Cauliflower, Cashew, Pea and Coconut Curry Recipe (2024)

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Does "green chile" refer to a specific pepper?


Took an idea from the Spiced Chickpea Stew recipe and added a drained can of chickpeas and 1/2 tsp of turmeric after adding the spices in Step 3 but before adding the tomato paste. Cooked for about ten minutes and then continued this recipe. I used 2 cans of light coconut milk and the dish was thickened by the breakdown of some of the chickpeas. This added some more protein. Delicious with basmati rice.


Our whole family loved it. For weeknight ease, do Step 1 in a mini food processor - make double to freeze for future Indian dishes. Toast the cashews in the oven in a single layer for 10 mins @ 350 for less fat & more flavor. I subbed ghee for all of the canola oil for more depth of flavor. And I marinated 1 c. of cubed tofu in 1 tbsp of ghee 1 tbsp turmeric 1 tsp of salt, sautéed til golden & slightly crispy & added last - I have a family of protein fanatics & it was a delicious addition.


Rather than plain milk which will not have the same richness or texture , try evaporated milk .Whether low fat or full, the texture is excellent for sauces and I have been subbing it for years in butter chicken , pasta sauces and anywhere cream or coconut milk may be suggested.


Made this tonight, the only change being to omit cumin (for some reason, I can longer tolerate it) and used cardamom instead. I doubled/tripled the amount of spices, due to some people's comments that they found it bland and knowing I prefer heavily-spiced food. The result: the most delicious curry I've ever had! I made no other changes, served over a bed of basmati rice, used the cashews, a nice squeeze of lemon, and chopped cilantro. Absolutely fantastic!


At 47 grams of fat per serving (22 grams saturated), this was delicious, but a little too scary-rich for me. I cooked the onions in 2 tablespoons of oil, not 3, and roasted the cashews in the oven, thereby cutting out half of the oil. I also doubled the peas, and that seemed like the perfect amount. Next time, I will try reduced-fat coconut milk and see if that works. It probably won’t taste quite as good, but it will certainly be more healthful.

James B

Green chili usually refers to a fresh hot green chili. Serrano or Thai bird’s eye are good subs easily found. The chili powder called for is typically ground hot red chili. Cayenne is an easily found sub. You can also find Indian red chili powder at an Indian grocery store or online. There are several types.


I followed this wonderful recipe exactly and achieved a wonderful though slightly bland for me meal. It lasted me for three days and I gave a quarter of it away. However, I cannot conceive how this could be made in 45 minutes. It took me 30 minutes to clean the garlic, mash the coriander and cumin seeds, and prepare the paste. The 13.5 oz can of light coconut milk provided plenty of liquid and the times for cooking the cauliflower do not reduce the liquid much. I will probably spice more next.


I agree with Kalahun - this is not a 45-minute recipe unless you’re a speed chopper and fast with a mortar and pestle. It took me 1 hour & 20 minutes from start to finish, but well worth it. I followed another cook’s advice and upped the spices (2 tsp each coriander and cumin, 1 tsp chili powder), and it was not too spicy. Used full-fat coconut milk (current and reliable research tells us not to worry about fat!). It was really yummy. My 14-year-old son asked for seconds! Served with wild rice.


Easy to make and really delicious. I made it exactly like the recipe—no shortcuts, no substitutions.


Roasted the cauli and added some squash with olive oil, salt, cumin and chili flakes for 40 minutes before adding to the mix. Added lemongrass to the paste (out of ginger). Doubled the spices. Melted coconut oil and added some tamarind paste then smeared the cashews in that and roasted them in the oven for 25 min. Added fresh lime over everything and served with giant couscous. Incredibly filling and tasty. My husband gave it 10/10! A yummy treat on a cold day in London.


I smiled when I saw all the changes in your adaptation. But really, a good basic recipe is infinitely adaptable. Yours sounds delicious, too.


Made this with what was available in the pantry and freezer, substituting frozen stir-fry vegetables for the cauliflower, no chili or cashews, but used full fat coconut milk, all the spices, ginger, garlic, onion, and a frozen tbsp of tomato paste, all cooked in avo oil. Served it over cauliflower "rice" (also in the freezer). It was delicious. Had leftover poached chicken breast available for those who wanted a bit more protein. Will be in regular rotation at our house

Susan A

Added some raisins. Sweetness was a nice counterpoint.


I found this a little bland. I would increase the spices and the salt. The hit of lemon juice at the end helps. Also, I did the minimum cooking times (10 min. + less than 5) for the cauliflower and it was on the verge of mushy.


Excellent! Roasted the cauliflower at 425 while I cooked the rice and chopped/cooked the onions etc. Then just mixed it all together and heated long enough to warm the frozen peas. Actually ready in 45 minutes including prep! (threw the cashews in to roast with cauliflower instead of frying). Adding to the regular rotation.


This was excellent. I didn't have quite enough cauliflower, so I added a cubed (baked) russet potato. Used the amount of spices called for and it was just fine for my family and I.

Joan D.

Bland even though I doubled the spices. I used a Poblano pepper perhaps that's where I went wrong? Reread comments and I will try a Serrano or Thai pepper next time!


Good but a bit too bland. I used a jalapeño because that is what I had. A Thai red chili may have been better but I the grocery stores near my house don’t carry them. I agree that it was not a quick meal due to the chopping for the spice paste. Mine never really turned into a paste


I don’t really understand how this doesn’t come out perfectly?I thought it was slightly spicy and very delicious.Took someone’s advice to chop up all the onion in a food processor first, then blend up the other items that were supposed to be pounded to a paste,So, cooked the onions first till nice and toasted, then added the “paste”, and the first spices.


Add air-fryer crisped extra firm tofu and garbanzo beans. Double the spices/paste (made in small food processor). Serve over brown basmati rice. Beautifully satisfying and even better as leftovers.


Is there a substitute for cashews - we have serious nut allergy


Made this recipe last night. Love the paste of garlic, pepper, and ginger! I would recommend tripling the amount of peas to 1.5 cups and sautéing or roasting the cauliflower before adding it to the skillet.


I thought it was tasty but rather bland. My husband enjoyed more than I did. I added a bit of chopped bell peppers and carrots. Next time I will roast the cauliflower in the oven before adding to the pan. I think that will add a lot of flavor. I would also add more cashews. Those were a great bit of crunch.

V Fevour

I did not have a lot of time to cook, so I just finely diced the ginger, garlic and pepper and skipped the paste business. Plus I used salted, roasted cashews and they worked just fine. Turned out great I should have been more careful with timing—I managed to overcook the cauliflower so it was a little softer than I wanted, but the flavor was excellent. A big hit.


It seemed a bit bland, so I doubled the garam masala and threw in a teaspoon of curry powder. Don’t skip the squeeze of lemon house and the cilantro. They really punched the flavor up!


This was delicious. I read through the comments and doubled all the spices. I didn’t have any tomato paste, so I used some tamarind paste in its place. I toasted the cashews in my toaster oven. Highly recommend for a hearty, healthy dinner!


Didn’t realize it was vegan but it is a pretty good and hearty one at that. It’s not super quick w prep for 2 diced onions plus other veggies but doable for a weeknight. I used pasilla chile and skipped chile powder to make it mild for my kid. Used lime for lemon. Used salted roasted cashews as a shortcut for frying them. Next time I’d cut up cauliflowers smaller as they still had some bite after about 12 mins. Flavorful and nutritious!


Made this tonight. Doubled spices, added a can of chickpeas instead of peas, used one jalapeño w/seeds, and served over basmati rice w/lemon, cashews, and cilantro. Definitely need to double the spices. It was a delicious cauliflower curry and will make it again, using limes rather than lemons and a green chile w/more heat.


This was divine—and I really spiced it up. My garlic cloves were gigantic, and I used a fairly large jalapeño with half the seeds removed. Btw, blitz those with the ginger in a mini chopper and then finish with a mortar and pestle! Then, 1 Tbsp coriander seeds, 1 Tbsp cumin, and 2 t chili powder. Didn’t have garam masala, so used 1.5 t’s madras curry. Tripled the peas. Roasted the cashews in my toaster oven with more curry. It won’t seem like enough coconut milk at first, but it is.

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Cauliflower, Cashew, Pea and Coconut Curry Recipe (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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