10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (2024)

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (1)

Anyone who has children knows that, when you have kids, you sacrifice certain things. We sacrifice time, sleep, energy and everything else for the little people we bring into the world. It’s both exhausting and rewarding.

Unfortunately, some things that get sacrificed really shouldn’t be. For example…those first few weeks when you couldn’t remember when you last showered?


A good sacrifice? Maybe… it depends on who you asked at the time.

Another sacrifice I didn’t even realize I was making at the time: the smell of my home. I remember, before children, opening the door after work and being welcomed with the faint smell of the candles I had burning the night before.

After my children, there was a light scent of neglect and dirty diapers (far worse than the smell of not showering). So, in the spirit of renewing the smell of our homes I have researched and compiled a list of 10 really innovate ways to make your house smell good naturally – and they’re all things you can do yourself.

#1 Coffee and Vanilla Candle Hack

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (2)

I open with an idea from Gotta Love DIY that I have personally used. This budget friendly hack I can tell you from experience…IS AMAZING!

Granted, candles can be hazardous with toddlers running around so this may be one you save for adult time in the evening. Or, just simply keep it out of reach. But it is cheap, aesthetically pleasing and smells awesome, so it’s worth it!

All you need are: coffee beans, candle holders, and vanilla candles (or tealights)

Source: Gotta Love DIY

#2 DIY Plug in Refill

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (3)

If candles aren’t your style and you don’t want to spend a fortune refilling those wall plug-ins, my friends at DIY & Crafts have you covered. They show step by step instructions on how to hack the wall plug in and make your own refill!

Basically, remove the wick from the plug-in refill unit and add water with your own essential oil blend….ta da! Magic smelling home for a bargain!

Source: DIY & Crafts

#3 Wax Melts

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (4)

This is one tip I have used since my son started walking. I love the smell of candles but:

1) I can burn an entire candle in a night or two which gets expensive, and

2) I don’t like open flames near my crazy guy if he is up and around.

So Jillee at One Good Thing is right on the money with our next suggestion: Wax Melts!

Now I know you’ve seen those expensive holders and equally expensive wax cubes, but have no fear! I’m here to tell you that your bargain store warmer and $2 wax cubes still smell equally amazing. Plus, it saves money because you don’t have to replace the wax cubes that often. I have been using mine for several weeks and it always smells just as great.

Even better, you can make your own wax melts with natural ingredients (see the link below).

Source: One Good Thing

#4 Refrigerator Odor…Be Gone!

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (5)

After seeing this suggestion on Homedit, I am running out right now for some oranges!

You can use an orange rind to leave your refrigerator smelling wonderfully citrus. All you need to do is cut your orange in half and pull out the delicious treat inside and take a few minutes to enjoy your orange.

When you are done, place the rind half in a small container with regular salt in the rind. The salt absorbs odors and encourages the rind to omit that beautiful citrus scent we all love.

Source: Homedit

#5 DIY Carpet Freshener

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (6)

I found this recipe at Dengarden and I am excited to give it a try! This recipe is for your own carpet freshener using basic household cleaning products like Borax, Oxiclean, Cornstarch, and Baking Soda.

Using their recipe, you can make a HUGE container of carpet freshener to bring out whenever your carpets and the smell of your home need a little pick me up!

Source: Dengarden

#6 Cookies Anyone?

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (7)

Nothing beats the smell of fresh-baked cookies! Sometimes the best pick me up for your mood and for the smell of your home is baking.

If you’re short on time, don’t feel pressured to make the cookies from scratch – the pre-made cookie dough smells just as great and is done in half the time…and mess! #momhack (Of course, if you’re on a budget, then by all means make the cookies from scratch – they’ll taste much better that way.)

Source: She Knows

#7 Homemade Potpourri

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (8)

This smell good hack from Free People is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Not only do you get a great smelling home, but you also get a great excuse to buy yourself amazing flowers!

This suggestion calls for a small bouquet of flowers and essential oils. You can admire the beautiful flowers, dry them and then use the petals and essential oils in a decorative bowl to scent your home wonderfully.

Source: Free People

#8 DIY Room Freshener

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (9)

If you want a great way to freshen your room without unknown chemicals or the price tag that Febreze pulls, this suggestion from One Green Planet will definitely make you happy.

All you need is a spray bottle, lime juice, baking soda and water! I’m sure you could do this with lemon juice as well if you prefer lemon to lime scents.

Source: One Green Planet

#9 Simmering Potpourri

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (10)

This is the time of year that always has me craving the scent of pie. Apple Pie, Pumpkin spice…those scents are always so inviting to me and I don’t always have the time to bake.

The simmering potpourri recipes are a great way to get all the scent without all the work. This Girls Life Blog had several simmer recipe suggestions. Many involving just a few ingredients such as apple juice, apple slices, clove and cinnamon sticks.

Simmer these recipes and you’ll be in heaven!

Source: This Girls Life Blog

#10 Dryer Sheets and Dual Uses

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (11)

Our last suggestion comes from the Bright Nest and it’s one I have used not only to make my house smell great, but also to cut down on dust in my home.

Placing dryer sheets behind your vents is a great way to cut down on dust, fragrance your rooms like fresh laundry and do so on a dime!

Source: Bright Nest

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed our list of innovative (and DIY!) ways to make your house smell good naturally. I enjoy using some of these hacks already and am looking forward to trying a few new ones myself.

Having a great smelling home is a great way to brighten your day…and keep the dirty diapers from completely overtaking things!

Do you have any good tips for keeping your home smelling great? Leave a comment below! 🙂

10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally (2024)


10 Innovative and DIY Ways to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally? ›

Vinegar absorbs odor,” she says. “It works similarly to the way baking soda works in the fridge.” She also likes charcoal bags, which absorb odors in smaller places, such as drawers or the bottoms of garbage cans. Or just open a window for five to 10 minutes a day, says Gurl Gone Green blogger Suzi Swope.

How to make your house smell nice naturally? ›

Tips to make your house smell good:
  1. Display fragrant plants.
  2. Use scented candles and diffusers.
  3. Get rid of any unpleasant smells.
  4. Ventilate your home.
  5. Make potpourri.
  6. Bake or brew something delicious.
  7. Use essential oils.

How do I make my house smell like super fresh? ›

Keeping your home neat and tidy will support your home smelling fresh and clean, so many of these tips do overlap.
  1. Vacuum & Mop Floors. ...
  2. Clean Curtains And Rugs. ...
  3. Wash Out Your Garbage Bins. ...
  4. Freshen Up the Garbage Disposal. ...
  5. Change Bed Linens.
Apr 3, 2023

What is the best natural deodorizer for your home? ›

Vinegar absorbs odor,” she says. “It works similarly to the way baking soda works in the fridge.” She also likes charcoal bags, which absorb odors in smaller places, such as drawers or the bottoms of garbage cans. Or just open a window for five to 10 minutes a day, says Gurl Gone Green blogger Suzi Swope.

What is the best odor eliminator? ›

ProductsProduct LinksEffectiveness
Best Overall: Moso Natural Air Purifying Bag$39 at Amazon5/5
Best for Bathrooms: Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray$10 at Amazon5/5
Best for Fabric Upholstery: Febreze Fabric Refresher$15 at Amazon5/5
Best for Refrigerators: Ellis Harper Fridge Ninja Deodorizer$20 at Amazon5/5
4 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

What is the best product to make your home smell good? ›

Scented reed diffusers and plug-in air fresheners are another easy way to make your house smell good. Reed diffusers use essential oils that evaporate into the air through a set of reeds, while plug-in air fresheners introduce scented particles into the air with an electric fan.

How do realtors make a house smell good? ›

Tip #1: Opt for natural scents or “clean” scents

That's because people associate citrus smells with concepts like “fresh” and “clean,” and it means that even a subtle citrus scent can make a big difference with prospective buyers. Clean scents, like the scent of freshly washed laundry, are among buyers' favorites, too.

How do you deodorize a house completely? ›

5 Ways to Keep Your House Smelling Fresh
  1. Install an air purifier. An air purifier can clean the air by filtering out dust particles and other allergens.
  2. Use scented cleansers. ...
  3. Burn a candle in the kitchen after cooking. ...
  4. Open the windows. ...
  5. Use baking soda.
Aug 14, 2023

How do people keep their house smelling so good? ›

use scented candles and diffusers

Reed diffusers are ideal for keeping your house smelling nice because they release fragrance gradually and continually. The reeds absorb the scented oil, which then evaporates into the air. You can ensure a stronger scent by using more reeds or turning the reeds more regularly.

What is the new house smell? ›

While new-house smells aren't necessarily dangerous, there is some concern about certain types of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, that exist in some building materials (e.g., paint, carpet, and furniture).

What is the most powerful odor eliminator DIY? ›

Baking Soda, Peroxide, & Dish Soap

In a spray bottle, mix 8 ounces of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish soap. Spray this homemade odor eliminator mixture onto the affected area and allow it to penetrate for up to 20 minutes.

What absorbs bad smells in room naturally? ›

Baking soda is an effective way to minimize odors around your home. This is primarily due to the chemicals in baking soda, which counteract the acids that cause bad smells. "Many unwanted smells are the result of acidic compounds," says Audrey Pariés of Aspen Clean.

How can I make my house smell nice all the time? ›

7 Ways to Make Your Whole House Smell Amazing
  1. Try a Stovetop Scent.
  2. Use Candles Carefully.
  3. Run a Lemon Through Your Garbage Disposal.
  4. Make a Fabric Spray That Removes Pet Odors.
  5. Use Room Sprays With Subtle Scents.
  6. Layer Fragrances to Create a Custom Scent.
  7. Use Fresh or Dried Florals.
Aug 8, 2023

How can my house smell good all the time? ›

You can use natural home scents such as essential oils, herbs, flowers, or baking soda to make your house smell good.. These natural scents can be used in diffusers, plugged-in air fresheners, furniture sprays, and more.

How can I smell good naturally at home? ›

How To Make Your Body Smell Good Naturally
  1. Cut Back on Steak and Booze. ...
  2. Use Lemon Juice as a Cologne-Free Fragrance. ...
  3. Create Your Own Herbal Hair Rinse. ...
  4. Use Orange Peel as a Natural Body Rub. ...
  5. Place Cedar Wood Chips in Your Shoes. ...
  6. Add Patchouli Oil Drops To Your Shampoo. ...
  7. Swap Cologne for a Natural Body Spray.

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.