weeks to quit his master, was kindly taken care of. The above description was about all we could obtain, hoping it may come to the notice of some one who will be able to explain what is now Paul Pioness and Democrat. NOTICE.

NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE ROOM, July 5, 1856. State executive committe2, county city clubs and associations, organized to promote the election of the democratic nominees the presidency and rice presidency of the United States, will address their communications to lIon. Charles F. Faulkner, of Virginia, chairman of the National Democratic Resident Committee, Washington city, D. C.

Democratic papers throughout the United States are requested to copy the above notice. By order of the Committee. Attempted Jail Delivery -The Turnkey Knocked Down--Five Convicts Escaped--One of then: Drowned. We learn that, as the assistant jail-keeper was going his round of duty last evening, for the purpose of giving the prisoners water, and while had the door opening to the cella partially open and in the act of passing in a bucket of water, three of the prisoners sprung upon him, dragged him inside, and knocked him down. The following are the names of the convicts escaped, and the crimes for which they had been committed: Martin Williams, tho noted house burglar, who committed such daring depredain this city some fifteen or sixteen months since; Horatio D.

Foster, committed for larceny; Alexander Givens, larceny and robbing ou board a John Riley, for assault and battery; J. Williame, sentenced to the penitentiary ten vears for robbing on board A flatboat. The latter was drowned in attempting to swim the (Tenn.) Bulletin, 5th, Henry Clay, for Buchanan. The following is an extract from a speech delirered by Henry Clay, in the House of Representatives, Kentucky, Nov. 19, 1850, now both applicable and of interest: "But if it (the Whig party) is to be merged into a contemptible Abolition party, and if Abolitionism is to be engrafted upon Whig creed, from that moment I renounce the party and cease to be a whig.

I go ret a stop further; If I umalive Irill give my humble support to that man for the Presidency who, to whatever party he may belong, is not contaminated by fanaticism rather than to one who, crying out all the time that he is a whig, maintains doctrines utterly subversive to the Constitution and the Union." LORD NELSON AND LORD was once our lot to hear A celebrated barrister of the Irish court, who had been a short time before horse-whipped at the foot of Nelson's pillar, in Sackville street, so severely 83 to be carried home from the severity of the punishment, cross-examine a man who had indicted another for an assault. sir," said the counsel, with the usual barristerial insolence, "you were well beaten, were you not?" were, at the foot of Nelson's pillar." "Yes sir," said the man, "quite as, well as you The counsel turned pale with rage and mortification, and turning to Lord Norbury, he said: "My Lord I appeal for protection to the court against this impertinence." "The Court," Raid Lord Norbury, can never refuse its pretection to any one, who has bled under the immortal Nelson." TRIAL OF HON. P. 8. BROOKS FOR ASSULT ON SENATOR SUMNER.

Spcech of Mr. mitted-Sentence, Brooks--The Case SubIn the Criminal Court at Washington Monday Hon. P. S. Brooks appeared before Judge Crawford to answer to the charge of assault upou Senator Sumner.

Mr. Brooks was accompanied by Senator Butler and a number of other friends. The District Attorney appeared for the United States, and John A. Linton, and lIon. Mr.

Orr, of South Carolina, for defense. The Star of Tuesday gives the following report: The District Attorney read the correspondence had passed between him and Mr. Sumner-a letter from Mr. Sumner, dated Silver Spring, June 30, in which he expressed his inability to attend on the day assigned for the trial; a letter from the District Attorney to Mr. Sumner, stating that witnesses were in waiting from a distance, who were anxious to be examined, and inquiring what day his health would permit him to appear, and if he would be willing to accept the proposition of defendant's counsel to submit the case upon the evidence before the louse committee; a letter of Mr.

Sumner in reply, expressing surprise at the communication of the District Attorney, that he (Sumner) had nothing to do with the case direcily or indirectly; that its whole conduct belonged to the Attorney of the United States; a letter from Mr. Key replying that though the conduct of the case belonged to the Attorney of the United States, he did not suppose that in any case the desire of a public prosecutor to confer with and consult the wishes of the injured party would excite surprise; that having received no answer to his inquiries the trial would proceed on the 8th of July, at which time he hoped Mr. Sumner would be able to attend; a letter from Mr. Sumner that would not probably be able to attend at that time and reiterating his desire not to take any part in the proceedings. examination of witnesses was then entered upon.

William V. Leader, James W. Simontons, Hon. L. Keitt, Senator Pierce, Senator Toombs, Dr.

Boyle, Dr. Lindsay, and Senator Benjamin were examined, the evidence being substantially the same 83 that elicited before the Congressional committee. Senator Benjamin testified to Sumner's speech having been printed in advance of its delivery. Senator Toombs, while on the stand, at the request of the council for the defense, read from the speech of Mr. Sumner the portion attacking Senator Butler of South Carolina.

The evidence being concluded, Mr. Brooks rose, and the thronged court-room listened in absorbed silence, while he proceeded in a few brief words, most appropriately expressed, to address the court, as follows: May it please Jour Honor: May I be permitto say word? Crawford I appear in person before this honorable court simply to receive its judgment. I would have preferred that the person upon whom the assault was committed had been present to answer whether or not his speech which libelled my State and my blood was printed before its delivery in the Senate. I feel confident that under oath he could not have denied this fact, which, with due deference to your honor, I regard as material my defense, inasmuch as a libel is to law, and to that extent would operate in extenuation of my offence. I would like to iuquired of him, in person, as to the degree of his personal injuries, and to have been informed in what way he could reconcile that part of his statement as to the words used by me when the assault WAS made with the sentence which immediately suc.

ceeds this language, in his testimony hefore the Investigating Committee, and which is as fol lows: "While these words were passing from his lips he commenced a succession of blows with 8 heavy cane on my bare head, by the first of which I was stunned so as to lose sight." It would hare gratifed me had he been compelled to answer under oath as to the riolence of the first blow, which I aver was but a tar, and intended to put him on his guard. But, sir, he is conveniently and deliberately absent, and on travel, notwithstanding but six days ago this case was postponed on account of his extreme indisposition and the materiality of his testimony; and yet, with all these disadvantages, I prefer to receive the judgment of the court than to continue in suspense. It is not my purpose to adduce any evidence in defence. of the life, and this first time I have already, accomplished more. than half that it has been my misfortune to be arraigned before any judicial tribunal as a breaker of any a law of my country.

I confess, sir, without shame, that my sensibilitieg are disturbed by my novel position, and I have but to express my posed upon we by my own sense of right and profound regret that pre discharging a duty imthe sentiment of the gallant people it is my pride al and honor to represent, I am constrained as a a not as a maker of the laws. consequence to approach you as a violator and In extenuation of my offence permit me to say that no extraordinary power of invention is requisite to imagine a variety of personal griev. ances, which the good of society and even pub- of lic morality require to be redressed; and yet no adequate legal remedy may be had. So also to are those cases which may fall under the condemnation of the letter of the law, and yet like considerations will restrain its penalties. The villain who perverts the best feelings of the better sex, and rewards unsuspeoting derotion with ruin, may bid defiance to this honorable court.

a But where a sister's dishonor is blotted out with in the blood of her destroyer, an intelligent and wholesome public opinion, embodied in an intelligent and virtuous jury, always has, and always will, control the law, and popular sentiment will applaud what the books may condemn. It is the glory of the law that it is founded in reason. But can that reasoning be just which is not regardful of human feeling? Sir, no one knows better than yourself that such a reproach does not rest upon our jurisprudence; for, even stern letter of the law touches with tenderness the husband who slays in the act the usurout of his bed. The child who kills in defence its parent is excused by the law, which is ever of regardful of the virtuous impulses of nature. a parity of reasoning patriotism is regardby every nation upon earth as the cardinal political virtuo.

Sons are made to reward it, to perpetuate the names of those whoare its exemplars. And can it be expected -will it be the required--that with a heart to feel and anarm here strike, shall patiently hear and Ignobly subwhile my political mother is covered with insult, and obloquy, and dishonor her beled Sores character is slandered, and her reputation" liSir, the substance which I hare been gatherfor my children may be squandered, my body may be consigned to the common jail, my itself instincts may of be my forfeited, nature, but true I to will the be home true to of A maturity, and to the mother that bore ine. mostly quality The first political lesson which my ripening faculties fully comprehended and appreciated, the high moral and social obligation of evcitizen to bow himself to the majesty of the which In obedience to the precepts of my youth, are sanctioned by the experience and judgment of maturer years, I submit case to discretion of the court with entire coufidence dence- Gonds, while you, sir, as a magistrate perform your whole duty to the country and yourself, you 50 remember that in every regulated commu- Jy3 public opinion distinguishes between crime honorable resentment, and tolerates the refwhich men sometimes seek in the magnanimity of their judges. Upon the of Mr. Brocks' remarke, Judge Crawford proceeded to give the follow- NO.

decision. AB this matter will be within a short time subject of investigation in another place, as not neceasary to the disoharge of my duty I should remark on the evidence adduced, I could not do without touching on some that will probably be raised elsewhere, it appears to me to be proper that the sentence of vears court should be pronouuced without com- Hicks of That sentence ie that the defandant pay fine $300." Two Irishmen one day went a shooting, corner a large flock of pigeons came flying over to heada. Pat elevated his piece, and firing, all Lumber of brought one of them to the ground. "Arrah!" SEBA exclaimed his companion, 'what a fool you are R. your ammunition, when the bare fall have killed gert, Peace, MODEL says "A wife and Hundred be like 8 roasted lamb--tender, and Cause M.

dressed." A scamp adds "and without Ty: NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. PLUMBING. G. KENEDY HAVING at No. 7 Park Row, Public are now prepar.

ed to receive orders for Plumbing work of every description.Having been engaged in the burineRs for the the past. citizen- 15 of years, Cleve. hotli here aud in eastern clties. they can assure land and surrounding towns that the work entrusted to their care shall be doue well, aud the terms reasonable. We keep constantly on hand Lead Pipe, Sbect and Ball Lead, Pumps Wash Basins, Baths, Water Closets, Cooking Ranges Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch.

J. G- KENEDY Jy120491y No 7 Park Row Public Square. Air Tight Fruit Cans. for years and answer a good purpose for preserving Fruits THE ONLY JAR THAT WILL LAST For Lake Superior. TIE Propeller MINERAL ROCK will leave for Superior City.

La I'cint and intermediase porte, on TUE DAY. tue 15th ot 4 o'clock P. M. For Freight or passage apply on board, er to HUSSEY SINCLAIR. From 8100 to 81000 on Old Buck." WANTED confidence" to find enough a his Fusionist own opinions, with to gen- stake, put up, plank down, from 00 to 11000 on Fremenc'e forward, as election the Let no Fremonter Le back ward about comine kit' ens eyes" are ready.

Enquire at this office. of' all kinds in their natural state. As the body of this ware is perfectly solid, and the glaze pure Flint Glass, it is which free from the objections of poison, light. porousness, Lave condemned the Jars made vi other material. ous for use accompanying enc can.

For sale by v12 BURNETT, 11 Suoerior st. Cleveland Toledo R. R. NOTICE all ON Passenger AND Trains of AFTER this company MONDAY, will depart from and arrive at the present P'assenger station of C. C.

C.P A. and C. P. Rail Roads. I.

PITILLIPS, Sup't. ONE WORD MORE ABOUT MA MANTILLA AVE selling HAVE these desirable BEEN Summer AND Goods. ARE STILL OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, as rapidly as we can make them, and at prices 30 pr. ct. less than anv other House in Cleveland.

25 just received, at $2,50 and $3.00, worth $5.00. 13 $1.00 $5.00, $3.00. 10 $7 00 $3.00, 12.00. N. Our stock of New York made Mantillas, at 25 per cent less than cost, FRENCH DAVIS, jy121w 75 Superior street.

NEW SEASONABLE DRY GOODS! THIS DAY RECEIVED. Fmbroidered French Coliars Skirts, Embroidered Linen Colla White Cactus do Polka Soot Veils, Col'd do Chantilla Vella, Slate do Eng Thre I.ace, Lisle or Gloves, English Edging, Prayerv Muslins, Linen Sleeves and Collars, Bonnet Wreathe, Linen Nots do Ruckus. Hook Muslin setts do Black and White Prints, Dotted Jaconet do Turkish Towels, Black Silk Mitts, Somid Blond, Stamped Collars, Blk Trimming Ribbons, Linen Shirt Bosoms, Moire Antique, Black Silk Mantillas, Coronet, Ilead Dresses, White 80 cases B'eached Cottons, 100 bales Bleached Shirtirgs, 20 pieces more of that 10 cases Prints. Tapestry Infrain Carpets. Fancy Gingbams, S.

RAYMOND Jy12 63 Superior strect NOTICE. -AMONG THE Goods Just opened at ALBERTSON'S, ON THE CORNER, You will find Gold and Silver Watches. "new style of Casa:" Silver Forks Spoons, new patterns; Criao Krooches and Ear Rings; Florentine Mosaic Jewelry, in sets; Coral Mounted Fine 18 Karat Gold 18 Gold Vest and Guard Chains; Fine 13 Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Fine 18 Thimbles; Fine Bridal and Party Fane; Fair and Commo Pa'm Leaf Fans. The new s'y'le of Brown L'nen Fans. Th- new stole of Opera and ('oncert Fans.

large lot o1 Ladies' Reticules. A large lot of Traveling Bags. A large lot of Ladies' Baskets. Ladies' Pearl Port Donates. Pearl Card Casc8, Silver Port Monales and Card Cases.

A Fine assortment of Je: Bracelets. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Clocks! A LL the single THE one or case, at DESIRABLE STYLES, ALBERTSON'S jy10 Cor Superior Strect and Public FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS! OF BURGEES, ALL PENDAN'S, DESCRIPTIONS. on hand and ENSIGNS, made orderi at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Also, AWNINGS, TENIS, BAGS.

COVERS, NICHOLS, BEAUFORT Sail Makers and Riggers. 111 River Cleveland, July 10, 1850. 20. TRAVELLING GOODS Now opening by BALDWIN co. POPLINETTa, LAVALLA CLOTHS, DE LEGES.

BEGES MOHAIRS, STEEL COL'D BAREGES, Comprising altogether the largest, stock of Trave'ling ever opened in the city. jy'10 I. BALD IN ('O. Grand Submarine Pleasure Excursion. THE CAPT.

C. STEAMER C. BLOUGET, OCEAN, Will give a Pleasure Excursion, leaving the dock or the lean Central K. R. Line, Friday, July 11th, at 9 o'clock in morning, aid return at 1 P.

MH. E. P. HARRINGTON, celebrated Diver, who raised the safe from: the ill fated Allan tic, will go out, and with his Submarine Armor, will slow the party his manner of raising the sale. A splendid Cotillion Band is also er gugui for the oc.

adan. The safe raised from the Atlantic can be seen on board. L. A. PIERCE, Agent.

Hitch the hitching poste Your we have placed Horses UNION HA LIE WOULD INFORM OUR OUS friends go up and down on the bicles prorelled by horses, that we have convenient bitching posts at the sides of our building, to which they can hitch horses, while they a' engaged in the IN al our magnincent establ shment. We'give this information account of cone of our customera, in their eagernees to adiniesion into our Mammoth Clothing Emporium, have tempted to drive th- ir teame directly into the store. Now would advise our friends to do so any more, CROWD INTO UNION HALL af much as you please, but be sure to leave your horsca on outaide. We Have the Largest and Best Stock of for the FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! season, to you, comprising variety CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, of the best make and of the Ancst materials. and We can have offer tl.e most complete assortment of Furnishing Goods, the greatest luducements to purchasers of Goods in our line, at ISAAC A.

ISAACS' Union Hall, Cor, Superior Union Sts. LOOK OUT FOR THE GIANTS. M. F. OVEROCKER,) In Attachment.

Before G. B. Tibbits, J. I'. of Cleveland A.

C. LOWBARD Cuyabega Co. Ohio. THE attachment Defendant was issued will at my take instance, notice, by G. B.

that Tibhite, Justire of the Peace, againet the goods and chattels, el rights, credits. monies and etf: cts of the said A. C'. Lowbard. for 81 100ths.

Trial set for August 14th, 1856, at 9 o'cloek A M. M. E. OVEROCKER, July 6th. 1856 by G.

OVEROCKER, Ag't. G. B. TIBBITS. jr8c34yw NOTICE been is hereby given that the subscri appointed and qualided as executors on estate of George Sheets late of the c.u-ty of Cuyahoga, ceased.

Dated at Cleveland, this 7th day of July, 1506. J. U. CLEVELAND, CLEMONT SHEETS. ASSIGNEES SALE OF Carpenter's Tools at Auction.

C. MOLLEN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 1 CITY BUILDINGS. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 9, ning until all a' sold. Conaisung of commencing at 7 o'clock P.

and coutlauing every eveMa'ch Planes. Hollows and Rounds: Beads: Rabbit Pianes: Moulding Planes of all kinds: Gouges; C'lampe; Tress and a general assortment of Joiner's Tools. The Tools a all new and in prime order. They Are the Manufacture of F. B.

Marble of thie city, and all tools are war. ranted. Terms. Cash, bankable funds, jyS2td CLOCKS DAVIS' R. R.

Jy8 COWLES CO. Clocks-very low prices- at 49 Weddell House. CLOCKS FOR Churches, Edifices, 50 Wedde'l Horse. Jy3 COILES CO. CLOCKS- MARINE, FOR SHIPS, LOJCOMOTIVES, Steamboats, -at 19 Weddel Iouse.

jy'9 COWLES CO. CLOCKS- STRIKING MARINE--NEW nice-at House. COWLES CO. CLOCKS ROUND or without SHARP alarm-all GOTH. regulated and 49 we Weddell House.

COWLES (0. For Lake Superior. THE Steamer PLANET, Capt. Jos. NICHOLSON, Cleveland THURSDAY, JULY 10th, at 10 o'clock P.

and Detroit Friday, July 11, at 2 o'clock P. for Lapolnte. Lake Superior, Copper touching at Mackinaw. Saut Ste. Marie, Marquette, Freighter passage apply F.

to Eagle River, and Ontonagon. For MUSSEY SINCLAIR, Or HANNA GARRETSON, Agents, Cleveland. Beautiful Residences for Sale. THE subscriber 'OLD GIDDINGS proposes dividing the Euclid street, next the lot east of Thomas Bolton's. place on the street is more pleasantly lorated than this is in: a good neighborhood -a stream of living water runs across each Being outalde the city limits, the corporation tax is also saved.

Enquire of C. KOCH, Jy5c27tf 57 Superior street. Husseys RETAIL DEALERS IN SALINEVILLE STRAP VEIN COAL Office ALSO, and Yard NUT COAL FOR SMITHING. Coal Pier, (toot on the east side of the Cleve. Pitta.

R. R. of Wate; street, Cleveland, 0.) jy7c231yd FRINGES AND OTHER DRESS TRIMMINGS. Wide Black Lace. Belt Ribbons.

TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO. BISHOPS French LAWN--SILK long and AND LINEN Jy1 TAYLOR. GOISWOLD CO. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. A to NY enter that PLUMBER, business, in OR want ef PERSON ABOUT to take charge of their kneines, will please a person fully capable The advertiser has been engaged Lu the business enquire in at one this of office.

the Eastern pities for a long time. 1y NOTICE WATERS THE 1s FIRM OF WHEELER, sent. Ali the CO. this day dissolved by mutnal condebts due concern must he naid to A. Haines.

The WHEELER. WATERS CO. at the old business stand, will No. be 76 continued Ontario by Street. WHEELE WATERS, Cleveland, July 10.

1856, 948 w0 WANTS AND LOST. years old. dark brindle, turned horns, lump on her bind leg. She has been around here between and three wrens. and gives but little nit k.

The owner can have her by proving property, and costs to Root Street. Wes Cleveland, SITUATION Salesman WANTED store. -FOR Addr. A 88 Jy10 dit, clerk Cleveland A FIRST Pittsburgh, CLASS wishes employment COACH in this MAKER clty. I.

M. Cleveland OST. -A Likeness of a young lady lost on July 4th. on an Ontario street. The Ander rewarded by having it at this office.

WANTED TO RENT, A comfortable walk of small tr: Court dwelling House, for house which, ted, the applicant will pay from g2w0 to per annuni. Refer to LYMAN ATWATER. WANTED einall -A family, situation and take charge wanted of to the or in some small family, tore, to sow and exercise two hours in a day. The situation prefered. Plea leave word at this office.

OR On Friday 6th, on the between Cincinnati and a large l'ocket Book, con aining valuable papers to the such co negotiable notes and certificates of st: ck, (no The Ander will receive a liberal reward by returning to THOMAS G. TOLMADUE, No. 18 William (Statesman, Columbus, copy, and send bill to advertiser.) jun19 182 white King Charles -A sinall black and Spaniel, called "BEAU TY." 'the Ander will be liberally rowarded by calling office of GARRETT COWELL, j18tf 01 Superior 2d TONGINEER WANTED A'T THE M. Co. Leonard St.

jackson tf B. IMMEDIATELY-10 May 3, 1856. WANTED situation A at MIDDLE Pook-keeper or as AGED would engage in other respectable a business employment moderate salary. Referents riven. Address Box 1946.

dtf FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR PREMISES the Leland Shingle Factory," consisting of convenient bull. ings located on Division street. with ENGINE, 15 Ho's power: Mach.inery for SAWING AND LUMBER, MAKING PUMP TUBS SHINGLES. This property, with an unexpired lease of three years, ab e.

will be sold very cheap. For terms apply to iy10c422wd LIMAN ATWATER. TO SPORTSMEN, FOR SALE. -I have two of the best Setter Pups in the city. They are of Capt.

Turner's Spanish Setter. RON'T MOTE. Frankiin House, West HOUSE TO RENT. A with TWO basem*nt, on STORY Sheriff No. 8.

BRICK Apply to superior HUDSON. on Euclid south side, adjoining Church. losses-ion given Ist of July. CO. TOR -Dr.

HEWITT offers House and Lot on the corner of Lake and Seneca NEW yond Also a the Farm east of line ten of acres the si (ty uated -two on Stores the on Lake Shore Prospect site and a elde Water Lot near the Toledo Railroad Depot on the of the River. Time can be had upon all or the ty by raking 8 emall payment down. Dr. 11. can be his old oflice on Lake between the hours or 12.

2 June 18, 1356. tf SALE EAT A BARGAIN! SMALL FARM OF 39 A in FARMINGTON. Trumbull County, 0. well improved and well cropped. Large fraine house.

good never stone falling Cellar, Spring of 2 pure Barns, 2 Vella, 2 good Orchards, Water location forty miles further Cleveland, on information the banks of Grund River. Title porteer. apply to GARRETT COWELL, June 11. 91 Superior 21 door, Cleveland, TOR RENT -A TITO STORY HOUSE, up. both No, 41, inside corner and of outside.

Sheriff and Prospect elegantly a good well, cistern: and supplied with gas fixtures, and burn, and is one of the most No. houses 11 in the city. For tarra enquire at the rockery Superior or of the under igned. H. June 11.

b57tf FOR dence, SALE consisting -A of 17 acres beautiful and valuable One orchard with a first of land, a new house, The rate selection ol fruit, above property is within about 3 miles of the by Ceme House, try. on It is Kinsman under Street. third house below will he sold at a bargain. an Will excellent state of improvement ty in part pay, Terms easy. take city the or country in Square.

premises, ju9b43 Apply to K. W. TYLER. FOR SALE-10 tons Lake Huron subscribers Stones, are superior the sole in dealers quality to any other produced. to here for these stones.

JOHNSON, WILLARD CO. on Dork and 93 River Street. Street. FOR SALE OR RENT, A VALUABLE near the property Marine on the river corner of Merwin and German three story Mills. It has on it a very large and substantial It inay bulding, be rented suitable for for storage or manufacturing terms.

Enquire of a term of years or bought on OX, 93 C. HICKOX, Merwin or If. A. Superior St. April 2, '66, tr UMMER RESIDENCE FOR RENT.bealthful a small residence and respectable the family, desiring a picasant wishes to let his house on Prosneet summer street, months.

between Perry subscriber Goods, s' about 15 minutes walk from together with the garden, grounds, fruits, the furniture, Public horse and reasonable cow, from the 15th of July to the 15th of upon terms. rior For street, further particulars call at Mould or at the premises. Numsen's. 82 July 1, c12d1w HI. MOULD.

Mich- FOR SALE OR RENT. the the Situated VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, to known as the BRIcK the MILL Ohio Canal, in the Chilicothe, can be given on the is 10th now offered fo. rent or Possession Woodbridge now occup ed by Mosers, of Julv. For subscriber, terms, apply to D. SMART, Chilicothe, or to 2wd at Greendeld, Ohio, HUGH SMART.

FOR Lot 9 RENT- Eagle -Lots 51 and 55 Eric street. street. 86 Kin man street. Lots Lots 417, 59. 151, 153, 449, 169 Ohio street.

Lot 419 477, 473, Miami 478, Street. 109, 111, 103 Pittsburgh Street. Enquire of F. JUDSON, their Office with Pa'ne Wade. NO feet, finely RENT.

A fine large room, 40 by door fitted up to rent for an office or sales room. on mariOitf over Post office. Enquire of LYNCIL gain at. Post Office Building. we Detroit River White Fish.

the choice seine caught Fish, THOUSAND Packages of AND 500 bbls and half bbls nice Lake White Fish; of 200 800 bbls and half bbls Mackinac Trout; ALSO, Inspected. For sale at lowest Saginaw market Pickerel; price, all in gne order, W. J. GORDON SALE. tent," of the ROILERS following of the "Wightman 23 feet dimensions fee: 6 inches up the Missiesippi long--capable of propelling a Bont of 800 tong burthen tentee, at the Johnson River.

House. For formation, inquire of the Cleveland, JAMES O. were WIGHTMAN. an SALE. $32 JAS.

ROSS. 10 HOGSHEADS Prime Sugar, at No, FIRE AND WATER. Make Your Houses Proof against Fire Water BY TRING the Hoff's Patent Compound Roofing Cement. de THIS Cement is, beyond a doubt, one easy the great inventions of the age. In view of its low mate by its application, expansion great and durability and exact adaption to any eat aud contraction througb the infuence rooting now cold, it will unquestionably by far excel any in use, tin and slate not excepted.

It can be is ily known applied to 10 be roofs better of than every anything description. eitber fat or steer, Steamboats, Rallroad ever before discovered, cars, Foundrys. A Two It may coats be of put over old shingles, without removing them.this Cement applied to an old leaky tin roof of make it as good as when new, with less than balf the common shingles. expense the The United subscriber States, is having ready purchased from C. C.

Hoff his right geli rights for to do roofing on short notice, or wish to in Towus, a Counties and States to those woo engage highly profitable buelness with a snail capital. E. P. RUSSELL, BALSLEY BOLSTER, Agents for Oblo. Manlieus, To be N.

seen Y. the Commercial from 12 A. M. to 3 M. jun11b531md EMBROIDERIES! EMBROIDERIES Sets in Muslin, Swiss and Cambric Bands, Elegant Swiss and French Collars.

Black and White Gympure Lace, Our extensive Lazarr of Swiss Muslin for Basques. varicty of Lad'es' Fancy Goods and Toys contains every Cases, Brushes, Combe, Fang, Perfumery Reticules, Jet Ornaments, Dressing the mort complete and Fancy Soaps. Also, the instruction and amusemeat assortment of Dolls, Games, for sale at the lowest importers of children, lately imported prices, junIt RETTBERG HAUSMANN. Dr. B.

A. Graduate of Halliwell, Cleveland Surgeon Dentist, Medical College, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS NUAce, over Talcott's Jewelry Store, corner to Public be found Square at his he is Invariably tarlo Street, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. Sundays and On.

A A SINGLE COMPLETE 1 DOLLAR. excepted. Please give uim a call. "Advice gratice. .30 jun13 A TVORY beautiful HANDLE TABLE CUTLERYted and polished steel pattern, blailes.

Just received, round handle, with plamy29 CRITFEN DEN'S. LACE of all new MUSLIN styles, very CURTAINS--A low prices. Just re ceived. Imd R. RUSSELL CO, 16 Superior St.

MRS. 22 Chernu' MERRICK, street. M. Cheanut has removed to Murison, between Superior and Euclid. street No.

2: rune is from the Erie eighth to boure from Erie, on the south side. Say 18-1 md Hats ADIES received cases this and are very prices at 16 being sold at reduced PERRY CO. IMPORTANT NOTICE. T. has Just HARNEY, received a very 154 large SUPERIOR STREET, varlety which he will offer SPRING prices DRESS SILKS, New Dress at hitherto unrivalled.

Also, SHAWLS, LINEN Goods and Embroideries, Ribbons, which for GOODS, beauty of all descriptions. HOSIERY, surpassed. An examination of style and make cannot be April 1, 1856. is respectfully solicited. ALFRED Mutual Fire DAVIS, Receiver Medina Co.) Insurance In attachment V8.

Before Justice G. B. TIBBITTS, MARIETTA BATES, Defendant. of the Peace. A ment the was instance by G.

of B. the Plaintiff an attachof Cleveland. Cuvabova County, Ohio, Tibbetta, a Justice of the Peace chattels of the Defendant, Marietta ates, agal st the goods and ty dollars and coste, the defendant for the sum Twencounty. Cause is adjourned to the 4th being of August, nou-raident of the ALFRED DAVIS, Receiver, 1856, 9 by A M. CLEVELAND, Jure 19, 1856.

it. C. STEVENS, Agent. je25b953wd much less than JACONETS, Robe Patterns, at TRENCH this morning, at stores" coet prices, a new lot received PERRY CO. sortment very WINDOW CORNICES- a Rich As.

cheap, at R. L. RUSSELL 76 Superto: AMUsem*nTS. PLAIN DEALER. W.



BRECKINRIDGE. OF KENTUCKY. Col. SUMNER, in obedience to orders, dispersed the revolutionary government at Topeka the other day. It is strange Uncle Sam will not allow duplicate governments in all the States and Territories where these screechers want them.

They would have a one wife Beecher government in Utah, and drive out with fire and fa*ggot the Mormons, just as. the- Border Rufiang did from Missouri. Great people, these Black Republicans. 'The Petticoat Party. As a last expedient to raise the enthusiasm of men and the fervor of old bachelors, Mrs.

is brought forward by the fusion editars, and made prominent as a Presidential candidate. With which Vice she rung, whether with Dayton or Johnson, is not known. We expect that, should Colonel be elected, be would travel under the title of Mrs. President and J. her keep the petticoats out of the political ring, or there'll be a smasbing of hoops." Wait for the Wagon.

As long May 29th, the Plaindealer cautioned its readers not to take as true anything which they saw in Fusion or Republican prints, but to depend entirely on Democratic authority. The caution reads thus: DEMOCRATS, BEWARE! Don't believe more than half the Fusion lies that you hear about Kansas and Congress. Don't make up your min a upon their concocted telegraphic reports. Wait for the news as it comes by mail, and through Democratic, not Fusion papers, and thus possessed of the facts, make up your minds accordingly." Our neighbor has followed up this advice with a specimen of his sharp practice, by suppressing from his readers just such telegraphic dispatches as did not suit his purpose. To be sure, a man has a right to manage his newspaper'as he sees fit, but as a part of foco, Pro-Slavery tactics, it is interesting to see how important it appears to the BUCHANAN men to keep the truth from the people.

For instance, on the 2d of July, a half-column telegraphic report gave a full and clear synopsis of the report of the Kansas Investigating Committee. Not a word of this did the Plaindealer give to its readers. And so on Wednesday last, the afternoon dispatches gave a portion of Col. MONT's of acceptance, but not a syllable did the Plaindealer print. There are no two documenta connected with the present campaign, which the readers of all newspapers are more eager to see than the Report of that Committee, and the letter of Col.

FREMONT. But it answers not the cause of slavery propagandism to publish to the world the proved outrages inflicted by the Southern allies of the Plaindealer upon, Free settlers in Kansas, and it would not cause of such a slave labor advocate, as is the Plaindealer, to give to its readers the manly defence of Free Labor as avowed by JoHN C. FREMONT. Therefore the Plaindealer gars Wait for the Wag. on," but that wagon refuses to come, and its readers are forced to take such wares as Slavery Propagandism sees fit to True, we gave such advice, and true, too, that we have followed it, practicing what we preached.

With a congressional manufactory of Fusion lies at Washington, with five Fusion Daily Journals in New York bought up with Mariposa presidential stock to circulate broadcast these lies through the land, the almost continued sesgiong of Fusion committees and conventions, all furnishing to Fusion telegraphers the burthen of their reports, a democratic publisher is under no obligations to allow such party machinery to fill his paper with reading matter. He has as much right to select his news by telegraph as be has by mail. It is bad enough to make him pay for such Fusion stuff without compelling him to put it in his paper. Most of the Washington news sent to Western publishers by the N. Y.

Reporter is taken from BENNETT's Herald and N. Y. Tribune. Now we do not intend to let HORACE. GREELEY OF JAS.

GORDON BENNETT furnish our readers with facts or opinions for this campaign, for neither of those gentlemen would we believe under oath, where either had the remotest interest to lie. The Cleveland Herald can copy from them, for the good and sufficient reason that it is not facts it wants. The Herald complains that we did not copy FREMONT's letter of acceptance, an abstract of which came by telegraph. Mr. FREMONT was nominated on the 19th day of June, and his acceptance bears date the 8th of July.

If he can take eighteen days to write a letter, we see no particular reason why we should not take our time" to publish it. Mr. letter of acceptance has been thirty days before the people, yet we have no complaint to make because the Herald has not yet published it. There is the Kansas Pucification Bill passed by by a two-thirds vote of all the States as represented in the United States Senate, which has not yet found a place in the Herald. "There are no two documents (in our opinion) connected with the campaign, which the readers of all newspapers are more anxious to sec" than these.

The reason may be that that patriotic and pious paper (1) is so full of Fusion shrieks for freedom and "extracts for Sunday reading," that it has not room for such documents. If the donkey editor of that paper will loan us one of his long ears for a moment. we will whisper something into it that, if heeded, will bring more bread and butter to that concern than all the political somersets it has ever turned. The secret is this--mind your own business. Another howl.

Look out for the screechers about these days. Renton on Fremont. It is said that Colonel Benton, heard the news of Fremont's nomination for the Presidency, remarked, in a boisterous manner: Why, Fremont is a simpleton, sir; he is a simpleton, sir, and a fool, sir, to permit the Abolitionists to use his name, sir. They think he has money, sir; and that he will bleed, sir; and, by G-d, sir, they have set him up to cheat and swindle him, sir. They are a pack of political knaves, Aud all the people say Amen." Popery vs.

Polygamy. These two planks in the Fusion platform stick out a feet. After politically demolishing Popery, these Fusion Fremonters are going to fix Polygamy. Already their file leader, LANE, has set an example of batred to the practice by repudiating even one wife. LET THE N.

Y. Evening Post, and the Framong papers generally, as far as heard from, arc quite dejected at Mr. Van Buren's coming out for Buchanan. The 35 electoral votes of New York are of some consequence. COLORED ELOQUENCE.

brndders" said a waggish colored man to a crowd, "in all infliction, in all ob yer troubles, dar is one place you can always find sympathy." "Whar! whar!" shouted several. "In de dictionary," he replied rolling his eyes skyward. ABOUT TIlE ORIGINAL and two 8 Gen't Torn RYAN. paying EBRATED Man In Miniature- weighing ouly 25 THIS WORLD RENOWNED AND Ohio. -19 Will years hold of h's age-aml Leeves at but 31 lucnes high.

YOUNG MELODEON MALL, For Three Days Ouly, commedcing FROM Thursday TICKETS, Afternoon Children Evening, under July 10th, Address o. lIe la perfectly 25 CTS; symetrical I in all his pro. 10 g're ofa*ge, P. and graceful beyond tollet, and was SMALLER THAN ANY INFANT THAT will be WALKED ALONE. The General will, among others, appear in his new and ful Character of with- GENERAL WA WASHINGTON! if ren- In hie magnificent Continental Uniform, presented by GENERAL, SCOTT, In which character sing travel Ci The Star spangled Banaur.9 33 or children; three DR.

I. R. SHERDAN KIRKIAM, Procutor to the General. Jy7 6t CORBYN, Business Manager. c36 3 evening BALLET AND PANTOMIME: Cleveland, owner, MADEMOISELLE CHRISTINA, money.) AND THE the N.

Y. ZAVISTOWSKI TROUPE Will appear RoOD, In the most popular place of amusem*nt in the City. Herald copy. Jv12c47tt CLEVELAND THEATRE. the B.INK STREET.

door. RE CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. W. VINCENT Managers E3 JOHN A. ELL Proprietors.

Joiners Box PRICES OF ADMISSION. THORP. Orchestra 75 .00 Boxes, small. Family 25 20 MAN TILE OF OPEN: 15 open Sir at glo seats In Curtain private box rises assistant. or o'clock.

the Seats Theatre and Private tween the Boxes can be secured at 'the Box Office hours of 10 and 1, and 2 and 4 I remember No this. money taken at the door. All visitors will Cr.e Chance More! A Grand Gala large KNOWN and Miss Caroline Richings Mr. Will make their I'. Richings! STEAM last ce this evening.

STONE CUTTING Saturday Evening. July 12th, renew. The performarce A ROLAND will commence FUR AN with the OLIVER. called Maria, Mr. Miss C.

P. Span- Duetts, After which by a grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Mon ce MR. MISS RICHINGS. Side.

The whee to conc'nde MULETEER with the OF beautiful TOLEDO: Comedy called HOUSE, OR, KING, QUEEN AND KNAVE. Peer Wesleyan JOSEPH Caroline Riching3 Stacey's Ice Cream Rooms, his Corner of Euclid Str. and the Public Square. just Street- be- NOW OPEN FOR TILE SUMMER Strret, cies of the Season. seasons will Cream all its varieties: also all the oppo.

patrons he hopes his be endeavors served to up please in the will best nicet style. To proper. liberal patronage, as they have bestowed upon with found at season. His him the o'clock. Will SPLENDID ROOMS, have every comfort and convenience attached, to ACRES, all for visits to lil3 Establiswent and agreeable, especially Farm LADY CUSTOMERS.

with a The rooms being so pleasant and retired, is quired for the Ladies to stop in and rest while shopping the place from Summer Days. For He will ke on hand ICE 0. VANILLA. STAWBERRY, BRANDY PRESERVED PEACHES, FRUIT, POMAN LEMON. PINCH, GIARLOTTE RUSE, fitted P'arties supplied.

CALVES FOOT SELLY. and In 12-tr convenient JOSIAII STACEY. RICE. Store, STILL THEY COME resi- RECEIVED -Another invoice barn, a Hats, those Just the beauriful thing for Rocky this warm MOuntain Silvery Drab weather. Court J.

G. MACK. 66 Woodland N. Or praite Weddell and None but those thoroughly practical Furriers wanted Immediately.proper.

Furs, need apply acquainted with on the STODART PIANOS. Grind The LIGUTE NEWTON PLINO TORTES, EMERSON'S PREMIUM PLANES, A LARGE Fortes for sale assortment low for of cash, at these the Wareroome excellent the subacriber, Sta, MELODEONS, 100 SUPERIOR STREET. pur- VIOLINS. easy GUITARS, HICK- ACCORDEONS, SAX HORNS, 'New Songa, Polkas, Waltzes, Schottis hes, MUSIC, SHEET VIOLIN STRING and Italian, French, BANJO, and Luglish, the -st DRUMS, assortment in the Square, aud For sale by J. P.

HOLBRO OK, 100 Super tor October, carriage, FOR bbls. Turk's Is'and bbls. Calcined Plaster. Supe- 2504 Gallons -tone Ware. dtf 60 Tous JOHNSON, in barrels or bulk, by WILLARD en the.

Ack. TOILET BALM C. A. Exquisite FLOWERS! greatest luxuries ofthe Toilet that preparation is one of ted to the public. The properties of ever been submit.

the by actual experience: it cleanges the Balm is established and delicate, at the eume tin. skin, rendering it, fair. Blotches, Pimples, Sunburu effectually removing surpassed Freckles, and imparting an Applied to the FRESHNESS. Hair. AND BEAUTY, curl aud have a El ay at softness.

its growth and causes it ougbly removes Dandrut, By one applicati it of the hair. a and gives life and vigor to the and dete Ps dentifrice it is unequalled, for ita medicinal Teeth it at brings the properties teeth. remove offensive su el a fom decayed white as ala' aster, and will after prevent a few the anplications, formation beauti 18 woe, and of Tartar First For Shaving at the Raine time perfun the breath. the beard and it is superior to any Soap or Cre it softens For renders' an easy operation. ness and Bathing, and especially for Infants, it promotes a

cleanliness, preventing cruptious and irritations of these PRICE, There 50 is no CENTS Toilet PER P-eparation equal to it. BOTTLE. J. BRYAN. Wholesale Depot 451 Operative Eighth Chemist, Roehester, Proprietor.

Sold by all Druzgists. Avenue, New York. "e86 cl 1md just FOR ly SALE OR RENT. The tore formerCO. between l'erry and L.

Granger Waldoner as Streets. a It bakorv, a on good Garden location. Street, the subscriber, terms are on the reasonable. premises. For further information apply to abell.

je2Sco 2wd L. WALDENER, PaPa- Ontario street. JAS. ROSS. 100 BUSHELS Pinkeye Potatoes, WHALEBONE TAYLOR, Cactus, and GRISTOLD lair Cloth CO.


and lustrumenta for Ubein read- my-31 WM. FISKE. and Apothecaries Hall. for LA FARGE TO CTO HOUSE, NEW YORK, will BROADWAY. ANIS NEW AND for ly new aid MARBLE magnificently EDIFICE Is just completed and en ir to public about the first of June furnished, next.

and will be opened to the may makes it very desirable tor permanent The location of th'e louse: ate being in vicinity the of most all central fashionable part of places Broadway, aud in the immedi-. or transieut hoarders ter adapted to the comforts of fauallies of muusem*nt, and is betat the city-baving a large number of Parlors, than any other House ventilated bed rooms attached, together with large and well ber of single rooms for Ladies and -entlemen. quite a large NONE This House is to be of the FIRST CLASS, in all its appointments, and is to be kept and upoo soond the to ular American plan, and under the personal reg. House H. BURROUGUS, former Proprietor of WA.

In this city, also of the Franklin House in the Philadelphia. Irving: EDWIN STONE and M. BURROUGHS, New York, May 20th, 1856. 1961802m Proprietors for and Gent's, Boys' Children's Caps. THE IONABLE LARGEST AND MOST FASHBlue, Brown and Drab Assortment Fancy of all taa new styles of Black, and Glazed Caps for Gents, Boys Childr CAPS Black Velvet.

CLOTH and is now offered for sale at remarkably low unjust Of- JOHN 65 G. Superior MACK'S. Fashionaple ilatter, figures, opposite Weddell THE The Watchman," WANDERER, 00 by the Author of The The Ship White Gl Carpenters Family, by W. E. S.

by Capt. Mayne Whitrean. The Scalp Huuters, by Mayne cd- $1 25. 25. low to get Rich, by Ather L.

The W. Duke M. of Marchmout, 50 or the Ruined Gambler, Bon Ton, tor Julv-50. Leslie's Putnam a Gazette Monthly of for Fashion Ju for The Household olfellow Words for July fu Vol. Monthly Baliou': or July- a3.

Ball and Pictoria, Index for bound, Vol. glit-43 X-15, CO, New or Yo.rk Ledger, of July Sale by HAWKS P. 0. Hall, Clerelan d' DISSOLUTION between H. The C.

GAYLORD. Copartnership C. L. Hereand G. C.

MAMMOND, under the style of AMES. this day dissolved by mutual consent. Gaylord dr is: of H. C. Gaylord GAYLORD Hammond, and G.

will C. HAMMOND, stand. No. 80 Superior Sueet, continue the usinesa at the old. under the style accounts of the late Arm.

and are authorized to settle all! 0. Co. F. in the AMES Retail having Store, bought the entire Bock, interest of Gay'ord Square, will continue the there in his East own Side Public name. U.

E. C. GAY LORD, Juls 1, 1856. GEo. U.

1wd RICE IMPORTERS BURNET, French China, Crockery their former location the to 'I radc, that they Lare removed Friends and respectively announce to their (nearly opposite Gaylord 11 Et SUPERIOR Co.) STREET. NO. fucilities for business, they will where, with their Increased and style of gods in their line, be and able will to be furnish happy to every wait Farlety, who may favor them with Cleveland, Juue 14. their pa'ronage. P.

W. RICE, Jun17h691md P. R. BURNETT. -particular, for FOR SALE.

-Right in every eun (tt's stable Saddle or Light Buexy. Can be seen on Champlain St. W. WARREN. Sum rior St.

MANTILLAS- Very low at PERRY CO. CELpounds 1856. EVER D.antl. 6,00 6,00 1,00 at o'clock. please Richings lichings Song, oLe Richings delica: biz that: past render re warm of Beaver of u' city, Salt.

a the per of ed and to mit ing life the my was cry law. the that will pity, and uge ing the it is that which points the mept. A when their waste would A should nicely sauce," the soft Tan. unto thorroots ully no the 75 and the 1.

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Article information

Author: Stevie Stamm

Last Updated:

Views: 6424

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.