Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


Merchandise. Carafs isr Rant Help WaaleJ, Mai. aad Faaaala Pool and Billiard Table. fi Taming antl Repirin "Everythlng'a In jour favor when you ibuy from Plerca-Arrow" LOST Irish terrier, male, reddish brown Dr. Hildreth Says Treatmen TRIVATB QARAGK, WITH OWNKR, 112.

U. 8. aUVKHNalKNT JOH8, ll to I'-M1 After-Inventory POOL AND UILLIARU TAMLKS Kxcellent condition: sacrifice Immediately, lirooklyu Strand UUIIard Academy, dir. Kulton at. UTerllng 3-UUMI.

PIANO TUN1NU by factory expert: lowvsl Work thoroughly gusranteed. Leater Planoa, 'Inc. Klatbush av. NKvlns a-3WTt. i Ease in Financing Purchase of Home Attracts Many Buyers to Market.

The realty and construction field has been hard hit along with other phases of the past two years of depression. In some ways real estate has paid a bigger than other markets as, in addition to a decline In price, there has been a falling off in the factors that develop this field. This has brought a. bargain day to prospective home In the metropolitan area vir- tually every section has had a falling off in prices and interest. Construction proceeded, although at a reduced pace, in the business i districts.

Apartment construction was virtually haltedi and one and two-family projects went ahead slowly. Boroiurli Fares 'Well Brooklyn fared better than most aections of tho city. The business projects required little attention as most of these were completed prior heavy coat, no markings: answers to llttla alrlJ pet: reward Philip Mtlller, 190-18 Jamaica ave. HUIh. 0-6262.

LOST Pocketbook, with keys and check in the neiahborhnod of 81. John. nl. Underhlll Butler pi. and Sterling pi.

i reward. NEvlns 8-2110. LOST Chow dog. male, brown, 8 month, hfn.il fc hu.hv tall, curled named Thursday; reward. DKcatur 2-tHilu.

LOST Double atrlna of European cut pearls In vicinity ot Broadway and Roeh ling at. Reward offered. nsKg Aatomobiles. A CARNIVAL OF LOW PRICES On Tested And Approved Car $275 Studebaker 1925 Sedan Ford mso Roadster, ruinbla aeat rackard IMS Sedan $175 Chevrolet 1929 Sedan Chevrolet 1H2 Roadster Essex W29 Coach Hodge 1921) Sedan $495 Bulck 1928 Sedan $350 Plymouth 1930 Sedan Plymouth li'HO Convertible Coupe Plymouth 1931 Coupe $565 Chrysler De Luxe Coupe, r. I Plymouth JV3I Free Wheeling Sedan $395 Chrv.ler IfCB Sedan Hup'mohite 1929 De Luxe Sedan Chevrolet 1031 Coupe Many Other $40 to $425 Year To Pay Simons, Stewart Inc.

America's Largest Chrysler Dtetribtitor 1476 Bedford Avenue Comer Sterling Rare Open evening and Honda Note the add fa*g Our ante used -car hr- room to Brooklyn AUBURN 1930 Sedan, flna condition, Juat overhauled by Auburn people: guaranteed BO dsji; HM; down, gloo; weekly, others. 1944 Atlantic ave. AUBURN Sport Phaeton Sedan de Luxe 0 new tiree: original owner: terma. Tel. JAmalca 6-liB0 between S-9 A.

M. BUICK 1930 Model 30-58 Victoria Coupe; good as new; run leaa than Many other bargains. Berry 1286 Bedford near Atlantic. iAfayslte BUICK. 1931, BIG "8." model 96.

Da Luxe equipped; car delivered 2, woo milea total mileage; will aacrlflca for quick cash sale. Phone BEneonhurat 6- BUICK 193t. SEDAN, SOW ALMOST NEW VANY MILES LEFT RINGS COUNTY Bl It K. 'C. 44 Empire Blvd.

PEfender 3-6900. BUICK SEDAN, lateat, like new, Buick Coupe, lika new, beautiful car, Guaranteed 6 months. SHore Eoad 5-(M42. BUICK MASTER SEDAN, like brand new: will aacrifice; bargain. Warehouse.

J19 Greene near Franklin. Open evc- ninsa. BUICK 192T SEDAN, $1S0. Alao JfsJ other cars to aelect from; bargaina. 4o7 Yan- oertmt near Gates.

CHEVROLET'S FORDS Prices Cut As Never Before! 19.11 Chevrolet Special Spt. Sedan. ismi coupe 1931 Chevrolet Sedan ...4 19.11 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Sport lii.U Chevrolet Coach mi Ford Coach 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 10 M-Vi 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Essex Sedan 19.10 Ford Sedan lil Ford Sport Coupe 1SW0 Ford Coupe ...330 ...275 taslret favment Plan BEDFORD CHEVROLET SALES CORP. Author. z-d Chevrolet LrfilTs 1391 BEDFORD AVENUE, BROOKLYN Comer St.

Marks. Open Evenings. CHEVROLET NEW 1932 ISKI CAR PRICKS FOR THIS WEEK-END ONLY ONCE IN A Bl.l'E MtMIV SUCH BARGAINS, SUCH QUALITY JUST A FEW EXAMPLES 1929 Coaches 200 I 19.0 Sedans I2IV, 1929 Sedans .2 IT, 1931 Couoea 1930 Coaches ...250 1931 Coaches' 1931 Sport Coupes Guaranteed Mechanically. Tires. Paint, Perfect ALSO NASH, BUICK AND OTHERS AMKRIJSG-EANNER CHF.VROLFT 10 With cor.

18th Ave. A.Hbasaador 2-4p0 QUAIN -KURT, INC. RELIABILITY Chevrolet Redan $A0 down Plymouth Coach down Willys Knljcht Koadafter 2 down Graham Fdan down Chrysler Hcdau 130 down JTO down ftudfron JK down Willy KnlKht Sedan HO down Auburn 240 down TKADF.S TKKMS GRAHAM DISTRIBUTORS 1410 Brdford Ave. 9-33150 Open Evenings and Sundays CHKVhuLKT COA' 2 month old: run les than J.m.xi uiHa; new-car bunr "Uijortuni'v term. RKRKY I 'J 8'.

Redford near Atlantic. I.Afavett CHEVROLET IWil UK MJXB COACH Practically brand new; hta been uaed 2 month. JMTTi, HIOHYtAY CHKVROI.KT I OKP. Coney Inland nr. Ktntsa highway.

CHEVROI.KT, 1118 CAHKIOLKT, WITH ftCMWLK SKAT; IN iOOIl CONDITION, CHAftN, TAl HFVXIKI.YN. CHKYHLKR 8KOAN. practically nw, Naah Sedan, latest, like new, 1: fu-lj et-iuipped; 8 tirea. BKnaonhurit 6 -WnW. CHRVflLKR -70" BKOAN; bargain, JiH others to aelect from.

4.YT Vanderblit near flu tea. ttTt evenlnyf CHR VH1.KR Roadatvr; minbl; Juat ovarhrfiilvd and repainted: down, '-0, bal-arn-e weekly; Atlantic ave. DOlK'tti KKDAN, IW7: perfect condition-p rfwt running motor; real bargain; Ut oihera. areliouae, J19 Green near KranhMn. DOIXiK 1'JVH 8KUAN.

Alao 1m cara Xu aeleH from: barfraina. 4'7 VatiderbilT nt-ar Uateg. Open evenlnga. L.KHKX beautiful 4-door Kedan: prac-tiroliy brand owner must aacrific. JKffTaon KOUCKD TO late Ford busin-Kip coupe; fully iuipnd: driven i.7"-U milea Palinettn at.

JKffcrmm KORI 1WH DK 1-tJXK COCPK; run nil lea; practically brand new condition HJ-day iiuarant, ft.K. Inobel, Anwr lea a laargeai ChryIer tMaier, 1'XiO Atlantic av. in Would Save 50 to 75 P. C. of Dementia Praecox Cases.

Between 50 and 76 per cent, of dementia praecox cases could be cured if osteopathic treatment were employed instead' of the methods of other schools of medicine, Dr. Arthur G. Hildreth declared in an address before the Osteopathic So clety of the City of New York. Although Insisting that he in tended no disparagement of othe medical systems, Dr. Hildreth said that "most types of insanity are not incurable" and "osteopathy cures a larger percentage of those who are mentally ill than do the older schools of medicine.

Citing statistics of the New York State Department of Mental Hygt ene to show that insanity has in creased 83 per cent, in the last 10 years. Dr. Hildreth asserted tnat the older schools of medicine are doing? little beyond classifying the disorders. The reason for this is their belief that most mental' ills can not be cured. Osteopaths, how ever, are more optimistic, he asserted.

Concerning dementia praecox, Dr. Hildreth said: "One of the most prevalent and most deplorable types of insanity is dementia praecox, also called schizophrenia. These terms merely designate the condition of a mind that has gone seriously wrong in a young person. Most old school members of the medical profession throw up their hands and declare that there is no cure for this dread condition. A small minority, more advanced and more thoughtful observers then the rest, admit the possibility of cure by natural methods In an early stage but, in general, the world over, doctors will tell you there is no cure for de mentia praecox.

Yet osteopathy has a record of recoveries, on the average, of one case out of every three.i Nor were these all in an early stage such cases, of course. have the best outlook for the total number included cases ranging from a few weeks to ten years in standing. Out of 908 cases remain ing under treatment for two months or longer, there were 326 recoveries, over 35 per cent. The author of this paper believes that if all of dementia praecox could be treated at the very start, osteopathy woum cure 60 to 75 per cent Why dementia praecox? We can readily understand how people advanced in. years, having undergone the wear and tear and re sponsibilities of life, especially in mis modern nigh-tension age, might lose their mind; but in the case of young persons ranging from twelve to forty it seems all wrong.

There must be a cause for dementia praecox and what could be more reasonable than that it should be physical. There are many things that can and do pro duce physical disturbances of nerve origin. The young people in this day and age are subjected to all Kinds of hazards falls, strains, over-exertion, football, and various other things that could result in functional disturbance of vaso motor nerves that control circula tion to the brain. On this Idea our treatment is founded." With the Women Voters By MARIE FRUGOXE Welfare workers throughout the borough are hoping that rumors from up-State counties of a possible repeal of the ftastick Old Age Security Law passed in 1S2S to save taxpayers" money will not be considered seriously by Albany legislators. Statistics already show that maintenance" of the aged in their own environments through the pension system is cheaper than It is in almshouses, it is claimed.

The cost of keeping one inmate in a poorhouse is a year while the cost per capita of old age pensions is only $260 a year. here are now about 60.000 hpln- less old men and women receiving pensions under the state law, in this most human way. In New York City the average pension is 32 per month. In the State it is about .6 per month cheaper than maintenance in an almshouse. All details and technicalities of procedure at a national convention to nominate a president were explained by Miss Jennie Melvene Davis, lecturer for the Board of Kdutation and member of the t-rasmus High School staff, to young women members of the Democratic League at a meeting in Democratic headquarters.

Thurs day night The two-thirds rnd unit rules, the differences between rtepubllcan and Democratic svstems and the primary law of city, Ktate and nation were included in Miss Davig- talk. The report on the membershin committee, made by Miss Mary Mo-Grath, chairman, showed a steady Increase for the past year. A change In the constitution and bylaws which is being revised bv a committee headed by Miss Rose mary C. Boylan, makes the annual meeting and election come on March 3 this year jnstead of in April. A membership tea will he triven in the home of the founder.

Mis Rosemary C. Uoylan. 1065 Carroll on February 28, at 3 o'clock, and according to further plans of the league, the annual spring dance will be held in the Central l'ark Casino, in June. Miss Virginia French, soprano, sang during the social hour which followed the business meeting. Miss Agnes Heal third vice president.

occupied the chair. Republicans of tfcc 23d A. P. will begin a series of malzoth welfare parties for needy Jewish families of the district with a dance at the Hopkinson Mansion. Hop' InNon ave.

near Pitkin on K-'dnv night The women's division is cooperating with the chairuiun. H. Bonrdman Epstein, In plans which include also two theatre parties In March. waiter Luddn and Mrs. Delia Johnson, co-executive mem bers of the 23d A.

1). organization, are active in making arrangements. The waffle party of the auxilliiry held in the Bush wick Edison Company branch on Friday night. wag one of the social and educational activities arranged for the early winter program. Mrs.

Rebecca Is to' be chairman of the arrangements for the afternoon card party of the 0th A. D. Republican womt-n. in the clubhouse. 17R South Oxford on Thursday, March at 2 o'clock.

23,1 STRATri HI) EAR HEVEHLI, BUCKMINUTKR 2-olIT. Caraf for Sale, Rail ar Leaia OARAGkO. Sfixltlu: Ocone l'ark; rent leaae. all or part; handy all car llnaa. Kolla.

2h: Fulton Brooklyn. Aatossaadea Waalaal AUTOS WANTED Lata model Fords. Chevrolela, Plymouth or similar makes for cash. 1127 lieilford cor. Monitte.

AtJTO WANTED Small ear. Ilka Ford, Chevrolet or Plymouth, lata model; casn deal only. 1944 Atlantic ava. Open avemnife AU1VMOH1L.FS BOUGHT ANY MAKB) (1H COMHTION CALL, M1OWO0D -eau4 LATE MODEL COUPE OR SEDAN HKINfe CAR 260 WEST DOTH N. T.

C. Help Wanted. HalV Wa.led, FasaaJ. CANVASSERS Women willing; to work th or without crew manager: expat enred: fast aeillng cleaner uaed In homes. buildings.

InatUutlons: 40 commission; good repeata; protected terrltorlea. o8ts Xid Long Island City (Beebe HTIIlwell 4-4I4H. GIRL, WHITE, assist with housework, no rooking, sleep In; 1 Baltour near Brooklyn and Lefferts or pi. one Blxjcum t)-7MUl. GIRLWHITE.

EXPERIENCED TOR 8 APARTMtiNT. AI'I'LX AT 4U KINGSTON APT. A-Zi. HOMEWORK ERS WANTKD on beaded bracelets: call all week. Poy threes, 1MV Klngsland Greenpolnt, Brooklyn.

HOME WORKERS Embrolderera on sweat era. Instruction given. Call all week, I-aschlava Korf, 5600 13th B'klyn I HI iMbi WORK Crocheting and embroid ery; ejepenencea nand; and z-lamny houses onlyr no letters answered. I lostn Richmond Mill. HOSIERY First quality, service and sheer.

bargaina tn allk lingerie; commla- slon: credit. Philco, Ho West 41st at. Wisconsin 7-6349. HOUSEWIVES, earn' extra Income aelllng flneat brand colfe, tea. TEEKO CO, 13111 NOSTRAND AVE.

OPERATOR YOUNG WOMAN TO MAKE CASKET INTERIORS; EXPERIENCED. PHONE NAVARRE 8-0786. PART TIME SALESLADIES (10). mar ried women preferred; opportunity foi advancement: commission and bonus. La Charnie, 179 Joraleraon seal Court.

SALESWOMEN Nationally known con cern seeks representation aelllng tailored to measure dreaaea: high quality at low prlcea; liberal commission and bonua ar rangement. Price, Weat 42d N. i. C. WANTED 5 ladles to demonatrmta aenaa- tlonal value New York atyles.

NO CAN VASSING. About $18 weekly starting pay. Rapid advancement, ureases rrse. Write fully about yourself. Harford Frocks.

Dept. B-2144, Indianapolis. WOMAN Portuguese only; 35-00 years old: general houaework: entire charge of 3 children; Bleep in; pleasant home. Vir ginia 2-2b3. WOMAN, cara Invalid lady, light house work, sleep In.

Apply 4za St. Brooklyn. Call all week. i YOUNG WOMEN and housewives can make extra money In apar time; no canvassing, no experience write for information. Distributor, Box wi, Brooklyn "rimes.

Hat WaatcoV Fsaaala, lastreKlaoa BETTER POSITION. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE! Earn while learning! Day, night. MOLER SYSTEM, 139 K. 23td N. Y.

Help Wanted. Malt MAN WITH CAR WANTED to advar- tiaa our goods and distribute- Introductory backaffta to consumcni. Muat aatlsfled with tfUc. an hour at start. Write for full particulars.

ALHERT MiLIS. ROUTE 20015 MONMOUTH, CIN- K. Clothine Salesmen 4 men, sell hlrh grade, trustom made suits snd topcoats, I'-'T. Raw try-ons and delivery from our ahow-rooma all garments made in Manhattan; large commis sions. ISENBERG Broadway, comer i'th N.

T. C. MAN For Inside work In soap factory: experience unneceaaary; good opportunity to willing worker; referencea. Box 7rx, Brooklyn Ttmew. MEN (10) We want men who are willing to work hard.

Carpenters, Bricklayers. Maaons and lerks. Men from all walks of life are making rood with us. Will interview iO A. m.

anaro Monaay. eo. zz, Koom 204. 89-64 id Jamaica, I. P.

H. Can use one man with' rar. MEN If you are out of employment and have the ambition to succeed and earn from WJ to glfiO per week while working for an nn.nitu, uiimii mrnninv. executlve pogttlon in a aational company. ppiy at uourt at.

at ana T'jeaday and Wednesday. EN Live wires offered excellent opnor unity with nationally known ornant sa il on; earn each sale; experience I unnecessary; co-operation, AStorla. g- I 3427. REAL BILK HOSIERY MILLS will em ploy 6 men, experience unnecessary, wi taeh you to call on new-old customer. Apply mornings, nil Ainee Tneatre rio.

SALESMAN Young man with car as as- siatant salesman for old established man ufacturer; moderate salary. Box 788, Brooklyn Tims. SALESMEN A new quick seller: "8HUK- LAbTIC plastic rubber com round for reMoIIng ahees at hmie; spreads on In 3 I ntlnutea; real dpresalon article; liberal rnmnilsslon. 327 Aahland Brooklyn. NEvlna SALESMEN-Hlx married men wanted: rail trade: 140-ITS a week; something everyone makes old paint like new.

Call between 2-4 all wk. owl F'rodurts 118 9th Manhattan. CHelaea SALESMEN, WITH CARS, SELL EM BROIDERED WOR KINO CLOTHED: COMMISSION'. HOPKJNS ST. HROOKI.YN.

SODA FOUNTAIN HEAD MAN thormrhly ejerlenred In operating Ihtrs fountains mltlnir drinks, sundaes, msttlno; sandwlcne, etc. Must hsve oriKlnallty, Rood and b. stesdy. Halarv and com-mission of Increased sales. Good man can earn from (Ml per week up.

Address for Immediate Interview, stating axe and experience. Boa 78ti, Brooklyn Times. -4- 8UHKRVIHORH AND HA LKBM KN Oppor- tunltv necoma bratich manauer: sdvsnced commissions. Copelsnd, 117 firosdwsy Oekalh) and MHI Vh ave. IftfHM, irklyn TYI'IRTR Rapid touch; 1T-1 years; on- portunliy: (Jlirletian: III: CT AC- fXiUNTAVT.

general ledKer experience: WRKiUT. 2 flourt st. WR can place four men on househoM route: established ten yeare In Ilro-oklvn and vicinity; alart et ebout 825 weekiv everage. Apply Monday 10-IS, I8 Joraleinon Room 1107. Htl Waattd, Mai, lastractioa BB1TER POSITItjN.

Iarn BARBER- ING or BEAUTY CULTURE. Fjtm while learning! MOLER SYSTEM, 130 E. 24rd N. Hg Wanted, Mai aad Fawal ANVAHHERS for aelllng a toasted rooa proaoct to nousewives: nig seller: liberal commission: pert or full time. Best of Food Produrls, 10H6 Cypres at iwatur rOKiyn.

NITirR, 6-famlly house; steam hat, hot I water: aoarunent and bart rent. I stenator at. 4. A PA month; ateady; men-women. 10-50.

Paid vacation. Kxperlettoe usually unnecea' aary. Full parllculara with sample roathlna; H1TCK. Writs Immediately Franklin Institute, Dept. Il noch' eater, N.

Y. Help Wanted, Cltildrea ICH1LLIRKN WANTKD for kiddie review extterlenc unnecessary. rranno and Alda I'rodurtlona. 2 West Nih N. Hair Wsalcd, AieaU aad Salaaatea OAUIITORNA PKRFUMBD 11KAUB aelllnil like hot rakes: auenia rolnlnu money catalog free: low depression prices, alia alon Factory K-A7, 2328 W.

Pico, Lua Angelas, Cat. I SALKSMRN Screw-holding acrew drlvera riot magnetic! Remove, hold screws, factories, garagesr carpenten electticfana. merhantca, radio ahopa buy. actory. ln-jT water Boston.

Sitnationi Wanted. SilaaboM Wanted, Mala CHAUFFKUR Private, white, alngle, age 80. wlahea position S7.t month and board Brooklyn preferred. Tel. lNgersoll 2-loU between a to clock.

HAN, married, Chrlatlan, painter, paper- hanger by trade; have toola; anythiiui reierencee: hoc. per nour. After P. I.Af. Instructioa, Schools, Collegei.

DRAFTING COURSES, mechanical archl tectur. building conatructlon, atructural ahip yacht deeign, naval architecture, mathematlra; daya or svenlui-s. Ltrftke Prnftlng; Hcnool, lfH Nassau St. Danciaf RUMBA TAUGHT by native; just arrived from Cuba: reaaonable prlc. Felo.

194' Broadway. N. Y. City. Studio liM.

KNdlcott 2-0riM. Frival lailrttctioa AUTO DRIVING $10.00 PRIVATE: PERMIT SECURED: DR1V- IMi LICENHtS GUARANTEED: F.STAB- L1SHED 1924. BERKSHIRE 7-9360-9808- 927B. DRAMATICS Phonetfca Included; reaaonable: baffh ners a specially. Nightingale 4-1700.


PIANO JAZ7- Rapid courses; writs for free descrlptlvs booklet. Harry a. Boll var, 31 19 Farragut rd. MAnsfield BTANISH Ptival jjeaon; Very Bei NAVARRE Me. Buslneu, Professional Services.

Clock Makers WHEN YOUR CLOCK STOPS, call DE- catur Z-S728. M. Willnua, mi Galea German Clock Maker. Ketabllahed r0 years. Detective Services DETECT I Vr" SERVICE, 40 All mattera handled confidentially.

Fot quick action, real results, try us. Call or writ cities Ltetective Bureau, 1819 Broad-way (n9th. COIumhus Floor Scraping- PARQUET f*ck1KS SCRAPED 3 csnts a toot; finishing, 1 cents: flrat-claaa work: estimates given. CLarkaon 2-7288 apt. 43.

Heafa'ai, Fltwhrat 10 RADIATORS, Job completely Installed, at 423: terms, estimstes turn shed. John Neiderrelter. 89-14 llBth Richmond miii. cLevetsno -wtw. Mi IOBf MA80N AND CEMENT CONTRACTOR all kinds came at and brick work; sidewalks, driveways, stoops and (hilars; also wnuawaan.

u. afcarson, ozu Vtn ave. MasfsuM MASSEUSE, aclentiflo health and reducing treatments. License l.Hn.exo) nurse tn attendance. Helena Muller, 116 Eaat Slat rt.

i city. Malic aad Entertainment MUSICAL AKT STUDIO, a. O. Hornberger, director; violin, 'cello, piano, voice and coaching: conductor of Aeonian chorus and Orchestra. 84-08 Woodhaven blvd.

Woodhaven. Virginia 1-oimri. TRUMPET, doubling violin, wishes steady worn: cnon Huey. dance nail, Rattf- ner, 211 K. "26 in Brooklyn.

SHeepa- Moving, Tracking aid Storage ALL IAXJAL MOVING VP Padded vans; experienced men; special low rates on Ionic distance. Phone for estimate. Liberty Movins REoubllc rTV a.riV,N(1 Mit 'temf' 11 nal Mov" awe. Luxemburg rn load Movers' Stor- FULL OR PART LOAD to Buffalo, Cleve- land, Detroit, Chicago, Boston, Washington en route; Insured; lowest rates. Jen-een, SUnset 0-8404.

KULU PART IjOADS WANTED: Phlladel phia, Washington. Albany, Boston: any where; inaured. MOnument 2-14SO. LIGHT TRUCKING, local and long dis tance; cellars cleaned. C.

H. McLauKh-lin Bon, 100 New York Jamaica. Tel. JAmalca 6-f-iW-. RETURN LOAD 8 STEM City movins 13 uu: Boston.

to and from everywhere. Luxemburg 8-3153. Nartei Midwivet JOHNSON, MIDWIFE, BELLEVUE UHAUMA iK: CUiNHULi I.MJ KKEfai. bul MTH 8T. TEL.

HUNwET Pain ting, Decorating aad flattering BETTER painting and decorating ser- vlre by German experts; any description; reaaonable: clean work: vood material: guaranteed. Call Albert, J02-13 Si at st. MlchUan AT TjAHT! A PAINTER WHO CLEAN'S UP. AUK FOR -AN K8TIMATK NOW. YOU'LL BK i'ARSLOK, MIDWOOn '22t.

DKCORATB NOW HAVE. Pslntlnir room apartment, Craftez ceilings, ft; kalsfnilne celling. Craflex rooms, It); Istest paper, $4 room. fianltas, JAmalca II-An 1 2. IPAINTtH-DECORATOR Your home beau tified by expert mechanic, without oblira- non.

jenaen, o4 zd at. Lic.fender PAINTING, paperhanarlng, atlppllng, Craf- tex: ttest workmanship, estimates Riven: contrect price reasonshle. Ijaenecka. Sl Linden st. KOjrrnft fAINTINO, PA PKR-HANOI NO Craftea.

Iiieh ciasa work: reasonshl rates: houae completely Mtlnted outaide, 2 coats, $70. KMiunne -iHiisa PAlNTINtl and fierman cnanlca; lowest prlcea: inalda ana out. aide: anywhere. Hfcgeman man 3-00(14. PAINTING, DECORATING, Inside, outalds: Craflex.

glsttng, atlppllng, atucco refreshened, floora bleached: right prices; satisfaction guaranteed. JAmalca H-H754). INTER Clean worker; Inside, outaide: nay, contract rererences. ctwenson, ftiillt 4th ave. HUnset PAINTING AND DECORATING; good work reaaonatiie prlcea.

Paler, phone JEffrrson .17122. Parqeet Floor FUMI8 HI A PI Ml 4 RtHIM 1JGIIT, M1STLKSS Jtl ACM I.M.H WdRK AIIO 8IIEL LACKING. PHONE MEIrose UOi Pno Taaral aad Reawiriaf PIANOS TUNED, expert player repslrlng: reseitisote: aatlmales. Wllitsm llerk. 24117 Bnrd-r svs.

Phone DErender Formerly of Horac Water Fifth H. I. Sale An Prices Have Been Slashed! Pierce-Arrow has comuleted ita inven tor.v and now off era the greateat uaed car buying opportunity in (ireater jsew ior. Ru-eenlne reductions from 40 to SO par cent, off original price of 1831 and 1850 cara ol all make. Every Car Backed By America's Broadest, Surest Most Protective Money-Back Guarantee! Here's Typical HeJertlon: 1PJ.11 fierce-Arrow Convertlbla Coupe.

11M1 Plerce-Arrow Sedan 130 Fierce-Arrow Sedan 1V.11 Packard Sedan 1P31 Naah Ambaaeador Sedan mil Auburn t'haeton Sedan 10.11 Chevrolet Sedan Franklin Sedan IU30 a Kll Sedan ltkTO Nash Convertlbla Coupe 1P30 Auburn Sedan lli.Hl Packard Convertlbla Coupe 1030 Studebaker Sedan 191.1 Wlllys-Knieht Sedan 10.10 Cadillac Sedan 1W0 Ford Coupe Itinera ttot era. Liberal lima Payment Plan Pierce-Arrow Brooklyn Atlantis at tirand Av. Phone Brine 8-8600. Open Evening! Until BVRD 10.11 VICTORIA Cannot be told from new baa many extras; coat ove months old: opportunity to aave S.BV Act oulck. HK.RBV Bedford nr.

Atlantic. LAfayette (ORD 1831 SEDAN looka and performi exceptionally well; price exceptionally low. Bishop. Mccormick a Blsnop, Bedford, corner Atlantic urooKtyn. FORD 1M1 SEDAN: alao 19.10 Chevrolet Sedan.

13. Call PATCHEN GARAGK, Patchen Brooklyn. a'Oxcrofl FORT) lftiO Roadster de Luxe, fine condl tton: $225: down. balance weekly others. 1144 Atlantic aviv fXiRD 1931 Coupe, like new, extras down fi-i; balance f.

weekly; act quickly others. 1P44 Atlantic ave. HUDSON 19ot Club Sedan da bar sain; down. sr; balance easy: trade accepted: others. 1P44 Atlantic ave.

HARMON 79 COUPE. 1931: 8 wire wheels car In beautiful ehape; driven oy rare tul driver; real bargain: owner mua1 sell. Phone HKnsonhurst -2JGtf. NASH SEPAN. lata modal: perfect eon- dlilon: guaranteed months; gtrfl, Finance.

Repossessed cars sold, ranted. SHore Road ft-li442. NASH CONVERTIBLE COUPE, 1828: will sacrifice for storage. Garage, AU4 Buali. wick near Jefferaon.

Open ave. ninfrs. NASH CONVERTIBLE COUPE; like brand new: barcain. aio. tt otners to select from.

Warehouse, 319 Greene near Franklin. NASH 1929 SEDAN Flna condition; big sacrifice to cash buyer. iut8 coney Island ave. MAnsfltld S-7-W. ASH 19.11 Sedan.

Ilka new: real sacrifice. down, balance aa weekly; others. 1944 Atlantic ave. PEERLESS. 11MO.

MASTER original coat will aacrifice, I7W: terms arranged. Michigan 2-0TM. 91-33 80th Woodhnven, L. I. PLY MOUTHS 1932 Sedan and Coach.

1931 hedan and Coupe. 19.MI Sedan, Coupe and Coach, 1929 Sedans snd Coach 1.1225 ail carry new-car guarantee. BLHRV BROS. (Plymouth Distributors) J23U Bedford near Atlantic LAFAYETTE Safety Service Economy BROOKLYN He adquartera CADILLACS LA SALLES And Other Makes 1t.t0 Buick 465 Coupe, rumble aeat I'm Cadillac 3.r-a Roadater Da JUux 1P31 Cadillac 3Vi Town 8edan Cadillac 3.V1 Convertible Coupe Cadillac V-16 Sedan le Luie 1930 Cadillac 3X1 Towa Sedan Da Luxe 1929 Cadillac Ml Town Sedan De lAixe WW Ford Roadster Hudson Bro'iiham Tm lMxe lii.ll La Halle Hedan Te Luxe Halle Coupe De Luxe 5 paaa. lL2y Ta Salle Landau Sedan De Iuxe Marmon i-cylinder Touring 1Vr2tt Nash Ambassador Sedan 11)31 merce-Arrow 42 Sport Phaet.

I Luxe 1f2 Packard 6-33 Imperial De Luxe 1U31 Studebaker Commander Sedan De lAixe 1.in Studebaker President 8dan 1927 Willya-Knight Convertible Coupe Many other uauauaZ vafuet G. ML A. r. Terma. Liberal Trades.

CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. 749 Atlantic Brooklyn Near Vanderblit NR. Ins t-I5M BRANCHES: Fmrth flrooklya lliine HHore Road H-7)Ky 117 Middle Neck Oreal Neck Phone (ireat Neclc 7SK) Open ETCfilnsrs SAVE UP TO 50 PERCENT. AT BROOKLYN'S LEADING USED CAR DEALER 1H.1I Chevrolet DeL.use Sedan UST, Kord Lnl.uie Hport Hoadster I J. Kseex 4 d(Hr 8edsn.

Chevrolet Hport Hedan Kord HlKirt Hoadster llt'lO r'ord Tudor Bedsn Ift.ui flvniouth Hiiort 8irt Hoadster Huick pass. Hedsn Marmon llttte II Hrottgham liCS Chrysler 4 door fledsn 13.10 Buirk sperlal built fjtatlon MANY OTHKRH $10 la II.2M YEAR TO PAY KOLETTY'S AUTO SALES 1127 BEDFORD AVE. t'or. Mnnrne. Oiien Kienlnis and ftmdaia SAVE MONEY! BUY NOW! Chf vrolr, hII typea $KT ui- Iodre lifdana MUTt ui liuW ka, all type Oraharn-i'alEe, 112, lHl.ux 1W ord Tow Wda Ch i-a Whippet Ca-h and Roadater $tyj up aVi OTHERS T1 OHCKWR KnOM Call, laee, empim Voa'll Kaj Ktabllrhd Plure l15 COOK'S, 674 MARCY AVE.

enr De Kalh Ae. WHIFt'ET BBliAN. fiS. )il other rare to select from; bargain. Van-drhllt near open evenings Tracks aad Cosaaercial Can AMKRICAS'-LA FRANCE S-TON, 10V7 IjL'MI'KR: tn perfect condition; Itniuire nf Martin Brooklyn.

CHKVROI.KT, I and 1A -ton trtlfk: elosed cab: rack body; suitable for plumber or plumbing supply: Cook's. 414 Marc near eve. PVtRU TRUCK, dual wheels, soaclsl eaprees racy bdy; V-irj. Thomiklna, firtt; Maurice lu field. U.

1. HAveineyer THCCK8, all makes, all models; suitable any business; and up. .07 Vander. b'lt near 'isles. Aatoesokiie Refairiaf NEXT WKKK HPEC1AL O.N RKPAIR JOIIS Cvarrwm and alve Jotis, up.

Piston Rlnx Job. 1:0 titi. kh rr.r ir. jak 1619 BERGEN ST. HADLiJuNUWAT 2-173) Refriferalots (or Sal KLKtri'RlO KKrHIHtiUATOIta Doilglit, aold; many llwdvis: tierfect cundltlon: very reaaonable.

2o! Canal at, CAiitil H-l4n. Safe, for Sala ftAKKdBargeina; aold. bought, moved: oombtnatlotia changed. Aetna, log Cent' at. CAnal Stoves (or Sal MOTOR BTOKKH buckwheat coal burner; used few months; completely overhauled; new electric contmia guaranteed and serviced cheap.


4 -LATHlSH at Uvlngslnn St. (Open Kvenlngs) Cumberland TYPEWRITER Spetrlala. 1U; all makes sold, rented; portablea; convenient payments. Rosenbaum'a, 1582 Broadway, Brooklyn. Always open.

JEfferson 3-10142. Wednni Apparel RUMMAGE SALE Large slock of ladles', gentlemen's high-grade, allghtly-uscd dresies, aults. coata, aold at $1. 848 Fulton at. (Clinton ave.) Waited to Buy Old Cold BRIDGEWORK.

old gold SILVER, PLATINUM, ANT1QURB Licensed and Bonded by the City, KDMOK, B2 ATLANTIC AVE. I. Depotl. APPRAI8AIJ3. TRIANGLE a.MOfl rc- Wanted to Bur ANTIQUES AND MODERN FUIIN1TURB uulck buyer for casn: bronze, elver- ware, fine chltw and vaaea, books.

Orient! rugs, baby grand piano. A. Anthony. 81 Court at. MAIn 4-4723.

MAX'S HltS OLD GOLD, Sliver, Gold Teeth, Men's Clothing, etc. 136 Myrtle Brooklvn (Flathush Ave. Extension) Livestock. 0ot, Cats, Pets, Etc. BOSTONS, 816 UP; ailky poodles, 85-S! rox terriers, xa.

Aunt Julia a Pet Shop, 67 Flutbusli ave. extension. Cumberland BOSTON PUPPIES, 20; poodle, fo ter-1 m. Joe's, 8t Grand at. extension.

8Tag( 2-21)51. BOSTONS AT STUD FEB. 8H. STERLING POLICE, AIRDALES, poodles, terriers. puppies, adorable kittens, awaiting adoption.

nide-A-Wee, 410 East N. Y. City. New Pet Cenistery. Wan-tagh.

1.. 1. YOUR PET SHOP, 431 Broadway, Brook lyn. STagg HI 10. Wire-hair terrier at stud.


REDKIELD, 28 COURT ST. TIUANGLB' FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES olt home and Income pro)ieriy accept. 4 with cur own funda. Call, phon or writ KINGS COUNTr CAPITAL CORP. King Highwav Savlnga Bank 16ISI Kings Highway.

DEwey FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGEH quick ly closed. Refinancing. alter H. Lang, 16th floor. 1(1 Court at.

TRiangle 5-61140. MONEY TO 1XJAN oil first and second mortgagee; Brooklyn property only; submit your offers: quick answers. Agaj, 330 Empire near Nostrsnd ave. Mortgage Wanted WANTED 8500 flral mortgage; clear till for my horns on island. Liberal bonus.

MAyflower Business Opportunities. WANTED Reliable party with to eJ.PO", wnicn la tuny aei-urea, to tak active part In handling office other work In a profitable, growing businen, with offices In New York City. This Is an unusual opportuntay for an ambitious party to share in equal ownership and equal profits of this business, with weekly salary for aervices. Write Boa 785, Brooklyn Times. Rooms for Rent.

Coantrr Board PORT WASHINGTON, L. I. 7 15 Main st. Pleasant, well heated rooms private home; lady or gentleman, ar elderly couple. Harris.

Tel. Fort Avasmngmn inua. Ckildrca to Board BOARD 1-2 children 2-5 years; under re fined nurses supervision; private nouse large, airy rooina; country turruundlngs excellent food: beui.of reference. 87 WEEKLY. Tel.


TEL. GREAT NECK 717. CHILDREN BOARDED, ANY AGE Private house, real loving mother'a car. REASONABLE RATE 227 NINTH BROOKLYN. TEL.

SOUTH B-787U. FOKKKR DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL 7TH YEAR; HC.r t.Kr.M.r.o EATURINO AN ALL-DAY SESSION FOh IU1I.1IHKN OF 11 US PARENTS 281 STERLING PL. Tel. NEvlns 8-1044 INFANTS BOARDED, lovely Isrge prlvsl home; intelligent ntotner iovbui. caie.

large yard; bright, airy room; best of references: worth Investigating; term vary moderate. TEL. APPI.rTGATE T-WWW. INFANTS, CHILDRF.N HOARDED, S. 110 weekly, nest of care, wmi pnvaie ism-lly; Ideal surroundings: large yatd.

I.il Cornelia Brookljn. near Kvergreen ave. Tel. FOxcroft M-7iri2. SOUTH JAMAICA Will buard I child 6-7 years, 8 weekly; lovalile, moineriy care: private house; beautiful large yard and lawn; wonderful country surroundings; best references; permit.

Tel, LAurelton 8- tiny tots health. Happiness, every thing for comfort. L. WARNER MOUNTAIN LAKES. N.

J. ALLEY STREAM, L. I. Board Infant. child, widow a coxy nome; large yarn, toys; private house; excellent food; special care; schools, churches and tralita.

820 monthly. Valley Stream WIDOW will board child 2-6 years: no other children; large indiviouai room; lovely private refined home; irean foon. 88 weekly. 4dth I. Cliy lei, snnwrii WILL BOARD I or children; school sge prsferred; wllh prlvele fnmllyt real motherly care given; freeh food; country aiirrnundlngs.

6-87 weekly. Tel. Virginia T-4CT4M Re, wllh Board FLATHUSH Real, honie-llk. room, with board. 816 weekly; bath, standing ahowcr.

giMid meals; a tine home for person de-eirtng home comforts; I. R. T. subway. Tel.

MAnsfield RYF.RSON ID Corner Wllloughhyif cotofortably furnished, large, light room.jj twiB beds, suitshle 1-2; hest, every eon-p venlenc.j board optional: good food; com--fort able home; very reaaonable; near transit. 11 A In x-TVC-O. i Profainal Service A Ctctentlfle Klet-trolysl. Method as Ixiw aa ll.tHI Treatment I remote Hair, Warts and Moles PK.RM ANKNT1.V with KI.M THDI.V-SIM. Tit nulckeat and rheaiieel method known, and only method recognised by accredited physicians, Ivusullatlou free.

My personal service only. MHH, J. dHLKMAN 1077 4(11 HI. Windsor -I744 0OIA.MO 1RRIUATION8; electric blanket 9.t gth ave tat nNth New York. COIumhus 6-6551).

Mrs. llecker. LADIK8 ONLY at your residence, day or ayenlnga: faclala. ahatnpooa 5c: hair dyed or treated, very reasonable: re duclng treatraenta. resulta, guaranteed.

other work reasonable. Mrs. 8. (Apt. SI).

-610 Weat K4th at, CAthedral Radio Refairinf r'RKE RADIO atHVIOK CALL 8HOUB RADIO BKRVICE CO. 8HOIIK ROAD 6-7341. CALL ANY T1MK Upaolitering A-l UPHOL8TKRINO: chairs eaned. chairs re-slued slip covers: mattresses; first' clasa workmanship; reaaonable prlcea. Hereswlll, (Hd opposite ilill aio it.

k. atation. rkpuoiis v-izei, Merchaodiie. A train ji and Window Shades aHADKS Oood quality Holland, meaaured made and nung, Bo canta. Richard ator- riasey.

6U4 Fifth av. BOuth 8-2768. Bnildi! MatanaJs BARGAIN IjOT ot hollow tile, ftx618, load bearinir: excellent, for amall bu Idlmts, garages, etc. i laya faat, grooved jor atucco. Phona CAnal 6-i82I.

FRENCH DOORS, 85: dlah closets. (6 ready to aet up. 771 Atlantlo ava. Southern Lumber BTerllng 3-4400. Coal lor Sal D.

K. COAL AMbassador 2-6553 ran iii.isrirA it.v STOVE lS.WIIKIK'K tit. 7.10 NUT U.MIco*kE 1I.M BUT NOW AND SAVE MONET Weight tiuaranteed 1.80 lbs. Tost Eqaipnent Wanted ACROBATIC MJOR MAT. electric reducer, exercisers, danca studio equipment, mirrors, electric hip roller.

Defender $-1364 Firewood (or Sal FIREWOOD Osk for fireplace, blocks for furnace; II loads. 71 Lorraine at. Cumberland 4774. riRKWOOIi. 83.Su load: furnace blocka, 84.

fto; good slz losd. Kuay wooa xsra oS-14 58th Maspeth. Juniper 6-6127 Fixture (or Sal HA FIXTURES Must aacrlflca Immediately, cheap. Glsh 8201 Northern Jackson Heights, HAvemeyer 4-2826. For Sale, Miscellaneous BAR OUTFITS NEW AND New Chairs.

Bentwood Dos en. Tables, new, t.2o op. Complet line af ttlaaware. Alao a) fall line of Pjeetaarant Equipment. J.

P. FRIEDMAN ATLANTIC Cor. Bond St. TRiatigle 5-2W3 Faraitar (ar Sala BEDROOMS, 86Wi living rooms, coat 2bU aacrlflca 84V; secretaries, oaa piecea. L.

I. Auction Rooms. 32-27 Rtslnway av. Aatoria. RAvenawood 8-6286.

KUITK, 4-plece; almost new: also refrigerator; sacrifice; going aproud. Clifford. 430 78th Brooklyn (all day). CIRc*msTANCES compel to' aacrifice Im mediately completely furnished noma, in fect. 77U3 6tn uroomyn.

CONTENTS Of private houae; living room tw bedroom. ainmg.Tooin, wamui oeo- room, rugs, lamp; aacrifice separately. RUckmlnster 2-IW7D. DATBHD, 4: full slxe, $8: large dresser. 87; large rug, 84; refrigerator, aucn en utensils.

Jllil Putnam ave DINING ROOM SUITE, 10-plece, aolid oak excellent condition; muat aacrifice imme diately. 846. k64 77th St. ATlantlo DINING ROOM SUITE, 10-plece, Ilka new; cost must sacrifice, 7a. tnutntcx, 182 72d elT BKnsonniimt B-7()4i.

FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD I so chalra recaned and rush bottom chair. seated; furniture repalra. call and liver. 4HI Atlantic ave. TRiangle n-7li GUI NO ABROAD, sacrifice Immediately, bedroom.

8-0: living room, 875; atudlo couch, piano, frigldaire, easy washer: other odds. JAmalcs MAGNIFICENT BKDROOM. osk; extraor dinary; twin bedroom, Oatermoor mattresses, curtains, odds: lifetime opportunity: circ*mstances compel to sacrifice Immediately. Foundation 8-6Lfl5. KI.L CONTKNTH entire home: gorgeous living room, also dining rttom, 2 hed- rounu; sacrifice separately; excellent condition.

JAmalca Macainerr and Took MUST KK SOLD IMMEDIATELY, large variety of surplus woodworking machin ery, floor trucks, benches, ateel locker. rtb Old Cold ANTIQUR JEWELRY, old gold, silver, re lates, etc. jAutx ej cuHitiwi iif BHur, Office, I Hanson Wllilamsburgli Savings Hsnk llldg. BTerl'ng 31417. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS PLATINUM.

OLD GOLD AND SILVER KSTATKH AIJSO BOUGHT A II RAMS. 37A HRIDOB B'KLYN. Near Telephone Building. GOLD, eyeglasses, gold teeth, silver, old jewelry. curios; highest cash.

Henry." 501 Atlantic nr. ave. Pianos, Masicsl Inserusaenls (or Sal HRIKTMAN reproducing electric (rand; practically brand new; nacriflce. 873. lasfoff.

Central vs. Jbtrerson S-11K4. FOR SALE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Small Sfs BABY GRAND Wall knows inafcs ttmd tandMa. Will scriflr ulrk fcnyff, sllhr rMh ot (Mjrm-pnls UnsranleJ by tffMitvr, Mast Im sold mi mmmm, mr will sstnrt-r with rMabl pmriy rmm-Csmplallnc Its S4irrliaa th sjMir fntnrr. Writ tnr Informs tlosj.

Hs Na, 71, ItrsAklom Pally Tlmss. PIANO, tiprtght good condition, excellent tone: very reason. Mo lh St. BErkshlr to the 1929 troubles. Apartment construction slowed down and this cleared the field of the speculative type of builder and gave already standing structures a chance to be filled.

The banks also played a big part in curtailing the apartment con struction by tightening up on money for mortgage and building loans. In fact, many bankers hold to the belief that this type of con struction had been so much over done that several years more of lack of new construction would not be amiss. It is In the one and two-family homes projects that the borough has virtually held its own. despite falling off in other fields. Vast projects in the Platbush district and around Marine Park and East Klatbueh have been completed.

In oil of these the banks have cooperated, for as the bankers state, -there is always money for individual homes. This type of mortgage investment Is actually sought by the banks in preference to all ethers. Plenty of Funds for Homes Bankers believe that the sound- ness of the nation is greatly vested in home owners. The class of per- son who owns a home is materially more stabilized than any other class and in this the banks that control the mortgage field feel that they are aiding a worthy cause in financing such purchases. Jn addition, many builders of one and two-family homes projects are finding little or no difficulty in having these developments financed.

There is no present shortage of such homes and there is always a fair demand for this tvpe of construction. Prices have declined In the bor ough for such housing to the ex. -Tent that thev have iwi. However, with labor at lower prices and materials cheaper than for some time past, one is assured of a iair return a home for investments made in the current housing market. Furthermore, many Luuairuciea in tne past at considerably higher prices are now being offered at prices comparable n-L Present-aay construction, situs, too, aids the realty market Many Bargains in Brooklyn It would appear from this that irttiiy marKet at this time of- icro Dargams that few other mar.

aeis can compare with. Land may icium io rormer prices in the near future, yet it is always a security. Homes may not increase in value, yet they provide a.solu- iu me Housing problem. In the latter case, when these can be bought for a small sum down and be paid for over a period of years, the investment is exceedingly attractive. There is no particular section of this borough that is more outstanding than any other.

The past decade has seen sections that were formerly wastes develop into tremendous projects. Brighton Beach areas of Fiatbush and East Flat bush, parts of Dyker Heights and other spots hsve undergone such changes that Brookrynites of the turn of the century would not recognize their surroundings could they suddenly return after an ab-aence. The apartment has played a big part In this development but the individual homes projects have Played a still greater part. Givine full credit to what has already transpired In the building and realty field in the borough, there I'tiost this much yet to come. Although the banking interests have curtailed apartment construction through tightening of funds, the new subways will furnish an Influx of population that demands housing of major importance.

This must be of individual homes type as well as apartment style, but tt needs not be prepared too far in advance. Supply Curb Still Needed As the demand grows, the supply will keep pace with it. whereas in the past the supply has been far ahead of the demand Bave for a few brief years. With the speculative builder out of the way, the banker at th help of the fi-rianclng and the supply therefore kept, somewhat close to the demand, those who buy realty and homes at this time are assured of a fair price arid a sound investment. Tour banker knows the reallv market and is r.

tiling and ready to co-operate with those xvho desire to own homes. He and your realty broker can advise what to 'do. Therefore, with a better than ever before opportunity fo ow na home there should be little reason whv Urooklyn real estate should remain in the doldrums. As Individual home are readily financed at the present, there is no reason why thousands of these should not be marketed during the present year. Realty men report a renewed interest, aside from the usual spring pickup, in the market.

This is in line with the Investment trend of the general public which desires to find an attractive place for invest-men! nf funds that many other fields full to offer at this time. PYLE-GRAY LEASE Tlie fyle-tlray Real Estate a. broker, have leased the store at Livingston between Bond til Nevins to the Mallory Refrigeration Co. for use as office and icwroom..

Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


Times Union from Brooklyn, New York? ›

The Brooklyn Times-Union was an American newspaper published from 1848 to 1937. Launched in 1848 as the Williamsburgh Daily Times, the publication became the Brooklyn Daily Times when the cities of Brooklyn and Williamsburg were unified in 1855.

What is the Brooklyn Times Union newspaper? ›

Brooklyn Times Union: 1932-1937

The Brooklyn Times Union provides Brooklyn-wide news coverage of business, politics, education, community events, clubs and organizations, arts, culture, sports, religion, and entertainment. Some national and international news coverage is also provided.

Is Times Union a daily newspaper? ›

The Times Union traces its beginnings to 1856, when the Morning Times was founded as a daily newspaper in Albany, New York.

What was the old Brooklyn newspaper? ›

Founded in 1841 by Isaac Van Anden and Henry Cruse Murphy, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle was published as a daily newspaper for 114 consecutive years without missing a single edition.

How much is the Albany Times Union? ›

The newspaper is printed in its Colonie headquarters by the Hearst Corporation's Capital Newspapers Division. The daily edition costs $2 and the Sunday/Thanksgiving Day edition costs $3.

What is the largest newspaper in NYC? ›

As of February 2024, The New York Times has 10.36 million subscribers, with 9.7 million online subscribers and 660,000 print subscribers, the second-largest newspaper by print circulation in the United States behind The Wall Street Journal.

What is New York largest newspaper? ›

Largest newspapers by circulation

The New York Times (571,500 daily; 1,087,500 Sunday) New York Daily News (200,000 daily; 260,000 Sunday) New York Post (230,634 daily) Newsday (437,000 daily; 495,000 Sunday)

Is The Times a political paper? ›

The Times and The Sunday Times, which do not share editorial staff, were founded independently and have had common ownership only since 1966. In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right.

What type of newspaper is the Times? ›

The Times, founded in 1785 as the Daily Universal Register, is the oldest national daily newspaper in the UK and holds an important place as the “paper of record” on public life, from politics and world affairs to business and sport.

Is the newspaper daily or weekly? ›

Newspapers are publications usually issued daily, weekly, or at other regular times that provide news, views, features, and other information of public interest and that often carry advertising.

What is Brooklyn newspaper? ›

Brooklyn Paper is a weekly newspaper that covers news related exclusively to the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Brooklyn Paper covers news and cultural events throughout the borough, using different mastheads for neighborhoods such as Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, Bay Ridge, etc.

What is the oldest running newspaper in the United States? ›

On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green established a weekly newspaper, the Connecticut Courant, in Hartford. Only the third newspaper to be published in the colony—and now known as the Hartford Courant—it is also recognized as the nation's oldest continuously published paper.

What is America's oldest newspaper? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

How expensive is Albany NY? ›

Albany, NY housing is 4% more expensive than the U.S average, while utilities are about 1% pricier. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 6% more in Albany, NY than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 6% more .

How do I cancel my Times Union subscription? ›

If you decide to cancel your subscription, you must contact Subscriber Services at (518) 454-5454 or www.timesunion.com/offerdisclaimer. Your subscription may include up to five premium issues per year.

How much does it cost to go to Albany? ›

Cost for Full-Time Students
Type of StudentTuitionTotal for Fall & Spring Semesters
New York State resident$7,070$26,502
Out-of-State resident$25,660$45,092

Who owns the Union newspaper? ›

Gold Hill California Media

What was the Brooklyn newspaper titled? ›

The Brooklyn Eagle (originally joint name The Brooklyn Eagle and Kings County Democrat, later The Brooklyn Daily Eagle before shortening title further to Brooklyn Eagle) was an afternoon daily newspaper published in the city and later borough of Brooklyn, in New York City, for 114 years from 1841 to 1955.

What newspapers does the New York Times own? ›

Media properties
  • The New York Times.
  • The New York Times International Edition.
  • T: The New York Times Style Magazine.
  • The New York Times Book Review.
  • The New York Times Magazine.
  • The New York Times Licensing Group (NYTLicensing)

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.