SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (2024)

SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (1)

Volunteer SummitFriday, October 25, 2013


SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (2)

Volunteer SummitFriday, October 25, 2013


10 a.m. WELCOmE

Centennial Hall

CaMPaiGn iMPaCt exPerienCes

10:30 a.m. – NOON

Various Campus Locations

LUnCH anD a sPeCiaL CaLLeD MeetinG OF

tHe seCOnD CentUrY CaMPaiGn VOLUnteers


Historic Main Quad


SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (3)

Southern Methodist University PO Box 750281 Dallas TX 75275-0281

214-768-2666 Fax 214-768-2181

Office of the President

October 25, 2013

Dear volunteers of The Second Century Campaign:

Welcome to this important milestone event in the life of the Second Century Campaign, a gathering of the leaders who are making progress possible throughout the University. The entire SMU community is tremendously grateful for your support and guidance. Your role as an SMU ambassador has never been more important or impactful than at this unique time in our history.

Reflecting on the first years of the Campaign, we can all be proud of the many advancements resulting from your work – the accomplishments of faculty and students, the creation of new and innovative academic programs, the construction of handsome new facilities, and the creation of new partnerships, such as scholarly collaborations and programming with the George W. Bush Presidential Center, which opened in April.

Looking ahead, we know that, with you, we have built the foundation for SMU students, faculty and alumni to have an even greater impact on our region, nation and world. This influence carries out SMU’s brand statement: “World Changers Shaped Here.”

We hope that through today’s experiences on campus, you will be further inspired to shape the progress of SMU’s second century of achievement. We hope to stoke your Mustang pride in all that has been accomplished, with a commitment to make the final years of the Campaign a resounding success. Finally, we look forward to your continued leadership in charting the course of SMU’s future.

Thank you again for all you do for SMU.


R. Gerald TurnerPresident

C: Campaign Co-chairs

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SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (5)


The Second Century CampaignCampaign Volunteer Summit

October 25, 2013

Table of Contents

Tab A. Summit Overview

Tab B. Campaign Impact Experiences

Tab C. Volunteer Meeting

Tab D. Campaign Achievements

Tab E. Campaign Volunteer Organization

Tab F. New Campaign Goals and Strategic Funding Priorities

Tab G. Timeline through Campaign Conclusion

Tab H. Campaign Donors of $100,000 or more

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“The notable investment made in SMU through the

campaign demonstrates the University’s positive trajectory

and unprecedented momentum. Raising and achieving

the campaign goal is the next logical step for SMU as

it expands its national and global impact.”

— GERALD J. FORD ’66, ’69


SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (8)

O f f i c e O f t h e V i c e P r e s i d e n t f O r d e V e l O P m e n t a n d e x t e r n a l a f f a i r s

Southern Methodist University PO Box 750281 Dallas TX 75275-0281 214-768-2666 Fax 214-768-2181

October 25, 2013

Dear Campaign volunteers:

Welcome to the Volunteer Summit, the first gathering of the entire volunteer organization since the public launch of The Second Century Campaign on September 12, 2008. The objectives of the Summit are:

• To highlight campaign accomplishments and success to-date, through interactive experiences that showcase examples of impact

• To rally, re-energize and re-focus the SMU community and volunteers on strategic initiatives, leveraging the excitement and activities of Homecoming Weekend

• To announce goals and priority initiatives for the remainder of the Campaign, while shaping the longer horizon for the University.

SMU has been very fortunate to have strong volunteer leadership, many of whom are in attendance today: members of the SMU Board of Trustees, Campaign Leadership Council,Campaign Executive Committee, Campaign Steering Committees, Development and External Affairs Committee of the SMU Board of Trustees, Alumni Board, Young Alumni Board and Alumni Chapter Presidents. Each of you has made your mark on our success to-date.

The Volunteer Summit will provide a variety of options for you to experience the momentum and impact of the Campaign first-hand, and to learn more about the achievements and aspirations that are leading SMU into its second century. We look forward to working together and charging ahead!

Thank you for your commitment and for your important service to SMU.


Brad E. ChevesVice President for Development

and External Affairs

C: Campaign Co-chairs

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SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (10)


Morning Session of the Campaign Volunteer SummitThe Second Century Campaign

October 25, 2013, Centennial Hall


I. Introduction and Overview Mr. Brad E. ChevesVice President, SMU

Development and External Affairs

II. Welcome Dr. R. Gerald TurnerPresident, SMU

III. Experience SMU Ms. Caren ProthroChair, SMU Board of Trustees

Campaign Co-Chair

IV. Concluding Remarks Mr. Cheves

V. Attendees Depart for Campaign Impact Experiences All Volunteers

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The 1,400 freshmen at Southern Methodist University now have been in class long enough for first-year anx-ieties to calm down some. This year’s freshmen actually may have less rea-son for the jitters, given that their av-erage SAT score is 1302. That’s up — noticeably — from the 1144 SAT average for the 2000 fresh-man class. The uptick is part of SMU’s some-times-overlooked academic rise. The school also now has 96 endowed pro-fessorships, which represents about 13 percent of tenured faculty. Those 96 chairs are up from 62 endowed posi-tions only five years ago. SMU wants to soon have 100 or more such chairs. Of course, the campus also is home to the new George W. Bush Presiden-tial Center, which includes a museum, library and policy institute. The cen-ter has hosted several recent forums, including events involving SMU fac-ulty. The school, however, faces chal-lenges in making sure students stay connected with one another and grad-uate on time. So SMU’s response in-cludes making the campus a more vi-brant place, and as part of that effort, it will debut 11 residential commons next fall. SMU President Gerald Turn-

er envisions the commons becoming part of each student’s identity. Fresh-men and sophom*ores must live in a commons dorm. Some faculty will re-side there, too. In short, they will live and learn together. Each of these areas — student achievement, faculty development and the campus experience — are central to the school’s Second Cen-tury fundraising campaign. SMU offi-cials recently increased the goal from $750 million to $1 billion, making the school one of only 34 private universi-ties ever to undertake a billion-dollar campaign. Dallas will benefit if the school raises the entire amount. Partnerships with the city can increase as SMU ex-pands its faculty and research. A good template is how SMU’s Simmons School of Education and Human De-velopment has worked with the Dallas school district to improve education in West Dallas. Dallas high school students also could benefit from the scholarship dollars the school wants to raise. SMU has brought in $180 million in schol-arships, but that is short of the $200 million goal. Scholarship funds can be hard to secure, especially when contributors

want to donate in such a way that they can put their name on a building. But scholarship funds are critical as SMU actively diversifies its enrollment. The campus has been seen as an outpost of well-heeled, well-connected families. But the truth is, SMU’s enrollment to-day is 25 percent minority, up sharply from even a decade ago. Financial aid will let SMU keep broadening its reach. SMU wants to continue evolving into, as its motto proclaims, a school of world changers. Funds for scholar-ships can help make that a reality.

Monday, September 29, 2013

SMU tomorrowFundraising effort can help school further diversify


1302 Average SAT score for this year’s freshman class

11,000 Number of un-dergraduate and graduate students

25 Percentage of students from minority families

96 Number of endowed professorships

$180 million Amount SMU recently has raised for scholarships

$200 million Total SMU scholarship goal

By the numbers

SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (13)

October 21, 2013

Southern Methodist University recently joined the growing ranks of institutions engaged in billion-dollar fund-raising campaigns. After raising $780-million during its Second Century campaign, trouncing its initial goal of $750-million with two years left to go, SMU’s Board of Trustees voted last month to raise the official goal of the campaign to $1-billion by its end, in 2015.

A billion dollars is a staggering sum in almost any context. Yet it is becoming more and more common in higher-education fund raising.

In June, Rice University announced that it had surpassed its $1-billion campaign goal. In May the University of Virginia announced that it had surpassed its $3-billion target. The Johns Hopkins University is in the midst of a $4.5-billion campaign. The University of Southern California’s precedent-setting $6-billion campaign, announced in 2011, has since been outstripped for ambition by Harvard University’s recently announced $6.5-billion campaign.

New York University announced last week that it had launched a campaign to raise $1-billion for financial aid alone.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy on Monday released its annual Philanthropy 400 survey, tracking the most successful fund-raising organizations in the United States. Among its revelations: Stanford University raised more than $1-billion in the most recent fiscal year ($1,034,848,797, to be exact), a 46-percent increase over its 2012 total, making it the seventh-most-successful fund-raising entity in the survey. (Harvard, the next-most-successful university, raised more than $650-million, a 7-percent decrease from last year, putting it at 21st. There’s a full, sortable table here.)

A billion-dollar-a-year pace shouldn’t be a surprise, given the recent success of Stanford’s five-year, $6.2-billion Stanford Campaign, which concluded in 2012. Still, clearly the stakes are rising for ambitious universities, and the fund raisers who help them meet their goals.


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“Scholarships bring outstanding students to Dallas and

help keep our top local students in our region, all of

which enriches the talent pool here.”



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Campaign Impact Experiences

• Overview

• Map of Impact Experience Locations

• Campaign Impact Experience Descriptions

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Campaign Impact ExperiencesOverview

The Second Century Campaign’s extraordinary impact includes support for faculty positions,academic programs, student scholarships and fellowships, and construction or renovation ofessential academic and campus facilities. The experiences designed for today’s Volunteer Summit will offer a small sampling of the Campaign’s wide-reaching impact on SMU.

1. Central University LibrariesOpening the VaultHosted by Ms. Gillian M. McCombs

2. Cox School of BusinessBear or BullHosted by Dr. Albert W. Niemi, Jr.

3. Dedman College of Humanities and SciencesWho’s Watching You?Hosted by Dr. William M. Tsutsui

4. Dedman School of LawPublic Service is Not a Fairy TaleHosted by Dr. Julie P. Forrester

5. Lyle School of EngineeringThink with Your HandsHosted by Mr. Mickey Saloma

6. Meadows School of the ArtsCampaign News in Hi-DefHosted by Dr. José A. Bowen

7. Perkins School of TheologyAncient and Rare ScripturesHosted by Ms. Roberta A. Schaafsma

8. Simmons School of Education and Human DevelopmentHuman Physiology: Science to PracticeHosted by Dr. David J. Chard

9. AthleticsLarry Brown Holding CourtHosted by Mr. Rick Hart

10. Campus and Student LifeUncommon LivingHosted by Dr. Lori White

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Ford Stadium

George W. BushPresidential Center

Dallas Hall

Lunch &Meeting





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SMU Blvd

Mockingbird Ln

Binkley Ave

Schlegel St

McFarlin Blvd

Dyer St



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Volunteer SummitExperience Locations

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Campaign Impact Experiences

1. Central University Libraries

Opening the VaultDeGolyer Library, Fondren Library Center

Hosted by Gillian M. McCombs, Dean and DirectorLed by exhibition co-curators Pamalla Anderson, Public Services and Reference for DeGolyer Library, and Russell L. Martin, III, Director and Librarian for DeGolyer Library

View Treasures of the DeGolyer Library: 100 Years of Collecting, which features the 1493 Christopher Columbus letter on the success of his transatlantic voyage; Martin Waldseemüller’s 1513 Tabula Terre Nova map of the New World; a 1605 first edition of Sir Francis Bacon’s first published work, The Advancement of Learning; and the 1814 history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This rare behind-the-scenes tour will showcase the impressive special collection gems of the DeGolyer Library.

2. Cox School of Business

Bear or BullDon Jackson Center for Financial Studies, Kitt Investing and Trading Center and EnCapInvestments and LCM Group Alternative Asset Management Program

Hosted by Albert W. Niemi, Jr., Dean and Tolleson Chair in Business LeadershipLed by Don Shelly, Director, Kitt Investing and Trading Center Director, and BillMaxwell, Rauscher Chair in Financial Investment and Director, Don Jackson Center forFinancial Studies and EnCap Investment & LCM Group Alternative Asset ManagementCenter

Participate in a mock Bloomberg trading session and see how SMU’s finance students –Jackson Fellows and those pursuing an alternative asset management concentration orfinance practicum – are benefitting from experiential learning through the distinctive resources of the Kitt Investing and Trading Center. The Kitt Center, EnCap Investment &LCM Group Alternative Asset Management Center, and Jackson Center for FinancialStudies, all created during The Second Century Campaign, offer a rare opportunity for undergraduate business students to combine trading technology with financial investment instruction to be better prepared for their careers after graduation.

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3. Dedman College

Who’s Watching You?Fondren Lab 103C

Hosted by William M. Tsutsui, DeanLed by Tim Salmon, Professor of Economics, and Danila Serra, Assistant Professor ofEconomics, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences

Does social observation make people alter their behavior? Faculty members from the Department of Economics are researching different forms of antisocial behavior –corruption, stealing and embezzlement – and will lead participants in an interactive session that demonstrates interesting research outcomes. Dedman College’s new Interdisciplinary Institute promotes and enhances collaboration, bringing students and scholars from different academic disciplines together to discover solutions to challenging problems.

4. Dedman School of Law

Public Service is Not a Fairy TaleHillcrest Classroom, Underwood Law Library

Hosted by Julie P. Forrester, Dean ad interim and Professor of LawLed by Rebecca Greenan, Director of Public Service Program, Dedman School of Law

Take a seat for an up-close look at Dedman School of Law public service in action, while court is in session for Aladdin v. Cinderella’s Slipper Shop. Dedman Law students help fifth-graders from the Dallas Independent School District learn more about how to be a lawyer by having them conduct fairytale-themed mock trials in a Law School classroom – the schoolchildren serve as lawyers and witnesses while Law students act as judges andmentors. These community service opportunities expand the Campaign’s impact beyond the Hilltop.

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5. Lyle School of Engineering

Think with Your HandsCaruth Hall, Innovation Gym

Hosted by Mickey Saloma, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment at SMU-LYLELed by Greg Needel, Director of the Innovation Gym, and Kate Canales, Director ofDesign and Innovation Programs, Lyle School of Engineering

Participate in creative exercises and programs offered by the Lyle School of Engineering’s Innovation Gym, located in the new Caruth Hall, to understand novel ways to teach innovation. Sample the original research that engineering students undertake,including industry-proposed projects such as Immersion Design Experiences and the Innovation Competition.

6. Meadows School of the Arts

Campaign News in Hi-DefPederson HD Studio, Umphrey Lee Center

Hosted by José Antonio Bowen, Dean and Algur H. Meadows ChairLed by Tony Pederson, The Belo Foundation Endowed Distinguished Chair in Journalism, Meadows School of the Arts

The newly renovated high-definition Tony Pederson Broadcast Studio is the set for this special behind-the-scenes look at the Meadows School of the Arts, showcasing a live broadcast written, produced, filmed and presented entirely by SMU Journalism students. Students and Dean José Bowen will provide an exciting backstage sneak peak at how the Second Century Campaign is creating a new national model for arts and communication curricula focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and community impact. The experience will include an opportunity to view students in action, meet nationally recognized faculty as well as recent graduates whose lives have been transformed by their time on the Hilltop.

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7. Perkins School of Theology

Ancient and Rare ScripturesBridwell Library Benefactor’s Room

Hosted by Roberta Schaafsma, Director and J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed LibrarianLed by Eric White, Curator of Special Collections, Bridwell Library, Perkins School ofTheology

Explore the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Bible Collection containing several Bibles of great beauty, rarity and historical importance to learn what makes rare books so important for teaching and research. The 485-volume collection, which includes Bibles in nearly 100 languages and spans eight centuries, began with six rare Bibles acquired in the 1960s by Charles Prothro of Wichita Falls, Texas, as an anniversary gift for his wife, Elizabeth Perkins Prothro ’39. The collection is housed in the Bridwell Library, which is a funding priority of the Perkins School of Theology.

8. Simmons School of Education and Human Development

Human Physiology; Science to PracticeApplied Physiology Lab, First Floor, Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall

Hosted by David J. Chard, Leon Simmons Endowed DeanLed by Scott Davis, Director of the Applied Physiology Laboratory, Kelyn Rola, LabCoordinator, and Megan Murphy, Clinical Assistant Professor, Annette CaldwellSimmons School of Education and Human Development

Observe demonstrations of experiments studying human physiology to understand how Simmons students actively participate in medical and fitness research and benefit from the Applied Physiology Laboratory and high-tech equipment, located in the new Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall. Learn more about Professor Davis’ current research on multiple sclerosis to understand what makes the lab one of the best of its kind in the country.

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9. Athletics

Larry Brown Holding CourtCrum Basketball Center

Hosted by Rick Hart, Director of AthleticsLed by Larry Brown, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, SMU Athletics

Get the inside “hoop scoop” and leadership principles from Hall of Fame Basketball Coach Larry Brown, the only head coach to have won both an NCAA title and an NBA Championship, as he prepares for the Mustangs’ inaugural season in the American Athletic Conference. Then, get a construction view of the Moody Coliseum renovation and new Miller Event Center before the facility opens in January 2014 as home to the Mustangs and their first conference games.

10. Campus and Student Life

Uncommon LivingMary Hay Common Room

Hosted by Lori S. White, Vice President for Student AffairsLed by Faculty in Residence, Ann Batenburg, Student Housing and Residential CommonsLeadership Corps Students and Dr. Troy Behrens, Assistant Vice President for StudentAffairs and Dean of Residence Life and Student Housing

Visit one of SMU’s Residential Commons, which fosters an academically focused living-learning experience to create a strong sense of belonging among students. Faculty members will live in each Commons to encourage a continuous environment for learning. Following a presentation by students, faculty and staff, who will share their comments and plans about how the Residential Commons will transform the on-campus experience at SMU, session participants will enjoy a tour of Mary Hay Hall’s faculty residence and common study areas.

To accommodate SMU’s new two-year on-campus residency requirement for undergraduate students, SMU is building five new facilities and renovating six existing residence halls. The Residential Commons concept was implemented with the entering Class of 2017. The new and renovated Commons buildings will open in the Fall of 2014.

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“We want to establish and support new academic

programs that will prepare students for leadership

in their professions and communities. And we must

provide the best facilities for these endeavors in a living-

and-learning environment that is second to none.”



SMU Campaign Volunteer Summit Handbook - [PDF Document] (24)


Meeting of the Campaign Volunteer OrganizationThe Second Century Campaign

October 25, 2013, SMU Main Quad


I. Call to Order Mr. Gerald J. FordCampaign Convening Co-Chair

SMU Trustee

II. Purpose of Volunteer Meeting Ms. Caren ProthroChair, SMU Board of Trustees

Campaign Co-Chair

III. Campaign Overview Mr. Ford

• Campaign Impact Mr. Ray HuntCampaign Co-Chair

SMU Trustee

• Campaign Plan Mr. Carl SewellCampaign Co-Chair

SMU Trustee

• Campaign Opportunities Dr. R. Gerald TurnerPresident, SMU

IV. Responses Mr. Ford

• Student Perspective Mr. Ramón TrespalaciosPresident, SMU Student Body

• Faculty Perspective Dr. Santanu RoyPresident, SMU Faculty Senate

• Volunteer Leadership Perspective Ms. Ruth AltshulerCampaign Co-Chair

SMU Trustee

V. Concluding Remarks Dr. Turner

VI. Adjournment Mr. Ford

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Volunteer Summit Attendees

SMU Board of Trustees

Campaign Leadership Council

Campaign Executive Committee

Campaign Steering Committees

Development and External Affairs Committee of the SMU Board of Trustees

Alumni Board

Young Alumni Board

Alumni Chapter Presidents

University Administration

SMU Staff Liaisons

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“The concept of a billion dollars may seem overwhelming,

but the fact is that it will take gifts of all sizes for us to

meet our new goal. So we’re asking alumni and friends

to take part at any level they can afford. It all counts,

and it all makes a difference.”




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Campaign Achievements

• New Endowed Faculty Positions

• New Academic Programs and Initiatives

• New Student Scholarship and Fellowship Examples

• Campus Improvement Examples

• Campaign Highlights through FY13

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Deanships:• The Judge James Noel Dean and Professor of Law• The Leon Simmons Endowed Deanship

Distinguished Centennial Chairs:• The Bobby B. Lyle Endowed Centennial Distinguished Chair in Cyber Security

Centennial Chairs:• The Jerome M. Fullinwider Endowed Centennial Chair in Economic Freedom• The Leah Young Fullinwider Endowed Centennial Chair in Music Performance• The Linda P. and William A. Custard Director of the Meadows Museum and

Centennial Chair in the Meadows School of the Arts• The Martha Raley Peak Endowed Centennial Chair and Director of the Meadows

Symphony Orchestra• The Annette and Harold Simmons Centennial Chair in Education Policy and

Leadership in the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development

• The Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching and Learning in the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development

Centennial Professorships:• The Jeremy duQuesnay Adams Centennial Professorship in Western European

Medieval History• The Ruth and Kenneth Altshuler Centennial Interdisciplinary Professorship in Cities,

Regions and Globalization

Distinguished Chairs:• The C. Vincent Prothro Distinguished Chair of Biological Sciences• The Texas Instruments Distinguished Chair in Engineering Education and Director of

The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education• The Endowed Distinguished Research Chair in Art History

Chairs:• The Laurence and Catherine Perrine Endowed Chair in English• Endowed Chair in Bankruptcy and Commercial Law• The Robert C. Womack Endowed Chair in Engineering• The Karl Kilinski, II Endowed Chair in Hellenic Visual Culture• The Kleinheinz Family Endowment for the Arts and Education Endowed Chair

in Art History• Endowed Chair in New Testament in Perkins School of Theology

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Professorships:• The Bobby B. Lyle Endowed Professorship of Entrepreneurial Studies• Endowed Professorship of Finance• The Fabacher Endowed Professor of Alternative Asset Management• The David B. Miller Endowed Professor in Business• The Glenn Linden Endowed Professorship• The Ruth Collins Altshuler Endowed Professor and Director of the

Interdisciplinary Institute at SMU• The Richard Arnold Endowed Professor• The Les and Amy Ware Endowed Professorship in Dedman School of Law• The Bobby B. Lyle Endowed Professorship of Engineering Innovation• The Bobby B. Lyle Endowed Professorship of Leadership and Global

Entrepreneurship• The William T. and Gay F. Solomon Endowed Professorship in Engineering

and Global Development• The Marriott Family Endowed Professor• The Wendland-Cook Endowed Professorship in Constructive Theology• The Glenn Simmons Professor of Applied Physiology and Human

Development in the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development

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Schools:• Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development• Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering

Departments:• Art History Department support and new Ph.D. degree program• Chemistry Department Research• Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences• C. Vincent Prothro Biological Sciences Initiative

Centers and Institutes:• The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education• Center for Presidential History• Center for Teaching Excellence• Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute• EnCap Investments & LCM Group Alternative Asset Management Center• Hart Institute for Engineering Leadership• Hunter and Stephanie Hunt Institute for Engineering and Humanity• Institute for Evidence-Based Education• The Don Jackson Center for Financial Studies• The Kitt Investing and Trading Center • Penny and Paul Loyd Center for the Academic Development of Student-Athletes • O’Neil Center for Global Markets and Freedom

Programs:• The W. W. Caruth, Jr. Child Advocacy Clinic in Dedman School of Law• Embrey Human Rights Program and new Bachelor of Arts degree program • Hamon Arts Library Special Collections endowment• The Jeanne R. Johnson Piano Guest Artist Endowment • Research in Mathematics Education• Tower Scholars Program in the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies

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• AIM Foundation Scholarships• Art History Graduate Fellowships• Barachel Foundation Scholarships for Chinese Students• William P. Clements Endowed Fellowship Fund• Edwin L. Cox BBA Scholars Program• Dedman College Scholars • Dunlevy Leadership Scholarships • Brady P. Gentry Endowed Scholarship Fund • Hankinson Endowed Scholarships for Dedman School of Law• Peggy Harrison Scholarship Fund• Hunt Leadership Scholars Program – additional funding• Irsay Scholars Program• Lyle Engineering Scholars• MBA – Military Student Scholarships• Meadows Scholars• David and Carolyn Miller Scholarships• Taylor Nance Endowed Scholarship Fund• Pre-Law Scholars• President’s Scholarships – additional funding:

o The Custard and Pitts Family Endowed President’s Scholarshipso Huffington Bicentennial Scholarship Endowment Fundo Edward R. and Mary Ann Hyde Endowed President’s Scholarshipo The Lawrence and Catherine Perrine Endowed President’s Scholarshipso The Carl and Peggy Sewell Endowed and Annual President’s Scholarshipso SMU Alumni Board President’s Scholarships

• Vincent Prothro Graduate Fellowship Fund in Biological Sciences• Vincent Prothro Undergraduate Scholarship Fund in Biological Sciences • Yandell “Tog” Rogers, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund in Dedman School of Law• Sewell Provost Student Recruitment Scholarships• Fairess Simmons Graduate Fellowship Fund• Sohmen Chinese Scholars Program in Dedman School of Law

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Completed to Date• Caruth Hall• Crum Basketball Center• Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Hall (including Kirby Hall and Selecman Hall renovations)• Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall• SMU-in-Taos Faculty and Student Housing

To be Completed• Bridwell Library renovation and expansion• Fondren Library Center renovation• Moody Coliseum and Miller Event Center• Mustang Band Hall• Residential Commons Complex• Harold Clark Simmons Hall• Dr. Bob Smith Health Center• SMU-in-Taos Campus Center• Tennis Complex• Trinity Forest Golf Complex

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$1,000,000,000Public Phase











1,000Quiet Phase

Jan '06 Jan '07 Jan '08 Jan '09 Jan '10 Jan '11 Jan '12 Jan '13 Jan '14 Jan '15 Dec '15










in M









Campaign Total to DateFinancial Goal: $1 Billion

Yearly Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 25 percent

Cumulative Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 50 percent


‘14-‘15‘12-‘13‘11-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06 2015Goal

‘14-‘15‘12-‘1311-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06

$1,000,000,000Public Phase











1,000Quiet Phase

Jan '06 Jan '07 Jan '08 Jan '09 Jan '10 Jan '11 Jan '12 Jan '13 Jan '14 Jan '15 Dec '15










in M









Campaign Total to DateFinancial Goal: $1 Billion

Yearly Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 25 percent

Cumulative Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 50 percent


‘14-‘15‘12-‘13‘11-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06 2015Goal

‘14-‘15‘12-‘1311-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06

$1,000,000,000Public Phase











1,000Quiet Phase

Jan '06 Jan '07 Jan '08 Jan '09 Jan '10 Jan '11 Jan '12 Jan '13 Jan '14 Jan '15 Dec '15










in M









Campaign Total to DateFinancial Goal: $1 Billion

Yearly Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 25 percent

Cumulative Alumni Participation Goal by 2015: 50 percent


‘14-‘15‘12-‘13‘11-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06 2015Goal

‘14-‘15‘12-‘1311-‘12 ‘13-‘14‘10-‘11‘09-‘10‘08-‘09‘07-‘08‘06-‘07‘05-‘06

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2008September 12 Second Century Campaign kickoffSeptember 28 Mexico City kickoffOctober 14 Los Angeles kickoffOctober 15 Atlanta kickoffOctober 17 Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering namingOctober 20 New York City kickoffOctober 23 Chicago kickoffNovember 6–8 Reunion celebrations during HomecomingDecember 4 Campaign Executive Committee meetingDecember 5 Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall groundbreaking

2009January 5 Noel family endows Dedman School of Law DeanshipJanuary 28 Houston kickoffApril 19 Archives of Women of the Southwest fundraising milestoneApril 24 President’s Associates and Hilltop Society donor stewardship programs April 24 President’s BriefingMay 7 Campaign Executive Committee meetingMay 31 Campaign reaches $367 million en route to $750 million goal; 19% yearly

alumni participation; 32% total campaign alumni participationJune 15 SMU Payne Stewart Golf Learning Center groundbreakingJuly 24 SMU-in-Taos dedication of new and renovated student housingSeptember 3 Faculty and Staff campaign participation kickoffSeptember 4 Mustang Plaza and Mall dedicationSeptember 11 Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Hall dedicationSeptember 14 The Second Century Campaign passes halfway point to $750 million goal -

$385 millionSeptember 29 St. Louis kickoffOctober 7 Meadows Museum Plaza dedicationNovember 10 San Francisco kickoffDecember 3 Campaign Executive Committee meeting

2010March 4–8 Campaign events in AsiaMarch 23 New Orleans eventApril 7 Denver kickoffApril 9 Inside SMU: classes for alumni taught by SMU professorsApril 9 President’s Briefing and President’s Associates ReceptionApril 16 Caruth Hall dedicationApril 21 Medal of Freedom presentationMay 6 Campaign Executive Committee meetingMay 31 Campaign reaches $438 million en route to $750 million goal; 21% yearly

alumni participation; 36.5% total campaign alumni participation

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July 23 SMU-in-Taos faculty casita groundbreakingSeptember 9 Martha Proctor Mack Grand Ballroom dedicationSeptember 24 Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall dedicationOctober 13 Hart Center for Engineering Leadership openedNovember 16 George W. Bush Presidential Center groundbreakingDecember 2 Campaign Executive Committee meeting

2011February 25 SMU Board of Trustees authorizes new Centennial Endowment opportunities

for donors to fund faculty positions and scholarshipsApril 15-17 Inaugural Founders’ Day WeekendApril 20, 28 Historic commitments for Moody Coliseum announced, from Moody

Foundation and SMU Trustee David Miller ’72, ’73 and Carolyn Miller April 28 Fort Worth kickoffMay 4 First Endowed Centennial Chair announced, through gifts from SMU Trustee

Sarah Perot ’83 and Ross Perot, Jr., Leah and Jerome Fullinwider ’51, in the Cox School of Business

May 5 Campaign Executive Committee meetingMay 13 First leadership gift for the Residential Commons complex announced, from

Liz Martin Armstrong ’82 and SMU Trustee Bill Armstrong ’82May 31 Campaign reaches $538 million en route to $750 million goal; 22% yearly

alumni participation; 38.4% total campaign alumni participationJune 1 Washington, D.C. kickoffAugust 21 Centennial Class of 2015 welcomed at ConvocationSeptember 9 Board of Trustees announces gift and dedication naming the R. Gerald Turner

Centennial Quadrangle and Gail O. and R. Gerald Turner Centennial PavilionSeptember 9 Cooper Centennial Fountain dedicatedSeptember 9 Leadership gift received to name the Crain Family Centennial PromenadeSeptember 9 Centennial Hall, located in Hughes-Trigg Student Center, opens to the publicSeptember 28 Kitt Investing and Trading Center in Cox School of Business dedicatedOctober 1 SMU young alumni beat TCU young alumni in “Fry the Frogs” annual giving

challengeOctober 2 George W. Bush Presidential Center “topping out” ceremonyNovember 3 SMU History Makers recognized at SMU Distinguished Alumni AwardsNovember 10-11 SMU hosts Centennial Academic Symposium, “The University and the City:

Higher Education and the Common Good”December 2 Campaign Executive Committee meeting

2012January 7 Mustangs win BBVA Compass Bowl, SMU’s third consecutive bowl gameJanuary 19 SMU celebrates move to BIG EAST athletic conferenceFebruary 24 Lead gift received from the Dr. Bob and Jean Smith Foundation supporting

renovation and construction of the SMU Health Center April 9 Second Endowed Centennial faculty position announced, from Stephen L.

Arata ’88 and Kathryn Hedges Arata ’87, ’91, the first in Dedman College

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Campaign Highlights Continued

April 17 The Power of Partnership: SMU Community and Economic Impact Report published

April 20-22 Second annual Founders’ Day Weekend includes groundbreaking for campus construction and renovation projects, and other activities

April 20 Leadership gift received from Penny Requa Loyd and Paul B. Loyd, Jr. ’68 for the second Residential Commons facility

April 22 Leadership gift from the Dedman Family and The Dedman Foundation establishes the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute

May 4 Campaign Executive Committee meetingMay 31 SMU announces Second Century Campaign continuing momentum:

$631 million total commitments toward $750 million goal; 24% yearly alumni participation; 46.2% total campaign alumni participation

September 17 Significant Meadows Museum exhibit displays portraits of Phillip IV’s court from Prado Museum in Madrid

October 10 Tip-Off event at Moody welcomes Coach Larry Brown and recognizes new leadership gifts to Moody Coliseum project

October 17 Hon. James A. Baker, III, receives the Tower Medal of Freedom AwardOctober 25 Distinguished Alumni and History Makers honored at Homecoming event on

SMU’s main quadrangle October 26 Centennial luncheon celebrates major donors to SMU capital projects November 1 Leadership gift from W. Yandell “Tog” Rogers, Jr. ’61 establishes an

endowed scholarship fund to support Dedman School of LawNovember 1 Second Century Campaign commitments from Houston donors surpass

$100 millionNovember 28 SMU celebrates the 100th birthday of Dallas HallNovember 30 SMU partners with the city of Dallas and AT&T to develop a championship

golf complex in South DallasDecember 4 Leadership gift from SMU Trustee and former Board Chair Ruth Collins

Sharp Altshuler ’48 establishes endowed position of Professor and Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute

December 7 Leadership gift from the Kleinheinz Family Endowment of the Arts and Education establishes an endowed chair in Art History at Meadows School of the Arts

December 21 Leadership gift from Les Ware ’89, ’92 and Amy Abboud Ware ’87, ’90 establishes an endowed professorship at Dedman School of Law

December 24 Mustangs victorious in the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, SMU’s fourth consecutive bowl game

2013February 4 Hamon Arts Library receives a gift of personal materials from the estate of

Nancy Hamon, as well as funding to endow the collections. In addition, film historian and collector Jeff Gordon commits a planned estate gift of movie archives.

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February 6 SMU announces third endowed Centennial position, and the first in Meadows School of the Arts, established with gift from SMU Trustee Sarah Fullinwider Perot ’83 and former Trustee Ross Perot, Jr.

February 8 SMU’s first endowed Centennial scholarship established in memory of Bill Ware ’70, in support of BBA students in the Cox School of Business

February 21 $25 million gift announced from Harold C. and Annette Caldwell Simmons ’57 to the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development to fund a new building and three endowed academic positions

March 26 New York-area donors honored for Second Century Campaign gifts totaling more than $7.5 million

April 4 SMU honors Washington, D.C.-area donors for their $5 million in gifts and commitments

April 16 Leadership gifts from Linda Pitts Custard ’60, ’99 and William A. Custard ’57 and the Meadows Foundation establish endowed position of Director of the Meadows Museum and Centennial Chair in the Meadows School of the Arts

April 16 Leadership gift from The Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation establishes the Ruth and Kenneth Altshuler Centennial Interdisciplinary Professorship in Cities, Regions and Globalization in Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences

April 18 SMU celebrates third annual Founders’ Day and officially welcomes the George W. Bush Presidential Center to campus

April 25 George W. Bush Presidential Center is dedicated, with five living U.S. presidents and 12,000 guests in attendance

May 1 George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum opens to publicMay 10 During its Year of the Library, SMU announces leadership gifts from the

J.S. Bridwell Foundation and the Fondren Foundation to support renovation of Bridwell and Fondren libraries

September 3 Leadership gift from Anita and Truman Arnold to support construction of the Dining Commons in the Residential Commons Complex

September 13 New endowed Centennial Distinguished Chair in Cyber Security established in the Lyle School of Engineering through financial commitment from SMU Trustee Bobby B. Lyle ’67

September 26 Leadership gift from Martha Raley Peak ’50 establishes endowed position of Centennial Chair and Director of the Meadows Symphony Orchestra

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“Academic resources enable SMU to be nimble in

creating new programs in emerging fields. Access to

these programs will help our graduates to compete and

lead in key areas where new expertise and perspectives

are needed and will increase their contributions to

critical areas for our nation and the world.”

— RAY L. HUNT ’65



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Campaign Volunteer Organization

• Volunteer Organization Chart

• Regional Map

• Roster: New Campaign Volunteers

• Roster: The Second Century Campaign Volunteers

• Roster: SMU Staff Contacts

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New Volunteers

Campaign Leadership Council

Paul B. Loyd ’68Bobby B. Lyle ’67David B. Miller ’72, ’73Sarah Fullinwider Perot ’83

Region Co-chairs Region

Michael M. Boone ’63, ’67 TexasScott J. McLean ’78 TexasRichard Ware ’68 TexasTim P. Moen ’74 MidwestJim White, Jr. ’82 MidwestJim H. MacNaughton ’72, ’73 NortheastMartin L Flanagan ’82 SoutheastLiz Martin Armstrong ’82 WestRoyce E. (Ed) Wilson West

Campaign Steering Committee Co-chairs Committee

Leslie Long Melson ’77 AlumniPaulette McConachie Moen ’75 ChicagoTim P. Moen ’74 ChicagoRoyce E. (Ed) Wilson Los AngelesLeslie Zahn Wilson ’81 Los Angeles

Campaign Steering Committee Membership Committee

Katy J. Blakey '06 AlumniAaron de los Santos '11 AlumniE. Larry Delzell '72 AlumniRobert W. Fowler '00 AlumniAndrew R. Galloway '08 AlumniDoyle D. Glass '84, '88 AlumniAshley V. Hamilton '03 AlumniElizabeth L. Healy '07 AlumniJacqueline Negrete '12 AlumniWilliam H. Vanderstraaten '82 AlumniMichael W. Waters '02, '06, '12 AlumniSusan Frey Woodall '73 AlumniKal X. Grant ’88, ’00 CoxKate Shearer Flume ’04 CoxAngela Lockhart Raitzin ’00 Cox

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Campaign Steering Committee Membership Committee

Liz Martin Armstrong’82 Dedman CollegeThomas G. Kamp ’83 Lyle EngineeringJennifer Burr Altabef ’78, ’81 MeadowsMelissa F. Fetter MeadowsAlexandra Dillard Lucie ’05 AtlantaCraig Lucie ’04 AtlantaClint Carmichael ’10 ChicagoKonrad Chan ’98 DenverAlex Rank ’01 DenverKristin Wagner Henderson ’82 Fort WorthStewart R. Henderson ’81 Fort WorthBailey Reeves McGuire ’07 Fort WorthRyan Nagim ’01 Fort WorthAndrew Rosell ’98, ’02 Fort WorthHeidi Burkholder Binet ’88 HoustonTodd Binet ’86 HoustonLaurie-Leigh White ’07 HoustonAli White ’11 Los AngelesMichael McWhorter ’96 San FranciscoChip Hiemenz ’06 St. Louis

As of October 22, 2013

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The Second Century Campaign Volunteers As of October 22, 2013 Board of Trustees Caren H. Prothro, Chair Robert H. Dedman, Jr. '80, '84, Vice Chair Michael M. Boone '63, '67, Chair-Elect David B. Miller '72, '73, Secretary Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler '48 William D. Armstrong '82 Bradley W. Brookshire '76 Laura Welch Bush '68 Pastor Richie L. Butler '93 Kelly Hoglund Compton '79 Jeanne Tower Cox '78 The Reverend Mark Craig Katherine Raymond Crow '94 Gary T. Crum '69 Antoine L.V. Dijkstra Bishop James (Jim) E. Dorff '72 Larry R. Faulkner '66 Gerald J. Ford '66, '69 Antonio O. Garza, Jr. '83 James R. Gibbs '66, '70, '72 Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. '66 Clark K. Hunt '87 Ray L. Hunt '65 Gene C. Jones Bishop Scott J. Jones '81, '92 Fredrick S. Leach '83 Paul B. Loyd, Jr. '68 Bobby B. Lyle '67 Bishop Michael McKee '78 Scott J. McLean '78 Connie Blass O’Neill '77 The Reverend Dr. Sheron Covington Patterson '83, '89, '96 Sarah Fullinwider Perot '83 Jeanne L. Phillips '76 Carl Sewell '66 Richard K. Templeton Richard Ware '68 Royce E. (Ed) Wilson, Sr. Ex Officio Board Members R. Gerald Turner, SMU President Santanu Roy, President, SMU Faculty Senate Leslie Long Melson '77, Chair, SMU Alumni Board George J. Utkov '14, Student Representative Trustees Emeriti Edwin L. Cox '42 Milledge A. Hart, III William L. Hutchison '54 Cary M. Maguire

Development and External Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler '48, Chair Jeanne L. Phillips '76, Vice Chair Liz Martin Armstrong '82, Co-Chair R. Terry Boyer '88 Bradley W. Brookshire '76 Linda Pitts Custard '60, '99 Nancy McMillan Dedman '50 Kal X. Grant '88, '00 Milledge A. Hart, III Gene C. Jones James E. Landen, Sr. '82 Diny Nolan Landen '82, '83 Lauren A. Lyngstad '14 Scott J. McLean '78 Leslie Long Melson '77 Connie Blass O'Neill '77 Sarah Fullinwider Perot '83 Carl Sewell '66 John C. Tolleson '70 Richard Ware '68 Kathleen Wellman, Ph.D Royce E. (Ed) Wilson, Sr. Ex Officio Members Caren H. Prothro, SMU Board Chair R. Gerald Turner, SMU President Campaign Leadership Council Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler '48, Co-Chair Gerald J. Ford '66, '69, Convening Co-Chair Ray L. Hunt '65, Co-Chair Caren H. Prothro, Co-Chair Carl Sewell '66, Co-Chair Michael M. Boone '63, '67 Gary T. Crum '69 Linda Pitts Custard '60, '99 Robert H. Dedman, Jr. '80, '84 Milledge A. Hart, III Gene C. Jones Paul B. Loyd, Jr. '68 Bobby B. Lyle '67 David B. Miller '72, '73 Sarah Fullinwider Perot '83 Jeanne L. Phillips '76 John C. Tolleson '70 Richard Ware '68 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio

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Campaign Steering Committee for Central University Libraries Ann Warmack Brookshire '77, Co-Chair Tavenner C. Lupton, III '79, Co-Chair Celia Whitfield Crank '83 M. Janis Calvin Cravens '70 Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Dillard '02 L. R. (Bob) Gibson '48 Perry B. Hall '77, '81 Juli Callan Harrison '70, '72 Sandy Plowman Kraus '76, '80 Natalie Ornish H. Winfield Padgett, Jr. C. L. Mike Schmidt '62 Jo Ann Geurin Thetford '69, '70 Sue Trammell Whitfield '54 Elizabeth Leachman Whitney '78 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Gillian M. McCombs, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Cox School of Business Edwin L. Cox, Sr. '42, Honorary Chair Frank M. Dunlevy '71, Co-Chair David B. Miller '72, '73, Co-Chair C. Fred Ball, Jr. '66 Pat S. Bolin '73 Tucker S. Bridwell '73, '74 Felix Y. Chen Martin L. Flanagan '82 Kate Shearer Flume '04 Charles L. Gummer Kal X. Grant '88, '00 Brad K. Heppner '88 Thomas W. Jasper '70 James Johnston '70, '71 D. Scott Luttrell '77 James H. MacNaughton '72, '73 Michael F. McGehee '80 Randel L. Perkins Angela Lockhart Raitzin '00 Carl Sewell '66 John C. Tolleson '70 Julia C. Wellborn William M. Wheless, III '71 Billie Ida Williamson '74 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Albert W. Niemi, Jr., Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Dedman College Nancy McMillan Dedman '50, Honorary Chair Kelly Hoglund Compton '79, Co-Chair Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. '66, Co-Chair

Pierce M. Allman '54 Stephen L. Arata '88 Liz Martin Armstrong '82 Dan H. Branch '83 Stacey Salvino Branch '84 Donald J. Carty Jeanne Tower Cox '78 Lauren M. Embrey '80 Laurie Spencer Harper '71 John F. Harper '68 Ken S. Malcolmson '74 Carmen Crews McMillan '64 E.G. McMillan, III '61, '62 Caren H. Prothro Gail G. Thomas '58 Amy A. Ware '87, '90 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio William M. Tsutsui, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Dedman School of Law Nancy McMillan Dedman '50, Honorary Chair Marilyn Hussman Augur '89, Co-Chair Ron K. Barger '81, Co-Chair George W. Bramblett, Jr. '63, '66, Co-Chair Alan D. Feld '57, '60, Convening Co-Chair Wayne Watts '80, Co-Chair Philip J. Wise '78, '81, Co-Chair Michael M. Boone '63, '67 Frank L. Branson, III '69, '74 Adelfa B. Callejo '61, '64 Marshall P. Cloyd '60 Donald E. Godwin '73 Robert S. Hart '85, '87 Albon O. Head, Jr. '68, '71 Walter J. Humann '67 Thomas W. Luce, III '62, '66 Donald J. Malouf '62 Robert E. Mellor '68 William D. Noel '82 Erle A. Nye '65 Edward B. Rust, Jr. '75 Michael W. Shore '86, '90 Helmut Sohmen '66 Nancy E. Underwood '73 George M. Underwood, Jr. '41 Amy A. Ware '87, '90 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Julie P. Forrester, Ex Officio

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Campaign Steering Committee for Lyle School of Engineering Bobby B. Lyle '67, Convening Co-Chair Karen Livesay Shuford '70, Co-Chair Donald A. Berg '71, '77 G. Mark Cullum '70 Milledge A. Hart, III Hunter L. Hunt '90 Stephanie Erwin Hunt Thomas G. Kamp '83 David K. Kao '81 Wendy A. Lopez Angela Steffen Meyer '83, '85, '87 Edwin E. (Boots) Nowlin, Jr. '66, 68 Leonard H. Paton '71 Michael D. Pegues '84 Elizabeth Schrodel Perry '84, '91 Greg Wilkinson '69 Robert L. Zollars '72 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Marc P. Christensen, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Meadows School of the Arts Linda Harris Gibbons '58, Co-Chair John S. McFarland '59, '61, Convening Co-Chair Sarah Fullinwider Perot '83, Co-Chair Jennifer Burr Altabef '78, '81 Vicki L. Chapman Linda Pitts Custard '60, '99 Melissa F. Fetter Ward L. Huey, Jr. '60 Stephanie Erwin Hunt Jeanne Roach Johnson '54 Gene C. Jones Margo R. Keyes Sara T. Martineau Sharon C. McCullough Harvey Mitchell Frank M. Roby '74 Ann Swisher '82 George E. Tobolowsky '70, '74 Brad Todd R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio José Antonio Bowen, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Perkins School of Theology Dodee Frost Crockett '03, Co-Chair Bishop Michael McKee '78, Co-Chair Kay Prothro Yeager '61, Co-Chair The Reverend L. James Bankston '74 Talmage Boston Nita Prothro Clark

The Reverend Mark Craig Barbara L. Dorff The Reverend Dan L. Flanagan '72 Judy Walker Gibbs Zan W. Holmes, Jr. '59, '68 Missy Darwin Kincaid Steven J. Lindley '74 The Reverend Robert E. Long '79 The Reverend Katherine Glaze Lyle '71, '73, '94 The Reverend Charles R. Millikan '71 Mark A. Nerio '78 Rena M. Pederson Holly Prothro Philbin The Reverend M. Kevin Tully '87 Bishop D. Max Whitfield '69 Julie Yarbrough R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio William B. Lawrence, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for the Simmons School of Education & Human Development Richard H. Collins '69, Co-Chair Connie Blass O'Neill '77, Co-Chair Robin B. Blakely Eric Green '76 Carla C. Haynes-Clowe '74 Billie Ruth Holman '67 Gerry Brewer Hudnall '71 Kathy Winniford Jackson '69 Paige Rippey Locke Laura Jeffers Murray Debbie LaRash Oates '78 Gail Glisson (Gigi) Poglitsch '69 '72 Billie Leigh Rippey '53 Carol Paris Seay '66, '71 Sandra Hartman Wilkinson '63, '71 Bobbie Sue Williams Linus D. Wright R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio David J. Chard, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Athletics Denny R. Holman '67, Co-Chair Paul B. Loyd, Jr. '68, Co-Chair Bradley W. Brookshire '76 A. Baron Cass, III '66 Eric D. Dickerson '84 R. Steve Folsom '81 Maureen G. Frieze '84 Joseph M. (Jody) Grant '60 Clark K. Hunt '87 David B. Miller '72, '73 Bruce A. Robson '74

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Jack A. Turpin Ray W. Washburne '83 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Rick Hart, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Campus & Student Life Craig James '83, Co-Chair Richard Ware '68, Co-Chair Nate Crain '92 Lance S. Etcheverry '90 Dianne Warren Green '70 William L. Green '69, '72 Albon O. Head, Jr. '68, '71 Brian F. Hegi Amy E. Mitchell Anne Mewhinney Monning '71 Mark B. Plunkett '96 Amy Ford Prestidge '95 Anne Clayton Ware Vroom '97 '01 Robin Gilliland Weir '84 Abby Sassenhagen Williams '94 Thomas R. Yenne '74 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Christine Regis, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Paul W. Ludden, Ex Officio Lori S. White, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Alumni Leslie Long Melson '77, Co-Chair Katy J. Blakey '06 Aaron de los Santos '11 E. Larry Delzell '72 Robert W. Fowler '00 Andrew R. Galloway '08 Doyle D. Glass '84, '88 Ashley V. Hamilton '03 Elizabeth L. Healy '07 Jacqueline Negrete '12 William H. Vanderstraaten '82 Michael W. Waters '02, '06, '12 Susan Frey Woodall '73 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Faculty & Staff Fredrick I. Olness, Co-Chair Julie A. Wiksten '78, '92, Co-Chair Caroline B. Brettell (Dedman College) Tom Buning (Athletics) Martin L. Camp '79 (Dedman Law) Amy Kathryn Carver '94 (Central University Libraries)

Christy C. Drenner '99 (Athletics) William J. Dworaczyk (Central University Libraries) Ann Fielder '89 (Development & External Affairs) Judith B. Gibbons (Perkins) John W. Gibson (Development & External Affairs) Christopher H. Hanna (Dedman Law) Carol M. Harder (Student Affairs) Michael Hawn (Perkins) Jay Hengst (Meadows) Judy Henneberger '03 (Student Affairs) Kathleen B. Hodges '73 (Business & Finance) Pamela C. Hogan '09 (Dedman College) Susan Holland (Simmons) Mary Jane Johnson (President's Office) Kevin L. Knox (Cox) Robert E. Krout (Meadows) Maribeth L. Kuenzi (Cox) Jordan B. Morrison (Simmons) Stephanie L. Murray (Lyle) Eli V. Olinick (Lyle) L. Marc Peterson '70 (Provost's Office) Kathy Rowe (Provost's Office) Basil H. Thomson (Legal Affairs) R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio INTERNATIONAL REGION Antoine L.V. Dijkstra, Co-Chair (The Hague, Netherlands) Juan L. Elek, Co-Chair (Mexico City, Mexico) Helmut Sohmen '66, Co-Chair (Hong Kong SAR) Campaign Steering Committee for International Antoine L.V. Dijkstra, Co-Chair (The Hague, Netherlands) Juan L. Elek, Co-Chair (Mexico City, Mexico) Helmut Sohmen '66, Co-Chair (Hong Kong SAR) Pamela R. Butt, (Monterrey, Mexico) Peter Gallo, (Cape Town, South Africa) Dennis Head, (Beijing, PRC) Lorenzo Ortiz Salinas, (Monterrey, Mexico) Robert J. Routs, (Brunnen, Switzerland) Satwant Singh, (New Delhi, India) Arturo Tapia, (Panama City, Panama) César C. Vidal, (Madrid, Spain) Jimmy Z. Wang, (Suzhou, PRC) Ahmed M. Y. Zakaria '03, (Dubai, UAE) R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio MIDWEST REGION Tim P. Moen '74, Co-Chair Jim White, Jr. '82, Co-Chair

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Campaign Steering Committee for Chicago Paulette McConachie Moen '75, Co-Chair Tim P. Moen '74, Co-Chair Becky Ballard White '82, Co-Chair Jim White, Jr. '82, Co-Chair Clint C. Carmichael '10 Lindsay Yedinak Corby '00 Joseph M. Dooley, III '83 Paige Jacobi Dooley '84 Bert A. Getz, Jr. '89 Keith A. Hoogland Susan Hoogland Douglas A. Kiersey Karen S. Kiersey Paul Thomas Kilborn, II '81 Ashley Dean Killpack '86 David Killpack P.G. (Jerry) Mavon, Jr. '66 Oma Jean Goode Mavon '66 Douglas M. Ramsey '95 Eva S. Smith Michael G. Smith '66 '71 Barbara A. Swanson Steven M. Swanson '74 George P. Yedinak '97 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for St. Louis Paul D. Diemer '86, Co-Chair Sheri Forbes Diemer '86, Co-Chair Nancy A. Schnuck Diemer '87 Chip Hiemenz '06 A. Charles Hiemenz, III Margaret H. Hiemenz Jim Holbrook Meredith Holbrook David F. Schmid '86 John E. St. Eve Nancy A. St. Eve Anne Dressel Sutter '86 W. Scott Sutter '87 Martha S. Uhlhorn ’76, '78 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio NORTHEAST REGION James H. MacNaughton '72, '73, Co-Chair Campaign Steering Committee for New York City James H. MacNaughton '72, '73, Co-Chair John L. Dozier, Jr. '94 Dianne Warren Green '70

William L. Green '69, '72 Bradley J. Hoecker '84 Erik N. Nikravan '06 John C. Phelan '86 Mark A. Robertson '85 John Sidney Trahan '83 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Washington D.C. Ann Cook Cole '63, Co-Chair R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio SOUTHEAST REGION Martin L. Flanagan '82, Co-Chair Campaign Steering Committee for Atlanta Jennifer D. Flanagan '82, Co-Chair Martin L. Flanagan '82, Co-Chair Deborah B. Akers John Frederick Akers Terrell W. Benton, III '92 Mary Terry Benton '93 Jennifer L. Boettcher '92 Matthew E. Boettcher '92 Vivian Noble DuBose '77 William H. Grumbles, Jr. '71 David E. Harrison '61 Gay S. Harrison '61 Kimberly A. Head-Amos '94 Richard R. House, Jr. '90 Alexandra Dillard Lucie '05 Craig Lucie '04 Emily Robards Minner '05 Charles Paul, Jr. '72 Todd E. Rushing '87 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio TEXAS Michael M. Boone '63, '67, Co-Chair Scott J. McLean '78, Co-Chair Richard Ware '68, Co-Chair Campaign Steering Committee for Fort Worth Albon O. Head, Jr. '68, '71, Co-Chair Stephen L. Tatum '76, Co-Chair Timothy K. Bruster '85, '91 Gregory (Greg) T. Clifton '05 Pat C. Hawkins '70, '71, '72 Debra J. Head Kristin Wagner Henderson '82

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Stewart R. Henderson '81 Gail W. Landreth '73 Taylor R. Martin '99 Bailey Reeves McGuire '07 Ryan K. Nagim '01 Andrew J. Rosell '98, '02 Mary (Mimi) Ray Stephens Watt P. Stephens '07 Bill J. Zimmerman '54 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Houston Ginger Blanton, Honorary Chair Jack S. Blanton, Sr., Honorary Chair Pastor Kirbyjon H. Caldwell '81, Honorary Chair Suzette T. Caldwell, Honorary Chair Gary T. Crum '69, Honorary Chair Sylvie P. Crum, Honorary Chair Ann P. Gibbs '66, Honorary Chair James R. Gibbs '66, '70, '72, Honorary Chair Paul B. Loyd, Jr. '68, Honorary Chair Penny R. Loyd, Honorary Chair Sue Trammell Whitfield '54, Honorary Chair Scott J. McLean '78, Co-Chair Dennis E. Murphree '69, Co-Chair Michael S. Alexander '00 Heidi Burkholder Binet '88 Todd Binet '86 George Brueggeman, Jr. '77 Robert L. Cabes, Jr. '91 James (Ross) Canion '03 Chip Clarke '85 Jonathan M. Clarkson '72 Rufus P. Cormier, Jr. '70 Yvonne Clement Cormier '70 James A. Cummins, Jr. '80 Larry J. Del Papa, Jr. '77 Marc H. Folladori '71, '74 Mark D. Hanley '78 Timothy Horan, Jr '70 Steven J. Lindley '74 Marcus P. Malonson '93 Anna A. McLean '87 Rev. Ron Morris '56, '60 Penny Mize Murphree '70 B. Kelley Parker, III '72, '73 David Pruner '82 Yandell (Tog) Rogers, Jr. '61 Scott E. Rozzell '71 Bradford Tucker, '75 David M. Underwood, Jr. '88 Laurie-Leigh White '07 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio

WEST REGION Liz Martin Armstrong '82, Co-Chair Royce E. (Ed) Wilson, Co-Chair Campaign Steering Committee for Denver Liz Martin Armstrong '82, Co-Chair William D. Armstrong '82, Co-Chair Konrad Chan '98 Michael S. Connelly '87 Vincent F. Connelly '87 Melissa Kintzele Eliot '83 Sarah C. Grey Schuyler E. Grey, III Nikki Lampkin Lockton '92 Steve Lockton '89 Alex Rank '01 Robert E. Warren, Jr. '64 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for Los Angeles Marion Palley, Co-Chair Roger B. Palley, Co-Chair Kelly Allen Welsh '78, Co-Chair Kevin D. Welsh, Co-Chair Leslie Zahn Wilson '81, Co-Chair Royce E. (Ed) Wilson, Co-Chair John J. Abraham '94 Jimmy Dunne Arlene Kolodziejski Dan Kolodziejski Joseph M. Medlin '02 Ali White '11 Laura Koenig Young '80 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio Campaign Steering Committee for San Francisco Frank M. Dunlevy '71, Honorary Chair C. David Cush '82, '83, Co-Chair Stephen A. Corley '90 Carol Burgess Emmott, Ph.D. '69 R. Cameron Emmott, Jr., M.D. '69 Andrea Zafer Evans '88, '06 Mark A. Hutchinson '81 Angela Steffen Meyer '83, '85, '87 Michael McWhorter '96 Karin C. Ott '82 Elizabeth Schrodel Perry '84, '91 Bryan Russell '00 R. Gerald Turner, Ex Officio Brad E. Cheves, Ex Officio

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SMU Alumni Board Leslie Long Melson '77, Chair Paul S. Adams, Jr. '52 Lance Bozman '85 R. Gregory Burns '81 LaDonna Joye Carrington '83, '84 Sydney D. Carter '58 Jonathan R. Childers '02, '05 Aaron de los Santos '11 E. Larry Delzell '72 Burton C. Einspruch, M.D. '56, '58 Hector Escamilla, Jr. '77 Lance S. Etcheverry '90 Doyle D. Glass '84, '88 Liz L. Healy '07 Delia DeLeon Jasso '76, '93 Erin Johnson '96 Roman J. Kupchynsky, II '80, '84 Peter Alan Lodwick '77 Justin I. Loweth '00 Taylor Russell Martin '99 Arneita E. McKinney '90 JoAnne Bisso Moore '80 Stephanie Brown Pinkston '81 Mark B. Plunkett '96 Richard C. Powell '89 Berna L. Rhodes-Ford '93 Michael Rideau '76 Katherine McCoy Turner '88 William H. Vanderstraaten '82 Michael W. Waters '02, '06, '12 Christopher T. Williams '92 Susie Frey Woodall '73 Young Alumni Board Liz L. Healy '07, Chair Andrew R. Galloway '08, Chair-Elect Katy J. Blakey '06, Past Chair Christopher J. Bhatti '04 Rebecca G. Brady '15 Erika I. Briceno '11 Mathew L. Busby '08 Andrew F. Conwell '11 Jasmine M. Culpepper '06 William J. Daugherty, Jr. '09 Luisa M. del Rosal '08 Lamar H. Dowling '09 Mary (Rennie) M. Gibb '09 Emily R. Gipple '06 Ashley V. Hamilton '03 Kevin M. Joseph '09 Tierney H. Kaufman '07 James W. Marshall '04 Jacqueline Negrete '12 Preston M. Phillips '06 Taylor D. Russ '07

Lindsey P. Schaefer '04 Gennea N. Squire de Torres '06 Ryan W. Trimble '05 Mattson H. Uihlein '10 Lauren C. Vanik '06 Alumni Chapter Leadership Johnny R. Armijo, II '10, '12 (Military) Rolf B. Arnade '98 (Germany) Alexandra V. Aswad '06 (Orange County) Amber L. Benson '04 (Seattle) N. Hayden Blair '12 (Little Rock) Salvador Bonilla-Mathe '75 (El Salvador) Ashley E. Bowling '95 (El Paso) John B. Brunner '05 (Nashville) Nicole M. Cangelosi '09 (San Antonio) Clint Carmichael '10 (Chicago) Konrad G. Chan '98 (Denver) Christopher C. Cheek '06 (Military) James L. Cook '05 (Memphis) Aaron de los Santos '11 (Hispanic Alumni of SMU) Daniel A. Doxey '07 (Utah) Karl D. Dunkelman '05 (Orlando) Megan K. Dunkelman '06 (Orlando) Robert W. Fowler '00 (Military) Courtney E. Gesualdi '08 (Boston) Jennifer P. Guthrie '92 (Jacksonville) Kimberly A. Head-Amos '94 (Atlanta) Chip Hiemenz '06 (St. Louis) Billy A. Hoskins, IV '99 (Cincinnati) A. J. Hu '01 (Shanghai) Scott Inman '77 (Portland) Hunter B. James '08 (Austin) Andrea H. Kavanagh '99 (Miami) John E. Klintworth '85 (Toronto) Maria Lancri '91 (Paris) Maya M. Mahoney '05 (Washington, D.C.) Michael A. McCauley '88 (Corpus Christi) Michael McWhorter '96 (San Francisco) Kathryn E. Millirons '03 (London) Shannon C. Mott '05 (Nashville) Jeff J. Miller '05 (Seattle) Dana K. O'Connell '06 (New York) Anne D. Pajcic '92 (Jacksonville) Stephanie Kaye Ramirez '06 (New York) Alex Rank '01 (Denver) Allison M. Reinert '11 (North Carolina) Alejandro J. Reiter Benavides '09 (Monterrey) Rachel A. Rubin '11 (Oklahoma City) Jesus H. Ruiz Elias Troy '05 (Mexico City) Rachel E. Russel '09 (Tampa) Cameron Salehi '08 (Midland) Miguel Sanchez Praena ’09 (Spain) Sally H. Singletary '09 (Jacksonville) Cecilia D. Slesnick '00 (Miami) Seth A. Sloan '11 (Oklahoma City)

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Sang Woo Song '03 (Seoul) Corey A. Steadman, Jr. '10 (Tampa) Watt P. Stephens '07 (Fort Worth) Michael W. Waters '02, '06, '12 (Black Alumni of SMU) Ali L. White '11 (Los Angeles) Laurie-Leigh White '07 (Houston) Dan J. Whitaker '93 (Shanghai) Jim K. Yuan '02 (Shanghai) Ivan Zubo '00 (London)

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Central University LibrariesPaulette [emailprotected]

Cox School of BusinessLaran O’[emailprotected] 214-768-4988

Dedman College of Humanities and SciencesCourtney [emailprotected]

Dedman School of LawLynn [emailprotected]

Lyle School of EngineeringAnn [emailprotected]

Meadows School of the ArtsKris [emailprotected]

Perkins School of Theology Todd [emailprotected]

Simmons School of Education and Human DevelopmentPatti Addington [emailprotected]

AthleticsKurt [emailprotected] 214-768-3639

Campus and Student LifeArlene [emailprotected]

AlumniMarianne [emailprotected]

Faculty and StaffMarianne [emailprotected]



Michael [emailprotected]


Chicago and St. LouisLori [emailprotected] 214-768-1996


New York City and Washington, D.C.Marcos [emailprotected]

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AtlantaMarcos [emailprotected]


Pam [emailprotected]

Fort WorthMary Lynn Amoyo, [emailprotected]

HoustonLynn [emailprotected]


Denver, Los Angeles and San FranciscoMary Lynn [emailprotected]

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“The generosity of our donors, the strength of our

campaign leadership and the hard work of volunteers

around the globe have resulted in record-breaking

support for SMU. The momentum among our alumni

and friends is strong, the economy continues to improve

and our leadership is motivated. We can reach this new

goal and take SMU to a new level.”



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Page 47

New Campaign Goals

Goals to be achieved by December 31, 2015 Current Status

1. $1 billion in total commitments $785,063,719

2. 25% yearly alumni participation 24%

3. 50% campaign alumni participation 51.1%

4. Increase the total number of endowed faculty positions 96to 110, representing 30% of the current number of tenured faculty members

5. Increase the number of newly endowed scholarships to 500 472

6. Increase the number of campaign funded major 5capital projects to 15

By all measurements, the Campaign is excelling in changing the face of SMU. Many “historic”

gifts and announcements have taken place, with financial and participation results meeting goals

well ahead of schedule.

To reach and exceed the new Campaign goals, including a challenging and inspirational financial

target of $1 billion, the University must engage many constituents who have not yet made a

major gift commitment, as well as those loyal and generous Campaign donors who may consider

an additional gift during the Campaign. With the strong support of our volunteers, we are

confident in our ability to reach the next level of achievement for SMU.

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Endowed Faculty Positions

Endowed Scholarships

Major Capital Projects

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Strategic Funding Priorities

Central University Libraries • Renovation of Fondren Library Center • Endow academic and leadership positions: Dean and Director of Central University

Libraries, Special Collections Director and University Archivist

Cox School of Business • Endow faculty positions in Entrepreneurship, Management and directorship in one of

the following: Maguire Energy Institute, Folsom Institute for Real Estate or O’Neil Center for Global Markets & Freedom

• Secure endowed funding for the Entrepreneurship program, Business Library and Maguire Energy Institute, Folsom Institute for Real Estate or O’Neil Center for Global Markets & Freedom

• Secure additional endowment support for M.B.A. and M.S.A. programs

Dedman College • Endow faculty positions in Analytics; High Performance Computing; Drug Discovery

and Design; Medicine and the Humanities and Biostatistics • Secure operational funding for Interdisciplinary Institute • Secure endowment and operational funding for Tower Center Scholars Program • Endow Dedman Scholars Program

Dedman School of Law • Secure annual and endowed funding for Dedman Law Scholars Program • Endow two faculty positions: Business Law, Trial, Intellectual Property, or

International Law

Lyle School of Engineering

• Secure endowment and annual support for Cyber Security Program • Secure endowment and annual support for Lyle Scholars Program • Secure endowment and annual support for Graduate Fellowships • Complete funding for Caruth Hall

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Meadows School of the Arts• Endow faculty position and directorship in two of the following: Arts Management,

National Center on Arts Research, and Art and Urbanism Initiative • Secure endowment and annual support for the National Center on Arts Research and

Art and Urbanism Initiative• Secure endowment funding for Ph.D. Fellowship in Art History • Endow Meadows Scholars Program

Perkins School of Theology• Secure funding for Bridwell Library Renovation and Expansion • Secure endowment and annual support for the Graduate Program in Religious Studies • Endow faculty positions in Methodist History, Practical Theology, and Pentecostal


Simmons School of Education and Human Development• Secure endowment and operational support for the Center on Communities and

Education• Secure endowment and operational support for Dispute Resolution & Counseling

program • Secure operational support for Applied Physiology & Wellness program • Secure endowment and annual support for undergraduate and graduate scholarships

Athletics• Complete funding for the renovation and expansion of Moody Coliseum• Complete funding for the new Tennis Complex• Secure funding for the Trinity Forest Golf Complex, SMU’s new competition home

for men’s and women’s golf• Increase operational support for SMU Athletics through the Mustang Club

Campus and Student Life• Complete funding for 3 Residential Commons Complex buildings• Complete funding for SMU-in-Taos Campus Center• Complete funding for Mustang Band Hall construction• Secure endowment and operational support for Hegi Family Career Development


Stay connected to The Second Century Campaign at

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“As SMU changes with the impact of the campaign,

the community will be better served and Dallas will

have the distinguished university it deserves. Regional

leaders know that as SMU rises as a center of ideas,

knowledge and service, our region will be strengthened

as a global center of commerce and culture. Campaign

resources have strengthened not only the University, but

also the economic vitality of the region. SMU is both an

indicator and a predictor of success for Dallas and our

region. We will continue to prosper together.”

— MICHAEL M. BOONE ’63, ’67


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Timeline through Campaign Completion

October 25, 2013 Campaign Summit and Volunteer MeetingNew Goals Announced

October 24-27, 2013 Homecoming

November 2013 Annual Report: New Campaign Donor List Distributed

November 21, 2013 Event: Los Angeles Campaign Celebration

December 2013 Quarterly Campaign Update

December 2013 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

December 21, 2013 Event: Opening of Moody Coliseum and Miller Event Center and December Commencement ceremony

January 4, 2013 Event: First home basketball games in Moody Coliseum and Miller Event Center

February 2014 Quarterly Campaign Update

February 2014 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

February 2014 Event: Fort Worth Campaign Celebration

March 2014 Event: Denver Campaign Celebration

April 11-13, 2014 Founders’ Day Weekend

April 2014 Event: Atlanta Campaign Celebration

May 2014 Quarterly Campaign Update

May 8, 2014 Meeting: Campaign Executive Committee

June 2014 Event: San Francisco Campaign Celebration

September 2014 Quarterly Campaign Update

September 2014 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

October 2014 Event: St. Louis Campaign Celebration

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October/November 2014 Homecoming

November 2014 Annual Report: New Campaign Donor List Distributed

December 2014 Quarterly Campaign Update

December 2014 Meeting: Campaign Executive Committee

February 2015 Quarterly Campaign Update

February 2015 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

April 2015 Event: Meadows Museum 50th Anniversary Celebration

April 17-19, 2015 Founders’ Day Weekend

May 2015 Quarterly Campaign Update

May 2015 Meeting: Campaign Executive Committee

September 2015 Quarterly Campaign Update

September 2015 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

September 23, 2015 100 Day Countdown to Campaign Conclusion

October/November 2015 Homecoming

November 2015 Annual Report – Campaign Donor List

December 2015 Quarterly Campaign Update

December 2015 Meeting: Campaign Executive Committee

December 2015 Campaign Accounting Concludes

February 2016 Meeting: Campaign Leadership Council

April 2016 Public Donor Recognition Publication Issued

April 15, 2016 Event: Centennial Promenade and Campaign Recognition Dedication

April 15-17, 2016 Founders’ Day Weekend

May 2016 Final Report to the Board of Trustees

*Campaign Steering Committee meetings are held throughout the year.

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“The Second Century Campaign’s new goal provides

supporters, volunteers and our SMU team with motivation

and new energy. We are excited about reaching this

historic milestone, and we celebrate the tremendous

impact it will have on the University.”




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SMU Unbridled


This honor roll recognizes donors to SMU Unbridled: The Second Century Campaign. Donors listed here have made cumulative campaign commitments

of $100,000 or more during the period January 1, 2006 – May 31, 2013. These generous commitments are essential to the achievement of the

University’s campaign goals.

VoluntEEr Summit

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Anonymous Donors (17)

AIM Foundation

Kenneth Z. Altshuler and

Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler ’48

Kathryn H. Arata ’87, ’91 and Stephen L. Arata ’88

and the Aldersgate Charitable Foundation

William E. Armentrout Foundation

Bill Armstrong ’82 and Liz Martin Armstrong ’82

Thomas R. Arp

Barachel Foundation, Inc.

Belle Stumberg Berg ’71 and

Donald A. Berg ’71, ’77

The Bolin Family

Jane R. and Pat S. Bolin ’73

Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation

D. Phil and Aurora Bolin Donor Advised Fund

Pat S. and Jane Bolin Family Donor

Advised Fund

Daniel H. Bolin ’72

Estate of Alta M. Brenner

Gina L. Bridwell and Tucker S. Bridwell ’73, ’74

J.S. Bridwell Foundation

The W.W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation Fund of

Communities Foundation of Texas

William P. Clements, Jr. ’39 † and

Rita Crocker Clements

Marshall P. Cloyd ’64 and

Robin Singleton Cloyd ’80

Jerry Bywaters Cochran

Richard H. Collins ’69 and

the Calvert K. Collins Family Foundation

Susan Smith Cooper ’62 and

William R. Cooper ’58

Edwin L. Cox ’42

The Crain Foundation

Carter Creech ’60, ’63

Gary T. Crum ’69 and Sylvie P. Crum

Linda Pitts Custard ’60, ’99, William A. Custard ’57

and L. Frank Pitts †

The Dedman Foundation and Family

Frank M. Dunlevy ’71 and Susan Dunlevy

The Embrey Family Foundation

Mary Helen Fabacher and Mike A. Fabacher

Allison N. Fields and Jay D. Fields ’99

The Fondren Foundation

Gerald J. Ford ’66, ’69 and Kelli Olsen Ford

Peggy Crooke Fry

Linda Gardner and Fred Alsup

Estate of Brady P. Gentry

Jeffrey A. Gordon

Nancy B. Hamon †

Deborah Godich Hankinson ’83

Estate of Peggy R. Harrison ’28

Linda W. Hart ’65 and Milledge A. Hart, III

John L. Hendry, III ’53, ’57 and

Rose Marie Salisbury Hendry ’53

Highland Park United Methodist Church

Hillcrest Foundation

Hoblitzelle Foundation

Roy M. Huffington ’38 †

Hunter L. Hunt ’90 and Stephanie E. Hunt

Nancy Ann Hunter Hunt ’65 and Ray L. Hunt ’65

Ruth Ray Hunt Memorial VII Fund of

Communities Foundation of Texas

E.R. Hyde ’49 and Mary Ann Hyde

Jeanne Roach Johnson ’54

Estate of Karl Kilinski, II

Barry M. Kitt and Beth M. Kitt

Kleinheinz Family Endowment for the

Arts and Education

Charles Koch Foundation

Val † and Frank † Late

Paul B. Loyd, Jr. ’68 and Penny R. Loyd

D. Scott Luttrell ’77 and

Laura Dvorozniak Luttrell ’77

Bobby B. Lyle ’67

J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation

Marriott Fund for Southern Methodist University

of the Columbus Foundation

Martha Proctor Mack ’41 †

Estate of Marschal W. Massey ’48

Meadows Foundation, Incorporated

Professor and Mrs. Joseph W. McKnight

David B. Miller ’72, ’73 and Carolyn L. Miller and

David B. Miller Family Foundation

The Moody Foundation

The Morris Foundation

The Noel Family

James L. Noel III and Melinda C. Noel

Carol Noel King ’76 and J. Stephen King ’77

Edmund O. Noel ’75 and Patrice Oden Noel ’75

William D. Noel ’82 and Barbara W. Noel Robert C. Noel ’80, ’89 and Deanne Moore Noel ’89

Alice G. Nye and Erle A. Nye ’65

Dian Graves Owen Foundation

C. Robert Palmer ’57, ’66 and Rebecca S. Palmer

Martha Raley Peak ’50 and Preston A. Peak

William C. Perkins †

Perkins-Prothro Foundation

Elizabeth Perkins Prothro ’39 †

Joe N. Prothro and Dale D. Prothro

Mark H. Prothro ’72 and Dianne C. Prothro

Kay Prothro Yeager ’61 and Frank J. Yeager

Sarah Fullinwider Perot ’83 and Ross Perot, Jr.

and The Sarah and Ross Perot, Jr. Foundation

Estate of Catherine Stockard Perrine

PlainsCapital Bank

Caren H. Prothro, Vin and Caren Prothro

Foundation, Cullum Clark and Nita Prothro

Clark, Vincent H. Prothro, Perkins-Prothro


Bruce A. Robson ’74 and Emily K. Robson

Nancy C. Rogers and Richard R. Rogers

Suzie Rogers and Yandell Rogers, Jr. ’61

Victor E. and Gladys J. † Salvino

Suzanne Schmidt ’67 and Dan C. Jones

Carl Sewell ’66 and Peggy Higgins Sewell ’72

Mrs. Mark Shepherd, Jr. (Mary Alice)

Siemens PLM Software

Annette Caldwell Simmons ’57 and

Harold C. Simmons

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† Deceased

Dr. Bob & Jean Smith Foundation

Jean K. Smith

Sally Smith Mashburn ’77

Suzy Smith Welfelt ’78

Scott R. Smith ’79

Marty Smith Kelley ’81

Anna P. Sohmen and Helmut Sohmen ’66

Gay F. Solomon and William T. Solomon ’64

Tejon Energy, LP

Texas Instruments Foundation and

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Anonymous Donor Advised Funds of the Texas

Methodist Foundation

Jo Ann Geurin Thetford ’69, ’70

The Tolleson Family Foundation

James J. Truchard and Lee I. Truchard and

National Instruments

Estate of Glenn Allen Tucker ’89

Jack A. Turpin

Sheila Umphrey and Walter Umphrey ’58

United Methodist Church General Board of

Higher Education and Ministry

Amy Abboud Ware ’87, ’90 and

Leslie D. Ware ’89, ’92 and the

Amy and Les Ware Foundation

Richard Ware ’68

Donna R. Weber and Garry A. Weber ’58

The Robert A. Welch Foundation

Barbara Cook Wendland ’55, ’86 and

Erroll Wendland ’50, ’51, the Joe B. and

Louise P. Cook Foundation

Glenn A. Youngkin and

Suzanne Schulze Youngkin ’89

$500,000 to $999,999

Anonymous Donors (5)

David E. Alexander and Sandy W. Alexander

American Airlines Inc.

AT&T Corp.

Ruth and Ted Bauer Family Foundation

Joe Bays ’79

Joseph G. Beard, Sr. ’83 and Sherry H. Beard

Belo Corp.

Jilene K. Boghetich ’76 and Tony Boghetich ’75

and the Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation

Blake Bozman ’93 and Tara Snellbacher Bozman

George W. Bramblett, Jr. ’63, ’66 and

Pedie Oliver Bramblett ’95

Ann Warmack Brookshire ’77 and

Bradley W. Brookshire ’76

The Cain Foundation

Donald J. Carter and Linda J. Carter

CFP Foundation

Estate of Sarah C. Ciuffardi ’48, ’51

The Clements Foundation

Ann Cook Cole ’63

Estate of Emmett Marvin Collins ’54, ’59

The Dallas Foundation

Dallas Bar Foundation

Abha Singh Divine ’89 and James S. Divine ’89

Dennis O. Dixon ’66, ’68

James P. Dolan

Ernst & Young Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation

The Folsom Charitable Foundation

Margaret Dalton Folsom ’49 and

Robert S. Folsom ’49

Diane Folsom Frank ’72, ’75 and Robert J. Frank

Debra Folsom Jarma ’75 and Don M. Jarma ’75

R. Steve Folsom ’81 and Sharon Folsom

Estate of Josephine Burns Forman

Dan and Debra Friedkin

Jerome M. Fullinwider ’51 and

Leah Y. Fullinwider

Ann Park Roberts Gibbs ’66 and

James R. Gibbs ’66, ’70, ’72

John J. Gorman ’82 and Tamra Gorman

Randall G. Goss ’76

Estate of Ima H. Herron ’21

Anne Perdue Herrscher ’58, ’86 † and

Richard F. Herrscher ’58

Estate of Robert J. Hieronymus ’55

Billie Ruth (B.R.) Holman ’67 and

Denny R. Holman ’67


William R. Janowski ’57

Jones Day

Gene C. Jones and Jerry Jones

The Kresge Foundation

Charles L. Lloyd, Jr. ’64 and Sandra C. Lloyd

Lockheed Martin Corp., Missiles & Fire Control

Henry Luce Foundation

Heather Madden and James C. Madden, V ’83

Ann Thompson Maguire ’52 † and

Cary M. Maguire

Don ’62 and Dian Malouf

Linda Cumber Marcus ’59, ’90

The Eugene McDermott Foundation

Cynthia M. McDonald and

W. Scott McDonald, Jr. ’59, ’61

Charles D. Moore ’74

Lynn McDonald Murray and Robert J. Murray

Fay C. O’Neil ’55 and William J. O’Neil ’55

Omni Hotels


Amy Phelan and John C. Phelan ’86

The Pollock Family Foundation

The Family of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pollock

The Family of Mr. Lawrence S. Pollock, III

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Bradley C. Reeves ’91 and Holly L. Reeves

The Richards Group, Inc.

Evalyn Elizabeth Cook Richter Memorial Fund

and Paul K. Richter Memorial Fund

Hannah Robson and Joe Robson ’76

Robert B. Rowling ’79 and Terry G. Rowling

Lola Peterson Sanford ’50 and R. F. Sanford ’50

James S. Seneker Trust

Judy Keller Shore ’90 and

Michael W. Shore ’86, ’90

Michael G. Smith ’66, ’71

Estate of William Elliott Smith ’57

Payne Stewart Family Foundation, Inc.

Jennifer ‘86 and Mark ‘87 Styslinger and the

Altec Styslinger Foundation

Joe Chat Sumner, III ’55

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Texas United Methodist College Association

Estate of Irene H. Wadel

Cynthia R. Ward and William C. Ward ’65

Billie S. Watts and D. Wayne Watts ’80

Billie Ida Williamson ’74

A. Gordon Worsham and Sudie Appel Worsham

$100,000 to $499,999

Anonymous Donors (18)

Abbott Family Partners, Ltd.


Mary C. Ackerschott ’46 †

Grant F. Adamson ’88 and

Nelda Sanchez Adamson ’85, ’88

Lydia and Bill Addy

Leora M. Allen † and Robert L. Allen

Pierce M. Allman ’54

Jennifer Burr Altabef ‘78, ‘81 and Peter A. Altabef

Elizabeth Weiss Altman ’84 and Louis Altman

John B. Anderson ’96 and

Nancy Seay Anderson ’97

Richard E. Anderson ’88 and

Tamara Reisenbigler Anderson ’87

Aramco Service Company

Susan Downs Armstrong ’59 and

Thomas E. Armstrong ’59

Anita Ray Arnold and Truman Arnold

Anthony Atwell and Susan Atwell

Horace Anson (Pat) Baker, Jr. ’55

Bank of Texas, N.A.

Lisa Blue Baron

James E. Bass and Hong Zhao Bass ‘08 and the

Simpática Fund of Communities Foundation

of Texas

William M. Bauman

Julia and Louis A. † Beecherl, Jr.

Lucy and Henry Billingsley

Brenda J. Birenbaum and Dennis H. Birenbaum

Isabelle T. Black and Scott M. Black

Mr. Bill Bond ’79

Marla Hays Boone ’68 and

Michael M. Boone ’63, ’67

Estate of Lois A. Bowers

Twila Stowe Bryan and the

Family of Bishop Alonzo Monk Bryan ’38 †

Estate of Lawrence Hyman Budner ’51, ’90

Diane H. Buford and Kim L. Buford

Donna B. Buster and Edwin R. Buster, III ’58

Marjorie F. Calahan

R. W. Calloway ’55 (B.B.A.), ’58 (J.D.)

Samuel M. Cangelosi ’73 and

Cynthia L. Cangelosi

LaDonna J. Carrington ’83, ’84

Nancy M. Carruth †

Ana M. Carty and Donald J. Carty

Joanne Leonhardt Cassullo ‘83 and the

Dorothea Leonhardt Fund of Communities

Foundation of Texas

Robert V. Cecil ’62 and Sandra Garland Cecil ’64

Felix Y. Chen

Ting L. Chu and Shirley S. Chu †

Calvin N. Clyde, Jr. ’41 † and Patsy K. Clyde ’43 †

Janis P. Coffee and Roy C. Coffee, Jr.

Prof. Alan B. Coleman and

Janet Saville Coleman ’81

Debra J. Coleman ’74

Fulton and Susie Collins Foundation

Kelly Hoglund Compton ’79, R. Brock Compton,

The Hoglund Foundation

Paul C. Congleton ’76


Mary D. Countiss and W. F. “Bill” Countiss ’70

Berry R. Cox and Jeanne Tower Cox ’78

Glenn A. Cox, Jr. ’51 and

Veronica Martin Cox ’51

The Rev. Mark Craig and Sandra Craig

Peter D. Crist and Stephanie Crist

Dodee Frost Crockett ’03 and

William B. Crockett, Jr. ’05

John W. Croft and Kathryn G. Croft

David M. Crowley Foundation

Jane Thaggard Cumiskey ’71, ’88 and

Michael R. Cumiskey ’71

Linda Curts and Steven R. Curts ’82

C. David Cush ’82, ’83

Dallas Women’s Foundation

The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations

Richard L. Dennie ’60 † and Shirley Dennie

Derek E. Dewan and Kim B. Dewan

Estate of John P. Dewey, Jr. ’52

Dillard’s, Inc.

Alex Dillard and Cannell Dillard

Michael Dillard and Lynn Dillard

C.J. (Don) Donnally, Jr. ’67, ’68 and

Carol G. Donnally

Vivian Noble DuBose ’77

The Duda Family Foundation

Fritz Duda and Mary Lee Duda

Michael C. Duda ’11

Candise B. Dunleavy and Kevin B. Dunleavy, Sr.

Rogge Dunn ’80

Gregg L. Engles and Molly S. Engles

Bess Fraser Enloe ’60 and R. Ted Enloe, III ’64

Heather Holmes Esping ’93 and

William P. Esping ’91

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Faith Communities Coalition of Dallas, Inc.

Alan D. Feld ’57, ’60 and Anne S. Feld

Dan L. Flanagan ’72

Jennifer Gelety Flanagan ’82 and

Martin L. Flanagan ’82

Joe T. Ford

Lee H. Ford and Logan Ford †

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Ford ’95

Scott T. Ford

Estate of George M. Foster, Jr.

J. Ed Frieze ’81 and Maureen Gehan Frieze ’84

Maureen Frost and Spencer C. Frost, III ’59, ’61

Dean M. Gandy ’50

Carol M. Garcia and Paul R. Garcia and

The Paul and Carol Garcia Family Fund

Gregory D. Gardner ’91

James T. Garrett ’49, ’52

Marie A. Garrison

Beverly Gatton and Lee J. Gatton ’75

Helen M. Gehan and John C. Gehan

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Alyssa A. Geiger and James F. Geiger

The General Counsel Forum

General Motors Corp.

Bert A. Getz, Jr. ’89 and Susan Getz and

the Globe Foundation

Gibbs’ Grandchildren’s Trust

Judy and Jim Gibbs

Estate of Pat Gibbs

Estate of Angelita P. Gillespie

Lionel E. Gilly ’39, ’49, ’53 and Phyllis Gilly

Doyle D. Glass ’84, ’88 and Kim Glass

Dianne Glick, Jerome E. Glick and

The Glick Foundation

Katherine M. Gormly and Matthew E. Gormly III

Karen E. Gray

Sidney J. Greehey ’79

Dianne Warren Green ’70 and

William L. Green ’69, ’72

Eric C. Green ’76 and Debra J. Green

Kelly Green and Norman N. Green

Paul Grindstaff

William H. Grumbles ’71 and

Julia S. Grumbles

Guaranty Bank

Estate of John W. Hagey ’50

Judith Hirsch Hahn ’59

John M. Haley ’64 and

Margie Jackson Haley ’67, ’68

Albert H. Halff ’37 †

Estate of Marion Lee Halford

Daniel A. Hamilton ‘71, ‘79 and Gena Hamilton

Gloria Slaughter Hammack ’52 and

Jack A. Hammack

Harris myCFO Foundation

Cindy L. Hawkins and Pat C. Hawkins ’70, ’71, ’72

Jeffrey S. Hawn ’86 and Marisa Doak Hawn ’87

Jess T. Hay ’53, ’55

Albon O. Head, Jr. ’68, ’71 and Debra J. Head

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. ’66 and Jan Vestal Hegi ’66

William J. Hendrix ’58

Elaine Henry and Hunter W. Henry

Lila H. Henry ’51 †

Hewlett-Packard Company

Holt Hickman ’54 and Jo A. Hickman

Al G. Hill, Jr.

William J. Hill

Donna B. Hines and William M. Hines ’83

Ann V. Hobson and H. Lee Hobson

Estate of Sheri Holloway

Diana Slaughter Horan ’69 and

Timothy Horan, Jr. ’70

Hunter H. Horgan, IV ’97

Houston Endowment Inc.

David H. Hudnall ’70 and

Gerry Brewer Hudnall ’71

M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation

Vester T. Hughes, Jr.

Clark K. Hunt ’87 and Tavia Shackles Hunt

Daniel L. Hunt ’00

Lamar Hunt ’56 † and Norma K. Hunt

Estate of William A. Hunter ’49

Anna Marie Krizman Hurwitz and

Joseph M. Hurwitz ’75

Suzanne Spangler Hutchison ’81 and

William L. Hutchison, Jr. ’80

James S. Irsay ’81 and Margaret Irsay

Jackson Walker L.L.P

Charles R. Jackson ’58, ’73 and

Linda B. Jackson ’58

Karen Peters Jackson ’71 and

William L. Jackson ’71

Barry D. Johnson ’86 and

Susanna Yarbrough Johnson ’82, ’85

Dane K. Johnson, D.O. ’75

Gary D. Johnson ’80

Judith K. Johnson ’69, ’75

Matthew L. Johnson ’07, ’09

James M. Johnston ’70, ’71 and

Suzanne Scott Johnston ’71

Eric L. Jones and Joye McGrede Jones ’67

Montfort Jones and

Allie Brown Jones Foundation

J. Lamar Jordan

A. Gordon Kahn ’51 and Elena Kahn

David Kahn

Mildred H. Keith Trust

Robert V. Kemper ’99 and

Sandra Lee Kemper ’79 †

Mike Kerr ’84 and Nancy Landen Kerr ’84

KidLinks Foundation

Gail G. King ’56 and Hugh D. King ’57

Jack M. King, Jr. ’79

Ashlee Hunt Kleinert ’88 and

Christopher W. Kleinert ’88

Jack D. Knox ’60, ’63

Sandra Plowman Kraus ’76, ’80

Mr. and Mrs. T. Gregory Kraus ’80

Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Roman J. Kupchynsky, II ’80, ’84 and

Ruth Irwin Kupchynsky ’80

Lawrence L. Kuppin

Lawrence (Rex) Kurzius ’96 and Tina Kurzius

Joyce S. Lacerte and Lawrence G. Lacerte

Darrell M. Lafitte ’54 and JoAnn Lafitte

Diny Nolan Landen ’82, ‘83 and

James E. Landen ’82

Gail Widmer Landreth ’73 and

William A. Landreth, Jr. ’72

Andrew R. Lane ’81 and Cynthia A. Lane ’81

Fredrick S. Leach ’83 and Jill G. Leach

Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Lemmon

Laura A. Leppert and Thomas C. Leppert

Carrie A. Levering and Craig R. Levering ’79

Dorothy Lewis and George Lewis

David W. Ley ’92

Larry F. Lightner, Jr. ’65, ’70, Sue Lightner and

Lightner Sams Foundation Inc.

Lilly Endowment Inc.

Shelli Mims Lindley, Steven J. Lindley ’74 and

the Willard and Ruth M. Johnson Charitable


Estate of Charles A. Lintz ’54, ’62

† Deceased

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Janice Crow Livingstone ’58 and

William E. Livingstone, III ’57, ’60

Locke Lord LLP

Robert M. Lockhart ’52 and Mary L. Lockhart

J. Stephen Lockton ’89 and

Nicole Lampkin Lockton ’92

Joseph O. Luby, Jr. ’68, ’70

Chauncey F. Lufkin III

James R. Macanliss ’69 and

Susan Owen Macanliss ’70

Matthew O. Maddox ’98

Fredna Barton Mahaffey ’50 and

John B. Mahaffey

Ken S. Malcolmson ’74 and

Stacey Paddock Malcolmson

Alan J. Marantz and Virginia Marantz

Ray H. Marr ’52

David R. Martindale ‘83

Craig L. Massey ’77, ’83 and Tatiana A. Massey

J. Scott Mattei ’93

The Rev. J. William Matthews ’63 and

Norma T. Matthews

William E. Maynard, III

Estate of Renato Mazza

Holly and Michael McCloskey

Sollie & Lilla McCreless Foundation

James R. and Elaine B. McDade Charitable Trust

Jackie M. McElhaney ’62, ’82 and

John H. McElhaney ’56, ’58

June D. McGuire and Peter G. McGuire

Anna Allen McLean ’87 and Scott J. McLean ’78

Robert E. Mellor ’68 and

Suzanne Bolton Mellor ’69

Karl V. Mendel ’42

Adele S. Merck

James S. Meyer ’79, ’82 and Louisa Orr Meyer ’79

Deborah Brames Michel ’85 and

David L. Michel ’84, ’89

Estate of Mike Miller ’73, ’77

Paulette McConachie Moen ’75 and

Timothy P. Moen ’74, ’75

Granville C. and Gladys H. Morton Fund of

Communities Foundation of Texas

SMU Mothers’ and Dads’ Clubs

John R. Muse and Lyn R. Muse

A. Taylor Nance ’54, ’57

Linda O. Neumann and Lydon Neumann ’68

Dr. Faith G. Nibbs ’07, ’11

The William F. and Noreen L. Nicol Fund of

Communities Foundation of Texas

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.

The Oaklawn Foundation

Kevin P. O’Meara ’86 and Patricia Ann O’Meara

Laran Claire O’Neill ’01, ’08

Organon USA Inc.

Randolph N. Osherow

Joe K. Pace ’67 †

Marion Palley and Roger B. Palley

Anne Spivey Paup ’73 and Henry B. Paup ’73

Pavestone Company, Bob and Myrna Schlegel

Stephen J. Perkins ’07

Elizabeth Schrodel Perry ’84, ’91

Estate of Charles Polk Player ’51, ’74

The Plunkett Family

Judge Charles E. Plunkett

Mark B. Plunkett ’96

Catherine Fairman Potts ’42 and

George G. Potts ’42, ’47

Reaud Charitable Foundation

Dana A. Reaud and Wayne A. Reaud

Ryann A. Reaud

Jan and Trevor Rees-Jones

Richey and Marget Reneberg

Christopher H. Rentzel ’72 and Jana S. Rentzel

Research In Motion

Estate of Homer B. Reynolds, III ’84, ’87

Merrill J. Reynolds ’76 and Nancy S. Reynolds

Estate of Frank K. Ribelin

Lillian Zars Richey ’99 and M. Adam Richey ’84

Ronald H. Ridlehuber ’75

The Riehm Family Foundation, Inc.

Hedy A. Rittenmeyer and Ronald A. Rittenmeyer

Ed and Margaret Roberts Foundation,

Mary Ledyard Countiss and W. F. Countiss ’70

and Edgar P. Roberts and Margaret L. Roberts

Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation

Mark A. Robertson ’85

Nick & Alma Robson Foundation

The Rev. Linda Smith Roby ’75, ’00 and

Frank M. Roby ’75

Marianne B. Rooney and Patrick T. Rooney

Barbara Lange Rotto ’64 and Richard L. Rotto ’62

John N. Rowe, III ’59 and Patricia H. Rowe

Thomas W. Sabin, Jr. ’79 and

Amy T. Styczynski ’89

James R. Sackett and

Kimberly J. Yamanouchi ’78

Phyllis Sams and William M. Sams ’60

Martin Samuelsohn ’41 †

Douglas Scharbauer

Pat and Pete Schenkel

Enika Pearson Schulze ’76 and

Richard H. Schulze

Ann Holland Scott ’80 and

Richard Lynn Scott ’78

The Gay D. and William F. Scott

Family Foundation

Gay D. Scott and William F. Scott

James M. Scott ’06

William F. Scott, II ’06

Lynda L. Scurlock ’60 †

Nicholas T. Serafy, Jr. and Viveca Serafy and

The Serafy Family Foundation

Maria Cuellar Sikkel ’73 and Mark A. Sikkel ’73

Patria Agustin Smith ’78 and Paul D. Smith, Jr.

Virginia Street Smith ‘58

Dallas K. Snadon and Daryl N. Snadon

Oren H. Soules †

Marianne and Roger Staubach

H. Leighton Steward ’57, ’59 and

Lynda Brady Steward ’59

Gayle and Paul Stoffel

Marjorie Wright Strange ’44, ’75 and

William B. Strange, Jr. ’43 †

Layton Stuart † and Tommye Stuart

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Estate of Marie K. Stufflebeme

The Summerlee Foundation

Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc.

Frances McCreless Sunderland ’59 and

Robert B. Sunderland ’60

Greg M. Swalwell ’79 and Terry G. Connor

Lucy Ann Hall and M. Allen Sweet ’70

Jack E. Swindle ’65, ’67 and

Libby Rogers Swindle ’73

Charles J. Sylva and Sally P. Sylva

Barbara C. Sypult and Robert P. Sypult

Kathy Talley and Mike Talley ’87

Catherine B. Taylor

Hope Pierce Tartt Scholarship Fund

Patricia A. Taylor ’02, ’06 and Sam E. Taylor, Jr.

Joni Templeton Charitable Trust

Mary C. Templeton and Richard K. Templeton

Antoinette Barksdale Terry ’54 and

Marshall Terry ’53, ’54

Texas Guaranteed

Estate of Joyce Tharp

Gail Griffin Thomas ’58 and

Robert Hyer Thomas ’53, ’57

Estate of James Cleo Thompson, Jr. ’53

THQ Inc.

Turner Construction Company

Gail O. Turner and R. Gerald Turner

John T. Unger ’73, ’74 and Kathy J. Welch ’74

Arch W. Van Meter ’53, ’72 and

Patsy T. Van Meter

The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation

William J. Ware ’01

Terry Warner ’74

Heather H. Washburne and

Ray W. Washburne ’84

Connie S. Watson and Jeffrey B. Watson ’74

Andrea Parvin Weber ’00 and

John R. Weber, Jr. ’98

The Weitzman Group and

Cencor Realty Services, Inc.

Wells Fargo

Russell H. Wheat ’60

Leland B. White ’72 and

Monica Hillenbrand White ’87

Paul D. White and Joanne White †

Katherine Sams Wiley ’65 and L.R. Wiley, Jr.

Abigail Sassenhagen Williams ’94 and

Todd A. Williams

Ellen C. Williams and J. McDonald Williams

James W. Williams, Jr. ’78, ’81

Liz Williams

Myra Nicol Williams ’63 and

Van Zandt Williams, Jr.

John D. Williamson, Jr. ’55, ’57 and

Roberta Van Zandt Williamson ’58

Leslie Zahn Wilson ’81 and Royce E. (Ed) Wilson

Robert A. Wilson ’67 and

Susan Cooper Wilson ’67

Melissa Wise and Philip J. Wise ‘78, ‘81

Dee and Charles † Wyly

Edward C. Wynne ’91 and John R. Payne

Estate of Jessamine Grimes Younger ’69

B.J. Zimmerman ’54 and Patsy C. Zimmerman

† Deceased

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.