Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (2024)

Do you wish you were a homemaking rockstar? Do you often feel stressed, overworked, exhausted and in need of help? You’re cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, doing chores… and the list goes on and on!

Do youfeel like your work is never done and that you need help…serious help?

My 20-year-old self would have never dreamed that I would one day be a homemaker.I’m no June Cleaver or Martha Stewart.I burn dinners, I “forget” to vacuum under the couch, and the bedding is not washed weekly.On top of the homemaking hurdles, I’m still wrestling withmy role as a mama.

Fortunately, over the years I’ve accumulated some homemaking tips and survival skills. Today I want to share these nuggets of wisdom with you!

Be a homemaking ROCKSTAR! Check out these homemaking tips and tricks! #homemaker Click To Tweet

Keep your eyes on your own home.

This is probably one of my most important tips. Don’t look out at what other homemakers are doing… especially if you’re vulnerable to the habit of comparison. Those pictures in magazines are there because they’re meant to look perfect.

Don’t look out your window at your next door neighbour’s perfect yard. What’s happening on the surface could be very different from what’s happening on the inside.

Put things where they belong.

I find the biggest overwhelm tohomemaking is when there’s mountains of misplaced itemseverywhere. This stress can be avoided by dealing with things as they occur. For instance, when the mail comes, read through it, pay the bills, file items, and throw out junk as soon as possible.

Daily laundry.

I do laundry every single day. One load. It makes a huge difference to my frame of mind when I know that I only have to wash and fold one pile of laundry as opposed to three or four.

Read: Slay the Laundry Beast With These Laundry Tips and Hacks

Daily cleaning schedule.

I know I’ve shared about my daily cleaning tasks before but it really does make a difference! My house rarely feels out-of-control messy. By cleaning something every day, that means that the shelves never have more than 7 days of dust and floors never accumulate more than 7 days of grime.

Click here to sign up for a FREE downloadable cleaning routine!

Make a plan.

This is another tip that I know I’ve shared before but I can’t overemphasize how having a well planned day is critical to feeling accomplished. After all, how are you supposed to get things done if you don’t know what needs to be done?!

Use whatever system works best for you. Whether it’s an app, your Google calendar, or a planning toollike my time blocking sheet;find a scheduling tool and use it regularly.


Self-care is so important to being a homemaking rockstar. How are you supposed to care for your home and others when you’re constantly running on empty? I encourage you to get as much sleep as you can, eat healthy, exercise, enjoy regular alone time, and nurture your spirit.

Encouragement and inspiration.

I love a good book, don’t you?! I get so much encouragement and inspiration from well written books. Whether it’s a homemaking book, a book on home organization, or a parenting book… I can usually glean some wonderful insights.

So tell me, what do you think it takes to be a homemaking rockstar? Take a moment to tell me about it in the comments below, then share this post with the other mamas in your life!

Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (2)

« « The Super, Fantastic, Ultimate Bucket List for Moms!

The Top Secrets to Being a Happy Homeschooling Mom » »


Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (3)Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (4)Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (5)Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (6)

Jennifer Bly

Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (7)

Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

  1. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (8)

    Now these tips can surely help me. I’m a big procrastinator so I like putting things off and I know that I really shouldn’t. It’s not good for me and the home. I’m not big on doing laundry but I know that I should. Maybe if I get better and doing things when they’re supposed to be done, I’ll be good. This homemaking bundle would really help me though.


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (9)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      I used to be a procrastinator – now, not so much! I flourish when I plan!

      This homemaking bundle is truly amazing. I rarely “sell” stuff but this is such a great collection of resources! Plus some of the books were even ones on my wishlist — like the blogging book Building Your Framework by Abby Lawson. She sells that book for $25, yet here it is in a bundle with 92 other resources for less than $30! Awesome stuff indeed!


  2. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (10)

    Omg, such great resources here and not going to lie I am so not a homemaking rockstar and my past 20 year old self would most definitely not have dreamed this either. So, I can use all the help I can get and can’t thank you enough for sharing here. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday now xoxo <3


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (11)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      The resources in this year’s bundle are amazing! I mean Crystal Paine’s make over your calendar course, Ruth Soukup’s organization book, and Abby Lawson’s blogging book?! They were all books I was planning on purchasing and here they are in this bundle. So awesome!

      I hope you have a lovely day as well. It’s gorgeous weather here. We just returned from the zoo but I might do some reading outside this afternoon.


  3. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (12)

    Oh boy do I EVER feel like the work is never done!! Loved your post title, and thank you so much for sharing these incredible tips!


  4. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (14)

    Tamaraon at

    This is like the ultimate resource guide for.. everything! Seriously! I had to read it over three times. I’m a homemaking rockstar in training. True, I outsource a lot of it, and a lot to my husband and kids, but that’s just all part of it! Organization. Self-care. Wheee!


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (15)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      I have been in reading and organization heaven since I got my bundle. There is literally something for everyone! Plus colouring books!!! I love me some great adult colouring books! lol


  5. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (16)

    Candaceon at

    These are wonderful tips, Jennifer! I especially love the first one. I tend to look at magazines and get frustrated how my house never looks like that. It ends up causing me to just give up. I’ve really appreciated learning from fellow bloggers, who participate in those magazine photo shoots, how all of their clutter is usually pushed to the side out of the camera’s view :).
    I have really enjoyed all of the past Ultimate Bundles, but I must say this one is my favorite. And I was excited to see your book included!


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (17)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      I’m delighted you enjoyed these tips Candace! This is by far, my favourite bundle… and it’s not just because my book is included. The selections are awesome and 3 of the books were already on my to-buy list!


  6. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (18)

    Anaon at

    I just love your “survival” tips, hehe…I especially like the second one – it saves so much time in the long run. I also love planning; it keeps me focussed and it makes everything easier. :-)


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (19)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      I’m delighted you enjoyed these tips! Putting things where they belong makes a HUGE impact on homemaking/cleaning!


  7. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (20)

    Tiffanyon at

    These are all great tips Jennifer. Self care is so important for so many reasons. Doing one load of laundry a day is something I should try.


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (21)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      One load of laundry a day helps sooooo much. I never feel too overwhelmed like on the days when I used to have 3-4 loads of laundry!


  8. Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (22)

    I just had to tell you how happy it made me to see your book in this bundle, my friend. ;)


    • Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (23)

      Jennifer Blyon at

      Awww, thanks Robin! I was excited to have my book in the bundle too! :)


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Want to Be a Homemaking Rockstar? Try This! (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.